APWH (Ch. 1-40)

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King Harsha in India

Charlemagne's role of restoring temporary centralized political rule was similar to?


Charles Martel defeated an Islamic force in 732 at the battle of?

emperor of the Holy Roman Empire during the 16th century

Charles V was the?

the government favored political and social stability over technological innovation (feared unsettling change), abundance/availability of workers discouraged it

China fell behind technologically during the Ming and Qing dynasties because?

limited 1 child per couple

China's population policy?


Clovis's conversion to Christianity probably reflected the influence of his Christian wife,?

a capital city of the Parthians on the Euphrates River near modern Baghdad

Ctesiphon was?

regional military leaders

Cuadillos were?

powerful territorial lords who ruled most of Japan from their hereditary landholdings

Daimyo were?


Darius picked up the idea of a standardized government-issued coinage from the?

came to power after Mao's death and moderated Mao's commitment to Chinese self-sufficiency and isolation and engineered China's entry into the international financial trading system

Deng Xiaoping?

the elect

Devout Manichaeans, who abstained from marriage and sexual relations and who devoted their lives to prayer and fasting, were called the?

it carried broader philosophical ramifications-called into question established notions of truth/violated law of cause and effect

Discoveries in physics added to the anxiety of the 1920s and 1930s because?

kingdom of Kush

During the eighth century B.C.E Egypt fell under the control of the _______ for around a century


During the third millennium the Egyptians traded with the Nubian kingdom of?

outlawed intermarriage between Mongols/Chinese, forbade Chinese from learning Mongol language, brought foreign administrators into China, TOLERATED ALL CULTURAL/RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS

During their time as rulers of China, the Mongols?

Horus, the sky god

Egyptians associated the early pharaohs with?

supporting romantic poets and entertainers

Eleanor of Aquitaine was famous for?

a revolutionary leader who organied massive armies fighting for "tierra y libertad" (land and liberty)

Emiliano Zapata was?

the Philippines

Emilio Aguinaldo led an uprising in?


Emperor Leo III inaugurated the divisive ecclesiastical policy of?

Hebrews (Israelites)

Ethical monotheism was the tradition of the?

a city planned and constructed by Akbar that served as his capital

Fatehpur Sikri was?

a village fish peddler in China who moved to San Francisco to get gold and eventually opened a restaurant

Fatt Hing Chin was?

Uruk in Mesopotamia

Gilgamesh was associated with what city?

a slave named Gimillu who served the temple community in Uruk and his career reveals that slaves sometimes had administrative talents and took on tasks involving considerable responsibility, and slaves sometimes enjoyed relationships with powerful individuals who could protect them from enemies

Gimillu was?

sexual drives and fantasies

According to Freud, the root of neurotic behavior was?


According to Gregory of Tours, who made the following statement? "For I have invoked my own gods, but, as I see, they have withdrawn from aiding me.."?

a Bolivian poet who lamented bitterly that talented women couldnt vote

Adela Zamudio was?

signing of the 1918 armistice

Adolf Hitler always spoke of the "November crime", which was the?

a spanish soldier

Bernal Diaz del Castillo was?

an African poet who tried to turn Africans away from European culture/colonial rule

Bernard Dadie was?


Besides the Hebrews, the only other example of monotheism from the ancient world occurred during the reign of?

the unhappiness of women who presumably enjoyed the best life the US could offer

Betty Friedan, in her book The Feminine Mystique, wrote about ?

Truman Doctrine

American interventionist policy to contain communism?

Gupta India

Arabic numbers actually had their origin in ?

the President of Mexico who led La Reform which aimed to limit the power of the military the ROman Catholic church in Mexican society

Benito Juarez was?

an Egyptian explorer who made four expeditions to Nubia

Harkhuf was?

a female pharaoh of Egypt who served as a coruler with her stepson Tuthmosis III

Hatshepsut was?

Belisarius (justinian's general)

Italy, Sicily, northwestern Africa, and southern Spain were brought back under imperial control by the military victories of?

steam engines burned coal to boil water and create steam

James Watt invented a more efficient steam pump when?

it consumed too much coal

James Watt's steam engine did not adapt well to transportation uses because...?

Liaodong peninsula

Japan became a major imperial power after its victory in the...?

a fleet of US warships

Japan was forcibly opened to foreign trade in 1853 by the?

in Argentina

Juan Perón, a nationalistic militarist who was nonetheless popular with the poor, ruled ?

Corpus iuris civilis (body of the civil law)

Justinian's most important and long-lasting political achievement was?

Hundred Days Reform

Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao were the leaders of the?

a systematic advisor who devised procedures for the governance of Chandragupta's realm

Kautalya was?

a Turkish corair who became Suleyman's leading admiral (navy)

Khayr al-Din Barbarossa Pasha was?

and sent him on numerous diplomatic missions

Khubilai Khan employed Marco Polo in administrative posts?

extended rule to all of China. during the 1270s/1280s launched several invasions of Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, and Javas

Khubilai Khan's military and imperial pursuits?

Buddhism, but also supported Daoism, Muslims, and Christianity

Khubilai Khan's religious policy featured?

converting to Roman Catholicism (Christianity) and attending religious services daily and studying the Bible

King Nzinga Mbemba of Kongo was best known for?

Xia dynasty

King Yu was famous for founding the?

the code name for the June invasion of the Soviet Union- took Red Army by surprise. By Dec. 1941- Germans had captured Russian heartland

Operation Barbarossa was?

standardized Chinese script/ tomb of the first emperor (army statues)

Qin Shihuangdi's most important contribution to China was?

being very maneuverable and could catch winds from the side as well as behind

Lateen sails had the advantage of?

enormous plantations

Latifundia were?

weighing their hearts against a feather symbolizing justice

Osiris judged whether or not souls were worthy for immortality by?

in the British North America Act of 1867- each province had its own seat of government, provincial legislature, and lieutenant government representing the British crown

Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick were joined together as the Dominion of Canada..?

temporarily restored the market economy and some private enterprise to Russia

Lenin's New Economic Policy of 1921?

a Nestorian Christian priest born in the Mongol capital of Khanbaliq, and was sent as an envoy to the pope/European leaders

Rabban Sauma was?

attract European support for the ilkhan

Rabban Sauma's journey was designed to?

was given the task of destroying the opium trade

Lin Zexu?

arguing for the construction of a society in INdia based on both modern European science and traditional Hinduism

Ram Mohan Roy was responsible for?

the Xiongnu's most successful leader

Maodun was?

a form of Marxist-Leninism grounded in the conviction that peasants rather than urban proletarians were the foundation of a successful revolution

Maoism was?

Khubilai Khan

Marco Polo spent 17 years living with?

the diplomatic representative of the Seleucid emperor

Megasthenes was?

"restructuring"-pushed economic decentralization

Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of perestroika referred to?

reforms focused on ailing economy. committed himself to restructuring of USSR and unilateral withdrawal from cold war; dismantled Brezhnev Doctrine

Mikhail Gorbachev?

a god closely identified with the sun and light in Zoroastrian mythology

Mithras was?

Zaire (later renamed Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Mobutu Sese Seko was the dictatorial leader of?

the US

Mobutu Sese Seko's coup, in which he killed Zaire's first prime minister, was supported by?


Muhammad Ali Jinnah called for the creation of?

the general who built a powerful army based on European forces and ruled egypt- remained nominally subordinate to the Ottoman sultan

Muhammad Ali was?

the Tale of Genji

Murasaki Shikibu was responsible for the creation of?

not as powerful as the pharaohs in the Old kingdom

Pharaohs in the Middle Kingdom were?

producing several large scale maps and the Book of Seafaring

Piri Reis was responsible for..?

amounted to a veritable celebration of offensive maneuvers- "attack" undertaken always and everywhere

Plan XVII was?

maintain peace in postwar Europe through collective defense

NATO was designed to?

dictator in Romania who refused reforms and repressed demonstrations; ended up dead in uprising

NIcolae Ceausescu was?

helped stabilize French society. affirmed political/legal equality for all men & individuals qualified for education because of talent. protected private property. restored patriarchal authority in family

Napolean's "Civil Code"?

Waterloo in Belgium

Napolean's final defeat occurred at?

was because the pope wouldn't allow him to divorce his wife, so he severed relations with the Roman church and made himself Supreme Head of the Anglican Church- an english pope

Henry VIII's reformation in England?


Hernan Cortes was responsible for the conquest of the?

traveled throughout much of the eastern hemisphere in the 14th century/ wrote about his visit to Mogadishu

Ibn Battuta

with his legal credentials he had little difficulty finding government positions

Ibn Battuta was able to travel so extensively because?

one of the great world travelers of all time- the Moroccan legal scholar

Ibn Battuta was?

the Mali Empire

Ibn Battuta wrote, "Among their good qualities is the small amount of injustice amongst them." What country is he writing about?

who placed more value on the revelations of the Quran than on the fruits of human logic

Ibn Rushd's reliance on natural reason went too far for many Muslims,?

the Society of Jesus

Ignatius Loyola was instrumental in?

to escape the cycle of birth and rebirth and enter into permanent union with Brahman

In Hinduism the highest goal of the individual soul was?

there is abundant evidence of many women rulers

In Kush...?

arose independently from local experimentation ith iorn ores and the earliest traces of African iron production date from about 900 BCE in the Great Lakes region of East Africa

In africa, iron metallury?


In regard to genetic makeup and body chemistry, the difference between humans and apes is?

introduced medical insurance, unemployment compensation, and retirement pensions to provide social security for working people in industrial society in Germany

In the 1880s Otto von Bismarck..?

Chichen Itza

In the ninth century C.E., a loose Maya empire was constructed by the state of?

coalesced to form the Federal Republic of Germany ( west germany)

In the wake of the Berlin Blockade and Airlift, the US, British, and french zones of occupation in western germany?

Egypt and Nubia

In which of the following societies did women enjoy the most freedom and opportunity?

the Taliban

The government of Muhammad Najibullah, who had been put in place in Afghanistan back in 1986, was finally overthrown in 1996 by?


The greek words meaning "holy inscriptions" refers to?


The desire for the reassertion of Islamic values in Muslim politics was at the heart of?

the Assyrian Empire

The later Mesopotamian people who around 1000BCE built a large empire based on a powerful army with iron weapons and who made extensive use of terror were the?


The leader of the Arab world in the 1950s and 1960s was?

Kwame Nkrumah

The leader of the first sub-Saharan African nation to gain independence, and the most important nationalist leader in Africa, was?

the qizilbash ("red heads")

Shah Ismail received the greatest support for his conversion to Twelver Shiism from?

Aurangzeb (his son) deposed him before it was done

Shah Jahan was unable to finish the construction of the Taj Mahal because..?

imposing harsh penalties (legalist doctrine)

Shang Yang and Han Feizi hoped to control China's subjects by?

the physical world was an illusion and that ultimate reality lay beyond the physical senses

Shankara was a 9 century thinker, who believed that?

a ruler of the Sasanids and stabilized their western frontier and crated a series of buffer states between themselves and the Roman empire

Shapur I was?

Hinduism and Islam

Sikhism was a syncretic combination of?

adopted the bureaucracy of merit

Silla dynasty in Korea copied China in many ways, but never?

was a historian sentenced to punishment by castration

Sima Qian was?

"I fear peace more than war"

Simon Bolivar succinctly summed up the developing political situation in Latin America when he said?


Spanish migrants who were born in Europe were known as?

the Smoking mirror

Tezcatlipoca was also known as?

one of the principal gods of Mexica who was the giver and taker of life and the patron deity of warriors

Tezcatlipoca was?


The 5th century Frankish leader whose conversion to Christianity led to a centuries long relationship with the popes in Rome was?


The Babylonians eventually fell in 1595 BCE to the?

the eastern part of modern Nigeria and southern part of modern Cameroon (sub-Saharan Africa)

The Bantu originally came from around...?

Erich Honecker

The East German leader who rejected Gorbachev's reforms and clung to the traditional Soviet pattern was?

Anwar Sadat

The Egyptian leader who both masterminded the surprise Yom Kippur attack on Israel and facilitated the peace process with the Israelis was?

modern day Somalia and Ethiopia

The Egyptians traded through the Red Sea with a land they called Punt, which was probably?

New Kingdom

The Egyptians were the most imperialistic during the?

DIDNT: stamp out African religions or eliminate indigenous elements from the syncretic Islam of west Africa

The Fulani and Islam


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) started with 23 noncommunist nations in 1947, and by 1994 was up to how many nations?


The Soviet Union discovered its "vietnam" in?

15 million

approximately how many combatants died in World War I?

it was a site of Paleolithic communities

archaeologists have proven that 200,000 years ago in India...?

Lazaro Cardenas

This Mexican president nationalized his country's oil industry, thus posing a challenge to the United States policy of non-intervention in Latin American affairs?


This individual believed in a philosophy of promoting communism primarily in the Soviet Union rather than trying to export the revolution to other nations?

considered trade unions illegal associations whose purpose was to restrain trade

Throughout most of the 19 century, employers and governments..?

cavalry forces

Turkish military might was based on?

leading spokesman of antislavery movement. English who was elected to Parliament

William Wilberforce..?

played almost no public role in society, but held influence in their families and enjoyed high honor as mothers of warriors. They were prominent in the marketplaces but did not inherit property or hold official positions

Women in the Aztec society?

Japan's attacks on China in the 1930s

World War II began with?

large tents where nomads lived

Yurts were?

to transform his inheritance into a glorious central Asian empire (father had been the prince of Farghana)

Zahir al-Din Muhammad's main inspiration for conquering India was?

Angra Mainyu

Zarathustra talked about the battle between the "wise lord" Ahura Mazda and the evil spirit?

as a blessing that reflected the benevolent nature of Ahura Mazda

Zarathustra viewed the material world?


Zeus was to Jupiter as Ares was to?

an envoy sent by Han Wudi to a mission to tlands west of China

Zhang Qian was?

nomadic Xiongnu

Zhang Qian's mission was to line up allies for Han China against the?

led a series of seven maritime expeditions sent by the emperor Yongle

Zheng He?

the most prominent architect of neo-confucianism: emphasized self discipline, filial piety, and obedience to rulers

Zhu Xi was?

a religion founded in Persia by Zarathustra..had a main deity Ahura Mazda and 6 lesser deites.

Zoroastrianism was?


_______ built the largest of all the pyramids

a regent

a "kandake" was?

King Nebuchadnezzar

a Babylonian resurgence of power was led in the 6th century BCE by?

became the principal focus of ethnic loyalties./usually there was no chief or large gov't for the district--village chiefs negotiated on matters concerning two or more villages

a Bantu district, which consisted of a group of villages,?

male head's of families

a Bantu village ruling council was made up of?

16th century, when a Turkish people known as the Mughals extended their authority and their empire to most of the subcontinent

after the collapse of the Gupta dynasty in the fifth century, India would not be completely reunited until the?

did not crumble into anarchy. instead, local rulers formed a series of kingdoms that brought order to large regions

after the collapse of the Mauryan Empire, India?


after the collapse of the Mauryan dynasty, northwest India was controlled by the Bactrians, who spoke?

eastern half of the empire

after the collapse of the western half of the Roman Empire, imperial authority survived for another thousand years in the?

Germanic invaders established successor states throughout the western Roman empire

after the collapse of western Roman authority?

underwent a program of social and political Reconstruction - extended civil rights to freed slaves and provided black men with voting rights. had not received land grants so many had to work as sharecroppers for former slave owners

after the conclusion of the American Civil War, freed blacks?

kept the Carolingian empire together, but lost control of the counts and other local authorities

after the death of Charlemagne, his son Louis the Poius?

the Frankish kings lost much of their authority, and aristocratic warriors seized effective control of affairs in their region

after the death of Clovis?

Abu Bakr

after the death of Muhammad, political leadership fell to a caliph by the name of?


after the fall of France in 1940, the only country left to fight Germany was?


after the overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani in 1893, the United States took over?

guaranteed no denial of suffrage to US citizens based on "race, color, or previous conditions of servitude" and 23 african-americans were elected into something

after the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1870?

the principle of nonviolence to other living things or their souls

ahimsa refers to?


all Mesoamerican societies used calendars derived ultimately from the?

instituting a communist system of government

all of the following constitute steps taken by Benito Mussolini to consolidate power except?

conquered Thebes and founded a Kushite dynasty

around 760 BCE the Kushite King Kashta?


around ____ BCE, peoples of the eastern sudan started to domesticate cattle and became nomadic herders


around how many people perished during World War II?


as early as five million years ago, which of the following flourished in east Africa?

or elected district assemblies

as part of the Russian reforms, during the reign of Alexander II the government created zemstvos..?

horses and manufactured goods - mostly cloth and metal wares (firearms)

as part of the triangular slave trade, the Europeans usually picked up slaves in Africa in return for?

social distinctions hardened

as the Han dynasty became more powerful and wealthy?

Byzantine empire

at Manzikert in 1071, the Saljuq Turks won an important victory over the?

the final version of the UN charter was hammered out

at a meeting of 50 nations at San Francisco in 1945..?

100,000-125,000 mongols

at its height, Chinggis Khan's army was as large as?

35 to 40,000 people

at its height, population of Mohenjo- Daro reached?

12 million

at its high point, the Aztec empire contained a population of around?

15 leading Nazi bureaucrats gathered to discuss the final solution-agreed to evacuate all Jews from europe to camps in Poland

at the Wannsee Conference?

the ottomans deployed heavy artillery/thousands of Janissaries with firearms behind a barrier of carts. Safavids didnt use gunpowder technology because it was "unmanly" and the qizilbash cavalry attacked the Ottoman line. Ottomans badly destroyed Safavid state but couldnt destroy completely-2 empires remained locked in conflict for the next 2 centuries

at the battle of Chaldiran in 1514...?

the Magyars

at the battle of Lechfeld in 955, King Otto I of Saxony defeated?

