AP Gov Pre Test

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Congress can remove a president through __________. a. a veto b. an executive order c. a House impeachment vote d. a Senate impeachment trial


ratified in 1951, this amendment limits its presidents to two terms of office

22 amendment

ratified in 1967, this amendment permits the vice president to become acting president if the vice president and presidents cabinet determine that the president is disabled, and it outlines how a recuperated president can reclaim the job

25 amendment

What is the role of the National Security Council? a. to link the president's foreign and military policy advisers b. to keep the president and first family secure c. to administer the armed forces d. to provide the president with national security policy advice from the opposing party's perspective


Which best describes a president's constitutional duty to Congress? a. The president must give Congress an occasional update on the state of the union. b. The president must have at least one cabinet member of the opposing party. c. The president must maintain party support in Congress. d. The president must inform Congress of the reasoning behind a veto.


a three member body appointed by the president to advise the president on economic policy

council of economic advisors

Which of these powers is a constitutional power that the president shares with the Senate? a. making treaties b. declaring war c. granting pardons d. receiving foreign ambassadors


a sudden, unpredictable, and potentially dangerous event requiring the president to play the role of crisis manager


Which statement about the news is generally true? a. The news is often framed in themes that simplify the issues and provide continuity from story to story. b. There is a focus on the positive when covering the president and a focus on the negative when covering Congress and the Supreme Court. c. The broadcast media relies solely on facts and avoids speculation, even if it means sitting on a major story until the information can be verified. d. Cable news programs present in-depth coverage of political events from a balanced ideological perspective so as to attract the most viewers.


How did the expectations for the vice presidency change starting with Walter Mondale? a. Presidents are more likely to use their vice presidents as close policy advisers. b. Vice presidents started to preside over the Senate. c. Presidents are more likely to select ideologically moderate vice presidents to expand their electoral appeal. d. Vice presidents started taking the lead in the budgeting process.


Many assume that presidents with high __________ are more effective leaders. a. approval ratings b. levels of executive privilege c. debts and deficits d. campaign spending


The president's chief of staff and press secretary are members of which group? a. White House staff b. Office of Administration c. the cabinet d. Executive Office of the President


What distinguishes the contemporary presidency from the institution originally envisioned by the Framers of the Constitution? a. The contemporary presidency is much more powerful. b. The contemporary presidency is less involved in the development of foreign policy. c. The contemporary presidency exhibits a greater level of deference to Congress in budgetary matters. d. Contemporary presidents are more cautious in advocating for their legislative agendas.


What is the primary purpose of the Council of Economic Advisers? a. to advise the president on economic policy b. to assess budget proposals for Congress c. to enact the president's budget d. to suggest programs that should be scaled back or curtailed because they use tax dollars inefficiently


What does the Twenty-second Amendment do? a. requires that presidents be natural-born citizens b. limits the president's terms of office c. requires the president to be a resident of the United States d. requires the president to be at least 35 years old


Which institutional resource is closest and most loyal to the president? a. Executive Office of the President b. White House staff c. armed forces d. National Security Council


Which of the following is a judicial power given to the president? a. determining the Supreme Court's docket b. nominating federal judges c. establishing the jurisdiction of the federal courts including the Supreme Court d. determining the constitutionality of judicial acts


Which of the following reviews potential legislative proposals suggested by executive agencies and assesses their budgetary implications? a. secretary of the treasury b. Office of Management and Budget c. secretary of commerce d. chief of staff


Who breaks a tie in the Senate? a. president of the United States b. vice president of the United States c. Speaker of the House d. Senate majority leader


In which way do modern presidents differ from the original intentions of the Framers? a. Modern presidents are considerably less democratic than the Framers originally intended. b. Modern presidents have considerably less power as leaders of their political parties than the Framers originally intended. c. Modern presidents are much more influential in the legislative process than the Framers originally intended. d. Modern presidents are more subservient to the will of Congress than the Framers originally intended.


