APUSH Chapter 21

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Arrange the following in chronological order: (A) the Battle of Bull Run, (B) the Battle of Gettysburg, (C) Lee's surrender at Appomattox, and (D) the Battle of Antietam. B, C, A, D D, B, C, A C, A, D, B A, B, D, C A, D, B, C

A, D, B, C

Slaves hindered the Confederacy's war efforts by work slowdowns and strikes that diminished productivity. instilling a fear of insurrections. creating the need for white men to guard slaves when they could have been on the warfront. serving as spies, guides and scouts for the Union army. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

In the 1864 election, Abraham Lincoln's running mate was Salmon P. Chase. Wendell Phillips. William Tecumseh Sherman. William Seward. Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson

The Union army's success in the capture of ____ was probably critical to Lincoln's reelection in 1864. Gettysburg and Harrisburg Richmond and Appomattox Vicksburg and Port Hudson Charleston and Columbia Atlanta and Mobile

Atlanta and Mobile

Britain did not protest too loudly against the Union naval blockade of the Confederacy because Britain might want to use a similar blockade in a future war. the British government clearly supported the Union. it would have been useless to try to run the blockade. profits were not high enough to justify the risk. the blockade was very ineffective in cutting off shipments of commercial goods including cotton from the Confederate ports to Britain.

Britain might want to use a similar blockade in a future war.

When it was issued in 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation declared free only those slaves in the Border States. slave states that remained loyal to the Union. United States territories. Confederate states still in rebellion against the United States. specific conquered areas in the South controlled by the Union army

Confederate states still in rebellion against the United States.

Clement L. Vallandigham, a Southern sympathizer and a tempestuous opponent of the draft and of the war, was derisively labeled by supporters of President Lincoln as a Carpetbagger. Contraband. Copperhead. Doughface. foreign agent of Great Britain.


The political group in the North most dangerous to the Union cause was the Copperheads. Radical Republicans. Northern War Democrats. Union Party. African Americans.


A Confederate victory at Antietam in September 1862 probably would have won the Confederacy independence because the Union armies were already heavily demoralized. France and Britain were on the verge of recognizing the Confederate government and providing it with critically needed military assistance. the Republicans would have lost the subsequent congressional elections. Lincoln would have been unable to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. the Border States would have joined the Confederacy.

France and Britain were on the verge of recognizing the Confederate government and providing it with critically needed military assistance.

In the l864 election, the Democratic party nominated ____ to oppose Lincoln's reelection. George McClellan Ulysses S. Grant Andrew Johnson Clement C. Vallandigham Horace Greeley

George McClellan

The two major battles of the Civil War fought on Union soil were Shiloh and Chancellorsville. Bull Run and Vicksburg. Gettysburg and Antietam. Peninsula Campaign and Fredericksburg. Mobile and Missionary Ridge.

Gettysburg and Antietam.

As a result of the Union fighting to a draw militarily at Antietam Creek with Robert E. Lee's Confederate army Lincoln named George McClellan commander of the Union forces. the North decided to fight a war of containment. Lincoln was now prepared to issue his Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln decided that the key to the war was controlling the Mississippi River. the Union commanders were left without an overall military strategy.

Lincoln was now prepared to issue his Emancipation Proclamation.

In the election of 1864, the Republicans joined with the prowar Democrats and founded the ____ party Populist Liberty Union National Progressive


The Battle of Gettysburg was significant because it revived Southern military fortunes and hopes for an ultimate military victory of the Union. it guaranteed Lincoln's re-election in 1864. Philadelphia and New York were safe from attack. Lee's military genius and right-hand man, Stonewall Jackson, was killed. Union victory meant that the Southern cause was doomed

Union victory meant that the Southern cause was doomed

All of the following occurred as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation except mounting opposition in the North to an "abolition war." sharp increases in Union desertions. heavy congressional defeats for Lincoln's administration. a deterioration of the diplomatic position of the Union concerning its relations with European nations. complaints from abolitionists that it did not go far enough.

a deterioration of the diplomatic position of the Union concerning its relations with European nations.

As a theorist of warfare, General William T. Sherman was a master of the quick, surprising attack. careful to avoid "collateral damage" to civilian lives and property. remarkably unclear and confusing in his strategic approach to war. insistent on maintaining strict military discipline among his troops. a pioneer of the strategy of total warfare aimed at destroying civilian morale.

a pioneer of the strategy of total warfare aimed at destroying civilian morale.

One consequence of General William T. Sherman's style of warfare was a longer war. the loss of more lives. fewer desertions on the Confederate side. southern resignation to defeat. a shorter war that saved lives

a shorter war that saved lives

Union General Ulysses S. Grant's basic strategy in the Civil War involved using long-range artillery assaults. striking tactically from the flanks. assailing the enemy's armies simultaneously, massively, and directly. destroying the enemy's economy and undermining civilian morale. a series of multiple hit and run attacks by small Union forces designed to keep the opposing army off-guard.

assailing the enemy's armies simultaneously, massively, and directly.

