APUSH Big Test chapter 19-26

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the orginal creator of social security thought of it as

"Insurance" with benefits based on paying those who earned the money by making contributions

During the Depression, women in the workforce experienced a change in their situation, in that

30 percent more women were working

In the decade following its victory in the Spanish-American War, the United States gave partial independence to A) Cuba B) Puerto Rico C) Guam D) the Philippines E) Haiti

A) Cuba

The United States took control of part of the Samoan islands after along dispute with A) Great Britain and Germany B) Germany and France C) France and Spain D) Spain and Great Britain E) Germany and Spain

A) Great Britain and Germany

12. The U.S. president who asked for a declaration of war against Spain in 1898 was A) William McKinley B) Grover Cleveland C) Benjamin Harrison D) Theodore Roosevelt E) William Howard Taft

A) William McKinley

On the question of annexing the Philippines, President McKinley thought that A) all of the answers below B) returning the Philippines to Spain would be "cowardly" C) the United States could not turn the islands over to another imperialist power D) the Filipinos were not ready for independence E) the United States needed to educate and uplift Filipino culture

A) all of the answers below

The United States suggested the Open Door policy for China to A) all of the answers below B) keep the great powers from completely destroying China by dividing it among themselves C) allow U.S. merchants to trade in China without the interference of foreign governments D) achieve a foreign policy victory without using military force E) promote the economic ideal of free markets

A) all of the answers below

The expansion of the United States in the late 1800s differed from that of earlier decades in that it involved A) all of the answers below B) islands, rather than areas adjacent to existing U.S. territory C) densely populated areas not suitable for massive new settlement D) possessions that few Americans expected to become states E) an increasing importance on foreign trade

A) all of the answers below

Americans won the struggle for Cuba during the Spanish-American War because A) the Spanish forces quit after putting up a stiff but brief fight B) the American forces used incredible brutality and terror tactics to overwhelm the Spanish C) the American forces displayed both high efficiency and great military genius during the campaign D) the Spanish forces had already surrendered to Cuban revolutionaries before the Americans arrived E) the Spanish suffered from having neither a navy nor a trained army

A) the Spanish forces quit after putting up a stiff but brief fight

The anti-imperialists of the 1890s opposed U.S. acquisition of an empire for all of the following reasons except A) the vast majority of Americans opposed such empire building B) acquiring Pacific territories would bring "inferior" Asian races into the nation as potential citizens C) an empire would require a large standing army and entangling foreign alliances D) imperialism was simply immoral, a repudiation of America's commitment to human freedom E) imperialism contradicted the republican foundations of the nation

A) the vast majority of Americans opposed such empire building

During 1943 and 1944, the war on the Asian mainland saw all of the following developments except

Allied forces drove the Japanese out of the outlying Chinese province of Manchuria

Most of the territory that the United States acquired in the 1890s was in the A) Atlantic Ocean B) Pacific Ocean C) Caribbean Sea D) Gulf of Mexico E) Mediterranean Sea

B) Pacific Ocean

After the end of the Spanish-American War, the United States changed its military system by A) all of the answers below B) creating a general staff to act as advisors to the secretary of war C) decreasing the size of the regular army D) reducing federal control over the National Guard E) placing less emphasis on foreign military actions

B) creating a general staff to act as advisors to the secretary of war

The first major victory for the United States in the Spanish-American War occurred A) in Havana Harbor, Cuba B) in Manila Bay, the Philippines C) near Santiago, Cuba D) near San Juan, Puerto Rico E) at Guantanomo Bay

B) in Manila Bay, the Philippines

During the fighting of the Spanish-American War, A) American troops had experienced commanders B) more American fighting men died of disease than were killed in action C) regular army units did more of the fighting than did National Guard units D) the U.S. Army conducted a competent and efficient mobilization E) Spain won many battles to prolong the war

B) more American fighting men died of disease than were killed in action

In the mid-1890s, U.S. involvement in a boundary dispute betweenBritish Guiana and Venezuela led to the A) United States protesting British actions in the area, but refusing to take any other actions B) president threatening war before Britain agreed to arbitrate the dispute C) United States providing financial aid to Venezuela during a short border war with Britain D) president sending marines to help Venezuela force Britain out of the disputed territory E) United States expressing full support for Britain's policy in Venezuela

B) president threatening war before Britain agreed to arbitrate the dispute

In the territories with large land areas that the United States acquired in the late 1800s, the federal government A) quickly gave the inhabitants full U.S. citizenship and complete control over their local affairs B) slowly gave the inhabitants most of the rights of citizenship and partial local control C) eventually gave the inhabitants partial citizenship and a small amount of local control D) never gave the inhabitants any rights as citizens and no local control E) put citizens under strict military rule

B) slowly gave the inhabitants most of the rights of citizenship and partial local control

In the Philippine War of 1898 to 1902, the United States A) easily put down the insurrection of a small minority of Filipino people B) with great difficulty suppressed a full-scale revolt that the majority of the Filipino people supported C) defended the islands against the attempt of the former Spanish rulers to retake them D) protected the inhabitants from the efforts of the Japanese to take over the islands E) emerged as freedom fighters in the minds of most Filipinos

B) with great difficulty suppressed a full-scale revolt that the majority of the Filipino people supported

The ablest and most effective apostle of imperialism was A) William Jennings Bryan B) Charles Darwin C) Alfred Thayer Mahan D) Frederick Jackson Turner E) Andrew Carnegie

