APES Unit 6

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Passive solar systems

Absorb heat directly from the sun without the use of mechanical and electrical equipment and cannot be collected or stored

Best to Worst for coal....

Anthracite, Bituminous, Lignite

The letter that represents where the natural gas is found in hydrologic fracturing is


Describe how energy is produced in in a coal fired powerplant

1. Coal is burned 2. Creates steam 3. Steam turns turbine 4. Turbine turns generator 5. Generator creates electricity

What is the fracking process

1. Well is made 2. Pipe is inserted 3. Fracking fluid inserted 4. Gas flows out

List four things you could do to conserve energy

1. energy efficient appliances 2. switch to LED lightbulbs 3. Walk, bike, or carpool whenever possible 4. double pared south facing windows

List three sources of methane that are amplified by human activities

Raising cattle and sheep, extracting fossil fuels, and creating landfills

Where in the nuclear power plant will radioactive waste be generated


which of the following energy sources is renewable?


Which three sources supply the majority of commercial energy in the world today

Coal, oil, and natural gas

An industry uses natural gas for manufacturing and uses the waste heat to produce electricity. This is an example of which of the following processes?


How does cogeneration increase efficency

Congregation increases efficiency because it creates electricity and usable heat energy simultaneously.

What is cogeneration?

Congregation occurs when a fuel source is used to generate both useful heat and electricity.

The acronym CAFE refers to ______ _______ ____ ______ which is important because:

Corporate Average Fuel Economy they are regulations in the U.S which are intended to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks produced for sale in the U.S

What type of country uses LESS energy and fossil fuels

Developing countries because they are poor and are less industrialized


Low heat capacity, Low sulfur, High Moisture

List three air pollutants that are emitted during the burning of coal

Mercury, Lead, Sulfur Dioxide

How is methane naturally produced?

Methane is produced by the breakdown or decay of organic material


Not a coal

Which type of fossil fuel is extracted by pumping of a viscous liquid


What is peat

Partially decomposed plant material

Describe how fossil fuels are ignited and converted into electricity.

When fossil fuels are burned carbon and hydrogen react with oxygen in air to carbon dioxide and water. During this reaction heat is released which further amplifies the reaction. Electricity is generated by transforming mechanical energy (heat) to electrical energy in a turbine or generator.

How does a wind turbine work? What are the limitations of wind turbines? What are the advantages of using wind turbines?

Wind turbines use wind to make electricity. Constructing turbines and wind facilities is extremely expensive. The second disadvantage is technology immaturity. Wind turbines can be built on existing farms or ranches and it's sustainable.

Why is wood fuel commonly used in developing countries?

Wood is used as fuel in the forms of firewood and charcoal. It is used in developing countries because it is easily accessible.

nonrenewable resource

a resource that cannot be replaced

List five products that are derived primarily from crude oil

asphalt Diesel gas Grease heating oil Gasoline

examples of nonrenewable resources

coal, oil, natural gas

Tar sands

combination of clay, sand, water, and bitumen

List three species that may be threatened by the construction of a solar power tower in the California Desert

desert tortoise, mountain yellow legged frog, joshua tree.

negative consequence of passive solar

energy cannot be collected or stored

negative consequences of active solar

expensive and requires maintanence

Hydrologic fracturing is a process for

extracting natural gas

positive consequences of active solar

generates electricity or heat

Solar energy systems

have low enviromental impact and produce clean energy but can be expensive

Charcoal is used for

heating, cooking


heating, cooking

Wood is use for...

heating, lighting, cooking

Fracking is short for

hydraulic fracturing and it is a concern because... contamination of waterways

Explain what happened at Three Mile Island, and why it is significant.

in PA 1979. A cooling malfunction caused part of the core to melt down. Some radioactive gas was released, but not enough to cause harm to locals. Worst nuclear accident in the US

positive consquences of passive solar

inexpensive and low maintenance

Explain what the Deepwater Horizon was, where it went, and why it is significant.

The Deepwater Horizon was the largest oil spill in the history of marine oil drilling operations. Operating in the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico.

Which of the following regions would be considered the world leader in petroleum resources

The Middle East

The seperation of the various components of crude oil in refineries is accomplished primarily by taking advantage of differences in which of the following

The boiling points of the components

What type of country uses MORE energy and fossil fuels

The developed countries has a highly developed economy whereas the developing countries are non industrialized and poor.

Between 1960 and 1970, world oil consumption approxiatmely doubled. Which of the following explanations is consistent with this increase

The number of cars on the road increased

Active solar systems

Use solar energy to heat a liquid through mechanical and electrical equipment to collect and store the energy captured from the sun

passive solar energy

uses the solar energy that naturally falls on a building to heat it directly

Identify an enviromental issue that can arise from combustion of fossil fuels

-Mining for resources -Pulverized coal -Carbon Dioxide Production

Positive consequences of Photovoltaics

-generation of electricy -large and small scale applications

negative consequences of photovoltaics

-use is limited by the availability of sunlight

renewable resource

A natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is consumed

What is the trend in energy use as developing countries become developed?

As a country develops their reliance on fossil fuels for energy increases

What influences energy sources and how people use them?

Availability, price, and governmental regulations


Best quality, High heating capacity, Low sulfur content

Which enviromental problem would most likely occur due to using wood as a primary resource of energy


Which of the following is likely a consequence of extracting natural gas


List 4 products that are derived primarily from crude oil.

Gasoline, Jet Fuel, Heating oil, Diesel fuel

Explain how thermal pollution is produced by power plants.

Heat is produced when coil/oil/NG is burned. The energy then heats water, generates steam, steam turns turbine, produces electricity, then the steam must be cooled and condensed back into water. And then is dumped into nearby rivers/lakes.

What contributes to the development of various coal types

Heat, Pressure, and Depth of Burial


Most commonly used, High heating capacity, High sulfur

Describe what makes a resource renewable or nonrenewable. Give a specific example of a renewable resource and of nonrenewable resource.

Nonrenewable: -NOT replenished -Depleted by usage Examples of nonrenewable: -Fossil Fuels -Aluminum -Gold Renewable: -Normally replinished by natural process -NOT depleted Examples of renewable: -Tidal -Solar -Hydroelectric -Biomass

Examples of renewable resources

solar, wind, and water energy, biomass,

Which of the following is a benefit of the use of biomass as a fuel source

Relatively low cost fuel source

How does fracking pollute the groundwater?

Through migration of gas and frack fluid underground

What is the cleanest fossil fuel

natural gas

The acronym OPEC refers to ____ _____ ____ ____, which is important because:

organization of petroleum exporting countries to manage the supply of oil in an effort to set the price of oil on the world market, in order to avoid fluctuations that might affect the economies of both producing and purchasing countries

Arrange the following types of electromagnetic radiation in order from the lowest to highest energy: Ultraviolet, microwave, Infrared, Gamma, radio,X-ray, Visible.

radio, microwave , infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, Gamma

List the following types of visible light in order from shortest to longest wavelengths: Green,Orange,Red,Yellow,Blue,Violet.

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet

active solar energy

solar radiation captured with photovoltaic cells that convert light energy to electrical energy

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