APES ap test practice

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How to determine the approximate number of kilocalories/meter^2/year available to herbivores in that biome?

10% of Net primary productivity

Example of carbon source


Which of the following biogeochemical cycles includes the processes of buffering ocean pH and photosynthesis

carbon cycle

K-selected characteristics

slower development, long-lived individuals, fewer and larger offspring, delayed reproduction

describe the flow of energy in most terrestrial and near-surface marine ecosystems

Producers use energy from the sun to make organic matter, such as sugars, from carbon dioxide and water and are then consumed by organisms higher in the food chain.

which trophic level has the least amount of energy available

The amount of energy available decreases up the food chain, so the organisms at the highest trophic level would have the fewest kilojoules of energy available.

traits of r-strategists

reproduce multiple times in a year and have limited parental care

example of a carbon source

respiration, burning fossil fuels, forest fires, cattle ranching

replacement level fertility

the number of children a couple must have to replace themselves (2.1)

this rate of reaction can be measured in the dark by determining the amount of oxygen gas consumed in a period of time.

Cellular respiration does not require sunlight, so it can be measured in the dark.

This biome is found in shallow waters off the coastline and is Earth's most biologically diverse marine biome.

Coral Reef

Which of the following trophic levels represents a primary producer in an aquatic food chain?


The total rate of photosynthesis in a given area.

gross primary productivity -

Which of the following major reservoirs of freshwater are missing from the diagram? (hydrologic cycle)

ice caps

types of fossil fuelds

natural gas, liquid gas, coal

Based on the second law of thermodynamics, how much biomass of phytoplankton would be needed to produce 11 kilogram (kgkg) of large fish in this food web?

1000kg assuming only approximately 10%10% of biomass is available to be transferred to the next trophic level, 1,000kg1,000kg of phytoplankton would be needed because of the four different energy transfers in this food web. [1,000kg1,000kg phytoplankton ×0.10=100kg×0.10=100kg available to herbivorous zooplankton; 100kg100kg zooplankton ×0.10=10kg×0.10=10kg available to small fish; 10kg10kg small fish ×0.10=1kg×0.10=1kg of large fish biomass]

A temperate grassland biome has a gross primary productivity of 3,480kilocalories/meter2/year3,480kilocalories/meter2/year and a net primary productivity of 2,000kilocalories/meter2/year2,000kilocalories/meter2/year. Which of the following is the approximate number of kilocalories/meter2/yearkilocalories/meter2/year available to herbivores in that biome?

200kilocalories/meter2/year -10% of the kilocalories from net primary productivity would be available (2,000kilocalories/meter2/year×0.10=200kilocalories/meter2/year2,000⁢kilocalories/meter2/year×0.10=200kilocalories/meter2/year)

What is a hot spot?A hot spot is a short section of volcanoes without earthquakes found away from plate boundaries.

A hot spot is a short section of volcanoes without earthquakes found away from plate boundaries. The Hawaiian Islands are an example of a hot spot.

In addition to a nearby mountain range, which of the following environmental conditions would be required for the process in the diagram to occur? A A cool sea breeze and a high pressure system B A warm mountain breeze and a low pressure system C A cool sea breeze and a low pressure system D A cool mountain breeze and a high pressure system

Answer A Correct. A dominant high pressure system keeps the warm air from rising. At night, the Sun's energy no longer heats the air near the ground, allowing the cool sea breeze (more-dense air) to wedge underneath the less-dense warm layer. This process traps the warm layer between two cooler layers, forming the inversion.

Which of the following pollutants would most likely be responsible for gender imbalance in a population of frogs in which all observed frogs are female? A Endocrine disruptors B Carcinogens C Animal waste from farms D Fertilizers

Answer A Correct. Endocrine disruptors alter hormone levels. These can be associated with sexual development, and several studies have found that endocrine disruptors can lead to altered sex ratios in populations, especially in amphibians.

Which of the following is a direct economic consequence that would likely occur if an area of forest was clear-cut so that a housing development can be built? A A decrease in the number of game hunting licenses purchased B A decrease in atmospheric oxygen concentration C An increase in taxes from ecotourism D An increase in legislation to regulate stream flow

Answer A Correct. Hunting licenses represent a financial gain by the state and county in forested areas, so if a forest is clear-cut, this would eliminate a viable area to hunt. Fewer hunting licenses purchased would be a negative economic consequence.

Which of the following is an unintended consequence associated with waterlogging caused by flood irrigation? A Higher water tables B Relatively low cost C Decreased erosion and soil loss D Increased oxygen intake by plant roots

Answer A Correct. If the water table rises to a point that the water inundates the crops' roots, then the crops would be unable to draw in enough oxygen through their roots. The air spaces in the soil are filled with water, which carries less oxygen than the air.

After intensive logging, most of the trees along a stream have been removed. Which of the following water quality changes would most likely occur downstream after logging? A Increased water temperature B Increased dissolved oxygen C Decreased total dissolved solids D Decreased amount of fecal coliform

Answer A Correct. Increased erosion would occur when the soil is no longer held in place by the tree roots. This will increase the turbidity of the stream and cause the temperature to increase. Additionally, the lack of trees around the stream would most likely increase the amount of solar insolation on the stream, leading to higher temperatures.

Scientists are testing the effect of different scrubber technologies on the removal of pollutants from coal power plants. The scrubbers use a slurry of limestone and water. Which of the following best describes the impact of modifying the slurry by increasing the amount of limestone? A The amount of sulfur dioxide released will decrease. B The amount of ground-level ozone released will decrease. C The amount of water released will increase. D The amount of carbon monoxide released will increase.

Answer A Correct. Increasing the concentration of limestone would result in more sulfur dioxide removed from the plant emissions.

