A/P - Blood (Ch 11)

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Before the red bone marrow takes over completely, two other fetal organs contribute to RBC production; these are the _____ and the _____.

liver spleen

Macrophages (RE cells) that phagocytize old RBC's are found in the _____, the _____, and the _____.

liver spleen red bone marrow


low blood oxygen level


low oxygen in tissues

The WBC's that recognize foreign antigens and produce antibodies are


The stem cells of lymphatic tissue produce the WBC's called _____.


The white blood cells produced by lymph nodes and nodules are the:


The agranular WBC's are _____ and _____.

lymphocytes monocytes

The most efficient phagocytic cell.


When these immature RBC's are present in large numbers in circulating blood, it means that there are not enough _____ to transport sufficient _____ throughout the body.

mature RBC's oxygen

Platelets are fragments of the large bone marrow cells called _____ and _____ produced by the liver increases the rate of platelet formation.

megakaryocyte thrombopoietin

The WBC's that carry out most phagocytosis of pathogens are the

monocytes and neutrophils

Placental transmission of antibodies provides:

naturally acquired passive immunity

The granular WBC's are the _____, _____, and _____.

neutrophils eosinophils basophils

Are anti-Rh antibodies naturally present in the plasma of a person who is Rh negative? When would such antibodies be formed?

no If an Rh negative person receives (or is exposed to) Rh positive blood.

In RBC formation, the last stage with a nucleus is called a _____.


Last stage of RBC development.


In appearance, WBC's differ from RBC's in that all WBC's have _____ present when the cells are.


Name two types of substances that are transported in dissolved form in the plasma.

nutrients & waste products

The major regulating factor for RBC production is the amount of _____ in the blood and tissues.


The general function of WBC's is to protect the body from _____ and to provide _____ to certain infectious diseases.

pathogens immunity

A hematocrit is a measure of the

percentage of RBC's in the total blood

Liquid part of blood.


Stage 1 of clotting involves chemical factors released by _____ and other chemicals from _____.

platelets damaged tissues

The Rh factor is another RBC antigen; it is often called D. A person who is Rh _____ has this antigen on the RBC's. A person who is Rh _____ does not have this antigen on the RBC's.

positive negative

The function of platelets is hemostasis, which means _____.

prevention of blood loss

the nutrients needed for RBC formation include _____ and _____ which will become part of the hemoglobin molecule.

protein iron

The result of stage 1 clotting is the formation of _____.

prothrombin activator

RBC's pick up oxygen when they circulate through the _____ capillaries (in the _____), and this hemoglobin is now called _____.

pulmonary lungs oxyhemoglobin

After birth, the primary hemopoietic tissue is _____, which is found in _____ and _____.

red bone marrow flat irregular

The HLA are important when organs are transplanted. If tissue typing shows that the donated organ has one or more HLA types that match the HLA types of the recipient, there is less chance of _____ of the transplanted organ by the immune system of the recipient.


Has fragments of the endoplasmic reticulum (an RBC stage).


The stage in which fragments of the ER are present is called a _____.


The last immature stage in RBC production is the

reticulocyte, which may be found in circulating blood

The process of clot _____ pulls the edges of the break in the vessel together, which makes _____ of the area easier.

retraction repair

The stimulus for chemical clotting is a _____ surface within a vessel or a break in a vessel that also creates a _____ surface.

rough rough

All of these are barriers of innate immunity except:

serous membranes

A large artery that is cut can contract in vascular spasm because its wall contains

smooth muscle

Lymphatic tissue is found in lymphatic organs such as the _____, _____, and _____.

spleen lymph nodes thymus

Precursor cells for the production of all blood cells.

stem cells

The cells in the hemopoietic tissues that undergo mitosis to produce all the types of blood cells are called?

stem cells

The rough surface of a ruptured capillary causes platelets to _____ and form a mechanical barrier over the opening.

stick to the edges

The intrinsic factor is produced by the lining of the _____ (organ).


The intrinsic factor needed for absorption of the extrinsic factor is produced by cells lining the


RBC's release oxygen in _____ capillaries, and their hemoglobin is then called _____.

systemic reduced hemoglobin

A vaccine is protective in that it takes the place of:

the first exposure to the pathogen

Which of these organs does not compensate for the removal of the spleen in an adult?

the thymus gland

The viscosity of blood refers to its _____.

thickness (or resistance to flow)

In chemical clotting, fibrogen is split to fibrin by


In stage 2, prothrombin activator converts prothrombin to _____.