Indo Europeans

by spreading their language across a huge stretch of Africa, the Bantu played a role similar to that played by the _____ ?


by the 10th century CE, the kings of Ghana had converted to?


by the 11th century, how many different languages were spoken in Africa?

the worlds third Rome

by the 16th century, Russians had begun to think of Moscow as?


by the 17th century, the most prominent site of agriculture in Spanish America was the?

1 million

by the 19th century, the kin-based society of Tiv in Nigeria numbered around?

distrust among the foreign powers

by the end of the 19th century, the only thing keeping China from being completely divided up into spheres of influence by foreigners was?


by the late 1860s, Britain's leading supplier of beef was?


by the late 19th century, the world's leading producer of cotton was?


by the late 6th century, Byzantium became the Mediterranean world's leading producer of?

too modest with their aid programs and too many strings attached to them

by the mid -1960s, the Chinese were accusing the Soviets of being?

two neighboring cities, Texcoco and Tlacopan

by the middle of the 15th century, the Mexica had formed a triple alliance with?

iron tools and weapons

by the middle of the first millennium BCE the Bantu people had begun to produce?

iron metallurgy

by the middle of the first millennium BCE, the Bantu had begun to produce?


by the second centruy CE, how much of the total population of the Roman Empire was represented by slaves?

36 million

by the year 1000, the population of Europe had risen to?

79 million

by the year 1300, the population of Europe had risen to around?

neolithic towns served the needs of their inhabitants and immediate neighbors, cities decisively influenced the political, economic, and cultural life of large regions.

cities differed from Neolithic villages in two principal ways. First, cities were larger and more complex than Neolithic villages. The second difference was that?

islamic forces

constantinople withstood seiges in 674-678 and 717-718 by

reflected the heavy reliance on a bureaucracy based on merit. most officeholders won their posts because of intellectual ability

during the Tang dynasty, the imperial civil service examinations?

confucianism, administration (merit), equal field system, expansion into Korea/Vietnam, tributary relationships between China and neighboring lands

during the Tang dynasty?

be professional armed warriors-pushed them to become bureaucrats and government functionaries

during the Tokugawa period, the shoguns desired that daimyos and samurai embrace any of the following professions except?

China, Ottoman

during the early modern era, which of the following non-European peoples explored the Indian Ocean?

kinship groups

during the early modern period in Africa, the basis of social organization continued to be?


during the last 200 years of the Abbasid Empire, it fell under the control of the?

Egyptians believed only the ruling elites would survive the grave, so they mummified only pharaohs and their close relatives

during the old kingdom?

Long distance trade became less risky

during the period of Mongol domination?


essentially, much of the responsibility for maintaining social order in India during these years fell to?

Mongol rule in China

devastation wrought by the bubonic plague played a key role in the 14th century collapse of the?

retained basic Christian theology and rituals but increasingly reflected the interest of its African devotees- believed that a large host of evil spirits populated the world

ethiopian christianity?


even though Charlemagne spent much of his time traveling around his empire, he did establish a capital at?

depended on a successful agricultural economy

evidence, relating to trade, indicates that Harappan India ?

adapted to the arrival of migrants and helped integrate them into Indian society. also influenced the lives of most people by helping to order their work/relationships with other workers (subcastes aka jati often took the form of workers' guilds)

during the postclassical age, the caste system?

that it reflected the continuing development of a sophisticated urban society in western Europe. drew inspiration from classical Greek and Roman artists

central to Renaissance thought was?

there had been 12 infallible imams after Muhammad and that the twelfth had gone into hiding to escape persecution and was still alive and would one day return and take power

central to the belief of Twelver Shiism was the idea that?

members were unable to resolve the economic and military problems in revolutionary France

during the rule of the Directory?

small kingdoms

during the time of the Aryans the Indian political landscape was characterized by?


during times of crisis, the Romans would appoint an official with absolute power known as a?

Steppe nomads of central asia

early china enjoyed lasting direct long-distance trade with?


eighty percent of the children with HIV/AIDS live in?


charlemagne fought for 32 years to conquer the?

the Indus Valley

chickens were first domesticated in?

Ethiopian religion in the 2 or 3 millennium BCE

christian churches, carved from solid rock, are an example of the influence of?

the fact that he believed the the Eurasian landmass covered 270 degrees of longitude and that the earth was a relatively small sphere

christopher columbus's decision to sail west to reach Asia was based on?

a patriarchal society

foot binding is probably the best example of?

the Roman Empire

for centuries, Western Europe was inspired by a dream of unification and greatness similar to that of?

the Jews in the Achaemenid empire

for his decision to allow them to return to their capital city and rebuild their temple, Darius received high praise from these people. who were they?

empress dowager Cixi

for most of the last 50 years of the Qing dynasty, China was ruled by?


for the Spanish, the greatest attraction of the America was?

brought tremendous prosperity; china produced vast quantities of silk, porcelain, lacquerware and tea...imports were relatively few; spices from Maluku, exotic products from tropical regions, small quantities of woolen textiles from Europe

foreign trade during the Qing dynasty?

enslaved Africans transported involuntarily to South/North American, and Caribbean destinations

from 1500 to 1800, the largest contingent migrants consisted of?


from 1980 to 1988, Iran was involved in a bloody war with?

105 million

from 53 million in 600 CE, the population of India rose by 1500 to?

Jews in Palestine

from 66 to 70 CE, the Romans fought a bloody war with the?


from the 6th century on, the official language of Constantinople was?

Wannsee Conference

german meeting where the Final Solution was planned?

Munich Conference

high point in appeasement?

10 million

historians estimate that between 750 and 1500 CE, the number of slaves transported north as part of the trans-Saharan slave was?

the emperor not only ruled as secular lord but also played an active and prominent role in ecclesiastical affairs

historians use the term caesaropapism to refer to?

a day workers often observed to lengthen their weekly break from work on Sundays

holy monday was?

200,000 years ago

homo sapiens had appeared in almost all the habitable regions of the world by around ?


horse drawn chariots and bronze weapons were introduced into Egypt by the?

they started veiling women

how did the conquest of Mesopotamia and Persia influence the role of women in the Islamic world?

12 million

how many Africans were forcefully brought to the Americas as part of the trans-Atlantic slave trade?

four books

how much written material survives form the Maya?

400,000 years ago

human beings made their appearance in East Asia as early as?

it was possible to lead a morally virtuous life while participating actively in the affairs of the world

humanist moral philosophers believed that?


if the greek historian Herodotus had known of the Harappan society, he might have used the phrase "the gift of the ______" to describe it


in "The Republic", Plato proposed that the true rulers of society should be?

the doctrines of Confucius and Jesus were very similar, if not identical

in "the True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven", Matteo Ricci argued that?

the first paper money printed under government auspices appeared in Sichuan province

in 1024?

mutually excommunicated each other, each refusing to recognize the other's church as properly Christian

in 1054 the pope in Rome and the patriarch in Constantinople?

became sultan and first consolidated his hold on Baghdad then spread empire to Syria, Palestine, etc.

in 1055, the Saljuq Turkish leader Tughril Beg?


in 1066, William of Normandy conquered?


in 1071, Byzantium lost the Battle of Manzikert and control over Anatolia to the?

didnt seek to abolish imperial authority, but claimed to rule the land in the name of the emperor.

in 1185, the Minamoto clan defeated their rival the Taira clan and?


in 1206 the Mongols gave the title Chinggis Khan, or "universal ruler" to?

by establishing an imperial university that prepared young men for government service

in 124 BCE, Han Wudi transformed China by?

himself emperor and established the Yuan dynasty, which ruled China until its collapse in 1368

in 1279, Khubilai Khan proclaimed?


in 1279, the Song dynasty finally fell to the?


in 1295, the Ilkhan Ghazan converted to this religion, causing it to become the favored religion in Persia?


in 1336, Harihara and Bukka, two emissaries from the Delhi sultan, renounced Islam, and reconverted to Hinduism, and founded the southern kingdom of?


in 1368, the Ming dynasty replaced the ____ dynasty?


in 1421, Yongle moved the capital of China to?

the Portuguese

in 1505 all the Swahili city-states were subdued by?

established a military government known as the Tokugawa bakufu

in 1600 Tokugawa Ieyasu?


in 1779, the English explorer Captain James Cook died during a violent confrontation in?

Marcus Aurelius

in 180 CE, smallpox claimed the life of the Roman emperor?


in 1803, the United States doubled in size after the Louisiana territory was purchased from?


in 1824, Thomas Stamford Raffles founded the port of?

Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace

in 1851, Hong Xiuquan proclaimed his own dynasty, the Taiping tianguo, which meant?

Meiji officials- Japan

in 1876, Korea was forced to accept an unequal trading treaty by?

140,000 Boxers

in 1900, foreign embassies in China were besieged by?

US, Germany, Britain, and Russia

in 1900, the world's four biggest steel producers were?

joined forces with the All-Indian Muslim League (the most prominent organization working to advance the political and social interests of Muslims)

in 1906, the Indian National Congress?


in 1908, the United States government ordered a complete halt to migration from..?


in 1914, England's share of the world's industrial output stood at?


in 1938, Germany sent troops into what country and forced its leaders to accept the "Anschluss"?

divide into 2 states

in 1947, the United Nations proposed that Palestine should?

South Africa

in 1948, the system of apartheid was put into place by the Afrikaner National Party in?

Brown v. the Board of Education

in 1954, segregation in US schools was declared illegal in?


in 1960, sixty-nine blacks were slaughtered in South Africa in the _____ massacre?

5.5 billion

in 1994, the population of the earth stood at?


in 1996 the largest urban area in the world, with a total population of around 27 million, was?


in 325 CE, in an effort to answer the Arians, Constantine brought together leading churchmen at the Council of ?

took up the difficult and contentious issue of Jesus' nature

in 325 CE, the Council of Nicaea?

Alexander of Macedon

in 327 BCE India was thrown into political chaos by the invasion of?


in 380 CE, Christianity was proclaimed the official religion of the Roman Empire by the emperor?


in 470s, Spain was conquered by the?

Romulus Augustulus

in 476 CE, the Germanic leader Odovacer brought an end to the western half of the Roman Empire when he overthrew?

Umayyad dynasty

in 711, the northern Indian area of Sind fell to the?

assembled an army of 70,000 rebellious slaves

in 73 BCE, Spartacus?

An Lushan

in 757, the Tang emperors were forced to invite the Turkish Uighurs to bring and army into China and suppress a rebellion by?

an albino elephant

in 802, what gift did Charlemagne receive from the Abbasid caliph, Harun al-Rashid?


in 962 CE, Pope John XII presented the imperial crown to?

the Holy Roman Empire

in 962, when Otto I received a crown from the pope, it marked the foundation of?

Hugh Capet

in 987, the French nobles chose which of the following men as their king?

John Rockefeller

in America the petroleum monopoly, Standard Oil Company was owned by?

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

in August 1789, the National Assembly expressed the guiding principles of the French Revolution by issuing the?

city-states (regional states)

in Italy, the political structure was marked by?

when imperial authorities pushed it and hired foreign experts to instruct Japanese workers in techniques of modern industry

in Japan, industrialization took place..?

the masses were destined to destroy the highest achievements of Western Society

in Jose Ortega y Gaset's "Revolt of the Masses", he points out that?

attacked liberal Christian theology that embraced the idea of progress

in Karl Barth's "Epistle to the ROmans", he?


in North America the Europeans initially found a profitable commodity when they bartered for?

ultimately a spectacular German success

in World War I, the eastern front was?


in a disaster from which the Byzantine Empire never really recovered, Constantinople was sacked in 1204 by the?

the struggle between church and state for control in Europe.

in a larger sense, the investiture contest represented?

it is impossible to specify simultaneously the position and velocity of a subatomic particle

in a purely scientific sense, the uncertainty principle proposes that?


in an effort to alleviate social tensions, this group was allowed to elect two and then later ten tribunes?

imposing harsh penalties , collective responsibility before the law

in an effort to bring about effective governmental control, the Legalists?

Dutch mariners

in an effort to drive the Portuguese out of Ndongo, Queen Nzinga formed an alliance with the?

oracle bones

in an effort to foretell the future, the Shang made use of?


in an effort to recruit learned students, Islamic leaders often financially supported institutions of higher learning called?

built the Great Wall, and set out to eradicate Mongol and other foreign influences -- gov't sponsored study of Chinese cultural traditions and provided financial support for imperial academies/regional colleges

in an effort to stabilize China internally, the Ming emperors?

broke up tribes and forced men to join military units with no tribal affiliations/ chose military officials based on talents or loyalty to him

in an effort to strengthen the Mongol fighting forces, Chinggis Khan?


in an effort to win support in China by tying into Chinese traditions, Buddhist missionaries translated the Indian term dharma as?

the patriarchal head of the family

in ancient China, which group presided at the rites and ceremonies honoring ancestors' spirits?


in founding his new dynasty, Hongwu chose the name Ming which meant?


in medieval society, political power was vested in?


in mesopotamia, prisoners of war, convicted criminals, and heavily indebted individuals were the three main sources for?


in organizing their empire, Persian rulers relied heavily on techniques of administration from the?

Zengh He

in regard to exploration, Prince Henrique was to Portugal what _____ was to China?

sex determined work roles- workers with special skills were men, usually undertook the heavy labor of clearing land. men and women participated in harvesting crops. women tended domestic chores and took care of the children. women enjoyed high honor as sources of life- women merchants commonly traded at markets. sometimes women even fought in the military

in regard to gender issues in sub-Saharan Africa?

developed a sense of superiority over the peoples they conquered and ruled

in regard to imperialism, the Japanese and Americas?

fashioned a compelling position for newly independent nations caught in the cold war and in the super power tug of war ??

in regard to international affairs, Nehru?

did not maintain military garrisons throughout the empire- the assembled forces as needed when they launched campaigns of expansion or mounted punitive expeditions against subjects

in regard to military structure, the Aztecs?

favored liberal policies and social reform

in regard to political philosophy, Julius Caesar?

had regional kingdoms

in regard to political structure, postclassical India?

had no elaborate bureaucracy or administration. they simply conquered their subjects and assessed tribute, leaving local governance and the collection of tribute in the hands of the conquered people themselves

in regard to political structure, the Aztec empire?

stateless societies, kin-based societies

in regard to political structure, the early Bantu societies?

tightly centralized state, bureaucracy of Confucian scholars, emperor was the "Son of Heaven", scholar-bureaucrats governed day to day (took civil service exams)

in regard to ruling philosophy and techniques, the Qing?

resisted but then readily adopted Chinese agricultural methods and irrigation systems and schools/administration techniques.

in regard to their relationship with China, the Viet people?

played a much more prominent role in Vietnamese society and economy

in relation to Chinese traditions and influences, Vietnamese women?


in relation to spreading their language across a huge stretch of Africa, the Bantu played a role similar to that played by the?

granted a limited franchise that allowed wealthy Indians to elect representatives to local legislative councils

in response to Indian resistance, the British in 1909?

revolutionary leaders dismissed her appeal and refused to consider women's rights..they executed her in 1793

in response to the "Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen"..?

urged governments to play an active role and stimulate the economy by increasing the money supply

in response to the Great Depression, economist John Maynard Keynes?

age groups where members perform tasks appropriate for their levels of development

in sub-Saharan Africa, an age grade was?

the construction of railroad lines that linked all US regions and helped create an integrated national economy

in terms of the industrial development of the United States in the late 19th century, the most important economic development was?

urged the use of violence against colonial oppressors as a means of overcoming the racist degradation experienced by peoples outside the Soviet-US Sphere

in the "Wretched of the Earth", Frantz Fanon?


in the 10th century, the Turks living near the Abbasid Empire began to convert to?


in the 1670s and 1680s, the Spanish were interested in consolidating control in this area because it lay directly on the route from Acapulco to Manila?


in the 19th century, the majority of indentured laborers came from?

190 million

in the 300 years after 1500, the population of India grew from 105 million to..?


in the 7th century CE, the Tang dynasty agreed to a political compromise with the Korean _____ dynasty?

ordered the closure of monasteries and the expulsion of Buddhists as well as Zoroastrians

in the 840s, Tang emperors?

military elite

in the Aztec social hierarchy most of the honors and rewards went to the?

british government committed itself to the support of a homeland for Jews in Palestine

in the Balfour Declaration of 1917?

solely through air attacks- "The Blitz"

in the Battle of Britain the Germans hoped to defeat the English?

kamikaze-pilots who volunteered to be suicide pilots

in the Battle of Okinawa the Japanese introduced?


in the English colonies a higher percentage of women settlers ensured that the migrants mainly married among themselves. This situation is similar to what Spanish or Portuguese colonial area?

industrial production--> wealth and a large portion flowed to the middle class. Family went through change during period; less common for family to work in groups


"agricultural transition"

instead of the potentially misleading term "agricultural revolution", many anthropologists prefer the term?

Eli Whitney

interchangeable parts were invented by?


islamic banks honored letters of credit, which could be drawn on the parent bank, known as?


islamic warriors?

11.6 billion

it is estimated that by 2200 the population of the earth will reach?

he refused to meet with government officials and conducted business through eunuch intermediaries

it was during the reign of Emperor Wanli that?

often traveled overland on the silk roads used since classical times (ex-silk textiles)

luxury goods of high value relative to their weight?

Raphael Lemkin

man that coined the term "genocide"?

socialist emperor

many of Wang Mang's reforms were so radical that he has been called the?

human enemies, deteriorated on bamboo, or were burned by an emperor

many of the early Chinese literary works were destroyed by?

who had a reputation for supporting arts, crafts, and agriculture

most Aztec human sacrifices were in honor of a Quetzalcoatl?

were not foreigners, but Mexica. families sometimes sold younger members into servitude out of financial distress, or criminal behavior

most mexica slaves?

depended on exports of raw materials

most of latin america and sub-saharan africa?

the Vedas

most of our information about the early Aryans comes from the?


most of the actual exploration of the Pacific Ocean was carried out by the?

that the knowledge of human affairs was going to advance as fast as modern science, and they believed that rational understanding of human/natural affairs would bring about a new era of constant progress

most philosophers believed?


most property qualifications for voting in the United States had disappeared by the late?

age, strength, courage, intelligence, fertility, force of personality, or some other trait

most scholars believe that during the Paleolithic Age, social organization was characterized by?


new german military strategy based on surprise and switness

Leif Ericsson

newfoundland was discovered around the year 1000 CE by the Scandinavian seafarer?


no religious leader could follow Muhammad, so political authority rested in the position of the?

