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Most of the educated people of these countries leave hoping to find a better future for themselves, so the receiving countries get a young and educated population to help them further develop their economy and country as a whole. This process of the large scale migration of educated people is known as brain drain. Another economic impact of these immigrants would be having a lot of construction workers to help build the infrastructure of the city for low wages saving money for the government to use elsewhere.

2 impacts of immigrants on recieving countries

Low birth rates and increased medical services keeping people alive longer

2 reasons why the average population age is increasing in developed countries

Chain migration is the migration of people to a specific location because relatives or members of the same nationality previously migrated there.

Define Chain Migration

The core and the periphery is the division between countries that are more developed and technologically advanced(the core) and the countries that have not progressed to be a developed country(periphery). It is also the concept the wealth fill flow through the core as the periphery continues to become poorer.

Define Core-Periphery

Distance decay is the concept that if the conditions are the same in two different places, a person would migrate to the closer area. For example if someone living in Florida wanted to move North, they would move to NY rather than Montana because NY is closer.

Define Distance Decay

An example of International Migration would be the migration of Mexicans to the USA in recent years.Two factors that have pushed Mexicans out of Mexico have been rapid population growth. Countries that enter stage two of the demographic transition model see extreme population growth due to the medical revolution lowering the death rates and a steady birth rate. People continue having babies because they don't understand that more of their children are surviving and there is no need for that many children. This feature is known as cultural lag. As the population increases, prospects of economic advancement becomes limited and that was what had occurred in Mexico as there were no longer enough jobs for everyone. As a result many people left Mexico for the USA. Another push factor that could explain the migration of emigrants from Mexico is that the crime rate is very high. The the rate of homicides in Mexico is 14 per 100,000 persons, even though the average crime rate is 10. This shows that many more crimes are more frequent, and poses a problem for citizens who want a safe environment. Also, there is a very bad drug problem that includes drug dealing. 2 reasons people of Mexico were highly attracted to moving to the US was the short distance and the large amount of available land. Most of midwestern USA was sparsely inhabited and close to the Mexico-US border making it easy for undocumented people to cross the border and settle in a nearby area. This land was also made well for agriculture for example, corn prospered in this area and the area was given the name of the corn belt. Mexicans survived off of agriculture in Mexico and this land was seen as a safehaven for them. Some immigrants dreamed bigger and went towards southern California where there is a large amount of Mexican immigrants exemplifying chain migration. Here in California they took blue-collar jobs to provide for their families hoping that by educating their children they would be able to work out of their poverty. According to Ravenstein's laws of migration, majority of migrants move short distances and toward large cities/states, hence Mexicans moving into Texas and California.

Two push a pull factors for International migration

An example of Interregional Migration would be the shift of people from Northeastern America to Southeastern America. The presence of large cities like NY and NE America being a pro-union area has caused for the migration to the south. Having large cities like NYC and Boston in NE America has caused for extremely high population and less economic opportunity. Lack of economic opportunity pushed people down South where there weren't as many people and there was plenty of land for creations of factories and farms. NE America was pro-union meaning that they provided more rights for workers by giving them higher wages for shorter working hours making the process of making money easier for these people. This makes it harder for the government to fund public works projects so Northeastern taxes have been raised and the cost for land has increased tremendously. For people who don't participate in unions, this makes their life harder causing them to leave and head South. 2 reasons why people move south was to have a warmer climate and low cost of living. During the summer people known as Snowbirds head up North and during the winter head down South. The warmer climate of Southern USA attracts the elder population as they can not stand Northeastern winters. Having a large elderly population will increase the dependency ratio and also lower taxes because the need for schools will not be as high due to the low amount of children in the area.It is much cheaper to live in the south as taxes are lower because of the low amount of children. More land can be bought for lower prices and taxes because of this as well.

Two push a pull factors for interregional migration

An example of intraregional migration would be Americans moving from cities into suburban areas. A push factor out of the cities would be the extremely high population and how they are tightly packed and another factor would be the easy spread of diseases. According to Ravenstein's laws of migration, cities would be the target destinations of immigrants and the cities quickly filled up and people would be forced to cram into small apartments that were unsanitary and unsafe. Jacob Riis' book "How the Other Side Lives" highlighted this issue. This was very unappealing to the residents of this area so they saved up money and moved out to the suburbs. Also, because people were so tightly packed, diseases could spread very easily. Workers of this area worked in construction sites and low end markets where diseases could be caught and spread among the apartment people. Quite often these families didn't have the economical prosperity to afford the treatment to cure these diseases and many died as a result. People were attracted the way of Suburban life and the stronger, more effective education systems. Suburban lifestyle included owning your own land with a yard for your children to play in and guaranteed spots to park your car for free. Many people preferred this lifestyle rather than the fast paced harsh lifestyle in cities. Schools In suburbs were also far more modernized, better equipped, and safer due to higher taxes and property prices in suburbs. Another pull factor

