AP Euro Chapter 19 Test Review: Revolution

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What did the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen guarantee? (623)

(Declared by the National Assembly August 27, 1789) -equality before the law -representative government for a sovereign people -individual freedom

How did Louis XV lose his "sacred authority" in the eyes of the eyes if French people? (619)

-Louis XV scandalized the country with a series of mistresses of low social origins -he refused to take communion because his adultery placed him in a state of sin

Why was slavery abolished in Saint-Domingue in 1793? (642)

-The National Convention was desperate for forces to oppose France's enemies -anyone who would fight for France was promised emancipation

How was France's annual budget being spent prior to the revolution? (619)

- 50% towards interest payments on the ever-increasing debt (due to The American Revolution, War of Austrian Succession, and the Seven Years' War) -25% went to maintain the military -6% was absorbed by the royal family and the court at Versailles - <20% of the national budget served the productive functions of the state, such as transportation and general administration

What was Napoleon's "back story"? (635)

-1769 Born in Corsica -left home and became a lieutenant in the French artillery 1785 -converted to the revolutionary cause, he was placed in command of French forces in 1797 -campaign in Egypt failed, but he returned to France and his reputation remained intact -thirty year old Napoleon ousted the Directory, named first consul of the Republic, a new constitution consolidating his position was approved by a nationwide vote in 1799 -1804 Napoleon crowned emperor, created Napoleonic code

What was the immediate result of the Women's March on Versailles (1789)? (623)

-7,000 women walked from Paris to Versailles as they could no longer look to the church, which had been stripped of its tithes (by the National Assembly), for aid after the economic crises that occurred after the fall of the Bastille -The only way to calm the disorder was for the king to live closer to his people in Paris, as the crowd demanded

What two fundamental principles of the French Revolution were incorporated into the Napoleonic Code? (636)

-Civil Code of 1804: 1) equality of all male citizens before the law 2) security of wealth and private property

What was Olympe de Gouges' message to France? (624)

-Declaration of the Rights of Woman, 1791 -protested the evils of slavery as well as the injustices done to women -"Woman is born free and remains equal to man in rights"

What is the Third Estate (according to Abbe Sieyes)? What did he mean by that? (620)

-EVERYTHING -argued that the nobility was an over-privileged minority and that the third estate constituted the true strength of the French nation

What British critic of the French Revolution wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)? (625)

-Edmund Burke -defended inherited privileges -glorified Britain's unrepresentative Parliament -predicted that reform like that occurring in France would lead only to chaos and tyranny

Who made up the 3rd estate, by legal definition? (620)

-Everyone else (no nobility or clergy) -commoners, 95% of the population -elected primarily lawyers and government officials to represent them, with few delegates representing business and the poor

What was the mixed message to those conquered by the French Revolutionary armies? (629)

-French armies of occupation would chase princes, abolish feudalism, and find support among some peasants and middle-class people...BUT they also lived off the land, requisitioning food and supplies, plundering local treasures. -The liberators therefore looked like foreign invaders

What happened in the summer of 1789 that drove the National Assembly toward more radical action? (623)

-French peasants began to rise in insurrection against their lords, ransacking manor houses and burning feudal documents that recorded their obligations -peasants reoccupied common lands enclosed by landowners and seized forests -fear of marauders and vagabonds hired by vengeful landlords called the Great Fear seized the rural poor and fanned the flames of rebellion

How was the war of Haitian Independence resolved after L'Ouverture was deported? (643)

-Jean Jacques Dessalines united the resistance to a crushing victory over the French forces -Independence was declared January 1, 1804 -constitution was ratified in 1805

Define the "Grand Empire" of Napoleon (637)

-Napoleon saw himself as the emperor of Europe, not just of France -The Grand Empire consisted of 3 parts: 1) The ever expanding France, including Belgium, the Netherlands, part of Northern Italy, and German territories on the east bank of the Rhine 2)Dependent satellite kingdoms, on the thrones of which Napoleon placed members of his family 3)Independent but allied states: Austria, Prussia, and Russia

The LOYALIST faction in the American Revolution tended to come from among which groups? (616)

-People who maintained an allegiance to the crown -20% of the total white population -wealthy and politically moderate -common in the deep South and on the western frontier -British commanders also recruited Loyalists from enslaved people by promising freedom to any slave who left his master to fight for the mother country

