Ap Gov Final

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Which amendment allows the president to fill a vacant office?


What was the Strategic Defense Initiative, and why did it fail?

A plan for defense against the Soviet Union unveiled by President Reagan in 1983, SDI would create a global umbrella in space, using computers to scan the skies and high-tech devices to destroy invading missiles; it failed because the technology was questioned and the costs were estimated to be too high.

An example of public policymaking would be

A) Congress and the president deciding not to act on the AIDS crisis.

Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North became a national celebrity when he explained his involvement in the ________ to a televised Congressional hearing.

A) Iran-Contra scandal

Which of the following is NOT a permanent member country on the United Nations Security Council?

A) Japan

The government body responsible for coordinating foreign and military policy is the

A) National Security Council.

During the Cold War era, more than a million ________ troops were spread from West Germany to Portugal.

A) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The ________ is the primary foreign policy arm of the United States government.

A) State Department

________ was widely regarded to be the worst and most ineffective president.

A) Warren Harding

The Pentagon Papers dealt with

A) a documented history of United States involvement in the Vietnam War which the government wanted kept secret.

The relaxation of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union throughout the 1970s was known as

A) de ́tente.

The budget of the Department of Defense

A) decreased in the 1990s.

The National Security Council is officially composed of the president and all of the following EXCEPT the

A) director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Throughout most of its history up to the early twentieth century, the United States followed a foreign policy course of ________, particularly with regard to Europe.

A) isolationism

The Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty is a significant event in arms control because

A) it is the first treaty to reduce current levels of nuclear weapons.

The National Security Council

A) links the presidentʹs key foreign and military policy advisors.

Which instrument of foreign policy used to guarantee world dominance but no longer does so?

A) military strength

The threat posed by terrorist groups and the hostile states supporting them has caused America to

A) reconsider basic principles of its foreign policy.

The Central Intelligence Agency is required by law to report its activities to

A) relevant Congressional committees.

Member countries of the United Nations agree to

A) renounce war and respect certain human and economic freedoms

43) Television became especially important in bringing the reality of ________ home to America as its first heavily televised war.

A) the Vietnam War

Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have

A) veto power over any Security Council decisions, including any effort to deploy UN peacekeeping troops.

The United Nations Security Council has ________ members.

B) 15

Fear of a serious communist conspiracy in the United States during the early years of the Cold War led to the rise of a near panic that communism was infiltrating American government and cultural institutions, and became known as

B) McCarthyism.

The Iran-Contra affair erupted in 1986 when it came to light that members of the ________ were involved in a secret operation selling arms to Iran in return for Iranian help in returning American hostages held in Lebanon, and using money from the arms sale to fund rebels in Nicaragua.

B) National Security Council staff

The Iran-Contra affair involved covert activities staged by the

B) National Security Council.

The seat of real power in the United Nations is the

B) Security Council.

Americaʹs principal foreign policy strategy toward the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War, proposed by the foreign policy strategist George Kennan in 1947, was

B) containment.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three ultimate tools of foreign policy?

B) judicial

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an example of a

B) regional organization for military purposes.

The Monroe Doctrine

B) showed again that America was not concerned with Europeʹs problems.

A product of de ́tente was the

B) start of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

The cold war led to all of the following EXCEPT

B) the use of atomic weapons.

The parties in Congress are most cohesive

B) when electing their official leaders.

The first American president to sign a treaty to actually reduce current levels of nuclear weapons in the United States arsenal was

D) Ronald Reagan.

The ________ is the real focus of power in the United Nations.

D) Security Council

During the Cold War era, the Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies formed a regional organization known as the

D) Warsaw Pact

The primary means the United States has used to keep rogue nations from acquiring nuclear weapons has been by

D) encouraging nations to agree that they would not acquire, or at least test, nuclear weapons.

The United Nations is composed of nearly 200

D) nations

83) In response to the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001, the George W. Bush administration has developed a new foreign policy emphasizing

D) preemptive strikes.

82) The use of violence to demoralize and frighten a countryʹs population or government is referred to as

D) terrorism.

During the 1950s and early 1960s, over half the federal budget was spent every year on

D) the Department of Defense.

The Central Intelligence Agency is not required to inform any congressional committee of its activities due to the importance of maintaining secrecy.


The United States, Canada, and several western European nations agreed to a powerful military alliance in 1949 known as the ________.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

De ́tente refers to

a shift toward cooperation among world powers.

In order to convict and remove an impeached president, it takes

a two-thirds vote in the Senate.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Central Intelligence Agency?

D) Due to its need for secrecy, it does not have to report to any congressional committee.

The ________ was formed in 1947 to coordinate American foreign and military policies and advise the president.

D) National Security Council

The rise of de ́tente and the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) were brought about under President

D) Richard Nixon.

The United Nations General Assembly is made up of about ________ members.

C) 185

The United Nations was created in

C) 1945

On the United Nations Security Council, ________ countries have permanent seats.

