AP World History Modern Unit 1

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Which of the following Enlightenment ideas conflict MOST with the feudal system described by Froissart?

"All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions." - John Locke

Based on this excerpt and your knowledge of world history, social status in European and Japanese feudal society was usually determined by


Compared to peasant laborers in China from 600 CE to 1250, English laborers shared the following attributes EXCEPT:

Free laborers were offered state incentives to farm land at the peripheries.

This source represents a similarity to Chinese interactions in Korea in which of the following ways?

Local authorities adopted Chinese cultural habits

Which of the following is a major drawback for historians using Source 1 and Source 2 as sources of evidence about Aztec society?

Neither source presents a purely Aztec view of their society.

Which of the following labor systems is Froissart describing?


Which of the following does Mansa Musa's actions in Cairo best reflect?

The expanded economic and political influence of African states such as Mali.

ALL of the following religious traditions include groups that profess similar ascetic ideals EXCEPT?


Zheng He's voyages promoted the Chinese state by

rebuilding national prestige through foreign tribute.

Compared to 12th century China, Western Europe during the 12th century

was organized in a decentralized structure and more focused on foreign gains outside of Europe.

The map above details the expansion of Hinduism into Southeast Asia. A historian would use which of the following religious buildings as evidence of the extensive influence of Hinduism in Southeast Asia?

Angkor Wat.

Which of the following was the MOST important change that Buddhism underwent from 600-1450 C.E. as it continued to spread throughout Asia?

Buddhism experienced syncretism as it adapted to local religions, including Confucianism and Daoism.

The travelers chronicled in the passage above practiced which of the follow religions?


Based on your knowledge of world history, activities such as those in the first image could also be found in this major city in the 12th century.


What new food product allowed for rapid population growth in China during the Song era?

Champa rice.

Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the second image?

China's merchant class experienced growth and vitality during the 12th century.

Which of the following is MOST comparable to the Inca mit'a system?

European feudalism.

The Buddha's eventual acceptance of women in the Buddhist order is characteristic of which of the following non-Buddhist concepts?

Filial Piety (Confucianism).

In the spirit of this passage, which of the following is a major element of Chinese culture that did not integrate well with Buddhism?

Filial Piety.

Which of the following political philosophies most closely resembles the one described in the excerpt?

Mandate of Heaven.

Which of the following dynamics developed in the Roman Empire as a result of the Council of Nicaea?

The Roman government officially accepted Christianity and began to get involved in the management of the Church.

The source illustrates a continuity in Chinese self-thought in which of the following way?

The belief in the centrality and superiority of the Chinese state

Based on the passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following aspects of Indian culture best relates to the strengths of the Indian people according to the author above?

The caste system.

The map above details the expansion of Hinduism into Southeast Asia. All of the following elements of Hinduism were transmitted to Southeast Asia EXCEPT

The caste system.

A historian would most likely use this selection from the Quran to demonstrate which of the following?

The continuation of religious ideals in the Abrahamic religions.

Which of the following attributes of Inca society BEST maintained the interconnectedness of the Inca Empire?

The mita labor system.

Which of the following pieces of evidence would BEST illustrate the transition away from overseas travel during the Ming dynasty?

The official statements of governors of Northern border provinces.

Which of the following comparative elements best represents a difference between Andean and Mesoamerican cultures during the period 600 to 1450 C.E.?

The presence of writing systems.

Which of the following represents a change when comparing this trade network to previous ones in the region, namely the Hopewell and Adena networks?

The production of maize-based agriculture by network communities.

Which of the following beliefs of the Islamic faith is most closely related to this passage?

The relative tolerance of the other Abrahamic religions.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following contributed MOST to the end of footbinding practices in 20th century China?

The rise of communism by mid-century and the creation of a new government under Mao Zedong.

Which of the following best explains de la Vega's purpose behind publishing Royal Commentaries of the Incas?

To educate Europeans on the technologies used for commercial exchanges in the Americas.

These images from the silk scroll painting Along the River During Qingming Festival from the early 12th century C.E. are best understood in the context of which of the following?

Urban growth and development during the Song Dynasty.

The emergence of Islam in the post-classical era could be seen as representing a continuity of Christianity and Buddhism because Islam encouraged

a belief in a spiritual world for which correct Earthly practice was necessary for salvation.

The transcription and transmission of tales such as the Ramayana were useful as a means to promote

a vision of how Hindu principles applied to daily life.

Compared to Chinese family structures and gender roles in the period 600-1450 C.E., West African family structures and gender roles were

different, affording women a wider degree of freedoms in the home and in society.

One long-term result of such a technological innovation was

lower mortality rates, which contributed to overall population growth.

These excerpts foreshadow the adoption of which Christian and Buddhist religious practice?

Development of a monastic tradition.

Each of the various references to "duty" or "duties" in the above passage relates to which of the following major Indian concepts?


If a historian based an understsanding of African societies on Al-Umari's account of Mansa Musa in Cairo, which of the following would represent an incorrect historical assumption of major African societies?

Dominance of Islam.

Which of the following conclusions about Indian society can be drawn from the above passage?

Indian religious life was based heavily around societal norms.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following was diffused in a similar pattern to Buddhism's spread in the 600-1450 C.E. period?

Islam in West Africa.

Which of the following labor systems was the most similar to the 14th century English system as described in this excerpt?

Japanese feudalism.

The map above details the expansion of Hinduism into Southeast Asia. Based on the map and your knowledge of world history, Hinduism was attractive to Southeast Asians for each of the following reasons EXCEPT

Southeast Asians were not particularly interested in Buddhism.

