APES: Global Climate Change

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Greenhouse effect

A natural environmental process in which molecules called greenhouse gases absorb some of the infrared radiation (heat) radiated by the surface of the earth. This process warms the lower troposphere and the surface of the earth.

Global climate change

Any change, whether for the warmer or cooler or having to do with weather, in the statistical distribution of weather patterns that lasts for an extended period of time.

The long-term storage of carbon—trees do it naturally as they grow, but carbon can also be stored in soil, at the bottom of the ocean, and deep underground.

Describe carbon sequestration and some methods.

Delegates from 161 nations met in Japan—the resulting treaty would require 38 developed countries to cut GHG emissions by about 5.2%, but would not require GHG limitations on developing countries. It would also allow emissions trading policy among participating countries.

Describe the Kyoto Treaty.

An agreement between 137 nations that provides flexible guidelines, different for each country, for GHG reduction. It focuses on the power of nature and plants to reduce GHGs.

Describe the Paris Agreement.

Another way to say "emissions trading policy"—the most polluting power plants in the US are given pollution credits that limit their emissions; if they come out under their pollution limits, they can sell their credits

Describe the cap and trade system.

Extinction of some plant/animal species; loss of habitats; disruption of aquatic life

Describe the effects of global warming on biodiversity.

Increased human deaths; increased migration; more environmental refugees

Describe the effects of global warming on environmental refugees.

Shifts in food-growing areas; changes in crop yields; increased irrigation demands; increased pests/diseases/weeds in warmer areas

Describe the effects of global warming on food production.

Changes in forest composition/locations; disappearance of forests; increased forest fires; loss of habitats

Describe the effects of global warming on forests.

Increased deaths from heat/diseases; disruption of food/water supplies; spread of tropical diseases; increased respiratory disease; increased water pollution from coastal flooding

Describe the effects of global warming on human health.

Rising sea levels; flooding of low-lying islands/coastal areas/estuaries/wetlands/coral reefs; beach erosion; disruption of coastal fisheries; contamination of aquifers with salt water

Describe the effects of global warming on sea levels.

Increased droughts and flooding, decreased water quality; changes in water supply

Describe the effects of global warming on water supplies.

Prolonged heat waves and droughts; increased flooding; more intense hurricanes/typhoons/tornadoes/storms

Describe the effects of global warming on weather extremes.

Atmosphere warms; high-albedo ice melts and is replaced with low-albedo water/land; earth's surface absorbs more heat; more ice melts

Describe the positive feedback loop in albedo that occurs due to global warming.

The greenhouse effect creates the increased rate of global warming. Molecules of greenhouse gases warm the lower atmosphere by absorbing some of the heat reflected by the earth's surface and sending it back towards the earth. It is accelerated by human activities releasing greater quantities of GHGs.

Describe the process that creates the increased rate of global warming.

The Greenland ice sheet is beginning to melt, which is expected to raise sea levels dramatically

Give an example of the evidence in Greenland that indicates a warming of the troposphere.

Surface temperatures near the Arctic circle have risen more than global average; polar ice has been observed to melt, lowering the albedo of the poles; huge pieces of the Antarctic ice shelf have begun to break off and melt

Give examples of the evidence at the poles that indicates a warming of the troposphere.

Very high carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere; 20th century was the hottest in the past 1,000 years; since 1861, global average temperature has risen by .7-1.5 degrees Fahrenheit; melting of ice caps has been observed; average global sea level rise of 10-20 cm over the past 100 years; northward migration of species; earlier springs/later autumns

Give some examples of the evidence for tropospheric warming.

Variations in the sun's energy reaching the earth; variations in the albedo of the earth's surface/atmosphere; greenhouse effect; natural, non-climate effects like volcanic activity

List factors that affect the rate of global warming.

Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, CFCs, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, halons, carbon tertachloride

List the manmade greenhouse gases.

Removing CO2 from smokestack/vehicle emissions; sequestering CO2 by planting trees/in deep ocean/underground/by using no-till cultivation; repairing leaky natural gas pipelines; using livestock feed that reduces CH4 emissions by cows

Name a few cleanup strategies for global climate change.

Albedo variations in the earth's surface/atmosphere; changes in solar output; water vapor content of atmosphere/clouds; air pollution

Name a few factors *other than the greenhouse effect* that may have contributed to global climate change.

Cutting fossil fuel use (especially coal); improving energy efficiency; shifting to renewable energy; reducing deforestation; slowing population growth

Name a few prevention strategies for global climate change.

Global warming

The theory that increased greenhouse gas inputs into the atmosphere from human activities will create an enhanced greenhouse effect, which will raise the average global temperature of the atmosphere near the earth's surface.

Burning of fossil fuels, especially coal; deforestation; fossil fuel extraction; agriculture (livestock waste and fertilizers)

What are at least three human activities that contribute greenhouse gases to the atmosphere?

Fossil fuel burning, deforestation, plant burning

What are the sources of carbon dioxide?

Air conditioners, refrigerators, plastic foams

What are the sources of hydrochlorofluorocarbons?

Air conditioners, refrigerators, plastic foams

What are the sources of hydrofluorocarbons?

Rice paddies, guts of cattle/termites, landfills, coal production, coal seams, natural gas leaks

What are the sources of methane?

Fossil fuel burning, fertilizers, livestock wastes, nylon production

What are the sources of nitrous oxide?

Cleaning solvent

What is the source of carbon tetrachloride?

Fire extinguishers

What is the source of halons?

As the atmosphere warms, convection moves surplus heat to the poles

Why are the poles known as early indicators of climate warming?

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