Apush Unit 6

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Home front policy

During WWI, government encouraged people to eat less and buy less to support the troops

George Creel

Headed the Committee on Public Information, for promoting the war effort in WWI

Robber Barons

Heads of the Trust companies

Big Stick Diplomacy

If the opposite side knows you have a big stick they won't mess with you

Valeriano Weyler

Known as the "Butcher", sent from Spain to Cuba; tried to crush Cuban rebellion by herding people into concentration camps

Dupuy DeLome

Spanish minister who's letter that criticized McKinley was headlined by Heart in order to support US involvement in Cuba

Teller Amendment

The US will free Cuba after it has stabilized it

Eugene V. Debs

U.S labor organizer who ran for president as a socialist

Treaty of Paris 1899

US Gains Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines (Imperialists and Isolationists debated treaty)

Participants in WW1

US, Russia, GB, France, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Germany

Federal Trade Commission

Used to ensure fair competition among businesses

U.S. Steel

Very large trust founded by Carnegie, bought by J.P. Morgan. Was targeted by Taft as a injust trust


When the citizens take a vote to repeal an act or injustice

Election of 1900

William Jennings Bryan vs. William McKinley; McKinley wins but is shot. TR becomes president

Virgin Islands

Wilson purchases this territory

William Jennings Bryan

The ever popular democrat candidate; supports free silver

New Freedom

Woodrow Wilson's domestic policy that, promoted antitrust modification, tariff revision, and reform in banking and currency matters.

Missionary Diplomacy

Woodrow Wilson's policy contingent on the belief that it was America's responsibility and destiny to spread its institutions and values to the far corners of the globe


Writers during the progressive era who stirred much controversy

Ida Tarbell

Wrote "History of Standard Oil Company"

Jacob Riis

Wrote "How the Other Half Lives" (Story about the poor)

Lincoln Steffers

Wrote "Shame of the Cities"

Boxer Rebellion

a 1900 uprising in China aimed at ending foreign influence in the country

Wilson Gorman Tariff

a low tariff passed by Cleveland 1894

Canal Zone

a zone consisting of a strip of land across the Isthmus of Panama that contains the Panama Canal

Venezuela Boundary Dispute

dispute over venezuelan and british territory. The british want more land because of gold mines. US almost goes to war trying to intervene

Constitutional Amendments

15th: Every man has the right to vote regardless of race 16th: Income Tax 17th: Direct Election of Senators

McKinley Tariff

1890 tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%, making them the highest tariffs on imports in the United States history

Platt Amendment

Addition to the Teller Amendment; the US will only free cuba after Cuba accepts the Platt Amendment

War industries board

Agency established during WWI to increase efficiency & discourage waste in war-related industries.

Gentlemen's Agreement

Agreement in which Japan will stop sending so many laborers to the US if the US stops education restrictions on the Japanese

Henry George, Edward Bellamy, American Tobacco Co., Demo-pops, Containment Policy, Interstate Highway Act, Public Works Administration

All out of era bullshit


Basically a proposition; proposed by the people and if it's passed it is put onto the official ballot

Committee of Public Information

Branch of Government directed at spurring American nationalism during WWI

Pan- American Conference

this was an international organization that dealt with trade; organized by james blaine; created to encourage cooperation and trust with the manufacturers

USS Maine

Ship that explodes off the coast of Cuba in Havana harbor and helps contribute to the start of the Spanish-American War

The Great Migration

200,000 to 500,000 africans moved north from 1915 to 1930

Theodore Roosevelt

26th president, known for: conservationism, trust-busting, Hepburn Act, safe food regulations, "Square Deal," Panama Canal, Great White Fleet, Nobel Peace Prize for negotiation of peace in Russo-Japanese War

Woodrow Wilson

28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize

Department of Commerce and Labor

A branch of the government containing the Bureau of Corporations; paved the way for trust-busting


A process in which the ballot is given to the people to re-vote

Northern Securities

A railroad trust owned by J.P. Morgan, busted by TR

Federal Reserve Act/Bank/Board

A system dedicated to keeping the banking system stable with a federal money supply