Of the following leadership traits, which is critical to presidential success? a. the ability to be subservient b. the willingness to be patient c. the power to persuade d. the ability to make mistakes gracefully


The use of __________ in foreign matters is an example of the president acting as a chief diplomat. a. pocket vetoes b. executive privilege c. executive agreements d. signing statements


What has to happen in Congress in order for the president to be impeached and removed from office? a. The House must impeach the president by a simple majority; the Supreme Court must convict with a two-thirds vote. b. The Senate must impeach the president by a simple majority; the House must convict with a two-thirds vote. c. The House must impeach the president by a simple majority; the Senate must convict with a two-thirds majority. d. The Supreme Court must impeach the president with a simple majority; the chief justice presides over a Senate trial that must convict with a two-thirds majority.


Which presidential power is checked by required approval of the Senate with a two-thirds vote? a. extending diplomatic recognition to foreign governments b. terminating relations with other nations c. negotiating treaties with other nations d. negotiating executive agreements with foreign heads of state


Why do presidents try to gain support for their initiatives instead of simply enacting their policy priorities outright? a. because Congress cannot debate legislation without approval from the president b. because the Constitution does not give the president any powers to influence public policy c. because the Constitution establishes a system of shared powers d. because the president has diminishing power over the course of his or her administration


Why does the perception of an electoral mandate matter in presidential politics? a. It helps to increase the president's legislative acumen. b. It makes it harder for presidents to get their legislative agenda enacted by Congress. c. It offers legitimacy and credibility to a recently elected president's proposals. d. It enables the president to manage the bureaucracy.


a group of presidential advisers not mentioned in the constitution although every president has had one. today they are composed of 14 secretaries, the attorney general, and others designated by the president


What was intended to give Congress a greater voice in the decision to introduce American troops into hostilities? a. the Twenty-second Amendment b. executive privilege c. the legislative veto d. the War Powers Resolution


Which is one reason why the power and responsibility of the presidency has increased? a. The presidents' use of the line-item veto has increased their power over the Congress. b. The budgets for government agencies have decreased, leaving more responsibility to the president. c. Modern presidents have to exercise powers as commander in chief, while earlier presidents did not. d. The United States has increased its prominence on the world stage


Which of the following citizens would be ineligible to become president? a. a natural-born citizen b. someone who is 37 years old c. someone who has lived in the United States for 20 years d. someone who has already been elected president twice


Which presidential role includes the State of the Union address? a. head of state b. commander in chief c. chief executive d. chief legislator


regulations originating with the executive branch, one method presidents can use to control the bureaucracy

executive orders

the political equivalent of an indictment in criminal law, prescribed by the constitution. The house or reps may impeach the president by a majority vote for treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors


a vote in congress to override a presidential decision. although the war powers resolution asserts this authority, there is reason to believe that, if challenged, the supreme court would find the legislative veto in violation of the doctrine of separation of powers

legislative veto

the committee that links the presidents foreign and military policy advisers. its formal members are the president, vice president, secretary of state, and secreatary of defense, and it is managed by the presidents national security assistant

national security council

an office that prepares the presidents budget and also advises presidents on proposals from departments and agencies and helps review their proposed regulation

office of management and budget

a type of veto occuring when congress adjourns within 10 days of submitting a bill to the president and the president simply lets the bill die by neither signing nor vetoing it

pocket veto

these occur when voters cast their ballots for congressional candidates of the presidents party because they support the president. research shows that few races are won this way

presidential coattails

the constitutional power of the president to send a bill back to congress with reasons for rejecting it


a law passed in 1973, in reaction to american fighting in vietnam and cambodia, that requires presidents to consult with congress whenever possible prior to using military force and to withdraw forces after 60 days unless congress declares war or grants an extension. however, presidents have viewed the resolution as unconstitutional

war powers resolution

the events and scandal surrounding a break-in at the democratic national committee headquarters in 1972 and the subsequent cover up of white house involvement, leading to the eventual resignation of president Nixon under the threat of impeachment


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