Which of the following would be considered an advantage of increased urban sprawl? A As individuals move out of urban areas to nearby suburbs, the population densities of cities will decrease, reducing the spread of infectious disease. B As new homes are built in suburban areas, the cost of materials will decrease, reducing the need to clear-cut old-growth forests. C As urban sprawl increases, the availability of land for farming and wildlife habitats will decrease, increasing the loss of biodiversity. D As more individuals live in suburbs and work in cities, transportation methods will change, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted.

Answer A Correct. Lower population densities in suburban areas can help to reduce the spread of disease. Urban sprawl decreases the population density in cities, which would be an advantage in reducing the spread of disease.

Which of the following changes are linked to an increase in ocean water temperature? A An increase in metabolism in marine species and a decrease in dissolved oxygen in ocean water B A decrease in metabolism in marine species and a decrease in dissolved oxygen in ocean water C An increase in metabolism in marine species and an increase in dissolved oxygen in ocean water D A decrease in metabolism in marine species and an increase in dissolved oxygen in ocean water

Answer A Correct. Metabolic rates of marine species increase as ocean temperature increases because biochemical reactions speed up in warmer water conditions. Also, oxygen cannot dissolve in warm water as easily as in cold water, so levels of dissolved oxygen are reduced.

Which of the following combinations correctly identifies and explains the effects of the differences in the distribution of solar radiation on Earth? A Global wind patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at low latitudes and cool air at high latitudes, resulting in density differences between the air masses. B Global rain patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at high latitudes and cool air at low latitudes, resulting in evaporation and condensation differences between the air masses. C Global wind patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at high latitudes and cool air at low latitudes, resulting in density differences between the air masses. D Global rain patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at low latitudes and cool air at high latitudes, resulting in air masses that do not circulate because they are of equal density.

Answer A Correct. Solar radiation is most direct at low latitudes and least at high latitudes. This results in the air masses having different densities and the Coriolis effect that deflects the air masses, creating winds.

Which of the following is the most likely impact of thermal pollution from power plants on a river ecosystem? A Decreased oxygen levels because warm water holds less dissolved gas than cold water does B Increased sedimentation because minerals precipitate out of the water column in warm water C Reduced growth rates of primary producers such as aquatic plants and algae D Decreased metabolic rates of aquatic animals exposed to the heated water

Answer A Correct. This is a common effect of thermal pollution. Variations in water temperature can affect the concentration of dissolved oxygen because warm water does not contain as much dissolved oxygen as cold water does.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using hydrogen fuel cells? A Hydrogen gas is not readily available on Earth. B The products of the reactions in hydrogen fuel cells damage the environment. C Hydrogen fuel cells are much less efficient in powering vehicles than internal combustion engines are. D Hydrogen fuel cells need to be very large to generate electricity.

Answer A Correct. Though abundant in the universe, hydrogen gas is relatively rare on Earth. Electricity is required to produce the hydrogen gas needed to make hydrogen fuel cells viable.

Which of the following agricultural practices results in soil degradation and most contributes to erosion? A Tilling B Crop rotation C Intercropping D Terracing

Answer A Correct. Tilling is the practice of plowing crops after each harvest, exposing the soil and reducing ground cover after harvest. This practice leads to high soil erosion and degradation.

Scientists are interested in studying the bioaccumulation of mercury in different species of dolphins exposed to the same concentration of mercury. The dolphins in the study will be of similar age and living in the same habitat. Which of the following best identifies a testable hypothesis for the study? A Different species of dolphins will have different levels of mercury in their fatty tissues depending on the species' ability to absorb and excrete mercury. B Dolphins will have the highest levels of mercury in their fatty tissues when they are exposed to the highest concentration of mercury. C Dolphin species that are not exposed to mercury in the water will still have trace levels of mercury in their muscle tissues from exposure through air. D The concentration of mercury in the tissues of different species of dolphins is dependent on the life span of the species and on the number of offspring produced.

Answer A Correct. Toxins, like mercury, build up in the tissues of organisms because they cannot be excreted. They would likely be found contained within the tissues of the organism, in particular, in fatty tissues. The levels are based on metabolic levels of absorption and excretion, which could vary between species.

Which of the following techniques could best reduce the harmful effects of overfishing if it were to be widely adopted by the fishing industry? A Increased use of large-mesh gill nets for harvesting salmon and trout B Greater reliance on bottom trawling in coastal waters for harvesting shrimp and sole C Increased use of long-line fishing techniques in the open ocean for harvesting swordfish and halibut D Widespread application of cyanide in tropical waters for harvesting tuna and cod

Answer A Correct. Use of large-mesh nets reduces capture of smaller specimens. This technique would reduce the impacts of harvesting fish as fewer unintended species would be caught in the nets.

Which of the following approaches would best decrease the impact of frequent flooding in a community that is subject to the hazard of flooding? A Construct wetland areas near the rivers and streams. B Remove forested areas around all streams and rivers and change land use to agriculture. C Increase the height of natural levees downstream from the community. D Encourage developers to build housing developments on the floodplain.

Answer A Correct. Wetlands absorb water during flooding. They capture water from rainfall events and slowly release floodwaters. Vegetation also decreases the speed of floodwaters over the floodplain.

Which of the following statements best describes why birth and death rates are changing in a country that is in Phase 2 of the demographic transition? A Individuals have better sanitation and access to clean drinking water. B Individuals have increased availability of birth control and have smaller family sizes. C The population has a high infant mortality rate because of the lack of health care. D The population size stops increasing and may decline if birth rates are lower than death rates.

Answer A In phase 2, there is rapid population growth as the result of better access to clean drinking water, food, vaccinations, and other medical care.

A country is currently in the second stage of the demographic transition. Currently the country has a birth rate of 37.9 births per 1,000 individuals and a death rate of 13.4 deaths per 1,000 individuals. Which of the following changes would indicate that the country is moving from the second stage into the third stage of the demographic transition? A The birth rate declines to 25.3 births per 1,000 individuals. B The birth rate declines to 13.1 births per 1,000 individuals. C The birth rate rises to 43.1 births per 1,000 individuals. D The death rate rises to 37.9 deaths per 1,000 individuals.

