AP Gov. Ch. 12-13

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inherent powers

P's powers that are IMPLIED in the Cons. (informal) (ex. Executive Orders, Executive Privelege, Emergency Powers)

standing committee

PERMANENT subject matter committees that handle bills in different policy areas and oversight of executive agencies


Pres's advisors, experts chosen by P., made up of 14 depts. must be confirmed by Senate when adding a department because it can raise the federal budget

expressed powers

Pres's powers enumerated in the Cons. Formal powers. (ex. make treaties, pardon, Chief Executive, appointments, etc.)

Chief Diplomat

Pres's role as the architect of American foreign policy, directs ambassadors

Chief Legislator

President can influence Congress's laws, he presents his agenda in the State of the Union

Chief Economist

President monitors the economy, fiscal polity of the Nation, and proposes the annual governmental budget

Council of Economic Advisers (CEA)

a 3-member body appointed by the president to advise on economic policy


a LEGISLATIVE CHECK on the executive branch, through congressional hearings (ex: Senate confirmation on P's appts.)

pocket veto

a Pres. veto passed when the Pres. waits ten days without signing the bill and IT DIESSSS

trustee model

a model of representation in which a congressional member follows his or her own conscience when deciding on issue positions more forgivable in Senate

delegate model

a model of representation in which legislators should vote as their constituents would most of the House

joint committee

a permanent but few sub-areas from BOTH houses ex: Pres. inauguration


a procedure for publicly reprimanding an official for inappropriate behavior (public shaming)

discharge petition

a special tactic used to extract a bill from a committee to have it considered by the ENTIRE HOUSE (stalling)

signing statement

a super shady thing when the President signs a bill he adds a written message at the end to direct executive agencies on HOW the law should be implemented and interpreted SHADEE

Chief of State

acts as an example and symbol of the US

chief of staff

among the most important staff member of the WHO, serves as both an adviser and manager of the WHO

unanimous consent

an agreement by EVERY SENATOR to the terms on debate on a given piece of legislatior

executive agreement

an international agreement between the US and other nations that does NOT need Senate confirmation, only loyal to Pres. that implemented it

select committee

an investigative TEMPORARY committee for specific purposes ex: Watergate, Benghazi

line-item veto

an unconstitutional piece of shit, when the president crosses out parts of bills he doesn't agree with

General Accounting Office (GAO)

audit and evaluate funding and investigate public funds

emergency powers

broad powers exercised by the President during times of a national crisis (ex. Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War)

Chief of Party

campaigns for other party members, helps fundraise, the voice of their party

National Security Council (NSC)

consisting of top foreign policy advisers and relevant cabinet officials, this is an arp of the EOP that the president consults on foreign policy and national security


during the Nixon admin., a scandal involving burglaries during the Democratic National Convention and the subsequent cover up by high-level officials

honeymoon period

early in a new P's admin, where his approval ratings are up


endless debate to block a floor vote on a bill in the SENATE gives advantage to minor parties

Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

estimates the revenue of the United States and supplies info to Congress and Executive for accuracy- evaluates P's budget (super legitimate and trustworthy)

Commander in Chief

in charge of the US military and armed services

franking privelege

incumbent privilege of sending mail free of charge, makes it easy for Congress members to state in touch with their constituents

Senate majority leader

majority party leader in Senate, super powerful. wow.

Congressional Research Service (CRS)

non-partisan agency in conjunction with the Library of Congress, professional researchers

Office and Management of Budget (OMB)

office that creates the P's annual budget

president pro tempore

officer of the Senate selected by the majority party (longest serving member, old bat) to act as chair in the absence of the VP third in line to the presidential crown

rules commitee

one of the most important HOUSE committees, "traffic cop" of the House, decides the length of debate and the scope of amendments a bill has


parts of a standing committee that handles specific areas of a standing committees jurisdiction

Rally 'round the flag' effect

peaks in Presidential approval ratings during short-term military action (ex. 9/11)


people a member of Congress represents

monetary policy

power controlled by the federal reserve


power of the House to formally accuse the Pres. and other high-ranking officials on crimes, doesn't necessarily mean they'll be removed from office 2/3 vote in the Senate results in removal

executive order

power of the Pres' to issue orders that carry the forse of the law (ex. Emancipation Proclamtion, Japanese into internment camps, etc.)

statutory powers

powers explicitly granted to presidents by Congressional actions (ex. line item veto)


process by which members of legislative committees edit a bill with suggested language for changes and ammendments


representing constituents through casework

balanced ticket

selection of a running mate who brings diversity of ideology, geographic location, age, gender, race, or ethnicity


session held by committees or subcoms to gather info and views from experts

Executive Office of the President (EOP)

several policymaking and advisory bodies that help Mr. P carry out day to day duties of the gvt.

Pork / Earmarks

spending bills for "pet projects" in congressional districts or states makes voters happy, but those NOT in the district see it as a waste of money

take care clause

the Cons. basis for inherent powers, states that P. shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed

committee system

the different committees in both houses that bills may have to g through


the drawing of legislative districts to benefit and incumbent, political party, or other groups racial gerrymandering is illegal

Speaker of the House

the leader of the House, chosen by majority party in the House

legislative process

the long process that bills must go through to become a law

cloture vote

the number of votes needed to stop a filibuster (supermajority of 60)

White House Office (WHO)

the office that develops policies and protects the Pres's legal and political interests


the practice where member of Congress agree to vote for a bill in exchange for their colleague's vote on another bill, cunning political bastards

White House Counsel

the president's lawyer

press secretary

the president's spokesperson to the media


the reallocation of seats in the House to each state based on the changes in state population since the last census


the redrawing of congressional district boundaries within each state based on the reappointment of the last census

executive privilege

the right as chief executive and members of the admin. to withhold information from Congress or the courts, or the right to refuse to appear before legislative or judicial bodies if doing so would compromise national security


the status of already holding office, strongly influences ability to raise money and important factor in determining success in a congressional campaign

Roles of VP

to balance out the ticket and compliment the president's faults


two house legislative system ex: Senate and the House

agenda setting

what issue the country's talking about

divided government

when Congress is ruled by one party but the White House is controlled by the other


when an incumbent personally helps constituents solve problems with the federal bureaucracy, results in loyalty ex: filing for a Passport

Bully Pulpit

when the President uses the media to influence opinions on his administation

minority and majority whips

whips their parties into shape, tries to get them to vote with the party on an issue if they stray

conference committee

TEMPORARY committee that resolves differences between the two houses bills (bills must be the same before it gets out of the two houses)

Presidential Succession

25th Amendment, where Pres. may temporarily transfer power to the VP for any reason that would make him unable to govern (medical procedures) VP&Cabinet may also vote to remove the P from power if they feel he is stupid or unable to carry out the job


A complete enumeration of a population

Chief Executive

CEO of the executive branch Pres. oversees entire administration and bureaucracy or the federal gvt., ensures that laws are carried out

fiscal policy

Congress's power to control money

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