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Pueblo Revolt

Uprising in 1680 in which Pueblo Indians temporarily drove Spanish colonists out of modern-day New Mexico.

Columbus originally was determined to prove that

a westward water route to China existed

the French empire in North America succeeded because of the

fur trade

Conquistadores were in the Americas searching for all of the following EXCEPT


The men largely responsible for Spain's conquest of the New World were known as

los conquistadores

Who were the Peninsulares?

persons of European birth

Who were the mestizos?

persons of mixed Spanish and Indian origin

The freedom of a Christian man or woman meant/means

subservience, submission, and servitude to God.

In their relations with the Native Americans, the French

tended to cultivate good relations because of the Native Americans' knowledge of fur trapping

Geographically, the French claimed and settled

the Mississippi Valley and Canada

Which of the following revolutionized early Native American culture?

the development of agriculture

The chief goal of fifteenth-century Portuguese expansion was

the establishment of a trading empire in Asia

Spain became the number one power in the world during the sixteenth century because

the monarch provided leadership and support for overseas ventures

Which of these crops did NOT form the basis of Native American culture?


At the time of first contact between Europeans and Native Americans, Native Americans had not developed

wheeled transportation

The Reconquista happened in


The first African slaves were transported to the New World in what year?


Zheng He

A Chinese Admiral who led seven large naval expeditions in the Indian Ocean


A Pueblo Indian who became the main organizer of an uprising that aimed to drive the Spanish from their colony and restore the Indians' traditional autonomy.

encomienda system

A Spanish system under which the first settlers had been granted authority over conquered Indian lands with the right to extract forced labor from the native inhabitants.


A city near present-day St. Louis that was a fortified community created by ''mound builders,'' which had a population between 10,000 and 30,000 in the year 1200


A crop that formed the basis of agriculture in the Western Hemisphere.


A ship capable of long-distance travel


A string of beads used by Indians in religious rituals and as currency.


French Protestant colonists in America.

Which of the following European countries did NOT have a colonial presence in seventeenth-century North America?


The most significant factors that allowed large numbers of nomadic hunters to enter the heart of North America was

Global warming

In 1500s and 1600s, the Spanish in Central and South America relied on many of which of the following groups to work fields and mines


Which was not expressed by Bartolome de Las Casas in A VERY BRIEF ACCOUNT of the DESTRUCTION of the INDIES in 1552?

He believed that Indians ought to be allowed to continue to practice their native faiths as a true sign of Christian love and toleration.

Which of the following was NOT a feature of Native American civilization prior to the voyages of Columbus?

Large cities were unknown to the Americas

During the Pueblo Revolt, which of the following names was ordered to never be spoken again?


The most advanced Native American cultures appeared in which region of North America

Mexico and Central America


Shareholders who agreed to transport tenants for agricultural labor.

In which country did the Reconquista occur?


Which was NOT a means by which Cortez conquered the Aztecs?

He bombarded the Aztec capital from his Spanish galleons.

The conquistador of Mexico was

Hernan Cortes

Black Legend

Idea that the Spanish New World empire was more oppressive toward the Indians than other European empires; was used as a justification for English imperial expansion.


Spanish word for person of mixed Native American and European ancestry

The oldest site in the present-day United States to be continuously inhibited by Europeans is

St. Augustine, Florida


The ''reconquest'' of Spain from the Moors by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

Which of the following was NOT a notable feature of sixteenth-century Spanish America?

The Spanish crown took little interest in the administration of colonial affairs.


The capital city of the Aztec empire, in present-day Mexico.

Which of the following was NOT a significant motivation behind European colonization in the New World?

The spread of democracy to the Americas

Columbian Exchange

The transatlantic flow of goods and people that began with Columbus's voyages.

Which was NOT an aspect of Native American religious beliefs?

Their written religious text was called the Wicca.

Which of the following was not a characteristic of American Indians?

There were four different tribes in the Americas

Which of the following was a characteristic or action of the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest?

They diverted the Colorado River as part of their ritualistic ancestor worship.

What factors helps to explain the development of different Native American communities in the New World?

Agricultural Revolution


An alliance of five peoples living in present-day New York and Pennsylvania - the Mohawk, Oneido, Cayuga, Seneca, and Onondaga - which formed a Great League of Peace

''Christian liberty''

An idea common in Europe that freedom would come from abandoning the life of sin to embrace the teachings of Christ

The aggressive Native American people who occupied the valley of Mexico when Hernan Cortes arrived there were the


Prior to 1800, the largest settled community in what is now the United States was


which was NOT a characteristic of "coverture"?

Children became the property of the state upon a husband's death.


Children of marriages between Indian women and French traders or officials.

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Cortes conquest of the Aztecs; Las Casa's Destruction of the In-Dies; Spanish abolition of Indian enslavement

In European exploration, conquest, and colonization of the New World after 1492, all of the following were true except

Europeans brought with them a broad-ranging tolerance for others' viewpoints; kindness and tolerance being the mark of civilized peoples.

Which of the following was NOT a prominent cultural belief among Indian societies of North America?

Only holders of property should take part in tribal governance.

Which is NOT an achievement of the Indians of North America in the thousands of years before Columbus's arrival?

People in present-day Arizona constructed a large circle of red-earthen boulders.


Persons of European birth living in the colonies.

The first European nation to establish contact with sub-Saharan Africa



Portuguese fortified trading posts on the western coast of Africa.

Chapter Test


A significant outcome of the Portuguese arrival in West Africa was

an expansion of Africa's internal slave trade

Which of the following is not related to the French experience in the New World?

contact with the Aztecs

The French explorers were

determined to find gold and silver

The greatest factor that enabled Europeans to conquer natives in the New World was the

differences of population and cultural patterns among tribes

The single greatest factor that caused the destruction of Native Americans after contact with Europeans was


European diseases

extensive death among Native Americans and badly disrupted Native American culture

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