Platelets are also called _____ and are formed in _____.

thrombocytes red bone marrow

The term for a low platelet count is _____.


The term for an abnormal clot in an intact vessel is _____.


What an abnormal clot is called.


The mechanisms of hemostasis are _____, _____, and _____.

vascular spasm platelet plugs chemical clotting

The extrinsic factor needed for DNA synthesis in the red bone marrow is

vitamin B₁₂

In the embryo, RBC's are first produced by an external membrane called the _____.

yolk sac

State a normal range for each kind of WBC in a differential count.

1) Neutrophils 55% - 70% 2) Lymphocytes 20% - 35% 3) Monocytes 3% - 8% 4) Eosinophils 1% - 3% 5) Basophils 0.5% - 1%

Abnormal clotting within vessels is prevented in several ways.

1) The simple squamous epithelium (endothelium) that lines blood vessels is very smooth and repels platelets. 2) An anticoagulant produced by basophils is heparin. 3) Antithrombin is produced by the liver to inactivate excess thrombin. 4) If excess thrombin is not inactivated, clotting may become a vicious cycle of harmful clotting because it is a positive feedback mechanism that requires an external brake.

CBC values: 1) A low WBC count is called _____. 2) State a cause.

1) leukopenia 2) radiation or exposure to certain chemicals or antibiotics

Plasma protein: Globulins

Descriptive statements: 1) synthesized by lymphocytes or by the liver 2) include antibodies 3) include carrier molecules for fats in the blood

Plasma protein: Clotting factors

Descriptive statements: 1) synthesized only by the liver 2) include fibrinogen and prothrombin 3) help prevent blood loss when blood vessels rupture

Plasma protein: Albumin

Descriptive statements: 1) synthesized only by the liver 2) pulls tissue fluid into capillaries to maintain blood volume 3) the most abundant plasma protein

Function of blood: Regulation

Examples: 1) Acid-base balance 2) Body temperature 3) Fluid-electrolyte balance

Function of blood: Protection

Examples: 1) Blood clotting 2) Destroys pathogens

Function of blood: Transportation

Examples: 1) Nutrients and waste products 2) Gases and hormones

WBC: Monocytes

Function: Become macrophages to phagocytize pathogens or damaged tissue

WBC: B lymphocytes

Function: Become plasma cells that produce antibodies

WBC: T lymphocytes

Function: Help recognize foreign antigens

WBC: Neutrophils

Function: The most abundant phagocytes

WBC: Basophils

Functions: 1) Contain heparin to prevent abnormal blood clotting 2) Contain histamine, which contributes to inflammation

WBC: Eosinophils

Functions: 1) Detoxify foreign proteins 2) Important in allergic reactions and parasitic infections

Which class of antibodies is found in breast milk?


Which statement is not true of adaptive immunity?

Its antibody-producing cells are T cells.

The vitamin necessary for prothrombin synthesis is _____.


The Rh factor is an antigen that is found on the

RBC's of people who are Rh positive

Another antigen on the RBC's, + or -

Rh factor

Which of the following statements are of BLOOD? a) The normal pH of blood varies from 7.5 to 8.5 b) The RBC type O (+) is the most common type and also the universal donor. c) RBC type AB means that both alpha and beta chains are present in the hemoglobin. d) Plasma distributes heat from warm organs such as skeletal muscles to cooler body areas. f) Albumin is a plasma protein made by the spleen and RBM. g) A normal range of hemoglobin is 38 to 48 g/100 mL. h) A type A (-) person cannot donate blood to a type O (+) person. i) A normal hematocrit range is 12% to 18% j) Lymphatic tissue produces lymphocytes and is found in the liver. k) A WBC count of 6,000/µL is considered high normal. l) Both folic acid vitamin B₁₂ are required for RBC production in the RBM.

True d, e, g, l False a, b, c, f, h, i, j, k

Which of the following statements are true of BLOOD CELLS? a) A megakaryocyte is a large cell that will break up into platelets. b) Basophils become macrophages that can phagocytize pathogens. c) B lymphocytes become plasma cells that produce blood plasma. d) Old RBC's are phagocytized by the macrophages of the colon. e) Red bone marrow produces all of the kinds of blood cells. f) During an infection. WBC's become more numerous than RBC's g) Reticulocytes are immature neutrophils and are usually found in the red bone marrow. h) RBC's carry oxygen that is bonded to the iron in hemoglobin.

