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Moral Majority

"Born-Again" Christians become politically active. The majority of Americans are moral people, and therefore are a political force.

Strategic Defense Initiative

Popularly known as "Star Wars," President Reagan proposed the construction of an elaborate computer-controlled, anti-missile defense system capable of destroying enemy missiles in outer spaced. Critics claimed that SDI could never be perfected.

Anwar Sadat

President of Egypt; Carteer invited Sadat and Israel's Menachem Begin to a conference at Camp David; the two signed an agreement that served as a step toward peace between Egypt and Israel.

Boris Yeltsin

President of the Russian Republic in 1991--the first post-Cold War leader; he came to power by helping Mikhail Gorbachev when hard-line Communists attempted to overthrow him--but soon forced Gorbachev to resign & declared an end to the USSR

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Prominent child care advocate and health care reformer in Clinton administration; won U.S. senate seat for NY in 2000. BIll Clinton's wife and First Lady.

John Anderson

Ran against Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter on the independent ticket, tallying 7 percent of the popular vote and not a single electoral vote.

George Walker Bush

Son of a former president who narrowly defeated Albert Gore in the disputed 2000 presidential election. Led during the War on Terror and the 9/11 attack.

Viet Cong

South Vietnamese Communists.

Monica Lewinsky

White House intern whose affair with Bill Clinton led to his impeachment


15 state area from Virginia to Florida and west to California. It included Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Everyone was moving into these areas because they had a great and strong economy.


1969 automobile accident that happened on an island in which a young woman assistant was drowned when Kennedy's car plunged off a bridge


1980s; Reagan's economic program which cut taxes and government regulation in order to increase productivity, nd eventully increase tax revenue as cash flowed in the economy

Roe v. Wade

(1973) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy

Hopwood v. Texas

(1996) Supreme Court case in which 2 white students sued University of Texas School of Law because they were allegedly denied admission because of the school's affirmative action program; challenged the Bakke decision; use of race even as a means of achieving diversity on college campuses "undercuts the 14th Amendment"

James Watt

A Scottish engineer who created the steam engine that worked faster and more efficiently than earlier engines, this man continued improving the engine, creating new advances in technology

Jesse Jackson

A black candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 1988 election who attempted to appeal to minorities, but eventually lost the nomination to Michael Dukakis

Clarence Thomas

African Ameican controversial Supreme Court justice who narrowly won confirmation despite charges of sexual harassment. Appointed by George Bush.

"Supply Side" Economics

An economic philosophy that holds the sharply cutting taxes will increase the incentive people have to work, save, and invest. Greater investments will lead to more jobs, a more productive economy, and more tax revenues for the government.

Moral Majority

An evangelical Christian group that was created to fight against the liberal ideas and politics that developed in the 60's and after. It is a "right-wing," conservative group.

World Trade Organization

An international agency which encourages trade between member nations, administers global trade agreements and resolves disputes when they arise.

H. Ross Perot

Billionaire Texas businessman, best remembered for running for President in 1992 and 1996 under Independent Party banner.

Whitewater Land Corporation

Clinton Arkansas investment deal that spurred a federal special prosecutor and led to widespread investigations of his administration

New Democrats

Consisted of mainly urban dwellers, labor union members, low income families, white southerners, and blacks.

William Jefferson Clinton

Democratic president (1993-2001) whose two-term presidency witnessed rapid economic growth but also a sexual scandal that fueled an impeachment effort, which he survived.

Reverse Discrimination

During the 1970's, white workers and students felt that they were being discriminated against by employers and admission offices because too much weight was put on race and ethnic background. In the court case, Bakke vs. California, the Supreme Court declared that preference in admissions to a college could not be given to a certain race, but racial factors could be taken into account in a school's overall admissions policy.

Ethnic Cleansing

Effort to eradicate a people and its culture by means of mass killing and the destruction of historical buildings and cultural materials. Ethnic cleansing was used by both sides in the conflicts that accompanied the disintegration of Yugoslavia (883)


Policy of openness initiated by Gorbachev in the 1980s that provided increased opportunities for freedom of speech, association and the press in the Soviet Union.

27th Amendment

First proposed in 1789, this amendment passed in 1992 prohibits Congress from raising their own pay. Pay raises may not take affect until the beginning of the next term.

Edward Kennedy

He is a Senator from Massachusetts and the last of the Kennedy brothers. In 1979, he said that he was going to challenge Carter for the Presidency, but an incident back in '69 with a car crash, handicapped his decision.

Albert Gore Jr.

