AP Government study guide Unit 1 (official)

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Decleration of Independence

1776 - Thomas Jefferson - influences from John Locke's second treaty and social contract theory

bill of rights

1st ten amendments

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist 15 Which of the following excerpts from Article I of the United States Constitution resolves a problem described by the author?

The Articles of Confederation allowed for the federal government to request revenues from states but did not permit it to tax citizens directly, whereas under the United States Constitution the federal government could tax citizens directly.

Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist 15 Which of the following is a difference between the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution that is a response to a problem expressed in the passage?

Congress can impeach and remove a president who is unable or unwilling to perform his or her official functions.

Andrew Napolitano, "At War with the Separation of Powers," The Washington Times, 2018. Which of the following describes a possible method that can check the power of the president who willingly violates the constitutional balance of power as described in the passage?

The Supreme Court rules on a suit brought by an interest group that legislation permitting the president to launch military strikes without congressional approval is unconstitutional.

Andrew Napolitano, "At War with the Separation of Powers," The Washington Times, 2018. Which of the following political processes would best solve the problem regarding the system of checks and balances, as articulated by the author in the passage?

Separation of powers is necessary to our constitutional system to limit the power of the three branches and guarantee limited government.

Andrew Napolitano, "At War with the Separation of Powers," The Washington Times, 2018. Which of the following principles of government is most related to the author's argument in the passage?

Limited government

Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution lists several powers that are denied to the federal government, such as granting titles of nobility and passing ex post facto laws. This best demonstrates which of the following ideals of democracy?

Government should be based on the consent of the governed.

As a compromise, the framers agreed on a bicameral legislature, with the House of Representatives elected by popular vote within states and the Senate selected by state legislatures. The direct election method conforms most to which of the following democratic ideals?

A bicameral legislature with an upper house representing each state equally and a lower house with representation proportional to each state's population

At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, delegates from larger states argued that each state's representation in the legislature should be proportional to its population. Smaller states argued that each state should have equal representation, regardless of population. The disagreement over representation threatened to derail the ratification of the United States Constitution. Which statement accurately describes the compromise that led to both sides reaching agreement?

"... [I]t is impossible to have a representation, possessing the sentiments, and of integrity, to declare the minds of the people, without having it so numerous and unwieldy, as to be subject in great measure to the inconveniency of a democratic government."

Brutus 1 Which of the following excerpts from the passage best describes the author's reason for opposing an expansion of the scope of the federal government?

Participatory democracy and elite democracy

Brutus 1 In the passage, Brutus is most concerned with the conflict between which of the following political ideas?

Nations with extended territory cannot fairly represent their citizens in a republican form of government.

Brutus 1 Which of the following statements would the author of the passage most likely agree with?

articles of confederation

Brutus number 1 wanted to keep our government system under the ___ ___ ____

controls faction

Checks and Balances prevents one branch from becoming too powerful/ tyrannical; _____ ____

article V

Debates about self-government during the drafting of the Constitution necessitated the drafting of an amendment process in _____ _ that entailed either a two thirds vote in both houses or a proposal from two thirds of the state legislatures with final ratification by three fourths of the states

elite democracy

Emphasizes limited participation in politics and civil society

death penalty, marijuana

Examples of local/ state policies

19th amendment

Gave women the right to vote

A large federal republic

In The Federalist 10, which of the following did James Madison argue would best control the negative effects of factions?

the most capable individuals would decide which candidate would be president

In order to appease both Federalists and Anti-Federalists, it was agreed at the Constitutional Convention that a group of delegates would be charged with selecting the president. This would ensure that

The debate over the role of the central government and state powers is ongoing.

In the 1950s Southern states attempted to prevent integration of their public schools. In return, the National Guard was sent to force states to implement federal regulations. This scenario illustrates which of the following about the relationship between the state and national governments?

allocation of powers

Multiple access points for stakeholders and institutions to influence public policy flows from the ______ __ _____ between national and state governments


National policy making is strained by the ______ of power between and among the three branches and state governments

McCulloch v. Maryland

Supreme Court held congress can establish a national bank in the states under the Necessary and Proper clause; states cannot tax the national; banks as it interferes with the bank functions and goes against the supremacy clause

Untied States v. Lopez

Supreme Court held congress cannot regulate acts that do not have to do with interstate commerce, pursuant to the Commerce Clause

Natural rights such as life, liberty, and property

The Declaration of Independence cites specific reasons for separating from British rule, including the British imposing taxes and maintaining a standing army without consent. Which of the following principles or ideas would these grievances be most related to?

United States v. Lopez (1995)

The Gun-Free School Zones Act made it illegal for individuals knowingly to carry a gun in a school zone. The Supreme Court determined this act to be an unconstitutional stretch of the commerce clause in

limited government, natural rights, popular sovereignty, republicanism, social contract

The US government us based on ideas of ____ _____, including ______ ______, _____ ______, ________ and _____ ______.

exclusive concurrent

The _____ and _____ powers of the national and state governments

McCulloch v. Maryland, U.S. v. Lopez

The balance of power between the national and state governments has changed over time based on SCOTUS interpretation of such cases as .....

slavery, race relations, and rights of citizens based on race, gender, sexual orientation

The compromises necessary to secure ratification of the constitution left some matters unresolved that continue to generate discussion and debate today such as....

blueprint for a unique form of political democracy in the U.S.

The constitution provides the ....


