APUSH Unit 8

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*** Trench Warfare

A form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield. , Fighting with trenches, mines, and barbed wire. Horrible living conditions, great slaughter, no gains, stalemate, used in WWI.

All of the following statements reflect the African-American experience in the North during the Harlem Renaissance except

African Americans developed increasing political power.

***African Americans and the employment prospects in the 1920s

African Americans had less discrimination but hardly any jobs available

Which of the following groups entered the labor force in large numbers during the war?

African Americans, White Southerners , Mexicans and Women

Franklin Roosevelt considered the most important legislation of his Hundred Days to be the

Agricultural Adjustment Act and the National Industrial Recovery Act.

The International Workers of the World and the Socialist Party

Always opposed the war

In the Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson proposed that territorial settlements be

Based on the principle of self-determination

World War I is called the first "total war" because

Combatants devoted virtually all of their military, social, and industrial resources to the war

In the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan did all of the following except

Continue to thrive only in the south

***Public Works Administrastion

Created jobs on government projects

***Tennessee Valley Authority

Developed the resources of the Tennessee Valley such as electrics

***Bonus Army

Encampment of unemployed veterans who were driven out of Washington by General Douglas MacArthur's forces in 1932

Americans were outraged by the "Zimmermann telegram" because it

Encouraged Mexico to side with Germany in case the United States entered the war

During World War I, the complicated alliances of the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliances were

Entente: Great Britain, France, Russia; Alliance: Austria -Hungary, Germany, Italy

The Red Scare

Exemplified postwar American fear of foreign ideas and influences

The popular political personality known as the radio priest was

Father Coughlin

The peace treaty negotiated by the Allies

Forced Germany to accept total responsibility for the war

The fall of the tsar in Russia in 1917

Gave President Wilson grounds to claim that the U.S. was fighting for democracy

Which of the following was not a factor in the growing U.S. movement toward war?

German-American support of the war

The nation that took responsibility for the war


Makeshift Towns built around the US as shelters for the homeless were known as


The organizer of the "Share the Wealth" societies was

Huey Long

*** Duke Ellington

Huge factor in the history of jazz music

Labor unions in the 1920s were NOT weakened by

Intensive government intervention in labor affairs

Which of the following is not true of the Scopes trial?

It indicated that support for fundamentalism was waning.

***Mexican Americans in the 1920s

Main source of immigrant labor

***The women's movement during the Great Depression

Offered women very little opportunity to advance their skills or women's suffrage.

*** Jane Addams

President of Women's Intentional League for Peace and Freedom, founded the hull house

***Social Security Administration

Provided a pension for retired workers and their spouses and aided people with disabilites

***Civilian Conservation Corps

Provided jobs for single males on conservation projects

The initial U.S. policy regarding the European war was to

Pursue a policy of neutrality

***Works Progress Administration

Quickly created as many jobs as possible

*** In 1924, the Johnson-Reed Act

Quota law, cut immigration to 2% of each nationality

The Committee on Public Information's main function was to

Raise the level of patriotism and support for the war

Which of the following was not included in Woodrow Wilson's vision of a settlement that would achieve peace without victory?

Reaffirmation of the Monroe Doctrine

The purpose of the War Labor Board was to

Resolve labor disputes

Ethnic communities responded to Americanization campaigns by

Strengthening their customs and traditions

When the United States entered World War I

The British were on the verge of defeat

The right of every worker to join a union was guaranteed in

The National Labor Relations Act

Woodrow Wilson's hopes for a negotiated settlement with Germany were dashed by

The Republican victories in the congressional elections

Marcus Garvey was

The founder of a black separatist organization

The bulk of U.S. war financing came from

The sale of bonds

All the following factors contributed to the outbreak of the war in Europe in 1914 except

The sinking of the Lusitania

*** The Palmer Raids

U.S. Marshalls raided the homes of suspected radicals

Woodrow Wilson envisioned an international parliament that would

Unite the world in the organized pursuit of peace, security, and justice

*** U.S. Railroad Administration

When a railroad tie up threatened the flow of supplies to Europe, the govn't took over the system, and under William G. McAdoo transformed the 400,000 miles of track owned by 3000 competing companies into an efficient national transportation system.

In the election of 1916

Woodrow Wilson's campaign slogan was "He kept us out of war"

Which of the following was NOT a part of the postwar (WWI) period in the US?

a decline in the number of Americans who owned stocks

Charles A. Lindbergh became a celebrity in the 20s when he

completed the first solo flight across the Atlantic

Under the New Deal, African Americans

continued to face discrimination and disfranchisement

Women with ambition generally sought work as all of the following except

department store clerks (other choices: nurses, librarians, social workers, teachers)

Which of the following was not a central tenet of American business leaders in the 1920s

desire for social and economic justice

The "lost generation"

disenchanted American intellectuals who fled to Europe

The repatriation policy

drove hundreds of thousands of Mexican immigrants out of the United States

Herbert Hoover's Response to the Great Depression was to

expand the government's role in managing the economy

Union membership declined in the 1920s because of all of the following except

extremely high union membership dues

***Eleanor Roosevelt

extremely popular and hard working first lady. She would go out to view how the actual new deal affected real americans; great public speaker

In the Kellogg-Briand Pact,

fifteen nations outlawed war and vowed to settle disputes peacefully

Economically, the 1920s was a period of

growth, prosperity, and unprecedented productivity.

All of the following could not be said of Warren G Harding's tenure as president except

he continued the worst repression of the post WWI red scare by jailing leftists

***What was the primary intent of the National Industrial Recovery Act and what problems did it encounter?

increase prices on industrial goods, encountered problems with appearance of new monopolies, hastily written business codes that reflected the interests of big business, no increase in production

Herbert Hoover's position on the question of relief was that

individual citizens were responsible for their own survival and welfare

In the 1920s

industrial workers did not see the results of gains in productivity in increased wages.

In 1920 the National American Woman Suffrage Association was transformed into the

league of woman voters

Calvin Coolidge

lowered taxes and decreased gov regulation of business

President Hoover's response to the Bonus Army

made him even more unpopular with the American public

The term "flapper" referred to

modern, single, women who smoked and wore short dresses.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation created in 1932

offered government loans to banks and corporations

In 1932, the so-called Bonus Army

petitioned Congress for early payment of their WWI veteran benefits

All of the following was part of the new consumer lifestyle of the 1920s except

poverty was eliminated from American society.

The Indian Reorganization Act did all of the following except

protect Native American religious freedom.

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act of 1930

raised US tariff rates, causing European nations to raise their rates and thus weaken international trade

The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

restored tribal ownership of land and provided federal economic-development funds

The Dawes Plan

resulted in the reduction of Germany's war debt.

President Roosevelt's first order of business was to

save the nation's banking system

***Teapot Dome Scandal

scandal over federal land reservations under Harding's administration

***The Congress of Industrial Organization

started to organize thousands of unskilled and unorganized workers whom the AFL had mainly ignored

Buying on "margin" meant that

stocks could be purchased by paying a percent of the price and borrowing the rest

All of the following factors contributed to the postwar depression in U.S. agriculture except

substantial increase in acreage in production

The Roosevelt proposal of 1937 that aroused tremendous public resistance was

the plan to increase the size of the Supreme Court

***Popular novels celebrated

the severity of the depression

All of the following are reasons why the Great Depression occurred except

there was too much government spending for poor workers

The "fireside chats"

were President Roosevelt's radio addresses that directly engaged the American public

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