APUSH Chapter 10

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Differences over foreign policy: Hamilton

--looked outward and eastward -build a strong national state that would assert and expand America's commercial interests -wanted foreign trade with Britain --> and friendship with Britain was necessary

Concessions U.S. received

-British promised to evacuate the chain of posts on U.S. soil -consented to pay damages for the recent seizures of American ships

Drawbacks U.S. received from Britain

-British stopped shot of pledging anything about FUTURE maritime seizures and impressments or about supplying arms to Indians -forced Jay to give ground by binding the United States to pay the debts still owed to British merchants on pre-Revolutionary accounts

Washington's contributions as president

-central govnt solidly established -West was expanding -merchant marine was plowing the seas - had kept the nation out of both overseas entanglements and foreign wars -when he left office in 1797 --> showered with brickbats of partisan abuse

Adams as president

-impressed observers as a man of principles who did his duty with stubborn devotion -tactless and prickly intellectual aristocrat with no appeal to the masses and no desire to cultivate any - ppl regarded him with "respectful irritation" -he couldn't live up to Washington -Hamilton hated Adams who resigned from Treasury and now ran the war faction of fed party "High Federalists" --> he even tried to plot against him

emergence of political parties

-out of resentment of Hamilton's revenue raising and other policies but factions began to split up into parties -Philadephia ppl never thought there would be political parties --> organized opposition to the govnt was tainted by disloyalty and opposition to the govnt insulted the spirit of national unity that the Revolution had inspired! -at first when Jefferson and Madison opposed the Hamiltonian program they did not expect it to emerge into a party --> newspapers spread message -led to Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans and Hamiltonian Federalists

Sedition Act effect on Jeffersonians

10 Jeffersonians brought to trial and all convicted --> jury was usually packed with prejudiced Federalist judges--> many harmless partisans who would have been spared. Matthew Lyon, Congressman ("the Spitting Lion") --> gained fame for spitting in face of Federalist sentenced to 4 months in jail for writing of President Adam's "unbounded thirst for ridiculous pomp, foolish adulation, and selfish avarice"

French Revolution

1789 French Revolution a historic, global revolution sent tremors through much of the Western world and beyond --ppl in France opposed king Louis XVI --> Americans cheered because France was going in same footsteps as America (deploring despotism and loving liberty)

Treaty of Grenville

1794 when new army led under General "mad Anthony" Wayne routed the Miami's at the Battle of the Fallen Timbers, British refused to shelter Indians fleeing from the battle and yet they were "friends" -Indians soon offered Wayne peace in Treaty of Grenville in 1795 --> confederacy gave up vast tracts of the Old Northwest including a lot of Indiana and Ohio

amendments could be proposed in two ways

2/3 of the states or 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress but there was a fear that a new convention might unravel the narrow federalist victory so James Madison drafted the amendments himself --> political and intellectual skills made him the leading figure

Adams benefit from this

Adams new that if they went to war, crowned by the conquest of the Floridas and Louisiana, it would bring praise to the Federalist party and maybe a second term for him--> but he knew that war must be avoided because country was weak -in 1799 he submitted to the Senate a new minister to France --> Hamilton was mad but the public favored one last try for peace

France didn't want war with U.S.

British were lending America with war supplies and therefore Talleyrand said that if Americans sent a new minister to France, he would be received with respect

Alien laws

Federalists put laws on poor ppl who were welcomed by Jeffersonians -Federalists hoped to discourage the "dregs" of Europe (immigrants) --> raised the residence requirements for aliens who desired to become citizens from a tolerable five years to an intolerable fourteen--> this law violated the American policy of open door hospitality and speedy assimilation -Two additional alien laws struck onto the immigrants --> president could deport dangerous foreigners in time of peace and to deport or imprison them in time of hostilities --> this was a random grant of executive power contrary to American tradition and to the spirit of Constitution even tho Alien Laws were never enforced

