Unit 5: (The Era of Good Feedings and Jacksonian Era) Packet 2 (The Era of good Feelings)

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Martin v. Hunter's Lease

Loyalist, Fairfax, had his land seized after Revolutionary War. He left land to relative following his death but Virginia seized it. Court overturned state court ruling. Jay's Treaty and Treaty of Paris both stated loyalist land would be returned. Significance of Ruling: confirmed the Supreme Court's right to overrule state court.

Marshall's Supreme Court + Central Gov't Powers

*Federalist John Marshall continues to control Supreme Court

*But the West could not agree on...slavery

*North: no use for slavery; South: wants it for economic reasons...But it came down to a POLITICAL issue, not moral

Two parts of the plan had passed in 1816 (Madison still president (last year of his presidency)

*Tariff of 1816, 2nd Bank of the US - northeast was originally against the tariff because they had little manufacturing at the time - South + West were originally for it because they believed it was needed for national prosperity - LATER...As the North/West became more interconnected, they support the protective tariff (West tends to stay anti-bank); South, who is more dependent on international trade (selling Cotton to GB), will be against the protective tariff (GB tended to raise their own tariffs in reaction to US policy, hurting South cotton trade).

President Monroe and Secretary of State John Quincy Adams adopt a more aggressive, nationalistic approach to foreign relations, meaning...

*The main idea was "America 1st"-actively advancing American interest abroad, while still maintaining peace. It especially meant expansion---growing in size and power. *Canada: Although the Treaty of Ghent had ended the war between GB and the US, it left unresolved most of their diplomatic differences, including many involving Canada.

Western Settlement and the Missouri Compromise

*less than 10 years after War of 1812, population west of the Appalachian mountains had doubled

Republic changes

*some Republicans stick to the old ideas, but most adopt a number of Federalist ideas (Neo-Republicans) *these changes results in a split in the Democratic-Republican party (Election of 1824-4 Republicans candidates run)

List some new "American" values/symbols.

*the beginnings of a national culture emerge...no longer defaulting to Europe *included new American symbols and values (identify) - "Uncle Sam" became a uniquely American symbol - the idea of the American dream---that through hard work, economic, success could be achieved---gained popularity - White American men saw themselves as devoted to individualism, morality, and equality (democracy). Their commitment to these values may be have extended to enslaved African Americans, Das, or women. Still, they were united in the belief that they were different and better than Europeans.

*Politically, the West states cared most about...

- "cheap money" (easy credit) from state banks rather than from the Bank of the U.S. - land made available at low prices by the gov't - improved transportation (internal improvements)

Explain the background on the Florida (Adams-Onis) Treaty.

- During the War of 1812, U.S. troops had occupied western FL, a strip of land on the Gulf extending all the way to the Mississippi delta. Previously, this land had been held by Spain, Britain's ally. - After the war (remember all the land was returned to pre-1812 boundaries) Spain had difficulty governing the rest of Fl (the peninsula itself) because its troops had been removed from Fl to battle revolts in its Southern American colonies. The chaotic conditions permitted groups of Seminoles, runaway slaves, and white outlaws to conduct raids into U.S. territory and retreat to safety across the FL border. These disorders gave Monroe and Gen. Andrew Jackson an opportunity to take military action in Spanish Fl, a territory long coveted by US expansionists.

Explain Jackson's military campaign.

- In late 1817, the president. commissioned General Jackson to stop raiders and if necessary, pursue them across border into Spanish west Fl. Jackson carried out orders with a vengeance and exceeded expectations. In 1818, led a force of militia into FL, destroyed Seminole villages, and hanged 2 Seminole chiefs. - Capturing Pensacola, Jackson drove out the Spanish governor, and even hanged 2 British traders accused of aiding the Seminoles. Many members of congress feared that Jackson's overzealousness would precipitate a war with both Spain and Britain. However, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams persuaded Monroe to support Jackson, and the British decided not to intervene.

What does "economic nationalism" mean? What does it include?