Bandung Conference

nonalignment movement?

the Seleucid realm

of all the Hellenistic empires, Greek influence was greatest in?


of all the new crops that spread through the Islamic world via trade, which one proved the most important?


of the natural disasters that plagued the Minoans, the most devastating was the volcanic eruption in 1628 BCE on the island of?

Guanahani by Tainos, but rechristened San Salvador (in the Bahamas)

on 12 October 1492, Columbus made landfall on an island called?

National Assembly

on 17 June 1789, members of the third estate seceded from the Estates General and declared themselves to be the?

hindu extremist Nathuram Godse

on 30 January 1948, Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated by?

a wave of panic selling on the New York Stock Exchange caused stock prices to plummet

on Black Thursday, 24 October 1929?

Pope Leo III

on christmas day 800, Charlemagne received the imperial crown from?

Philippine Islands

on his circumnavigation of the world, Ferdinand Magellan died in?

that the US/Britain was letting the Soviets get beat by the Germans on purpose and not grabbing the "nose" of the alligator fast enough

one of the biggest arguments among the Allies in World War II was?

debasing their currency- reducing the amount of precious metal in a coin without reducing its nominal value

one of the biggest financial problems of the later Mauryan period was the ruler's decision to?

all artists were acknowledged to have a right to their own reality, and accepted standards of "good/bad" art disappeared

one of the biggest results of the artistic experimentation of the 1920s and 1930s was that?

creation of jati (subcastes) and guilds

one of the biggest transformations of the caste system during this period was?

theme system

one of the causes of Byzantine resurgence was the political innovation wherein a general was given military and civil control over an imperial province or?


one of the central factors in the establishment of trans-Saharan trade was?

recognized the sanctity of private property, including slaves

one of the chief reasons that the framers of the US Constitution were opposed to abolishing slavery was?


one of the earliest Andean states, which left a remarkable artistic legacy through its ceramics, was...?


one of the earliest Neolithic settlements, which was located at a freshwater oasis north of the Dead Sea and had a population of around two thousand was ____ ?

wealth and power in Africa came not from the possession of land, but rather from control over the human labor that made the land productive

one of the factors that made African slavery different from the varieties practiced elsewhere was that?

Marcus Garvey

one of the greatest proponents of Pan-Africanism was?

the Allies didnt permit representatives of the Central Powers to participate

one of the major problems of the Paris peace negotiations that led to the Treaty of Versailles was?


the Austronesian-speaking peoples became the first human settlers on this large island off the east African coast...?

the rule of "the Obsidian Serpent" Itzcoatl and Motecuzoma

the Aztec expansion began under?

as essential to the world's survival

the Aztecs viewed human sacrifice?

where leaders of African/Asian countries first discussed nonalignment- talked about "the third path" ( not having to choose US or USSR)

the Bandung Conference?

population pressures

the Bantu probably began their migrations because of ?

the norman invasion and conquest of England in 1066

the Bayeux tapestry depicts?

St. Scholastica

the Benedictine Rule was spread to women living in convents by?

divided Africa among European countries and the United States

the Berlin conference?

a company of escaped slaves who fought to maintain British rule in the colonies

the Black Pioneers were?


the Boers were?

Shang Yang, who served as cheif minister to the duke of the Qin state in western China

the Book of Lord Shang is one of the most influential works of ?

reserved the right to invade any socialist country that was deemed to be threatened by internal or external elements.."hostile to socialism"-justified Soviets invasion of Czechoslovakia

the Brezhnev Doctrine?

prohibited imports of printed cotton cloth and restricted the sale of calicoes at home

the British Calico Acts of 1720 and 1721..?

as a penal colony where convicted criminal migrants outnumbered free settlers until 1830s

the British initially made use of Australia..?


the Byzantine Empire suffered a devastating loss to the Saljuq Turks in 1071 at the Battle of?

Basil II

the Byzantine ruler who led a resurgence of power in the 11th century by crushing the Bulgars was?

the founder, Charles Martel ("Charles the Hammer")

the Carolingian dynasty takes its name from?

Khanate of Chaghatai in central asia

the Chaghatai khans ruled?

spread through most of the territory occupied by modern Peru and vanished about 300 BCE and the extensive distribution of temples and carvings shows that they seized the imagination of agricultural peoples throughout the central Andean region

the Chavin cult...?

travelling beyond the China border to India and back

the Chinese Buddhist monk, Xuanzang, was famous for?


the Chinese copied their chariots from the?

Han Wudi

the Chinese emperor who started the imperial university was?


the Chinese philosopher who proposed that only strong social discipline would bring society into order was?

Qin Shihuangdi

the Chinese script was standardized during the reign of?


the Christian center of India was?

began to question longstanding notions of sovereignty-sought to make kings responsible to the people they governed

revolutionaries of the late 18 and early 19 century?

gods shed their own blood to water the earth and nourish maize and they expected human beings to honor them by intimidating their sacrifice

ritual bloodletting was crucial to Maya rituals because..?

became more sharply defined than those of neolithic villages...agriculture enabled human groups to accumulate wealth which caused distinctions between the poor and wealthy to appear

social distinctions in Mesopotamia?


submarine cables linked all parts of the British empire throughout the world by?

100 million

the world's population increases by____ every year?

Oswald Spengler

the writer whose "Decline of the West" proposed that European society had entered the final stage of its existence was?

Chandra Gupta

the year 320 BCE saw the creation of the Gupta dynasty by?

Muslims constituted the majority of indebted tenant farmers, who found themselves increasingly unable to pay rents/debts. Landlords=mainly Hindus

the Great Depression aggravated the tense situation between Muslims and Hindus in India in part because..?

a giant economic slump- economic contraction set the stage for social unrest and radical politics

the Great Depression led Japan to?


the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere was designed by?

a city state

the Greeks used the word polis to refer to?

kept alive by moving inland to Chongquin; Chinese communists carried on guerrilla operations against the Japanese invaders

the Guomindang during World War II was?

balance of centralization of Qin and decentralization of Zhou

the Han philosophy of rule was?

Baltic and North Sea

the Hanseatic League was a trading network that operated in?

ali'i nui

the Hawaiian class of high chiefs were known as the?


the High middle Ages witnessed?

the popes

the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa's attempt to gain control of Lombardy was blocked by?

a Greek perspective on a campaign waged by a band of Greek warriors against the city of Troy in Anatolia

the Homeric epic the Illiad deals with?

China's Sorrow

the Huang He river was given the nickname?

France and England

the Hundred Years' War was fought between?

by sending loyal subjects as colonists, provided them with land and economic benefits, and established them in garrisons when conquered peoples became uncooperative

the Inca imposed order?

a mnemonic aid that bureaucrats used to keep track of information/responsibilities

the Inca quipu was?

gave India the institutions of a self-governing state. allowed for the establishment of autonomous legislative bodies in the provinces of British India

the India Act of 1937?

Persians under the emperor Darius

the Indian political scene changed dramatically in 520 BCE when new administrative techniques were introduced after the invasion of the?


the Indian population in the present-day United states stood at 5 million to 10 million in 1492 and at ______ in 1800.

his piety, liberality, and scholarship

the Indian ruler Harsha was known for?

Bhagavad Gita

the Indian work that deals with a dialogue between the warrior, Arjuna, and his charioteer, Krishna, is the?


the Indians who relocated from the eastern woodlands to Oklahoma on the Trail of tears were the?

left more than 20 million dead and was helped spread by wartime traffic on land/sea

the Influenza Pandemic of 1918?


the Islamic holy law was known as the?


the Islamic leader who abolished the jizya was?


the Islamic leader who converted to Twelver Shiism was?


the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca is known as the?

Mahmud of Ghazni

the Islamic ruler, who led 17 different raiding expeditions into India in the eleventh century was?

Ibn Rushd

the Islamic thinker who studied Aristotle and whose thought, in turn, influenced the rise of European scholasticism was?


the Jains adhered to the principle of nonviolence to other living things or their souls, which is expressed in the word?


the Japanese city of Nara was a copy of the Tang capital of?

when the US used the atomic bomb against Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Soviet Union declared war on Japan

the Japanese finally surrendered in August 1945?

determination to dominate east Asia

the Japanese fought in World War I due to their?

to destroy American naval capacity in the Pacific and clear the way for the conquest of southeast Asia and the creation of a defensive Japanese perimeter that could defend the homeland

the Japanese goal in the bombing of Pearl Harbor was?

the partitioning of korea along the 38 parallel into Soviet and US zone- Korean Peninsula would remain in a state of suspended strife because of the failure to conclude a peace treaty

the Korean War resulted in?

the "night of broken glass"-the Nazi's arranged for the destruction of Jewish stores, synagogues, etc

the Kristallnacht was?


the Kushans in India reached their peak under?

were the earliest Austronesian migrants to sail out into the blue water of the Pacific Ocean and establish human settlements in Pacific Islands

the Lapita peoples...?

troops and personnel of the Red Army and CCP walked 10,000 kilometers to a remote area of Shaanxi province and established headquarters at Yan'an

the Long March?

were an organized band of English handicaft workers who destroyed textile machines that they blamed for their unemployment ( after machine centered factories became popular)

the Luddites?


the Maji Maji rebellion occurred in?


the Mauryan emperor, Ashoka, fought his bloodiest battle against?

all classes of Chinese protested against foreign, especially Japanese, interference

the May Fourth Movement?


the Mayan calendar interwove a solar year of 365 days and a ceremonial calendar of _____ days

part of the larger Indo-European migrations and they lived in loose subjection to the Babylonian and Assyrian empires when they lived in central Asia

the Medes and Persians were originally?

they wanted to obtain the knowledge and expertise to strengthen the Japanese and win revisions of unequal treaties

the Meiji reformers actively copied the western Europeans and Americans because?

land reform

the Mexican politician Ponciano Arriaga called for?


the Ming dynasty was founded in 1368 by?

claimed the Americas as a US protectorate, and served as a justification in hemispheric affairs

the Monroe Doctrine?

pushed Mughal authority deep into southern India... faced rebellions and religious tensions/conflict between Hindus&Muslims and he broke with Akbar's policy of religious toleration (was a devout Muslim)

the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb?


the Mughal empire reached its greatest geographic extent during the reign of?

Shah Jahan

the Mughal ruler who constructed the Taj Mahal was?

(Japanese blew up some rail and accused the Chinese of doing it)- became the pretext for war between Japanese and Chinese troops

the Mukden incident?

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

the Myanmar leader who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 is?

Linear B

the Mycenaeans adapted the Minoan written language to their own needs and developed a syllabic script called?


the Mycenaeans received early, indirect influence from the Egyptians and Phoenicians through their contact with the?

created some violent altercations with indigenous peoples...center of transportation network was the transcontinental Canadian Pacific Railroad

the National Policy, which was designed to attract migrants, protect nascent industries through tariffs, and build national transportation systems was a policy in that it?

followers of the Greek theologian Nestorius, who emphasized the human as opposed to the divine nature of Jesus

the Nestorians were?

on 6 June 1944 (d-day) overwhelmed the Germans & changed the war towards Allies winning

the Normandy invasion?

Louis Riel

the Northwest Rebellion was led by?

the Olmecs and then abandoned

the Olmec ceremonial centers of San Lorenzo and La Venta were destroyed by?

delivered a portion of their harvests for the maintenance of the elite classes and provided labor for construction projects

the Olmec common people...?

DID trade: art fashioned from jade, basalt, or ceramics, and local products such as animal skins..jade and obisdian

the Olmecs traded extensively in all of the following items except?


the Opium War ended the signing of the Treaty of?

nomadic Turkish speaking peoples of central Asia&ruled by Turkish dynasties

the Ottoman , Safavid, and Mughal empires all originally came from?


the Ottoman institution that provided Balkan slaves for the formation of the Janissaries was the?

Syria and Egypt

the Ottoman ruler Selim the Grim captured?

Mehmed II (Mehmed the Conqueror)

the Ottoman ruler who captured Constantinople was?


the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires were all?

the Lawgiver

the Ottomans referred to Suleyman as the "Kanuni" or?

converted it into the mosque of Aya Sofya

the Ottomans took the Byzantine cathedral Hagia Sofia and?

ended the US phase of the Vietnam War

the Paris Peace Accords of 1973?

last violent centuries of the Zhou dynasty

the Period of Warring States refers to the?

a new category of officials created by the rulers who traveled throughout the empire and conducted surprise audits and collected intelligence of the satraps

the Persian "eyes and ears of the king"?

was the most important Sufis who argued that human reason was too frail to understand the nature of Allah and couldnt explain the mysteries of the world. only through devotion and guidance from the Quran could humans appreciate Allah

the Persian al-Ghazali?

political and cultural ways- administrative techniques and kingships

the Persian influence on Islam is best seen in?


the Persian king who regularized tax levies and standardized laws was?

portray themselves not as conquerors, but as rulers/representatives

the Persian legal code was designed to ?

the Spanish

the Philippines fell to?

a mayan creation myth

the Popol Vuh was?

when French and Dutch mariners began to visit Brazilian shores

the Portuguese began to show much more interest in Brazil..?

control trade in the Indian Ocean and their naval superiority

the Portuguese dominance of trade was dependent on their ability to?


the Portuguese lost control of the port of Melaka in 1641 when it fell to the?

Vasco da Gama

the Portuguese mariner who reached India in 1498 was?

the title of the king

the Portuguese referred to Ndongo as Angola because of the word ngola, which meant?


the Portuguese viewed the Atlantic Ocean islands as the perfect location for the cultivation of?

Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria- envisioned a motionless earth surrounded by a series of nine hollow spheres that revolved around it

the Ptolemaic universe was based on?

tapped river waters to irrigate crops of maize (80% of their diets)/ hot environment periodically brought drought and famine

the Pueblo and Navajo peoples of the American southwest?

the city of Teotihuacan

the Pyramid of the Sun was located in?

adopted Legalist principles and imposed centralized imperial rule on all of China

the Qin and Han dynasties?


the Quran, following the example of Muhammad, allowed men to have up to how many wives?

was written versions of Muhammad's revelations compiled by devout Muslims

the Quran?

Spain(Ibirean Pinensula)

the Reconquista took place in?

the 14 century

the Renaissance began in?


the Roman Empire was divided into two parts by?

stimulated the development of local economies and states

the Roman conquest of Gaul, Germany, Britain, and Spain?


the Roman policy of toleration and respect for conquered peoples was most similar to the?


the Roman policy toward conquered peoples was?


the Roman thinker Marcus Tullius Cicero was best associated with the Hellenistic school of thought?

St. Benedict

the Rule, a set of regulations that shaped the rise of monasticism by avoiding extremism and promoting social service, came from?

Bolsheviks and Whites (Red and whites)

the Russian Civil War that broke out after the revolution was between?

Mikhail Gorbachev

the Russian leader who brought massive reform to the Soviet Union beginning in 1985 was?

Tsar Alexander II

the Russian serfs were emancipated by?

a Sufi

the Safavids traced their ancestry back to the leader Safi al-Din, who was what religion?

Arab warriors

the Sasanids were defeated in 651 CE by?

Dr. David Livingstone

the Scottish minister who, while searching for suitable missionary posts, traveled through much of central and southern Africa was?

were created when Alexander died and his chief generals carved his empire into three large realms which they divided among themselves

the Seleucid, Parthian, and Sasanid empires...?


the Seleucids were finally defeated in 83 BCE by the?


the Self-Strengthening Movement was an attempt to blend indigenous cultural traditions with western technology in?

30,000 troops

the Shang enjoyed a military advantage with armies as large as?

bronze metallurgy

the Shang rulers were strengthened by their control over the technological advantage of?

descendants of Ali (the caliph) were infallible, and divinely appointed to rule the Islamic community

the Shia believed that?

adopted the bureaucracy of merit

the Silla dynasty in Korea copied China in many ways, but never?

the status of Korea

the Sino-Japanese War began with a dispute over?

a pact that was made when Napoleon made peace with the Roman Catholic Church/pope and it provided that the French state would retain church lands seized during the revolution, but the state agreed to pay clerics' salaries, recognize Roman Catholic Christianity as the preferred faith of France

the Concordat was?


the easternmost point of Alexander's conquests was?

the Indus river

the easternmost point of Darius's empire was?


the easternmost point of the silk roads was the Han capital of?

talks about the privileged life of a scribe

the egyptian work, "The Satire of the Trades,"?

a few peasants prospered as a result of emancipation, but most found themselves in debt for the rest of their lives./ resulted in little if any increase in ag. production

the emancipation of the Russian serfs..?

Seleucid empire

the empire, compromising most of the old Achaemenid state, that was taken by a general of Alexander the Great was the?

Spanish settlers

the encomenderos were?

Four Noble Truths

the fundamental doctrine of Buddhism was known as the?

the balance of power

the fundamental principle of diplomacy in early modern Europe was?

blood and iron

the german leader Otto von Bismarck believed that the great issues of his day would be determined by?

weld the former Spanish colonies of South America into a great confederation like the USA

the goal of Simon Bolivar was to?

"Swallows"- Italian workers who traveled back and forth annually between Europe and South America to take advantage of different growing seasons

the golondrinas were?

a monarchy disguised as a republic

the government established by Augustus Caesar?

the Gaucho Martin Fierro

the great epic poem that expressed the life of the gaucho and lamented its decline was?

established standards of quality for manufactured goods, determined the prices, and regulated the entry of new workers into the group. Provided a focus for friendship/mutual support

the guilds of the High Middle Ages?


the hallucinogenic concoction drunk by Aryans during ritual sacrifices was known as?


the harsh political philosophy of Chandragupta Maurya and Kautalya is recorded in the?

