Ap comp gov unit 4 test review

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Hybrid (mixed) election system

the use of a combination of single-member district and proportional (party list) elections for legislative elections. Mexico and Russia use this type of election system for their lower chambers. And Mexico also uses this mixed/hybrid system for its senate elections. The single member district elections guarantee representation for different regions. The proportional elections allow for multiple parties to be represented in the legislatures. Scotland's regional parliament uses a similar type of system called an Additional Member System.

Majoritarian rules in ___,___ and ____ provide the winners with a national mandate.

Iran, Nigeria, Russia

Mexico has had ____different parties win national governing power since 2000.


What are the term limits for the Chamber of Deputies and Senate in Mexico?

3 year terms/4 term limit and 6 year terms/2 term limit

In Mexico, members of the Chamber of Deputies are elected to fixed-terms of _____ with a _____ limit.

3 years, 4 term

How are the 500 members of the Chamber of Deputies elected?

300/SMD and 200/PR

DUMA: # of seats and electoral system

450: 250 PR wnd 250 SMD winner take all

In China, National People's Congress (NPC) members serve _____ and are indirectly elected through a series of regional legislative assemblies.

5 year terms

In the United Kingdom, Commons passed a law in 2011 that created a fixed-term election system in which Commons elections would take place every _____ . The UK's first fixed-term election for Commons took place in 2015. But the legislation allowed the prime minister to ask for snap elections to force all members to campaign for re-election within 30 days with a supermajority of support. Commons approved snap elections in 2017 and 2019.

5 years on a fixed date

In Russia, members of the Duma are elected regularly on fixed terms of every _____ from presidential elections. Prior to 2008, the term length for members of the Duma was four years.

5 years separate

Mexico's Senators are elected to fixed-terms of _____ and have a two-term limit of six years each. Term limits for both of these offices were increased from a strict _____

6 years, one term limit in 2015

The United Kingdom's House of Commons ____ members are directly elected under ______

650, single-member district, and first-past-the-post rules.

Proportional representation benefits

A multi-party system

In Russia, the members of the Federation Council are

Appointed by the govenors and regional legislatures

political parties that attract popular support with ideologically diverse platforms

Catch all party

This AP 6 country allows eight other parties to operate known as the loyal nonopposition but have no governing power


This country selects members of the national legislature indirectly through a series of indirect elections by local govt


when elections allow multiple parties to run in elections, but one major party inevitably wins governing power.

Dominant party

Plurality-rule electoral systems will tend to have two political parties

Duverger's law

metaphor from Mexico describing the nomination process of a new PRI candidate

El dedazo

What is the term that describes the way ballots are cast and counted and represented in the government?

Electoral system

What is the term tenure for a member of the Duma?

Every 5 years

In Mexico, the______ regulates elections.

Federal Electoral Institute (IFE)

The electoral system used in the UK general elections is called...

First past the post

proportional representation election systems

In proportional representation election systems, parties appoint legislative members proportional to the election results. This system promotes multiple parties being represented in the legislative branch and is sometimes called party list elections. Some proportional systems feature multimember districts. With the appointment of representatives by party leaders, proportional representation systems can help increase the number of women and minority community representatives to apportioned legislative seats.

Application of Proportional Representation to the UK's electoral system would most likely

Increase the frequency of minority governments

in Nigeria, the ______ regulates elections.

Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)

This AP 6 country national legislature members are elected in single & multi-member districts, which require 25% of vote


This AP 6 country reserves seates for religious minorities in the legislature


Which AP 6 country uses a Two-Round voting system in legislative elections if no candidate wins at least 25% of the vote


A two party system is

Less commonplace

bicameral legislature consists of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate

Mexican congress of Union

11 All of the following countries have run-off elections EXCEPT


This AP 6 country has two chambers: the lower house has 300 members elected in SMD plurality & 200 by proportional rep.


This country has an upper house of 128 members elected by multimember districts and proportional representation


Which AP 6 country uses gender quotas to make up its legislature?