Answer A The birth rate falls but does not yet match the death rate during the third stage.

The rule of 70 can be used to determine a population's doubling time. Doubling time is a measure of the A population growth rate B environmental impact of each individual in a population C length of time an individual born in a population is expected to live D average age of the first reproductive event per 1,000 women in a country

Answer A The rule of 70 states that dividing the number 70 by the percentage population growth rate approximates the population's doubling time.

Which of the following is an example of an ecosystem that provides ecosystem services including protection from hurricane storm surges? A A lock and dam system B An intact coastal wetland C An energy-producing tidal barrage system D An offshore, deep-water fish farm

Answer B Correct. An intact coastal wetland or marsh would offer natural protection from hurricane storm surges categorized under regulating ecosystem service.

American crocodiles thrive in healthy estuaries and are found distributed across southern Florida, the Caribbean islands, and in parts of northern South America. The American crocodile has always been considered rare in the state of Florida, and restoration efforts have been in effect for decades to aid the crocodile in heavily populated coastal areas. Which of the following best describes a likely unintended consequence of the restoration plan based on the data in the map? A Periodic surveys will determine the distribution, relative abundance, growth, and survival of the crocodiles. B There will be an increase in the number of human and crocodile interactions in coastal areas. C The American crocodile will make a comeback in many areas of South Florida. D Female crocodiles will lay eggs in nests along the water's edge.

Answer B Correct. As the number and range of crocodiles increase during the ecosystem restoration and management, there is a challenge to integrate the recovering crocodile population into the coastal areas that are heavily used by humans.

which of the following describes why the summer solstice in Australia occurs in December and not in June? A At this time of year, the Earth is closest to the Sun due to its elliptical path. B At this time of year, the tilt of Earth causes Australia to receive highly concentrated solar radiation. C At this time of year, the tilt of Earth causes Australia to be closer to the Sun. D At this time of year, the tilt of Earth causes solar radiation to reach Australia at a low angle of incidence.

Answer B Correct. At this time of year, the Earth is tilted in such a way that Australia receives solar radiation nearly perpendicular to the Earth's surface, resulting in highly concentrated rays during the summer season.

Wind energy is increasingly relied upon to help meet global energy needs. Wind energy can be used to generate electricity using wind turbines. Which of the following best describes electricity generation using wind turbines? A Newer wind turbines can generate consistent electricity even when there is no wind. B Wind turbines can be constructed on either vertical or horizontal axes. C Wind turbines are rarely used offshore because they tend to float in rough seas. D Wind turbines can be used by individual homeowners but have limited effectiveness when connected to the electrical grid.

Answer B Correct. Axes of wind turbines can be either vertical or horizontal; there are benefits (and drawbacks) to each type. Turbines aligned on a horizontal axis are the primary type seen and are common in large-scale operations. Turbines with vertical axis blades are perpendicular to the ground and work well in more extreme conditions.

A biologist is studying a small food web in which phytoplankton are eaten by krill, krill are eaten by fish, and fish are eaten by seals. During their study of the ecosystem, the biologist discovers that PCBsPCBs are present in measurable levels in the water and wants to examine how PCBsPCBs could vary in different trophic levels. Which of the following best identifies a testable hypothesis for the study? A Biomagnification will cause the phytoplankton outside the study area to have the highest amount of PCBsPCBs in their tissues. B Biomagnification will cause the seals to have the highest amount of PCBsPCBs in their tissues. C Bioaccumulation will cause the seals outside the study area to have the highest amount of PCBsPCBs in their tissues. D Bioaccumulation will cause the fish to have the highest amount of PCBsPCBs in their tissues.

Answer B Correct. Biomagnification is an amplifying effect that occurs at the top of a food chain or food web. The seals are at the top of the web and would be expected to have the highest levels of PCBsPCBs in their tissues since PCBPCB is a substance that would increase in concentration up the food web.

Which of the following would best be described as a point source of pollution from a farm? A Nitrogenous fertilizers added to drip irrigation used for growing crops B Runoff from the waste lagoons of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, which enters local waterways after a flooding event C Tractors and harvesters burning fossil fuels and releasing carbon dioxide and nitrous oxides into the atmosphere D Particulate matter from bare soil on plowed fields entering the atmosphere from wind

Answer B Correct. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are one of the few agricultural point sources of pollution. Confining many animals to limited space concentrates their waste, making them a point source of pollution.

Which of the following best describes the source of persistent organic pollutants (POPs that could accumulate in the tissues of a top predator? A Methane (CH4CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2CO2) released from livestock operations B DDT and other pesticides that are sprayed to control for mosquitoes C CFCsCFCs that are manufactured to be used as pesticides D Sulfur dioxide (SO2SO2) released from coal-burning power plants

Answer B Correct. DDT and other pesticides persist for a long time in the environment and can be transported over long distances. They accumulate in organisms at the top of the food chain as a result of their chemical nature.

A scientist wants to study the effect of DDTDDT in a fish-eating bird species. She measures a variety of variables in a population of birds over a period of ten years to determine how levels of DDTDDT affect bird survival and reproduction. Which of the following identifies a scientific question she could ask to best evaluate the effect of DDTDDT on the bird species? A Is the bird species able to metabolize DDTDDT faster than the fish the birds consume? B Does the persistence of DDTDDT lead to eggshell thinning or developmental deformities in the bird species? C Has the decrease in DDTDDT usage led to a decrease in DDTDDT concentration in the tissues of fish-eating birds? D How long does it take for DDTDDT to break down once it is absorbed in the fatty tissues of the fish-eating birds?

Answer B Correct. DDTDDT is a substance that bioaccumulates in species because it is fat-soluble and cannot be excreted as fast as it is absorbed. Additionally, DDTDDT can be biomagnified in a food chain. The effect of DDTDDT (and other toxins) can include metabolic issues. In birds, there are links to DDTDDT and eggshell thinning as a result of an alteration of calcium metabolism.