Two push a pull factors for intraregional migration

A refugee is someone that has been forced to migrate to another country to avoid the effects of generalized violence and violations of rights and can't return for the fear of prosecution.

define refugee

A environmental reason for why refugees would flee their country would be famine. The Irish potato famine caused a very low amount of food that was spread among the wealthy leaving the poor to starve and die. The last resort for these people was to emigrate from this area. Irish people immigrated into America during this time as a result.

describe one reason of why refugees must leave their countries: ENVIRONMENTAL

A political reason for leaving one's country would be dispute of government. An example could include Israel/Palestine. War over whether this land would be for Jews or Arabs broke out and many of the country's brightest citizens left and moved into to Europe, more specifically Italy.

describe one reason of why refugees must leave their countries: POLITICAL

A social reason would be religious persecution. Countries like Burma face mass genocides towards different religions. The Rohingya people were being murdered for their Islamic beliefs. They were forced to get on boats and escape the area in hope of staying alive. They moved down to Indonesia and Australia.

describe one reason of why refugees must leave their countries: SOCIAL

A country could lower birth rates economically by spending more money to manufacture contraceptives and improve education for women. By allocating more funds to the manufacture of contraceptives, women will not produce as many children as they are being protected by the contraceptive. By spending money to educate women, women would start to move away from only making children towards a possible career for themselves, which would lower birth rates. This would help the development of the country by adding more educated people to expand and maintain the country and lower the extremely high birth rates.

describe one way a country can lower birth rates ECONOMICALLY

A social program countries could implement would be family planning. Countries like Bangladesh have began these programs and have seen a significant drop in population growth. By hiring educated women to educate other females of ways to protect and prevent, the influence would spread and dramatically drop the NIR. This too will help the development of the country because more people are being educated and birth rate is being lowered.

describe one way a country can lower birth rates SOCIALLY

A economic consequence would be not having as many people in jobs, creating money and keeping the economy flowing and expanding. In 2050 27% of these countries populations will be elderly forming a fourth of the country that will consume money but make none which will essentially hurt their families and hinder the development of the country's economy.

economic consequence of high population age

A Syrian civil war is currently taking place as many believe that their president should resign and allow for a democratic government to rise. This war has been intensified by world powers and extreme destruction has taken place destroying the homes of many. This has caused the needs for these people to leave their countries of origin and head elsewhere. Most have head to Germany due to their open borders.

explain syrian civil war

America has the economical power to be able to sustain a large amount of dependents such as retirees and young children. Retirees often migrate to areas such as California and Florida due to their warmer climates and coastal locations rather than extreme climates. Thus the large migration flow of old people to Florida.

explain the process that contributes to the migration flow: age structure of population

States like Florida and California both have established economies that provide plenty of job opportunities in various fields for people coming from agricultural based states. As America shifts away from a primary economy the jobs in agriculture are limited and the people migrate out looking for economic activity found in these states.

explain the process that contributes to the migration flow: economy

Time space compression limits the effect of time in our daily lives by making the internet and transportation more efficient. This makes it easy for people to move into the suburbs as the time needed to commute has been cut down greatly.

explain the process that contributes to the migration flow: friction of distance

An example of chain migration is with stream from Asia to western America. Once the people from this area arrived they sent word back to their families in the countries of origin of their arrival and how happy they are. Soon, the rest of their family and friends will head to the same area, following the same stream so they can witness the economic prosperity described in the letters sent by their immigrated family.

select a migration stream and apply chain migration

A migration stream that represents core-periphery is Africa(periphery)to Europe(core). The people leaving the country are usually fleeing for economic opportunities not available in the periphery. According to Ravenstein people who migrate are usually young and educated males. These males move to the core in hope of finding economic prosperity. Rather than stay in Africa where his education would be wasted he would provide to the large European economy. This also shows brain drain from ldc's to mdc's.

select a migration stream and apply core-periphery

An example of distance decay is that many immigrants from Mexico go to America due to someone sort of economic disparity. They go to America seeking a better life for them and their families through economic prosperity. The reason that these immigrants chose to go to America rather than another MDC like Germany is because of distance decay. They choose to go to America because it is closer.

select a migration stream and apply distance decay

A social problem created by the increasing elderly population would be the high dependency ratio. All of these people need to be taken care by people and the people who must take care of them are losing time towards creating a future for themselves. For example, in some of these countries it is believed that it is the job of the wife to take care of her parents in law rather than educated herself and have a solid career.

social consequence of high population age

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