APUSH Chapters 22-26 "The New Era"

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During the Great Depression in the rural United States, this happened to 1/3 of farmers

1/3 of all farmers lost their land

The Hoover administration addressed the economic situation of American farmers with the...?

Agricultural Marketing Act

In what became known as the 1933 "bombshell" message, Franklin Roosevelt declared that?

America would reject any international agreement on currency stabilization

After 1943, the United States advanced on Japan primarily with the aid of forces from?

Australia and New Zealand

What is true of the passage and application of the Eighteenth Amendment?

It reduced drinking in some areas of the country. The federal government did not commission enough agents to effectively enforce the law. Organized crime gained exclusive access to an enormous, lucrative industry. Many of the middle-class progressives who had originally supported prohibition began to oppose the experiment.

During World War II, the first Axis country to be defeated was?


In August 1944, the Allies liberated from German occupation the city of?


To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934 Congress established the

Securities and Exchange Commission

The 1930s films of director Frank Capra typically displayed what?

a populist admiration for ordinary Americans

During the 1920s, the agricultural economy of the United States saw this happen to farmers

a sharp decline in farmers' incomes

In 1940, the "lend-lease" plan allowed?

allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England, to be returned or paid for when the war was over

The Neutrality Act of 1937 allowed?

allowed warring nations to purchase nonmilitary goods in the United States if they paid cash

The U.S. government acquired definite knowledge of the Holocaust when?

as early as 1942

The Washington Conference of 1921 tried to do this?

attempted to prevent a global naval arms race

In July 1940, opinion polls showed the clear majority of the American public believed?

believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States

During the 1920s, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) believed?

believed workers should be organized on the basis of skills

The federal government's response to the "Bonus Army" included?

both the use of six tanks to route the veterans from Washington, and the injuring of over 100 marchers

President Franklin Roosevelt's decision in 1940 to give fifty American destroyers to England did what?

circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts

In 1933, two days after he took office, President Franklin Roosevelt

closed all banks for a short period

As Herbert Hoover began his presidency, he considered this about the nation's future?

considered the country's economic future bright

What is true of the passage and application of the Eighteenth Amendment?

creationism and evolution

Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt declared?

declared the United States would remain neutral

In the 1920s, artists and intellectuals of the Harlem Renaissance drew inspiration from?

drew heavily from their African heritage

The Battle of the Bulge was significant because?

ended serious German resistance in the west

President Franklin Roosevelt's proposal to expand the Supreme Court met this in the Senate?

eventually defeated in Congress

The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 did what?

gave the government the authority to force employers to accept labor unions

During the 1920s, wages for American workers did what?

generally rose at a rate far below increases in production and profits

As the depression deepened, President Herbert Hoover was less willing to?

grew less willing to increase federal spending

In the 1930s, the industrial union movement grew more?

grew more militant and powerful

The Neutrality Act of 1935 included?

included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict

In 1932, the Hoover administration, in response to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria?

issued warning to the Japanese government

Frances Perkins, the first female cabinet member in American history, was secretary of?


During the first year of the National Recovery Administration,

large producers consistently dominated the code-writing process

During the 1920s, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters was run by?

led by an African American

The Allied decisions that delayed an invasion of France did this?

left the Soviet Union deeply embittered. put the Soviet Union in a better position to control eastern Europe. occurred after the Soviet Union had won a significant victory in Stalingrad.

In the workplace, the "open shop" meant?

no worker was required to join a union

In 1941, Germany's declaration of war against the United States happened?

occurred before the United States declared war on Germany

In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt's promise of a "new deal" for America included a commitment to?

only a plan to move forward

In the 1920s, the "flapper" lifestyle impacted whom?

particular impact on lower-middle-class single women

The Civilian Conservation Corps worked to do this?

put the unemployed to work on rural and wilderness areas

The economic pressures caused by the Great Depression saw men do what?

saw men move into jobs traditionally held by professional women

Throughout the 1920s, the performance of the U.S. economy experienced what?

saw nearly uninterrupted prosperity coupled with severe inequalities

The Battle of Midway in 1942 was?

saw the Unites States suffer great losses. was a stunning defeat for the Japanese navy. lasted four days

Beginning in February 1928 and lasting through most of 1929, the American stock market saw what happen daily?

saw the number of shares traded daily soar

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 sought to do what?

sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant

In the 1930s, industrial unionism was helped through?

strengthened, partly, by New Deal legislation

During the 1920s, products that grew dramatically in use in the United States included?

synthetic fibers, plastics, home appliances, electronics

The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established

the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

To Herbert Hoover, "associationalism" meant?

the creation of national organizations of businessmen in particular industries

During the 1920s, a great worry for industrialists was the fear of?

the overproduction of goods

In 1942, when the United States interned Japanese Americans in "relocation centers," despite?

there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk

In the 1920s, the idea of agricultural "parity" was?

to ensure farmers would at least financially break even

Franklin Roosevelt's victory over Herbert Hoover in 1932 was?

was a convincing mandate

During the 1930s, the sit-down strike was?

was a new and controversial labor tactic

The America First Committee was?

was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in the war

The "Dust Bowl" in the 1930s was created through?

was a product of changing environmental conditions

The Agricultural Adjustment Act saw this in court?

was declared unconstitutional in large part of the Supreme Court

The Smith-Connally Act of 1943 was?

was opposed by President Franklin Roosevelt. authorized the president to seize a war factory where workers had gone on strike. passed as a result of actions taken by the Unites Min Workers.

The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 was received as?

was signed with wide international acclaim

During World War II, organized labor in the United States accomplished this?

won automatic union memberships for new defense-plant workers

In the late 1920s, the European demand for agricultural and manufacturing goods from the United States was?


In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's "quarantine" speech received what response?

received a decidedly hostile response by the American people

Regarding European Jewish refugees, between 1939 and 1945, the United States did this?

refused to accept large numbers of refugees

One long-term consequence of the New Deal was that?

the national government assumed responsibility for the basic welfare of the people

In 1934, strong criticism of the New Deal came from?

the political far right. the political far left. dissident populists such as Huey Long. both the political far right and the political far left.

In response to the Great Depression, many Mexican Americans did what?

left the United States entirely

During the 1930s, regarding radio, this often occurred?

listening was often a community experience

During the 1920s, the trend toward industrial consolidation was noted where?

most pronounced in industries dependent on large-scale mass-production

Between his election in 1932 and the inauguration in 1933, Franklin Roosevelt refused to?

refused to make any agreements on the economic direction of the country with the outgoing president, Herbert Hoover

The United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan in August 1945 after?

the Japanese failed to provide a response to the first bomb

In 1943, the country that pressed for an immediate Allied invasion of France against Germany was?

the Soviet Union

By the middle of 1940, Germany had defeated?

Norway, Denmark, France, and the Netherlands

The Japanese surrender to the United States was?

was announced a few days after a second atomic bomb had been dropped. was formally signed on the American battleship Missouri. occurred on September 2, 1945

The costliest battle in the history of the United States Marines Corps was the Battle of?

Iwo Jima

The Tripartite Pact was a defensive alliance among?

Japan, Germany, and Italy

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