18th century

the heaviest slave trading took place in (time)?


the height of Japanese atrocity in China was reached at the rape of ?


the high point of Mauryan success came during the reign of?

the Munich Conference

the high point of appeasement was?

because the ilkhan tried to resolve financial difficulties by introducing paper money

the ilkhanate in Perisa began a rapid decline in the 1290s?


the important trading city of Melaka is located in modern-day?

King Louis XIV

the individual associated with the phrase "l'etat, c'est moi" was?

Great Britain

the industrial revolution began in?

Chichen Itza

the influence of the Maya on the Toltec can be seen in the similarities between Tula and the Maya city of?

silk roads

the information that Zhang Qian brought back encouraged Han Wudi to destroy the Xiongnu and lay the foundations for the?

Henry Morton Stanley (under the direction of King Leopold II of Belgium)

the Congo Free State was established in the 1870s by?

was an assembly of bishops, cardinals, and other high church officials who met intermittently between 1545 and 1563 to address matters of doctrine and reform

the Council of Trent?

were wars of military and political expansion, yet in the long run were more important for their social, economic, commercial and cultural consequences

the Crusades?

disengagement from the competitive exertions and active involvement in affairs of the world

the Daoist thinkers spoke of wuwei, which stood for?

Enlightenment political thought in justifying the colonies' quest for independence

the Declaration of Independence's contractual view of political structure in which the government drew its authority from the "consent of the governed" was influenced by?

there were 35 who prominently sponsored Islam and helped establish a secure place for their faith in the cultural landscape of India

the Delhi sultans were?

faced constant challenges from Hindu princes in neighboring lands, and periodically had to defend their northern frontiers from new Turkish or Mongol invaders/maintained enormous army with large elephant crops

the Delhi sultans?

were mendicants ("beggers") who would have no personal possessions and have to beg for their food from audiences to whom they preached.

the Dominicans and Franciscans?

to establish a VOC monopoly over spice production and trade, enabling Dutch merchants to reap enormous profits in European markets

the Dutch policy in Indonesia was?


the Egyptian god of the underworld was?

Charles I

the English Civil War ended with the trial and decapitation of?

the rocket, but it still burned too much coal for use at sea

the first steam-powered locomotive was George Stephenson's..?

the Great War

the first total war in world history was?

they had not consulted with the United States

the English and French were forced to withdraw from controlling the Suez Canal during the crisis in 1956 because?

had food shortages and disease became so severe that only 60 of the colony's 500 members survived the winter of 1609

the English colony of Jamestown?


the English explorer James Cook died during a fight in?

sailed the North Atlantic in search of fish and a northwest passage to Asia

the English, French, and Dutch?

failed to achieve ratification before the 1982 deadline- never materialized

the Equal Rights Amendment in the United States?

a sect of the Jews who wrote the Dead Sea scrolls

the Essences were?

Great Britain

the European country that served as the mandate power in Palestine after World War I was?

German invasion of Poland unannounced on 1 September 1939

the European part of World War II began with the?

was an unplanned and incomplete affair-Russia ceased to be a monarchy

the February Revolution of 1917?

replaced the NEP with a plan for rapid economic development- aims were to transform the USSR from a predominantly agricultural country to a leading industrial power

the First Five-Year Plan?

never got beyond Constantinople, which crusaders conquered and sacked in 1204

the Fourth Crusade, in early 1204, ?

"France couldn't regain great power status if it depended on US military protection"- pursued independence policies

the French president Charles de Gaulle?

the Franco-Prussian War

the French were deeply suspicious of German expansion because of?

were a pastoral Muslims from the savannas in west Africa who led a series of military campaigns to establish Islamic states and impose their own brand of Islam in west Africa

the Fulani?

the 6 lesser deities of Zoroastrianism

the Gathas were?

(east germany) emerged out of the soviet zone of occupation

the German Democratic Republic?

spanish war

the German and Italian fascists used which war as an excuse to intervene and gain valuable military experience?

"lightning war"

the German blitzkrieg referred to?

the river marne (western front)

the German offensive of 1914 was halted at?

Mahmud of Ghazni

the Ghaznavid Turkish leader who raided and plundered India in the 11th century was?

an expression of religious beliefs that included a vision of an afterlife in which all white peoples disappeared

the Ghost Dance movement related to?

Hangzhou to Beijing

the Grand canal stretched from what city in the south to what city in the north?

Mowahk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca (MOOCS)

the five Iroquois nations were the?

disengagement from the US dominated NATO and the development of an independent nuclear strike force

the foreign policy of Charles de Gaulle focused on?


the introduction of a new food crop about 400 CE encouraged a fresh migratory surge in Africa. what was the crop?

forged closer links than ever before between the Eurasian lands

the invasions of the nomadic Turkish and Mongol tribes between the 11th and 15th centuries?

sped up the weaving process and stimulated demand for thread

the invention of the flying shuttle from john kay..?

John Kay

the inventor of the flying shuttle was?

the selection and installation of church officials by lay rulers such as the emperors

the investiture contest centered on?

Emperor Henry IV

the investiture contest reached its peak with a struggle between Pope Gregory VII and?

the dhimmi

the jizya was the tax paid by?

Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in February 1917

the key factor in the United State's decision to enter World War I was?

emancipation of the serfs

the key to social reform in Russia was?

the entry of the Soviet Union and the United States into the war

the key to the Allied victories in Europe and Asia was?


the king who failed to follow the normal Persian governing policy of toleration was?

the highlands region around Lake Titicaca

the kingdom of Chucuito was located in?

kings built a powerful navy and controlled commmerce in southeast Asian waters. taxed ships passing through the region, maintained an all sea trade route between China and India

the kingdom of Srivijaya?


the kingdom that played a leading role in Indian unification, after the withdrawal of Alexander of Macedon, was?


the kingdoms of southern India were mainly?

a ritual where subordinates knelt before the emperor and touched their foreheads to the ground

the kowtow?

Chang'an, Anticoch/ Tyre

the land route of the silk roads ran from the Han capital of ________ to the Mediterranean port of ______ ?

Old Kingdom

the largest Egyptian pyramids were built during the ?

Declaration of sentiments

the lines "we hold these truths to be self evident: that all men and women are created equal" are from the...?

the Book of Songs

the lines, "this young lady is going to her future home, and will order well her chamber and house," come from?

led to a weakening of imperial ties and paved the way for emerging national identities also a disaster-Allied soldiers were pinned on the beaches by the Turkish

the battle of Gallipoli?

opened the door for British colonial rule in Sudan

the battle of Omdurman?

failed to overthrow Castro and his supporters/Diminished US prestige, especially in Latin America/Strengthened castro's position in cuba

the bay of Pigs invasion?


the magnificent capital of the Persian Empire constructed by Darius was?

clearly reflected the increasingly materialistic character of Indian society and economy

the beliefs of the Charvakas?

lavish palaces on the island of Crete

the best example of Minoan culture can be seen in the remains at?

math, science, and medicine

the main Indian influence on Islamic thought was in the field of?

was the Byzantine gold coin that became recognized as the standard of currency of the Mediterranean basin (6-12 c)

the bezant?


the bhakti belief that all gods were manifestations of a single, universal deity is most similar to?

a cult of love and devotion that ultimately sought to erase the distinction between Hinduism and Islam

the bhakti movement?

that there was a single, universal deity that all devout believers could find in their hearts

the bhakti teacher Guru Kabir believed?

became predominantly Islamic

the biggest difference between Melaka and the other states influenced by India was that Melaka?

they had horse drawn chariots

the biggest military advantage of the Indo- Europeans was?

Marcus Garvey

the black nationalist who believed that US blacks should seek repatriation in Africa was?

the Glorious Revolution

the bloodless change of power in 1688-1689 that ensured representative, constitutional government in England was known as?


the boddhisatya is associated with what religion?

the demolishing of hundreds of sites associated with Hindu or Buddhist faiths, and did not encourage Indians to turn to Islam

the campaigns of Mahmud of Ghazni and his forces resulted in?


the capital city of Chimu was?


the capital city of al-Andalus was?


the capital of Ashoka's empire was?

Great Zimbabwe

the capital of Zimbabwe was?


the capital of tamerlane's empire was?


the capital of the Abbasid Empire was?


the capital of the Aztec empire was?


the capital of the Inca empire was?

Santo Domingo

the capital of the Spanish Caribbean was?


the capital of the Xia dynasty was?


the capital of the kingdom of Ghana, a major trading center, was?


the capital of the kingdom of Kongo, known to the Europeans as Sao Salvador, was?


the capital of the kingdom of Kush was?

Ottoman Empire

the capitulations were unfair trading agreements between the western Europeans and the?

need to raise funds for the reconstruction of St. Peter's basilica in Rome

the catholic church dramatically pushed the sale of indulgences in the 16th century because of the?


the center of Islamic learning in west Africa was?

the Persian Royal Road??

the center of the Persian communications network was?


the center of the Spanish commercial activity in Asia was?

a massive program of railway construction

the centerpiece of Sergei Witte's Russian industrial policy was?


the chief Spanish royal administrators in the Americas were?

Queen Nzinga

the chief obstacle to Portuguese control of Angola came from?

the Mexica dredged a rich and fertile muck from the lake's bottom and built it up into small plots of land for agriculture

the chinampa system refers to?


the chinese began to make extensive use of writing during the ______ dynasty?


the chinese concept of filial piety, which was central to the family structure, was best expressed by the word?

Qin Shihuangdi

the chinese emperor who was notorious for his hatred of Confucianism and for his burning of books was?

of its exclusivity: they had honored many religions at the same time for centuries

the chinese were hesitant to convert to Christianity because?


the city that stood as John Calvin's model Protestant community was?

two social classes: nobles and commoners

the class structure of nomadic societies normally produced?

not to make their conquered lands change their government laws, but to modify them as needed...less rebellions

the classical Persian governmental approach was ?


the collection of Confucian sayings and teachings is known as the ?


the concept of Forms or Ideas is associated with?


the conqueror Menes founded _____ around 3100 BCE, a city that would serve as the capital for early Egypt

Francisco Pizarro

the conquistador who conquered the Inca was?

did not welcome the arrival of bureaucrats, but with the aid of Spanish lawyers, tax collectors, and military forces, royal officials had their way

the conquistadores?

DID: laid a cultural foundation for close cooperation with Muslim merchants trading, gained recognition from islamic states in s.w.Asia and opened the door to political alliances with Muslim rulers

the conversion to Islam by east African merchants and princes did all of the following EXCEPT:

Council of Trent

the council that helped define and advance the Catholic Reformation took place in?


the country that finished the Seven Years' War with global hegemony was?

Sargon of Akkad

the creator of the first empire in Mesopotamia was?

and occasionally took part in tax revolts and popular uprisings. sought to displace peninsulares but retain privileged position in society

the creoles of Latin America were influenced by the ideals of the Enlightenment?

that egyptians and nubians believed that dieties played prominent roles in the world......also the development of organized religious traditions

the cult of Amon-Re is the best example of?

during the old and middle kingdom, priests increasingly associated the two gods with one another and honored them in the cult of Amon-Re (both sun gods)

the cult of Amon-Re?

seasonal migrations and trade over long distance, although culture didnt diffuse much. Paid close attention to prominent geographic features around them and often conducted religious observances to ensure continuing supply of water, plants, etc. FOCUSED on local matters and didnt appeal to peoples from other regions

the cultural and religious traditions of the Australian aborigines?*

declaration of war on Serbia

the decision of Nicholas II to mobilize Russia's armed forces following the Austro-Hungarian?

a Japanese surprise attack on the Russian naval squadron at Port Arthur in February 1904

the decisive factor in the Russo-Japanese War was?


the decisive naval battle of the Persian war was fought at?

British commercial agents pressed their government into a military retaliation designed to reopen the opium trade

the decisive point in the Opium War was?


the decisive victory of Alexander of Macedon over the Persians was called the battle of?

European artists to take similar liberties with realism

the deliberate violation of perspective by Japanese artists influenced?

the influence of Indian traditions in southeast Asia

the design of the Khmer temples at Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat show?


the desire to ensure its "Place in the sun" was a common complaint of?

Ottoman empire

the diplomat Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq wrote with both admiration and fear of the?


the disastrous 1954 defeat that forced the French out of Vietnam was at?


the disastrous Great Leap Forward was backed by?

the reign of Wang Mang

the dividing line between the Former Han and the Later Han is marked by?

Filippo Brunelleschi

the dome on the cathedral of Florence was designed by?

the factory

the dominant form of industrial organization in Europe, the United States, and Japan by the end of the 19 century was?

Harappan society

the earliest known civilization in India was the?


the earliest metal worked systematically by humans was?

Red Cross

the earliest nongovernmental organization was the ?


the earliest of the three Neolithic craft industries was?

revolved around shamans

the earliest religion of the Turkish peoples was?

early 4th millennium BCE in southwest asia, particularly in Mesopotamia

the earliest urban societies developed in the?


the early Chinese shipped textiles and metal goods to the ancestors of the Turks and Mongols in the steppes and received what in return?


the early Sudanic societies recognized a single divine force as the source of god and evil, and they associated it with?

Britain ?

the early stages of industrial development in the United States depended in large part on investment capital from which of the following nations?

5 billion years ago

the earth came into existence around?


the east African kingdom that benefited tremendously from increased Indian Ocean trade was?

Lenin viewed the industrial working class as incapable of developing the proper revolutionary consciousness that would lead to effective political action

the main difference between the philosophies of Marx and Lenin was?

the Green and the Blues

the main factions during Justinian's time who contested in the Hippodrome and who occasionally fought in the streets were?

bring the counts under tighter control

the main goal of the missi dominici was to?

the development of scholasticism

the main influence on the thought of Ibn Rushd was?

soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies surfaced all over Russia- failed to satisfy popular demands for an end to war/for land reform

the main reason for the failure of the provisional government in Russia in 1917 was?

"no taxation without representation"

the main slogan for the colonies in the years leading up to the American Revolution was?


the main spark for the outbreak of the Mexican American War in 1845 was the United States acceptance of the new state of?


the main split inside Islam was between Sunni and ?

Raphael Lemkin- a refugee Polish-JEwish lawyer living in the US

the main who coined the term "genocide" was?

the victory over Lydia

the major early turning point in the rise of the Persian Empire was the..?

Mao Zedong

the former teacher and librarian that became the leader of the Chinese communist movement was?

Mahavria Vardhamana

the founder of Jainism was?

Robert Owen

the founder of New Lanark was?

Abu al-Abbas

the founder of the Abbasid dynasty was?


the founder of the Achaemenid Empire was?

Liu Bang

the founder of the Han dynasty was?


the founder of the Mughal dynasty, and a descendant of Chinggis Khan and Tamerlane, was?


the founder of the Ottoman Turks was?


the founder of the Ottoman dynasty was?

Yasser Arafat

the founder of the Palestinian Liberation Organization was?

Song Taizu

the founder of the Song dynasty was?

Dona Beatriz

the founder of the religion that stressed that Jesus Christ had been a black man and that Kongo was the true holy land was?


the fourth crusade managed to capture and sack the city of?

heavenly powers that granted the right to govern to an especially deserving individual known as the son of heaven

the mandate of heaven..?

Merry christmas

the mandate system?

united the two wealthiest and most important Iberian realms

the marriage of Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castile?

unsuccessful because they didnt make it past the French troops at the fortress of Verdun; French counted 315k dead& German counted 280K

the massive German assault on the western front in 1916 was?

on Pohnpei in the Caroline Islands

the massive stone palace at Nan Madol was located?


the most influential post- Confucian philosopher, who served as the chief spokesman for Confucius's philosophy, was?

Sunni Ali

the most influential ruler in the rise of the Songhay empire was?

Shanidar cave (250 miles north of Baghdad)

the most notable deliberate Neandertal burial was discovered at?

Chan Buddhism

the most popular school of Buddhism in China was?

Han Wudi

the most powerful Han emperor, known for his administrative centralization and imperial expansion, was?


the most powerful kingdom in central Africa was?

kingdom of Ghana

the most powerful state in west Africa at the time of the arrival of Islam was?


the most prominent school of moral philosophy in Rome was?


the most prosperous country in Europe in the 17th century was?

Maximilien Robespierre

the most radical period of the French Revolution was reached during the leadership of..?


the most significant territorial loss for the Ottomans was?

Kingdom of Kongo

the most tightly centralized of the 14th century Bantu kingdoms was?

Tuthmosis III

the most vigorous of all New Kingdom pharaohs was ________, who led his troops into Palestine and Syria and who even received tribute from the Mesopotamian city-states


the nation that led the way in early European exploration was?

was: nationalists controlled only part of china-warlords took remainder, early 1930s communist revolution was still major threat, Guomindang faced increasing japanese aggression

the nationalist government of China was challenged by all of the following except?

ottoman empire

the nationalistic aspirations of subject minorities was most threatening to a state such as?


the native religion of Japan is?


the naval loss at Salamis was viewed by the Perisan king?

maintained a deep commitment to Confucian values emphasizing proper behavior/social harmony. became fascinated with the philosophical/speculativefeatures of Buddhist thought

the neo-Confucian scholar Zhu Xi?

has critics; "mass media is a vehicle for cultural imperialism"/ english became dominant language around globe

the new age of global interconnectedness?

was hereditary, but heirs could lose status if they didn't provide appropriate leadership. normally, nobles did little governing and during times of war they wielded absolute authority over their forces

the noble class, in nomadic society,? (turkish)

was an alcoholic drink from animal products made by fermenting mare's milk into a potent concoction

the nomadic Turkish tribes made use of kumiss, which?

but they often engaged in bitter wars, since the relatively poor nomads frequently fell upon the rich agricultural society and sought to seize its wealth

the nomadic tribes to the north and west of China traded with the Zhou..?

