APUSH semester exam

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Read the following excepts from "the trial of Anne Hutchinson" and answer the questions that follow: "...you have maintained a meeting and an assembly in your house that hath been condemned by the general assembly as a thing not tolerable nor comely in the sight of God nor fitting for your sex, and notwithstanding that was cried down you have continued the same" "...she in particular hath disparaged all our ministers in the land that they have preached a covenant of works, and only Mr. Cotton a covenant of grace, why this is not to be suffered" The first excerpt above is evidence of a cultural trend in the New England colonies that can best be described as:

A patriarchal society with elements of strictly enforced gender roles

Bacons rebellion can best be described as:

A struggle among socio-economic classes for political and economic power in their colony

Which of the following best describes the "headright system"

A system in which large landowners paid to bring over servant Laborers from Europe in exchange for up to seven years of their labor and a land grant from the government

Which of the following was the primary economic activity for most of the colonists in the British America during the 18th century


Which of the following statements is historically accurate regarding Anne Hutchinson

Anne Hutchinson was banished from the Massachusetts colony after claiming she received divine revelation

Which of the following presents a significantly commonality shared by the colonies of Rhode Island and Pennsylvania?

Both colonies promoted religious toleration in their respective cultures

For native Americans, the arrival of Europeans brought about significant cultural, demographic, and economic changes. Which statement most accurately represents the historical causation of the demographic changes in he lives of indigenous people in the Americas?

Disease led to sharp population decline and encroachment on traditional lands by Europeans contributed to a cycle of violence which also decreased the Indian population of the Americas.

England's victory over the Spanish Armada in the 16th century gave it

Dominance of the Atlantic Ocean and a strong sense of nationalism

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow: "How dreadful is the state of those who are daily and hourly in danger of this great wrath and infinite misery! But this is the dismal case of every soul in this congregation that has not been born again, however moral and strict, sober and religious, they may otherwise be. Oh! That you would consider it, whether you be young or old" -Jonathan Edwards In the sermon above, what does Edwards reveal of his perspective on human nature and salvation?

Edwards believes that human nature is essentially sinful and rebellious toward God, therefor ones eternal destiny rests entirely in his hands.

In the 17th century the Chesapeake bay settlement expanded it's territorial holdings more quilt than did the Massachusetts bay settlement primarily because:

Farming of the chief Chesapeake export, tobacco, required a great deal of land

The Maryland toleration act was the first law in the colonies granting freedom of worship; however, it was limited in the scope in that it

Granted rights of worship to male landowners only

read the excerpts below and answer the question that follows: "the Indians are inferior to the Spaniards just as children are to adults, women to men, and, indeed, one might even say, as apes are to men" -Juan Gines de Sepulveda "the reason why the christians have killed and destroyed such an infinite number of souls is that they have been moved by their wish for gold and their desire to enrich themselves in a very short time" -Bartolome de Las Casas which of the following viewpoints would most likely be held by Las Casas in the mid-16th century?

His majesty and the holy church should both be disgusted by the situation in the americas relating to the mistreatment and enslavement of indians at the hands of spanish citizens

Read the excerpts below and answer the following question: "The policy and acts of Columbus, for which he alone is responsible, began the depopulation of the terrestrial paradise that was Hispanola in 1492" -Howard Zinn "Native populations had epidemics long before Europeans arrived...the new world was certainly not the garden of Eden that sons have depicted" -Larry Schweikart Which of the above passages is supportive of the historical view of the Spanish impact on indigenous peoples often referred to as the "black legend"

Howard zinn's "A people's history of the United States"

The mayflower compact is historically significant because:

It was the first step toward genuine self-government in the colonies

Read the excerpt below and answer the question the follows: "..for the increase of shipping and encouragement of the navigation of this nation wherein, under the good providence and protection of god..." The navigation laws were written with the intention of:

Keeping the wealth and resources of British colones in the possession of the crown

Premise: "the Chesapeake and southern colonies became economically diverse during the mid-17th century" Which statement best refuses the above premise?

