APUSH Short Answer Questions- Chapters 1 and 2

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compare and contrast role of religion in founding of spanish and enlgihs colonies

1) Spanish were Catholic and English were Puritans (Protestants). Puritans were protesting catholics. 2)Push factors: English-Persecuted in England. Pull factor: Spanish wanted gold and to convert. 3)because spanish wanted to convert everyone to christianity, main goal, they did not have as much religious tolerance as English HC: French, differently, actually not looking for colonies but more just to trade

analyze impact of geography and environment on region of english colonies along atlantic coast

1) Virginia: tobacco, led to economic increase envionrment because hot and moist, disease spread easily, not healthy 2) MA: industrialization, led to economic increase healthy because of cold envionrment in the winter limited because they could not grow anything HC:also impacted by geography were those in gold rush, positive, but could not do anything else

analyze why freedom of religion was important in founding some of enlightenment colonies while being denied in others

1) important in some because people were getting exiled, must be a place for these people to go 2) some colonies developed because they were being prosecuted in their home country, migrated to practice religion here, created community of that relation HC:

characteristics and influences of major sections of US by19th century

1) north: manufacturing and industry while south focused on plantations 2)south helped economy through cotton, north through increased transportation and factory systems 3) social values different: north: opposed to slavery, south: okay to slavery

impact of andrew Jacksons economic policies, views on banking during 19th century

1) nullification crisis, thought banks corrupted, don't need a bank anymore, this led to economic depression 2) Andrew Jackson's issuing of the Specie Circular drained state banks of funds, leading to the Panic of 1837. After closing the National Bank, Jackson (who was expansion-minded) issued his Specie Circular in 1836, which required that federal land be bought only through gold and silver. Because of this, citizens overspent their gold and silver, which led the state banks to declare bankruptcy soon after. With the closure of the state banks, the American economy fell into disarray. Cotton prices fell from 20 cents per pound to less than 10 cents per pound, and widespread unemployment occurred. The economic depression suppressed union movements and the Men's Working Party, which sought to secure a just balance of power between all the social classes through the abolition of private banks, chartered monopolies, and debtor's prison's, while demanding public education and a fair system of taxation. As Andrew Jackson finished his second term, he had ruined the American economy and set up Martin Van Buren's (his vice-president) presidency for failure. 3)When Jackson elected a new head to the Treasury Department in 1833, he gave state banks more control of the government's assets by transferring federal gold and silver from the defunct National Bank to various state banks. These "pet banks" caused a political battle, where his opponents, most notably Henry Clay and Nicholas Biddle, passed a resolution in the Senate that censured his veto power. While Jackson gave state banks more control of national funds, he also laid the foundation for an economic depression.

a)religious toleration not found in other original English colonies b)Penn's purpose to be most difficult to fulfill c)explain how one of 13 colonies came close to purpose of religious toleration

A) Religious toleration was not found in any of the other colonies. This was due to the fact that most colonies were founded by religious leaders who wanted to spread their ideas and their beliefs. They didn't want anyone interfering or challenging their ideas. B) Again religious tolerance, because if lots of different religions moved into the same place, people are going to believe they are better than the other, which would probably lead to conflict. C) Maryland was, in some ways religiously tolerant like Penn wanted. Maryland allowed religious freedom to everyone who wasn't a Jew, and if they believed in God. This was very similar to Pennsylvania's tolerance in that they only had to believe in God.

influcen of 2 ont e development of democratic society

Bacons rebellion: led people to start becoming angry with the system and with the government, starting the fire Enlightenment: Locke's ideas gave people democratic views such as the right to revolt and that the majority rules and population is important HC: already established as part of democratic society is Mayflower Compact

analyze and evalutate ways one of areas influnced US foreign policy in 18th century

French revolution: a)led to conflicts over what should happen in France, who to support 2)led to political parties: DR by Jefferson 3)started the idea of american neutrality Farewell Address: 1)advised people to stay neutral, this was kept by Jefferson and Adams in embargo act, XYZ Affair 2) no political parties did not work but

explain and analyze impact of following social and political life during 18th century

Great Awakenings 1) social: help with movements such as asylum, prisoners, education 2) political:much more movements for civil rights by AA and Women

Andrew Jackson brought a revolutionary change in politics for common man as opposed to it being continuation of trend toward greater voter participation

SUPPORT 1) change to white house: Kitchen Cabinet 2) gave people hope that common man in presidency, spoils system, giving money to people who voted for him 3) gave south a say, common man a say, don't have to be educated, now more of america involved

explain how one of the following factors in Europe helped bring period of exploration and colonization of lands across seas religion, trade, technologyy b)provide an example of an event or development hat sports explanation c)one of three factors became more or less important by end of 16th century

Technology: the creation of compass and gunpowder made it easier to go across the seas, easier to travel on the water, therefore motivating people to migrate and explore Trade: A want to have economic success during this time due to nation states competition motivated people to find new routes Religion: want to spread their religion throughout the world, especially due to Protestant Reformation which caused conflict between catholicism and protestantism b) compass invention, protestant reformation, columbian exchange c) TRADE MORE IMPORTANT: Columbian Exchange

a)reaction to British opinions between 1763-1774

The Quartering Act in 1765 forced the colonists to provide room and board for the British soldiers with no compensations. Causing the colonists to harbor negativity towards the British.