C) Alfred Thayer Mahan

The Boxer Rebellion of 1900 came to an end when A) the Chinese Army suppressed all secret societies, including the Boxers B) all foreign powers agreed to stop interfering in internal Chinese affairs C) a multinational armed force rescued the foreign diplomats trapped in Peking by the Boxers D) the Japanese Army attacked China, and the Boxers joined other Chinese in defending their country E) the United States expressed support for the Boxers

C) a multinational armed force rescued the foreign diplomats trapped in Peking by the Boxers

10. In the 1890s, Spain and the United States gradually moved toward war over Cuba for all of the following reasons except A) a change in U.S. tariff policy hurt the Cuban economy and made the Cuban people ready for revolt B) when the Cuban revolt broke out, the American press printed sensational, one-sided stories about it C) during the Cuban revolt, the Spanish committed numerous atrocities, whereas the Cubans usually behaved humanely D) Cubans living in the United States popularized their side of the revolt with the American people E) sensationalized press coverage stirred a fervor for war

C) during the Cuban revolt, the Spanish committed numerous atrocities, whereas the Cubans usually behaved humanely

The Rough Riders were A) all of the answers below B) commanded by Arthur MacArthur C) involved in bold, reckless charges during the fighting in Cuba D) a cavalry regiment in the regular army E) Cuban-Americans who supported a free Cuba

C) involved in bold, reckless charges during the fighting in Cuba

The Platt Amendment, incorporated into the Cuban constitution, gave Cuba A) full independence B) economic independence C) nominal political independence D) an American colonial government E) an equal partnership with American interests

C) nominal political independence

In arguing for their policies, the new American expansionists of the late 1800s offered all of the following economic and social reasons except A) the United States would soon need to find new sources for the natural resources that it was rapidly using up B) the United States needed to acquire new overseas markets forits products C) the United States needed to find new sources of immigrants who would work in its factories for low wages D) the United States needed an aggressive foreign policy to takepeople's minds off internal problems and frustrations E) the United States needed to expand due to the "closing of thefrontier."

C) the United States needed to find new sources of immigrants who would work in its factories for low wages

To justify their policies, the new American expansionists of the late 1800s offered all of the following reasons except A) strong nations were destined by natural law to dominate weak ones B) the United States had a duty to spread its superior institutionsto less civilized people C) the United States should try to create a community of nationsto guarantee world peace D) a strong navy was the key to becoming a great nation, and colonies would serve as bases for such a navy E) selling goods in foreign nations would bolster the economy

C) the United States should try to create a community of nationsto guarantee world peace

William Jennings Bryan wanted the U.S. Senate to ratify the peace treaty with Spain because A) the United States would be able to build naval bases in the new territories B) he hoped to become governor of one of the territories C) the war would be over, and the Democrats could make Republican imperialism a campaign issue D) he believed that the inhabitants of the territories would be better off under U.S. protection E) the acquisition of sugar plantations would bolster the U.S. economy

C) the war would be over, and the Democrats could make Republican imperialism a campaign issue

The black soldiers who fought in the Spanish-American War faced all of the following problems except A) the U.S. Army kept them in segregated units B) the people of the South treated them poorly while the troops were training there C) they experienced difficulties in combat because most of them had never been under fire before D) the fully integrated Cuban rebel forces that they fought beside reinforced their sense of racial injustice E) strict segregation of facilities when the soldiers trained in the South

C) they experienced difficulties in combat because most of them had never been under fire before

Fascist aggression 1930s - Hitler invaded


The United States acquired the Hawaiian islands as a result of all the following factors except A) American citizens developed a sugar industry in the islands B) the U.S. government built a naval station there C) Americans staged a revolution to depose the native rulers D) President Cleveland sent marines to ensure that nothing stopped annexation from taking place E) the domination of the Hawaiian economy by American settlers

D) President Cleveland sent marines to ensure that nothing stopped annexation from taking place

The Philippine War of 1898 to 1902 saw the United States A) all of the answers below B) use only humane and moderate methods in response to the guerrilla tactics of the enemy C) create a military government that ruled the country for many years after the war was over D) achieve victory after capturing the enemy leader E) have the ability to organize bloodless overthrows of governments

D) achieve victory after capturing the enemy leader

The Pan-American Congress of 1889 resulted in the D) creation of an agency that distributed information to member American nations

D) creation of an agency that distributed information to member American nations

Theodore Roosevelt as assistant secretary of the navy, ordered an attack on the Philippines for all of the following reasons except A) he was an ardent imperialist B) he did not regard the military chain of command of any great importance C) he was an active proponent of war D) he wanted Filipino independence E) he wanted to strike against the Spanish Empire

D) he wanted Filipino independence

13. The U.S. war effort in Cuba suffered from all of the following problems except A) a shortage of modern rifles and ammunition B) heavy, cold-weather uniforms in a hot climate C) inadequate medicine and food D) lack of popular support E) poor racial relations in the U.S. Army

D) lack of popular support

11. The United States was finally pushed into war with Spain by all of the following developments except A) the American press printed a private letter of the Spanish ambassador that insulted the U.S. president B) an American battleship blew up in the harbor of Havana, Cuba C) Spain refused to negotiate with the Cuban rebels D) Cubans living in America stirred up support for a war E) Spain ignored U.S. diplomatic requests in regard to Cuba

E) Spain ignored U.S. diplomatic requests in regard to Cuba

In 1900, the nation that had the third largest naval force was A) Great Britain B) France C) Italy D) Germany E) the United States