Einstein's theory of special relativity

the notion that space and time are relative to the person measuring them was first articulated in?


the official goal of the Nazi regime toward Jews in the period before World War II was?


the only classical society that survived in the centuries after 400 CE was the?

socialist or communist societies- ex: USSR, Cuba, China

the only countries that transformed their legal systems to ensure basic equality for women were?

the First Crusade

the only crusade that recapture Jerusalem was the?


the only definitive and reliable text of the Quran has to be in?


the only place where a slave revolt actually brought about an end to slavery was?


the only successful slave revolt in history took place in?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

the organizer of the Seneca Falls Conference was?

steppe region of modern-day Ukraine and southern Russia

the original homeland of the Indo- Europeans was?

the Thousand and One Nights

the other name for the collection of stories known as the Arabian Nights is?

Yunnan region in southwestern China

the outbreak of the bubonic plague in the 14th century began in?

Paul Gauguin

the painter who was influenced by the "primitive" art of Tahiti was?


the patriarch of the Hebrews was?


the period known as "pax romana" was started by?

fundamentally moral, ethical, and political in character

the philosophy of Confucius?


the philosophy of the bhakti teacher, Guru Kabir, was similar to that of?


the philosophy that criticized social activism and, instead, proposed a life reflection and introspection was?

"father of the family", the eldest male ruling the household

the phrase "pater familias" refers to?

the tradition that the emperor of China was designated by heavenly powers to maintain order on the earth

the phrase "son of heaven" refers to?


the phrase "the kingdom of God is at hand" is associated with

"the house of Islam" and refers to the lands under Islamic rule

the phrase dar al- Islam means?

"those who pray, those who fight, and those who work"

the phrase usually associated with the medieval social structure is?


the phrase, "one who has submitted," is the meaning of the term?

ruling through the leaders of allied tribes

the political power of the khans was based on?

independent, autonomous city states

the political structure of the ancient Greeks?

Lombardy in northern Italy

the popes blocked Frederick Barbarossa in his attempt to gain control over?

200,000 people

the population of Teotihuacan rose to?

35 million

the population of the Achaemenid Empire under Darius was?

a few thousand

the population of the Caribbean went from about 4 million in 1492 to _________ in the 1540s

vasco de Gama

the portuguese mariner who sailed to Calicut in 1498 was?


the power of the viceroys was checked by reviews led by?


the powerful southern rival to the Zhou were the?

became exceptionally popular during the late Ming and Qing dynasties

the practice of footbinding?

indians required irrigation during the dry months

the presence of the changing monsoon winds ensured that?

bear children, raising young children, and preparing food for their families

the primary role of women in Mexica society?

Count Sergei Witte, minister of finance

the prime mover behind russian industrialization was?

pepper and cinnamon

the profitable merchandise that Vasco da Gama purchased in India was made up of?

Zoroastrian leaders

the prophet Mani died in chains as a prisoner of the Sasanid emperor under the urging of the?


the prophet who promoted a syncretic blend of Zoroastrian, Christian, and Buddhist into a religious faith that would serve the needs of a cosmopolitan world was?

underground canals

the qanats were?

Voltaire, the 18th century French writer

the quip that the Holy Roman Empire was, "neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire" is attributed to?

the Muslims kingdom of Granada fell to Spanish christian forces just weeks before Chris.Columbus set sail

the reconquista came to an end in 1492 when?

was completed by christian forces under Fernando and Isabel (the Catholic kings) by conquering the kingdom of Granada

the reconquista?

pax romana (Roman peace)

the reign of Augustus inaugurated a period known as the?

brought the high point of the Abbasid dynasty

the reign of Harun al-Rashid?


the religious group that carefully swept the ground before them as they walked to avoid harming any invisible insects was the?

the seven northern provinces (modern Netherlands) had won their independence and formed a republic known as the United Provinces, leaving 10 southern provinces (modern Belgium) under Spanish rule

the religious struggle in the Dutch provinces finally resulted in?


the retainer would owe loyalty, obedience, and military service to his lord in return for?

Northern Italy and Flanders

the revival of urban society was most pronounced in?

encouraged the consolidation of national states as the principal form of political organization (strong national identities were formed)

the revolutions of the late 18 and early 19 centuries helped to spread Enlightenment ideals and?


the task of butchering animals or handling dead bodies usually fell to the ?

turning the war over to the south vietnamese- nixon

the term "Vietnamization"?

tent government

the term "bakufu" means?

the United States

the term "manifest destiny" is associated with what country?

the importance of folk traditions and the Shinto religion for Japanese identity

the term "native learning" relates to?

when people adapted to chinese culture and the environment

the term "sinicization" refers to?

the domination of European imperialists over subject peoples as the inevitable result of natural scientific principles

the term "social Darwinism" is associated with?

net wall- trying to contain internet by erecting firewall in china

the term "wangguan" refers to?

before writing

the term ''prehistory'' refers to the period before?

a seige formation that troops formed by surrounding themselves with their shields to avoid defenders' missiles while approaching city walls (literally "the tortoise")

the testudo was?

was the most important innovation in the reorganization of Byzantine society which placed an imperial province (theme) under the jurisdiction of a general, who assumed responsibility for both its military defense and civil administration

the theme system?

Isaac Newton

the theory of universal gravity is associated with?


the tribune whose call for land reform led to his assassination in 132 BCE was?


the turning point in Napoleon's career was his disastrous 1812 invasion of?


the turning point in Roman history was their struggle, in the Punic Wars, with the?

hijra (migration) when Muhammad moved to Medina

the turning point in the rise of Islam was?

Mexico and Peru

the two centers of Spanish royal authority in the Americas were?

1. wanted to make sure that the colonized paid for the institutions (bureaucracies, judiciary, police, etc) that kept them in subjugation 2. developed export-oriented economies characterized by the exchange of unprocessed raw materials for manufactured goods from abroad

the two economic goals pursued by European colonial powers in Africa following World War I were?

commonly portrayed women as weak-willed and emotional creatures and exalted wives who devoted themselves to their husbands

the two great Indian epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana?

ascticism and meditation

the two principal means to achieve the goal of moksha are?


the ultimate source of wealth in any agricultural society is?

werner heisenberg

the uncertainty principle is associated with?

provided agricultural labor on plantations in the Caribbean or the Americas

the vast majority of slaves?

appointed members of the elite as governors and administrators of conquered lands, and they distributed wealth among them

the victorious Arabic armies of the Umayyad dynasty?

slavery would end in the US, the US would remain politically united, and it enhanced the authority of the federal government in the American republic

the victory of the northern states in the US Civil War meant that?

a strategy that enabled the Portuguese to sail from the Canaries to Portugal-instead of trying to force their way against the trade winds, they sailed northwest into the open ocean until they found the westerly winds and then turned east

the volta do mar?


the weakness of the League of Nations was revealed in its inability to take any substantial action in response to the Italian invasion of?


the wealthiest of the Hellenistic empires was the _____ empire?

the Chola kingdom

the wealthy trading state that controlled southern India from 850 through 1267 was?

Bloody stalemate

the western front in World War I was?

Greenland and North America

the westernmost point of Viking expansion was?


the wife of Justinian, who proved to be an invaluable adviser, was?

learned people (literally means "people with religious knowledge")

the word "ulama" refers to?

the place of the seven legendary caves

the word Aztlan means?

from the Greek word "the land between the rivers"

the word Mesopotamia means?

the Semetic family of languages including Akkadian, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Phoenician

the word Semitic refers to?

Muslim religious warriors

the word ghazi refers to?

Abraham Lincoln

the words "a house divided against itself cannot stand" were first spoken by?

Zoroastrian teachings

the words "good words, good thoughts, good deeds" were used to sum up the view of morality of the?

"the law of retaliation" where offenders suffered punishments resembling their violations

the words "lex talionis" relate to?

featured simplicity of shape/extensive use of glass and always embodied that form must follow function

the work of Walter Gropius?

were miserable

the working conditions of the growing Russian industrial class in St. Petersburg and Moscow?

DID: expansion of arable land (serfs&monks cleared land for cultivation in respond to population pressures), improved agricultural techniques (crop rotation), new tools and technologies (horsehoe/horse collar), new crops

which of the following factors did not help explain the increased agricultural production of the High Middle Ages?

they toppled the empire and imposed their own rule in Mexico and Peru

when the Spanish invaded the Aztec empire?

they explored the Atlantic coast of North America as far south as Maine but survived no more than a few decades after a cooling global climate change

when the Vikings established a colony in Newfoundland around the year 1000,?


where did Buddhism NOT become the major religion?


which Germanic kingdom dominated Italy from the fifth century, until the 530s?


which Greek god was the grandson of the earth and sky gods?


which Iranian state followed the Achaemenids and rivaled the Seleucids in greatness?

Xiongnu, a nomadic people from the steppes of central asia who spoke a turkish language

which group of people was the greatest military threat to the Han dynasty?


which of the Hellenistic philosophers considered all human beings to be members of a single, universal family?


which of the Hellenistic philosophers viewed pleasure as the greatest good?

DID: symbol= Ka'ba at Mecca, Abbasid caliphs encouraged hajj, and pilgrims who made the trip to Mecca spread Islamic values and beliefs all over parts of the Islamic world

which of the following factors did not help to bring unity to the Islamic world?

WAS: large scale exchange of ideas & trade goods that influenced European development

which of the following was NOT a consequence of the fourth crusade?

Togoland, the Cameroons, German Southwest Africa, German East Africa

which of the following was a German African colony conquered by the Allies in World War I?

Guru Kabir

which of the following was a bhakti teacher who believed that Shiva, Vishnu, and Allah were all manifestations of a single, universal deity?

barbed wire,machine gun NEW WEAPONS:-poisonous gas (mustard gas),tanks, airplanes, submarine

which of the following was not a characteristic of the new total war of World War I?

WAS: massive labor shortages->generated social unrest-> urban workers demanded higher wages, landlords restricted freedom of peasants-> series of peasant rebellions

which of the following was not a common result of the bubonic plague?

WAS: Templars, Hospitallers, Teutonic Knights

which of the following was not a crusading order?

WAS: Fr/En- private investors financed expeditions vs. royal backing for Spanish. no viceroys in North America. English negotiated treaties with the peoples whose lands they colonized

which of the following was not a difference between the Spanish approach to colonization and that of the English and French?

WAS: mandarins (emissaries sent to ensure local gov't implemented imperial policy), eunuchs, conf.educational/civil service systems, no aid of chief ministers

which of the following was not a hallmark of Hongwu's rule?

WAS: technique of linear perspective to represent 3D on 2D surfaces

which of the following was not representative of Renaissance painting?

WAS: formed dozens of distinct societies, many practiced agriculture and relied on hunting and moving villages in pursuit of game. migrated regularly between regions

which of the following was not true of the American Indians that the English and French came into contact with?


which of the following was one of the Allied powers but not a member of the Triple Entente?

St. Simeon Stylite

which of the following was the first and most famous of the "pillar saints"?

compass, stern post rudder

which of the following were both Chinese inventions?


which of the following words was used by the Greeks to refer to generals or politicians who, although often popular, gained power by irregular means?

Complete Library of the Four Treasuries

which of the following works is associated with Qianlong?

WAS a classic: book of Changes, History, Etiquette(Rites), Songs (Poetry and Odes) CHERSOP

which of the following works was not one of the Zhou classics?

WAS: Dias, Da Gama, Magellan

which of these early explorers was not Portuguese?

WTO- World Trade Organization

which of these organizations has developed into a forum for settling international trade disputes?

WAS: trans-Saharan trade, controlled and taxed the gold, honored islam/provided protection for Muslim

which one of the following factors was NOT one of the foundations of Mali's power?

Emperor Meiji

which one of the following leaders played a major role in the Meiji Restoration?

was: issues of freedom and equality and sovereignty.

which one of the following was not one of the basic ideals of the Enlightenment thinkers?

DID: England, Spain, France, Austria, Prussia, Russia

which one of these states did not become a powerful sovereign state during the centuries after 1500?


which part of the Mediterranean basin was never part of the Byzantine empire?

Admonitions for Women

which popular treatise emphasized humility, obedience, subservience, and devotion to their husbands as the virtues most appropriate for women?


which ruler made Vietnam, Burma, and Nepal vassal states of China?

TRUE: didnt build pyramids/palaces/tombs, but their leaders wielded great authority from citadels. rich and poor lived very different lifestyles

which statement about Harappan society is false?

German control of western Poland and Lithuania while the Soviet Union gained a free hand in the territories of eastern Poland, etc

while the Nazi-Soviet Pact was on the surface a nonaggression treaty, it had secret stipulations that spelled out?

to vote in 1920 and 1928

while women in France and Latin America did not win the right to vote until after the Second World War, American and British women gained the franchise...?


who finally dismantled the soviet communist party and pushed the country toward free market reforms?

Mansa Musa

who made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324-1325?

Pope Gregory I

who provided the Roman church with a sense of direction by reasserting papal primacy?


who said "the unexamined life is not worth living"?

Cecil Rhodes

who said, "we are the finest race in the world and more of the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race"?

the greek historian Herodotus

who used the words, "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of the appointed rounds," to describe the Persian courier service?


who won the Peloponnesian War?

the poet Du Fu

who wrote the following lines? "Go to the Blue Sea, look along the shore at all the old white bones forsaken?"

Lin Zexu

who wrote, "as months accumulate and years pass by, the poison they have produced increases in its wicked intensity, and its repugnant odor reaches as high as the sky"?

St. Francis of Assisi

who, according to Thomas of Celano, was the "father of the poor"?

were created by strong winds blowing regularly north and south of the equator in the Atlantic/Pacific oceans and ocean currents follow a similar pattern

wind wheels?

DID: ruling elites became acquainted with Indian political/cultural traditions. borrowed forms of political organization and accepted Indian religious faiths, adopted kingship as principal form of political authority

which of the following Indian concepts did NOT become popular in the southeast Asian states influenced by India?

making Turkish the official language of the empire

which of the following Young Turk proposals caused the most dissension in the empire?

Crimean War

which of the following accounts for beginning of the social reform movement in Russia in the 19th century?

WAS:restoring political order, a process of economic recovery, and building an institutional framework that enabled the Christian church based in Rome to provide religious leadership/maintain cultural unity

which of the following achievements was not a part of the Early Middle Ages?

WAS: khanbaliq, Hangzhou, quanzhou, melaka, cambay, samarkand, hormuz, baghdad, caffa, cairo, alexandria, kilwa, constantinople, venice, timbuktu (1A 1B 4C 2H 2K 1M 1S 1T 1Q)

which of the following cities was not a major participant in long-distance trading in the immediate centuries after the 1000 CE?

the generals divided the empire into 3 large kingdoms

with the collapse in political order after the fall of the Han empire...?

scholar-bureaucrats and gentry

with the exception of the emperor and his family, the most exalted members of Chinese society were?

government machinery called for large numbers of literate and intelligent individuals. workforce emerged mostly from a state-organized school system that offered a primary education in reading, writing, and grammar, followed by studies of classical Greek literature, philosophy, and science.

which of the following describes education in Byzantium?


which of the following deserts was one of the most dangerous spots along the silk roads? it's name means "he who enters does not come back out"?

DID: spread greek language/tradition, quickened the tempo of social life, local clan leaders built small sates when Greek merchants brought wealth there

which of the following did NOT come about because of Greek colonization?


which of the following did Socrates believe was more important than wealth or fame?

DID: aridity of the climate, nomadic lifestyle

which of the following did not act as a limitation on the development of central Asian societies?


which of the following empires normally displayed the greatest degree of toleration toward its subject peoples?


which of the following empires was inspired by its status as an Islamic outpost on the border of the Christian world?

Athens became the most sophisticated of the poleis, the Peloponnesian War

which of the following events occurred during the time of Pericles?


Cheaper iron was produced after 1709 when British smelters began to use what substance as a fuel?

holy roman empire

in the centuries following the fall of Rome, the only unifying force for all of Europe was?

India and China

in the decades following World War I, nationalism was most powerful in Asia in the regions of?

Hittites in Anatolia

iron metallurgy came to Mesopotamia from the?

Indian Ocean trade

just as the kingdoms of west Africa depended on trans-Saharan trade, the kingdoms of east Africa depended on?

immediately won recognition as the definitive codification of Roman law

justinian's issuance of the Corpus iuris civilis?

the mongol capital

karakorum was?

the accumulation of slaves enabled people to increase their agricultural production and enhance positions in society

since there was no concept of private ownership of land in sub-Saharan Africa?


slavery was reinvigorated in the United States after the rise of what cash crop?

gods were figments of the imagination, that brahmins were charlatans who enriched themselves by hoodwinking others, and that human beings came from dust and returned to dust like any other animal in the natural world

the Charvaka sect believed?

Chechoslovakia- swept communists out of office and restored democracy

the "velvet revolution" brought change to?

1960- a year that French colonies won their independence

the "year of Africa' refers to?

an escape of the cycle of incarnation and attainment of nirvana

the Buddha believed that salvation came from?


the Ming dynasty was founded by?

Fernando and Isabel

the Spanish Inquisition was first established in 1478 by?

'the old order"

the ancient regime was?


Ideologically, the two competing sides in the cold war were?


the chief victim of late 19th century European imperialistic expansion was?

small kingdoms

the earliest Egyptian and Nubian states were

slash and burn cultivation

the earliest known agricultural technique was?

Lawbook of Manu

the first century BCE work that dealt with moral behavior and social relationships was the?

on the site of modern town of San Lorenzo

the first ceremonial center of the Olmecs was?


the first circumnavigation of the world was completed in 1522 by?

the condom

the first efficient means of contraception without negative side effects was?

CHandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga

the first female president of Sri Lanka was?


the first great American cash crop, exported initially from Virginia, was?

nuclear family?

the first great philosophical proponent of capitalism was?


the first human beings of the fully modern type were the?

when the Soviets won the battle for Stalingrad; pushed the German invaders out of Russian territory

the first large-scaled defeat for Germans forces in World War II was?