5a. Briefly explain the role slavery played in the population growth of this period. 5b. Briefly describe the sources of immigrants other than from Africa during this period. 5c. Briefly explain the impact of the non-African immigration

The use of slaves (enslaved and free) increased populations by 20 percent. The majority of Africans were in South Carolina and Georgia. b) come from all over Europe, some from Scotland and Ireland especially because British wanted them out c) non african immigration helped economy because gave other people jobs, new jobs

a)explain one of the following best supports that statement "duties of all pubic officers are so plain nd simple that more is lot by the long continuance of men in office than generally gained by experience" b)contrast with another c)one of people support or question this statement

a) b) c)

a)one period best marks beginning of frontier b)example of event that supports a cone of options less convincing as possible beginning

a) 1700s lands west of appalachian mountains, starting to actually move west and explore, b)Land ORdinances, or Msisori Comrpomise and Louisiana Purchase for 1800s c)1600s not good because they weren't focused on actually going west, they didn't know what was out their, western frontier about going west, they didn't know or care a lot about it

explain wy choice best demonstrates how president jefferson and madison relied on economic policies to carry out foreign policies b)contrast against another c)piece of evidence to support

a) Embargo Act: used economic policy by shutting out Britain from trade to try and get them to stop impressing b)embargo better than Macon's Bill which focused on policies and competition rather than economy c)buying Louisiana purchase from Napoleon to have control over New Orleans to keep the Spanish away

a) similarities between England, France, Spain b) differences c)reaction of native americans to european policies

a) England and Spain, negative view of Indians, superior to them b) England and France: France does not stay put, only wants fur not colony and treats indians better, unlike England c)migrate to the west to get away

One reason why England was so far behind Spain and Portugal in colonization b)one place where author believes England can find supply of potential colonists for America c) development of lat 16th century that challenges or supports POV of writer

a) England was so far behind due to economic problems at home such as Henry VIII break with catholic church b)prisoners c)Raleigh and Roanoke support, because it fails

leadership provide by Founderss during events led to Constitutional development was key to success

a) James MAdison, Hamilton Federalist papers b)Thomas Jefferson got support, helped states pas the ratification of it c)Hamilton: financial plan, bill of rights, compromise

a) factors of growing colonial economy of agriculture, monetary system, transportation b)one important difference between economies of British colonies in South and New England by 1750 c)one limitation by colonial economy by british government policy

a) allowed for goods to be transported easier, faster therefore better economy, ports and ships b)south: reliant on farming north: industrial c)limitation is the limited amount of money given to Americans

a)explain british views of how seven years war changed relationship between Britain and American colonies b)colonial view result of war c)initial reaction as a result of changing views by either British or colonists

a) because they realized that the americans could not fight for themselves, it seemed right that americans should pay for the extra soldiers needed b) they were powered and proud of themselves, they deserved the repines of the war they worked hard, makes them start thinking about independence c)The British felt the need to maintain a large British military force to guard its American frontiers. They made the colonies pay for the troops guarding the frontiers.

one of following sports statement hat UScostitution is bundle of compromises b)pme pf cp,[rp,soes cited above c)person helped in developing these compromises

a) institution of slavery, this was a compromise in 3/5, to compromise opposing views b)criticism of system of representation A criticism of one of the components cited above is the system of representation. In the bicameral congress, states equal representation in the senate was offset, or unbalanced by proportional representation and by population in the House of Representation and each chamber could block measures approved by the other c)Roger Sherman created the Great Comrpomise for representation

one of parts of henry calls proposed system, one piece of evidence b)criticism of plan c) identify role played by individual or group critical to plan for America system

a) internal improvements, need to improve society by building roads and such, not provided by federal government, has to be done by states b) no need for second national bank, no support to build roads from president Monroe c)congress support second national bank

a) one of following best supports view of enforcement of new fugitive state law rested inserting and varied reactions b)why another not as goood c)critical response

a) puclibatino of uncle toms cabin was extreme, showed dislike of slavery and how fugitive slave act was too much, started civil war so radical b)Underground railroad, already there, not that extreme c)republicans wanted to get ride of slavery all together, ruin the south

Revolutary war was civil war, who are patriots? b) loyalists role played by African Americansn

a) wanted to be independent,helped with boston tea party b) loyal to crown c) African Americans participated in military