- Running parallel with cultural nationalism and nationalism in foreign affairs, was a political movement to support the growth of the nation's economy, as a whole. - Subsidizing internal improvements (the building of roads and canals) was one aspect of the movement. - Protecting budding U.S. industries from European competition was a second aspect.

nationalism in the era of good feelings

- cultural - foreign affairs - economic - political

Idea Associated with Country

- democracy - anti-monarchy - lady liberty - broke free from GB and King Louis's wrath, sovereignty - the name "president"=respectable power - copied Greek/Roman ideals - gov't + architecture copy from Greeks + Romans because they copied democracy + ideals of power of ppl. - United States had their own language, identity, individuality and tried to separate themselves from Britain culture - national anthem provided unity glorifying country proof of flag still standing=country always prevails - land was won and fought for - patriotism, nationalism, heroic figure, nationally recognized, personified country - glorified and exaggerated Washington, seen as hero, first piece of lit. that described as Washington - he was seen as a legend - honesty, truth, honor, forgiveness - connected with all ages - glorification - just like Greeks had myths + legends

Background notes to James Monroe

- fought in revolutionary war as a young man + suffered through Valley Forge winter - became prominent in VA's Repub. party and served in high-level diplomatic roles such as President Jefferson's minister to GB, part of the envoy to negotiate the LA purchase, and as Madison's Secretary of State. His choice as Madison's successor continued what appeared to be a VA dynasty of presidents (of the first 5 presidents, 4 were from VA; the exception, John Adams, was from MA.)

reasons for westward movement

- large areas were open for settlement after native Americans were driven from their lands by the victories of General William Henry Harrison in the Indiana territory + AJ in Fl + S. - The economic difficulties in north east from embargo and war caused ppl. from this region to seek a new future across the Appalachians. In the S., tobacco planters needed new land to replace the soil exhausted by years of poor farming methods. They found goof land for planting cotton in Al, MS, and AR. - Pioneering families had an easier time reaching the frontier as a result of the building of roads and canals, steamboats and railroads. - more European immigrants were being attracted to America by speculators offering cheap land in the Great Lakes region and the Ohio, the Cumberland, and the Miss. River valleys.

List some examples of American art/architecture/literature. How did they help to celebrate and spread a national American culture?

- paintings, school books - American artists + authors were praised as they used American settings, themes, and heroes in their work. - Parson Mason Weems' fictionalized biography extolling the virtues of GW was widely read. - Washington Irving drew on German folklore for his colorful tales of "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", but he set them in the wilds of upstate NY. - the expanding public schools embraced Noah Webster's blue-backed speller, which promoted patriotism long before his famous dictionary was published. - In contrast to earlier American architects who were eager to copy "sophisticated" Georgian (English) architecture for their wealthiest patrons, 19th century Americans began to look to the grandeur of classical Greece and Rome for inspiration for a new Republican gov't stirring to create a democracy. The new White house and Capitol building would become symbols of this "new" America. Heroes of the Rev. were enshrined in the paintings of Gilbert Stuart, Charles Wilson Peale, and John Trumball. Other artists, such as Thomas Cole, celebrated America's nature, with the Hudson River School of Painting and by painting the American West. At times, they presented dangerous landscapes in deceptively positive tones. - Clearly evident in their optimism, however, were the basic ideas + ideals of nationalism + patriotism, which would dominate most of 19th century.

Analysis: Henry Clay's Plan envisioned an America in which each section of the country relied on the others, making the US more unified and self-sufficient. Considering what you know about the U.S. economy at this time (1st packet), what is the flaw in this vision?

- south more independent and din't do the transportation revolution - northeast and northwest was more connected and went through the revolutions - currency + increased transportation would connect the regions - North: produce manufactured goods, (With protective tariff) - South: cotton* sold to Northern markets - West: agriculture (grain)

Explain Era of Good Feelings.

- the election of James Monroe as president in 1816 (less than 2 years after the last battle of the War of 1812) inaugurated what one newspaper editorial characterized as an "Era of Good Feelings". The term gained wide currency and was later adopted by historians to describe Monroe's 2 terms in office (1817-1825). - the actual period of "good feelings" may have lasted only from the election of 1816 to the Panic of 1819. - this perception of unity and harmony, however, was probably misleading and certainly oversimplified. - throughout era, there were heated debates over tariffs, the nat. bank, internal improvements, and public land sales. Sectionalist tensions over slavery were becoming ever more apparent. Moreover, a sense of political unity was illusory, since antagonistic factions within the Republican party would soon split that party in 2.

Explain the Missouri Compromise.

1. Missouri was to be admitted as a slaveholding state. 2. Maine was to be admitted as a free state. 3. In the rest of the Louisiana Territory north of latitude 36 degrees 30', slavery was prohibited. Both houses passed the Compromise plans and Pres. Monroe added his signature in march 1820 (one full year after the Tallmadge Amendment touched off the controversy).

