Apes ch 18 and 19

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What is a temperature inversion and how can it affect pollution?

A temperature inversion occurs when cool, dense air gets trapped under a layer of warm air. This prevents a mixture and dispersion of pollutants so concentrations increase.

What is acid deposition and how does it form. What is its effect on vegetation, human health, and structures.

Acid deposition is a combination of wet deposition (rain or snow ) and dry deposition (acid particles) which fall to the earth. Vegetation is killed by added aluminum and metals. Humans can experience respiratory problems. Statues and other structure can deteriorate.

What are 5 factors that make it difficult to deal with the problem of climate disruption

1. This is a global issue 2. The problem is a long term political issue 3. The projected harmful and beneficial impacts have no been spread evenly 4. Many solutions are controversial 5. Humans don't respond to long term threats

Approx. How many people die prematurely from air pollution each year globally and us. What percentage is caused by indoor?

2.4 million worldwide and 150-350,000 in the US.

Describe a chemical method and a biological method for detecting air pollutants.

A chemical method would be a using a plane to collect samples or using lasers. A biological method would be monitoring the lichen populations since lichens filter are for nourishment.

Describe John sterman's bathtub analogy as it applies to CO2 emissions

CO2 is filling into the tub faster than it is being depleted and once the tipping point is reached then things will get bad

Describe how these may contribute to climate change: CO2 A hotter sun The oceans Cloud cover Air pollution 3 effects of increasing co2 levels in the ocean

CO2 lead to higher temperature and climate change A hotter sun would also warm the climate The oceans absorb co2 and moderate the temperature Cloud cover has a somewhat unknown and varying role Air pollution helps to trap in heat and can either increase or decrease temperature. 1- increased acidity 2- less phytoplankton 3- decrease in the oceans ability to absorb CO2

How can positive feedback loops affect future temperature changes and thus global climate? 2 examples

First, with current temperature changes, the permafrost layer has started to slowly melt. As it does, methane is released into the environment. As this happens, the greenhouse effect may increase, causing higher temp and more melting and on and on. Second, As glaciers and ice caps melt, the acidity of the ocean changes drastically. If the ocean becomes more acidic it will lose the ability to absorb CO2 and hence contribute to the greenhouse effect and cause more melting.

Briefly describe the bodies defenses against air pollution and how they can be overwhelmed. What illnesses can result?

Hairs in the nose filter large particles and mucus in the upper respiratory tract captures smaller particles. The smallest ones get through and can breakdown these defenses as well as lodging in your tissues causing asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema also heart attack and stroke

What is air pollution? Distinguish between primary and secondary pollutants and give examples

Air pollution is any time there is a high enough concentration of a chemical in the air to cause harm to health or climate. Primary pollutants are directly emitted-CO2, CH4 Secondary pollutants are primary ones that have reacted either with heat or with each other to create new molecules-SO3, NHO3

What is a Cap and trade abs what are advantages and disadvantages of using it to reduce greenhouse emissions

Place cap on human carbon emissions

Describe indoor air pollution by radon and explain what can be done about it

Radon is colorless and odorless and can seep in through underground rock deposits. The gas can cause lung cancer. Radon should be tested in all homes and cracks should be sealed and ventilation should be increased

Describe the interaction between science, politics, and climate

Scientists give all of the research (potentially altered) to politicians who can then mount campaigns against or for this data to increase profits

What is the major indoor air pollutant in many developing countries

Smoke from burning dung, coal, and other fuels in open fires Carbon monoxide and dioxide

Describe air pollution laws in the US

The clean air acts were set to regulate key pollutants in major us cities. EPA set standards on 6 major outdoor air pollutants. National emission standards for hundreds of hap's and other toxic chemicals

Summarize the positive effects of such laws and discuss how they can be improved

Lower toxic emissions. Emphasizing prevention is more important, improve fuel efficiency standards, modernize monitoring systems, and revitalize old systems

What is the greenhouse effect and why is it so important to life on earth

Warms the earth's atmosphere and creates weather. Basically it makes earth inhabitable

Five ways to prepare for the possible long term effects of climate change

1. Build habitat corridors 2. Stockpile food for 1-5 years 3. Expand existing wildlife reserves towards poles 4. Move people away from coasts 5. Move hazardous material from coasts

List 3 major ways to reduce acid deposition

1. Reduce coal use 2. Burn low sulfur coal 3. Increase natural gas use and renewable energy sources

Seven examples of climate typing points we may be reaching

Atmospheric carbon: 450 ppm, melting of all Arctic summer sea ice, collapse and melting of Greenland ice sheet, ocean acidification, methane release from melting permafrost, collapse and melting of western antarctic ice sheet, severe shrinkage and collapse of Amazon rainforest

List the major human activities that contribute CO2 CH4 N2O

Burning fossil fuels, industry, transportation, burning coal, deforestation, and agriculture

Five ways to reduce your carbon footprint

Drive a fuel efficient car Use energy efficient appliance Plant trees to share your house Eat less or no meat Dry clothes on a line

How will climate change affect: Drought Ice cover Permafrost Sea level Extreme weather Biodiversity Crop yield Human health

Droughts will become more frequent and intense with environmental problems Ice cover will melt and change sea level while also changing acidity and temperature. Permafrost will melt and add lots of methane and CO2 to the atmosphere Rising sea levels will disrupt and destroy aquatic habitats, flooding of land, and overall degradation. Crop yields will be depleted in some regions and increased in other regions. Extreme weather include severe drought and flooding and rain Biodiversity could lose 30% of species Human he'd

How are the problems of atmospheric warming and ozone depletion connected

Increased uv radiation can damage phytoplankton which remove co2 from the atmosphere which affects climate change.

Distinguish between industrial smog and photochemical smog based on comp. and formation.

Industrial smog is based on sulfuric elements starting with sulfur in coal and oil (SO2 SO3 H2SO4) photochemical smog is based on nitrogen in fossil fuels (N NO NO2 O3 PANs)

Summarize the major ways to reduce emissions from power plants and motor vehicles

Power plants can burn low sulfur coal or convert coal to a liquid or tax coal use. Cars should be more efficient, old cars should be phased out, and testing should be done.

List the advantages and disadvantages of using an emission trading program

Pros : cheaper and more efficient Cons: pants can buy their way out of government regulations

What are the pros and cons of developing an international treaty to deal with the threat

Pros: potentially effective and could limit population Cons : requires international cooperation, it's slow, and it's rather expensive

Describe the major differences between the troposphere and stratosphere

The troposphere is the closest to the earth and contains 75-85% of the earth's air mass, along with all of its weather. 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen then other. The stratosphere is the second layer and only differs by: less water vapor and a layer of ozone (o3)

What are the 4 top air pollutants in the US

Tobacco smoke Formaldehyde Radioactive radon Super fine SPM

Describe how human activities have depleted ozone in the stratosphere and 5 harmful effects of such depletion

Use of cfcs. 1. Damage to human health 2. Food and first damage 3. Climate change 4. Wildlife 5. Air pollution and material damage

What are the major prevention strategies and the clean up strategies for climate disruption

prevention: cut fossil fuel use, shift from coal to natural gas, improve energy efficiency, shift to renewable energy resources, reduce deforestation, put a price on emissions, reduce poverty Cleanup: CO2 sequestration in any way, repair leaky gas lines and facilities, use CH4 reducing animal feeds, remove CO2 from smokestack and vehicle emissions

List 6 steps the government could take to help slow projected disruption

regulate co2 and methane, implement carbon taxes and fees, place a Cap on human generation Increase subsidies for efficiency, government can share with foreign companies, control population

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