AP Government Final - test #1

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how many amendments are contained within th constitution


which of the following is true of voter tournout in the US

BOth A and B are true

The framers of the constitution gave chief economic policy making power to the


who claimed that there has never been, nor ever will be, a people who are politically ignorant and free?

Thomas Jefferson

which of the following is a linkage institution

USA today

which of the following best describes a linkage institution?

a channel through which people's concerns become a political agenda

which of the following is false?

a constitution sets neutral rules of the game of politics

in McCulloch v Maryland, chief justice marshall argued that

all of the above

which of the following is true of intergovernmental relations in the US over the past 2 centuries

all the above

which of the following is true of th national gov implied powers

all the above

a project grant is

awarded on the basis of competitive application

in response to complaints from state and local government's about the paperwork and requirements attached most grants, Congress has established___________ to support programs in areas like community development and social services

block grants

among the most important ends of government for the delegates at the Constitutional convention was the

both A and B

the Lockean phrase, "life, liberty, and property," captures Locke's belief that

both A and B

which of the following is an example of a linkage institution?

both A and B (political parties and interest groups)

which of the following statements about American youth is FALSE?

both B and C

The fact that the legal drinking age is 21 across the 50 United States is a good example of

both C and D

federalism is a way of organizing a nation so that

both national and state levels of government have some authority over the same land and people

which principle of traditional democracy theory is violated in circumstances in which the wealthy have influence far exceeding what would be expected based on their numbers?

citizen control of the agenda

A major purpose of economic provisions in the constitution was to

create a strong national government so as to bring stability out of economic chaos

the foundation of Locke's philosophy was that human beings

derive their rights from nature

the national government has exclusive control over foreign and military policy, the postal system, and monetary policy, while the states have exclusive control over other specific areas. this division of responsibilities reflects

dual federalism

the phrase, "we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal," in the Dec of indeoendence is a statement of the principle of


grants for specific programs distributed according to community demographic factors, such as population or income, are

formula grants

contracts between business firms can be enforced across state boundaries as part of the constitutional provision of

full faith and credit

the institutions and processes through which public policies are made for a society are collectively called


the basic dprinciples of traditional democratic theory include all of the following EXCEPT

government control of info

the main instrument the national government uses to influence state governments is

grants in aid

which statement best describes the view of human nature held by delegates to the Constitutional convention

human beings are basically selfish and self-interested

Federal policies to regulate food and drugs, build interstate highways, protect consumers, try to clean up dirty air and water, and do many other things are all justified as_________of congress

implied powers

public policy

includes all decisions and nondecisions made by government

which of the following is often seen as a benefit of federalism

it allows states to function as laboratories of democracy, or policy innovators

which of the following is true of the system of representation established by the Connecticut compromise

it gives more power to people living in states with small population

in the events leading up to McCulloch v Maryland (1819) what was the main criticism of the national bank created by the United States government

it was an instrument of the elite and gave the national government too much control of the economy

which of the following was not among anti-federalist objections to the proposed Constitution

it was far too decentralized and fragmented

The power of the courts to determine whether acts of Congress and the executive are in accord with the Constitution is the power of the

judicial review

two key elements of the madisonian model were to

keep most of the government beyond the control of the popular majority and separate the powers of different institutions

the constitutions supremacy clause

made the Constitution, the laws of the national government, and the national governments treaties the supreme law of the land

pluralist theory suggests that, in the US

many groups vie for power w no one group dominating politics

judicial review was established in

marbury v madison

which of the following is NOT true of the US Gov under the Articles of Confed.

most authority rested with the US congress rather than the state governments

which of the following statements represents John Locke's understanding of the relationship between natural rights and human law?

natural rights are higher than, that is superior to, human law

which is not true

no unitary governments are democratic

those who argue that the US is in the middle of a culture war argue that the AMericans are becoming increasingly


after the AMerican Revolution, economic issues moved to the top of the political agenda because

postwar depression hurt small farmers and many others

opposition to ratification of the Constitution was based on the belief that it would

provide for elite control, endanger liberty, and weaken the states

the nature of groups and the government in hyperpluralist theory is

strong groups and weak government

the "who" of politics includes voters, candidates, groups and parties; the "what" refers to the

substance of politics and government-benefits and burdens

which of the following about federalism is false

the american system has always been neatly separated into purple state and outlet national responsibilities

_______ was proposed by William Paterson in which each state was to be equally represented in the new Congress

the new jersey plan

____________ is the process by which policy comes into being and evolves over time

the policymaking system

which of the folllwing is an example of a confederation

the united nations

what unites Americans more tha anything

their political culture

the ________, offered as a proposal at the Constitutional convention, called for giving each state in Congress representation in proportion to the states share of the population

virginia plan

which of the following statements is NOT true of age and political knowledge?

young people in 2004 are more knowledgeable than older Americcans

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