He served as a United States Representative for eight years before becoming a United States Senator. He was Vice President during Bill Clinton's administration. He was the Democratic nominee for President in 2000 and narrowly lost the election.

Jimmy Carter

He was a Democratic, dark-horse candidate who won the 1976 presidential election. Carter was a humanitarian, and got Israel and Egypt to sign a peace treaty in 1978 at Camp David.

Martin Luther King Jr.

He was an African American minister who was instrumental in starting the Black Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. He formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of 1957. Led a peaceful "March on Washington" King fought for, and won, the outlaw of literacy tests in the voting booth. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968.

Michael Dukakis

He was governor of Massachusetts and George Bush's demorcratic opponet in the election of 1988

Walter Mondale

He was the vice president of Carter and when he won the democratic nomination he was defeated by a landslide by Reagan. He was the first presidential candidate to have a woman vice president, Geraldine Ferraro.

Geraldine Ferraro

In 1984 she was the first woman to appear on a major-party presidential ticket. She was a congresswoman running for Vice President with Walter Modale.

Contract with America

In the 1994 congressional elections, Congressman Newt Gingrich had Republican candidates sign a document in which they pledged their support for such things as a balanced budget amendment, term limits for members of Congress, and a middle-class tax cut.

Norman Schwartzkopf

Leader of Operation Desert Storm, American general who in the face of a chemical and biological attack by Iraq came up with a strategic military plan: weaken the forces with relentless bombing and then suffocate the ground with a rush attack of hundreds of troops and armor

Americans with Disabilities Act

Passed by Congress in 1991, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commerical buildings.


North American Free Trade Agreement; allows open trade with US, Mexico, and Canada

Oliver North

One of the chief figures in the Iran-Contra scandal was Marine Colonel Oliver North, an aide to the NSC. He admitted to covering up their actions, including shredding documents to destroy evidence. IMP. Although Reagan did approve the sale of arms to Iran he was not aware of the diversion of money to the contras. This still tainted his second term in office.

Newt Gingrich

Representative from Georgia who led the "Contract with America" and eventually became the Speaker of the House; he and Clinton battled many times while he demanded tax cuts and a balancing of the budget

George Bush

Republican (1989-1993) Beat Dukakis is 1988. President During Operation Desert Storm, the Persian Gulf, and the end of the Cold War. Went against his no-taxes promise. Economy hurt him while running for re-election in 1992.

Robert Dole

Republican candidate in the 1996 election who lost to Bill Clinton

Jerry Falwell

Reverend and Leader of the Religious Right Fundamentalist Christians, a group that supported Reagan; rallying cry was "family values"; anti-feminist, anti-homosexuality, anti-abortion, favored prayer in schools

Grenada Invasion

Ronald Reagan dispatched a heavy- fire- power invasion force to the island of Grenada, where a military coup had killed the prime minister and brought Marxists to power ----Americans captured the island quickly demonstrating Reagan's determination to assert the dominance of the US in the Caribbean

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan was first elected president in 1980 and elected again in 1984. He ran on a campaign based on the common man and "populist" ideas. He served as governor of California from 1966-1974, and he participated in the McCarthy Communist scare. Iran released hostages on his Inauguration Day in 1980. While president, he developed Reagannomics, the trickle down effect of government incentives. He cut out many welfare and public works programs. He used the Strategic Defense Initiative to avoid conflict. His meetings with Gorbachev were the first steps to ending the Cold War.


Senator Edward Kennedy, brother of John F. Kennedy, was at a Batchelor party on an island. There were some young women there and there was some drinking and Kennedy ended up taking one of the young ladies off the island. But when they were crossing a bridge Kennedy's car went off the bridge. The young woman was killed. Kennedy's story was that he swam across a bay to get help but it was too late. There was much controversy over this incident about Kennedy's motives, such as if he was trying to kill the lady because she knew something and that Kennedy was already married.

Sandra Day O'Connor

She was a laywer and later appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by Reagan. She was the first woman to be a justice on the Supreme Court.

Betty Friedan

She was a leader in the modern feminist movement in the 1960s. She wrote "The Feminist Mystique."

Sandra Day O'Connor

She was appointed by Reagan as a Supreme Court justice. She is a brilliant Stanford Law School graduate. She was sworn in on Sept.25, 1981. She was the first woman to ascend to the high bench in the Court's nearly 200 yr. History.

Jimmy Carter

The 39th President who created the Department of Energy and the Depatment of Education. He was criticized for his return of the Panama Canal Zone, and his last year in office was marked by the takeover of the American embassy in Iran, fuel shortages, and the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, which caused him to lose to Ronald Regan in the next election. Also known for a detente with China and USSR.

