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In the mid-fourteenth century, France had:

3x the population of England and was much richer

Renaissance humanism is primarily defined as:

A curriculum based on the study of classics, rhetoric, and history

The Elizabethan religious settlement between Protestants and Catholics that created the Anglican Church can be described as all of the following EXCEPT:

A reflection of Elizabethan's own radical beliefs

In Thomas Hobbes's view, man was:

A self-centered beast

Joan of Arc gave the French:

A sense of national identity and destiny

In the second half of the sixteenth century, Germany was made up of:

About 360 autonomous political entities

In Hobbes's view, obedience to the sovereign was:


In 17th and 18th century Prussia, the Junkers supported the monarchy and served in the army in return for:

Absolute power over their serfs

The ideas expressed in the passage are fundamental to the economic theories of:

Adam Smith

"Self interest drive people to action and the Invisible Hand..."

Adam Smith/Capitalism

Major Protestant and Roman Catholic leaders of the sixteenth century condemned the Anabaptists because Anabaptists:

Advocated a complete separation of church and state

Which of the following best expresses Voltaire's views concerning religion?

Against religious superstition

Which of the following would have been most likely to agree with the political system advocated by Jacques Bossuet?

All monarchs- Louis XIV

The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs was aided by:

Alliances between the European/Aztecs subject people

The benefice system:

Allowed important ecclesiastical posts to be sold to the highest bidder

Which of the following best describes the Christian humanism of Erasmus?

Application of the Renaissance scholarship to questions of ecclesiastical and moral reform

In the 15th century, the standard explanation of the arrangement of the heavens combined the work of Ptolemy and:


The Spanish invasion fleet the sailed on England in 1588 was known as the:


Rococo painting often depicted the aristocracy:

At play

In 1309, under pressure from the French, Pope Clement V moved the papacy to:


Luther believed that the most important role for a Christmas woman was to:

Become a wife and mother

All of the following are true of the Lollards EXCEPT that they:

Believed that Christ was a man, not the Son of God

Locke believed that human beings entered the world a tabula rasa, or:

Blank slate

Which of the following was an important consequence of the Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689?

Bloodless shift

Descartes divided existing things into two categories, mind and:


The Thirty Years War first erupted in:


The above image of Peter 1 cutting off the beard of an old believer lampoons a beard tax that was meant to accomplish which of the following?

Bring Western Europe culture to Russian nobility

One policy Peter the Great used to make Russia a great power was to:

Build a new capital where his nobles and merchants were obliged to settle

Galileo was found guilty of heresy and condemned by the Inquisition on the grounds that he:

Challenged the old order, heliocentricity

Which of the following practices did Zwingli NOT question and repudiate in the course of his reforms?

Church attendance

The basic argument of the conciliarists was that:

Church councils, guided by the Holy Spirit, had greater authority than popes

Tyco Brahe's major contribution to science was his:

Compilation of a large amount of astronomical data

Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon contributed to scientific development in the 17th century by:

Creating new scientific models of empiricism and deduction

Louis XIV's absolutism functioned in all of the following areas EXCEPT:

Definition of Catholic dogma

Many philosophes believed in a "rational" version of religion known as:


The long term effect of the Thirty Years War on the German states was::

Destroyed the German economy

The long-term effect of the Thirty Year's War on German states was to:

Devastate the German states economy

Which of the following was generally supported by the mercantilists?

Development of colonies

Which of the following occurred first?

Diet of Worms

The painting above is a gathering of notable writers and thinkers in order to:

Discuss important philosophical issues

Which of the following rulers is an example of a politque?

Elizabeth 1

The primary purpose of the Peace of Augsburg (1555) was to:

End the civil war between Lutherans and Roman Catholics in the German states

The deterioration of Spanish relations with England was the result of all of the following EXCEPT:

England's increasing hostility to France

Voltaire's exile to England convinced him that:

English government and society had much to admire

Just as the reign of Louis XIV of FRance is often cited as an example of absolutism, the reign of Joseph II of Austria is often cited as an example of:

Enlightened Despotism/Monarchy

Empiricism is the belief that:

Experience, especially of the senses, is the best source of knowledge

Which of the following beliefs was central to Martin Luther's religious philosophy?

Faith alone grants salvation

The medieval church taught that salvation was the result of:

Faith and good works

The Medici family ruled fifteenth-century:


After the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, ----- emerged as Europe's dominant country.


Rococo architecture and decoration originated in:


One explanation for France's defeats in the first two phases of the Hundred Years' War is:

France was decentralized

One explanation for France's defeats in the first two phases of the Hundred Years' War is:

France's relatively decentralized state

The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre was an attack on:

French Huguenots

The natives Columbus encountered on his first voyage to the New World were:

Friendly and cooperative

Louis XIV's view of the monarchy was influenced by his experience of the revolt known as the:


Advocates of northern humanism believed which of the following?

