AP 2 Final Exam Review

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Universal recipient blood

Type AB

Universal donor blood

Type O

The T wave represents what?

ventricular repolarization and diastole

Interferon inhibits what type of infectious agent.


Interferons inhibits what type of infection agent:


Describe the difference between the two types of nephrons.

- Cortical nephrons are in the cortex region of the kidney, except for a portion of their loop of Henle which extends into the medulla. -juxtamedullary nephrons, pass deeply into the medulla because of their location and their longer loops of Henle.

Describe how memories are stored and retrieved in the brain. Include a specific brain region.

- Memories are not stored in one specific area within the brain but instead are stored throughout the cerebral hemispheres. - hippocampus acts as a memory center to help with memory storage and retrieval - involvement of the limbic system explains why emotionally charged events result in our most vivid memories.

Explain the difference between plasma and serum.

- Plasma is whole blood minus cells - Serum is whole blood minus cells and clotting factors.

What is the purpose of the blood-brain barrier? Describe its maintenance from a cellular level.

- diffusion barrier that prevents most particles from entering the central nervous system tissue, keeping the brain and spinal cord separate from general blood circulation - formed by relatively impermeable brain capillaries, due to the glial cells astrocytes - Maintenance is important to provide a stable chemical environment for the nervous system.

An older male patient reports to his doctor that he has recently been experiencing difficulty with urination. What might the doctor suspect is the problem? Explain your answer given what you know from the module in regards to the male anatomy.

- effects of an enlarged prostate - The prostate is located close to male urethra and when it is enlarged, it makes urination more difficult.

Explain, in detail, how the kidneys act to regulate pH by the excretion or reabsorption of bicarbonate.

- excreting a bicarbonate ion gains H+ since the reactions will shift to the right. - absorbing of a bicarbonate (HCO3-) ion leads to loss of H+ since the reactions will shift to the right so: renal excretion = gain H renal absorption = lose H

Explain, in detail, the fertilization of an egg by a sperm.

- in the oviducts, an egg releases a chemical which attracts sperm - Once sperm reach an egg, sperm releases enzymes to break the follicle cells around the egg - when broken apart, more sperm begin to release acrosomal enzymes in order to make a hole in the egg membrane to allow a sperm to combine with the egg - Once the sperm has combined with the egg, the eggs membrane begins a chemical change in prevention of other sperm being able to penetrate.

Describe how the urethra functions to control the flow of urine from the bladder.

- involuntary controlled sphincters keep the urethra closed to prevent urine from exiting the bladder - voluntary external sphincters around the urethra go through the pelvic floor region allowing urination

Use the figure below to answer the following question. Which part of the medical equipment (B-F) is squeezed to inflate A?

A. The bulb

Describe in detail what happens during an emergency to control the rate of blood to the kidney.

- renal system is superseded by higher level nervous system controls - afferent arterioles diameter narrowed by SNS - release of epinephrine causes a decrease in renal blood flow and decreases GFR - only to be used for a short time.

Three functions of the lymphatic system include:

- returns fluid to the bloodstream - absorb fat and transport it to the bloodstream - immune defense against disease

Name and discuss the stage of labor that best describes the figure below:

- second stage: delivery of the baby: the time it takes for the baby to be pushed out of the birth canal after full dilation has been accomplished - abdominal muscles to push the baby, with the help of the uterus contracting, through the cervix and out the vagina - much shorter: on average

Label the regions of the reproductive system below: (A-C)

A: Prepuce B: Urethral orifice C: Vestibule

Explain, in detail, how the cardiovascular baroceptors work to maintain blood pressure.

- they monitor and regulate blood volume to maintain blood pressure. - if blood volume/bp rises, they signal the kidney to increase the filtration rate, increasing the output of water and Na+ which reduces blood volume to normalize pressure.

Explain in detail the taste process.

