ap art history africa and oceania
how were the easter island heads moved
"they walked", shape of head takes rope, 3 groups of people could rock it and move it, slid on bellies as well
what three ppl were associated with the nkisi n'kondi making and what the most common nkisi n'kondi
#1=client, #2=shaman, #3=sculpter; standing man with knife/spear in hand
when was the independence of all of africa
what did the reliquary figure (byeri) represent
3 elements of society: not yet born (big head, long body), alive, dead (closed eyes)
what was the malagan display and mask used for and what events happened simultaneously
a festival to transfer a person to the afterlife; marriages, festivals, dances
what did the nkisi n'kondi represent, how was it "activated", and what was its actual purpose
a locus of magical power that harnessed spiritual power for personal needs; activated by sticking a nail in it; essentially a box or container
what was the ndop supposed to represent and what was on the ndop
a spirit of a dead king; and emblem or symbol that was used for memory sakes or as spiritual power
who was the warrior and what are the characteristics of the verdana post
ahkmed; frontal, hieratic scale (outstripped horse), left hand=spear for power, right hand=pistol for modern
characteristics of the easter island heads
also included torso, originally tot nots, red igneous rocks, painted eyes, 12-30ft in height, prominent bellies, faced inward towards the island
aka elephant mask location and date
bamileke (cameroon, west grassfield region); 19th-20th century ce
what is macro linear
being able to trace ancestry from women
female deity characteristics
blank faces, dressed/decorated, slight hands, specific gods (male/female figure- very plain), made of wood
characteristics of bundu mask
bow shaped mouth, high forehead, wooden breasts/butt, elaborate hair
what religions rose in sub-saharan africa
christianity and islam
nkisi n'kondi (power figure) location, date, and people associated with it
congo; late 19th century ce; kongo peoples
what is scarification and where did it occur
cutting into skin to create a pattern (caused raised area); west africa
what did the easter island head represent and what are the other names for the volcanic rock
dead kings and chiefs; tufa and basalt
ndop of king mishe (mishyaany mambul) location, date, people associated with it
democratic republic of congo; 1760-1780 ce; kuba peoples
lukasa (memory board) location, date, and people/society associated with it
democratic republic of congo; 19th-20th cent ce; luba people, mbudge society
female (pwo) mask location, date, and people associated with it
democratic republic of congo; late 19th-early 20th century ce; chokwe peoples
what was the king of the sika bwa koi (golden stool) seen as, what was the significance of what he wore, and what is the color of royalty
divine; under umbrella=below heaven, sandals=above earth; gold
characteristics of the reliquary figure (byeri)
exaggerated muscles, 18 inches, stylized, elongated, closed eye
lost wax method and why its called the lost wax method
fired until hard, put layer of wax and wax defines details of person, put in bucket or hole and wax extracted then pour plaster, wax melts out, then pour in liquid metal; wax melts out
where are the embellishments from the verdana post found
horse, king, barrels, and waistband of women
who influenced the wall plaque from boas palace and what was the name of their king called
ife; oni
characteristics of the ndop
large head (1/3 head, 2/3 body), somewhat stylized but more naturalistic
what are the types of bronzes, the amount of plaques made, and what the bronzes actually were
leopards (symbols of king), heads of former kings, bronze plaques; 900; brass
bundu mask location, date, and people/society associated with it
liberia and sierra leone (west africa); 19th-20th century ce; mende peoples, sande society
what are the three different lukasa and what do they help you remember
long hand of pigeon: myths, long hand of hawk: government, long hand of sacred pool: secret government knowledge
what is significant about the female (pwo) mask and what did it represent
made by men and worn by men for the initiation or coming of age for boys; spirit form of ancestors and older women
what was the theme of art in africa
magical powers
what came from climatic issues
malaria, tse-tse fly
what is the use of the navigation chart and what is unique about it
maps of the wave patterns (diagonal lines=wave patterns, vertical lines=base of chart); only the maker could read the chart
navigation chart location and date
marshal islands, micronesia; 19th-20th century ce
what does buk mean and what are its characteristics
mask; turtle shell, rafia, feathers, different registers with highly stylized beads
what are the characteristics of the wall plaque from obas palace
more naturalistic although still stylized, very frontal, larg head, oba on horseback, floral patterns
malagan display and mask location and date