When did the era of good feelings took place?


The Missouri Issue

1819: Missouri Territory applies for statehood as a slave state

What is the 2nd Bank of the U.S. and what was its purpose?

A nati. bank would keep the system running smoothly by providing a nat. currency.

Federalists are destroyed because...

A principal reason for the rapid decline of the Federal party was its failure to adapt to the changing needs of a growing nation and this generation.

To what extent was this era "good"?

According to the traditional view of the period, the Monroe years were sparked by a spirit of nationalism, optimism, and goodwill, chiefly as a result one of one party, the Federalists, fading into oblivion and Monroe's party, the Republicans, dominating politics in every section: N., S., W.

What happens in the Panic of 1819?

Although every section was hurt, the depression was most severe in the West. In this region, land speculation based on postwar euphoria had placed many ppl. in debt, and in 1819, Bank of U.S. foreclosed on large amounts of Western farmland.

Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Appointment of midnight judges by John Adams rejected by Jefferson. Supreme Court decided constitutionality of Judiciary Act. Court ruled delivery of appointments not duty of court and declares Judiciary Act unconstitutional. Significance of Ruling: gave the Court the power of judicial review.

What was the result/reaction of the Panic of 1819?

As a result of bank panic and depression, nationalistic beliefs were shaken. In the West, economic crisis changed many voters' political outlook. Westerners began calling for land reform (land sold for lower prices, in smaller parcels) and expressing strong opposition to both the "monster" national bank + debtors's prisons. The hard hit poor also started looking for a more responsive gov't, which will eventually lead to the creation of the Dem. party in 1828.

What are functions of the second bank of the U.S.?

Bank of the Federal Gov't - Holds the government's money - Pays the government's bills Money Creator - Issues paper money that people can use throughout the United States, unlike state money Regulator - issues or redeems national money to keep economy stable - monitors amount of money from state banks Commercial Bank - accepts deposits and makes loans - provides access to businesses and individuals at branches across the country

Why was the Tariff of 1816 passed?

Befor the War of 1812, Congress had passed low tariffs on imports as a method for raising gov't revenue. During the war, a number of factories had been erected during the war to supply goods that previously had been imported from Britain. Now in peacetime, American manufacturers feared that British goods would be dumped on American markets and take away much of their business

Explain the conflict over internal improvements and the result.

Both Madison and Monroe objected that the Const. didn't explicitly provide for the spending of Fed. money on roads + canals. Throughout his presidency, Monroe consistently vetoed acts of congress providing funds for road-building and canal-building projects. Thus, the individual states were left to make; internal improvements on their own.

What is the protective tariff and what was its purpose?

Clay argued that protective tariffs would promote American manufacturing and also raise revenue with which to build a national transportation system of federally constructed roads and canals.

Why is the Tariff of 1816 important?

Congress' tariff of 1816 was the 1st protective tariff in U.S. history---the 1st of many to come.

Explain Rush-Bagot Treaty.

During Monroe' first year as president., British and American negotiators agreed to major disarmament pact. The Rush-Bagot agreement strictly limited naval armament on the Great Lakes. In time the agreement was extended to place limits on border fortifications as well Ultimately border between U.S. and Canada was to become the longest unfortified boundary in the world.

What was the cause of the Panic of 1819?

Era of Good Feelings was fractured in 1819 by 1st major financial panic since Const. had been ratified. Economic disaster was largely fault of second bank of U.S., which tightened credit (i.e. no more loans) and refused to accept state paper $, in a belated effort to control inflation. In doing so, bank was saved, but ppl. and state banks were not. Many state banks closed, value of $ became deflated (fell), and there were large increases in unemployment, bankruptcies, and imprisonment for debt.

Explain the issues that arose when Missouri applied for statehood (both for the N + S).

Ever since 1791-1792, when Vermont entered the Union as a free state and Kentucky entered as a slave state, politicians in congress had attempted to preserve a sectional balance between the N. + S. Population in the North grew more rapidly than in the South, so that by 1818 the northern states held a majority of 105 to 81 in the House of Representatives. In the Senate, votes divided evenly, since in 1819 there was an even balance of 11 slave and 11 free states. As long as this balance was preserved, southern senators could block legislation that threatened the interests of their section. Missouri's big for statehood alarmed the North because slavery was well established there. If Missouri came in as a slave state, it would tip the political balance in the South's favor. Furthermore, Missouri was the 1st part of the Louisiana Purchase to apply for statehood. Southerners + northerners alike worried about the future status other new territories applying for statehood from the rest of the vast Louisiana Purchase.