During the Civil War, blacks were enlisted by the Union army only after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. Southern armies found no way of utilizing slave labor. thousands of slaves rose in armed rebellion behind Southern lines. about one out of every four Union troops was black. captured black soldiers were treated well by Confederates.

blacks were enlisted by the Union army only after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued.

After assuming command of the Army of the Potomac, General George McClellan made the mistake of taking too many strategic and tactical risks that endangered his troops. relying on Lincoln's military judgment. being unconcerned about the morale of his troops. not drilling his troops enough to prepare them for battle. consistently believing that the enemy outnumbered him.

consistently believing that the enemy outnumbered him

General Robert E. Lee decided to invade the North through Pennsylvania in order to deliver a decisive blow that would strengthen the Northern peace movement and encourage foreign intervention on behalf of the South. force the Union to ease its blockade of the South. cut Northern supply lines. stir northern draft resisters to rise in revolt. seize Philadelphia and Pittsburgh

deliver a decisive blow that would strengthen the Northern peace movement and encourage foreign intervention on behalf of the South.

Following a historic battle in March 1862 with a tiny Union ironclad warship, the Monitor , the Confederate blockade runner, the Merrimack, was destroyed by Union troops to prevent its use as a slave ship. captured and used by Union troops to help restore the Federal blockade. destroyed by Confederate soldiers to keep it out of the hands of Union troops. retrofitted with multiple cannons that were utilized to sink several Union blockading ships. used to ferry both British and French troops across the ocean.

destroyed by Confederate soldiers to keep it out of the hands of Union troops.

African Americans who fought for the Union Army in the Civil War carried out reprisals against captured slave owners. served mainly in military support units. included the brave and accomplished 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, which suffered heavy casualties during the Union siege of Fort Wagner, South Carolina in 1863. accounted for less than 1 percent of total Union enlistments. refused to serve under white officers.

included the brave and accomplished 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, which suffered heavy casualties during the Union siege of Fort Wagner, South Carolina in 1863.

In invading Maryland, one of General Lee's key objectives was to improve the flagging morale of Confederate soldiers and officers. discourage foreign intervention by Britain and France in the war. destroy General McClellan's Army of the Potomac. capture President Lincoln and his Cabinet. inspire the Border States, particularly the wavering Maryland, to join the Confederacy and its secessionist cause.

inspire the Border States, particularly the wavering Maryland, to join the Confederacy and its secessionist cause.

After defeating McClellan at the Second Battle of Bull Run, Robert E. Lee decided to consolidate his forces to protect the Confederate capital. send Jeb Stuart's cavalry to raid northern lines. invade the Union via Maryland. call for a ceasefire and peace negotiations. None of these choices are correct

invade the Union via Maryland.

The North's victory at Antietam allowed President Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, making the Civil War more of a moral crusade against slavery. include freeing slaves in the loyal Border states in the final Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863. force the Border States to remain in the Union. keep General McClellan as commander of the Union forces. suppress Copperhead opposition in the North.

issue the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, making the Civil War more of a moral crusade against slavery.

The Union victory at Vicksburg was of major importance for all of the following reasons except it reopened the Mississippi River to Northern trade. coupled with the victory at Gettysburg, foreign help for the Confederacy was irretrievably lost. it helped to quell Northern peace agitation. it cut off the supply of cattle and other goods from Texas and Louisiana. it was the last major battle of the Civil War

it was the last major battle of the Civil War

President Lincoln hoped that a Union victory at Bull Run (Manassas Junction) would lead to the capture of the Confederate capital at Richmond. prompt widespread desertions from a despondent Confederate army. destroy the economy of the South. pull the Border states out of the Confederacy. None of these choices are correct.

lead to the capture of the Confederate capital at Richmond.

Southern slaves ran away to Union camps at the rate of one in three. one in four. one in five. one in six. one in seven.

one in seven

The Confederacy enlisted slaves into their army as fighting soldiers only a month before the war ended. at the beginning of the war. as a response to the Emancipation Proclamation. in lieu of forcing tens of thousands of slaves into involuntary labor which included building fortifications and supplying armies. in recognition that the idea of slavery was wrong.

only a month before the war ended.

George B. McClellan, commander of the Army of the Potomac, is best described as disliked by his own men. aggressive. overly cautious. poorly prepared for military leadership. s trategically inept.

overly cautious.

The Battle of Antietam was particularly critical because it inflated an already dangerous overconfidence among Southerners. ended Lee's plan of invading the North. delayed Lincoln's plan to announce the Emancipation Proclamation. ensured the reelection of President Lincoln. probably prevented intervention by Britain and France on behalf of the Confederacy.

probably prevented intervention by Britain and France on behalf of the Confederacy.