E) the United States

After the Spanish-American War, Puerto Rico experienced all of the following developments except A) Puerto Ricans became more dependent on imported food B) the island became an American colony C) the island's sugar industry grew rapidly D) Americans acquired control of much of the island's economy E) the island's inhabitants generally accepted the American presence without protest

E) the island's inhabitants generally accepted the American presence without protest

FDR's early attempts to convince the buisness community that the federal government was in responsible hands was illustrated by the

Economy Act

Fascist aggression 1930s - Mussolini invaded


Critics of FDR and the New Deal included all of the following except

Governor William Green

Literary works of the 1930s that addressed the social problems of the Depression included all of the following novels except

Harvey Allen's "Anthony Adverse"

Because of angry emotions stirred by WWII, Americans treated harshly immigrants to the US from the enemy country of


After the attack on Pearl harbor led to the US entry into WWII,

Japan inflicted major defeats on the US forces in the next few months

During the final days of WWII, German troops mounted their last serious resistance in western Europe at the Battle of

Kasserine Pass

In 1944, the Japanese lost their capacity to continue a serious naval war at the Battle of

Leyte Gulf

The "Roosevelt recession" may have been the result of

Roosevelt's decision to cut spending

Fascist aggression 1930s - Franco overthrew the republican form of gov't in


The following pairs match New Deal agencies with their primary purpose. The incorrect pair is

The Civil Works Administration-provide permanent jobs in the construction of government office buildings

During the 1920s and 1930s the US became involved in European financial difficulties because

US banks were loaning substantial amounts to Germany, US companies and banks were investing vast sums in European businesses, and many European countries owed billions to the US for WWI debts.

the section of the country that received more federal funds per capita than any other region was the


During WWII, changes to american domestic life included

a rapid industrialization of some of the western states

During WWII, Mexican Americans experienced

a small number of violent clashes between them and Anglo-American residents of the West

FDR's sensational "Quarantine Speech" resulted in

a wave of protest by isolationists

The United States took control of part of the Samoan islands after a long dispute with a. Great Britain and Germany b. Germany and France c. France and Spain d. Spain and Great Britain e. Germany and Spain

a. Great Britain and Germany

The "Granger laws" of the 1870s sought to do which of the following? a. control railroad rates and practices to prevent discrimination against small farmers b. establish the free coinage of silver to inflate the currency c. establish a system of warehousing cooperatives to raise farm prices d. lower tariffs to allow farmers access to foreign markets e. limit the power of trusts to allow farmers cheaper farm machinery prices

a. control railroad rates and practices to prevent discrimination against small farmers

The purpose of the Foraker Act of 1900 was to a. end American military rule in Puerto Rico and establish a formal colonial government b. create provisions for the governing of American Samoa c. provide guidelines for American government in the Philippines d. grant American citizenship to all Puerto Ricans e. establish guidelines for the eventual independence of the Philippines

a. end American military rule in Puerto Rico and establish a formal colonial government

The Omaha Platform of the Populists included all of the following proposals except a. federal support for national banks b. a subtreasury system of crop warehouses c. government ownership of the railroads d. inflation of the currency e. the end of absentee land ownership

a. federal support for national banks

The symptoms of the depression of the 1890s included all of the following problems except a. high inflation b. bank failures c. credit contraction d. railroad bankruptcies e. depressed prices in agriculture

a. high inflation

Going into the election season of 1884, Grover Cleveland was respected for a. his consistent opposition to corrupt politicians and interest groups b. his bold stance on attaining civil rights for African Americans c. his creation of the Open Door foreign policy d. his belief that U.S. troops should be removed from the South e. his support for suffrage rights for American women

a. his consistent opposition to corrupt politicians and interest groups

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 declared illegal any contract, trust, or restraint of trade in a. interstate commerce b. manufacturing c. intrastate commerce d. industry e. shipping

a. interstate commerce

In general, the Populist movement was primarily supported by a. large-scale mechanized farmers b. small farmers. c. the urban middle class d. big city political machines e. corporate farming interests

a. large-scale mechanized farmers

Grover Cleveland lost the election of 1888 partly because of the issue of a. lowering tariffs b. restricting immigration c. regulating big business d. passing civil service legislation e. supporting civil rights

a. lowering tariffs

Of the eligible voters, voter turnout between 1860 and 1900 averaged a. over three quarters b. only 50% c. a decline of 5% per presidential election d. just 25% e. nearly 90%

a. over three quarters

The political activity of the late 1800s can best be described by the statement that a. politicians did not address the problems caused by the rapid social and economic changes of the times b. party differences were so extreme that agreement and action were difficult c. public policy was dominated by the liberals in both the Republican and the Democratic parties d. the growing strength of conflicting interest groups severely limited the chances for effective legislation e. labor unions caused the government to pass significant reforms

a. politicians did not address the problems caused by the rapid social and economic changes of the times

When it was first created in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission was designed to regulate a. railroads b. monopolies c. manufacturers d. all interstate companies e. trusts

a. railroads

The Republican Party of the late 1800's appealed most strongly to all the following except a. recent European immigrants b. northern Protestants c. middle class voters d. freed southern slaves e. "old stock" citizens

a. recent European immigrants

During the election of 1896, William McKinley represented all of the following sectors of the voting populace except a. small farmers b. gold advocates c. traditional conservatives d. big business e. Northerners

a. small farmers

when dealing with the interests of women, the New Deal

accepted the prevailing cultural norm of women as secondary to the male in the work place