Fletcher v. Peck (1810)

Georgia legislature cancelled contract that granted land to speculators as part of bribe. S. Court ruled deal was legal and the state couldn't nullify it even if it was gained with bribe. Significance of Ruling: established the principle that state laws are invalid when in conflict with the Constitution.

The Republicans make a number of changes...

Having opposed the War of 1812 and presided over the Hartford Convention, the party seemed completely out of step with the nationalistic temper of the times. After its crushing defeat in election of 1816, it ceased to be a national party and failed to nominate a presidential candidate in 1820.

The Missouri Compromise: March 1820 *who:_________________________, the "Great Compromiser"

Henry Clay

Who designed Henry Clay's American System?

Henry Clay (KY): Leader in H of R

Explain Treaty of 1818.

Improved relations between the U.S. and Britain continued in a treaty that provided for (1) shared fishing rights off the coast of Newfound land; (2) joint occupation of the Oregon Territory for 10 years; and (3) the setting of the northern limits of the Louisiana Territory at the 49th parallel, thus establishing the western U.S.-Canada boundary line.

Dec: 1823: Monroe inserted, into his annual message to Congress, a declaration of U.S. policy: Monroe Doctrine. List what is in the doctrine.

In Dec. 1823, Pres. Monroe inserted anual message to Congress a decl. of U.S. policy toward Europe and Latin America. The Monroe Doctrine had 3 major ideas:(1) The American continents (western hemisphere) are not be considered subjects for future colonization by any European powers and the US was opposed to attempts by a European power to interfere in the affairs of any republic in the Western hemisphere. (2) Any colonization or interference would be seen as a direct attack on the U.S. (3) The U.S. would not interfere with European affairs nor with existing colonies.

suppress democratic/republican movements in _____________________.

Italy + Spain


Main Industries: Business and manufacturing; some commercial farming (livestock) Key Leader: Daniel Webster - strong fed. gov't - against slavery and believed the U.S. Gov't must abolish it - wanted protective tariffs, federally backed internal improvements, bank of the U.S. - wanted end to cheap public land


Main Industries: Planation (Cotton) Key Leader: John C. Calhoun - Increasingly supportive of states' rights (opposed to strong federal government) - Pro-slavery and opposed any steps of the U.S. Gov't to try and abolish it. - Opposed tariffs, bank, and government spending on American System


Main Industries: frontier agriculture (grain) Key leader: Henry Clay - Generally supports a strong federal government - supported compromise over slavery - supported internal improvements and american system - wanted state banks and easy credit - wanted cheap land

McCulloch v Maryland (1819)

Maryland wanted to tax branch of national bank. Court ruled against state. Significance of Ruling: upheld the right of Congress to charter a national bank, thus putting into national law the doctrine of implied powers.

Explain Election of 1820.

Monroe achieved an easy victory in 1820, with no fed. running, and receiving every electoral vote except one! With no organized political opposition to stand in his way, Pres. Monroe supported the growing nationalism of the Amer. ppl. His 8 year presidency is noted for the acquisition of Fl, the Missouri Compromise, and of course the Monroe Doctrine.

Americans respond by issuing their own doctrine. Why did the US respond this way?

Monroe and most of his advisors throughout GB's idea of a joint declaration made sense. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, however, argued against such a move. Adams believed that joint action with Britain would (1) restrict U.S. opportunities for further expansion in the hemisphere and (2) make the U.S. look weak. He reasoned as follows: (1) If the U.S. acted alone, GB could be counted upon to stand behind the U.S. policy. (2) No European power would risk going to war in South America, an if it did, the Gb navy would surely defeat the aggressor. Changing his mind, the president decided to act as Adams advised-in short, to issue a statement to the world that did not have Britain as a coauthor.

Explain the Election of 1816.

Monroe defeated his Fed. opponent, Rufus King, by an overwhelming margin---183 electoral votes to King's 34. 4 yrs. later, the Fed. party had practically ceased to exist, and Monroe achieved an easy victory in 1820.

Impact: Explain the impact of the Monroe Doctrine, both at the and in the future.

