AP Psych 2003 essay

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2. A1. Cognitive dissonance

A discrepancy b/w 2 thoughts or thoughts and actions and is a resulting tension, discomfort, anxiety, or aversive state. This can be established by language that indicates and attempt to "solve a problem"

2. A10. application of physiological addiction

A person continues to smoke because they will feel withdrawal symptoms if they do not

2. A4. application of conformity

I now smoke because my friends do

1. B2. describe how to determine whether an intelligence test is biased

Note that 2 groups differ on IQ test and provide example of previous bias assessment

2. A6. application of incentive motivation

a person smokes more if he is rewards himself with a cigarette for finishing other tasks

1. A4. describe a skewed distribution

an symmetrical distribution of scores - long tail in one direction - mean is not the same as the median (or mode) - extreme scores pull the mean

2. A5. Incentive motivation

behavior results from the desire to attain an external reward or goal object. The reward or goal object must be known in advance

1. B1. Explain why norms for standardized intelligence tests are periodically updates

changed in knowledge require tests to be re-normed

2. A3. Conformity

group pressure or indirect pressures can lead person to a change or adjusting behavior to bring them in line with the group standard

1. A6. relate the three measures of central tendency to a positively skewed distribution

mean is the largest - mode or the median are smaller than the mean - mean is less useful measure - the median is more useful

1. A5. relate the three measures of central tendency to a normal distribution

mean, median, and mode are the same

1. A7. an intelligence test for which the scores are normally distributed has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Use this info to describe how the scores are distributed

most scores are within 15 points of the mean - a typical average/normal IQ score falls b/w 85 and 115

2 A9. physiological addiction

physical dependence characterized by withdrawal or tolerance

2. A2.. application of cognitive dissonance

smoking behavior might be in conflict with info, cognition, or behavior, which leads to a resultant change that reduces dissonance and produces development and continuation of smoking

2. A8. application of negative reinforcement

smoking-related behaviors are influenced because they provide escape or avoidance from stress or other unpleasant stimuli

2.. A7. negative reinforcement

strengthens a response by reducing or removing something negative

1. A1. mean

the average score - sum of the scores divided by the total number of scores

1. A7. In 2 normal distributions, the means are 100 for group I and 115 for group II. Can an individual in group I have a higher score than the mean score of group II? Explain

the mean is only an average, some people score above and some below - there can be overlap b/w the groups because some can have a score above the mean

1. A2. median

the middle score - score that divides distribution in half

1. A3. mode

the most frequent score - score that shows up more than others

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