True: a, e, h False: b, c, d, f, g

The plasma protein that helps maintain blood volume by pulling tissue fluid into capillaries is


most abundant plasma protein


The normal pH range is slightly _____.


HLA (human leukocyte antigen) are antigens found on WBC's that represent the antigens found on _____.

all the cells of an individual

The bone marrow produces

all the types of blood cells

The globin portion of the hemoglobin is digested to _____, which may be used in the process of _____.

amino acids protein synthesis

What is a "band" cell?

an immature neutrophil

Lack of red blood cells.


Which statement is NOT true of the functions of WBC's? a) Lymphocytes produce antibodies. b) Neutrophils help detoxify foreign proteins. c) Monocytes become macrophages that phagocytize pathogens. d) Basophils contain heparin and histamine.

b) EOSINOPHILS help detoxify foreign proteins.

When hypoxia occurs, the kidneys produce a hormone called _____, which stimulates the red bone marrow to increase the rate of _____.

erythropoietin RBC production

The colon eliminates bilirubin in _____.


A blood clot is made of


In stage 3, thrombin converts _____ to fibrin. The clot itself is made of _____, which forms a mesh over the break in the vessel.

fibrinogen fibrin

Once a clot has accomplished its function, it is dissolved in a process called _____.


The normal purpose of HLA is to provide a comparison for the immune system to be able to recognize _____.


When the spleen destroys old RBCs, it:

forms bilirubin, which will be excreted by the liver

The five kinds of WBC's are are in two groups called _____ & _____.

granular agranular

Gives RBC's the ability to carry oxygen.


The oxygen-carrying protein in RBC's is _____.


The oxygen-carrying protein of RBC's is


Prevention of blood loss.


Prevents abnormal clotting within blood vessels; produced by basophils.


A band cell is an

immature white blood cell

protection from future cases of a disease


The function of erythropoietin is to

increase RBC production

The oxygen-carrying mineral in hemoglobin is _____.


The organ that produces erythropoietin during hypoxia is the


White bloods (WBC's) are also called _____.


white blood cells


CBC values: A high WBC count is called _____ and often indicates _____.

leukocytosis infection

Lymphatic tissue is found in all of these except the


Since it has no usefulness, bilirubin is considered a waste product. It is removed from circulation by the _____ (organ) and excreted into _____.

liver bile

The clotting factors such as prothrombin and fibrinogen are synthesized by the _____ and circulate in the _____ until activated in the clotting mechanism.

liver blood plasma

The iron from old RBC's may be stored in the _____ or transported to the red bone marrow for the synthesis of new _____.

liver hemoglobin

Plasma makes up _____% of the total blood and is itself _____% water.

52% - 62% 91%

The blood plasma makes up _____ to _____ of the total blood.

52% to 62%

The normal pH range of blood is

7.35 - 7.45, slightly alkaline

Blood plasma is approximately _____% water.


The ABO group contains four blood types


A person with type AB blood has

A and B antigens on the RBC's and neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies in the plasma

The two most important RBC types are the _____ group and the _____ factor.


Contains four blood types.

ABO group

Clot from elsewhere that lodges in and obstructs a vessel.


The term for a clot that dislodges and travels to another vessel is _____.


red blood cells


Red blood cells (RBC's) are also called _____ and are formed in _____.

erythrocytes red bone marrow

* TYPE A * Antigens present on RBC's: A

* TYPE A * Antibodies present in plasma: anti-B

* TYPE AB * Antigens present on RBC's: A & B

* TYPE AB * Antibodies present in plasma: neither anti-A or anti-B

* TYPE B * Antigens present on RBC's: B

* TYPE B * Antibodies present in plasma: anti-A

* TYPE O * Antigens present on RBC's: neither A or B

* TYPE O * Antibodies present in plasma: both anti-A & anti-B

Vascular spasm is the mechanism of hemostasis necessary in large vessels that are ruptured or cut. 1) What tissue in arteries and veins permits them to constrict? 2) This tissue contracts in response to _____ released by platelets or to the _____ caused when the vessel ruptures. 3) As a result, the opening in the vessel is made _____ and may then be covered by a _____.

1) smooth muscle 2) serotonin damage 3) smaller blood clot

1) In the red bone marrow, the precursor cell for blood cells is called a _____. 2) These cells constantly undergo the process of _____ to produce new cells. 3) Name the types of cells formed in red bone marrow.