________'s president is elected by a _____of the national popular vote, not an absolute majority. * In an executive election plurality system, one candidate wins the election as the sole executive by winning the most votes (not necessarily a majority of at least 50% of the vote.)

Mexico, plurality

this combines plurality and proportional representation electoral processes

Mixed electoral system

In comparison to the party system in Russia, the party system in Mexico is

More competitive

An electoral district represented by multiple officeholders

Multi-member district

when elections feature more than two parties competing for governing power

Multiparty system

This AP 6 country uses ethnic quotas to gain representation in the legislature


This AP country has a bicameral legislature that uses single member district plurality for both chambers


IFE and INEC are responsible for investigating elections in these countries

Nigeria and Mexico

Which type of candidate for elected office has the Guardian Council most often banned?


Proportional Representation is?

Number of seats proportional to votes

British elections occur (think Fixed Term Parliaments Act)

On a fixed 5 yr schedule

when only one party is allowed to control governing party even if other parties exist

One party system

single-member district with a winner-take-all system is?

One who receives the most votes is elected from a district

In contrast to direct elections in Britain, direct elections in China are held

Only at the local level

Historically, the dominant party in Mexico has been the


Political parties in Nigeria are best described as organized around which of these

Personalities and powerful individuals

How is the Majles elected?

Popularly elected: run-off (25% for initial win)

Which of the following is NOT a political party operating in the U.K. ?

Progressive Royalists Party

The main purpose of the Federation Council, according to the Constitution, is to

Represent regions in the national legislature

This AP 6 country has an appointed upper house representing regions; the regional assemblies and governors appoint


Which countries use second round voting and need a majority second time around

Russia and Iran

Which AP 6 countries use a mixed-electoral system in legislative elections?

Russia and Mexico

Which AP 6 countries appoint the upper legislature?

Russia and UK

electoral system in which one candidate with the most votes in a district wins the sole representative seat

Single member district

An electoral district represented by a single officeholder

Single-member district

Single-member district plurality systems

Single-member district plurality systems tend to promote two-party systems. They provide voters with strong constituency service and accountability because there is a single representative per district, and they ensure geographic representation. * In single-member district, plurality systems, one candidate with the most votes (not required to earn a majority of more than 50%) in a district wins the sole representative seat.


The monarch

All the following are true of "first past the post" (single member district plurality) EXCEPT

The person with more than 50% wins

Which of the following of Russia's political parties is MOST clearly party of power?

United Russia

True or False: the US and UK have the same kind of party system


when elections feature two major parties competing for governing power

Two party system

Single member legislative districts helped to create?

Two-party system

Which AP countries are represented by single member district plurality systems only?

Uk and Nigeria

This AP 6 upper house is appointed and is composed of life peers, lord bishops, and hereditary peers

United Kingdom

Single peak associations (SPAs)

a type of interest group that commonly represents professional or commercial groups and helps establish standards for that profession or industry.

Political access

ability to contact government officials to shape policies.


also known as patron-client relationship or clientelism; this allowed government officials to distribute government jobs and services in return for voter loyalty; institutionalizes a quid pro quo ("this for that") relationship between elected officials and voters is often viewed as examples of corruption by those not benefitting from the patronage relationship

Iran's Majles members are _______ which sometimes requires_____of voting; candidates are vetted by ________, and the legislative body lacks formal political party structures; a small number of the _____ seats in the Majles are reserved for non-Muslim minorities, such as Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians.

directly elected in single-member and multimember districts, a second round, the Guardian Council, 290

The CCP allows ____ other parties to operate in China, but this creates a façade of a multiparty system. No other party but the CCP is allowed to have governing power.


Second round, runoff election system

election system in which a candidate for a sole executive position or legislative positions must win a majority of the vote (50% + at least 1 vote.) In a multi-candidate race, the winning candidate must win a majority of the vote either in the first round of balloting or in the second round of balloting that features the top two vote earners in the first round.

Executive election plurality system

election system in which one candidate wins the election as the sole executive by winning the most votes (not necessarily a majority of 50% + at least 1 vote.)