-gustatory cells detect food chemicals generating an action potential in dendrites - impulse carried by afferent fibers to the facial nerve and the glossopharyngeal nerve - they transmit impulse to the thalamus - transmitted ultimately to the parietal lobe. gustatory cells - facial nerve-glossopharyngeal nerve - thalamus - parietal lobe

A patient is suspected to have pulmonary edema due to heart failure. Which side of the heart would be in failure? Explain your answer.

-left side of the heart would be in failure - when left side can't pump blood out into body tissue, blood and fluid will build up and flow back into the lungs.

Describe in detail the steps of the olfactory system.

1. Chemicals are dissolved in nasal mucosa 2. Detected by olfactory receptors (bipolar cells) 3. Recevied by Olfactory nerves, through olfactory bulb, through olfactory tract and then to Temporal lobe of the brain Chemicals - Nasal mucosa - olfactory receptors/bipolar - Olfactory nerves - Olfactory bulb - Olfactory tract = Temporal lobe

Match the numbers (1-5) in the figure below with the correct terms (A-H).

1. Facial Nerve 2. Malleus 3. Cochlea 4. Tympanic Membrane 5. Incus

Trace the path of sperm from their site of production to the outside of the body.

1. begins in the testes: epdidymis. 2. When mature, sent to vas deferens via muscular contracitons 3. Vas deferens connects w/ seminal vesicle and forms the ejaculatory duct 4. The ejaculatory duct connects to the urethra which allows sperm to exit the penis. Epididymis - Vas Deferens - Seminal Vesicle - Ejaculatory Duct - Urethra - Exit Penis

List 3 functions of the female reproductive system.

1. eggs production 2. estrogen production 3. site for the development of a baby after fertilization

Describe the functions of the 4 lobes of the brain.

1. frontal lobe = motor functions. 2. parietal lobe = receives info from receptors located in the skin 3. occipital lobe = interprets visual input. 4. temporal lobe = has sensory areas for hearing and smelling.

List and describe the 3 meninges of the human brain.

1. outer: dura mater is the double-layered outer meninx. 2. middle: arachnoid meninx: loose layer separated from dura mater by subdural space. 3. inner: pia mater meninx: connective tissue and tightly attached to the brain.

Fetal heart forms and begins to pump blood during

1st trimester

Fetus begins to suck and blink during

2nd trimester

Fetal fat develops under skin during

3rd trimester

The diploid number in humans is


label the nerves A-C in the figure below:

A- Lateral femoral cutaneous B- Femoral nerve C- Saphenous

Name and describe what is occurring in the neuron cell membrane in section 4 of the diagram. Include the charge of the membrane during this phase.

Afterpolarization (Hyperpolarization) Potassium gates are slow to close and there is an undershoot of the potential. The charge drops below -70mV and then returns to -70mV once at resting state again.

Which is the most abundant protein in blood plasma?


Which substance stimulates sodium reabsorption from the renal collection ducts?


A person who is highly allergic to insect bites was just stung by a wasp. An EpiPen injection was administered to prevent what from occurring? (Be as specific as possible in your response)

Anaphylactic shock(or- collapse/heart failure due to severe drop in blood pressure and closed respiratory passageways)

A patient is experiencing pooling of blood in their lower legs due to venous insufficiency (a.k.a. bad valves.) What is a physical exercise that they could do to help assist in increasing the blood flow back to the heart? Explain your answer.

Ankle pumps, walking, or calf raises would be sufficient in order to use calf muscles to push blood upward preventing back flow.

Match the cell with its best description. Select all that apply. Performs Phagocytosis:

Basophil, Neutrophil, Monocyte, Macrophage, Eosinophil

The tongue helps form food into a compact mass called a _____.


What is true about the flexor withdrawal reflex? A. It does not involve interneurons B. It involves excitatory interneurons C. It involves inhibitory interneurons D. The effect of the reflex is to create a co-contraction of two muscles E. A&DF. B&C

B. It involves excitatory interneurons C. It involves inhibitory interneurons

What is true about the flexor withdrawal reflex? A. It does not involve interneurons. B. It involves excitatory interneurons. C. It involves inhibitory interneurons D. The effect of the reflex is to create a co-contraction of two muscles E. A&D

B. It involves excitatory interneurons C. It involves inhibitory interneurons.

A patient had a CVA in the area indicated by the red x in the figure, below. What type of blindness is the patient most likely to incur? Explain your reasoning. A. Left eye blindness B. Right eye blindness C. Bilateral left visual field blindness D. Bilateral right visual field blindness.

