APUSH Chapter 13

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The beating of Senator Charles Sumner by proslavery Congressmen Preston Brooks reveals ________________.

The belief among Southerners that attacking the institution of slavery was an attack on their honor.

Which party united Northern Whigs, the Free-Soil party, and members of smaller parties under the antislavery banner?

the Republican Party.

Which party was most directly affected by the Kansas situation?

the Whigs, who never again nominated a presidential candidate.

Popular Sovereignty refers to ________________________________.

the ability of the people of a particular territory to decide the question of slavery for themselves.

The reason that the votes on the Lecompton Constitution were so lopsided was that _______________________________.

the free-staters boycotted the vote on the proslavery clause in the Constitution, while proslavery advocates boycotted the votw on the entire Constitution.

One political result of the new focus on slavery in the 1850s was __________________.

the weakening of old party loyalties and movement toward new parties.

Which group would most likely belong to the Republican Party in the 1850's?

urban artisans

What was the Wilmot Proviso?

An amendment to a bill that prohibited the extension of slavery to any territory acquired as a result of the U.S. War with Mexico.

Who is associated with violence against proslavery settlers at Pottawatomie Creek, Kansas?

John Brown

When did federal law ban international slave trade?


Which of the following provisions of the Compromise of 1850 could be viewed as a symbolic victory for antislavery advocates?

The abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia.

When Lincoln spoke of the "mystic chords of memory" in his first inaugural, to what did he refer?

The shared history and experience of the North and the South.

Which of the following statements would provide evidence that the income gap in the South was wider than it was in the North?

There was no significant difference between the North and South in terms of income.

"Border Ruffians" refers to ______________.

proslavery agitators who poured into Kansas in the wake of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

The elections that resulted in a proslavery territorial legislature in Kansas in 1854 were marked by ________________.

widespread cheating, fraudulent vote counting, and voter intimidation.

___________________ were among those present during the contentious Congress that met in 1848 and 1849. In 1820, they dominated the Senate as young men.

Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, and Henry Clay

Why did public opinion in the North shift in favor of John Brown's action at Harper's Ferry?

Northerners began to see Brown embody their wish to end slavery, including their growing sense that violence might be the only means to do so.

How did the Harper's Ferry incident affect many people in the North?

Northerners increasingly believed that violence might be the only way to end slavery.

What helped to precipitate the Panic of 1857?

Overproduction of wheat in the North.

The Mason-Dixon Line, which often referred to as the demarcation between slave and free states, was situated between _______________________________.

Pennsylvania and Maryland.

Why did the Democratic Party split just prior to the election of 1800?

Southern Democrats could not stomach Stephen Douglas' rejection of the Lecompton Constitution, whole Northern Democrats were worried about a platform that opened slavery to all territories regardless of popular sovereignty.

What caused the split in the Democratic Party at the Baltimore convention of 1860?

Southern Democrats wanted to support John Bell, the Constitutional Union Party candidate.

"Beecher's Bibles" refers to ________________.

Springfield rifles sent by the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher to assist antislavery activists in Kansas.

Who was most closely associated with the idea of popular sovereignty?

Stephen A. Douglas

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 is most closely associated with ______________.

Stephen A. Douglas and the idea of popular sovereignty.

Which provision of the Compromise of 1850 undermined the states' rights argument about the sovereignty of each states' laws within its own borders?

The Fugitive Slave Act

The Compromise of 1850 included which of the following provisions?

The Fugitive Slave Act.

Why did Frederick Douglass decide not to accompany John Brown to Harper's Ferry?

He believed Brown would not succeed, and his effort could have negative consequences for blacks.

Why did Daniel Webster anger many of the antislavery advocates within his home state when he spoke in support of the Compromise of 1850?

He placed his desire to keep the Union together over his desire to eliminate slavery.

How did Daniel Webster appeal to the American people to support the Compromise of 1850?

He underscored the importance of nationalism and the belief that the American republic was worthy of preserving.

Why did Abraham Lincoln receive so few votes in the South?

His name did not appear on the ballot in most Southern states, so voters were not given the option.

Why were antislavery Northerners outraged over the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It allowed the possibility of slavery existing in areas where it had been previously banned.

In what ways did the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 go further than previous laws?

It created a corps of federal agents and commissioners to capture runaway slaves and determine free status.

How did Bleeding Kansas and other events impact the Democratic Party after 1857?

It divided over the issue of slavery.

What was an effect of the implementation of popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska?

It repealed the Missouri Compromise.

During the Lincoln-Douglas debates, ______________________.

Lincoln attacked the Dred Scott decision because it allowed for the extension of slavery.

What economic factor would help explain the growing appeal of the antislavery movement for Midwesterners in 1820-50?

Midwesterners were now more closely tied to markets in the Northeast than they were in the South.

Uncle Tom's Cabin was written by ____________________.

Harriet Beecher Stowe as a response to the effects of the Fugitive Slave Act

Abraham Lincoln first gained political office as a member of what party?


The party most closely associated with anti-immigrant hysteria was the _______________________________.

American Party

In what year was the Fugitive Slave Act passed?