Large and small scale tobacco cultivation influenced every aspect of Chesapeake and southern colonial life

A significant distinction between the Chesapeake colonies of Virginia and Maryland is:

Maryland was founded as a haven for persecuted Catholics while Virginia was founded as mainly an economic venture

Historians assert that the Spanish empire in the new world (new spain) was a relatively strong and cohesive empire for the time period. which statement below best supports this analysis using historical evidence and global context?

New Spain was administered utilizing a bureaucracy of viceroys appointed by the crown which maintained control over a vast empire

Historians state that the "halfway covenant" of 1662 was evidence of the weakening influence of Puritan influence on the culture of New England. Which statement below best supports this understanding of the historical significance of the "halfway covenant"?

Puritans were forced to lessen the requirements for membership rights in an effort to keep families involved in the church community

The principal motivation shaping the earliest New England colonies was:

Religious commitment and freedom of worship

All of the following statements regarding the ethnic makeup of North American colonies are correct EXCEPT

Scots-Irish immigrants brought their strong catholic heritage and a love for the British crown

Read the following excepts from "the trial of Anne Hutchinson" and answer the questions that follow: "...you have maintained a meeting and an assembly in your house that hath been condemned by the general assembly as a thing not tolerable nor comely in the sight of God nor fitting for your sex, and notwithstanding that was cried down you have continued the same" "...she in particular hath disparaged all our ministers in the land that they have preached a covenant of works, and only Mr. Cotton a covenant of grace, why this is not to be suffered" The second excerpt is evidence of which of the following?

The antinomian debate over the nature of salvation

All of the following are examples of the motives for early English colonization of the Americas EXCEPT

The desire to enter the slave trade and exploit slave labor in the colonies

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow: "How dreadful is the state of those who are daily and hourly in danger of this great wrath and infinite misery! But this is the dismal case of every soul in this congregation that has not been born again, however moral and strict, sober and religious, they may otherwise be. Oh! That you would consider it, whether you be young or old" -Jonathan Edwards The type of preaching in the excerpt above was indicative of the theology made popular during which of the following eras if colonial history in the Americas?

The great awakening

The majority of victims during the witch hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts were typically from which socio-economic class?

The growing merchant class

Each of the following resulted from the Carolina-West Indies connection EXCEPT FOR:

The mass migration of indentured servants into the colony

Which statement below most accurately describes the impact of the pueblo rebellion

The pueblo rebellion caused Spain to temporarily lose their grip on the New Mexico region after this Indian uprising killed hundreds of settlers

The experiences of Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams provide evidence to make which of the following historical claims regarding the Puritans of New England?

The puritans believed that religious freedom should be extended to the puritans only

African slavery became the preferred labor system in the southern and Chesapeake colonies in the late 17th century as a result of

The un reliability of indentured servants

What patten for future colonial-Indian relations was set by the outcome of the Powhatan wars of Virginia?

The victory by the Virginia settlers ended ant chance of assimilation of the Indians into colonial life and began the practice of pushing Indians to the west

Which of the following characterizes most of the early white settlers in North Carolina

They were largely religious dissenters and poor whites freeing aristocratic virginia

Which of the following is an accurate description of the middle colonies

They were religiously and ethnically diverse related to the southern and New England colonies

Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows: "In 1739 arrived among is from Ireland reverend Mr. George Whitfield, who had made himself remarkable there as an itinerant preacher." Whitfield's impact suggests that religious culture among British North American colonists in the 1700s was most directly shaped by

Trans-Atlantic exchanges

Compared to the Roanoke colony, England's colony at Jamestown

Was saved from failure by john smith's leadership and by the introduction of tobacco by John Rolfe