Which of the following best explains energy transformation in hydrogen fuel cells? A Methane reacts with oxygen to produce carbon and hydrogen atoms, which releases energy. B Hydrogen reacts with oxygen to produce water, which releases energy. C In the presence of sunlight, carbon dioxide reacts with water to produce sugar and oxygen, requiring energy. D Hydrogen chloride is dissolved in water, requiring energy.

Answer B Correct. Hydrogen reacts with oxygen to produce water and energy in a hydrogen fuel cell.

Which of the following best describes why carbon dioxide has a significant effect on global climate change? A Carbon dioxide is a highly reactive molecule. B Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. C Carbon dioxide has the highest global warming potential of all gases in the atmosphere. D Carbon dioxide reflects infrared radiation, which gradually heats the Earth's surface.

Answer B Correct. In comparison with equal amounts of other greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide has a lower global warming potential. However, because carbon dioxide is released from anthropogenic sources in such large quantities compared with other greenhouse gases, it has a very large effect on global climate change.

Which of the following best describes how a scientist could accurately study the effects of soil buffering on plant growth in a region that is affected by acid deposition downwind of a coal-burning power plant? A Measure changes in plant height over a year in a two different groups of trees; one group is 5km5km from the power plant and one group is 10km10km from the power plant. B Measure the changes in plant height over a year in two different groups of trees the same distance from the power plant; one group is in topsoil and one group is in topsoil with limestone added. C Measure changes in plant biomass over a year in two different groups of trees the same distance from the power plant; one group is not manipulated and one group is watered daily to dilute the deposition's acidity. D Measure changes in plant biomass over a year in two different groups of trees; one group is 5km5km from the power plant over limestone bedrock and one group is 10km10km from the power plant that has nitrogen and phosphorus added to the topsoil.

Answer B Correct. Limestone, the one independent variable in this study, can naturally buffer the acid in the rain. With the control group, this study would measure the effect of soil buffering on plant growth in a region affected by acid rain.

According to the World Health Organization, persistent organic pollutants (POPs)(POPs) are found in nearly all tested organism tissues and environmental samples. Which characteristic of POPsPOPs accounts for their presence in living tissues and in environmental samples? A POPsPOPs are lipophilic, which means that they can be stored in fatty tissues for long periods of time. B POPsPOPs are released in to the air, water, and land, which allows them to be transported and incorporated in multiple ways. C POPsPOPs are synthetic chemicals, so only humans and urban environments are exposed to the pollutants. D POPsPOPs are organic compounds, so they can biodegrade easily and move through various environments.

Answer B Correct. POPsPOPs are found in most environmental samples because they are globally distributed by air or water currents. Additionally, they can enter living organisms through exposure to contaminated air, water, or food.

An environmental agency wants to evaluate the effectiveness of rain gardens in reducing the impact of urban runoff from an impervious parking lot and from the roof of the building. The parking lot is slightly sloped so the rainwater flows toward the gardens. The runoff from the roof is collected by various downspouts and directed toward the gardens. Scientists at the agency plan to monitor the effectiveness by measuring the water quality of the storm water as it moves through the gardens during and after storm events. Plant selection is important for a rain garden. Which of the following best describes the types of plants that would be most effective to use in the rain garden in this experimental design to reduce the impact of urban runoff? A Flowering plant species so that offspring are genetically different from the parent plants B Flood-tolerant plant species so that the plants can withstand large pulses of water from storms C Invasive plant species so that the plants can reproduce rapidly once the soil is saturated from storms D Genetically modified plant species so that the plants are resistant to drought and insect pests

Answer B Correct. Plants should be both tolerant of occasional flooding as well as dry periods. Runoff from a roof and the parking lot could move large volumes of water into the rain garden during and after storm events.

Which of the following ecosystem services are categorized as regulating? A Wood fuel, medicine, and potable water B Pollination, decomposition, and water purification C Recreation, education, and aesthetics D Photosynthesis, nutrient cycling, and creation of soils

Answer B Correct. Regulating services are benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes. (Answer D Incorrect. Photosynthesis, nutrient cycling, and creation of soils are supporting services (services necessary for the production of the other ecosystem services).)

A developer wants to develop a large tract of land near a watershed, which will require the removal of several large trees. Which of the following statements best describes the impact that the development would have on the watershed? A Removing large trees would decrease the amount of runoff in the watershed. B Removing large trees would cause an increase in temperature and keep the surrounding water and soil warmer. C Removing large trees would decrease the rate of erosion in a watershed. D Removing large trees would increase the retention of water within the watershed.

Answer B Correct. Removing large trees that are present near a watershed would increase the effects of sunlight, keeping the water and soil warmer. This would increase thermal pollution and provide a less stable temperature for organisms.

Which of the following best identifies a benefit of using renewable energy sources rather than nonrenewable energy sources? A Renewable energy sources do not have negative environmental impacts, whereas nonrenewable energy sources have many negative environmental impacts. B Renewable energy sources are replenishable and are virtually inexhaustible by human consumption, whereas nonrenewable sources do not form in a short period of time. C Renewable energy sources are available uniformly throughout the world, whereas nonrenewable sources are unequally distributed. D Renewable energy technologies are more developed and more readily available than nonrenewable energy technologies.

Answer B Correct. Renewable sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectricity, are replenishable on a human timescale and cannot be used up by human consumption. Nonrenewable resources take long periods of time to form and are limited.

hich of the following is required to convert geothermal energy into electricity? A Wind B Groundwater C Fossil fuel D Sunlight

Answer B Correct. Steam, which comes from groundwater, is evaporated by Earth's internal heat sources, and is used to turn turbines that generate electricity.