Murasaki Shikibu, a lady-in-waiting at the Heian court

the first novel in world history, the Tale of Genji, was written by?

the Baltics- estonians, latvians, lithuanians

the first of the Soviet republics to declare independence?

Jose Hernandez

the great epic poem, "the Gaucho Martin Fierro" was written by?

the story of Sundiata

the great epic story of Mali is known as?

Mithradates I

the greatest Parthian ruler was?

the Grand Canal

the greatest contribution of Sui Yangdi, the second Sui emperor, was?


the greatest of the Achaemenid emperors was?

didnt draw distinctions between social classes and castes

the greatest social contribution of the Jains was?


the greek historian Herodotus used the phrase the "gift of the ____" to describe Egypt

wool producers who persuaded Parliament to pass laws to protect the domestic wool industry

the growing demand for cotton cloth in the 18 century threatened British..?

"liberty, equality, and fraternity"

the guiding principles of the French Revolution were summed up in the phrase?

the architect of Dutch policy, who founded Batavia on the island of Java to serve as an entrepot for the VOC

Jan Pieterszoon Coen was responsible for?

in an ideal society all individuals would participate directly in the formulation of policy and creation of laws "IS THE PEOPLE"

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in his "Social Contract", argued that in every country the sovereign voice of government..?

Kim Il Sung

the president of North Korea was?

Jiang Jieshi

Mao Zedong's main rival after 1925 was?

Khubilai Khan

Marco Polo spent almost twenty years at the court of?

deeply influenced European readers

Marco Polo's stories?

received a special education in calendrical and ritual lore and presided over religious ceremonies

Mexica priests?

were often referred to as Aztecs because they dominated the alliance that built the Aztec empire in the 15th century


uskorenie- tried to shock economy out of coma;didnt work

Mikhail Gorbachev tried to implement a policy of "acceleration," or?

Boris Yeltsin

Mikhail Gorbachev was rescued from an unsuccessful coup by?


Suleyman the Magnificent won his greatest victory and killed the king of Hungary at the battle of?

the Land and Freedom Party

Tsar Alexander II was assassinated in 1881 by?

a subcaste

a jati is?

monsoon winds

a key element in establishing trade across the Indian Ocean was?

the Nazis eliminated the entire village of Lidice as punishment

after the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich?


at the end of the year 2003, how many million adults and children lived with HIV/AIDS?

human nature were basically good

at the heart of Mencius's philosophy was the belief that?


at the lowest point of the Great Depression, what percentage of US banks were out of business?

Todor Zhivkov

at the time he was forced out of office in 1989, the longest surviving communist leader was?


Funan dominated the lower reaches of which Southeast Asian river?

a general who sided with social reformers who advocated redistribution of land

Gaius Marius?


Gamel Abdel Nasser's internationalist position was most similar to that of ?

a church that later became a mosque and museum that ranks as one of the world most important examples of Christian architecture

Hagia Sophia was?


Henry Bessemer's innovations made it possible to produce cheaper..?

Simone de Beauvoir

author of the "Second Sex" was?

world war 2

global recognition and acceptance of the concept of human rights grew after?

rainbow warrior

greenpeace flagship?


gunpowder had its origins in?

reflected a strong concern for fertility (fertility cults) and they associated gods and goddesses with creation and procreation

harappan religion?


in the late 1200s, Marco Polo visited the court of?

had consequences much more profound than did earlier rounds of biological exchange- permanently altered the world's human geography and natural environment

in the long term, the Columbian exchange?

Assyrian rule

in the mid-seventh century BCE Egypt lost its independence and became a part of?


in 410 CE, Roman was sacked by the?

the Germans

in 476 CE, Rome finally fell to?


in 525 BCE the Persian emperor Cambyses captured?


in 595, Muhammad married a wealthy widow named?

Aryans in India

the social structure of the Medes and Persians was originally very similar to?

the centers of Tokugawa urban culture-entertainment and pleasure quarters

the term "floating worlds" originally related to?

a national, ethnic, racial or religious group

the term "genocide" was coined to refer to the systematic killings of which of the following?

Gertrude Stein

the term "lost generation" was coined by?

an institution that brought together architects, designers, and painters from several countries

the term Bauhaus is associated with?

Britain/Russian military officers and imperialist adventurers engaging in a risky pursuit of influence and intelligence

the term Great Game refers to?

a devastating incendiary weapon compounded of sulphur, lime, and petroleum

the term Greek "fire" refers to?


the term Islam means?

"rubber people"

the term Olmec means?

Benito Mussolini

the term fascism was first used by?


the term for the idea that people with the same ethnic origins, language, and political ideals had the right to form sovereign states was?

European and native children (mixed)

the term mestizo refers to?


the term sultan means?

black slaves from the Swahili coast

the term zanj refers to?

the dwelling of a chief

the term zimbabwe originally referred to?

four co-rulers of the Roman Empire during the late 3rd century CE

the tetrarchs were?

on the east African coast

the trading port of Rhapta was located?

a sage named Laozi

the traditional founder of Daoism is considered to be?

IS true: led Franks on a campaign that wiped out the last vestiges of Roman authority in Gaul, imposed his authority on the Franks himself, organized campaigns against other Germanic peoples whose states bordered their realm

which of the following statements is NOT true about Clovis?

became emperor

when presented with the imperial crown, charlemagne?


when the Dutch founded Cape Town they encountered which of these indigenous groups, whom they called the Hottentots?

already spoke the Nahuatl language

when the Mexica migrated to central Mexico they?


which Neolithic society flourished in China between 5000 to 3000 BCE?


which group retained much more influence on family structure in China than in other lands?

brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas, and shudras BKVS

which of the following answers reflects the early varna hierarchy from highest to lowest?

Dollar Diplomacy- "dollars for bullets", Good Neighbor Policy

which of the following are US policies towards Latin America?

rebellion, halfhearted work, and retreat into mountains and forests where Spanish power did not reach

which of the following are methods of resistance to Spanish rule employed by the native populations of the Americas?

WAS: Calicut, Mocambique, Hormuz, Macau (CHMM)

which of the following cities was not a Portuguese trading post?

the Seven Years' War

which of the following conflicts is the largest war to unfold in the wake of the Peace of Westphalia?


which of the following rulers displayed the greatest amount of religious toleration?

Zimmerman Note, Treaty of Versailles, Stock Market Crash, New Deal

which of the following sets is listed in correct chronological order?

New Amsterdam

which of the following sites in North America was originally a Dutch colony?


which of the following social classes in the caste system is associated with warriors and aristocrats?


which of the following societies began the custom of embalming to preserve the body for its life after death?

IS: exempted European visitors from ottoman law, provided Europe with extraterritoriality, permitted foreign governments to levy duties on goods sold in Ottoman ports

which of the following statement is not true about the capitulations?

TRUE: most important political/military center of eastern Roman empire , clearing house for trade

which of the following statements about Constantinople is NOT true?

TRUE: migrations took place over several centuries, Dravidians and Indo-Europeans intermarried and interacted, kept horses and cattle, didnt use writing but preserved things by orally transmitting them in their sacred language "Sanskrit" called the Vedas (there are 4 of them

which of the following statements about Indo-Europeans is NOT true?

they traded with each other

which statement correctly describes the relationship between the aboriginal peoples of Australia and New Guinea?

Catal Huyuk

which well known Neolithic settlement was located in south central Anatolia and had a population of around eight thousand?


According to legend, Rome was founded by?


Ao was an important early capital of the _______ dynasty?

one of Gilgamesh's friends

Enkidu was?

"superior individuals"


a Semitic people from southwest asia

The Hyksos were?

a US poet

Walt Whitman was?

in return for the creation of the League of Nations

Woodrow Wilson agreed to many harsh stipulations to the Treaty of Versailles?

2000 BCE

agriculture had spread through Mesoamerica by?


crucial to industrialization was?


the first ruler to unite all of China was?


the incan sun god was?


the process known as "thinning out the rice shoots" refers to?

Yellow River (Huang He)

which river takes its name from loess soil?

an admiral who led 7 expeditions for the Ming dynasty

zheng he was?

a council of the most successful warriors

Rulers among the Mexica were chosen by?

Chandragupta Maurya, Kautalya

the Arathashastra reflected the political philosophy of ?

presided over the sky and that he oversaw behavior of mortals and preserved cosmic order and that he despised lying and evil deeds

the Aryans believed that Varuna?

during 1500 BCE when they began to file through the passes of the Hindu Kush mountains and establish small herding and agricultural communities throughout northern India

the Aryans came into India?


the Aryans referred to social classes by the term?

nomadic and pastoral peoples speaking Indo-European languages

the Aryans were?


the Asian economic crisis began in 1997 in what country?

John Calvin

the author of the Institutes of the Christian Religion was?

Martin Luther

the author of the Ninety-Five Theses was?

Omar Khayyam

the author of the Rubaiyat was?

Yemelians Pugachevs rebellion

Catherine the Great's attempts at reform in Russia were essentially ended by?

envoys of the lord ruler

Charlemagne made use of the missi dominici, or?


"Asia for Asians" was the slogan of the?

the Yellow River because its altered its course many times and has caused so much destruction

"China's Sorrow" was the nickname for?

Nicolaus Copernicus

"On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" was written by?


"the make the world safe for democracy" was the motto of the?

Soviets were unable to connect communism with nationalism in eastern Europe which left communist regimes vulnerable throughout eastern/ central Europe &


was a disaster-Allied soldiers were pinned on the beaches by the Turkish.


DID: elimination of special privileges for foreigners, national reunification, economic development, democratic republic government based on universal suffrage


many belligerents were colonial powers who ruled over africa

Africans were participants in World War I because?


After a long and bloody conflict, the Algerians gained their independence in 1962 from?

fashioned a rigidly segregated society that deprived blacks of educational, economic, and political opportunities

After the American Civil War, the southern states?

tensions between them subsided

After the Aryans and Dravidians mixed and intermingled...?

was divided into three portions by his sons who ruled each as king.

After the death of Louis the Pouis, the Carolingian Empire?

Britain would dominate global trade and British possessions would prosper

After the end of the Seven Years' War...?

a colony on the Oxus river in ancient Bactria

Ai Khanum was?

encourage the elaboration of a syncretic religion called the "divine faith" that focused attention on the emperor as a ruler common to all religions of India

Akbar's answer to the religious diversity and tension of India was to?

Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi

Akbar's tolerant religious policies were criticized by the conservative religious leader?

promise "socialism with a human face"

Alexander Dubcek's Prague Spring?


Alexander of Macedon's invasion of this country in 327 BCE caused political chaos that eventually led to the unification of what country?

a rebel slave who organized about 15,000 Zanj slaves and captured Basra in Mesopotamia

Ali bin Muhammad?


All Songhay emperors were?

Spanish-controlled territories

All of the following African colonies were compelled by European colonial powers to participate in World War I except?

Yalto Conference

Allied meeting in which Stalin's plan for Soviet-occupied nations prevailed?

eventually the destruction of the kingdom and establishment of a Portuguese colony in Angola

An alliance with Portugal brought wealth and foreign recognition to Kongo, as well as?

military rule took a sinister turn when dictators approved the creation of death squads that fought a "dirty war" against suspected suversives

Argentina, in the late 1970s and early 1980s?

it was necessary for Buenos Aires to bring discipline to the disorderly Argentine countryside

Argentine president Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, in his book "Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism", proposed that?

originally a disciple of Plato, came to distrust the theory of Forms or Ideas, explored the nature of reality in subtle metaphysical works and devised rigorous rules of logic in an effort to construct powerful and compelling arguments


60 million

As a result of the bubonic plague, the population of Europe dropped from 79 million in 1300 to around ____ in 1400?

Boris Yeltsin

At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the largest of the republics, the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, was headed by?

free adult males

Athenian democracy was open to?

Mark Antony

Augustus was able to reunify the empire after defeating his main rivals, who were?

Chiefly political societies

Austronesian peoples established what type of political societies in the lands they settled?

a Christian kingdom in the highlands of Ethiopia

Axum was?

a fiery Indian nationalist who galvanized public support for India's independence movement

Bal Gangadhar Tilak was?


Basil II crushed the Bulgars in 1014 at the Battle of?

Pero Alvares Cabral

Brazil was spotted in 1500 by the Portuguese mariner?

the silk roads

Buddhism was spread to China by?

was a 10th century shipmaster from Siraf who wrote the "Book of the Wonders of India"

Buzurg ibn Shahriyar?

the Byzantine empire and the Abbasid caliphate

Charlemagne maintained diplomatic relations with ?

trade routes linked it to ports throughout the Med. Basin

Byzantium's major advantage was?

the Soviet Union counterpart to the Marshall plan that offered an alternative by offering increased trade. "Council for Mutual Economic Assistance"


was a Spanish nobleman who joined an expedition who went from Hispaniola to investigate Florida in 1527

Cabeza de Vaca?

the largest surviving mound near East St. Louis, Illinois

Cahokia was?

inns offering lodging for caravan merchants and care for their animals

Caravanserais were?

an 18 year old student at Oxford university and served as prime minister of the British Cape Colonyq

Cecil Rhodes was?


Central to the philosophy of the High Middle Ages was a rediscovery of?


Chaos threatened the Roman Empire in the mid-fifth century CE, when Germanic tribes poured into the empire for protection from?

Nara period

Chinese influence on Japan was most profound during the?


Chinese philosophers often spoke of the following term, which means "the way"?

and forced the Khwarazm shah to an island in the Caspian sea, and shattered the shah's army and seized control of his realm

Chinggis Khan sent troops into Persia in 1219?

was a conqueror not an administrator. didnt establish a central government for lands he conquered; assigned Mongol overlords to supervise local administrators and extract a tribute for Mongol uses.

Chinggis Khan?

St. Augustine

Christian thought was linked to Platonic philosophy through the work of?

Gregory the Wonderworker

Christianity was carried to Anatolia during the 3rd century CE by?


Christians were allowed to openly practice their religion when the emperor Constantine issued the Edict of..?

to build forts and trading posts where merchants could trade with local peoples for products desired by European consumers

Christopher Columbus's first plan was?

could not be solved by addressing abstruse philosophical questions

Confucius believed that political and social harmony?

Ottoman Turks

Constantinople finally fell in 1453 to the?


Constantinople was raided at least 3 times in the 9th and 10th centuries by the?


Cotton was introduced to west Africa by the?

a slave that helped Cortes and played a role in the Spanish conquest of Tenochtitlan

Dona Marina was?

a buddhist community emerged there by the 4th century BCE, and Buddhists built hundreds of cave temples and decorated them with murals depicting events in the lives of the Buddha and boddhisatvas

Dunhuang in western China?


During its early history, Rome was dominated by the?

the Japanese flew 1900 kamikaze missions and killed more than 5000 US soldiers

During the Battle of Okinawa..?

experienced some economic difficulties- especially the ones who relied on imports from the US

During the Great Depression, most nations?


During the Punic Wars, the Romans first fought the Carthaginians over the most important source of grain in the western Mediterranean. Where was it?

water driven power loom

Edmund Cartwright was responsible for the invention of the?


Egypt was united around 3100 BCE by the conqueror?

King Alfred

England was unified in the 9th century by?

Sumerian cities

Eridu, Ur, Uruk, Lagash, Nippur, and Kish were all associated with?

Huang Chao

From 875-884, most of eastern China fell to this man, who rebelled because of popular discontent and who raided the wealthy and distributed his plunder to the poor?

a terminus of caravan routes across the Sahara that offered access to the Niger River valley, and had a flourishing market for copper, ironware, cotton textiles, salt, grains, and carnelian beads

Gao was an important trading center?

Black Hand

Gavriol Princip was a member of a secret Serbian society known as the?

professional singers and storytellers in Africa who transmit oral stories

Griots were?

Ten Commandments

Hebrew law?


Hebrew monotheism has its origins with?

served as economic and social centers and also provided basic schooling for boys in the community

Hindu temples?

the political and social order of medieval Europe

Historians once used the term feudalism to refer to?

Soviet Union

Hitler's comment "You only have to kick in the door, and the whole rotten structure will come down" was a reference to which of the following powers?

establishing a gov't on the model of traditional Chinese dynasties (Confucian schools, civil service systems, no aid of chief ministers)

Hongwu's philosophy for ruling China was?

Alboquerque's fleets

Hormuz, Goa, and Melaka were all seized in the early 1500s by?

but he held only a small territory around Paris and was in no position to challenge his retainers

Hugh Capet was crowned King of France in 987?

Suleymans wife who used to be a concubine of Ukrainian origin (aka Roxelana)

Hurrem Sultana was?

communist leader who gained power as nationalist leader in Hungary and announced country's neutrality and withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact

Imre Nagy?

Hindus and Muslims

In 1946, six thousand people died in the Great Calcutta Killing in a confrontation between?


In 1963, what country rejected a partial nuclear test ban treaty that had been signed by the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States?

Lyndon Johnson

In 1965, which U.S. president ordered a bombing campaign against North Vietnam and sent American ground troops to bolster the South Vietnam army?

it stood in the middle of the Indian Ocean basin

India was a natural location for the establishment of emporia because?


Islam and Christianity usually spread into sub-Saharan Africa?

DID: muslim merchants, military, migrations (3M)

Islam reached India by all of the following routes except?

the commercial centers of west Africa and the Swahili city-states of east Africa

Islam was popular in sub-Saharan Africa in?

Chan Buddhism- little interest in written texts, instead emphasized intuition and sudden flashes of insight in their search for spiritual enlightenment

Japanese Zen Buddhism is based on?

the Muslim leader Salah al-Din

Jerusalem was captured in 1187 by?

the anointed one

Jesus of Nazareth's followers called him, "Christ," which meant?

the most influential economist of the 20th century- fundamental cause of depression was not excessive supply, but inadequate demand

John Maynard Keynes?

became the first archbishop of Khanbaliq and worked to established Christianity in China

John of Montecorvino?


