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Plants are able to convert around ...% of energy from the sun into usable chemical energy.

A. 1

Using the 10% rule when studying trophic pyramids, if the producer produce 100 Joules of energy, how much energy is passed on to the secondary consumers?

A. 1 joule

Ecological succession is started by....

A. A disturbance

A green plant is a type of producer, also known as (n)....

A. Autotroph

In a food web, an organism that obtains its energy directly from the sun is called a(n)....

A. Autotroph

Based on this food web, which primary consumers eat mostly phytoplankton?

A. Bivalves

Generalist species have a niche that is very....

A. Broad

Which of these is a product of cellular respiration?

A. Carbon dioxide

This symbiotic relationship occurs when one species benefits and the other species is neither helped nor harmed.

A. Commensalism

Detritivores feed on...

A. Dead and decaying orgnisms

When energy moves from a state of higher concentration to a state of lower concentration, scientists refer to this as....

A. Entropy

... is defined as the entire function of what something can do in an ecosystem.

A. Fundamental niche

Which of these is a reactant in cellular respiration?

A. Glucose (sugar)

The pathway of energy through ecosystems is light > chemical > mechanical > ....

A. Heat

The primary consumers of an ecosystem are also known as:....

A. Herbivores

Which organism directly eats Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in this food web?

A. Herbivorous Duck

Which type of competition occurs between members of different species?

A. Interspecific

Which type of species competition do these fighting birds display?

A. Intraspecific

Which organism is considered to be most important organism in an ecosystem?

A. Keystone species

If competition becomes too fierce for a species, what are the three choices for that species?

A. Move, adapt or die

Which of the following is an example of interrupted succession?

A. Mowing a lawn

How many species of plants and animals were on the island of Surtsey when it FIRST erupted and rose above the surface of the ocean?

A. None

Which two words BEST describes the successional process that occurs after a forest fire?

A. Orderly and predictable

Which is considered to be a "waste" product of plants?

A. Oxygen

WHY do parasites NOT have the goal of killing their host?

A. Parasites don't have the goal of killing their host because if the host dies, the parasite may die

In a food chain, which refers to an organism that eats only plants?

A. Primary consumer

Which organism eats the producers in this food chain?

A. Primary consumer

In this food web, which organism would have the GREATEST amount of energy available to it?

A. Primary producers

which of the following organisms is considered to be a generalist?

A. Raccoon

When ecosystems are constantly trying to repair themselves, it is called....

A. Succession

If there are more secondary consumers than primary consumers present in an ecosystem, what can be assumed about that ecosystem?

A. There us an imbalance in the ecosystem

"Slash and burn" agriculture has had a large impact in which biome?

A. Tropical rainforest

In a food chain, the flow of energy and matter in a food chain are depicted with a(n)....

B. Arrow pointed toward the energy flow

Rising air causes the moisture in the air to...

B. Become rainfall

If there were ZERO species on the island of Surtsey when it first erupted, how did species eventually colonize the island?

B. By immigration to Surtsey

Photosynthesis transforms light energy into... energy.

B. Chemical

One hundred ticks feeding on a coyote represents what type of interaction?

B. Competition

In the taiga biome, one of the major human impacts has been....

B. Deforestation

Which biome has the least amount of precipitation?

B. Desert

What is the term used for an organism in the food chain that eats dead things?

B. Detritivore

Which term means,"changes over time"?

B. Ecological succession

In the term, "autotroph", the suffix "troph" means....

B. Feeding level

The process of photosynthesis occurs when plants take in carbon dioxide and water to create which molecule?

B. Glucose

After heterotrophs use energy during respiration, in what form does that energy leave the ecosystem?

B. Heat energy

Different species all competing for the same watering hole in Africa describes which type of species competition?

B. Interspecific

Which type of competition happens between two organisms of the same species?

B. Intraspecific

Prefixes and suffixes are important in science to help understand the meaning o new words. The prefix bio means...

B. Life

Why are there few, if any, trees in grassland biomes?

B. Low amount of precipitation

The amount of energy that gets passed on to the next trophic level in a food chain is....

B. Net primary productivity

Which type of species interaction occurs when both species are neither harmed nor helped?

B. Neutralism

In this food web, all of the organisms are dependent upon what process for life-sustaining energy?

B. Photosynthesis

Several factors determine the distribution of biomes on the planet. Which two are considered the major determining factors?

B. Precipitation and temperature

This is the type of succession that occurs when all of the usable soil has been destroyed in an ecosystem.

B. Primary

Hummingbirds feed on nectar from flowers. What is the trophic level of the hummingbird?

B. Primary consumer

In respect to food chains, why can plants NOT pass along 100% of energy they gain from the sun through photosynthesis?

B. Some of the energy is used for the plants respiration

What is the main reason why there are "pyramids" of numbers, biomass and energy in ecosystem structure rather than "square", "rectangles" or other geometric shapes?

B. The 10% Rule accounts for this geometric structure

Research shows that fragmentation results in losing...

B. The biggest species first

The ultimate source of energy for nearly all ecosystems on Earth is....

B. The sun

A kilocalorie (kCal) is how many calories?

C. 1000

The 10% Rule states that only 0% of the available energy is passed on to the next trophic level. If the producers have 10,000 kcal of energy available, how much is passed on to the primary consumer?

C. 1000 kcal

What starts the ecological succession process?

C. A disturbance

In this picture, the green plants represent which trophic level?

C. Autotroph

Primary consumers feed on....

C. Autotrophs

Matter and energy always flow from the... in ecosystems.

C. Autotrophs to the consumers

Ecosystems collectively make up...

C. Biomes

Which form of energy do plants pass on consumers?

C. Chemical

Communities collectively make up....

C. Ecosystems

Which organism is considered to be at the top of this food chain?

C. Hawk

The continents are considered part of the....

C. Lithosphere

"I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch my back" is a simple way to describe which type of interaction?

C. Mutualism

What two abiotic factors have the most influence in determining which biome occurs where?

C. Precipitation and temperature

The term "autotroph" is almost synonymous with:

C. Producer

Which of the following is NOT one of the three components of biodiversity?

C. Producer diversity

Net Primary productivity is equal to Gross Primary Productivity minus....

C. Respiration

In a food chain, which refers to an organism that eats both plants and animals?

C. Secondary consumer

Which organism receives the energy from the secondary consumer in this food chain?

C. Snake

What is the direct source of energy for autotrophs?

C. Sunlight

In a food chain, which refers to an organism that eats only other animals?

C. Tertiary consumer

The fact that not all organisms are consumed at each trophic level is one of the three reasons for....

C. The 10% rule

Which biome has the most precipitation?

C. Tropical Rainforest

The desert biome can have temperatures ranging... from degrees Fahrenheit.

D. -30 to +120

Calculate the amount of energy that will end up in the Tertiary Consumers in this food chain.

D. 14.5kc

primary succession is a very slow process. The absence of which of the following is a major reason for this slowness?

D. Soil

In this food web, which organism would have the LEAST amount of matter and energy available to it?

D. Tertiary consumers

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (A.N.W.R.) is found in the... biome.

D. Tundra

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