Which of the following statements best describes how the Clean Water Act legislation aims to protect wetlands from being lost? A The Clean Water Act bans the draining of wetlands over five acres in size. B The Clean Water Act requires wetlands to be constructed to mitigate the effect of newly drained wetlands. C The Clean Water Act establishes standards for the quality of surface waters that must be continually monitored and reported. D The Clean Water Act prohibits the use of wetlands for development and construction.

Answer B Correct. The Clean Water Act stipulates that wetlands that are drained and destroyed must be replaced by newly constructed wetlands in order to mitigate the loss of ecosystem services provided by wetlands.

An island off the coast of Africa contains a larger percentage of specialist species than generalist species. Which of the following describes the most immediate effect if an invasive generalist species is introduced to the island? A As predation increases, the population size of the invasive generalist species will decrease. B As competition for resources increases, the population size of the island's specialist species will decrease. C As resources are partitioned, the population sizes of both the generalist species and the specialist species will increase. D As niches overlap, the invasive generalist species will be outcompeted by the island's specialist species.

Answer B Correct. The invasive generalist species would most likely outcompete the island's species for food and other resources, as these are extremely limited on islands and specialists can thrive in a narrow range of conditions.

During an El Niño event, farmers in the southwestern United Stated often benefit from which of the following climatic changes? A Longer and cooler summers that increase crop yield B Wetter and warmer weather that increases soil moisture C Cooler and drier conditions that help cold-weather crops D Warmer and drier weather that reduces soil erosion and flooding

Answer B Correct. The southwestern United States experiences warmer and wetter seasonal climates during an El Niño event. A strong El Niño event can benefit the Southwest by moistening nutrient-rich soils.

An environmental agency wants to evaluate the effectiveness of rain gardens in reducing the impact of urban runoff from an impervious parking lot and from the roof of the building. The parking lot is slightly sloped so the rainwater flows toward the gardens. The runoff from the roof is collected by various downspouts and directed toward the gardens. Scientists at the agency plan to monitor the effectiveness by measuring the water quality of the storm water as it moves through the gardens during and after storm events. Which of the following would be the best control in this experimental design? A Water samples collected from a faucet inside the building B Water samples collected from the roof or parking lot before they passed through the gardens C Soil samples collected from different rain gardens on the property D Soil samples collected from under the parking lots around the city

Answer B Correct. This would provide baseline water quality parameters (pH, nitrates, temperature, turbidity, etc.) before the storm water passes through the rain garden and could be compared to water samples collected after the runoff passed through the gardens.

Which of the following identifies the air pollutants most commonly released during the burning of biomass? A Lead ( PbPb ), carbon monoxide ( COCO ), and nitric acid ( HNO3HNO3 ) B Particulate matter ( PMPM ), ozone ( O3O3 ), and carbon monoxide ( COCO ) C Carbon dioxide ( CO2CO2 ), particulate matter ( PMPM ), and carbon monoxide ( COCO ) D Polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBsPCBs ), carbon dioxide ( CO2CO2 ), and chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCsCFCs )

Answer C Correct. All three pollutants are commonly released during the burning of biomass

Which of the following best describes the effect of increasing global temperature on coral ecosystems? A Warmer water will have higher dissolved oxygen, which will lead to an increase in coral reef ecosystem biodiversity. B White algae will cover the coral reefs, causing the reefs to appear bleached. C Algae that live symbiotically with the corals leave the reef, causing coral bleaching. D Brown algae outcompetes the coral for food, causing the corals to die off.

Answer C Correct. An algae called zooxanthellae live symbiotically with the coral polyp. When the temperature of the water gets too warm, the zooxanthellae leave the safety of the coral to continue photosynthesizing in cooler waters. This causes the coral to lose its coloring from the zooxanthellae and is called coral "bleaching" because the limestone coral is left without the colorful algae to provide color to the coral.

Which of the following best describes how a homeowner using an off-the-grid PVPV solar system, in the same country as seen in the graph above, can power a home between 9:00 PM and 6:00 AM? A Switching to the electrical grid to obtain power B Relying on sources like wind or hydroelectricity in times of darkness C Using excess energy from a sunny day stored in batteries for power D Burning wood to create heat and light for the home.

Answer C Correct. Batteries are the standard way to store energy for times when PVPV is not generating.

Which of the following would be most helpful to determine the soil texture of a sample? A A pH meter and conductivity meter B A soil core kit and a seismograph C A density gradient tube and a soil triangle D A quadrat and a transect line

Answer C Correct. Both the soil triangle and density gradient tube are used to determine the texture of a soil sample. A soil density gradient tube, which separates particles by density, would help determine a soil profile. Using a soil triangle, the soil texture can be determined using the percentage of sand, silt, and clay from the soil profile.

Which of the following best describes the action of endocrine disruptors in organisms? A Endocrine disruptors scar the lung tissue of animals, inducing respiratory difficulties. B Endocrine disruptors block the central nervous system of animals, leading to behavioral abnormalities. C Endocrine disruptors mimic naturally occurring hormones in animals, leading to developmental disorders. D Endocrine disruptors reduce primary productivity in plants, inducing a trophic cascade.

Answer C Correct. Endocrine disruptors are readily picked up by hormone receptors, which can cause a response even if the hormone is present only in low levels. Since the endocrine system works through negative feedback loops, the presence of synthetic compounds that mimic hormones cause the body to decrease production of the actual hormones, potentially leading to developmental disorders.

Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCsHCFCs) are human-made chemicals that have been used as temporary replacements for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCsCFCs) in refrigerants because they decompose more readily in the atmosphere and thus pose less of a threat to Earth's protective ozone layer. Levels of HCFCsHCFCs have been measured in the stratosphere, and the concentrations of many different HCFCsHCFCs have been steadily increasing since the mid- to late 1990s. One important drawback of the use of HCFCsHCFCs as a replacement for CFCsCFCs is that HCFCsHCFCs A biomagnify in food chains in the Arctic ecosystem B combine with water vapor to form acid precipitation C are greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change D react with carbon monoxide (COCO) to form ozone in the troposphere

Answer C Correct. HCFCsHCFCs are greenhouse gases with a global warming potential (GWPGWP) in the range of 70 to almost 2000 over a 100-year period.