Jomo Kenyatta was a nationalist leader in?

one of the most prominent paleolithic settlements in central Japan

Jomon was?

was a young Marxist intellectual who felt concern for the poor and Indias who were 50% of Peru's populations. Established the Socialist Party of Peru

Jose Carlos Mariategui?

metis and indigenous people of western Canada

Louis Riel was the leader of the?

to denounce the sale of indulgences

Luther's initial stimulus for formulating the Ninety-Five Theses was?

plunder (wealth)

Mahmud of Ghazni's incursion into India in the 11th century was inspired by?

plundering the wealth stored in its many well-endowed temples

Mahmud of Ghazni's main inspiration for visiting India in the 11th century was?

Austronesian languages

Malayan, Indonesian, Filipino, Polynesian, and other Oceanic languages are derived from?

the control of the gold trade

Mali became the wealthiest kingdom in sub-Saharan Africa because of?

Mansa Musa

Mali would reach its peak during the reign of?

puppet state that Japan created-but really they had absorbed Manchuria into its empire

Manchukuo was the?

capitalists- owned machinery/factories and proletariat-wageworkers

Marx and Engels proposed that capitalism divided people into two classes. The classes were?

should be abolished and worked toward the institution of a radically egalitarian society

Marx and the communists believed that private property..?

"dictatorship of the proletariat" which would abolish private property and destroy the capitalist order

Marx believed that the final result of the socialist revolution would be the?

served the purposes of capitalists since they amused the working classes and diverted attention from their misery

Marx suggested that music, art, and literature?

self-ringing bells

Matteo Ricci and other Europeans discovered that they were more successful in their negotiations with the Chinese if they presented them..?

a Roman catholic missionary who tried to capture the chinese emperors attention with chiming mechanical clocks and then persuade him to convert to Christianity

Matteo Ricci was?


Maximilien Robespierre was known as the?

scholars have not been able to understand Meroitic writing....Nubian scribes devised an alphabetic script for the Meroitic language after the transfer of the Kushite capital from Napata to Meroe

Meroitic writing..?

held monotheistic beliefs

Most sub-Saharan African religions?

"Woman in Her Social and Domestic Character"

Mrs. John Sandford wrote?

many of the earliest physical remains are inaccessible due to silt deposits and it sits below a water table and also because there's a lack of deciphered written records

Much of the early Harappan history remains a mystery because?

the British victory in the Seven Years' War

New France passed into British control after?

a small colony consisting of mostly convicted criminals

New South Wales in Australia started as?

the first president of the Republic (South) of Vietnam

Ngo Dinh Diem was?


Ninety-five percent of the condemned witches were?

built on a relatively small scale, since food resources in the wild could not support dense populations

North American Indian societies?

depended on hunting, fishing, collecting edible plants

North American societies?

sultanate of Delhi

Northern India was dominated from the 12-early 16 century by?

one of the earliest/most successful alliances (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries); established in 1960 by oil producing states

OPEC is?

a naval battle at Actium in Greece

Octavian was able to restore order to the Roman world with his victory in 31 BCE at?

ecological degradation (natural disasters, desertification)

One of the biggest reasons for the decline of the Harappan society was..?

efforts to exercise "sympathetic magic" to gain control over subjects by capturing their spirits

One of the interpretations of the Cro-Magnon cave paintings is that they represent?

the unification of all people of African descent into a single African state

Pan-Africanism is an idea that advocated?


Pan-Slavism was actively promoted by?

founding the Melaka state

Paramesvara was known for?

a place where Cyrus ruled the Persian tribes in his mountain fortress

Pasargadae was?

he asserted his rights as a Roman citizen

Paul's case was transferred to Rome because?

Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin

Peace treaties that advanced the notion of limited Palestinian self-rule were signed in 1993 and 1995 by Yasser Arafat and?

left local government and administration in the hands of their allies in the various regions of their empire

Politically, the Guptas...?

launched the crusades in 1095 while meeting with bishops at the council of Clermont

Pope Urban II?

the Germans and their general Odoacer

Roman imperial power ended in 476 CE with the invasion of?

Punic Wars

Rome's monumental struggle with the Carthaginians was known as the?

the Philippines

Rudyard Kipling's poem, "The White Man's Burden", was actually meant to inspire the Americans to colonize?

Mongols of the group known as the Golden Horde

Russia was dominated from the 13 through 15 centuries by the?


Russian merchants and explorers began the expansion into Siberia in the quest for?


Russian territorial expansion into northern Eurasia began in?

were two brothers from Greece who conducted missions in Bulgaria and Moravia. Devised an alphabet known as the Cyrillic alphabet for the previously illiterate Slavic peoples

Saints Methodius and Cyril?

a women homosexual poet

Sappho was?

islamic version of Barbie

Sara was?

administrative and taxation districts governed by satraps

Satrapies were?

passive resistance developed by ghandi (truth and firmness)

Satyagraha was?

human beings and human affairs

Socrates believed that it was most important to understand?

a combined trade union and nationalist movement

Solidarity was?

Warsaw Pact

Soviet alternative to NATO?


St. Augustine made Christian thought more appealing to the educated classes by harmonizing it with _____ thought?

the patriarch of Constantinople during the mid 4th century, urged monasteries to adopt reforms that enhanced their effectiveness

St. Basil of Caesarea?

the most famous scholastic theologian (sought to synthesize the beliefs of Christianity with Greek philosophy) who taught mostly at the University of Paris

St. Thomas Aquinas?

create the most celebrated of all monuments of Istanbul- the Suleymaniye

Suleyman the Magnificent called on Sinan Pasha to?

was pushed to accept a constitution and establish rep.government-- within a year; suspended constitution, ruled autocratically for 30 years, developed army/admin. according to Tanzimat principles

Sultan Abdul Hamid II?

DID NOT:. the establishment of a communist, totalitarian government.

Sun Yatsen's plan for China included all of the following except?

Niger River

Sunni Ali built a powerful navy to patrol the?


Swahili is an Arabic term meaning?


Taiwan was conquered by?

the largest city in Mesoamerica

Teotihuacan was?

Indira Ghandi

The Indian leader who attempted to control the massive population growth in India by ordering involuntary sterilization was?

noble people

The Indo-Europeans who entered India called themselves Aryans, which means?

officially recognized the Mongols as legitimate rulers and went out of their way to court the mongols' favor

The Lamaist Buddhist leaders?


The Manchus called their dynasty "Qing", which meant?


The Mau Mau uprising was an attempt to free Kenya from control by the?

Linear A

The Minoans wrote a script, not yet deciphered, that was known as?

US declaration

The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence was modeled on?

Erich Maria Remarque's

The author of All Quiet on the Western Front was?


The chief god of the early Aryans was?

reduction in hostility agreed by the US and Soviets

The policy of détente means ?


The situation wherein national boundaries were artificial conveniences that did not correspond to economic or ethnic divisions was most common in?


The tribes, which, as early as 3000 BCE, began to spread their language and agricultural techniques throughout Africa were the?


The twelfth-century devotee of Vishnu, who believed that personal devotion and personal union with the deity was more important than an intellectual understanding of ultimate reality, was?

Bhagavata Purana

The words "One should engage himself in singing of Me, praising Me . ., ." are drawn from what ninth-century Indian document?

striptease artist

Theodora's career before marrying Justinian was as a?

the World Zionist Organization

Theodore Herzl was the founder of?


Theravada Buddhism is also known as?

Marshall Plan

US financial plan to rebuild Europe and halt the spread of Communism?

accepted the "domino theory"-rationalized worldwide US intervention on the assumption that if one country became communist, neighboring ones would collapse, etc, none would remain standing

US president Dwight Eisenhower ?


Under British control, Ceylon became a major producer of?

turned increasingly to Christianity (Roman-Catholicism)

Under Spanish rule of the Philippines, the native population?

was a great teacher of Jainism and made Jainist doctrines popular when he turned to Jainism

Vardhamma Mahavira?

the Swahili City states of East Africa

Vasco de Gama played a central role in the collapse of?

complex and generated increasingly specialized occupations

Vedic society was?

King Louis XIV

Versailles was the magnificent royal palace of?

the hearth

Vesta was the Roman goddess of?

city of victory

Vijayanagar, the name of a southern Indian kingdom, means?

served as a regent to a two year old who inherited the Han imperial throne, and seized the throne

Wang Mang

a policy of hasty and unplanned nationalization that the new Russian rulers embarked on- annulled private property, assumed control of banks, etc.

War Communism?

the province of Kashmir-claimed by both states

War broke out between India and Pakistan in 1947 over?


What city, influenced heavily by Constantinople ,was most important in the early rise of Russia?


What country did the Soviet Union expel from the Soviet bloc in 1948 because of its insistence on following an independent course in foreign affairs?


What country has the Institutional Revolutionary Party ruled for much of the twentieth century?

end the practice of sati, improving the status of women, sought to bring Hindu spirituality to bear on the problems and conditions of his time

What were the core beliefs of Ram Mohan Roy?

castes imposed specific moral duties and responsibilities upon him

When Krishna tells Aruja, in the Bhagavad Gita, "having regards to your own duty, you ought not to falter, for there is nothing better for a kshatriya than a righteous battle," he is referring to what Hindu principle?


When Mikhail Gorbachev discussed the opening of Soviet society to public criticism and admission of past mistakes, he used the term?

the Roman Catholic church that he considered was an agent of oppression

When Voltaire urged his readers to "crush the damned thing," he was talking about?

Bolivar-south america

Where's Bolivar


Where's Hidalgo


Which Germanic tribe played the most important role in establishing the foundations of European development?


Which dynasty laid the foundation for principles of government and political legitimacy?

Louisiana territory DIDNT

Which future state did not pass from Mexico to the United States as part of the 1848 Treat of Guadalupe Hidalgo?


Which of the following devices did the ancient Maya build in order to trap silt carried by the numerous rivers passing through the Mesoamerican lowlands?

Germany began the 1930's as a democracy.

Which of the following is a true statement about ideologies in the 1920's and 1930's?

Poland, Lithuania, Hungary

Which of the following sets is a correct list of new nations created by the Treaty of Versailles?

Soviet imposed governments lacked legitimacy - regimes never became firmly established

Which of the following statements reflects the relationship between the Soviet Union and eastern Europe at the end of World War II?

it DID address; friendship, loyalty, ambition, fear of death, and longing for immortality... FFALL

Which of the following subjects was not addressed in the Epic of Gilgamesh?

WAS: sugarcane, citrus fruits, asian strains of rice, cotton fabrics

Which of the following was not one of the products that had a new impact during this period of increasing interaction?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Who said, "The only solution to India's problems is Pakistan"?

Martin Luther

Who said, "i cannot and will not recant anything, for it is neither safe nor right to act against one's conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other"?

Niokolai Berdiaev

Who wrote, "Man's historical experience has been one of steady failure, and there are no grounds for supposing it will be ever anything else"?

Homo sapiens sapiens

a Cro-Magnon human is classified as a?


a Mesopotamian stepped pyramid was known as?

won the same fame as warriors who died valiantly on the battlefield

a Mexica woman who died in childbirth?


a defeat in the Crimean War stopped expansion by the?


a direct challenge to the Byzantine emperor arose in the year 800 when the pope gave an imperial crown to the Frankish king, ?

a temple structure distinctive of early Pacific societies

a marae was?

Dutch mariners

a trading post was built at Cape Town in 1652 by the?

overproduction and falling prices

a troubling economic problem in the 1920s was the depressed state of agriculture caused by?

"wealthy clique" - huge industrial empires built by private entrepreneurs

a zaibatsu was?

peasants-performed honest labor/provided food for population

according to Confucian tradition the most honorable class among the peasants, artisans, and merchants was the?


according to Marco Polo's account, he was made governor of the large trading city of?

struggles between social classes

according to Marx, all of human history had been a history of?

knowledge to produce high quality silk

according to Porcopius, two sixth century Christian monks undertook an elaborate smuggling operation to provide Byzantium with the knowledge to produce?


according to the Legalist philosophies of the Qin, the foundations of a state's strength were armed forces and?

maize and water

according to the Popol Vuh, the gods created the first successful version of humans out of..?


after 1215, the Mongol capital in China was?

city-states; formal government institutions that wielded authority throughout their territories

after 3000 BCE all Sumerian cities were ruled by what form of government?


after 340 CE, the capital of the Roman world became?

DID: centralize military and political functions, confiscated property from conservatives and distributed it to his veterans/supporters, launched large-scale building projects, extended Roman citizenship to peoples in imperial provinces

after naming himself dictator in 46 BCE, Julius Caesar did all of the following except?


after the arrival of the Europeans..?

championed oppression and police control and embarked on expansionist ventures in east Asia

after the assassination of Alexander II, his successor Nicholas II..?

the establishment of the Umayyad dynasty

after the assassination of Ali, power fell to?

brahmin priests

ancient India religion revolved around ritual sacrifices offered by whom?

a Greek ambassador named Megasthenes

although only fragments remain, some of our best information about early Indian history come from the book, Indika, written by?

homogenizing aspect of global culture

americanization refers to?


among the leading proponents of conservatism in the 18 century was?


an active policy of de-stalinization was begun in 1956 by?

Gupta state

an invasion in 451 CE by the White Huns, began the collapse of the?

outlawed coffee and tobacco

because of protests from moralists, the Ottoman sultan Murad IV?

frogs or butterflies that dramatically changed form during the course of their lives

because of the changing nature of agriculture, Neolithic worshippers sometimes associated fertility with animals like?

rely on a decentralized administration: they entrusted power, authority, and responsibility to subordinates who in return owed allegiance, tribute, and military support to the central government

because of the immense size of the Zhou state, its emperors were forced to?

"age of success"

because of the rise of communication technology, observers have labeled today's era the?

DID: forbade Japanese from going abroad or building large ships, prohibited foreign merchants from trading at Japanese ports, expelled Europeans, forbade import of foreign books. allowed carefully controlled trade w/Asian lands and small numbers of chinese&dutch merchants

beginning in the 1630s and enduring for the next two centuries, Japanese foreign policy included all of the following except..?

industrialization transformed societies and fertility began a decline. short run-mortality fell even faster than fertility so populations continued to increase

beginning in the 19 century, industrializing lands experienced a social change known as the demographic transition when..?

50 million

between 1800 and 1914, how many Europeans migrated overseas?

French Indochina

between 1859 and 1893, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos all fell under the control of?

was dangerous because it emphasized religious over national identity

both Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru felt that communalism...?

22 million

by 1000 CE, the population of sub-Saharan Africa had risen to around?


by 1000, most parts of Africa south of the equator had been settled by people speaking what language?


by 1750, all parts of the world participated in a global trade network in which European's played dominant roles except:

225 million

by 1750, the population of China had grown to?

180 million

by 1800, the population of Europe had risen to?

60 million

by 1800, the population of sub-Saharan Africa stood at?


by 1900 half the world's oil was produced by?


by 1900, the only part of southeast Asia not under European imperial rule was?

at its lowest level in 400 years

by 1929, the price of a bushel of wheat was?


by 2001, female literacy in India stood at?

Philip of Macedon

by 338 BCE, the Greeks had fallen to?

the United States

by December 1941, the Soviets gained two new allies in their struggle to defeat the German invasion of their country: "General Winter" and?


by around 1500 what portion of the total Indian population was Muslim?

a quarter to a third

by around the year 600 CE, the ravages of epidemic diseased had caused both the Mediterranean and Chinese populations to fall by?

experienced economic growth through the export of primary products and the infusion of foreign capital and labor

canada, argentina, uruguay, south africa, australia, and new zealand..?

Augustin de Iturbide

colonial rule in Mexico ended in 1821 when the capital was seized by?

a Russian finance minister who oversaw construction of the trans-Siberian railroad, reformed commercial law, protected infant industries, promoted nautical/engineering schools

count sergei witte was?

patriarchal authority over females became tighter than ever before

during the Ming and Qing dynasties..?

the Virgin Mary

during the High Middle Ages, the most popular saint was?

prowess, discipline, and military talent

distinction among the ancient Spartans came from?


dowry deaths are a major problem facing women in?

5000 BCE

due to a climatic shift the Sahara desert, which had been cool and well watered, became increasingly arid and uninhabitable around?

undertook the conquest of Sicily, and established authority

during the 11th century, Roger Guiscard?

grant lands to retainers

fiefs were?

Qin Shihuangdi (first emperor)

fifteen thousand terra-cotta soldiers were unearthed in the tomb of?


first domesticated in southeast Asia, this food provided a nutritious supplement to Bantu diets and allowed the Bantu to expand into forested regions?

the Holy Roman Empire

in the High Middle Ages, the state that seemed to have the most potential to re-create centralized, imperial rule was?

protected people

in the Islamic world, the dhimmi were?

10% or less

in the Islamic world, what percentage of women are in the workforce?


in the ancient world, the main producer of silk was?

embarked on a program to remodel his army along the lines of European forces. reform continued from earlier- limit tax, increase ag. prod. end corruption

in the early 19th century, the Ottoman Sultan Selim III?


in the early period of Roman expansion, the principle power in the western Mediterranean was the?


in the early stages of the Roman republic, the patricians elected two?

it was a small country with a small population

in the end, Portugal was unable to maintain its early domination of trade because?

as the only sources of established and recognized authority, the popes and bishops organized governments and defenses for their communities as Roman imperial authority crumbled

in the end, popes won supreme control of the church because?

traveled, traded, communicated, and interacted more regularly and intensively than ever before

in the five centuries after the year 1000 CE, the peoples of the eastern hemisphere?

They exported raw materials and were dependent on countries that industrialized

in the new Latin American countries..?

kinship, sex and gender expectations, and age groupings

in the smaller states of sub-Saharan Africa, the chief considerations for determining social position were?


in the structure of the early Christian church, who presided of the dioceses?

Republic of Turkey

in the wake of World War I, Mustapha Kemal became president of?

Neville Chamberlain-Britains prime minister

in the wake of the Munich Conference, what leader proposed that the meeting had ensured "peace in our time"?


in the west, the silk roads terminated in the Turkish port of?