The relationship between the individual and salvation presented in Buddhism and Christianity most closely mirrors that of -


Based on the source and your knowledge of world history, Inca builders

adapted materials at hand for their construction needs.

All of the following are reasons for the shift of the Song Dynasty to the south EXCEPT

an internal succession conflict that divided the government and led to the creation of a southern capital at Kaifeng.

Gautama MOST likely appears three positions above the central buddha because Japanese Buddhists

regarded Buddhas other than Gautama as the ritual foci of later Buddhist texts.

According to the excerpts above, Buddhist and Christian theology share a common belief that adherents should

seek spiritual salvation at the expense of Earthly pursuits.

The depiction of women in the excerpt is similar to that of most classical religions insofar as women were

seen as accessories to the desires and plans of men.

A historian utilizing this excerpt to advance a thesis on the relationship between Islam and the state would most LIKELY note

the fact that the writer of this excerpt might have been under some duress to promote his benefactors.

The practice of footbinding in China was similar in its social and economic implications to all of the following EXCEPT

the use of matrilineal descent.

Compared to cuneiform, hieroglyphs, pictographs, and alphabets, the quipu differed primarily in that it

was a series of ropes and knots instead of a form of writing.

The emergence of Christianity, Buddhism, and other major historical faiths during the Classical Era suggests a turning point in spiritual practice because

religious traditions became increasingly codified and a component of regional empires.

The mandala MOST likely contains deities that represent the seven days of the week and the twelve zodiac signs because

Buddhism served as a vehicle for the transmission of Western concepts to Asia.

While the Council of Nicea represented a starting point for the rapid spread of Christianity, did any other religions experience a period of rapid expansion into new territories in its formative years?


Which of these best describes the nature of the goods traded throughout this trade network?

Minerals and finished luxury goods.

Mounds such as these located throughout North America were characteristic of which of the following trade networks in the period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E.?


What Chinese innovation caused an increase in population during the Song dynasty?

New waterworks technology allowed for the draining of swamps, control of floods, and the use of rice terraces.

Which of the following contributed MOST to the diffusion of Buddhism throughout Asia from circa 600-1450 C.E.?

Peaceful contact by missionaries and merchants along Asian trade routes.

Which of the actions described in the passage does not symbolize or reflect the strength of African state systems in the twelth century CE?

Piety of the sultan Mansa Musa.

Which of the following conclusions about the Inca's use of Quipus is most directly supported by the passage?

Quipus were used as financial instruments that facilitated economic exchanges and to track specialized labor systems.

According to this passage and your knowledge of world religions, which of the following religions was the LEAST influential to Islam?


Each of the following conclusions regarding Japanese Buddhism are suggested by this image EXCEPT

Some Buddhist temples were designed to replicate this maṇḍala.

Which of the following regions or societies in Africa experienced economic growth that a historian could attribute to trade connections with other international trade routes from the same time period?

Swahili Coast

Using this map of Inca holdings as a reference, which of the following statements best represents Inca territorial expansion in the 15th and 16th centuries C.E.?

Territorial expansion was largely facilitated through military conquest and creation of a confederation of states.

Which of the following statements is most accurate based on the current historical understanding of American empires prior to European arrival in the early 16th century?

The American empires of the Incas and Aztecs were dealing with internal weaknesses and may have dissolved on their own without European intervention.

Which of the following first disrupted China's economy soon after the time period pictured?

The Mongol conquest of China and establishment of the Yuan Dynasty.

A historian could utilize the excerpt above in order to make which of the following claims about classical Indian society?

The codification and transmission of religious practice was becoming increasingly important.

Which of the following events is MOST responsible for the creation of the feudal system in Europe, which flourished from ca. 800 CE - 1500 CE?

The collapse of the Roman Empire in Western Europe.

The development of the practice of footbinding in China in the 600-1450 C.E. period, pictured here, can BEST be understood in the context of which of the following?

The rise of Neoconfucianism in China in the Song era.

On which of the following did Inca builders rely?

The skill and industry of an experienced labor force.

These two sources are BEST understood in the context of which of the following?

The spread of Buddhism to East and Southeast Asia.

Which of the following BEST captures the relationship between Islamic theology and the state depicted in this excerpt?

The state serves to promote and enforce Islamic theology.

Based on your knowledge of World History and Source 1, which of the following agricultural techniques did the Aztecs use to increase food production before contact with Spaniards?

Use of very rich soil in "floating gardens."

Which of the following conclusions regarding the social status of women in India can be drawn from this passage?

While the social status of women changed slightly. they still had a significantly lower status than men.

The Indian concept of karma is best illustrated by which of the following quotes from the above passage?

"The bonds of good and evil consequences".

What innovation below would best compare with the innovations depicted in the illustration?

Chinampa System

Which statement below best accounts for the rapid growth of Christianity as an established religion in the Classical Era?

Christianity held enormous appeal as a religion of salvation for the lower classes.

Which statement below would best explain why the Roman authorities sometimes persecuted followers of Christianity during the two centuries before the religion gained official acceptance with the Council of Nicea in 325 CE?

Christians refused to worship or participate in ceremonies that honored the Roman gods, as was expected of all subjects of the Empire.

A historian researching record keeping in the ancient world could make which of the following conclusions based on de la Vega's account?

Cuneiform, pictographs, and hieroglyphs were replaced by alphabets much earlier than the quipu.

Which statement best reflects the improvements in agriculture as depicted in this image?

Food supplies became more reliable year round, while crop yields increased overall.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following presented a significant challenge to Inca builders?

High mountains and steep valleys.

A historian could best use Source 1 and Source 2 together to illustrate which of the following developments from Period 3, c. 600 CE - c. 1450 CE?

Increased agricultural productivity contributed to revival of some urban areas.

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