AP Gov chapter 15 Bureaucracy
Today, the federal government contains how many cabinet departments?
In order to cope with the difficulty of firing federal bureaucrats, managers often
All these are true
In Great Britain, civil servants are directed explicitly by the ministers in charge of their departments. In the United States, civil servants often must obey both the heads of their agencies and
The Freedom of Information Act and the Administrative Procedure Act are examples of
Constraints on bureaucracy
As its first Secretary, Thomas Jefferson ensured that the Treasury Department would be a powerful part of the young federal government.
Government-by-proxy is used to describe a government that is cutting key services.
It is very easy to fire a bureaucrat.
The buddy system tends to produce poor employees.
The intent of the NPR was to make it easier for the president and his cabinet secretaries to run the bureaucracy.
When President Obama took office, he had about the same number of political jobs to fill as President Kennedy.
The legislative veto was declared unconstitutional in
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha.
Which of the following statements concerning the Pendleton Act is incorrect?
It enhanced the power of patronage in federal appointments.
Of the following, which one is NOT an example of a bureaucracy?
None of the above is true?
Which of the following was created in 1978 in an attempt to give the president more flexibility in dealing with high-level bureaucrats?
Senior Executive Service (SES)
The __________ to the Constitution allows the federal government to tax income.
Sixteenth Amendment
The culture of the State Department tends to reward#
Skill in political negotiations
According to the text, bureaucrats with more conservative views are more likely to be found in the
Treasury Department
During the early years of the federal government, this department held most of the power.
Treasury Department
Agencies tend to be dominated by lifetime bureaucrats who have worked for no other agency.
As president, Richard Nixon set up a system of price and wage controls.
Before 1913 and the Sixteenth Amendment, the federal government could not collect income taxes.
Bureaucracy is an outgrowth of representative democracy.
Grover Cleveland fired as many as 40,000 Republican postmasters and replaced them with Democrats.
In most Western European nations, the government owns and operates large parts of the economy.
Passage of the Pendleton Act was encouraged by the assassination of James Garfield.
Perhaps the most significant constraint on bureaucratic power is the necessity to follow procedures set down in laws.
Since the 1970s, the federal government's white-collar workforce has become more diverse in occupations.
The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 created the Senior Executive Service (SES) to allow the president more flexibility in firing and transferring higher officials.
The Civil War led to large growth in the federal bureaucracy.
The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) was the first federal bureaucratic agency that exercised broad regulatory authority over the economy.
Unlike the excepted service, the competitive service is administered by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Walmart's organization is an example of a bureaucracy.
This federal agency employees more than 500,000 career employees making it the second largest employer in the United States (behind Walmart).
United States Postal Service
When an agency such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) makes an important decision, it is quite likely to be taken to court. This is an example of what is meant by
adversary culture
The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 requires
agencies to issue an environmental impact statement when undertaking any major action that may affect the environment.
Iron triangles are less common today than they once were because
agencies today are pressured by so many interest groups.
The fact that agencies usually recruit their own staff, often on a name-request basis, should lead us to expect that these recruits will possess the
agency point of view
One can find elements of government by proxy in the administration of
The National Performance Review, led by Vice President Al Gore, argued that the problem with bureaucracy was that
An "iron triangle" is a strong coalition comprised of
an agency, a congressional committee, and an interest group.
The definition of bureaucracy includes all of the following notions EXCEPT
an issue network
When Congress formally sets aside money for a specific use, it is called a(n)
When a law originating in a legislative committee specifies a certain sum of money, it is called a(n) __________ measure
The Whistle Blower Protection Act of 1989 is designed to protect
bureaucrats who tell on their bosses
A person appointed to a government position after passing an examination is probably joining the
competitive service
The power of the House Appropriations Committee over agency budgets has recently diminished, in part because of
congressional concern with meeting spending limits.
Probably the most effective means an agency has of remaining powerful is
entering alliances with influential interest groups
A post office worker or Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent would typically be part of the federal bureaucracy known as
excepted service
The text refers to the Civil War as the "great watershed in bureaucratic development" because
fighting the war led to the hiring of many new officials and the creation of new offices.
The effect of a legislative veto is to
give Congress control over certain executive decisions.
One bureaucratic pathology described by the text is imperialism, meaning the tendency of agencies to
grow, irrespective of the benefits and costs of their programs.
The number of civilians working for the federal bureaucracy has not increased much since 1960. This observation fails, however, to account for the
growing number of people who work indirectly for the government.
Between 1816 and 1861, the number of federal employees increased eightfold, in large part because of
growth in the Post Office.
Scholar Donald F. Kettl termed the "Mildred Paradox" to describe
how many average citizens receive costly federal government services over long periods of time without every directly interacting with civil servants.
A laissez-faire economy
is freely competitive
__________ is a type of alliance described by Hugh Heclo that consists of people in Washington-based interest groups, on congressional staffs, in universities and think tanks, and in the mass media, who regularly debate a particular government policy.
issue networks
If one examines the education, gender, race, and social origins of the federal civil service as a whole,
it looks very much like a cross section of American society.
One of the major constraints under which government agencies operate is the
large number of regulations they must adhere to.
Among the effects of the many constraints on government agencies is the fact that
lower-ranking employees are reluctant to make decisions on their own.
The discretionary authority of appointed officials is their authority to
make policies that are not spelled out in advance by laws.
The process of revising agency budget requests is commonly called __________.
marking up
A particularly important constraint on bureaucratic power is the need to
obtain agreement from other parts of the bureaucracy.
During most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, appointments to the civil service were based primarily on
The authors suggest that, ultimately, "red tape" comes from
The text argues that many of the problems of bureaucracy in government arise from its
political context
Bureaucratic inefficiency might be desirable in that it might help
protect our liberties
To reduce waste in government, one will probably have to increase __________.
red tape
The creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) led to the federal government
regulating the national economy for the first time in a meaningful way.
The authors suggest bureaucracy is the outgrowth of
representative democracy
Under the Privacy Act of 1974, __________ must be kept confidential.
social security and tax records
Studies have shown that Democrats and people with liberal views are more likely to be overrepresented in
social service agency
Among the pathologies commonly attributed to bureaucracies are all of the following EXCEPT
Using what the text refers to as the "buddy system," an agency can circumvent the usual Office of Personnel Management (OPM) search process by
tailoring a job description to a specific candidate.
A dramatic increase in size of the federal bureaucracy occurred during the twentieth century, largely as a consequence of
the Great Depression of the 1930s and World War II.
In the First Congress, it was decided that appointed federal officials would be removable by
the president alone
One way that Congress exercises authority over agencies is through
the statutes that create and define them
Of the following factors, which does NOT explain the behavior of bureaucratic officials?
their party preferences
__________ funds operate outside of the regular government budget, and the appropriation committees have no control over these expenditures.
to trust
Periodically, the size of the bureaucracy has grown substantially. These times of growth have generally occurred during
One bureaucratic pathology described by the text is conflict, meaning the tendency of agencies to
work at cross-purposes with one another.