XYZ affair effect

Federalists were delighted at this turn of affairs --> Jeffersonians were in shame over the misbehavior of their French friends

France and Austria

French Revolution entered a more threatening phase in 1792 --> declared war on Austria news reached America that French citizen armies had hurled back the invading foreigners and declared itself a republic = Americans were extremely happy

additional obligations

Hamilton urged Congress to assume the debts of the states = 21.5 million -regarded state debts as a national obligation because they had been incurred in the war for independence. -believed assumption would chain the states more tightly to the "federal chariot" so the maneuver would shift the attachment of wealthy creditors from the states to the fed govnt.

excise tax

Hamilton wanted additional internal revenue --> 1791 secured an excise tax on domestic items, mostly whiskey. it was 7 cents a gallon and it was mostly used by distillers who lived in the backcountry whiskey was used for money

John Adams becomes president

Hamilton wanted to be President but because of his financial policies = made him unpopular Federalists forced to turn to Washington's vice president = John Adams while Republicans nominated Jefferson -issues of the campaign focused on personalities -Jeffersonians used the Whiskey Rebellion and negotiation of the Jay's treaty to strengthen their side -Adams had most support in New England and barely won 71 to 68 --> Jefferson became runner up = vice president

effect of Hamilton's plans

Hamilton's fiscal feats had established the govnt's sound credit rating and now the Treasury could borrow needed funds in the Netherlands on good terms --> but all of his taxes, the bank and suppression of Whiskey Rebellion led to political liabilities --> led to encroachment upon states' rights.

Jeffersonian's response to Jays actions

Jay's pact, vitalized the Democratic-Republican party of Thomas Jefferson --> very angry it was a surrender to Britain and a betrayal to the Jeffersonian South --> Southern planters would have to pay a share of the pre-Revolutionary debt while rich Federalist shippers were collecting damages for recent British seizures. -Washington's popularity was compromised by the controversy of this treaty

Compact theory

Jefferson and Madison stressed upon this idea --> this concept meant that the 13 sovereign states in creating the federal govnt had entered into a contract regarding its jurisdiction and that the national govnt was the agent or creation of the states --> individual states were the final judges of whether their agent had broken the "compact" by overstepping the authority originally granted Jefferson's Kentucky resolution concluded that the federal regime had exceeded its constitutional powers and that with regard to Alien and Sedition Acts, "nullification" (refusal to accept them) was the "rightful remedy"

U.S. war preparations with France

Jeffersonian opposed these war preparations -Navy Department was created -three-ship navy was expanded -United States Marine Corps was reestablished -new army of 10,000 men was authorized Bloodshed confined mainly to West Indies --> Americans captured over 80 armed French vessels

Alien and Sedition Act effect on the people

Jeffersonians against it but still these acts commanded widespread popular support. Anti-French hysteria played directly into hands of witch-hunting conservatives --> supporting Federalists and in the congressional elections of 1798-1799 the Federalist's scored most sweeping victory of their entire history

Jefferson's ideas

Jeffersonians refused to take the Alien and Sedition Act and feared it might take away free speech and press which could possible wipe out other constitutional guarantees --> fearing prosecution of Sedition he secretly penned a series or resolutions which Kentucky legislature approved in 1798

Jefferson view on landlessness

Landlessness among citizens as bad as illiteracy in Jefferson's eyes. -feared that propertyless dependents would be political risks in the hands of their landowning superiors.

Miami Confederacy conflict

Little Turtle, chief of Miamis regarded the Ohio River as the U.S. northwestern and their own southeastern border. There was a battle in 1790 1791 and Turtle's armies killed hundred of soldier = one of United States worst defeats in history of frontier

crucial ninth amendment

Madison created this amendment so ppl wouldn't jump to conclusions that they were ONLY protected by the 10 amendments specifying certain rights "shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the ppl" just because a certain right isn't listed doesn't mean it doesn't exist

three full fledged department under Washington

Secretary of State = Thomas Jefferson Secretary of the Treasury = Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War = Henry Knox

How could the emergence of landless class of voters be avoided?

