AP World Chapter 14-17 Exam

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what decreased the Amerindian population from 33 million to 4.5 million

European diseases (smallpox, measels, whooping cough, chicken pox, plague, malaria, etc.)

What were the factors Europe was lacking in to prevent them from expanding inward

military strength immunity to disease knowledge of terrain

why did the Mughals decline

1) Aurangzeb military campaigns exhausted the empire 2) antagonized the Hindu majority 3) rise on taxes

why did the Safavid Empire fall

1) army was unraveling 2) central gov. was failing

what was the importance of the Treaty of Zsitva Torok (1606)

1) confirmed ottoman rule over Hungary, Romania, Transylvania (recognized Hasburg's authority) 2) ceased battles

what were the main accomplishments of the Qing dynasty

1) conquered and controlled Tibet, Xinjiang, Out Mongolia, and Tarim Basin (commercial center) 2) European contact

What were Shah Abbas's accomplishments

1) imported Euro. goods (access to adv. tech) 2) new capital-Isfahan 3) encouraged trade

What social reforms did Akbar revise

1) no enslaving prisoners of war (converting them to Islam) 2) abolished tax on Hindus pilgrims(1563) 3) revoked the jizya (tax on non-Muslims)

How many Africans came to the Americas as a result of slave trade


what was the population at Akbar's zenith in 1600

110 million

what was the years of the ottoman empire


when was central asia created and divided into several empires


what was the duration of the Ming and Manchu dynasties


When did Safavids generally rule


when did the Mughal Empire reign from


when did the ottomans reach their zenith


When did the Ottomans reach their maximum extent of their empire

1676, when they were able to control parts of Ukraine

When did the ottomans decline?


When did Britain alone imported €162 million of Caribbean goods (nearly all sugar)


when did China's population grow

18th century

how large was the ottoman slave infantry in 1527


how many slaves were annually traded throughout the 18th and first part of the 19th century


what was the total population of South Africa when the Europeans expanded


How did african trade increase when the Portuguese began trading on the African coast in the first half of the 17th centuary


when did sugar plantations reach their maximum productivity


How did Shah Abbas deal with competing religious groups

?he murdered them (Shi'a, Sunnis, and Sufis)

what was Australia used for

England's "dumping ground" of prisioners

who was Todar Mal

Akbar's revenue officer, assisted in establishing bureaucracy modeled on a military hierarchy

who was the greatest "losers" of the columbian exchange


who seized New Amsterdam in 1644


what economy did slave trade impact after 1650

Caribbean sugar

What was the largest city in the 1600

Constantinople-700,000 inhabitants

what were trade items to Africa

cotton and silk cloth

Which Mughal city was populated by 2 million people in the 17th century, was mainly populated by immigrants (as it was rebuilt) and foreign merchants, was a religious/pilgrimage center for Indians, and had a huge military presence


what did Akbar's personal religion entail

Din-i-Ilahi, allowed Akbar to have divine right (he being the vice regent of God), sparked controversy among several orthodox muslims

who sent the first Europeans settlers to South Africa

Dutch (East India Co.)

who benefited the most from the Columbian exchange

Europeans (1492)

what caused the population decline over the centuries for the Australian and New Zealand population

Europeans and their diseases

What Safavid issue did Shah Abbas (1588-1629) solve

He unified Iran's diverse people through and increase in military capacity

What did Babur do in 1526

he invaded india and conquered Delhi and Agra, he being the Sultan

which city was the largest of its time (1598), contained a maidan, a trade center, pursued religious tolerance, and possessed a strong military


what happened in the Battle at Lepanto

Ottomans defeated at sea by hasburgs

where did Safavid Persia generally rule


who mainly revived the trade routes of Africa


who declared themselves the long awaited messiah of the Shi'ite muslims

Shah Isma'il who also proclaimed himself as the Shah of Iran

who rebuilt Shahjahnabad

Shah Jahan (Aklbar's grandson)

who made Isfahan the capital of the Safavid empire

Shah Abbas

What are the Sugar Plantation economy elements (SSCLFRM)

Slave labor dependent Supplied Euro markets with goods Capitalist enterprise Legal rights to workers Factory Style Labor Reliant on Euro for food Mercantilism

What was the largest individual state of Africa

Songhay Empire

where did the Mughal empire generally expand

South Asia (indian subcontinent)

who invaded China and established the new Qing dynasty

The Manchus (jurchen)

how many slaves were annually traded from 1451-75

less than 1000


Turkish warriors, mission to bring lands under Dar al-Islam

what was the general geography of the Ottoman empire

West Asia, South East Europe, and North Africa

what attracted so many people to Constantinople (rel.)