Which of the following best describes how thermal pollution from power plants can affect aquatic ecosystems? A Water injected into the ground during the hydraulic fracking process can seep into wells, causing methane contamination. B Warm water runoff that reaches lakes and ponds slows down the metabolic rate of aquatic animals, which decreases primary productivity. C Warm water discharged into rivers and streams decreases the oxygen content of the water, which reduces the number of fish species. D Wastewater from nuclear power plants contains radioisotopes and carbonic acid, which increase the rate of cancer in aquatic species.

Answer C Correct. Oxygen is less soluble in warmer water. This decreases the concentration of dissolved oxygen, which can lead to decreased biodiversity

Which of the following correctly identifies an example of an endocrine disruptor and the effect it might have on the human body? A High levels of lead in drinking water could lead to neurological damage. B Exposure to radon in indoor air is linked to increased rates of lung cancer. C Phthalates in cosmetics and shampoos reduce fertility. D The bacterium E. coli found in vegetables causes abdominal cramping and vomiting.

Answer C Correct. Phthalates are a group of chemicals that increase the flexibility of plastic and are found in many personal-care products such as cosmetics and shampoos. Exposure to phthalates is linked to endocrine disruption in humans and has been found to affect human reproduction and development.

Which of the following is the most likely reason for the trend shown in the graph of fluctuating indoor radon levels over the course of a year? A Home windows are often closed during summer months, causing the levels of radon in the house to build up. B Barometric pressure changes from summer storms can cause radon levels to increase. C Radon levels tend to increase in the colder months because of the difference in temperature inside and outside the home, which creates a vacuum pulling radon into the home at a higher rate. D Increased levels of radon are linked to burning biomass indoors, which increases in winter months when more biomass is burned for cooking and heating.

Answer C Correct. Radon levels tend to increase in the colder months owing to the difference in temperature inside and outside the home. If the outside temperature is drastically lower than the indoor temperature, then a vacuum is created within the home as the warm, indoor air circulates. This vacuum pulls radon into the home at a faster rate than normal, resulting in elevated radon levels.

The Chesapeake Bay is a watershed that is located in six states and the District of Columbia. Which of the following can cause an increase in water pollution in the watershed? A An increase in the number of grasses, trees, and shrubs near a watershed B An increase in the natural systems near a watershed C An increase in stormwater runoff in urban areas D A decrease in the number of impervious surfaces near the watershed

Answer C Correct. Runoff from impervious surfaces (for example, stormwater that washes off of the road) can pollute the watershed and harm fish.

Which of the following best describes a potential advantage of using geothermal energy instead of solar farms for power generation? A Harnessing geothermal energy does not release hydrogen sulfide gas, whereas solar farms do. B Geothermal energy does not release greenhouse gases, whereas solar farms do. C Geothermal energy can be harnessed without destroying large tracts of habitat, whereas solar farms require large amounts of space. D Geothermal energy is easily accessible and can be harnessed in most parts of the world, whereas solar energy is difficult to harness.

Answer C Correct. Solar farms require large areas of land, including wildlife habitats and forests, to be cleared, whereas geothermal energy does not require large expanses of land for use.

Which of the following best describes an environmental problem that is often linked to the process of fracking? Fracking operations require large tracts of land, which degrades habitat and harms wildlife. B Fracking can increase stream flow and water volume, disrupting fish migration pathways. C Wastewater from fracking operations is injected into porous rock formations, which can induce seismic activity. D Excessive nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, run off the land near fracking sites, which can lead to large algal blooms in nearby waterways.

Answer C Correct. The disposal of wastewater from fracking operations is linked to an increase in earthquakes. Fracking extracts large amounts of water from underground oil-rich rocks, then pumps the water back underground, which sometimes triggers earthquakes.

Which of the following correctly identifies the sequence of energy conversions that occur in a wind turbine? A Mechanical energy →→ kinetic energy →→ electrical energy B Potential energy →→ mechanical energy →→ kinetic energy C Kinetic energy →→ mechanical energy →→ electrical energy D Potential energy →→ electrical energy →→ mechanical energy

Answer C Correct. The kinetic energy of the wind spins the blades. The main shaft of the rotor spins (mechanical energy) a generator to generate electricity (electrical energy).

which of the following best explains the area of the Andes Mountains that would have the greatest number of rivers? A Equal numbers of rivers would be found on both the east and west sides of the Andes Mountains because water flows downhill. B More rivers would be located on the west side of the Andes Mountains because it is the leeward side. C More rivers would be located on the east side of the Andes Mountains because the trade winds are coming from the east. D More rivers would be located on the south side of the Andes Mountains because it is protected from the drying sunlight.

Answer C Correct. Trade winds come from the east, so the east side of the mountain will have air currents rising, cooling, and dropping precipitation before going over the mountain and descending on the other side, creating drier conditions. Increased precipitation on the eastern side supports the claim that more rivers would be expected on the eastern side of the mountain range.

A scientist is studying the correlation between air pollution and cardiovascular disease in humans. Which of the following measures would best show a link between air pollution and cardiovascular disease? A Mortality rates from cardiovascular disease in populations in different countries B Total number of emergency room visits by individuals with cardiovascular disease in urban areas compared to rural areas C Occurrences of emergency room visits by individuals with cardiovascular disease on days with a high air quality index value D Change in number of individuals with cardiovascular diseases over the past 50 years compared to levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide

Answer C Correct. When the air quality index (AQIAQI) is high (100−300100−300), ranging from "Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups" to "Hazardous," there are increased cases of cardiovascular disease cases in emergency room visits as well as increased mortality rates.