C. The right optic tract is damaged. All the sensory information from the left visual fields travels together after the optic chiasm to the right side of the brain.

True of False The tongue contains nociceptors and thermoreceptors in addition to chemoreceptors.


Where is the integration center of a reflex located?


If a codon reads: GAC, what is the correct anticodon?


True of False The tongue contains nociceptors and thermoreceptors in addition to chemoreceptors.Correct!


Name the vessel in the figure below: (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow)

Circumflex branch

True or False: Gamete cells are haploid cells.


Which one of the following statements about blood vessel structure and function is false? A. Veins are more compliant than arteries B. The aorta and other large arteries serve as a "pump" for the circulatory system C. Arterioles are small vessels whose resistance to blood flow can be varied D. Arterioles, capillaries, and veins all have valves that allow only one-way flow of blood

D. Arterioles, capillaries, and veins all have valves that allow only one-way flow of blood: FALSE

Name and describe what is occurring in the neuron cell membrane in section 2 of the diagram. Include the charge of the membrane during this phase.

Depolarization: The sodium gates open and sodium rushes into the axon. Voltage travels past zero and up to +40 mV.

Use the figure below to answer the following question. Portion A is filled with air. Which part of the medical equipment shown below (B-F) releases the air from A?

E. The valve

The ____________connects the seminal vesicle with the urethra to allow sperm to exit the body.

Ejaculatory duct

This type of neuroglial cell allows fluid exchange between brain, spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid.

Ependymal cell

True or False: A zygote has 23 chromosomes.


True or False: Diploid cells contain half the number of chromosomes (23).


True or False: Haploid cells contain the full number of chromosomes (46).


True or False: cardiovascular baroreceptors are chemoreceptors found in the hypothalamus.


True or False: cardiovascular baroreceptors are found in the lungs and kidneys


True or False: cardiovascular baroreceptors are regulated by the hypoglossal and spinal accessory cranial nerves.


True or False: A sensory neuron is signaling the body of EXTREME pain. This means that the strength of the action potential is greater than usual.

False - there is no variation in the strength of action potentials. There is variation in the number of neurons firing.

Which of the following is false concerning cardiovascular baroreceptors? 1. It is monitored by cranial nerves which relay signals to the medulla 2. If blood volume rises, they cause constriction of the afferent arterioles 3. these are mechanoreceptors found inside the aortic arch. 4. They are monitored by the vagus cranial nerve.

False: If blood volume rises, they cause constriction of the afferent arterioles.

Based strictly on anatomical structural differences, are males or females more likely to get a UTI? Explain your answer.

Females; - female urethra is shorter and only carries urine while the male urethra is about 5 times longer. - improper wiping or poor hygiene after defecation can easily carry fecal bacteria into the urethra (close to anus).

Which of the following is most likely a symptom of ALS? 1. Impaired ability to swallow 2. Decreased sensation in the hands 3. Shrinkage of cerebral corte 4. Increased size of brain ventricles

Impaired ability to swallow

This part of a reflex is inside the CNS, made up of one or more synapses.

Integration center

This type of neuron transmits impulses from the brain to the spinal cord.


What is muscle tone and how is it maintained?

Muscle tone is the degree at which muscles remain partially contracted while at rest. Muscle tone is continuously monitored and maintained by the cerebellum to keep bones and joints in place.

Oxygenated blood is pumped from heart through the _______to the rest of the body.

Left, systemic circuit

The vital centers for the control of heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are located in the ________.


Tell whether each of the following describes mitosis or meiosis: Occurs only to produce new offspring


Which type of immune cell continues to produce a small amount of antibody after the infection is over: a. Killer T cells b. memory T cells c. memory B cells d. cytokines

Memory B cells

Match the cell with its best description. Select all that apply. Has the greatest phagocytic proper"es of the white blood cells.

