AP World History Chapter 5 - The Classical Period: Directions, Diversities, and Declines by 500 C.E.

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Knowledge of Kushite writing did not

Spread, indicating that the civilization's impact was limited

Hindu leaders reacted to the arrival of Islam by

Strengthening their emphasis on religious devotion, at the expense of other intellectual interests such as math and science

The Sui dynasty was succeeded by

The Tang

All the Classical civilizations made an effort to maintain

A basic social cohesion while acknowledging inequality

The Olmecs lacked

A form of writing

The Inca were organized into

A group of clans

Northern European religious beliefs featured

A host of gods and rituals designed to placate the forces of nature

Politically, Japan developed

A regional political organization based on tribal chiefs

Political confusion in Rome produced

A series of weak emperors and many disputes over succession to the throne

Compared to much of northern Europe, Japan was


The Sui dynasty united

All of northern China

The collapse of Han China was followed by

Almost 300 years of chaos

As a result from their geographic isolation, the Maya and the Inca lacked

Basic technologies such as the wheel or the capacity to work iron

Writing was introduced to Japan

By Korean scribes

The Olmecs developed in

Central America

Goods such as silk were transported by

Central Asian herders between east Asia and the Middle East

Teotihuacan was in

Central Mexico

Contact with established civilizations gave nomadic groups

Changes in political organization and goals for conquest

The three Classical civilizations are

China, India, and the Mediterranean

The Yellow Turbans were

Chinese Daoists

Inequalities were seen in the

Confucian sense of heirarchy, Indian caste system, and Mediterranean slavery

The Tang revived

Confucianism and the bureaucratic system, which became more elaborate

There was initially little Islam

Conquest in the Indian subcontinent

To address the territorial issue of Roman integration, Rome combined

Considerable local autonomy, tolerance with local laws, the expansion of citizenship to elites across the empire, and a tight commercial empire that created interdependencies between grain-growing regions and the olive and grape regions

Ethiopia had the world's oldest

Continuous monarchy

The ability of the Gupta emperors to ___ declined

Control local princes

Artistically, Rome experienced

Cultural decay and a lack of creativity

The Inca were centered at

Cuzco, Peru

Buddhism further


Kush writing was

Derived from Egyptian hieroglyphics, and is not yet fully deciphered

To unite its expanding territories, China

Emphasized greater centralization, particularly in politics

Axum fell to


The Tang sponsored one of the most

Glorious periods in Chinese history

Each Japanese tribal group had its own

God, thought of as an ancestor

Christianity was brought to Ethiopia by

Greek-speaking merchants

Rome experienced plagues from

Growing international trade

Chinese Daoism added

Healing practices and magic to earlier philosophical beliefs

The Hun princes of India converted to


Olmec religious statues and icons depicted

Human images blended with those of animals

The Maya, Inca and the Polynesian peoples developed

In total isolation from other global developments

Tax collection in Rome became

Increasingly difficult, as residents came upon hard times

Arab traders soon wrested control over the

Indian Ocean, reducing the commercial dynamism of India

Olmec culture powerfully influenced later

Indian cultures

The Classical era ended as a result of

Internal population pressure and new appetites and opportunities

Han China and the Roman Empire suffered from

Internal problems

Political life in Rome was complicated by

Intervention by the army in the selection of emperors

Japan sufficiently developed tools made of


Kush mastered the use of


Olmec culture featured

Irrigated agriculture, urbanism, elaborate religion, beginnings of calendrical and writing systems

Indian civilization was threatened by the religion of


The Polynesians mostly occupied

Islands such as Fiji, Samoa, and Hawaii

Confucian intellectual activity gradually became

Less creative

Compared to the collapse of Han China, that of India was

Less drastic

Polynesians adopted

Local plants, new animals, and imported a highly stratified caste system

Compared to China, India and the Mediterranean remained more

Localized and diverse

Much of eastern Europe was organized into

Loosely formed regional kingdoms

China's government

Lost control and bureaucrats became more corrupt

Many free Chinese peasants

Lost their farms and became day laborers on the large estates

All three Classical civilizations experienced

Lower-class and slave rebellions

The Ethiopian Christian church was cut off from

Mainstream Christianity

The first American civilization was based on

Many centuries of advancing agriculture, expanding from the early cultivation of corn

