APUSH Chapter 15

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(The religious consequence of the enlightenment.) God created the universe and then stepped away and left it running, now the universe is governed by natural law.

Trumpeters of Transcendentalism

*The transcendentalist movement of the 1830s resulted from a liberalizing of the Puritan theology. * It also owed to foreign influences. *The transcendentalists rejected the theory that all knowledge comes to the mind through the senses. * Truth, rather, transcends the senses and can't be found just by observation. *Associated traits included self-reliance, self-culture, and self-discipline. Ralph waldo emerson -unitarian minister, forsook preist hood and became a good lyceum lectureer -famous for his adress 'the american scholar' where he urged american writers to get rid of european traditions and develop american styles of art henry david thoreau 0condemed government for supporting slavery, famous for not paying taxes to support the government -wrote walden and his essay "on the duty of civil disobedience" --comes up with the idea of civil disobedience margaret fuller -edited "the Dial" and promoted scholarly dialogue among local elite women -published ' women in the nineteenth century', a critique of

Dorothea Dix

A reformer and pioneer in the movement to treat the insane as mentally ill, beginning in the 1820's, she was responsible for improving conditions in jails, poorhouses and insane asylums throughout the U.S. and Canada. She succeeded in persuading many states to assume responsibility for the care of the mentally ill. She served as the Superintendant of Nurses for the Union Army during the Civil War.

american utopias

A) attracted thousands of followers during the antebellum period. B) had a consistent supporter in Nathaniel Hawthorne. C) operated primarily in the South. D) struggled to meet both individual needs and the demands of the communal society. E) never developed a large following. New Harmony was founded by robert owen in indiana the colony sank in a morqass of contradiction and confusion brook frams in massachusests was committed to the philosophy of trancendentalism a fire burned down a communal building and they fell into debt oneida community was founded in NY in 1848 and practiced free love, birth control, and eugenics shakers were founded by mother ann lee their ideas prohibited sex, so they went extinct

American Temperance Society

An organization group in which reformers are trying to help the ever present drink problem. This group was formed in Boston in 1826, and it was the first well-organized group created to deal with the problems drunkards had on societies well being, and the possible well-being of the individuals that are heavily influenced by alcohol.

temperance movement

An organized campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption drinking was a big problem in the US as many would rink, leading to decreased efficency of labor, accidents ocuring while opperating machiery, and spousal/child abuse most temperance reformers either encourached better self control or legal action to prevent drunkeness


Believe in a unitary deity, reject the trinity, and emphasize the inherent goodness of mankind. Unitarianism, inspired in part by Deism, first caught on in New England at the end of the eighteenth century.

The Blossoming of a National Literature

Early american literature was practical -the federalist, written by hamilton, jay, and madison -common sense, by thomas paine benjamin franklin's autobiography was one of first to be distinc romanticism arrived in the US following the war of 1812 washinton irving -first american to win international recognition -wrote knickerbocker's history of new york, the sketch book, rip van winkle, and the legend of sleepy hollow james fenimor cooper -wrote the spy, last of the mohicans william cullen bryant 0wrote thanatopsis, one of the first good poems produced in the US

Glowing Literary Lights- other transendentalist writers

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow taught modern languages at harvard, wrote for the genteel classes but was popular with less cultured masses famous for Evangeline, The Song of Hiawatha and The Courtship of Miles Standish John Greenleaf Whitter uncrowned poet laureate of the antislavery crusades poems about inhumanity, injusterance, and intolerance against slavery James Russell Lowell poet, essayist, literary critic, diplomat, newspaper editor most famous for the biglow papers which opposed the mexican war and the spread of slavery under polk's administration louisa may alcott wrote little women in 1868 Emily Dickinson explored themes about nature, love, death, and immortality lots of her poems were published after her death william gilmore simms 82 books, including the yemasee and the cassique

women in revolt

In the early 19th century, the role of women was to stay at home and be subordinate to her husband. Women could not vote and when married, she could not retain her property. -Women actually started to avoid marriage. Gender differences were emphasized in the 19th century because the market economy was separating women and men into distinct economic roles. Feminists met at Seneca Falls, New York in a Woman's Rights Convention in 1848 to rewrite the Declaration of Independence to include women.

maine law of 1851

Prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol. A dozen other states followed Maine's lead, though most statutes proved ineffective and were repealed within a decade.

what is the doctrine of perfectibility

The doctrine, advanced by Rousseau and others, that people are capable of achieving perfection on earth through natural means, without the grace of God. the doctrine of perfectibility led to reform movements in the US

artistic achievements

Thomas Jeff. was the ablest architect of his generation. Designed the quadrangle of University of Virginia. Painting suffered from the dollar-grabbing of a raw civilization, the absence of leisure; lack of a wealthy class to sit for portraits. Gilbert Stuart was pretty good. Painters turned to romantic mirrorings of local landscapes (HudsonRiver School). Music: minstrel shows became popular, most famous black songs came from Stephen Foster, a white.

The Age of Reason

Thomas Paine's anticlerical treatise that accused churches of seeking to acquire "power and profit" and to "enslave mankind."