The demographic transition model describes population change over time as a country becomes more developed. Age-structure diagrams describe how populations are distributed across age ranges. Which of the following age-structure diagrams best displays the age ranges in a country that is in stage 2 of the demographic transition? A A stationary age-structure diagram B An inverted pyramid age-structure diagram C A constrictive age-structure diagram D An expansive pyramid age-structure diagram

Answer D Stage 2 in the demographic transition has high birth rates and fairly high death rates, with a rapidly growing population. This is illustrated by high numbers of prereproductive-age individuals in the age-structure diagram, leading to a pyramid shape.

A student claims that soil sample BB would be classified as a loam. Which of the following best describes the method used by the student to reach this conclusion? The student added water to the soil sample and determined the amount of water required to saturate the soil. B The student oven-dried the soil sample following separation and calculated the percent change in mass of the remaining sand and silt after the sample cooled. C The student calculated the amount of soil mass lost overnight in each soil sample that resulted from the evaporation of the clay and silt. D The student used a soil triangle to determine where the lines intersect for sand, silt, and clay for the soil sample.

Answer D Correct. A soil texture triangle would be used to identify different soil types based on the percentage of sand, silt, and clay in a sample.

A small lake, located downstream of a power plant, recently experienced a die-off of multiple aquatic species. Environmentalists had been monitoring the temperature of the lake for several months prior to the die-off and noticed a significant spike in the temperature of the lake immediately preceding the die-off event. Which of the following best explains why the die-off event occurred in the lake following the increased water temperature? A The warm water increased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the photosynthetic rate of the aquatic organisms. B The warm water increased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the amount of competition by consumers for food. C The warm water decreased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the rate of decomposition in the lake. D The warm water decreased the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which led to an increase in the respiration rate of the aquatic organisms.

Answer D Correct. An increase in water temperature would have caused a decrease in the amount of dissolved oxygen. The lower oxygen content of the water coupled with the higher water temperature would have increased the respiration rate of the organisms and increased physiological stress, which most likely led to suffocation and death.

Which of the following gases has the greatest impact on global climate change as a result of having the highest global warming potential (GWP) ? A Carbon dioxide B Methane C Nitrous oxide D Chlorofluorocarbons

Answer D Correct. CFC−11���−11 has a GWPGWP of 7020 (20 years) or 5350 (100 years). CFCsCFCs have the highest GWPGWP followed by nitrous oxide and then methane.

Air pollution from a power plant is being monitored for levels of nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone. The levels are measured daily at the same time. Which of the following best predicts the impact of a dark and cloudy day on the readings for the levels of air pollutants measured? A There will be no change in the levels of nitrogen dioxide or ground-level ozone. B There will be a decrease in the level of nitrogen dioxide and an increase in the level of ground-level ozone. C There will be an increase in the levels of both nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone. D There will be an increase in the level of nitrogen dioxide and a decrease in the level of ground-level ozone.

Answer D Correct. Ground-level ozone is a secondary pollutant that forms from nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds, catalyzed by ultraviolet (UV��) light. Cloud coverage would reduce the amount of UV�� light (sunlight) reaching Earth, which would result in reduced ozone formation. Levels of nitrogen dioxide would be expected to be higher as a result of decreased ground-level ozone production.

A team of ecologists are studying four different ecosystems with varying levels of biodiversity. The ecologists categorize the different levels of biodiversity for the four ecosystems as shown in the table below. Genetic DiversitySpecies DiversityHabitat DiversityEcosystem ALowLowMediumEcosystem BMediumHighMediumEcosystem CHighLowLowEcosystem DMediumLowHigh Based on the information above, which of the following best describes Ecosystem C? A Its low species diversity indicates that Ecosystem C most likely has species with very low population sizes. B Its high genetic diversity indicates that Ecosystem C most likely has species that evolve quickly. C Its high genetic diversity indicates that Ecosystem C is most likely the result of the founder effect and a subpopulation originating from Ecosystem A. D Its low habitat diversity indicates that Ecosystem C most likely has a low number of specialist species and few species that utilize large territories.

Answer D Correct. Having a limited number of different habitats would inhibit the survival of different types of specialist species and those that control large territories.

Various nations have adopted policies designed to combat overfishing. Which of the following approaches is commonly used to combat the problem of overfishing? A Reducing the limits on the numbers of commercial fish species that can be caught B Banning the use of sonar as a means for capturing fish in open ocean waters C Promoting fishing in estuaries and breeding grounds rather than in the open ocean D Enforcing minimum-size requirements for the capture of some commercial species

Answer D Correct. Minimum-size limits have been placed on species like bluefish and striped bass, which allows fish of a certain size or reproductive age to remain in the population. This helps to keep fish population sizes higher.

Which of the following statements best describes an unintended environmental consequence of aquaculture fish-farm enclosures located in estuaries? A Fish farms create waste that contaminates potential drinking-water resources for coastal communities. B Aquaculture can decrease pressures on overexploited fisheries, increasing fish populations. C Cultivated fish can escape and breed with wild populations, increasing the population size of wild fish in coastal waters. D Aquaculture enclosures can harbor parasites that can negatively affect wild populations that breed in estuaries.

Answer D Correct. Parasites such as fish lice can escape into estuaries, negatively affecting young wild fish in breeding areas.

Which of the following best describes a potential negative environmental effect of fossil fuel extraction? A Fossil fuel extraction requires new infrastructure and has a high start-up cost. B Birds are injured or killed when they fly around extraction sites. C Thermal energy produced during the extraction process is released into nearby streams and lakes. D Air pollutants, such as methane and particulate matter, are emitted into the atmosphere.

Answer D Correct. The extraction of fossil fuels creates air pollutants from leaking active oil and gas wells as well as from fossil fuel transportation and processing. Toxic air pollutants, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and very small particulate matter, are all negative effects of fossil fuel extraction.