Fuse Christian and classical ideals

Which of the following figures played a key role in the popularization of the Copernican system?


The Edict of Nantes issued by Henry IV of France did which of the following:

Gave French Protestants religious freedom

The Treaty of Nantes:

Gave Huguenots qualified religious freedoms

According to the doctrine of predestination:

God has foreordained who will be saved and who will be damned

The early conquistadores were primarily interested in:


The Sculpture by Bernini shown above celebrates:

Grandiose Catholic architecture

The establishment of two competing popes in 1378 is known as the:

Great Schism

Which of the following most clearly distinguishes the northern Renaissance from the Italian renaissance?

Greater concern with Christian piety, more devoted to religious reforms

Copernicus' primary contribution to the Scientific Revolution was his theory of:


The phrase "Paris is worth a mass" is attributed to:

Henry of Navarre

The unpopularity of Mary 1 of England was the result of all of the following EXCEPT:

Her lack of legitimacy

James I's unpopularity was a result of all of the following EXCEPT:

His desire to conquer England/

Louis XIV considered the revocation of the Edict of Nantes:

His most pious act

Adam Smith maintained that:

Invisible hand/capitalism/Laissez Faire

Pascal believed that:

It is better to believe in God than not to believe

Which of the following is NOT true of the Edict of Nantes (1598)?

It was responsible for the St. Bartholomew Day Massacre

Which of the following does NOT characterize the nature of the Scientific Revolution?

It's proponents were hostile to established Christianity

"Kings are justly called gods for that they exercise of manner of resemblance of Divine power upon Earth." Which of the following was most likely to agree with this statement?

James 1 of England

Ignatius of Loyola was the founder of the:


"In conformity, therefore, to the clear doctrine of the Scripture..." The ideas expressed in the passage above is most closely associated with the theological views of:

John Calvin

"Revolutions happen not upon every little mismanagement in public affairs..." This above passage was said by who?

John Locke

"Sincerely influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment..." The enlightened despot described above was?

Joseph II of Austria

The individual who first provided mathematical formulas supporting the Copernican theory and explaining planetary motion was:


Francis Bacon believed that:

Knowledge of nature should be used to improve the human condition

Which of the following is an important defense of the principle of absolute monarchy?

Leviathan Thomas Hobbes

The Statue of Laborers, enacted in the aftermath of the plague:

Limited wages to pre-plague levels

Many of Peter the Great's most important policies aimed at:

Limiting the power of the traditional Russian nobility

The writings of John Wycliffe inspired the:


Monarchs associated with enlightened absolutism include all of the following except:

Louis XIV

Salvation by faith alone, the ministry of all believers, and the authority of the Bible are principles basic to:

Martin Luther

Galileo believed that all aspects of nature could be described in terms of:

Mathematical relationships

Most proponents of the new science sought to explain the natural world through:

Mechanical metaphors

Bacon, Descartes, and Newton all sought to explain the universe in ---- terms.


Renaissance society first took on its distinctive shape in the:

Merchant cities of Italy

David Hume doubted the existence of:


The establishment and growth of St. Petersburg during the early 18th century was part of Peter the Great's attempt to do which of the following?

Modernize and westernize Russia

Most philosophes favored:


Eighteenth-century popularizers of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution would have most likely agreed with which of the following statements?

Natural laws govern society

The popularity of travel to Rome contributed to the rise of:


Which of the following viewed the universe as a vast machine controlled by the laws of gravity and inertia?


The most important intellectual forerunners of the Enlightenment included:

Newton and Locke

Louis XIV's success in expanding royal authority was dependent on his ability to gain the support of the:


Women of what class had the most freedom to pursue the new sciences?


Which social group suffered the greatest decline in power as a result of the plague?

Noble Landholders

Enlightened monarchs of the eighteenth century supported all of the following EXCEPT:

Pacifist Foreign Policy

The studia humanitatis included all of the following EXCEPT:


"The salon...having the ideal mixture of leading intellectuals, open-minded nobles, and clever,elegant women."

Paris during the Enlightenment

Protestants were more likely than Catholics to:

Permit divorce

The leading religious painter of the Catholic Reformation was:

Peter Paul Rubens

French economic reformers was known as:


What papal doctrine contributed to the transformation of the papacy into a great secular power?

Plentitude of power

Which country took the lead in exploration in the fifteenth century?


The Hohenzollerns turned ----- into a powerful state.


The Scientific Revolution overturned the accepted ideas of which of the following:

Ptolemy and Aristotle

Between 1649 and 1660, England was officially a:

Puritan republic

Supporters of rational deduction believe that when studying nature, one should:

Reason from general to specific

Pope Leo X's Jubilee Indulgence was meant to raise funds to:

Rebuild St. Peter's Basilica in Rome

The primary goal of France in entering the Thirty Years Was was to:

Reduce the power of Habsburg's

Most philosophes sought the:

Reform of monarchy

Most English natural philosophers of the seventeenth century believed that:

Religion and science were mutually supportive

Compared to Italian Humanists, northern humanists were more devoted to ---- reforms.