Identify brigham young and list his greatest contributions to the mormons

Young took over for smith when he was murdered to escape further persecution, he moved mormons to utah underr the managment of young, the mormon community in utah became a prosperous frontier theocrac and a coopertive commonwealth they started to grow as more mormns came from the east coast as well as from europe

how did the mormons endup in utah and what challenges did they face their

a crisis developed when washtington government was unable to control the hierarchy of brigham young a federal army marchend in 1857 against the mormons -the issue was adjusted without serious bloodshed also some problems wen congress passed anti-polygamy laws, delaying utah's statehood until 1896

explain the rationale or arguments behind the growth of public schools in the united states

although many elites did not wan't to support public education at first, they started to support it because they didn't want ignorant people voting -taxation for education was an insurance premium that the wealthy paid for stabilty and democracy public education lagged behind in the aristocratic south, but it started to gain steam between 1825-50s as laborers started to demand education for their children early schools became the shrine of american democracy, but they weren't very good because they often had teachers who were ill-trained teaching 8 grades at once and only teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic

characterize american religion during the first half of the century in regards to; attendence, thology, or doctrine, and 19th century influences

church attendence still regular for about 3/4 of americans christianity was more important in America than rest of the world calvinism was losing steam and rationalism was weakening orthodoxy

Literary Individualists and Dissenters-poets of the 1800s

edgar allen poe -crappy life, wrote the raven, the murders in rue morgue, the fall of the house usher -liked to focus on romantic antiheros on the verge of psychotic breaks and morbid themes nathaniel hawthorne focused on calvanist struggles with original sin and good and evil famous for the scarlett letter and the marble faun herman melville wrote moby dick

portayers of the past-who wrote american history up to this point

george bancroft secretary of the navy, founded the naval academy at annpolis, published a superpatriotic history of the US in 10 volumes William H Prescott wrote about the conquest of mexico Francis parkman chronicaled the struggle between france and britain over colonial dominance of north america

Who was horrace mann and lists his influences on education

horace man was the secretary of the massachusetts board of education -he campaigned for more schoolhouses, longer school terms, higher pay, and an expanded curriculum accomplished some, but there weren't many schools and blacks in the south were actually forbidin to learn

explain the important first steps of joseph smith along with the hardships he suffered during the formative years of mormonism

joseph smith was a pastor from the burned over distric who clamed he had recieved golden plaits ffrom an angel -these plates became the book of mormon and the church of jesu christ and latter-day saints/ mormons were launched Smith was opposed by ohio, missouri, and illinois mormons also disliked for voting as a unit, polygamy, and openly training militias in 1844, joseph smith and his brothers were murdered by a mob in illinois, so brigham young took over the mormon movement

explain the effects of the great awakening on women

middle class women were the first and most fervent enthusiasts of religious revivalism made up the majority of new chuch members and were most likely to stay religious they helped spread the great awakening by bringing their children and husbands women used these religious ideas to try and purify -most of the reform movements of the 1800s were lead by women

highlight leading scientists and their contributions

nathaniel bowdicht wrote about practical navigation mathhew f maury wrote on ocean winds and currents benjamin silliman path breaking student of biology asa gray published over 350 books, monographs, and papers which set new standards for clarity and intrests john j audubon panted wildowl in their natural habitat

name and characterize the leading revival preachers

peter cartwright -methodist 'circuit riders' -ill educated byt sinewy , reanged for half a centrury from tennessee to illinois calling upon sinners to repent charles grandison finney -trained as a lawyer, became an evangelisist, held huge crowds with his oratory skills, led revivals in rocheser and NYC -supported women, denounced alcohol and slavery

characterize the second great awakening including: causes, its effects on denominations or sects, its influences on reform movements, the nature of sermons and meetings

reaction againsts the liberalism in religion started in the 1800s on the southern frountiers -about a century after the first great awakening it encouraged evangelicalism that bubbled up into innumerable areas of human life -prison reform, temperance, women's movements, abolition spread on the frontier by huge 'camp meeting' where people would go to learn aboutt christianity -led to ecstatic frenzies -many people fell back into 'sinful' ways, but it did boost church attendnece methodists and baptists got the most new recruits -both stressed personal conversion, democratic control of church affairs, and emotiionalism

how did religion reflect trends in american society

religious diversity reflected social cleavages when they faced slavery -southern baptists and southern methodists split with their northern counterparts over slavery -foreshadows the split in the country

exlain the effects of the great awakening on religious and national unity

revivals furtherd the fragmentation of religous faiths -the large number of preachers preaching of hellfire and damnation in western new york caused people to call it the BURNED-OVER DISTRICT -millerites rose from the burned over district and believed jesus would return to earth on 10/22/1844, but when he didn't, the movement remained strong the second great awakening widened the lines between classes -prosperous and conservative denominations in the east were not touched by revivalism -episcopalians, presbyterians,congregationalists, and unitarians rised mostly ffom wealthier, better-educated levels of society -methodists and baptists rospered in poorly educated communities in the rural south and west

characterize college education in the first half of the 19thc

the second great awakening led to the planting of many small, denominational, liberal arts colleges -most in the south and west -thhe new colleges offered a narrow, tradition boun curriculum of latin, greek, math, and philosophy first state supported universities sprange up in the south/NC in 1795 -many used federal land grants to grow the state instutions -thomas jefferson founded the university of virginia to be a apolitcal, secular place of learning


traviling lectures hellpe carry learning to the masses throught eh lyceym lecutre association lyceums provided platforms for speakers to talk abouth certain areas

identify the mcguffey reader

william h mcguffey was a teach/preacher he published mcGuffey's readers which hammered home lessons in morality, patriotism, and idealism

to what etent were women welcomed into college life

womens higher education was frowned upon in the early decades of the 19thc people believed women should tay in the home and eucation was frivolous -also some ideas that education hurt the female brain women's schools at the secondary level gained some respect in 1820s -1821, emma willard founds the troy femal seminary -oberlin college opens its dores to women in 1837 -mary lyon established an outstandings womens college, mount holyoke seminary

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