How did the National Assembly respond to Saint Domingue's different social groups? (640)

-Refused to extend French constitutional safeguards to the colonies because they feared slave insurrection and independence, reaffirming French monopolies over colonial trade

Why did the National Convention turn against Robespierre? (629-632)

-Robespierre held dictatorial power and the Committee of Public Safety was powerful, strong revolutionary force (no criticism against the revolution) -Moderates in leading provincial cities revolted against the committee's power and demanded a decentralized government

Why did the French army win victory after victory after the war of 1793-94? (634/627)

-The Directory continued to support French military expansion abroad -large victorious French armies reduced unemployment -all out mobilization of French resources, spending on the army before repaying debt -growth of nationalism

How did delegates to the Legislative Assembly (1791) differ from the delegates of the Estates General Assembly (1789)? (628)

-The Legislative Assembly had new delegates that were still prosperous, well-educated middle-class men, but they were younger and less cautious than their predecessors (being those of the Estates General) -many of them belonged to the political Jacobin Club (a club whose members were well-educated radical republicans)

What kind of laws were passed by the National Assembly from 1789-1791? (624)

-abolish the nobility and all noble privileges -Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (constitution) -legalized divorce -broadened women's rights to inherit property and to obtain financial support for illegitimate children from fathers, but excluded women from political office and voting -more ration systematic administration -prohibited guilds and workers' association -abolished internal customs fees -granted religious freedom to the small minority of French Protestants and Jews, nationalized the Catholic Church, abolished monasteries, government used all former church properties as collateral to guarantee a new paper currency (the assignats)

How did the National Assembly restore order after the Great Fear (1789)? (623)

-abolished all the old noble privileges (peasant serfdom, exclusive hunting rights, fees for having legal cases judged in the lord's court, the right to make peasants work on roads) -abolished tithes paid to the church -issued the Declaration of the rights of Man and of the Citizen: call of the liberal revolutionary ideal, guaranteeing equality before the law, etc.

What did the Concordat do? (636)

-between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII (1801) -Napoleon applied his diplomatic skills to healing the Catholic Church in France so that it could serve as a means of social stability -pope obtained right for French Catholics to practice their religion freely -Napoleon gained political power as the government now nominated bishops, paid the clergy, and exerted great influence over the church

The men who were elected to represent the Third Estate at the 1789 Estates General were mostly: (620)

-commoners of the third estate, who constituted 95% of the population, elected primarily lawyers and government officials to represent them, with few delegated representing business and the poor

How did France's central government in Paris manage to regain control over the provinces and gain momentum in the fight against the First Coalition by July 1794?

-harnessed forces of a planned economy -revolutionary terror and the Committee of Public Safety ruled out internal and external threats -modern nationalism in a total war effort

Who did liberals in 18th century Europe believe should actually vote? (613)

-representative government did not mean democracy, which liberal thinkers tended to equate with mob rule -they envisioned voting for representatives as being restricted to men who owned property - those with a "stake in society"

Why did Great Britain raise taxes on its American colonies in the 1760s? (615)

-the Seven Years War (1756-1763) doubled their debt -costed more to defend the territory granted by the Treaty of Paris -defend the colonies

How did Jacobins react to political activity among women?

-they banned women from meeting together in political clubs, as they saw it as a distraction from women's proper place in the home -the National Convention declared that the clubs and popular societies of women under whatever denomination are prohibited -women were convicted of sedition and were sent to the guillotine, including Olympe de Gouges

Though both Great Britain and Holland had greater debt than France in the 18th century, why did France have a harder time managing theirs? (619)

-they didn't tax the clergy or nobility, unfair and out of date tax system -they had no central bank or paper currency -depressed economy and lack of public confidence made it increasingly difficult for the government to obtain new loans

How did Europe's monarchies reactions toward the French Revolution evolve from 1789-1791? (627)

-they initially welcomed it because revolution weakened the competing power of France -later, they feared its impact because it would bring about chaos and tyranny -they became very willing to intervene and support the French monarchy and resist revolution

The purpose of the Committee of Public Safety was: (629-630)

-to deal with threats from within and outside France -led by Robespierre -held dictatorial power, allowing whatever force necessary to defend the Revolution -1793-1794

What were the results of Napoleon's Continental System? (637)

-it failed -Britain set up a counter-blockade -Napoleon invaded Russia (because they traded with Britain) but was defeated by the Russian winter

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