At the beginning of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln favored postponing military action as long as possible. making the Civil War about ending slavery. long-term enlistments for Union soldiers. quick military action to show the folly of secession. seizing control of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.

quick military action to show the folly of secession.

Slavery was legally abolished in the United States by the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. surrender terms of Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox. Emancipation Proclamation. congressional statute banning slavery in all the states and territories of America. ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

The South's victory at Bull Run (Manassas Junction) in 1861 reduced enlistments in the South's army. reduced the number of Confederate deserters. demonstrated how difficult Confederate independence would be. convinced the South of the need to prepare for a protracted conflict. did not undermine Northerners belief that military victory in the Civil War would be an easy task to accomplish.

reduced enlistments in the South's army.

Northern soldiers became increasingly convinced of slavery's evils when Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution. abolitionists praised Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. slaves ran away to Union camps and persevered against all odds. Confederate politicians stopped defending the legitimacy of slavery. All of these choices are correct.

slaves ran away to Union camps and persevered against all odds.

The Emancipation Proclamation had the effect of reducing desertions from the Union army. strengthening the moral cause and diplomatic position of the Union. increasing popular support for the Republicans in the 1864 election. permanently shutting down the opposition of the northern Copperheads to President Lincoln's war policies. drastically weakening Confederate morale of its soldiers and politicians.

strengthening the moral cause and diplomatic position of the Union.

After the Peninsula Campaign, Union strategy included all of the following except cutting the Confederacy in half by seizing the Mississippi River. marching through Georgia and then the Carolinas. blockading the Confederacy's coastline. liberating the slaves to undermine the southern economy. striking deep into the Confederacy via the Appalachian Mountain chain.

striking deep into the Confederacy via the Appalachian Mountain chain.

As a result of the Confederate victory in the Peninsula Campaign Britain and France committed to sending economic and military aid to the Confederacy. Lincoln named Ulysses S. Grant as commander of the Union forces. Lincoln delayed his issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation. the Union turned to a strategy of total war. Lincoln abandoned the war in the West

the Union turned to a strategy of total war.

Scholars dispute whether the Civil War marked a watershed in American history for all of the following reasons except racial inequality persisted long after the war. industrial growth of the post-Civil War years had its real roots decades earlier in the Jacksonian era. regional differences between the North and South continued, even into the present. the Union victory did not have a significant effect on the constitutional expansion of federal government power. the Civil War may have retarded overall national industrialization rather than advancing it.

the Union victory did not have a significant effect on the constitutional expansion of federal government power.

One of the key developments enabling the Union to stop the Confederate thrust into the North at Antietam was General Lee's dilly-dallying and half-hearted offensive thrust at Antietam Creek. the Union's discovery of General Robert E. Lee's battle plans. Lincoln's removal of General McClellan from his command. the use of the new repeating rifle for the first time. the death of Stonewall Jackson during the battle

the Union's discovery of General Robert E. Lee's battle plans.

The Union's defeat in battle at Bull Run in 1861 was better than a victory because Ulysses S. Grant took command of the army immediately after the setback. the defeat caused Northerners to face up to the reality of a long, difficult war. "Stonewall" Jackson was killed. it caused Lincoln to replace George B. McClellan as commander of the Army of the Potomac. it allowed European powers the chance to intervene on behalf of the South.

the defeat caused Northerners to face up to the reality of a long, difficult war.

The Civil War resulted in all of the following except expanded federal powers of taxation. the end of nullification and secession. the creation of the first federal social welfare agency. the end of slavery. the end of protective tariffs and isolationism.

the end of protective tariffs and isolationism.

The most serious Confederate threat to the Union blockade came from British navy vessels on loan to the South. swift blockade-running steamers. the threat of mutiny from pro-southern sailors. the entrance of the British and French navies as direct military combatants on behalf of the Confederacy. the ironclad Merrimack (renamed the Virginia) warship, which destroyed two wooden ships of the Union navy off the Chesapeake Bay and threatened to destroy many more wooden Union warships.

the ironclad Merrimack (renamed the Virginia) warship, which destroyed two wooden ships of the Union navy off the Chesapeake Bay and threatened to destroy many more wooden Union warships.

Aside from ending slavery, blacks enlisted into the Union Army because they wanted to prove their manhood and strengthen their postwar claim to full American citizenship. desperately needed the jobs that military service provided. wanted revenge against abusive slave masters. hoped to obtain military pensions. None of these choices are correct

wanted to prove their manhood and strengthen their postwar claim to full American citizenship.

After halting Lee's troops at Antietam, General George McClellan retired from the military. moved to confront Lee again at Gettysburg. was appointed to command the main Western army. marched his army toward Atlanta. was removed from his field command.

was removed from his field command.

During the Civil War, Grant lost one man for every ____, and Lee lost one man for every ____. 10, 5 5, 10 5, 20 2, 10 5, 2

10, 5

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