1) stem cell 2) mitosis 3) RBC's, WBC's, platelets

The range of a normal hemoglobin (Hb) level _____ g/100 mL.

12 to 18

The life span of RBC's is approximately _____ days.


The range of a normal platelet count is _____ to _____ cells/µL.

150,000 - 300,000

The range of a normal hematocrit (Hct)

38% - 48%

The blood cells make up _____ to _____ of the total blood.

38% to 48%

The amount of blood within the body varies with the size of the person; this amount is in the range of _____ liters.

4 to 6

The range of a normal RBC count is _____ million cells/µL.

4.5 to 6.0

CBC values: The range of a normal WBC count is _____ to _____ cells/µL.

5,000 to 10,000

Which of the following statements are true of HEMOSTASIS? a) Clotting factors such as fibrinogen are formed by stem cells in the RBM. b) Breaks in capillaries are usually blocked by platelet plugs. c) Any blood vessel with smooth muscle can respond to damage with vascular spams. d) Platelets will stick to any rough surface in a blood vessel. e) Severe damage to a blood vessel will prevent clotting from starting. f) the reactions of chemical clotting require the mineral magnesium. g) The result of stage 2 of clotting is fibrin. h) Stage 1 of clotting results in the formation of thrombin.

True: b, c, d False: a, e, f, g, h

The function of intrinsic factor is to prevent the digestion of _____ and promote its absorption in the small intestine.

Vitamin B12

The extrinsic factor is _____, which is needed for the synthesis of _____ by the stem cells in the red bone marrow.

Vitamin B12 DNA

What major cellular structure do mature RBC's lack?

a nucleus

The stimulus for the formation of a platelet plug or a blood clot is

a rough surface

An abnormal clot that forms on a rough surface in an intact vessel is called

a thrombus

Which statement is NOT true of RBC formation? a) A normoblast is the last stage with a cell membrane. b) Small numbers of reticulocytes are often found in circulating blood. c) The precursor cells are stem cells. d) Vitamin B₁₂ may also be called the extrinsic factor.

a) A normoblast is the last stage with a cell NUCLEUS.

Which statement is NOT true of the destruction of old RBC's? a) The normal life span of RBC's is 90 days. b) Macrophages that destroy old RBC's are found in the liver, spleen, and red bone marrow. c) The iron may be stored in the liver or returned to the red bone marrow. d) The bilirubin formed is excreted by the liver into bile.

a) The normal life span of RBC's is *120* days.

a) Mr. & Mrs. R's first child has been diagnosed with hemophilia A. The parents have been very worried about the episodes of prolonged bleeding their child has experienced, but they are assured by their doctor that this form of hemophilia can be controlled. What clotting factor is the child lacking? b) What will the child now receive? c) Is this child a boy or a girl?

a) Factor 8 (VIII) b) Factor 8 (from donated blood) c) boy because neither parent has a hemophilia, so the mother must be a carrier gene

a) 15 yr old Mark needs a kidney transplant, and his six older brothers and sisters agree to be tested to see if they are suitable donors. The simple procedure they undergo is called tissue typing. What are these types called? b) One of Marks sisters is found to have three HLA types in common with Mark. If she donates a kidney to Mark, what advantage will this provide? c) The search for a suitable kidney donor started with Mark's family because the HLA types are a _____ characteristic.

a) HLA types b) there will be less chance of rejection of the donated organ c) genetic (or hereditary)

a) Mrs. C has just given birth to her second child, and the baby is severely jaundiced. She is told that the baby has Rh disease of the newborn, which may also be called? b) On the basis of this information, you can now say that... c) If this were Mrs. C's first pregnancy, she could have been given RhoGAM to prevent this from happening again in a later pregnancy. Explain what RhoGAM would have done.

a) erythroblastosis fetalis b) Mrs. C is Rh negative Mr. C is Rh positive Baby C is Rh positive The first child was probably Rh positive c) RhoGAM will destroy any Rh+ RBC's in maternal circulation to prevent maternal production of Rh antibodies

a) If the blood level of bilirubin rises, perhaps because of liver disease, the _____ may appear yellow. b) This is called _____.

a) whites of the eyes (or light skin) b) jaundice

Which statement is NOT true of the plasma proteins? a) The presence of albumin in plasma helps maintain blood volume. b) Gamma globulins are antibodies produced by basophils. c) Alpha and beta globulins are carriers for molecules such as fats. d) Fibrinogen and prothrombin are clotting factors synthesized by the liver.

b) Gamma globulins are antibodies produced by LYMPHOCYTES.