During 1930 and 1931, Hoover's situation deteriorated even further because

all of the answers below

During WWII, the US government used all the following means to control unions except

allowing the president to draft workers into government service

FDR refused to support the London Economic Conference because

any agreement to stabilize national currencies might hurt America's recovery from depression

When the US used the atomic bomb against Japan at the end of WWII, the president

apparently acted to end the war quickly without having to invade Japan

During 1942 and 1943, a major Allied defeat occurred

at Kasserine Pass in Tunisia

During WWII, the first important Allied victory in the Pacific occurred

at the Battle of Coral Sea

The results of the 1900 presidential election support the conclusion that a. imperialism played a role of little significance, as Americans seemed more interested in other issues b. Bryan's efforts to spark debate on imperialism backfired, as Americans demonstrated clear support for McKinley's policies c. the American people were evenly divided on the question of imperialism d. voters offered a sharp protest against American imperialism e. both major parties were united behind support for American imperialism

b. Bryan's efforts to spark debate on imperialism backfired, as Americans demonstrated clear support for McKinley's policies

What was the impact of the Platt Amendment? a. It incorporated Puerto Rico into the United States. b. It gave the United States virtual control over Cuba. c. It provided for the independence of the Philippines. d. It declared that the United States would not annex Cuba. e. It led to the annexation of Hawaii.

b. It gave the United States virtual control over Cuba.

Supporters of the Populist party included large numbers of all of the following groups except a. Midwestern family farmers b. Western miners c. Eastern labor union members d. Southern tenant farmers e. former members of the Farmers' Alliances

b. Western miners

During the late 1800s, the federal government had a reputation for a. creating conflicts b. being very active in reform movements c. being concerned with international affairs d. being stronger than most national governments e. doing very little to ease growing problems

b. being very active in reform movements

Jacob S. Coxey's army of unemployed Americans marched to Washington to demand that the federal government a. outlaw minor political parties b. create jobs for the unemployed c. lower the salaries of government employees d. deflate the currency e. close down the national bank

b. create jobs for the unemployed

The purpose of the Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883 was to a. establish the first racial quotas for government jobs b. fill some government jobs on the basis of competitive examinations c. ensure that appointments to government jobs were approved by Congress d. declare illegal the system of city political machines and boss rule e. create a board of appeals for labor disputes

b. fill some government jobs on the basis of competitive examinations

The crisis of the 1890s was caused by all of the following developments except a. severe economic depression b. government regulation of business c. labor unrest and violence d. lack of action by the major political parties e. the rigid conservatism of Grover Cleveland

b. government regulation of business

Grover Cleveland obtained the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act because a. the Southern and Western wings of the Democratic party pressured Congress to repeal the act b. he believed that the gold drain from the treasury threatened the nation's financial stability c. most Americans saw "free silver" as a cure-all for the nation's financial instability d. it had resulted in $100 million in silver flowing into the treasury e. the Republican party had attempted to impeach him

b. he believed that the gold drain from the treasury threatened the nation's financial stability

Although historians disagree as to their interpretations of Populism, the movement was significant because a. it led to successful radical movements in the early 1900s b. it was one of the few third-party movements to gain national influence c. the activists of the party were responsible for the success of the first McKinley administration d. it helped to elect a president at the peak of its power e. it revealed the economic weakness of the Northeastern elite

b. it was one of the few third-party movements to gain national influence

During the fighting of the Spanish-American War, a. American troops had experienced commanders b. more American fighting men died of disease than were killed in action c. regular army units did more of the fighting than did National Guard units d. the U.S. Army conducted a competent and efficient mobilization e. Spain won many battles to prolong the war

b. more American fighting men died of disease than were killed in action

In the late 1800s, most Americans engaged in political activity because of their a. commitment to democracy in the workplace b. regional, ethnic, or religious sentiments c. interest in particular issues d. stands on matters of public policy e. party affiliations

b. regional, ethnic, or religious sentiments

During the late 1800s, the function of the president was to a. use his position as leader of both his party and the nation to control Congress b. spend much of his time making political appointments c. persuade Congress to agree on the subjects under debate and make the government's position clear to the press d. suggest legislation to Congress and mediate the conflicts between the two political parties e. create major fiscal and military policies

b. spend much of his time making political appointments

The Supreme Court eventually overturned the Granger Laws of the 1870s on grounds that a. in the absence of federal regulation, the states had the right to regulate interstate commerce b. state regulation of freight rates was an unconstitutional attempt to control interstate commerce c. only Congress had the right to control commerce within a state d. a corporation was not a "person" under the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment e. trusts and monopolies could not challenge federal authority

b. state regulation of freight rates was an unconstitutional attempt to control interstate commerce

During the late 1800s, the only significant form of federal assistance to individuals was a. the old-age benefit b. the Civil War veterans' pension c. health care for the poor d. support for widows and orphans e. Social Security for retired workers

b. the Civil War veterans' pension

The "Crime of '73" refers to a. the government's intervention in labor disputes b. the government's discontinuing the coinage of silver c. the government's unwillingness to pursue antitrust actions d. the Supreme Court's overturning of the Granger laws e. the government's policy of purchasing silver

b. the government's discontinuing the coinage of silver

In the Philippine War of 1898 to 1902, the United States a. easily put down the insurrection of a small minority of Filipino people b. with great difficulty suppressed a full-scale revolt that the majority of the Filipino people supported c. defended the islands against the attempt of the former Spanish rulers to retake them d. protected the inhabitants from the efforts of the Japanese to take over the islands e. emerged as freedom fighters in the minds of most Filipinos

b. with great difficulty suppressed a full-scale revolt that the majority of the Filipino people supported

The establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority was based on the political theory that the federal government should

become the chief architect of economic planning

The speech that made William Jennings Bryan the Democratic nominee for president in 1896 climaxed with the famous words a. "no man can earn a million dollars honestly" b. "we demand that big business give the people a square deal" c. "you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold" d. "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a better deal for the American farmer" e. "we need to raise more hell and less corn"

c. "you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold"

Which of the following best characterizes the American economic impact on Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii? a. American occupation produced a balanced economy. b. American occupation created a rising standard of living in each area. c. American occupation led to almost exclusive dependence on the United States. d. American influence led to industrialization and modernization in each area. e. American occupation had little significant economic impact.

c. American occupation led to almost exclusive dependence on the United States.