Direct primary

A system in which senators would be elected by the people; secured under TR's term

Election of 1916

Charles Evan Hughes/republican vs. Woodrow Wilson/democrat ("kept us out of the war")= Wilson

Chilean Affair

Chile kills two American Sailors. America gets all mad and almost goes to war

Reynolds Tobacco

Court case related to insular cases; said that it was up to the US to decide which territories had rights ( not too sure about this one)

Lusitania Incident

Event in which Germany sinks a British ship containing over 100 US citizens

Open Door Notes 1 and 2

First one said that all foreign countries should leave trade open with China regardless of spheres of influence. Second one said that the US would trade with China regardless of influence

Alfred Zimmerman

German ambassador who wrote a message to Mexico stating that if Mexico allied with Germany, it would gain nice territory

Kaiser Wilhelm

German emperor during World War I

Sub Warfare

Germany's policy to sink all ships

Sussex Pledge

Germany's promise that its U-boats would warn ships before attacking


Interstate Commerce Commission, a federal regulatory agency that governed over the rules and regulations of the railroading industry.

Richard Ballinger

Old Guard Republican; Taft's Secretary of Interior; Opened a lot of public land for private use

Fourteen Points

Outline for the treaty of versailles. included disarmament of all weaponry, freedom of trade, freedom of seas, splitting of territories, and formation of the league of union

Square Deal

President Theodore Roosevelt's plan for reform; all Americans are entitled to an equal opportinity to succeed

Election of 1912

Presidential campaign involving Taft, T. Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote, enabling Wilson to win

Underwood Tariff

Pushed through Congress by Woodrow Wilson, this 1913 tariff reduced average tariff duties by almost 15% and established a graduated income tax

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Put teeth on the Sherman Anti Trust Act

Dingley Tariff

Raises the tariff once more to 46.5%

Pancho Villa

Rebel Mexican General who led a raid against Columbus, New Mexico, killing 17 Americans

Hepburn and Elkins Act

Regulated Railroads

William McKinley

Responsible for the Spam war, the phillipine-american war; can be thought of as the door-hinge president of imperialism

New Nationalism

Roosevelt's domestic platform during the 1912 election accepting the power of trusts and proposing a more powerful government to regulate them

Lodge Reservations

Sen. Lodge accepts Treaty of Versailles but wants to "republicanize" it by adding in a bunch of reservations, 14 to be exact, safeguarding US under Monroe Doctrine to protect US sovereignty

Henry Cabot Lodge

Senator of Massachusettes who fought the Treaty of Versailles, especially the League of Nations; launched a 264 page filibuster against wilson

Schenck vs. U.S.

Set the precedent that the 1st amendment does not hold during war-time if it endangers the countries welfare

William Howard Taft

Successor of Roosevelt; Different views than Teddy; part of political corruption; Passed Sixteenth Amendment(income tax); super fat

E.C. Knight Co.

Sugar case which showed the weakness of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act(out of era)

Great White Fleet

TR's fleet sent out to impress other nations and secure the Root-Takihara Agreement

Dollar Diplomacy

Taking on another countries debt to establish influence

Insular Cases

These were court cases dealing with islands/countries that had been recently annexed and demanded the rights of a citizen. These Supreme Court cases decided that the Constitution did not always follow the flag, thus denying the rights of a citizen to Puerto Ricans and Filipinos.

Central Powers

in World War I the alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary and other nations allied with them in opposing the Allies

Foraker Act

law passed by congress in 1900's under which the US gave Puerto Ricans limited citizenship

Women's Suffrage

movement whose wishes were granted in 1920

The progressive reformers

reformers that were progressive. gg

Yellow Journalism

sensationalist journalism fueled by two sources 1) competition between other publications 2) need for aroused nationalism

Payne Aldrich Tariff

signed by Taft, raised tariffs to all time high

Australian Secret Ballot

system where voters checked off ballot behind curtain booth; adopted into the US

Allied Powers

world war I alliance of Britian, France, and Russia, and later joined by Italy, the United States, and others.

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