Gary Hart

The fore-runner for the Democratic nomination in the election of 1988. He was forced to drop out of the race in May 1987 after charges of sexual misconduct.

Saddam Hussein

Was a dictator in Iraq who tried to take over Iran and Kuwait violently in order to gain the land and the resources. He also refused to let the UN into Iraq in order to check if the country was secretly holding weapons of mass destruction.

"supply-side economics"

The nickname given to the type of economy that Ronald Reagan brought before Congress. It involved, among other things, a 25% tax cut that encouraged budgetary discipline and would hopefully spur investments. However, the plan was not a success and the economy was sent into its deepest recession since the 1930's.

Family Values

The political position advocated by Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and other conservative Republicans emphasizing a life of religious observance along with no drugs, no divorce, no abortions, no homosexuality, no working mothers, and no sex before marriage.

Iran-Contra Affair

This involved high officials in the Reagan administration secretly selling arms to Iran (in return for the release of Western hostages in the Middle East) and illegally using the proceeds to finance the Contra rebels in Nicaragua.

Strategic Defense Initiative

This was Regan's proposed high-tech, anti-nuclear missile, defense system. It was said to be scientifically impossible. It was nicknamed "Star Wars."


Trade union movement in Poland that developed into a political pressure group that supported reforms from the Communist leadership.

Grenada Invasion

US invades small Caribbean island of Grenada whose gov. was threatened by Pro-Castro revolutionaries, US crushed the rebels & protected Americansscientists who were studying medicine on the island


against banning abortion; a woman should have the right/freedom to choose to abort or not abort her baby.

Persian Gulf War

a 1991 war in which the United States and its UN allies drove invading Iraqi forces out of neighboring Kuwait


a policy initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev that involved restructuring of the social and economic status quo in communist Russia towards a market based economy and society

Jesse Jackson

an African-American candidate for the Democratic ticket, campaigned for a "rainbow coalition" of minorities and the disadvantaged; Lost the nomination to Michael Dukakis


neoconservatives were a small influential group of thinkers who were supporters of Ronald Regan. They were acting against the 1960's liberalism. They took tough anti-Soviet positions in foreign policy. They championed free-market capitalism liberated from gov't restraints. They questioned liberal forms of welfare programs and affirmative action policies. They encouraged traditional values, individualism, and the centrality of the family.

Branch Davidians

cult led by David Koresh, sieged by federal agents, had illegal firearms, building caught fire and no one survived

New Religious Right

denounced abortion, pornography, homosexuality, feminism, and especially affermative action. They championed prayer in the schools and tougher penalties for criminals. Together, the Old and New Right added up to a powerful political combination, devoted to changing the very character of American society

Mikhail Gorbachev

he was the Soviet leader from 1985 until the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991 and his reforms helped lead to the end of the Cold War with the United States

Ronald Reagan

president, 1981-1989, who led a conservative movement against détente with the Soviet Union and the growth of the federal government; some people credit him with America's victory in the Cold War while others fault his insensitive social agenda and irresponsible fiscal policies.

Affirmative Action

programs designed to encourage employers and colleges to hire or accept more minorities and women to even out the workforce, eliminate racism in the hiring process, and improve the lives of impoverished minorities in America. The programs were opposed by many as reverse discrimination against those who were not hired in an effort to keep the workplace ethnically diverse.

Kenneth Starr

prosecutor against Clinton in the Lewinsky scandal; led to the impeachment of Clinton

John Anderson

ran against Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter on the independent ticket, tallying 7 percent of the popular vote and not a single electoral vote.


rebels seeking to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government in the 1980s; financed by the United States


was decided by the Supreme Court in 1973. It prohibited state legislatures from interfering with a woman's right to abortion. Norma McCarvey, a.k.a. Jane Roe, said in 1995 that she no longer believed in abortion rights.


young, urban professionals who wore ostentatious gear such Rolex watches or BMW cars. They came to symbolize the increased pursuit of wealth and materialism of Americans in the 1980s.


young, urban professionals who wore ostentatious gear such as Rolex watches or BMW cars. They came to symbolize the increased pursuit of wealth and materialism of Americans in the 1980s.

John McCain

this Arizona senator and war hero was runner up to George W. Bush for the GOP presidential nomination in 2000 and was the nominee in 2008


took over nicuagra government to help cuba and soviet union; Communist.

Columbine High School

two high school seniors armed with guns and explosives waged a violent assault, they killed 12 fellow students and one teacher before shooting themselves; Increase in school security and mass movement toward gun control

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