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"In addition, all parents are obliged on the danger of losing their souls to teach the catechism to their children and domestic servants. Ask them also what they remember from last Sunday's sermon, and, if they remember nothing, admonish them to pay closer attention. And if kind words don't help, take the stick to them or give them nothing to eat and drink for supper until they have repeated something from the sermon." Based on the evidence provided by this passage, one can conclude that Lutherans believed that

Parents were at least partly responsible for the spiritual education of their children

What was the name given to French Calvinists?


The most important second-generation protestant reformer was

John Calvin

How did Luther benefit from his appearance before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms?

Luther gained a larger audience for his reform ideas, and others began to challenge the church's teachings and practices

What were Lutheran and Calvinist attitudes toward secular rulers?

Lutherans taught respect for authority, while calvinists encouraged opposition to political authorities who were considered ungodly

How was the choice to embrace or reject the protestant reform movement made in each territory or region of the Holy Roman Empire?

The political leader(s) of the territory or region determined whether to introduce reforms

What was the fate of most people brought before the inquisition and accused of witchcraft?

They were sent home with a warning and ordered to do penance

what was the star chamber?

a court that dealt with noble threats to royal power in england

which of the following was one of the central components of the italian renaissance?

a glorification of individual genius

Early-sixteenth century Europeans were, for the most part,

deeply pious

which of the following characterizes Girolamo savonarola?

he came to power in florence denouncing vice and corruption, but as people tired of his moral denunciations, he lost authority

what did petrarch do to help bring about a new golden age in italy?

he proposed a new kind of education

the ________ emerged as a distinct artistic genre during the renaissance

individual portrait

why did a woman's work receive less compensation than a man's work during the renaissance?

it was understood that a woman was either married or to be married and, therefore, not responsible for supporting a family

on the iberian peninsula, who were the people referred to as the "new christians"

jewish and muslim converts

the spanish conversos were which of the following?

jewish christians, some of whom held prominent positions in the state, church, and business

who was the most prominent metalsmith who helped develop metal moveable prit?

johann gutenberg

How did the closing of the monasteries and converts affect upper-class women?

marriage became virtually the only occupation for upper-class women

what florentine artist was commissioned by pope julius II his tomb and paint the sistine chapel?


In addition to reforming the church, what was the other goal of the Council of Trent?

securing reconciliation with the protestants

the concordat of bologna, between francis I of france and pope leo X, gave the french monarchs authority to

select bishops and abbots

italian humanists stressed the

study of classics for what they could reveal about human nature

what purposes were served by sumptuary laws?

sumptuary laws reinforced social hierarchies, attempted to impose moral standards, and sought to protect local industries

According to the text, Thomas More's Utopia was remarkable for its time because it asserted that

the problems plaguing society could be solved by a beneficent government

which of the following did francesco petrarch believe?

the recovery of classical texts would bring about a new golden age of intellectual achievement

under henry VII of england, the center of royal authority was

the royal council

Martin Luther's first response to peasants' war was

to side with peasants

The overriding goal of the catholic religious orders established in the sixteenth century was

to uplift the moral condition of both clergy and laity

What new religious order for women emerged in the sixteenth century?

ursuline order

In religious affairs, Elizabeth I of England followed a policy that

was a middle course between Catholic and protestant extremes

which of the following was the most important source of patronage for renaissance artists?

wealthy individuals and rulers

Most male Renaissance humanists argued that

women's sphere of activity was private and domestic

pico della francesca and andrea mantegna pioneered

perspective in painting

What was the name given to the catholic and huguenot moderates in France?


The Pilgrimage of Grace attested to

popular opposition, in northern England, to Henry VIII's reformation

"To those whom he devotes to condemnation, the gate of life is closed by a just and irreprehensible, judgment. How exceedingly presumptuous it is only to inquire into the causes of the Divine will; which is in fact, and is justly entitled to be, the cause of everything that exists." This quote from the writings of John Calvin explains what concept?


France supported the protestant princes of Germany in order to

prevent Holy Roman Emperor Charles V from increasing his power

the tudor henry VII of england won broad, popular support by

promoting peace and social order at the local level

according to machiavelli, government should be judged on whether it

provided order, security, and safety for the populace

the spanish inquisition was an attempt to

root out insecure jewish converts to christianity

In Hungary, Lutheranism was

spread by Hungarian students who had studied at the University of Wittenberg

the following is an excerpt from the florentine merchant and historian benedetto dei's description of his home city: "our beautiful florence contains within the city in this present year two hundred seventy shops belonging to the wool merchants' guild... eighty-three rich and splendid warehouses of the silk merchant's guild.... the number of banks amounts to thirty-three; the shops of the cabinet-makers, whose business is carving and inlaid work, to eighty-four... there are forty-four goldsmiths' and jewellers' shops."

that there was high demand for luxury items in the city

which of the following best characterizes the renaissance idea of virtu?

the ability to shape the world around oneself according to one's will

what educational book by baldassare castiglione provided a treatise in training a young man in the discipline and fashion needed for the courtly ideal of being a gentleman?

the courtier

The Reformation of England was primarily the result of

the dynastic and romantic concerns of Henry VIII

The Ursuline of nuns focused on

the education of women

Which of the following was a consequence of the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre?