The senate must convict by ___ vote to remove president from office

people have opportunities to vote at both state and local levels, opportunity to be involved in politics, federal system allows for your voice to be heard at any level of government, interest groups can use their powers and resources to influence representatives at all levels

What are example of access points for stakeholders and institutions to influence public policy?

participatory democracy, pluralist democracy, and elite democracy

What are the three types of political democracy?

categorical grants, block grants

What are two sub-categories of federal grant?

the dangers of faction and how to control its affects through representative government

What doe federalist No.10 explain?

gives congress to much power

What does Brutus No. 1 say about the Necessary and Proper clause

Real ID Act

What is an example of a mandate?

A large republic is dangerous to personal liberty and undermines the states.

Which of the following best characterizes the general argument made in Brutus 1?

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Which of the following cases expanded the powers of Congress by defining the necessary and proper clause more broadly?

The debt crisis of the 1780s which the national government was unable to address due to lack of authority

Which of the following experiences most likely influenced the perspective conveyed in the passage federalist 15?

A large republic presents more opportunities for groups to participate, compete, and limit each other.

Which of the following is an accurate summary of James Madison's argument in The Federalist 10?

Congress may not use the commerce clause to make possession of a gun in a school zone a federal crime.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the majority opinion of the Supreme Court in United States v. Lopez (1995) ?

Johnson, Nixon, Clinton, Trump

Who are some presidents that have been formally impeaches?

the house

Who has the power for impeachment

expressed, implied

____ and ___ powers of the federal government are listed in Articles I-III

impeachment, removal

_____, ____, and other legal actions taken against public officials deemed to have abused their power reflect the purpose of checks and balances

13th amendment

abolished slavery

"substantial affect" test

act that must substantially affect interstate commerce to trigger federal government is called...

Brutus No.1

anti federalist essay

the US patriot act

balancing defense of our country with citizens' fourth amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures

us constitution

blueprint for American democracy, 7 articles,3 branches, relations among states, amendment process, supremacy clause, ratification

federal grants

congress redistributes funds from federal taxes to states in need (usually for issues of national concern)

the us patriot act, surveillance resulting from the federal government response to 9/11 attacks, debate of role of federal government in public school education

debate over role of central government, powers of state government, and rights of individuals remain at the heart of present day constitutional issues about democracy and governmental power as represented by....


direct campaigning, signing ballots, town hall meetings, etc.


electoral college and lobbying

participatory democracy

emphasizes broad participation in politics and civil society

compromise on the importation of slaves

end slave trade in 1808

14th amendment

equal protection process, due process for all

federalist No.51

explains how constitutional provisions of separation of powers and checks and balances control abuses by majority

I, IV, VI, 10

federalism is set out throughout the constitution ( article ___,___,___, amendment __) as a balance between a strong national government and maintaining citizens rights


federalist No. 51 was written by James _____

articles of c

founders first attempt at a constitution, weak national court system, ne executive branch, no power to tax states

social contract

free individuals give up certain rights in return for a collective security within the i=community resulting in greater freedoms for all

article IV

full faith and credit clause (states must honor and protect each others laws); privileges and immunities clause


interest groups such as NRA or labor union

cooperative federalism

intermingled relationship between the state and federal government in providing funding for economic activity/functions

John Locke's beliefs in Limited Government

natural right, "no one out to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions." "No one can be subjected to a political power of another, without his own consent"

15th amendment

no racial discrimination for voting


people can make _____ policy that matters to them, rather than relying only on federal public policy

popular sovereignty

power belongs to the people

checks and balances

powers each branch has to "check" the other branches and make sure they do not overreach

10th amendment

powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the states

separation of powers

powers split among the branches to limit the powers of the federal government

federalist papers

promoted ratification of the constitution


public education is normally up to the states, however, the federal government has had an ______ role

pluralist democracy

recognizes group based activism by nongovernmental interests striving for impact


requirements that direct state governments to provide additional services in order to receive federal funding

limited government

restrictions placed on what rulers can do

john locke

second treatise of Civil Government

concurrent powers

shared by both the federal and state governments (taxes, court systems, branches of government, define laws)

centralized military power to address shays rebellion, and tax law enforcement power

specific incidents highlighting the key weaknesses of the articles of confederation are presented by the lack of ...

foundation for popular sovereignty

the declaration of independence provides a ....

grants, incentives, and aid programs

the distribution of power between federal and state governments to meet the needs of society changes, as reflected by ___, _____, and ___ ____, including federal revenue sharing, categorical grants, and block grants


the dividing and sharing of power between two levels of government

enumerated and implied powers

the interpretation of the tenth and fourteenth amendments, the commerce clause, the necessary and proper clause, and other ______ ___ ____ _____ is at the heart of the debate over the balance of power between the national and state governments


the people elect representatives who are responsible to make and carry out laws

separation of powers, checks and balances

the powers allocated to congress, the president, ,and the courts demonstrate the ______ ___ _______ and _____ _____ ______ features of the Constitution

Great (Connecticut) compromise, electoral college, 3/5ths compromise, compromise on the importation of slaves

what are the compromises deemed necessary for the ratification of the constitution?

no child left behind act, Brown v. Board of Education

what are two examples of federal roles in public education?

James Madison

who was federalist No.10 written by?


writings, including Brutus No.1 adhered to popular democratic theory that emphasizes the benefits of a small decentralized republic while warning of the dangers to personal liberty from a large centralized government

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