Which of the following would support the notion that the Compromise of 1850 did not receive widespread support?

A convention of delegates from Southern states condemned the Compromise and asserted the right of secession.

What was an unanticipated effect of the Fugitive Slave Act?

A growing conviction among Northerners that freedom could not exist in a nation that allowed slavery anywhere.

What was the Fugitive Slave Act?

A law that allowed for the return of runaway slaves to their owners regardless of where they ended up in the United States, North or South.

What was the Lecompton Constitution?

A proslavery document written by a Kansas legislature that was elected under dubious circumstances, it was defeated by Congress.

Who said that the "government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free"?

Abraham Lincoln, in his "House Divided" speech to the Republican State Convention in 1858.

Although the Dred Scott decision could have been decided on fairly narrow grounds, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney used the case to assert which of the following notions?

Black people had no rights under the U.S. Constitution.

What was the term describing the violence between pro- and antislavery forces in the Kansas Territory after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854?

Bleeding Kansas.

What could be considered a political consequence of the dissension in Kansas over slavery?

By January 1856, Kansas had 2 legislatures, one antislavery and the other proslavery.

Which Northern Democrat, whom many in the South considered, "as reliable as Calhoun himself," won the nomination of that party in the presidential election of 1852?

Franklin Pierce

Which of the following would support the idea that women in the North found ways to enter the public sphere?

Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Tom's Cabin in response to the Fugitive Slave Act.

What was the main impetus behind the Constitutional Union Party in 1860?

It sought to stave off tensions through compromise.

What enabled the Republican Party to win the election of 1860?

It was able to unite various factions under the antislavery banner.

Why did John Brown and his men attack Harper's Ferry in the fall of 1859?

He wanted to seize the federal arsenal there and spark a slave uprising.

Why did Stephen A. Douglas initially seek to organize land from the Louisiana Purchase north of the Arkansas River?

He was hoping to get federal support for a transcontinental railroad that would run through his state.

What was a result of the battle for Kansas?

Public opinion hardened in both the North and South and sectionalism increased.

What allowed the cotton economy of the South to flourish after 1815?

Relationships with Northern mill owners who made a profit from the production of cotton textiles.

Which of the following best illustrates the concept that violence as a solution to difference of opinions was escalating throughout the nation?

Response to the speech of Senator Charles Sumer.

During the 1840s, how did the parties respond to the question of slavery?

Slavery was a division that cut across party lines; both Whigs and Democrats were divided on the issue.

Which law demanded that states assist in the return of runaway slaves, even if slavery was prohibited in that state?

The Fugitive Slave Act.

What overseas event contributed to the fall of wheat prices in the U.S. in 1857?

The end of the Crimean War meant that land could be returned to wheat production.

How did the Republicans respond to the Panic of 1857?

Their 1860 platform supported a tariff to protect Northern industry, which was particularly hard hit.

How did many Northerners respond to the Fugitive Slave Act and the Dred Scott decision?

They concluded that freedom could not exist if the nation allowed slavery in any part of it.

How did white Southerners respond to the expansion of industry in the North?

They did not see it as any benefit to the South.

How did white Southerners distinguish between the different types of abolitionists and abolitionist movements that swept the North in the 1840s and 1850s?

They didn't; they considered all abolitionists extremists.

How did some free blacks in the North respond to the Fugitive Slave Act?

They moved to Canada to escape its reach.

How did abolitionists respond to the Fugitive Slave Act?

They posted warnings to African-Americans and passed "personal liberty" laws within their states.

Why was Lincoln so intent on keeping the slaveholding border states within the Union?

They presented key concentrations of resources necessary to winning the war.

How did most Southern planters feel about internal improvements and other economic initiatives of the Republican Party, like land grant colleges and homesteads in the West?

They saw them as no benefit to the Southern economy and designed to reflect Northern interests.

What was the response of white Southerners to the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin?

They were angry, believing the novel insulted the South and attacked their perception of slavery as a positive good.

Why did the states in the deep south secede immediately after Abraham Lincoln was elected?

They were opposed to any attempt to stop the extension of slavery, and both Lincoln and the Republican Party had vowed to do just that.

The Constitutional Union Party drew much of its support from the _____________.


The Lecompton Constitution refers to ___________________________.

a proslavery draft Constitution written after the disputed 1856 election in Kansas, it was rejected by Congress.

Senator Charles Sumner's reference to the "lords of the lash and lords of the loom" addresses the __________________.

common interests among Southern slaveholders and Northern factory owners.

Antislavery Northerners who were opposed to the extension of slavery but unwilling to interfere with it where it already existed were known as _________________.

free-soil advocates

Although it took many forms, criticisms of Chief Justice Taney's decision in the Dred Scott case ___________________.

involved his refusal to acknowledge the privileges and immunities clause of the U.S. Constitution as well as previous case law.

Allowing the people of a state or territory to decide whether to permit slavery within its jurisdiction is known as ________________________.

popular sovereignty

Antislavery Northerners who hoped to end slavery immediately and without compromise were known as _________________________________.

radical abolitionists.

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