A lengthy civil war

"[S]o we call spiritual exercises every way of preparing and disposing the soul to rid itself of all inordinate attachments, and, after their removal, of seeking and finding the will of God in the disposition of our life for the salvation of our soul." What is Ignatius Loyola discussing in this quote?

A training program using structured meditation to develop spiritual discipline

Which of the following contributed to the success of Martin Luther's reform efforts?

Luther understood the power of the new printing press and authorized the publication of his works

Which of the following best describes Martin Luther's doctrine of salvation?

Salvation came through faith alone as a free gift of God's grace

In the early sixteenth century, anticlericalism focused primarily on which of the following issues?

The immorality of priests who were drunkards and neglected the rule of celibacy

Why was the pope unable to grant Henry VIII of England the annulment he desired?

The pope was essentially the prisoner of Emperor Charles V

"That the faithful may approach the sacraments with greater reverence and devotion of mind, the holy council commands all bishops that not only when they themselves are about to administer them to the people, they shall first, in a manner adapted to the mental ability of those who receive them, explain their efficacy and use, but also that they shall see to it that the same is done piously and prudently by every parish priest, and in the vernacular tongue." What important change in the catholic religious practice is described in this passage?

The shift away from the exclusive use of Latin in Catholic religious services

what role did the idea of "fate" play in machiavelli's analysis in the prince?

the most skilled and prepared ruler could not fully escape the operations of fate that might cause a prince to lose his realm

which of the following characterizes the intersection of the hierarchies of wealth and orders in the renaissance?

the nobility retained its status by taking in and integrating the new social elite of wealth

educated fifteenth-century italians believed that

they were living in a new era of human history

"everyone gets a fair share, so there are never any poor men or beggars. nobody owns anything, but everyone is rich- for what greater wealth can there be than cheerfulness, peace of mind, and freedom from anxiety? instead of being worried about his food supply, upset by the plaintive demands of his wife, afraid of poverty for his son." this quote (from evaluating evidence 12.2) describes the ideal society depicted in what humanist's work?

thomas more

As a result of the Peace of Augsburg, the people of Germany

became either Lutheran or Catholic, depending on the preference of their prince

according to map 12.1 : the italian city-states, ca. 1494, which european monarch invaded multiple italian city-states in 1494?

charles VIII of france

what individuals believed the merging of christian classical traditions could provide reform for the church and deepen the spiritual lives of people?

christian humanists

which of the following was a wealthy florentine, the political leader of his city, and a patron of renaissance artists?

cosimo de medici

the marriage of ferdinand of aragon and isabella of castille

created a dynastic union but did not unify the separate kingdoms into a single state

John Calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believed it would

detract from the sovereignty of God

"[T]he city in this present year [contains] two hundred seventy shops belonging to the wool merchants' guild... eighty-three rich and splendid warehouses of the silk merchants' guild.... the number of banks amounts to thirty-three; the shops of the cabinet-makers, whose business is carving and inlaid work, to eighty-four... there are forty-four goldsmiths' and jewellers' shops." what city is benedetto dei describing in this quote?


which of the following gained control of papal banking toward the end of the thirteenth century?

florentine merchants

the fall of ___________ to christian forces in 1492 signaled the completion of the reconquista


The Edict of Nantes

granted French Huguenots the right to worship in 150 towns

the most important factor in the emergence of the italian renaissance was the

great commercial revival in italy

which of the following best defines the term race as it is used in the renaissance?

groupings of people based on ethnic, national, or religious factors

how did pico della mirandola understand the uniqueness of humankind?

humans, lacking a fixed place, were the one part of the created world that could freely choose to rise to the heavens or sink into the realms of animals

The dissolution of the English monasteries

resulted from Henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth

charles VII of france created the first _____________ anywhere in europe

permanent royal army

Why did protestants allow the dissolution of marriages in divorce?

They viewed marriage as a contract for mutual support, and married partners who failed to provide support endangered their souls and the entire community

Luther believed that the church consisted of

a spiritual priesthood of all christian believers

The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was

a vigorous defender of catholicism

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