Which of the following best characterizes the role of the popular American press in the period leading up to the Spanish-American War? a. It promoted balanced and informed debate over events in Cuba. b. It opposed potential American involvement in the conflict between Spain and Cuba. c. It emphasized Spanish atrocities in Cuba to help inflame American public opinion. d. It took little interest in events in Cuba. e. It emphasized the atrocities committed by Cuban rebels.

c. It emphasized Spanish atrocities in Cuba to help inflame American public opinion.

Populist party leaders of the early 1890s included all of the following people except a. Tom Watson b. Mary Elizabeth Lease c. William Jennings Bryan d. Leonidas J. Polk e. James B. Weaver

c. William Jennings Bryan

The Boxer Rebellion of 1900 came to an end when a. the Chinese Army suppressed all secret societies, including the Boxers b. all foreign powers agreed to stop interfering in internal Chinese affairs c. a multinational armed force rescued the foreign diplomats trapped in Peking by the Boxers d. the Japanese Army attacked China, and the Boxers joined other Chinese in defending their country e. the United States expressed support for the Boxers

c. a multinational armed force rescued the foreign diplomats trapped in Peking by the Boxers

In the mid-1880s, many members of the public wanted federal antitrust regulation because a. big corporations were always able to lobby against and defeat state regulation b. the federal government prohibited state regulation of interstate corporations c. corporations could move to states that offered special protection to them d. interstate corporations could afford to pay state fines and continue to operate as they wanted e. there was a general consensus for the redistribution of wealth

c. corporations could move to states that offered special protection to them

In the 1890s, Spain and the United States gradually moved toward war over Cuba for all of the following reasons except a. a change in U.S. tariff policy hurt the Cuban economy and made the Cuban people ready for revolt b. when the Cuban revolt broke out, the American press printed sensational, one-sided stories about it c. during the Cuban revolt, the Spanish committed numerous atrocities, whereas the Cubans usually behaved humanely d. Cubans living in the United States popularized their side of the revolt with the American people e. sensationalized press coverage stirred a fervor for war

c. during the Cuban revolt, the Spanish committed numerous atrocities, whereas the Cubans usually behaved humanely

The Rough Riders were a. Cuban-Americans who supported a free Cuba b. commanded by Arthur MacArthur c. involved in bold, reckless charges during the fighting in Cuba d. a cavalry regiment in the regular army e. military officers trained at West Point

c. involved in bold, reckless charges during the fighting in Cuba

The Populist party ceased to be a separate political party when a. the Republicans defeated it in 1892 b. its party leader died shortly after the election campaign of 1896 c. it nominated the same presidential candidate as the Democrats in the election of 1896 d. it lost again in the election of 1900 e. it made an alliance with the Republicans in 1896

c. it nominated the same presidential candidate as the Democrats in the election of 1896

The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was essentially ineffective for the first twenty years after its passage because a. it did not permit the breaking up of the largest monopolies b. the members of the Interstate Commerce Commission were antibusiness c. it was haphazardly enforced and was narrowly interpreted by the courts d. the Supreme Court ruled that if a corporation were engaged in manufacturing then it was not subject to law e. American voters rejected its basic philosophy

c. it was haphazardly enforced and was narrowly interpreted by the courts

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, currency inflation developed in the United States as a result of a. the adoption of bimetallism b. the rapid growth of industrial production c. newly discovered gold deposits and mining techniques d. a change in tariff levels e. large amounts of funds being spent on relief for the poor

c. newly discovered gold deposits and mining techniques

The Platt Amendment, incorporated into the Cuban constitution, gave Cuba a. full independence b. economic independence c. nominal political independence d. an American colonial government e. an equal partnership with American interests

c. nominal political independence

The Farmers' Alliances had an intense dislike for all of the following groups in society except a. furnishing merchants b. large corporations c. politically active women d. financial institutions e. Northeastern banks

c. politically active women

The Populist ideology rejected the idea of a. dismantling monopolies and trusts b. saving capitalism and industrialization c. preserving a laissez-faire system of economics d. creating a graduated income tax e. subtreasury crop warehouses

c. preserving a laissez-faire system of economics

Throughout his adult life, William Jennings Bryan served as a powerful symbol of a. urban, Catholic, middleclass America b. urban, ethnic, working-class America c. rural, Protestant, middle-class America d. urban, Catholic, upper-class America e. rural, Protestant, upper-class America

c. rural, Protestant, middle-class America

In arguing for their policies, the new American expansionists of the late 1800s offered all of the following economic and social reasons except a. the United States would soon need to find new sources for the natural resources that it was rapidly using up b. the United States needed to acquire new overseas markets for its products c. the United States needed to find new sources of immigrants who would work in its factories for low wages d. the United States needed an aggressive foreign policy to take people's minds off internal problems and frustrations e. the United States needed to expand due to the "closing of the frontier"

c. the United States needed to find new sources of immigrants who would work in its factories for low wages