C) 5

The ________ helped to overthrow the governments of Iran in 1953 and Guatemala in 1954, and has a long history of involvement in the internal affairs of other nations.

C) Central Intelligence Agency

In the United States showdown with Saddam Hussein in January 1991,

C) Congress passed a resolution authorizing the president to use military force against Iraq.

The ________ employs about one-fourth of all federal civilian workers, more than any other department or agency.

C) Department of Defense

An example of an interest group involved in international affairs would be

C) Greenpeace.

The commanding officers of each of the services, plus a chair, constitute the

C) Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The ________ staffs United States embassies and consulates in about 300 overseas posts from Albania to Zimbabwe, representing the interests of Americans.

C) State Department

Which of the following statements about the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is FALSE?

C) The CIA has never been involved in domestic affairs.

Almost immediately following World War II, the United States entered into ________ with the Soviet Union.

C) a Cold War

74) The United States and Soviet Union agreement on SALT I reflected

C) a policy of de ́tente.

A study by Richard Betts showed that the advice given to the president by the Joint Chiefs of Staff tends to

C) be no more aggressive than advice given by civilian advisors.

The United States originally pursued a ʺdecapitationʺ strategy for confronting al-Qaida. What did this strategy propose to do?

C) eliminate a small number of al-Qaida leaders

International economic policies today tend to emphasize

C) lower tariffs and freer trade.

The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was the first accord

C) mandating the elimination of many long-range nuclear missiles.

The Office of Management and Budget, the National Security Council, and the Council of Economic Advisors are Economic Advisors are

C) policymaking bodies of the Executive Office of the President.

According to exit polls, ________ was a major reason voters selected Bush in 2004.

C) the war on terrorism

Which of the following is NOT a linkage institution?


ʺThe Pentagonʺ refers to the

D) Department of Defense.

Appointed to the vice presidency in 1973 due to a vacancy, he was the only one to become president having run for neither the presidency or vice presidency in the preceding election.

Gerald Ford

The ________ is made up of the commanding officers of each branch of the United States armed services, plus a chair.

Joint Chiefs of Staff

McCarthyism was strongest during

Korean War

As president, ________ launched the ʺGreat Societyʺ at home while escalating the Vietnam War abroad.

Lyndon Johnson

All presidents but one have been


Who is the only president to resign office?

Richard Nixon

75) The largest increase in peacetime defense spending occurred under President ________, who argued that the Soviets had used arms control agreements to gallop ahead of the United States in military spending.

Ronald Reagan

The cabinet department responsible for making foreign policy and handling treaty negotiations is


President Ronald Reagan proposed a massive new spending program called the ________ to create a global umbrella in space, wherein computers would scan the skies and use various high-tech devices to destroy invading missiles.

Strategic Defense Initiative

Ronald Reaganʹs ________, nicknamed ʺStar Wars,ʺ was a plan to create a global umbrella in space, wherein computers would scan the skies and use various high-tech devices to destroy invading missiles.

Strategic Defense Initiative

The State Department is the foreign policy arm of the United States government.


________ are intended to raise the price of imported goods and thereby protect a nationʹs businesses and workers from foreign competition.


The two-term limit was placed on the presidency by

Twenty-second Amendment

The order of succession to the presidency, should the president be unable to fulfill his or her duties is

Vice President, Speaker of the House, President Pro Tem of the Senate, Cabinet members in the order that their department was created.

Which president was a political scientist?

Woodrow Wilson

In order to impeach a president, it takes

a majority vote in the House of Representatives

During the early years of his administration, Reaganʹs foreign and defense policies emphasized


During the 1950s, John Foster Dulles, the Secretary of State under Eisenhower, proclaimed a policy of ________ in Americaʹs dealings with the Soviet Union.


Since World War II, United States presidents have

come from a diversity of career experiences.

During the Cold War, the United States pursued a policy toward the Soviet Union based on the ________ doctrine articulated by foreign policy strategist George Kennan, wherein the United States would focus on keeping communism from spreading, using force if necessary.


The Vietnam War

illustrates the ability of government to lie to its citizens.

Impeachment is roughly the political equivalent of a(n)

indictment in criminal law.

Throughout most of American history, American foreign policy has centered on the concept of


The Twenty-second Amendment, passed in 1951,

limited presidents to two terms of office.

How many presidents were political scientists?


The Strategic Defense Initiative was a(n)

proposal for an umbrella in space to destroy invading missiles.

113) The North American Free Trade Agreement is designed to eventually eliminate most ________ among Canada, Mexico, and the United States.


According to the Twenty-fifth Amendment, in the event of a vacancy in the vice presidency,

the president nominates a replacement, who must be confirmed by both houses of Congress.

Under the terms of the Twenty-fifth Amendment, while the vice president is serving as acting president.

the recuperated president can reclaim the Oval Office through a set procedure.

The National Security Council is formally composed of the president, the vice president, and the secretaries of state and defense.


The phrase ʺguns and butterʺ refers to

what many scholars claim is the trade-off a nation faces between defense spending and social spending.

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