Slavery! black slave labor in South ensured that white yeoman farmers could remain independent land owners. -without slavery, poor whites would have to provide cheap labor for the cultivation of tobacco, rice, etc...and their low wages would make impossible for them owning any property --> this is why Jefferson reconciled slaveholding

Pickney's Treaty

Spain feared that the treaty foreshadowed an Anglo-American alliance so they formed Pickney's Treaty in 1795. Spain granted everything U.S. demanded -free navigation to Mississippi -right to deposit at New Orleans -gave the large disputed territory of western Florida to America

Washington for President

Washington drafted as president unanimously by Electoral College in 1789. he did not angle for his exalted office --> commanded followers by strength of character rather than arts of politician (originally from Mount Vernon but traveled to NYC)

Washington's Farewell Address

Washington retired after second term and sent out farewell adress in 1796 --> he advised the avoidance of "permanent alliances" he favored "temporary alliances" for "extraordinary emergencies"

attempt to avert war with Britain

Washington sent John Jay to London in 1794 to try to end the start of a war -Jeffersonians unhappy with this choice b/c feared that an anglophile or a federalist would sell him out -Jay came in weak and was further sabotaged by Hamilton (fear would go to war with Britain) telling Britain America's bargaining strategy

Neutrality Proclamation

Washington was against the idea of getting involved and reasoned that if American could avoid the broils of Europe we would be powerful enough to assert our own maritime rights and with strength and success. -strategy of delay was a policy of the Founding Fathers --> based on assessment of American strengths and weaknesses (Hamilton and Jefferson agreed on this) -act issued in 1793 shortly after the outbreak of war b.w. Britain and France

foreign issues between parties

Washington's term ended in 1793 Hamilton's domestic policies stimulated the two parties -as the second term began foreign-policy issues brought differences between the two parties

Federalists vs. Jeffersonians on this issue

a few ultraconservative Federalists feared change, reform, and "leveling" principles were hostile to the "despicable mobocracy" --Jeffersonians overjoyed!

Criticisms of the Constitution

antifederalists criticized Constitution for it's failure to provide guarantees of freedom of religion and trail by jury

first objective

bolster (eliminate) national credit urged Congress to "fund" the entire national debt "at par" and to assume the debts incurred by the states during the recent watr

Franco-American alliance of 1778

bound the U.S. to help the French defend their West Indies against future foes, and the booming British fleets were certain to attack these strategic islands -Jeffersonians favored this alliance --> wanted to get involved and go against Britain who was recently in war with France

issues with Britain

british retained the northern frontier posts on U.S. soil, all in defiance of the peace treaty of 1783 Londont govnt was unwilling to abandon the lucrative fur trade in Great Lakes and wanted to build an Indian buffer state to contain ambitious Americans. -British openly sold firearms and firewater to the Indians of the Miami Confederacy

Sedition Act = conflict

conflict with Constitution -->Supreme Court dominated by Federalists were in no right mind to declare this Federalist law unconstitutional --> feds intentionally wrote the law to expire in 1801 so it couldn't be used against them if they lose next election -because the federalists were attempting to crush free speech and silence opposition party made many converts for Jeffersonians

First cabinet

constitution did not mention formation of a cabinet--> only said that the pres "may require" written opinions of the heads of the executive branch departments but this was a burden so cabinets evolved

other creations by Congress

created federal courts under the Judiciary Act of 1789 = organized the Supreme Court with a chief justice, 5 associates, federal district and circuit courts --> established the office of attorney general.

