AP U.S. History - Colonies

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What is the nickname for Privateers?

"Sea dogs"

What was the name of the 2nd group at Roanoke Island?

"the lost colony"

What was the executive connection between the colonies and the mother country?

(enforce laws) royal governor appointed by the king

What was the judicial connection between the colonies and the mother country?

(interprets laws/punish law breakers) judges appointed by governor and/or legislature

What was the legislative connection between the colonies and the mother country?

(makes laws) House of Burgesses patterned Parliament // paid the royal governor -- depends on colonies' goverment more than mother country's

What is the Headright system?

50 acres of land to anyone who paid passage of an indentured servant

What is the Mayflower Compact?

A document declaring self-government that goes by "majority rules" voting.

What was Maryland's purpose?

A haven for Catholics

What was the Woolen Act?

A part of Navigational Acts; beginning of England over colonies. prohibits colonies from selling certain products to anyone but England. (Colonies were distributing wool while England already had a woolen industry; competitive)

What are political factions?

A sub group of a political group. (New England)

What was the Middle Passage?

African slaves to the West Indies

What increased Indentured Servitude?

Agricultural Revolution (displaced farm workers >> increase in crime rate)

Who is John Rolfe?

Brought tobacco to Virginia, married Pocahontas - daughter of Powhatan chief

What was the only hint left from the 2nd group @ Roanoke Island?

CROATOAN (close by native american groups name)

What is the elect?

Calvinists that are predestined to go to Heaven

What is the reprobate?

Calvinists that are predestined to go to Hell.

Who are the Pilgrims?

Calvinists that were separatists that landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

What is joint-stock?

Charter held by business - to make money

Who was Sir Francis Drake?

Circumnavigated the globe, Spanish do not like him and Elizabeth I knighted him.

What was the Molasses Act?

Colonies can trade with other countries through England; price goes up when products are passed; England chose their prices

What are indentured servants?

Criminal or someone in debt pays themselves off by being a servant for a certain amount of years.

Who is Henry VIII?

Did not focus on America, released England from the Roman Catholic Church to divorce and remarry in hopes to have a woman birth a son for him.

Who is Anne Hutchinson?

Dissenter (bible teachings to men); kicked out of Massachusetts; went to Rhode Island with her family.

What was the Dominion of New England?

England unified colonies for more efficient control (very unpopular)

What did the Glorious Revolution?

English government changed; no more Dominion of New England

Who is James Oglethorpe?

Established Georgia

What was the House of Burgesses?

First legislature (makes laws) in America

What was the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?

First written constitution in America.

Who is Roger Williams?

Founded Rhode Island; dissenter; kicked out of Massachusetts

Who is John Cabot and who was the king during his time?

He claimed America for England and Henry VII

What decreased indentured servants and increase African slaves?

Industrial Revolution (ended Headright System)

What was the Zenger Case?

John Peter Zenger (journalist) sued for libel

What were the 2 methods of classification for English colonies?

Joint stock and proprietary

What was Virginia's classification?

Joint-Stock - Virginia Company

What was the Salem Witch Trials?

Mass hysteria witch hunt (1691)

New England

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire

Who is King Philip?

Metacom; son of Massasoit, cheif of Wampanoag tribe (New England)

What was the relationship between the Middle colonies and Natives?

Middle colonies bought land from the Natives.

Miles standish, John Alden, Priscilla Mullins

Miles likes Prescilla, sends friend John Alden to propose for him, John Aldens ends up proposing to Priscilla for himself

Who is John Smith?

Military defender in Virginia, helped settlers survive through "starving time"

What did North Carolina have?

Naval stores - sold tar and pitch for ships (usually went to Massachusetts)


New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

Deep South

North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

What was the first settlement in Pennsylvania?


What are Privateers?

Pirates for the English government

What was the society of the Middle colonies?

Quakers, "Holy Experiment" (Pennsylvania) Very diverse

Who is Elizabeth I?

Queen of England in the 1580's. "Virgin Queen"

What was the reasoning for the Middle colonies?

Religious communities (Quakers and the Holy Experiment); Dutch trade (proprietary - king allots colonies to people)

What are the Blue Laws?

Restrict activities on Sunday

What was South Carolina's cash-crop?

Rice and indigo

What was the government in New England?

Royal governor and town meetings

What was the Stono Rebellion?

Slave rebellion in South Carolina

What was the result of the Navigational Acts?

Smuggling. South was affected the most -- middle colonies aren't affected; they trade food, food doesn't have restrictions.

What was Georgia's purpose?

Split between Spain and English colonies

Who saved the pilgrims during their Starving Time?

Squanto; a part of the Patuxet tribe.

What did Jonathan Edwards do?

Started the Great awakening with his Hell fire & damnation service bc of a group of boys who were caught looking at pornographic images (preached @ them) ; revived religion

What is a Grass Roots movement?