Monroe's bold words of nationalistic purpose were applauded by the U.S. public but soon forgotten, as most citizens were more concerned with domestic issues. The GB Foreign Secretary was annoyed by the doctrine because he recognized that it applied, not just to the other European powers, but to his country as well. Still, seeking to maintain their trade dominance, the British went along with it. The European monarchs reacted angrily to the president's message; but they recognized well that their purposes were thwarted, not by a few high-soundings words, but by the might of the British navy. The Monroe Doctrine had less significance at the time than in later decades, when it would be hailed by politicians and citizens alike as the cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America. In the 1840s, Pres. James Polk was the 1st of many presidents to justify his foreign policy by referring to Monroe's warning words.

Signs that Russia was expanding it presences southward from Alaska toward _____________________________ (claimed by both US + GB)

San Francisco Bay


Sectional feelings on the slavery issue subsided after 1820. The Missouri Compromise preserved sectional balance in the Senate for over 30 years and provided time for the nation to mature if era of good feelings existed, damaged by storm of sectional controversy over Missouri. Americans torn over nat. (loyalty to Union) on the one hand and feelings of sectionalism (loyalty to one's own region) on the other hand. (It would end in 1854 with the KN-NE Act)

Explain the Adams-Onis Treaty.

Spain worried that the US would seize Fl by force. Preoccupied with troubles in Latin America, the Spanish gov't decided to get the best possible terms for Fl. By treaty in 1819, Spain turned over the rest of western Fl along with all of the east and its own claims in the Oregon Territory to the U.S. In exchange, US agreed to assume $5 million in claims against Spain and give up any US territorial claims to the Spanish province of Texas.

Gibbons v. Ogden

State had given navigation monopoly which controlled waterways in NY. Court ruled monopoly unconstitutional because state cannot control trade. Significance of Ruling: gavotte national government undisputed control over interstate commerce...This freed internal transportation from state restraint. (year in AMSCO is typo, it's 1824)

Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)

State wanted to make Dartmouth public school; charter was from King George III for private. Court rules charter cannot be changed by state. Significance of Ruling: by forbidding the state legislature to alter the college charter, established the principle that charters were contracts which could not be impaired.

Describe the new generation.

The popular votes for James Monroe were cast by a younger generation of Americans whose concerns were different from those of the nation's founders. The young were excited about the prospects of the new nation expanding westward and had little interest in European politics now that the Napoleonic wars (as well as the War of 1812) were in the past. As fervent nationalists, they believe their young country was entering an era of unlimited prosperity.

GB proposes a joint US-GB declaration against European intervention in the Americas...Why did GB propose this idea?

The power of the GB navy was most important in deterring the Spanish monarchy from attempting a comeback n Latin America republics. The GB foreign secretary suggested to the US minister in London, the idea of issuing a joint Anglo-American warning to the European powers not to intervene in South America.

Cohens v. Virginia (1821)

The state had tried and imprisoned people for illegally selling lottery tickets. Court ruled the state had the right to enforce the law which had not conflicted with the Constitution. Significance of Ruling: State courts must submit to federal jurisdiction an the federal court has the right to judicial review of state supreme court decisions.

Republican change #1: small navy/army

after war of 1812: D-R congress authorized the maintaining of a large army and navy

Republican change #3: Anti-Protective Tariffs

after war of 1812: D-R would be the party to pass the first protective tariffs in our nation's history and some Republicans used a loose interpretation of the const. to argue that gov't should pay for internal improvements.

Republican change #2: anti-bank

after war of 1812: In chartering a 2nd bank of the U.S. (1816), the majority faction of D-R adopted an institution originally championed by the Fed. leader Alexander Hamilton. The charter of the first bank had been allowed to expire in 1811.

Republican change #3: anti-large national government

after war of 1812: gov't pays for internal improvements

Republican change #3: strict interpretation

after war of 1812: loose interpretation

NY Congressman sets off debate by proposing the _______________________________: gradual emancipation of slaves. *no new slaves *emancipated at 25

bill for Missouri's admission

What was Henry Clay's American System?

it bolstered national economic growth *self-sufficient, interdependent

Who would the 2nd bank of the U.S. help according to Clay?

it would aid economies of all sections

Who would the protective tariff help according to Clay?

it would benefit northeast

Monarchies restored after the fall of Napoleon, cooperation with _______________________ to...

one another

Who would internal improvements benefit according to Clay?

promote growth in West and South

Threaten to help Spain ______________________________ in South America, where a number of republic had recently declared independence

return to power

After the ______________________, congress raised the tariff rates on certain goods with the purpose of protecting U.S. manufacturers.


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