Where was the money to come from to pay interest on this huge debt and run the govnt?

custom duties, derived from a tariff tariff revenues depended on vigorous foreign trade, another crucial link in Hamilton's overall economic strategy for new Republic

British violate neutrality

eager to starve out the French West Indies and expected U.S. to defend the French under the Franco-American alliance -British ignored America's neutrality and seized about three hundred American merchant ships in the West Indies -impressed scores of seamen into service on British vessels -threw hundreds of others into foul dungeon

Funding at par

fed govnt would pay off its debts at face value plus interest = more than 54 million ppl believed that the Treasury wasn't capable of meeting those obligations that govt bonds had depreciated to 10 or 15 cents on the dollar but speculators held fistfuls of them when Hamilton's measure was passed in 1790 they grabbed for more (some went into rural areas)

John Jay

first chief justice of the United States

Bill of Rights

first ten amendments to the Constitution 1. freedom of speech 2. right to bear arms 3. right to assemble & petition the govt

Whiskey Rebllion

flared up in southwestern Pennsylvania in 1794 challenged national govnt Hamilton's excise tax caused harm --> regarded tax as a burden on economic necessity and a medium of exchange Defiant distillers erected whiskey poles and protested against them crying "Liberty and No Excise" -they tarred and feathered officers bringing the tax to a stop

result of French Revolution

guillotine was set up, king beheaded, church attacked, and the Reign of Terror had begun --Federalist aristocrats were disgusted and the small Federalist approval there once of the Early Revolution changed to a heated talk of "blood-drinking cannibals" -Jeffersonians regretted the blood-shed -the French Revolution had not hurt America directly but now Britain was sucked into this conflict --> affected the young American Republic.

political objectives

he believed national debt was a "national blessing" a Union adhesive = political unity the more creditors the govt owed money too, the more ppl there would be with a personal stake in the success of his ambitious enterprise.

Adams recognition

he deserves credit for his push for peace even tho he took in action in part by jealousy of Hamilton -he not only avoided war but also smoothed path for peaceful purchase of Louisiana in future

Hamilton proposes national bank

he modeled it after the Bank of England -proposed a powerful private institution of which the govnt would be the major stockholder -federal Treasury would deposit its surplus monies -central govnt have convenient strongbox and also federal funds would stimulate business by remaining in circulation. -bank would print urgently needed paper money = stable national currency

what did adams do about this conflict?

he tried to reach an agreement with the French and appointed a commission of three men (one of which was John Marshall) Adam's envoys hoped to meet with Talleyrand, French minister --> approached by three agents later called X Y and Z. they demanded unneutral loan of $32 million florins and a bribe of $250,000 to talk to Talleyrand. U.S. delegates would not pay the price and John Marhsall was hailed as a conquering hero for his steadfastness.

Washington summoning militia

he was alarmed at the "self-created societies" and with the encouragement of Hamilton brought in troops . -army of about 13,000 marched in towards PA --> when they reached no one fought back

the first tariff law

imposed a low tariff of 8% on the value of dutiable imports passed in 1789 before Hamilton was sworn in -goal of tariff: revenue but also wanted to have a low protective wall around infant industries -Hamilton believed there would soon be an Industrial Revolution and wanted to protect the well-to-do manufacturing groups -Congress = dominated by agricultural and commercial interests --> voted only two slight increases in the tariff during Washington's presidency

actions of British effect on America

impressment, as well as other actions, enraged patriotic Americans -Jeffersonians proposed that America should once again fight George III in defense of its liberties, should cut off all supplies to its oppressor through a nationwide embargo. Federalists resisted this idea b/c Hamilton's hopes for economic development depended on trade with Britain.

what did Indians get in return?

in return the Indians received a payment of $20,000 and an annual annuity of $9,000 right to hung the lands they had ceded recognition of their sovereign status <--MOST IMPORTANT --Indians felt that this treaty put some limits on the ability of the U.S. to decide the fate of the Indian people

unofficial fighting with France

infuriated by jays treaty --> they thought it was step towards alliance with Brits --> attacked the pact as a violation of Franco-American Treaty of 1778 French warships began to seize American merchant vessels --> they even rejected America's new envoy and threatened him to arrest