The Grange declined in power in the 1870s because of a. the defeat of the Southern Alliance and the rise of the Northwestern Alliance b. the decline in farm prices and the creation of the federal surplus warehouse c. the defeat of the Granger laws and the political inexperience of its leaders d. the decline in interstate rates and the effectiveness of the "subtreasury system" e. the rise of socialism in the South and West

c. the defeat of the Granger laws and the political inexperience of its leaders

The Pendleton Act of 1883 dealt with which of the following issues? a. the free coinage of silver b. the government's ability to control trusts c. the reform of the nation's civil service d. he protective tariff e. the government's ability to control railroad rates

c. the reform of the nation's civil service

William Jennings Bryan wanted the U.S. Senate to ratify the peace treaty with Spain because a. the United States would be able to build naval bases in the new territories b. he hoped to become governor of one of the territories c. the war would be over, and the Democrats could make Republican imperialism a campaign issue d. he believed that the inhabitants of the territories would be better off under U.S. protection e. the acquisition of sugar plantations would bolster the U.S. economy

c. the war would be over, and the Democrats could make Republican imperialism a campaign issue

The black soldiers who fought in the Spanish-American War faced all of the following problems except a. the U.S. Army kept them in segregated units b. the people of the South treated them poorly while the troops were training there c. they experienced difficulties in combat because most of them had never been under fire before d. the fully integrated Cuban rebel forces that they fought beside reinforced their sense of racial injustice e. strict segregation of facilities when the soldiers trained in the South

c. they experienced difficulties in combat because most of them had never been under fire before

In the political battles of the late 1800s, the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds were a. groups who favored civil service reform b. the nicknames of the rival Republican and Democratic political machines c. two rival factions within the Republican party who fought over political patronage d. the nicknames of the conservative and liberal wings of the Democratic party e. opposing sides regarding the future of Reconstruction

c. two rival factions within the Republican party who fought over political patronage

Political party loyalties of the late 1800s tended to remain stable because a. economic issues divided the electorate into well-organized opposing groups B)voting participation was low and political change slow b. only one political party garnered any substantial support c. voting patterns were determined by vague cultural inclinations d. few significant economic or social changes took place, and thus few political issues developed

c. voting patterns were determined by vague cultural inclinations

the "Black Cabinent" was

civil rights' activists who influenced the thinking of Eleanor and FDR

In an attempt to solve the most ciritcal problem of the economy, FDR's first action after taking office was to

close the banks for a four-day holiday

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 significantly and permanently changed the economic structure of American agriculture by

committing the federal government to subsizing from prices up to the parity level

FDR's strongest asset in restoring confidence to the American public was his

confidence, optimism, and ability in public relations

The Civilian Conservation Corps pursued the objective of

creating jobs for men who could not find work in cities, providing emplyment to millions of young men, advancing conservation and reforestation, and developing parks

The Democratic Party of the late 1800's appealed most strongly to all the following except a. white Southerners b. Roman Catholics c. poorer persons d. Midwestern farmers e. most recent immigrants

d. Midwestern farmers

The United States acquired the Hawaiian Islands as a result of all the following factors except a. American citizens developed a sugar industry in the islands b. the U.S. government built a naval station there c. Americans staged a revolution to depose the native rulers d. President Cleveland sent marines to ensure that nothing stopped annexation from taking place e. the domination of the Hawaiian economy by American settlers

d. President Cleveland sent marines to ensure that nothing stopped annexation from taking place

What was the purpose of the Open Door Notes? a. They sought to promote American economic interests in Latin America. b. They served as a warning to Great Britain against interference in the Western Hemisphere. c. They sought to divide Samoa among Germany, Great Britain, and the United States. d. They sought to allow the United States equal access to trade with China. e. They sought to provide the United States with territorial control of the Philippines.

d. They sought to allow the United States equal access to trade with China.

The Wilson-Gorman Tariff of 1894 was significant because it contained a. a large increase in the general tariff b. a moderate increase in the general tariff c. virtually no change in the general tariff d. a substantial decrease in the general tariff e. major concessions to supporters of tariff reduction

d. a substantial decrease in the general tariff

The first McKinley administration focused on an issue that most Republicans could agree on, and the result was a. international treaties on bimetallism b. a reduction in the income tax c. a large increase in the minting of silver coins d. an increase in the level of tariffs e. a decline in selling goods in foreign markets

d. an increase in the level of tariffs

The Pan-American Congress of 1889 resulted in the a. peaceful resolution of imperial claims in Cuba b. creation of an inter-American customs union c. establishment of arbitration procedures to resolve hemispheric disputes d. creation of an agency that distributed information to member American nations e. trade agreements that were mutually beneficial

d. creation of an agency that distributed information to member American nations

The U.S. war effort in Cuba suffered from all of the following problems except a. a shortage of modern rifles and ammunition b. heavy, cold-weather uniforms in a hot climate c. inadequate medicine and food d. lack of popular support e. poor racial relations in the U.S. Army

d. lack of popular support

The coining of silver stopped in 1873 because a. the mining of silver became prohibitively expensive b. silver reserves were nearly depleted c. Congress wanted to inflate the currency d. owners of silver were not interested in selling to the government e. the price of silver had greatly decreased

d. owners of silver were not interested in selling to the government

The election of 1884 was typical of national contests in the late 1800s because of its emphasis on a. public issues rather than personalities b. change rather than stability c. abilities rather than party loyalty d. personalities rather than policies e. capitalism and socialism

d. personalities rather than policies

Historians have offered all of the following positive interpretations of Populism except a. its members were victims of economic distress caused by drought and debt b. its members tried to offer a democratic alternative to the control of America by corporate capitalism c. the movement struggled to save agricultural America from the devouring jaws of industrial America d. the movement was the forerunner of the civil rights movement of fifty years later e. its brief success provided a critique of contemporary capitalism

d. the movement was the forerunner of the civil rights movement of fifty years later