new ireland province, papua new guinea; 20th century ce
veranda post location, date, people associated with it, and the artist
nigeria; 10th century, before 1938; yoruba people; olowe of ise
wall plaque from obas palace location, date, and people associated with it
nigeria; 16th century ce; edo peoples
ikenga figures location, date, and people associated with it
nigeria; 19th-20th century ce; ibo peoples
why is africa known as the "white man's grave"
no major rivers south of the sahara
what is the lukasa supposed to be, what is it supposed to help remember, and what does it mean
numonic device; placement/arrangements helped to remember events; long hand/claw
what is the name of the divine king of the aka elephant mask and what did the leopard and elephant represent
phan; leopard=ferocity, elephant=power
what does ikenga mean, what occurred on it forehead/head, and what was the ikenga figure not
place of strength; scarification; not a portrait
what was the reliquary figure (byeri) used for and when was it not sacred
placed over box or crate that contained bones as a guardian of the relics; not sacred when off the box
nan madol location, date, and era
pohnpei, micronesia; 700-1600 ce; saudeleur dynasty and renissance era
what are the 3 parts of oceania
polynesia, micronesia, melanesia
what did the aka elephant mask represent and what was it linked to
prestige and talisman; linked to power and possession
what was the island of nan madol made up of and what was 1/3 of the island devoted to
prismatic volcanic rock; morturary section
who did Mauwer believe made great zimbabwe and why
queen of sheeba; nothing like that in africa during that time period
moai on platform location, date, and people associated with it
rapa nui (easter island); 1100-1600ce; rapa nui people
characteristics of the aka elephant mask
red feathers, beaded, worn with leopard skin, zig-zag motif, highly stylized
signs of kingship
rings, cowry shells, hieratic scale, central figure, head dress
what is the type of communication used for the female deity and how many boards are left
rongo rongo; 4
what is the meaning of zimbabwe and what was named after it
ruins; the country zimbabwe
what was the purpose of the verdana post and and what is the name of women as posts and men as posts
sculpture serving as a column; charyatiadas=women as columns; atlantias=men as columns
nkisi n'kondi characteristics
small (3 feet); material=wood
characteristics of the ikenga figure
small, personal shrine/figure, locus of spiritual power for one person, horns, it can be a recognized human figure with horns or just very stylized
reliquary figure (byeri) location, date, and people associated with it
south cameroon; 19th-20th century ce; fang peoples
sika bwa koi (golden stool) location, date, and people associated with it
south central ghana; 1700 ce; ashanti people
what does the women represent in the verdana post
spiritual (kneeling) and due to nudeness=fertility (according to yoruba people)
female deity location and date
stole of nukuoro micronesia; 18th-19th century ce
what did the saudeleur dynasty rule over, who established it, and what was it based on
the 100 islands of pohnpei; 2 magician brothers; system of tribute, had to bring food in
what was the controversy concerning the wall plaque from obas palace
the 900 plaques were taken and there are attempts to get them returned to nigeria after the british looted them
what did the bundu mask reference
the chrysalis of butterflies
who did the yeroba people teach to make plaques
the edo peoples of benin
what is an oba and what is the subject of the bronze plaques
the king of benin
buk (mask) location and date
torres strait (between australia and new guinea); mid to late 19th-20th century ce
what was the purpose of great zimbabwe and the name of the most known site
used as a royal court; great enclosure
what was the bundu mask used for and why was it a rare exception
used to initiate girls before marriage; women normally didn't wear masks even if they depicted women
characteristics of female (pwo) mask and what is raffia
used vegetable lining, angular (older), tatto: marks under eyes=tears; plant fibers (looked like hair)
characteristics of ife head
very naturalistic, made of wood
who was the ikenga figure made for and what do the objects in its hands represent
warrior; sword in right=power; head in left=soldier prestige/rank
what items were placed inside nkisi n'kondi and what are the materials
white clay from graveyard (most common), mouse for speed, claws from bird of prey, mirrors for eyes and intended as sense of life; bilongo
characteristics of the lukasa
wooden plates, not very large, hourglass shaped with divided decorated edge (beads carvings, cowry shells)
ife head people associated with it
yeroba peoples
conical tower and circular wall of great zimbabwe location, date, era it corresponds to, and people associated with it
zimbabwe; 1000-1400ce; roughly to Middle Ages; shona people