AP Gov Unit 1

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2nd amendment interpretations

The right to bear arms- should militia be taken into account as a requirement or an addition to the right?

The debates between Federalists and Anti-Federalists were primarily about which of the following issues?

The scope of power of the central government

In the McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) decision, which two provisions in the Constitution were upheld and strengthened?

The supremacy clause and the necessary and proper clause

Federal Powers

- regulate interstate and international trade - make treaties - conducts foreign policy - declare war

State powers (reserved)

-make laws for education -marrige and divorce -conduct elections -regulate trade in their borders

Articles of Confederation

1st Constitution of the U.S. 1781-1788 (weaknesses-no executive, no judicial, no power to tax, no power to regulate trade)


A document which spells out the principles by which a government runs and the fundamental laws that govern a society

Which of the following is a chief argument in James Madison's Federalist No. 10?

A large, diverse republic will tame factions

Hyper pluralism

A state in which many groups or factions are so strong that a government is unable to function.

Checks and Balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power


A theory of American democracy contending that an upper-class elite holds the power and makes policy, regardless of the formal governmental organization.

Judicial Review

Allows the court to determine the constitutionality of laws


An action by the House of Representatives to accuse the president, Vice President, or other civil officers of the United States of committing "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Federalist 10

An essay composed by James Madison which argues that liberty is safest in a large republic because many interests (factions) exist. Such diversity makes tyranny by the majority more difficult since ruling coalitions will always be unstable.

"The Congress has the power... to create all laws that are necessary and proper..." can be found in which part of the Constitution?

Article 1

Brutus 1 - Anti-federalists (republicans)

Before the constitution was ratified; too much power in national government; won't be able to survive bc it's too big

Judicial Branch

Branch of government that decides if laws are carried out fairly/interprets laws

The Heart of Atlanta Motel vs USA

Cannot discriminate in businesses open to the public, expanded the commerce clause Supreme Court case holding that the Commerce Clause gave the U.S. Congress power to force private businesses to abide by Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination in public accommodations.

Necessary and Proper Clause

Clause of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3) setting forth the implied powers of Congress. It states that Congress, in addition to its express powers, has the right to make all laws necessary and proper to carry out all powers the Constitution vests in the national government.

Which of the following statements best summarizes John Marshall's argument?

Congress has the authority to regulate the navigation of the U.S. waterways because it has the authority to regulate commerce.

. On which of the following issues did Federalists and Jeffersonians have most widely differing views?

Creating a national bank

Cooperative federalism can best be described by which of the following statements?

Different levels of government are involved in common policy areas

Which is the most democratic institution of government that represents the framers' commitment to a limited republic?

House of Reps

Which governmental principle does the right to a jury trial support?

Individual liberties

Which of the following was a consequence of this Supreme Court decision?

It made the national government and Congress's interstate commerce power stronger.

NY gun rights vs NY city

NY - strict NY city - stricter - Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, Jan 13 ^expansion of background checks ^ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines ^imposed registration of assault weapons that are grandfathered in

Great Compromise

Provided for a two-house congress. Each state would be given equal representation in the Senate and the House of Representatives would based on population

Shay's Rebellion (1786-1787)

Rebellion of debtor farmers in Massachusetts led by Daniel Shays. After the rebellion was crushed by the Massachusetts state militia, many prominent American leaders called for a strengthening of the national government to prevent such rebellions in the future. The revolt led by a former Revolutionary War captain Daniel Shays to prevent judges in Massachusetts from foreclosing on the farms or farmers who could not pay taxes the state had levied

Federalist 51

Separation of powers & checks & balances protects against tyranny

The clause in the United States Constitution that states that federal law will prevail in the event of a conflict between federal and state law is known as the

Supremacy clause

Raich v. Gonzales

Supreme Court case ruling that supported the federal Controlled Substances Act as a reasonable use of Congress' power under the commerce clause; said that Congress had that the authority to prohibit the local cultivation and use of medical marijuana under the commerce clause (example of gained fed power)

Which statement about impeachment under the Constitution is true?

The House can impeach officials for "high crimes or misdemeanors"

By using the phrase "creative federalism," President Johnson is most likely referring to which of the following features of the American system?

The relationship between the federal and state governments evolves over time and flexible enough to permit new forms of interaction.

Commerce Clause

The clause in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 1) that gives Congress the power to regulate all business activities that cross state lines or affect more than one state or other nations.


The division of power between the national government and the states

Which of the following statements is most consistent with Hamilton's argument in this passage?

The lack of specific reference to something in the Constitution does not mean it is disallowed

In the 1780s, proponents of the new Constitution cited Shays' Rebellion as an example in support of which of the following criticisms of the national government under the Articles of Confederation?

There was a lack of a national military power to address security concerns.

A prominent example of the process of returning more of the responsibilities of governing from the national level to the state level is

Welfare reform

participatory democracy

a system of government where rank-and-file citizens rule themselves rather than electing representatives to govern on their behalf

Supremacy Clause (Article VI)

constitutional declaration (Article VI) that the Constitution and laws made under its provisions are the greatest law of the land

n contrast to revenue sharing, categorical grants-in-aid provide state and local governments with

funds to administer programs clearly specified by the federal government

As originally ratified, the United States Constitution included provisions designed to

increase the economic powers of the central government


long senate speeches that are meant to delay or stop a vote on a bill.

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

the Supreme Court upheld the power of the national government and denied the right of a state to tax the federal bank using the Constitution's supremacy clause. The Court's broad interpretation of the necessary and proper clause paved the way for later rulings upholding expansive federal powers

Executive Branch

the branch of government that carries out/enforces laws

Legislative Branch

the branch of government that makes the laws


the theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influence in the government; the outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation

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