Political and economic power in the Chesapeake colonies was dominated by

Wealthy plantation owners

which of the following best describes the quebec act

a british law which expanded the southern boundary of quebec and protected roman catholics within the region

thomas paine published the pamphlet called "common sense" in 1775 in which he outlined his vision for the best form of government in the colonies. which of the ideals below best conforms to paine's vision for american post-revolutionary governement?

a republic with popularly elected leaders by the consent of the governed

which of the following best describes the townshend acts?

a series of import taxes on everyday products such as paint and paper

all of the following are considered british advantages at the beginning of the american revolution EXCEPT

an ideological cause that british subjects supported

the two christian denominations that enjoyed the status of being the largest protestant denominations and were thus designated "established churches" were

anglican and congregationalists

the primary purpose of the proclamation of 1763 was to

avoid conflicts with trans-appalachian indians

why did british focus the last stags of the war effort on the southern colonies

because loyalists were so numerous in these regions

why do many historians refer to the early skirmish at lexington and concord as the "shot heard around the world"

because these battles marked the first revolution against a dominant world empire

which of the following best describes the british economy as it emerged from the seven years war

britain had a huge debt, partly incurred because of the protection of the colonies

all of the following are true statements about the Columbian exchange EXCEPT

europeans experienced significant population losses due to deaths resulting from contact with New World diseases such as smallpox and measles

compared to the 17th century, american colonial society in the 18th century showed

greater gaps in wealth and status and a significant rise in the number of poor people

whitefield's open-air preaching contributed most directly to which of the following trends?

greater independence and diversity of thought

in opposing ratification if the US constitution, antifederalists claimed that

individual freedoms would be endangered by the absence of a bill of rights

which of the following describes the basic structure of the declaration of independence?

it consists of a statement of natural rights and grievances against king george III

what was the most common method of protest used by colonists against new taxes such as the stamp act

non-importation agreements boycotting british products

the shipping of slaves from west africa to the americas as part of the commercial network known as the "triangular trade" also involved the movement of

rum to africa

which of the following best characterizes public education in british america during the latter states of the colonial period?

tax supported education was becoming more common in new england but still very limited in the southern colonies

all of the following statements are accurate descriptions of the Mississippian Mound Building culture EXCEPT

the Mississippian peoples lived nomadic lifestyles as hunter-gatherers

which of the following is an accurate description of the purpose of the earliest navigation acts?

the acts tried to control colonial shipping to the benefit of the british economy

the british theory of mercantilism by which the colonies were governed held that

the colonial economy should be controlled to serve the needs of the mother country

PREMISE: "the american colonies were not yet a true democracy in 1775- socially, politically or economically" which statement best supports the premise above

the colonies maintained qualifications for political participation, including property ownership and gender

which of the following was an effective means of coordinating colonial responses to british colonial policies

the committees of correspondence

Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows: "In 1739 arrived among is from Ireland reverend Mr. George Whitefield, who had made himself remarkable there as an itinerant preacher." The preaching described in the excerpt above is an example of which of the following developments in the 1700s

the expansion of protestant evangelism

which of the following was the main fear expressed by conservative republicans during the early days of the revoution

the fear that excessive democracy would lead to much power in the hands of the lower classes

all of the following were historically accurate statements regarding the french empire at the start of the french and indian war EXCEPT

the french empire was mostly protestant huguenot with a small catholic minority

in extolling republican ideology in the years following the revolution, the concept that democracy depends on citizens subordinating their own needs to the common good was advanced. this concept is known as

the virtuous citizen

Premise: Native American peoples in Pre-Columbian North America were not a homogeneous cultural, political, or religious entity. which statement below best supports the premise above?

there were hundreds of distinct tribe with over 2000 languages and varying religious and cultural practices

the olive branch petition

was an attempt by the first continental congress to prevent further hostilities with britain after the battle of bunker hill

which of the following best characterizes the change in attitude toward the bitish following the passage of the proclamation of 1763

widespread frustration on the part of colonists against a british policy which handicapped westward expansion

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