Starts with the people - not the government.

Who is John Winthrop?

The first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony

What did the charter guarantee?

The rights of Englishmen

What was the colonial trade known as?

Triangular Trade


Virginia, Maryland

What was the Triangular Trade?

West Indies (sugar & molasses) >> New England (Rum) >> Africa (Slaves) >> West Indies

Who is William Penn?

William Penn was given Pennsylvania by the king (proprietary)

What was the Glorious Revolution?

William and Mary became rulers of England; signed English Bill of Rights

What were the results of the Stono Rebellion?

a lot of restrictions for slaves

What was the economy of the Middle colonies based off of?

banking; merchant shipping, grain, diverse farming

What did the Zenger Case do?

became landmark case in freedom of the press

What is salutary neglect?

beneficial lack of attention - Britain's policy towards colonies (1607-1763)

What was the youths role in the colonies?

big part of pop. bc life span is low -- enthusiastic, optimistic, new ideas, challenge authority -- "American" (new nationality)

What was the economic exchange between the colonies and England?

colonies sent raw materials to England, English made the finished products and sent it back to the colonies for sale

What was the Southern colonies relationship with the Natives?

conflict with Powhatan Indians - tobacco cash-crop demanded more land.

What was American Society like by 1750?

diverse -- English 49%, Africans 19%

What did the Middle Colonies religious freedom cause?

diversity -- melting pot & cosmopolitan -- comfortable with tolerance

What is Mercantilism?

economic theory that encouraged colonization to benefit the mother country

What is antinomianism?

elect did not follow any law other than his/her own sense of morality; right or wrong (Anne Hutchinsons defense)

What was John Zenger's defense?

everything he wrote was the truth; in order to accuse someone of libel, need to prove malice (intention to hurt)

What is favorable balance of trade?

exports are greater than imports (helped mercantilism)

what is subsistence farming?

farming for the family (New England)

What was the economy based off of in New England?

fishing, rum, ship building

Who are the Puritans?

followers of John Calvin (Calvinism); purify the church.

Bacon's Rebellion

former indentured servant upset with gap between rich and poor. Nathaniel Bacon vs. Governor William Berkeley

Who is Sir Walter Raleigh?

founded Roanoke Island (failed) 1585

What was Nathaniel Bacon's side made up of in Bacon's Rebellion?

frontiersmen, unemployed, landless white, free blacks, and slaves.

What is dissent?

going against the norm. of an accepted part of life.

What did the Half-way Covenant do?

increased church member ship and decreased religious ferver (amount of religious emphasis)

How did they control Bacon's Rebellion?

indentured servants have "the rights of Englishmen" and african slaves did not, diminished the unity between the two groups (decrease in rebellion strength)

What did the Great Awakening do?

it was the first "grass roots" movement in America; helps revolution come so quickly (acceptance of ideas from other colonies)

What was the reality of the colonies salutary neglect?

led to self government in each of the 13 colonies // colonies were a part of British empire but no political connections

Who is John White?

left 2nd group @ Roanoke Island to get provisions, comes back in 1590 bc of Spanish Armada - no trace of settlers.

What is libel?

lied in print

What is passive slave resistance?

not working as hard as possible; not setting the bar high for themselves

What was the Navigational Acts?

passed by Parliament to put mercantile theory into practice

What was society like in the Southern colonies?

plantation-centured; forced-labor society. big gap between rich and poor

What were the causes of the Stono Rebellion?

promise of freedom in Spanish Florida; Security Act

What is the English Bill of Rights?

protects people's rights against powers of government; a part of colonist's charter -- "the rights of Englishmen"

Maryland Toleration Act

religious acceptance to all Christians

What was the purpose of New England colonies?

religious freedom for persecuted or idealistic groups; Pilgrims and Puritans.

What was the Great Awakening?

religious revival started by a priest, Jonathan Edwards, in Massachusetts

What was the purpose of Rhode Island?

religious tolerance for those that did not fit in; dissenters

What was the Security Act?

required white men to take weapons with them to church (Sundays were free relaxation day for slaves; chances of rebellion)

What was the government in the Southern colonies?

royal governor & House of Burgesses

What was the government of the Middle colonies?

royal governors and colonial assemblies

What was individual slave resistance?

runaways -- if they ran to Florida they could be free and could possibly get land (Spanish offering)

What are brides?

single women of child bearing age get free passage to colonies

What was Virginia's cash-crop?


What was the New England Confederation?

union for defense (died out)

What was King Philip's war?

war caused by land being taken from Natives and Natives killing English people and Christian-Native informer.

Who is Henry Wodsworth Longfellow?

wrote "The Courtship of Miles Standish"

What were most people in the Southern colonies?

yeoman farmers

What was the Half-way Covenant?

you can join the Puritan church with out complete faith

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