Single-member district, plurality system

election system in which one candidate with the most votes (not necessarily a majority of 50% + at least 1 vote) in a district wins the sole representative seat. Tends to promote two party systems. These provide voters with strong constituency service and accountability because there is a single representative per district. This type of system ensures geographic representation.*

Proportional representation

election system in which the party appoints legislative members proportional to the election results. This system promotes multiple parties being represented in the legislative branch and is sometimes called party list elections and often features multimember districts. With the appointment of representatives by party leaders, proportional representation systems can help increase the number of women and minority community representatives.*

Guardian Council ______ reform-minded candidates or those who do not support Islamic values from the ballot, which limits the number of candidates and reduces electoral competition and representation.


Grassroots social movements

exert their power up from the local level to the regional, national, or international level*

in Iran, Majles members are elected regularly on fixed terms of every ____ separate from presidential elections.

four years

In Nigeria, members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are elected regularly on fixed terms of every ______ from presidential elections.

four years separate

Interest groups

groups organized to represent and advocate for a specific interest or policy issue.

The National People's Congress of China selects members

indirectly through a series of local and regional elections.

Social movements

involve large groups of people pushing collectively for significant political or social change such as indigenous civil rights, redistribute revenues to different classes, conduct fair and transparent elections, and ensure fair treatment of citizens of different sexual orientations.*

Appointments for the United Kingdom's House of Lords are approved by the ____ with recommendations made by the _____ and an independent commission.

monarch, prime minister

Catch-all political parties

often the dominant party in a dominant party system that earns support from groups with different characteristics, attracting popular support with ideologically diverse platforms*

The appointment process for positions in Russia's Federation Council is done by __________ The creation of nine federal districts (with the annexation of Crimea) has reasserted federal power under the Russian president by allowing him to appoint presidential envoys to the districts, and allowing regional legislatures to forgo elections and appoint a governor from a list of candidates approved by the president.* - But Russia has allowed for the direct election of some governors since 2012. Most governors are now directly elected with some governors indirectly elected by regional legislatures.

regional governors and the regional legislature.

Gender quotas

requirements that a certain percentage of candidates or representatives placed in seats in proportional representation systems be women in an effort to promote the ideal of gender equity as seen in Mexico.

Members of the Nigerian House of Representatives are directly elected in _________ with representatives from each of Nigeria's states; the number of representatives elected from each state is based on population size, whereas the Senate has ____ members directly elected from ____ districts in each of Nigeria's ____ states; two major parties have alternated control of the National Assembly.

single-member districts, 3, 3, 36,

Half of Iran's Guardian Council members are selected by the ______, and half are nominees from _______

supreme leader, the judiciary with Majles approval.

The Guardian Council vets each of the following EXCEPT:

the expediency council

The House of Commons is

the lower house of Parliament with 650 elected members

El dedazo

translates as "the point;" metaphor from Mexico describing the nomination process of a new PRI candidate (who would become the expected presidential winner during PRI dominance until 2000) by the outgoing PRI president

Mexico's Congress of the Union has ____ chambers: the Chamber of Deputies, which has ____ members directly elected in________ and an additional _____ members elected by a proportional representation, party-list system conducted in five districts of 40 members each; and the Chamber of Senators, which has ____members elected in three-seat constituencies that guarantee ____ senators for the winning party and ____ senator for the 2nd place party and ___ by ______ conducted at the national level; gender quotas in the party list system have helped increase female representation in the legislature.

two, 300, single-member districts by plurality, 200, a proportional representation, 96, 2, 1, 32, proportional representation

Dominant party system

when elections allow multiple parties to run in elections, but one major party inevitably wins governing power.

Multi-party system

when elections feature more than two parties competing for governing power.

Two-party system

when elections feature two major parties competing for governing power

One party system

when only one party is allowed to control governing power even if other parties exist.

Majoritarian rules

winning candidate must win a majority of the vote (50% + at least 1 vote.)

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