Democratic Republicans

led by Jefferson--> ability to lead ppl rather than drive them -strongest appeal = middle class and underprivileged (the "dirt" farmers, laborers, artisans, small shopkeepers) -demanded a weak central regime --> believed best govnt was the one that governed least -bulk of power should be retained by states -Central authority --a necessary evil--kept at a minimum thru a strict interpretation of the Constitution -national debt which Jefferson saw as a curse was to be paid off

foreign visitors

looked down upon the roughness and crudity resulting from ax and rifle pioneering life


made up of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio --> people here were restive and loyal and their life giving outlet = Mississippi but Spaniards controlled it. Spanish and British agents moved freely among the settlers and held out promises of independence

Hamilton's goals

national debt = $75 because he included the federal and state obligations "Father of National Debt" = not worried

Alexander Hamilton

native of British West Indies --> doubts of his character and his loyalty roused. always thrust his hands in other ppl's affairs like Thomas Jefferson's

people refusing compact theory

no other state legislatures agreed --> Federalists argued that the people not the states made the original compact and that it was up to the Supreme Court not the states to nullify unconstitutional legislation passed by Congress --> this concept was adopted by Supreme Court in 1803

Jefferson's views

no special privileges for special classes esp. manufacturers. he favored agriculture and is where he got the foundation for his political thought. -most of his followers came from agricultural South and Southwest -he advocated rule of ppl --> favored government for the ppl, but NOT by all the ppl--> only to literate white men who could inform themselves --> universal education would have to precede universal suffrage

Jefferson on free speech

open minded to free white men could become responsible and knowledgeable citizens -championed their freedom of speech for misdeed of tyranny could not be exposed -talked bad about Jefferson in newspapers --> freedom from Federalist press

Federalists beliefs

presidential contest approached in 1800 things got heated between Federalists and Democratic Republicans. -advocated rule by the "best people" --> distrusted democracy as the fountain of all mischief and feared the "swayability" of untutored common folk -advocated strong central govnt with power to crush democratic excesses like Shay's Rebellion -protect lives and estates of the wealthy -subordinate the sovereignty loving states, and promote foreign trade--> believed govnt should support private enterprise but not interfere with it <-- attitude came mostly from merchants, manufacturers, and shippers along Atlantic seaboard

effect of this document

proclaimed the govt's official neutrality in the widening conflict b.w. Britain and France -warned American citizens to be impartial toward both armed camps -proved to be a major prop of the spreading isolationist tradition -extremely controversial --> pro-French Jeffersonians enraged by this act esp with with Washington announcing it unilaterally without consulting Congress -Federalists = happy

Citizen Edmond Genet

representative of French Republic came to Charleston, SC undertook to fit out privateers (armed ships) and take advantage of the existing Franco-American alliance --> agreed with Jeffersonians that the neutrality proclamation did not reflect the wishes of American ppl --> embarked upon joined (unneutral) activity not authorized by the French alliance = recruitment of the armies to invade Spanish, Florida, and Lousiana, British Canada - he threatened to appeal over the had of "Old Washington" to the voters so the president kicked Genet out and he was replaced

created tenth amendment as well

reserves all rights not explicitly delegated or prohibited by the fed Constitution "to the States respectively, or to the people" Any powers not explicitly given to the federal government can be assumed to belong to the states, or directly to the people.

finances of the govnt

revenue = declined public debt = increased worthless paper money = scarce (as plentiful as metallic money) national security = threatened by wars rocked in Europe in the wake of French Revolution 1789 that had an impact on politics in the U.S.