One of the major problems that caused the Panic of 1893 was that a. farm prices were rising rapidly b. the banking system was under national control c. the segments of the economy were too independent of each other d. the railroads expanded too rapidly e. Grover Cleveland spent massively on social programs

d. the railroads expanded too rapidly

During 1932, the bad conditions produced by the Depression caused some farmers to engage in a ll father following actions except

destroying their crops in an attempt to limit production

Free coinage of silver was supported by all of the following groups except a. silver-mine owners b. Southern farmers c. small farmers d. Western Democrats e. Eastern Republicans

e. Eastern Republicans

The United States was finally pushed into war with Spain by all of the following developments except a. the American press printed a private letter of the Spanish ambassador that insulted the U.S. president b. an American battleship blew up in the harbor of Havana, Cuba c. Spain refused to negotiate with the Cuban rebels d. Cubans living in America stirred up support for a war e. Spain ignored U.S. diplomatic requests in regard to Cuba

e. Spain ignored U.S. diplomatic requests in regard to Cuba

The assassination of James A. Garfield occurred as a result of the conflict between a. Catholics and Protestants b. natives and immigrants c. Northerners and Southerners d. urban areas and rural areas e. Stalwarts and Half-Breeds

e. Stalwarts and Half-Breeds

During the first McKinley administration, the country experienced a. an exhaustion of dissent b. a decline in labor unrest c. a major increase in farm prices d. a significant expansion of business activity e. all of the answers above

e. all of the answers above

. The Grange attempted to counteract economic hardships by its a. forming a third national political party b. demanding the destruction of the national bank c. establishing banks that would serve the needs of farmers d. persuading the federal government to lower the tariff on agricultural goods e. forming market cooperatives and attempting to curb the monopolistic practices of warehouses

e. forming market cooperatives and attempting to curb the monopolistic practices of warehouses

Because of the Republican passage of a high protective tariff in 1890, the next two national elections resulted in a. overwhelming victories for the Republicans b. close Republican victories c. disputed outcomes d. close losses to the Democrats e. substantial victories by the Democrats

e. substantial victories by the Democrats

In 1900, the nation that had the third largest naval force was a. Great Britain b. France c. Italy d. Germany e. the United States

e. the United States

Historians have offered all of the following negative interpretations of Populism except a. its members were socially rootless and geographically isolated b. its members were bigoted, ignorant, anti-Semitic, and anti-intellectual c. the movement failed to recruit members in urban, working-class areas d. the movement rested on a romanticized and obsolete vision of the role of farmers in America e. the movement created an extreme political atmosphere that led indirectly to the new imperialism

e. the movement created an extreme political atmosphere that led indirectly to the new imperialism

One of the primary beliefs of the Farmers' Alliances was that a. individual competition was the most efficient means of determining fair farm prices b. the ratio of gold and silver should be 18 to 1 c. the gold standard was essential to rural prosperity d. the railroads should be under state, not federal, control e. too much power was in the hands of a few corporations and financial institutions

e. too much power was in the hands of a few corporations and financial institutions

From 1925 to 1940 the transition of American policy on arms sales to warring nations went from

embargo to cash and carry to lend-lease

compared with women who worked outside the home before 1939, the new working women of WWII were more likely to be

engaged in heavy industrial work

The Works Progress Administration included all of the following progorams except

enrolling workers in the military after the completion of projects

by the beginning of 1944, the production of American industry for military needs was

evenly divided between large corporations and small businesses

In his inaugural address, FDR tolds Americans that they had "nothing to fear but

fear itself"

One of the problems with the New Deal work relief systems was that

females recieved more cash assistance but less work relief than men

In the mid-1930s, attempting to reverse the economic situation of the United States, FDR

forbade American banks to make loans to nations which defaulted on their war debts to the US

during WWII, women who worked outside the home concentrated in

governmental jobs

Popular protest agains the New Deal promoted all of the following new programs except

guaranteed annual income

During WWII, the status of Chinese Americans in American society

improved considerably

The goals of the Tennessee Valley Authority included all of the followig except

improving railroad transportation

FDR's recognition of the Soviet Union was undertaken partly

in hopes of developing a diplomatic counterweight to the rising power of Japan communist policies

one area in which the Allies had superior technological quality was

in the success of creating effective code-breaking technology

Hoover responded to the domestic crisis in 1931 by asking Congress to

increase funding for financial institutions to prevent mortgage foreclosure

The 1934 Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act

increased America's foreign trade

The National Industrial Recovery Act encountered all of the following serious problems except

industrial prices did not change

President Hoover tried to improve US foreign policy in the early 1930s by

interfering in Latin America less than previous presidents, trying to persuade Japan to stop its aggressive expansion, and working for world disarmament.

