APUSH Madison to Jackson Retest

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Andrew Jackson veto the recharge of the bank of the United States partly becaue he believed that.

A. Concentrated too much power in the hands of a few people.

Monroe sentiments can best be understood as?

A. Concern for the United States interest in foreign territories

Massachusetts court case of commonwealth versus hunt

A. Declared that labor unions were lawful organizations

Writing such as Greinke's above most sought a challenge, which of the following ideas of the 19th century?

A. Division of men and women into spheres of activity and influence

Samuel Slater

A. Regular factory system

53. Which of the following was the long term effect of the admission of Missouri to the Union?

A. Temporary Solution the growing tension between opponents and defenders of slavery

The long term effect of the building of the Erie Canal was which of the following?

A. The fostering of regional interdependence so the midwest and the atlantic now rely upon one another

51. During the first half of the 19th century some women increasingly bolstered the household income as described in the excerpt by

A. The majority of women are going to be in textile mills

56. Which of the following historical developments best supports will an argument regarding the support of Andrew Jackson's election?

A. The rise of democratic and individualistic beliefs

Most of the Irish immigrants who came to the United States following the Photo Famine of the 1840s settled in.

A. Urban Areas of the North

President Monroe articulate the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 address to Congress primarily in order to?

A. Warn European nations against further Colonial adventures in the Western Hemisphere

During the first half of the nineteenth Century the Central and Western areas in New York were known as the "burned over district because.

A. intense religious zeal created during the Great Awakening


AB. Group of people, great divine in each soul

France Lowell

AC. Textile factories

Dorthea Dix

AD. helps Mentally ill

Robert Fulton

AE. Steamboat

Which of the following political changes most likely influence the Second Great Awakening?

B. A participatory democracy expanded belief in the importance of the individual

55. An individual who disagreed with Clay would most likely support?

B. A strengthening of states rights

Which of the following events could best be inerpreted as reflecting the concerns described by Monroe?

B. American Indian population

In the debate over the bank of the United States President Andrew Jackson sided with

B. Hard money advocate

Which of the following inventions eventually superseded to replace the canal development?

B. Steam engine

William Loyd Garrison

B. The Liberator

The building of the Erie Canal most directly established link between which two regions.

B. The Midwest in to the Atlantic

58. Which of the following statements best relfects the viewpoint expressed by Marshall in the excerpt above?

B. The federal government has the ability to regulate interstate trade

Which of the following statements best characterizes the activists who attended the Senca Falls Convention?

B. They called for expanded women's rights

By 1860, as a result of the social expectations expressed in the "cult of domesticity,"

B. Women became increasingly isolate from the public world

Horace Mann

BC. Education

Frederick Douglass

BD. Escaped slave and great black abolitionist who fought to end slavery through political action

Samuel Morse

BE. Telegraph

An attempt to end the Nullification Crisis, President Andrew Jackson.

C. Authorized the use of military force to see the acts of Congress were obeyed

52. Which of the following historical developments might have lead to the "weaken in some degree of our southern and western people to the Union," as alluded to by Calhoun?

C. Regional political leader's positions on the issue of slavery and economic policy

The Era of Good Feelings following the war of 1812 reflected

C. Rising nationalism and optimism in the United States

During the War of 1812, the Hartford Convention

C. Struck a death blow to the Federalist Party

57. 1 key change before Jackson's presidency was?

C. The change in many state laws to allow white men without property the ability to vote

The ideas expressed by the Marshall can express that the Marshall came over

C. federal government over state government.

Eli Whitney

C. interchangeable parts, cotton gin

The Spoils System refers to

D. Giving out jobs as political rewards

This excerpt was most likely intended to do which of the following?

D. Persuade Congress to support an expansion treaty (we want florida)

54. Which group would argue against the American System or the people who did not like it?

D. Southern Plantation Owners

The Supreme Court's ruling in the case of Marbury vs. Madison

D. That Congress had no authority to expand the power of the Supreme Court and of the Supreme Court has the power to nullify an act of Congress

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

D. Women's rights

Those who support the War of 1812 advanced all the following rationales or reasons for their positions except?

D. to protext Native Americans

Although the Supreme Court found in favor of the Cherokee tribes, President JAckson decided that.

E. The court could not enforce the order

Harriet Beecher Stowe

E. Uncle Tom's Cabin

As a result of the War of 1812

E. the growth of American manufacturing was stimulated.

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