African American Indians before and during Revolutionary significant influence on events

a)AA helped fight in the war b) AI, Pontiac Rebellion, led British to Proclomation Act which sparked rebellion c)AI fought against the American colonies, tried to stay out but didn't, led to further conflict

advances in architecture, painting or literature b)role of formal education during mid 18th century in cultural development in a c)groups in colonies unable o share in growing pursuit of art and science

a)Architecture- the Georgian Style of London was widely imitated in colonists' houses, churches, and public buildings Painting- 2 American artists went to England and established themselves as prominent artists Literature: Benjamin Franklin Poor Richards Almanak b) allowed kids opportunities to develop, gain understanding and advance in the sciences/arts c)-Women were unable to share in the pursuit of arts and science because they were trained only for housework -People who were in economic trouble didn't participate in the growing pursuit of arts and science because they did not have the time nor resources to create works of art and literature

a)choose one of groups and explain how treatment of group demontrates that discrimination was common against people unlike white protestant majority b)contrast with other option, why yours is better c)any variations in discrimination in different sections of country

a)Irish immigrants discriminated against because of their religion when they moved here b)better than indians because indians werent present, just pushed c)north: believed african americas inferior but free south: not free and inferior

a)explain how events led to new colonies religious intolerance b) identidfy individual who played role in founding new colonies c)basic idea held by individual you identified

a)Puritan leaders very strict and showed no tolerance for anyone, individuals had to leave in order to escape persecution, which began Providence and Portsmouth b) Anne Hutchinson: believes that faith not deeds means being a good christian, began Portsmouth Roger Williams: Rhode Island: religious tolerance, all religions can come to one place

leadership provide by Founderss during events led to revolutionary War was key to success

a)Sam Adams led revolt, Boston Tea Party b)Benjamin franklin join or die key idea c)George Washington led succesful army

1) suports americas first foreign policyy had primary goal of avoiding war b)contrast with another option,why option not as good as your choice c)explain argument for war involving one of choices provided or another situation during this period of first two presidents

a)XYZ, Adams send Pinckney to negotiate so that theFrench and US would not go into war b)Jay treaty not as good because not very successful and led to more anger against Britsh c)argument to go to war to help French because we should support the rebels of freedom because we did it too

a) explain on of following supports view that manifest destiny played decisive role in US politics and politics during 1840 b)contrast c) criticism

a)annexation of texas led to full on war! b)fifty four forty or fight not as good because pretty calm, not as big an impact c)criticism: used as way to get more slave states

a)social or political response to conflict over slavery 1850-1855 b)1855-1860 social or political response to conlict over slavery

a)bleeding kansas b)secession c) South had had enough, especially after brown raids

a)specific reason by US opposed 1812 b) why supported 1812 c)one reason would continue after war to play role in politics and policies

a)economically beneficial, impressments small price to pay for good economic benefits b)suport war of 1812 because it is hurting our men, the practice of impressing sailors, hurting our men c)gain Florida,Canada and destroy Indian frontier

a) support for Articles of confed through Amercian revolution b)challenge to statement during period of domestic concerns c)one of choices above or your own agree or disagree with statement

a)helped them stay organized b)Shays rebellion, peple afraid of being under another monarchy c)Shays rebellion

explain how choice had impact on industrial growth during this time prior to war of 1812 -contrast to another, why option not as good as my choice -whether there were any variations in industrial growth in different section of country

a)inventions: interchangeable parts, cotton gin, helped boost economy b)labor unions not as much because they were pro humanity not as much help economy c)south: focused on tobacco, cotton north: manufacturing and industry

a)brliefy explainr seasons why brutish issued proclamation if 1763 b)colonists objected proclamation c)effective was proclamation

a)issued it in response to Pontiac's rebellion, keep colonists safe b)they felt they desevred to have the land they fought for in the seven years war c)not effective, many people still left, although it caused a spark in colonists to revolt

a)one of falling supports view of mid 19th century, antisvalery movement beomce radical b)contrast choice against another c)one critical response to changes during this period

a)nat turner: so radical, killing white people rebellion b)liberator not as radical because it was through newspapers, not in your face against whites c)in repsonse to killings, killed so many AA

a)one of forces and explain how best demonstrates that development of territory west and Mississippi River was driven by number of forces b)contrast c)role of men in westward development

a)nationalism: manifest destiny: determined to get to other side b)new technology, while it connected, manifest destiny was cause c)James Polk Forty five forty or fight!, claiming oregon!

a)one action and explain how this demonstrates argument that Jackso saw shift of political power from ruling elite to common man b)contrast against another c)one critical response to political changes during this time

a)universal male suffrage meant that all men of all statuses could now vote, which means no common man have a say b)rotation in office less direct than the other two c)critical response: they are common men, no experience

a) reforms listed explain how best influences of economic change during 19th century b)once hocks of other options, demonstration why option not good c)one government response to reform in this period

a)womens rights: women now working in factories because of industrialization and booming economy due to manufacutrization, so want rights now cause they are bigger part in society b)temperance not as good because focusing on not letting people get as drunk c)government response: after killing 55 white men in protest of AA slavery, whites killed so many people, prison movement, another one in NY Auburn

american revolution came about primarily through series of meetings, conventions an congressional port

yes a) Brothers and Sisters of Liberty, Boston Massacre stop it b)First Constitutional Convention, c)Olive Branch, Second Constitutional Convention

Us constitution came about through evolving series of meetings, conventions and congressional support

yes a) Compromises suchas 3/5, Great, economic compromise b) Annapolis Convention and Connecticut Convention c)needed congressional support to be ratified in each

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