The "broker state", which developed during the New Deal, was based on the idea that the federal governemnt should

intervene in the battle between interest groups, helping some and limiting others, to keep them equal in power

the historians who analyzed the New Deal offered all of the following positive interpretations except

it changed the prevailing cultural ideas enough that conservatives would always be on the defensive thereafter

the historians who analyzed the New Deal offered all of the following negative interpretations except

it helped to destroy the American tradition of political a social individualism

The primary intent of the Natoinal Industrial Recovery Act was to

keep prices stable on industrial goods

When the "Little Steel" companies used violence against the unions at the "Memorial Day Massacre" of 1937, the event was signifcant because it was the

last major management victory achieved through brutal strikebreaking tactics

The Allied invasion of France was postponed until 1944 for all the following reasons except

losses to the Japanese required diverting troops to the Pacific

FDR's foreign-trade policy

lowered tariffs to increase trade

The US government interned many Japanese Americans in "relocation camps" because

many American military leaders unjustly regarded them as a threat to the security of the West Coast

Commercial films of the 1930s were

often deliberately and explicitly escapist

the creation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) changed the labor movement by

organizing workers by industry rather than craft

although the Supreme Court struck down the Agriculutral Adjustment Act of 1933, the Roosevelt administration replaced it with a new law that

paid farmers to keep land out of production to conserve soil and prevent erosion`

During the final years of WWII, the new Deal programs of the Roosevelt administration were

partially eliminated

The purpose of the "Bonus Army" march into Washington, DC in 1932 was to

persuade Congress to approve the early payment of bonuses due to World War I veterans

In his first month in office,FDR restored public confidence in the banking system by

persuading Congress to pass the Emergency Banking Act which permitted solvent banks to operate

At the Washington Conference of 1921, the United States proposed and obtained a treaty to

prevent a naval arms race among the major world powers.

During the mid-1930s, some powerful Americans criticzed the New Deal for all of the following reasons except

preventing urban crime and violence

During WWII, the majority of Americans experienced

profound changes in the social and political structure of their country

The purpose of the reconstruction Finance Corporation was to

provide federal loans to troubled banks, railroads, and other big businesses

FDR's recognition of the Soviet Union in 1933 resulted in

relatively little change in the 2 country's dislike and distrust of one another

One of the Hoover administration's major failings in dealing with the Depression was its

reluctance to spend large amounts of federal funds

When the americans and the british inflicted major defeats on the Italian army during 1943, the italians responded by

removing Mussolini from power and switching to the Allied side

Throughout most of the 1930s, the American people responded to the aggressive actions of Germany, Italy and Japan by

retreating further into isolation.

The Indian Reorganization Act changed government policy toward tribes by

returning political authority to the tribes and allowing them to own land collectively

One of the most successful for New Deal programs for farmers was

rural electrification

In their battle with General Motors, the United Auto Workers developed the effective new technique of

sit-down strikes

the final outcome of the battle over FDR's "court packing" plan was that the Supreme Court

stopped overturning New Deal legislations, but the New Deal coalition splintered

In the long run, the New Deal had all of the following effects on the economy except

substantially altering the distribution of wealth in America

in the US, WWII brought a number of important social consequences, including the decrease in the number of

teenagers enrolled in high school

During WWII, the Allies split Europe into two theaters of operation, with

the Americans and the British fighting in the western half and the Soviets fighting in the eastern half (E)

When the Roosevelt administration decided that the US would no longer directly intervene in the affairs of Latin American countries, the new approach became known as

the Good Neighbor Policy

During the New Deal, blacks became strong supporters of the Democratic party because

the New Deal relief agencies included blacks as recipients

During the election of 1944, all of the following events occurred except

the Republicans suggested that the president had done a poor job of conducting the war

In adopting the policy of government-managed currency, the New Deal determined that the value of the US dollar would be set by

the economic circumstances at any given time

One internationalist action by FDR in his 1st term in office was

the formal recognition of the Soviet Union

the rise of labor unions in the 1930s was due to all of the following causes except

the increasing influence of skilled workers in unions

the most profound and long-lasting effect of the New Deal on American policies was that

the increasing power of the president lessened the power of Congress

In the case Korematsu v. US, the Supreme Court ruled that

the internment of Japanese Americans was constitutional

in comparison to other federal work relief agencies, the Works Progress Administration was

the largest and most permanent employer

Although FDR had opposition from the left and the right during the 1936 election, he had no problem winning re-election for all of the following reasons except

the main leader of the right was implicated in a scandal

For African Americans, WWII led to a significant decrease in

the number willing to accept a status of second-class citizen

the National Labor Relations Act promoted workers by providing them with

the power to form unions and engage in colllective bargaining

In promising to grant the Phillippines independence, the US was motivated by treaty obligations and

the realization that the islands were economic liabilities.

by 1936, FDR had succeeding in creating a new Democratic coalition, which was composed of all of the following groups except

traditional progressives

In a 1935 case involving a local poultry buisness, the Supreme Court ruled that the NRA was

unconstitutional, because it violated both the interestate commerce clause and the legislative powers clause of the Consitution

In the late 1910s and early 1920s, Henry Cabot Lodge argued that the United States should

use its power internationally in order to further its own interests.

The increase in the number of Mexican Americans employed in the US during the early 1940s resulted from

wartime labor shortages

The US began development of the atomic bomb because its leaders

were afraid the Nazis would develop one first

During the Nazi program of exterminating the Jews in Europe, American officials

were more concerned with the larger goal of winning the war than with the fate of the Jews

Following the 1931 collapse of the largest bank in Austria, European nations reacted by

withdrawing their gold from American banks

During 1942, the US launched its first major effort against the Germans when it

worked with the British in launching a major offensive in North Africa

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