educational ideals-madrasses (religious schools)

what product spread from from South America to Africa and Asia


what caused the drawback of prisoners to go to Australia

created new prison acts, less need for Australia (1868)

what did the mercantilist states develop that threatened the Spanish (early 1600s)

developed enterprises in the construction of ships strong business groups skilled in trade strong ties to political leader ship

the pilgrim colony in 1620 was founded for what reason

dissenter from the Church of England sought religious haven (wished to separate from church of England)

what was a great contribution from Europe and to the new world as a result of the Colombian exchange

domesticated animals

where did Russia expand to

expanded to Siberia and declared Russian sovereignty all the way to the Bering Sea, even to Alaska

what happened in the Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689)

facilitated trade between Russia and China, as well as negotiated terms of equality

what were the three groups that sustained the Turkish invasions

gazis, sufis, and janissaries

what were trade items from Africa

gold, slaves (15-24), ivory, amber

how did Akbar make peace with the Hindu Rajputs

gov job offerings, armies, supplied marriage alliances

What was Akbar's policy on religion

he was tolerant and encouraged cultural syncretism

what was the main reason the Ottomans fell

in terms of the economy and military, the Ottomans had "fallen behind" Europe and Russia

why was indentured labor desirable

it allowed lower class citizens a fresh start in New World

why do many modern scholars believe that Africa lost lots of potential

it exported many of its strongest citizens

why was the Pennsylvania colony so important

it provided religious tolerance

why was the Colombian exchange so important

it provided sustained contact between the western and eastern hemisphere


members of religious orders, accompanied the troops and introduced islam

was the plan to go to Virginia to find resources a success

nope, they didn't find any of the desired resources and 7,000 died (1609-1618)

what was the global impact of the Colombian exchange

population increase

why did many settlers come to the new world initially

price revolution (availability of new world silver)

what was the state of the Ming dynatsy

prosperous, rebuilding the great wall and pacifying Mongols on the borders

what did Lord Baltimore do for the English minority

provided catholic refuge in Maryland (1632)

What was a common source of wealth in Africa, even before the Europeans



slaves captured or bought among the conquered population, served in the elite Turkish army

why was Shahjahnabad deserted

soldiers from military camp followed Aurangzeb on campaigns

what industries were laborers involved in

sugar, tobacco, and cotton (principle crop of Virginia)

what crops successfully traveled to China

sweet potatoes and corn (maize)

what happened in the Battle of Kosovo (1389)

the Ottomans secured Serbia and took control of the western balkans, as well as Anatolia (agricultural benefits)

who were pushing back the Ottomans in the mid 1700s

the Russians

which European groups INITIALLY traveled to Australia

the Spanish, dutch, and Portuguese

what attracted europeans back to Australia in the 1850s

the discovery of gold, resulting in a massive population increase

what was the outcome of the 7 years war

the french lost their land near southern Canada to the British

who were the Aborigines

the indigenous Australians

who were the Maori

the violent indigenous people of New Zealand

What was the Ottoman's affect on the population

the population more than doubled especially around the Mediterranean area, 60-70 million people by 1600

why did the British want to get the South African Cape Colony

they didn't want the french to get it, as they had just conquered the Netherlands

what did the Ottomans do in 1683

they made their final attempt to conquer Vienna and failed

why did the Ottomans "halt" their expansionism in 1606

they were financially and militarily exhausted from battling the Hasburgs for two centuries

who were the Safavids

they were followers of Shaykh Safi al-Din's religious teachings

What were Akbar's accomplishments

this Mughal ruler 1) began rule at 14 2) est. absolute monarch 3) conquered Gujarat (commercial center) 4) constructed two capitals (Arga and Fatehpur) 5) India into cash economy 6) made peace with Hindu Rajputs 7) established bureaucracy 8) social reforms 9) personal religion

What major accomplishments did Mehmed II make (r. 1451-81)

this ottoman ruler 1) conquered Constantinople, 2) the rest of Anatolia, 3) Crimea on the North Black Sea, 4) and and Venice empire (greece + agean)

What major accomplishments did Selmin I (r. 1512-20) make

this ottoman ruler 1) defeated the Safavids in Persia as Battle of Chaldiran (1514) 2)went against Mameluke Empire of Egypt- conquering Aleppo, Damascus, and Ciro

what was the stable product of Virginia's economy

tobacco crop

What was the leading crop from the old world to the new world


what product from South America spread to Europe

white potatoes

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