John Locke was a defender of:

Religious toleration

Moses Mendelssohn argued for:

Religious toleration

"The law is the expression of the general will..." The quotation above is a formulation of the ideas of:


The Social Contract is one of the best known works of:


In eighteenth century Europe, the most important imperial rivalries existed among which three of the following:

Russia, Britain, and France

Which of the following most accurately states Martin Luther's basic religious belief as a leader of the Protestant Reformation?

Salvation by faith alone

A late 17th century engraving of the old observing room at the Greenwich Observatory, England. The illustration above demonstrates what principle crucial to the emerging field of science?

Science should proceed from an empirical collection of data and analysis

The eighteenth-century philosophes believed that society could best achieve progress through:

Scientific Empiricism

The Anabaptists were:

Seen as a threat to good order by the political authorities

Reform efforts of the Council of Trent included all of the following EXCEPT:

Several doctrinal concessions to the reformers

Rousseau believed that men and women:

Should inhabit separate spheres

The acquisition of which of the following territories during the mid-eighteenth century helped to establish Prussia as a great power?


The Portuguese drive to find a sea route to the East was motivated by a desire to gain access to:


Florentine humanist culture:

Spread throughout Italy into Northern Europe

Which of the following is true of the German Peasants' Revolt of 1524-1525?

THe revolts resulted from a combo of new religious ideas and peasant demands

Which of the following was a provision of the Petition of Right?

Taxation could only occur with parliamentary consent

The Catholic Counter-Reformation spirit was expressed in:

The Baroque

In the 1560s, ----- brutally suppressed a Protestant uprising in the Netherlands.

The Duke of Alba

The Council of Trent (1545-1563) was the major body through which:

The Roman Catholic church reformed itself

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the Counter-Reformation?

The church emerged with an organizational structure emphasizing absolute obedience to the person at the top

Bishop Boussuet was an ardent supporter of:

The divine right of kings

The Reformation broke out first in:

The free imperial cities of Switzerland and Germany

The term "Middle Passage" refers to which of the following?

The horrors of slave trade from Africa to America

The foundation of Montesquieu's ideas for reform stem from:

The inefficient absolutism of monarchy in France

The political strength of the Medici family in Florence was initially based on:

The influence and wealth of the bank

Which of the following was a primary result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688?

The limitation of monarchical power

All of the following statements about Europe's population in the eighteenth century can be inferred from the graph above EXCEPT:

The population of Eastern Europe outstripped that of Western Europe in size

The physiocrats believed:

The primary goal of government was to protect private property rights

The basic challenge facing the Habsburg Empire was:

The profound diversity of the territories contained within the empire

Newton was a great opponent of:

The rationalism of Descartes

Spanish dreams of a world empire were undermined by:

The revolt of the Netherlands

Luther believed in all of the following EXCEPT:

The unimportance of good works

During the seventeenth century, developments in science served as an incentive for which of the following?

The universe was perceived from mechanistic terms

The great scientific discoveries of the 16th and 17th centuries led European scholars to believe that:

The world operated according to fixed laws

Elizabeth I of England and her contemporary Henry IV of France, have been called politiques because they believed that:

Theological controversy should be subservient to political unity

"Hereby it is manifest, that during the time men live without a common power..." This above passage was said by who?

Thomas Hobbes

The principal reason why Louis XIV built his palace at Versailles was to:

Tightened control over his nobility

The French Estates General was a representative council of:

Townspeople, clergy, and nobles

Erasmus wanted to:

Unite Christian and Classical ideals

Mary Wollstonecraft believed that women were:

Victims of the tyranny of men

As a result of the Black Death:

Wages for farm laborers artisans increased

"A prince should have only one end in mind..." In writing the passage above, Machiavelli drew on his observations of:

Warfare among Italian city-states

All of the following were true of Henry of Navarre EXCEPT he:

Was hated by the French peasantry

Martin Luther initially criticized the Roman Catholic Church on the grounds that it:

Was more worried about money than saving soulds

"I will allow that bodily strength seems to give man a natural superiority over woman; and this is the only solid basis on which the superiority of men over women can be built." The passage above best reflects the argument of


The great Italian cities were:

dominated by territorial princes

Protestant reformers:

implemented many of the educational reforms of humanism

All of the following undermined the authority of the medieval church EXCEPT:

it's laxity toward heretical movement

Humanists believed that education should:

promote individual virtue and public service

All of the following contributed to the outbreak of the Hundred Years' War EXCEPT:

religious differences

The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabelle of Castile allowed the two rulers to do all of the following EXCEPT:

secure a lasting peace with Muslim Spain

Machiavelli's solution to Italy's problems was:

the unification of Italy

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