Monocyte and Macrophage

Each tRNA anticodon codes for one type of :

amino acid

Someone with A+ blood could receive blood from someone with...

O negative

Explain in detail why it may take longer for you to fight off the flu virus the first time this season than it would if you caught the same strain a second time.

Once you have had the flu, your immune system will create memory B cells and produce the antibodies to fight against the strain the next time you are exposed.

The electrical impulse that controls cardiac muscle contraction physically originates in:

Right atrium

Name the vessel in the figure below: (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow)

Posterior Intraventricular artery

Name the lymphatic vessel below (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow):

Right lymphatic duct

The ______ sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs to be oxygenated.

Right, pulmonary circuit

A breastfeeding mother becomes pregnant with another child. The pediatrician recommends that she supplement her nursing child with formula. Explain why this recommendation was made.

Prolactin is necessary for milk production, which can be suppressed by estrogen and progesterone levels: these levels increase during pregnancy

You are reviewing your patient's results from an EKG. The findings indicate a problem with ventricular depolarization. Where should you look on the EKG to find this abnormal rhythm?

QRS complex

A person is hyperventilating. This falls under what control mechanism? Explain what hyperventilation accomplishes.

Respiratory control - increases the respiratory rate - helps remove additional CO2 - causes the pH to rise and restores correct blood pH

What are compensatory responses to hemorrhage?

Stimulation of arterioles by sympathetic nervous system

Name the three types of ligaments associated with the ovaries and the function of each.

Suspensory, ovarian, and broad ligaments. S: attach the ovaries to the pelvis wall. O: attach the ovaries to the uterus B: hold the ovaries in place in the pelvis.

A patient has a diagnosis of right sided heart failure. Which of the following signs/symptoms would they most likely present with?

Swollen ankles

The Glossopharyngeal nerve is one of the cranial nerves. What type of nerve is it and what does it control?

The Glossopharyngeal nerve is a motor and sensory nerve which controls swallowing and taste.

Describe the shape, size and weight of a human adult kidney.

The adult kidney is bean shaped, about the size of a can of soup and weighs about 5 ounces.

One of your patients has suffered a stroke. You notice that their gait is very unsteady. It almost appears as if they are intoxicated. What portion of the brain was most likely affected by the stroke? Explain your answer.

The cerebellum was most like affected since it is responsible for coordinating body movements and motor activities

What causes the extremely high blood pressure in the glomerular capillaries?

The difference in diameter causes extremely high blood pressure which results in the water and solutes exiting the blood and making their way inside of the glomerular capsule which is also known as filtrate.

Name and discuss the stage of labor that best describes the figure below:

The dilation of the cervix, which has to get to 10cm and when that occurs, the uterus contracts and the babys head is pressed against the cervix resulting in the cervix widening or dilating, it is the longest stage of labor (6-10 hours)

Which requires RNA polymerase, transcription or translation?


The femoral nerve is one of spinal nerves. What is its function?

The femoral nerve supplies motor fibers to the hip flexors and knee extensors.

What is unique about the glomerular capillaries?

The glomerular capillaries are the only capillaries in the body which lie between two arterioles rather than between an artery and a vein.

This is a localized response in the tissue, causing increased blood flow, redness, and pain.

The inflammatory response

A patient is suspected to have peripheral edema due to heart failure. Which side of the heart would be in failure? Explain your answer.

The right side of the heart would be in failure right side failure: heart cannot pump blood into the heart efficiently - blood & fluid will back up in veins, causing swelling

If you were hiking in the woods and came across a mountain lion, which division of your nervous system would have increased activity? Explain your answer.

The sympathetic nervous system would have increased activity as it is responsible for preparing our bodies to respond to stressful situations.

Are amino acids bonded together during translation or during transcription?


Does transcription or translation occur primarily at the ribosome?