Which of these is NOT a normal value in a CBC? a) RBC's : 5.1 million/µL b) Hb : 8 g/100mL c) WBC's : 9000/µL d) Platelets : 210,000/µL

b) Hb : 12 - 18 grams/100 mL

Which statement is NOT true of the prevention of blood loss in ruptured vessels? a) Vascular spasm in a large vessel with make the size of the ruptured area smaller. b) Platelet plugs are useful only in medium-sized vessels. c) Chemical clotting is stimulated by damage to a vessel. d) If a large vessel did not first constrict, the clot that forms would be washed out by the flow of blood.

b) Platelet plugs are useful only in CAPILLARIES.

Which statement is NOT true of chemical blood clotting? a) The mineral necessary is calcium. b) Prothrombin, fibrinogen, and other clotting factors are synthesized by the spleen. c) The 2nd stage of clotting results in the formation of thrombin. d) The clot itself is made of fibrin.

b) Prothrombin, fibrinogen, and other clotting factors are synthesized by the LIVER.

The lab results for a particular patient show these CBC values: RBC's: 4.9 million/µL WBC's: 23,000/µL Hct: 42% Hb: 14 g/100mL platelets: 190,000/µL On the basis of these values, you would expect that this patient: a) is anemic b) has an infection c) has bruising and bleeding d) is in good health

b) has an infection because the WBC count is high

Most of a person's supply of vitamin K is produced by the _____ in the person's own _____.

bacteria colon (large intestine)

Carbon dioxide is carried in the plasma in the form of _____ ions. What is the chemical formula of this ion?

bicarbonate HCO3-

Describe the appearance of RBC's.

biconcave discs (thinner in the middle than at the edge)

A bile pigment; what heme is converted into.


The heme portion of the hemoglobin of old RBC's is converted to _____ by RE cells.


When old RBC's are destroyed, the waste product _____ is formed and then excreted by the _____.

bilirubin liver, in bile

The term HEMOPOIETIC TISSUE means a tissue in which _____ are formed.

blood cells

Which statement is NOT true of RBC formation? a) Red bone marrow is found in flat and irregular bones. b) The nutrients iron and protein are needed to become part of hemoglobin. c) The intrinsic factor is produced by the liver to prevent digestion of vitamin B₁₂. d) Erythropoietin increases the rate of RBC production in the red bone marrow.

c) The intrinsic factor is produced by the STOMACH LINING to prevent digestion of vitamin B₁₂.

Which statement is NOT true of the ABO blood types? a) Type O has neither A nor B antigens on the RBC's. b) A person has antibodies in the plasma for those antigens NOT present on the person's own RBC's. c) Type B has A antigens on the RBC's. d) This blood type is a hereditary characteristic.

c. Type B has *B* antigens on the RBC's -OR- Type A has A antigens on the RBC's.

The mineral needed for chemical clotting is


The mineral necessary for chemical clotting is _____, which the body stores in _____.

calcium bones

Platelet plugs are the only effective mechanism of hemostasis for rupture of _____ (type of vessel).


The mechanism of adaptive immunity that does not involve antibody production is called:

cell-mediated immunity

The presence of _____ and _____ make blood more viscous (thicker) than water.

cells plasma proteins (albumin)

Process to stop bleeding; involves chemicals.

chemical clotting

Which statement is NOT true of the prevention of abnormal clotting? a) Antithrombin inactivates excess thrombin. b) Heparin is a natural anticoagulant that blocks chemical clotting. c) The simple squamous epithelium that lines blood vessels is smooth to prevent abnormal clotting. d) Heparin is produced by monocytes.

d) Heparin is produced by BASOPHILS.

Which term is NOT paired with its correct meaning? a) leukocytosis -- increased WBC count b) thrombus -- abnormal blood clot c) thrombocytopenia -- decreased platelet count d) anemia -- increased RBC count

d) anemia -- * decreased * RBC count

Which of the following is NOT transported by blood plasma? a) carbon dioxide b) nutrients c) hormones d) oxygen

d) oxygen is transported within RBC's

The water of plasma is a solvent, which means that substances may _____ in this water and be transported.


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