effect of whiskey rebellion

showed how washington's govt commanded a new respect and that we were diff from the before --> stronger govt

effect of neutrality proclamation

showed that self-interest is basic cement of alliances ex: in 1778 France and America wanted to gain something but in 1793 : only France. -American neutrality favored France because French West Indies needed Yankee foodstuffs and if Americans had entered the war at France's side, the British would have blockaded the American coast and cut off essential supplies thus America was actually useful to France as a neutral provider than a blockaded partner-in-arms

happy/unhappy states

states like MA who were burdened with heavy debts were happy now that their debts would be less but states like Virginia were pissed because they had less debt and now their debt would be assumed as more

hamilton won

support for bank came from North but opposition arose in agricultural South Bank of United States created by Congress in 1791 chartered for twenty years -had a capital of $10 million --> 1/5 went to federal govnt and stock was thrown open to public sale --> milling crowd oversubscribed in 2 hrs

political strategy

support of the rich for the national administration was a crucial link in Hamilton's strategy of strengthening the central govnt

effect of these parties

the two parties competition for power actually proved to be among the necessary ingredients for a sound democracy -the party out of power ("the loyal opposition") usually plays the invaluable role to balance the govnt, ensuring that politics never drifts too far out of balance with the wishes of the people

what did Virginia do about it?

they didn't want state debts assumed but they did want the forthcoming federal district (District of Columbia) to be located on the Potomac River because it would gain in commerce and prestige Hamilton had to persuade Jefferson for voting for the assumption and in return Virginia would have the fed district on the Potomac. this happened in 1790

Virginia and Kentucky resolution effect

they were a great formulation of the extreme states' rights view regarding the Union --> they were later used by the southerners to support nullification and ultimately secession Jefferson and Madison were looking for ways to preserve these resolutions -->1. they crystallized opposition to the Federalist party and they wanted to use it to 2. unseat it in the upcoming presidential election of 1800. Only real nullification that Jefferson had in view was the nullification of Federalist abuses.

foreign policy : Jeffersonians

they were pro French--> believed it was America's advantage to support the liberal ideals of the French Revolution rather than applaud reaction of Brits. --Jefferson faced inward and westward --> priorities were to protect and strengthen democracy at home esp in Appalachians

Sedition Act

this act was a direct slap at two priceless freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution by the Bill of Rights --freedom of speech and freedom of the press -anyone who impeded the policies of the govt or falsely defamed its officials, including the president, would be liable to a heavy fine and imprisonment.

3 envoys go to Paris

three envoys went to Paris and Napoleon Bonaparte ("Little Corporal") was eager to work things out with America b/c he might have a chance to redraw the map of Europe and perhaps create a New World empire in Lousiana.

Convention of 1800

treaty signed in Paris France agreed to annul the 22 marriage of convenience and in return U.S agreed to pay the damage claims of American shippers --> ended 1778 alliance for century and half

financial plan

wanted to correct economic vexations that had ruined AoC --> wanted to favor wealthier group --> they would lend monetary and political support. believed that the new federal regime would thrive, propertied classes would fatten, and prosperity would be everywhere

economic objectives

wanted to make debt an asset (advantage) for vitalizing the financial system as well a the govnt itself. -tariffs -protect manufacturing groups

Jefferson opposes

was unconstitutional and believed that all powers not specifically granted to the central govnt were reserved to the states cuz it said so in Bill of Rights . said that states not congress had right to charter banks --> strict construction

Hamilton in response

what the Constitution did not forbid was permitted -Congress may pass any laws "necessary and proper" -govnt empowered to collect taxes and regulate trade virtue of "implied power" = Congress would be justified in establishing the Bank of the U.S. --> contended for a loose interpretation

Growing Pains

when constitution launched in 1789 --> population doubled every 25 yrs. America's population 90% rural and all but 5% of ppl lived east of Appalachian Mountains

effect of bill of rights

while maintaining a strong central govnt and specifying protections for minority and individual liberties, Madison's amendments partially swung things back into an antifederalist direction

Young American nation

within 12 years Americans had risen up and thrown overboard British and AoC . Americans had came to regard a central authority

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