Name the lymphatic vessel below (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow):

Thoracic Duct/Left Lymphatic Duct

A bolus is formed by the ____?


True or False: cardiovascular baroreceptors are mechanoreceptors found in the aortic arch and carotid sinus.


A patient damaged the radial nerve. What action is most likely limited?

Wrist extension

If someone sustains an injury to the anterior spinal cord, would you be more likely to see muscular weakness/paralysis or decreased sensation? Explain your answer.

You would be more likely to see muscular weakness because motor neurons exit the spinal cord anteriorly.

You are treating a patient in the hospital who was admitted with signs of orthostatic hypotension (decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, lightheaded) secondary to having severe diarrhea and dehydration. Which of the following would you expect to be their GFR (glomerular filtration rate) given their symptoms? Explain your answer.

a. 85 ml/min. (lowest amount listed: a. 85 ml/min. Dehydration decreases glomerular filtration rate.)

Identify the parts of the neuron shown in the diagram below

a. dendrite b.cell body c. nucleus

What is the purpose of the fossa ovalis in a fetus?

allows fetal blood to move directly from right to left atrium, bypassing undeveloped lungs. - closes during birth so that the lungs can receive oxygen once the baby is born.

Explain why antibodies are considered a specific immune response:

antibodies react with specific antigens or foreign molecules

Which vessel should have the strongest pulse?

artery in the neck

The P wave represents what?

atrial depolarization

Which nervous system contains the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions?

autonomic system

Which WBC cell stains dark blue/purple?


Which cells have granules containing histamine and heparin?


The neuron pictured, below, is best described as:


What is a sphygmomanometer used to measure?

blood pressure

Where does the exchange of nutrients and gases between blood and tissue cells take place?


Define Systole.

cardiac contraction: ejects blood into circulation

List the four parts of the human brain

cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon, brain stem, cerebellum

What causes the sounds of the normal heart beat?

closing of heart valves

Which vessels actually feed the heart itself?

coronary arteries

Based upon what you know from the module, explain why siblings with the same biological parents are not identical.

crossing-over occurs during meiosis allows for diversity and variation between offspring.

List the 3 sections of the fallopian tubes.

infundibulum ampulla isthmus

Gender is determined by which parent's sex cell?

father's sperm cell

Describe the structure and function of the renal pelvis.

funnel-shaped tube that connects to the ureter: - extensions called calyces collect urine which drains into the renal pelvis and then into the ureter.

Which cells manufacture bile?


What muscle is used in forced expiration?

internal intercostals

Tell whether each of the following describes mitosis or meiosis: Four daughter cells are produced


Tell whether each of the following describes mitosis or meiosis: Produces cells which are not genetically identical to the parent


Another term for chewing is


Tell whether each of the following describes mitosis or meiosis: No crossing-over occurs


The neuron pictured, below, is best described as:


The "resting and digesting" division of the autonomic nervous system is the ________.

parasympathetic division

What cavity in the thoracic cavity contains the heart?

pericardial cavity

When does pregnancy begin?

pregnancy begins once an egg has been fertilized by sperm and forms a zygote.

A patient is not able to extend his left wrist or fingers. What nerve is most likely damaged?

radial nerve

What blood cell contains hemoglobin?

red blood cells

What events occur at ovulation in the female?

release of secondary oocyte

A pregnant woman is experiencing sudden sharp groin pain, based upon location of her symptoms, which of the following ligaments is being affected?

round ligament

The control of pancreatic, liver and intestinal secretion is achieved in part by hormones secreted by the

small intestine

Blood enters the spleen via the _______________.

splenic artery

The secretions of the adrenal medulla act to supplement the effects of ________.

sympathetic stimulation

List the 3 parts of the diencephalon

thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus

Primary structure for proteins---->

the amino acid sequence of the peptide chain

A patient is admitted to the ER with hives and difficulty breathing. What is most likely happening?

the patient is likely experiencing anaphylaxis because of an allergic reaction

Which lymphatic organ gradually decreases in size after puberty?


4 Heart Valves TAMP

tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, aortic

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