Atmospheric deposition is receiving increased attention in the scientific community, and has become the subject of a specific research area in the environmental sciences. Acid rain is detrimental to our ecosystems and can be measured in several ways. Which of the following methods would best identify changes from acid deposition in an area over time? A Calculating the change in sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-burning power plants over time B Mapping out coal-burning power plant locations over the past 50 years C Measuring the pH of rainwater and surface water in affected areas D Monitoring the long-term chemical and biological parameters of an ecosystem

Answer D Correct. To fully understand the effects of acid deposition on ecosystems, long-term studies should be conducted to evaluate soils, surface water chemistry, and living things in an area.

Which of the following would decrease with the manufacture, application, and use of synthetic fertilizers rather than organic fertilizers? A Groundwater pollution B Cultural eutrophication C Use of fossil fuels D Recycling of organic matter

Answer D Correct. When organic fertilizers such as manure and compost are used, organic matter is recycled and nitrogen fixation by bacteria completes the nitrogen cycle. Synthetic fertilizers add an imbalance to the nitrogen cycle by creating additional nitrogen products that would not have been produced otherwise

Which of the following types of organisms are required to complete the nitrogen cycle, including the process of denitrification?


A team of ecologists are studying four different ecosystems with varying levels of biodiversity. The ecologists categorize the different levels of biodiversity for the four ecosystems as shown in the table below. Genetic DiversitySpecies DiversityHabitat DiversityEcosystem ALowLowMediumEcosystem BMediumHighMediumEcosystem CHighLowLowEcosystem DMediumLowHigh Based on the information above, which ecosystem most likely experienced a recent population bottleneck?

Ecosystem A, because its low genetic diversity could have resulted from an event that reduced the variation in the gene pool. -A population bottleneck occurs when a significant decrease in the population size reduces genetic variation within a population.

This biome contains a nutrient-rich environment created by falling leaves and trapped organic materials from the large trees, and it provides the ecosystem service of filtering pollutants from water.

Freshwater Wetlands -Freshwater wetlands have trees with roots that are submerged in water. The trees drop their leaves, and the water traps organic materials released from decomposition. The wetlands also trap pollutants.

Describe the most likely change to terrestrial biomes as a result of warmer global temperatures

Global distribution of midlatitude biomes like grasslands and temperate rainforests would increase

What is a smaller more forgotten water reservoir

Ice caps

Energy is transferred along food chains from one stage to the next. Which statement best explains how the energy is transferred? A If a primary consumer stores 100kcal100kcal of energy, then a secondary consumer that feeds on the primary consumer will also have 100kcal100kcal of energy available. B If a primary producer stores 10,000kcal10,000kcal of energy, then a tertiary consumer will have 10kcal10kcal of energy available. C If a primary producer stores 100,000kcal100,000kcal of energy, then a secondary consumer will have 10,000kcal10,000kcal of energy available. D If a secondary consumer stores 500kcal500kcal of energy, then a tertiary consumer that feeds on the secondary consumer will have 5,000kcal5,000kcal of energy available.

If a primary producer stores 10,000kcal10,000kcal of energy, then a tertiary consumer will have 10kcal10kcal of energy available. -Energy lost is 90%90% per trophic level so 10%10% is transferred. If level 1 (primary producer) stores 10,000kcal10,000kcal of energy, then level 2 (primary consumer) would have 1,000kcal1,000kcal of energy available, level 3 (secondary consumer) would have 100kcal100kcal of energy available, and level 4 (tertiary consumer) would have 10kcal10kcal of energy available. (10,000kcal×0.10×0.10×0.10=10kcal10,000kcal×0.10×0.10×0.10=10kcal)

The energy available to consumers determined by subtracting the energy used by plants from the total energy transformed by the process of photosynthesis.

Net primary productivity

Which of the following processes is from the atmosphere that show the conversion of nitrogen gas into usable forms available to producers?

Nitrogen fixation

This freshwater biome is characterized by fast-flowing water that can originate from underground springs or runoff, which carries sediment and organic material.


Which of the following describes the most likely change to terrestrial biomes resulting from warmer average global temperatures?

The global distribution of midlatitude biomes, such as grasslands and temperate rain forests, would increase.

Farmers in a suburban coastal town started using no-till agriculture, a practice that reduces soil erosion from their farmland. Use the image above to determine which of the following long-term effects no-till agriculture will have on the ecosystem surrounding the farmland.

There will be less algal growth in the nearby ocean. -Phosphorus is a limiting factor in biological systems. By decreasing the amount of erosion, less phosphorus will run off into waterways and be available to algae to use for growth.

What biome has the highest terrestrial biomes has the highest net primary productivity

Tropical rainforest

What terrestrial biome has the highest primary productivity per unit area

Tropical rainforest

What represents a carbon sink that holds carbon compounds for the shortest period of time


best describes a terrestrial ecosystem that will have the highest net primary productivity

Warm temperatures, high rainfall, and consistent sunlight

The majority of the nitrogen on Earth can be found in which of the following reservoirs?


Peru's commercial anchovy industry would most likely be harmed during an El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the decline in anchovy during an El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event? A Acidic ocean waters kill off larval anchovies. B Less nutrient-rich water reaches surface waters, disrupting the food web. C Ocean currents move toxic contaminants from the sediments into the water column. D An increase in phosphate-based nutrients leads to an algal bloom, which would decrease available oxygen for animals like shrimp.

nswer B Correct. When the upwelling of cold water is cut off, there will be a decrease in nutrients and primary productivity.

Which of the following are often used for energy storage of wind power? A Converters B Generators C Batteries D Rotor blades

nswer C Correct. Batteries are a common way to store electricity generated by wind turbines. When the wind blows, batteries can be charged, and then, when the wind slows down or stops, the batteries can supplement power requirements.

Which of the following best identifies a key component of the hydrologic cycle that powers the movement of water and is missing from the diagram?

the sun

a carbon sink that holds carbon compounds for the shortest period of time?

vegetation -Carbon dioxide can move into plants to be stored as glucose much more quickly than sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels can be stored. Carbon compounds are held for the shortest amount of time in vegetation.

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