The Olmecs produced

Massive, pyramid-shaped religious monuments

All three Classical civilizations fostered great inequalities between

Men and women, and the upper and lower classes

Teotihuacan faced setbacks from

Migrations and regional wars

The Maya culture featured

Monumental architecture, written language, calendrical and mathematical systems, and highly developed religion

Compared to the collapse of the classical dynasties of Asia, the decline of Rome was

More disruptive

The free Chinese peasants were burdened with

New taxes and demands of service

All three Classical civilizations thought inequality was


The Sahara Desert runs across

Northern Africa, separating the Mediterranean coast from southern Africa

To maintain a basic social cohesion while acknowledging inequality, India

Offered a religion that was shared by all social classes and gave hope to the lower castes of reincarnation into a higher class

All three Classical civilizations suffered from

Outside invasions, the result of growing incursions by groups from Central Asia

Rome's upper classes steadily became more

Pleasure-seeking, turning away from the political devotion and economic vigor, and produced less children

The Guptas dissolved into

Political fragmentation

Han China collapsed because of

Political ineffectiveness and epidemics

Shintoism provided for the worship of

Political rulers and the spirits of nature

Northern European agriculture was

Primitive, still combined with hunting

New crops helped African farmers

Push into new areas

As the population decreased, it became harder for the government to

Recruit troops; they were forced to hire Germanic soldiers to guard the frontiers

Toward the end of the Classical era, important

Regional kingdoms developed in western Africa

The Yellow Turbans launched a

Revolt promising a golden age to be brought about by divine magic

Many estates tried to be

Self-sufficient, resulting in the shrinking of cities

To address the territorial issue of Chinese integration, the Chinese government devoted considerable attention to

Settling some northerners in the southern regions and promoting a common language for the elite

Agriculture spread only

Slowly southward due to barriers of dense vegetation and the impact of African diseases on African kingdoms

New crops were received through trade with

Southeast Asia

The Sui dynasty reconquered

Southern China

The Maya emerged in

Southern Mexico and Central America contemporary with Teotihuacan

To maintain a basic social cohesion while acknowledging inequality, Chinese Confucianism

Stressed mutual respect between the classes and special deference on the part of the lower classes

Politically, the Kushites established a

Strong monarchy with elaborate ceremonies illustrating the belief that the king was divine

Nomadic invaders were driven out of China by

Strong native rulers

Other herding groups produced important


The issues involved with integration were

Territorial and social

All three Classical civilizations involved

Territorial expansion and related efforts to integrate the new territories

The Inca were based on the customs of

The Andean culture

The Sui dynasty succeeded

The Han

Rome's fall split the unity of

The Mediterranean lands that had been so arduously won through Hellenistic culture and then by the Roman empire

Axum and Ethiopia had active contacts with

The eastern Mediterranean, who they traded with for several centuries

The Roman budget was deprecated by

The need to pay troops and declining production, which cut into tax revenue

Islam won some Indian converts in

The northwest

The Rajput controlled

The small states and emphasized military prowess

Farming took earliest root in

The southern fringes of the Sahara

The territorial issues of Indian integration were addressed by

The southward spread of the caste system and Hinduism

Agriculture spread throughout Africa as a result of

The spread of ironworking

The independent kingdom of Kush developed along

The upper Nile River

Invaders of India were incorporated into

The warrior caste of India, forming a new ruling class of India

The Yellow Turbans attacked

The weakness of the emperor and the self-indulgence of the current bureaucracy

Local Chinese landlords ruled the land according to

Their own wishes

Many Roman peasants welcomed barbarian invaders because

They were burdened by the social and economic pressures of the decaying empire

The fall of Rome divided the Mediterranean into

Three zones: Byzantium, North Africa/South Mediterranean, and the western part including Spain and Italy

Teotihuacan was the center of

Trade and worship

To maintain a basic social cohesion while acknowledging inequality, the Mediterranean aristocrats

Treated some locals as clients, offering them protection, and supported civic rituals intended to foster loyalty

To unite its expanding territories, India

Used key religious values, particularly Hinduism

Hindu texts began to be written in

Vernacular languages such as Hindi instead of the old Sanskrit

The Scandinavians' increasing skill as sailors led them into

Wider trade and pillage

In northern Europe there was no

Written language, except where Latin had been imported

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