Yellow Turban uprising

in the year 184 CE, the peasant discontent in China led to an uprising known as the?

lodged his own claim to rule as emperor over the western lands of the former Roman empire

in the year 962, Otto of Saxony?

came under attack, especially science and technology.

in the years after World War I, the idea of progress?


in the years after the Persian War, the leader of the Delian League was?


in their attempt to control the spice trade in the Indian Ocean, the Europeans during the period between the 16-18 centuries?


in which of the following areas did Buddhism NOT become the major religion?


in which polis did women have the most freedom?


later christian scholastic philosophers referred to this man as "the master of those who know"?

John Kennedy

leader of the US during the cuban missile crisis?

NIkita Khrushchev

leader of the USSR during the Cuban missile crisis?

flying cash

letters of credit came into common use during the early Tang period. These letters were known as?

a patriarchal society

mesopotamia developed into?


mesopotamian cultural and political brilliance reached its peak during the reign of?

much harder and stronger implements...experimentation with copper metallurgy led to the invention of bronze

mesopotamian metalworkers discovered that if they alloyed copper and tin they could produce?

40,000 years ago

modern human beings arrived around?

a powerful, wealthy Harappan city in the Indus Valley

mohenjo-daro was?

child marriage

one of the most pronounced examples of patriarchal dominance in ancient India was?


one of the reasons for the eventual collapse of the Zhou dynasty was the inability of its emperors to control the production of?

disappearance of a large number of girls

one suspected consequence of China's one-child family rule is?

gradually improved the lives of working people and reduced the likelihood of proletariat revolution of industrial capitalist society

over the long haul, trade unions?

thirty to fifty members

paleolithic bands were made up of roughly how many members?

the Marshall Plan was?

proposed to rebuild European economies through cooperation and capitalism to forestall communist influence in devastated nations


rulers of which group deliberated state policy in the presence of the mummies of their predecessors?

survived and found places later in the Hindu pantheon

some scholars believe that, after the collapse of the Harappan society, Harappan deities...?

Nicaea and Chalcedon

that Jesus possessed both human and divine natures was a decision made by the Council of?


that planetary orbits are elliptical, not circular, was demonstrated by?

Betty Friedan

the "Feminine Mystique"?

Juan Manuel de Rosas

the "Machiavelli of the pampas" was?

Latin America/their half of the hemisphere

the "Roosevelt Corollary" strengthened U.S. military and economic claims in which area of the world?

Aryan heaven

the "World of the Fathers"

the claimants to the imperial thrown, most were generals who seized power, held it brifely, and then lost it when they were displaced by rivals or their own troops

the "barracks emperors" were?

less zealous Manichaeans who led more conventional lives and provided food and gifts to the elect

the "hearers" were?

led to revolution and the establishment of the Duma, Russia's first parliamentary institution

the 1905 Bloody Sunday massacre eventually..?

deprived German Jews of their citizenship and prohibited marriage between Jews and other Germans

the 1935, Nuremberg Laws?

cut emissions blamed for global warming- CO2 and other dangerous gases

the 1997 agreement at Kyoto was aimed at controlling which of the following threats to the world's environment?

it was more cosmopolitan than the Umayyad. the rulers didnt show special favor to the Arab military aristocracy. it also was not a conquering dynasty like the Umayyads

the Abbasid dynasty differed from the Umayyad dynasty in that?


the Abbasid dynasty finally came to an end in 1258, when it was overrun by the?

Jesus had been a mortal human being and that he was a creation of God rather than a divine being coeternal with God.

the Alexandrian priest, Arius, leader of the Arians, believed that?

a battle fought to relieve the pressure on Verdun by the British and by November they had gained a few thousand yards at the cost of 420,000 casualties -a English assault in 1916 that gained a few thousand yards.

the Somme was?

raise taxes, and the military was lead by scholar bureaucrats who generally had little military intelligence or talents

the Song dynasty was substantially weakened by Song Taizu's decision to?

a Moroccan army

the Songhay empire fell in 1591 to?

King Philip II of Spain

the Spanish leader who sent an armada against England in 1588 was?


the Spartans were constantly afraid of the prospect of an uprising by the serfs known as?

US and Soviets

the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks were signed in 1972 between?

left Nasser in a dominant position in the Arab world- used the money collected from the canal to finance construction of a massive dam of the Nile River at Aswan

the Suez Canal crisis of 1956?

facilitating the building and maintenance of empires by enabling naval vessels to travel rapidly between the world's seas and oceans

the Suez Canal was essential for?

they did not find formal religious teachings to be especially meaningful. instead of concerning themselves with fine points of doctrine, they worked to deepen their spiritual awareness.

the Sufis believed?

Yang Jian

the Sui dynasty was founded in 589 by?

Portuguese mariners

the Swahili city-state of Kilwa was ferociously sacked in 1505 by the?

were governed by a king who supervised trade and organized public life in the region

the Swahili city-states?

the equal field system

the Tang plan to avoid the concentration of land in the hands of the wealthy was called the?

civil conflict and nomadic incursion

the Toltec state collapsed by around 1175 because?

ended Russia's involvement in the Great War- gave Germans possession of 1/3 Russia's territory and 1/4 population

the Treaty of Brest Litovsk?

divided the world along an imaginary north-south line where SPain could claim any land west of the line as long as it wasn't already under Christian rule, and Portugal gained the same rights east of the line (1494)

the Treaty of Tordesillas?

was signed by Maori leaders which presumably designed to place New Zealand under British protection- actually signaled coming of official British colonization in New Zealand

the Treaty of Waitangi?

Japan, Germany, Italy

the Tripartite Pact brought together?

Italys policy of aggrandizement at the expense of the Ottoman empire/Italy's rivalry with Austria-Hungary in the Balkans

the Triple Alliance as threatened from the very beginning by?

spoke related languages and were nomads or descendants of nomads

the Turkish peoples?

from Japan to China on 18 January 1915

the Twenty-One Demands were issued?

Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, making the abolition of slavery an explicit goal of the war

the US Civil War changed character on 1 January 1863, after..?

Truman Doctrine

the US interventionist plan for containing communism was known as the?

were repelled by Canadians which promoted sense of Canadian pride, and anti-US sentiments became a means for covering differences among French/British canadians

the US invasion of Canada in the War of 1812?

a code-breaking operation known as Magic, which enabled a cryptographer monitoring Japanese radio frequencies to discover the plan to attack Midway

the US secret weapon in the Pacific campaign was?

the battle at Midway

the US victory in the Pacific that turned the tide against the Japanese was?


the US-backed Somoza family ruled what country for more than 40 years?

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

the US-backed government of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in Iran was overthrown in 1979 by?


the Umayyad forces allowed conquered peoples to maintain their own religions, but insisted that they pay a special head tax on those people who did not convert to Islam. This head tax was called the?

Guadalupe Hidalgo

the United States agreed to pay Mexico 15 million for Texas, California, and New Mexico as part of the Treaty of..?

the Spanish-Cuban-American War

the United States occupied Cuba, Puerto Rice, Guam, and the Philippines after its victory in?

september 11- attack of the twin towers

the United states' "war on terror" began in the wake of which of the following events?

a body of works that began to appear late in the Vedic age, about 800 to 400 BCE

the Upanishads were?

Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (United East India Company), the Dutch joint-stock company

the VOC was the?

small sculptures of women, usually depicted with exaggerated sexual features

the Venus figurines?

was a puppet government in France

the Vichy government?

an increasingly mestizo society in Mexico

the Virgin of Guadeloupe essentially became a national symbol for?

most active in southern France/northern Italy; despised the Roman Catholic clergy as immoral and corrupt and advocated modest and simple lives.

the Waldensians?

stimulated a sense of unity against an external threat

the War of 1812?

was established as a response to the rearming of west Germany

the Warsaw Treaty Organization?

Wilfred Owen

the World War I poet who considered Horace's line that, "It is sweet and proper to die for one's country," to be an "old Lie" was?

a vast encyclopedia that compiled all significant works of Chinese history, philosophy, and literature

the Yongle Encyclopedia?

a group who agitated for individual freedom, local autonomy, and political decentralization

the Young Ottomans were?

unnecessary complexity and convolution

the adjective "byzantine" drawn from the government of Byzantium, stands for?

Cardinal Richelieu

the architect of absolutism was?


the area known as New Holland in the 17th century was?

south/southeast Asia; especially India

the areas of the world where child labor is most prominent are?

caused the slave trade to expand dramatically

the arrival of the Europeans?

latitude by measuring the angle of the sun or polar star above the horizon

the astrolabe was designed to measure?

Mary Wollstonecraft

the author of "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" was?

scientist Rachel Carson

the author of "Silent Spring" was?

Rudyard Kipling

the author of "The White Man's Burden" was?

Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau

the author of the "Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races" was?


the author of the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" was?

John Locke

the author of the "Second Treatise of Civil Government" was?


the author of the "True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven" was?

the dramatist Euripides

the author of the Bacchae was?

Olympe de Gouges

the author of the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen was?


the author of the Iliad was?

did not receive enough rain to support large-scale agriculture. for the most part, only grasses and shrubs grow on the central Asian steppe lands

the environment of central Asia?

the Chinese and Russian empires

the event that best displayed Japan's rise to the level of a world power was their victory in?

the pope wouldn't allow him to divorce his wife who hadn't given him a son

the event that inspired Henry VIII to confront the pope was?

White Huns

the eventual collapse of the Gupta state was partially caused by an invasion by the?


the expanding influence of India was shown by the fact that Southeast Asian kings called themselves?

gov'ts censored bad news and vilified the enemy through propaganda campaigns

the experience of Joseph Caillaux during World War I demonstrated that?

Captain James Cook

the explorer who led 3 expeditions into the Pacific in the 18th century was?

a theory developed by theologians that witches derived their powers from the devil

the explosion of witch-hunting in the 16th century was most probably caused by?


the fact that by the 1st century CE, southeast Asian kings called themselves rajas shows how they were influenced by the?


the famous hanging gardens of the ancient world were located in?

Sigmund Freud

the father of psychoanalysis was?


the first European colony in sub-Saharan Africa was?


the first European nation to abolish the slave trade was?


the first European nation to dominate trade with Asia was?


the first European slave traders were the?

Bartolomeu Dias

the first European to sail around the Cape of Good Hope was?

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

the first European to sight the Pacific Ocean was?


the first Southeast Asian state to reflect Indian influence was centered on its capital port city of Oc Eo. What was its name?

Xia Dynasty

the first attempt to organize public life in China on a large scale occurred during the?

France, Germany, and the Low Countries

the first attempt, in response to Pope Urban II's appeal for a crusade, came from?


the first people in the world to use wheeled vehicles were the?


the first people of the Americans to come into contact with the Spanish were the?

indentured servants from Europe then turned to African slave labor

the first plentiful labor force for North America was?

John A. Macdonald

the first prime minister of Canada was?

Dutch sailors

the first recorded European sighting of Australia was made by the?

Chandragupta Maurya

the first ruler to unify India was?

Phoenician scribes

the first simplified alphabet, containing only twenty-two letters, was created by the?


the first society of Mesoamerica, which founded traditions followed by all later societies, was the..?


the largest empire of all time was created by the?


the largest of the Nazi death camps was?


the largest part of Alexander's conquests, essentially the former Achaemenid empire, was taken over by?

the Pyramid of the Sun

the largest single building in Mesoamerica was..?


the last capital of the Shang dynasty, which featured lavish tombs for the kings, was?

Motecuzoma II *

the last emperor of the Aztec empire was?

Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota

the last major Indian resistance was defeated in 1890 at the Battle of...?

Little Big Horn

the last major Indian victory against the United States armed forces came in 1876 at the Battle of..?


the last of the Ptolemaic rulers was?


the last surviving Islamic outpost in Spain was?

Nicholas II

the last tsar of Russia was?


the late 14th century Turkish ruler who weakened the Golden Horde, sacked Delhi, and launched campagins in southwest Asia/Anatolia, was?

Queen Elizabeth

the leader of England during the attempted invasion of the Spanish Armada was?

Ho Chi Minh

the leader of North Vietnam was?

Nelson Mandela

the leader of the African National Congress was?


the leader of the Lydians who fell to Cyrus was?

Shah Abbas the Great

the leader of the Safavid empire at its peak was?

Hong Xiuquan

the leader of the Taiping Rebellion was?


the leader of the Visigoths who sacked Rome in 410 CE was?


the leader of the fascist movement in Germany was?


the leader who first organized the Manchu into a centralized state was?


the leader who forged a compromise between Athen's social classes by allowing the aristocrats to keep their land while also providing representation for the common classes was?


the leader who helped lead Brazil to independence was?

Francois-Dominique Toussaint--Louverture*

the leader who was responsible for the success of the Saint-Domingue uprising was?


the leader, supported by the Roman aristocrats, who led a slaughter of more than 10,000 of his political enemies was?

instituting the "levee en masse" (mass levy) or universal conscription that drafted people and resources for use in the war against invading forces

the leaders of the Convention hoped to hold off invading counterrevolutionary forces by?

repudiated existing society and sought to replace it with the new political, social, and cultural structures

the leaders of the French Revolution..?

Prince Klemens of Metternich (foreign minister of Austria)

the leading conservative politician at the Congress of Vienna was?

Paul of Tarsus

the leading figure in the expansion of Christianity beyond Judaism was ?


the legendary Mali king, Sundiata, built his capital at?

King Shun

the legendary early Chinese sage-king who ordered the four seasons and who established uniform weights, measures, and units of time was?


the legendary founder of the Xia dynasty, who constructed dikes and dams and organized flood control projects, was...?


the legendary founder of the kingdom of Mali was?

The Great Hymn to Aten

the line, "O sole god beside whom there is none! you made the earth as you wished", is drawn from?

Bhagavad Gita

the line, "as a man, casting off old clothes, so the embodied self, casting off old bodies, goes to others and new ones," comes from the?

Indian National Congress

the most influential organization dedicated to the end of British rule in India was?

5 million

the mastery of agriculture led to a population explosion. from a sparse population of around four million in 10,000 BCE, the global figure rose by around 500 BCE to around how many people?


the maya believed that monumental change would occur whenever their ceremonial and solar calendars returned to their respective starting points at the same time. This event took place every _____ solar years

was a decentralized society

the medieval political system?

Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy

the members of the Triple Alliance were?

the French equivalent of mestizos

the metis were?

Schlieffen plan

the military plan that called for an invasion of France through Belgium was called the?


the mixture of secular and religious authority that marked Constantine's reign as well as that of the Byzantine emperors is known as?


the mongol ilkhanate in Persia was established by 1258 by?

was thwarted by typhoons on both occasions

the mongol naval campaign against Japan in 1281?

DID: resettling allies and conquered peoples-- increased communication and exchange between peoples of different societies

the mongols brought about greater integration among Eurasian peoples by all of the following means EXCEPT?

John of Montecorvino

the most active of the Roman Catholic missionaries was?

the colossal human heads

the most characteristic artistic creations of the Olmecs were?

the Thirty Years' War

the most destructive European conflict before the twentieth century was?

European Union

the most famous and most strongly integrated regional bloc is?

"Peace, Land, and Bread"

the most famous motto of the Russian Revolution was?

the Mayans

the most flexible and sophisticated system of writing found in the ancient Americas was created by?


the most important American crop introduced into Africa in the 16th century was?

Indian National Congress

the most important Indian reform group, founded in 1885, was the?

an entire neolithic village at Banpo (fine painted pottery and bone tools)

the most important archaeological site from the Neolithic Yangshao culture is ?

the performance of ritual sacrifices

the most important aspect of the Aryan religion during the early Vedic times was?


the most important city of the Toltecs was?

European states mutually recognized their rights to organize their own domestic affairs, including religion

the most important consequence of the Peace of Westphalia was?

intelligence and language skills

the most important development of homo erectus was?


the most important early city in the Songhay empire was?

the divisions between indigenous peoples that Europeans were able to exploit and the effects of epidemic diseases that devastated native societies

the most important factor in explaining the Spanish victory over the Aztecs and Incas was?

Hindu sepoys

the most important figures in the uprising in 1857 in India were?

Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam

the most important humanistic thinkers was?


the most important political center of the Mayan realm at its height was?

a tightly centralized rule that concentrated power in the hands of a highly exalted emperor

the most important political feature of the Byzantine state was?


the most important port in the Hellenistic world was?


the most important port on the Red Sea, constructed by the Ptolemies, was?

lords and retainers

the most important relationship in feudalism was between?


the most important ruler in the expansion of the Inca empire was?


the most important text of Daoism is the?


the most important trading port city in India from 500-1500 was?

"south pointing needle" aka compass

the most influential Chinese, naval, technological innovation was the?


the most influential ancient Indo-European migrants into southwest Asia were the?

Zhu Xi

the most influential neo-Confucian thinker was?

commercial opportunities drew Europeans to west Africa coast, west Africa turned attention to Atlantic, helped promote emergence of prosperous port cities and powerful coastal kingdoms that trade through the ocean rather than the desert. first opportunities for long-distance trade

the rise in maritime trade in the early modern era in Africa..?

Prince Vladimir of Kiev

the rise of Orthodox Christianity in Russia was helped by the conversion in 989 of?

development of fresh sources of finance- taxes levied on citizens, and maintenance of large standing armies supported by state funds

the rise of powerful states in Europe in the 15 century was dependent on?


the rock and pillar edicts were issued by?

lie close to the modern city of Trujillo- featured massive brick buildings

the ruins of Chanchan?


the ruler of the kingdom of Kongo, Afonso I, converted to what religion and encouraged his subjects to convert as well?

King Harsha

the scholarly Buddhist emperor who reunited northern India in 7th century was?

prescribed religious observances and social relationships based on the Quran

the sharia?

conflict with the papacy

the single biggest obstacle to the rise of the powerful Holy Roman Empire was?

all living species had evolved over thousands of years in a ferocious contest for survival. "survival of the fittest"

the social Darwinists believed that?

young men

the soldiers who marched off in 1914 to fight in World War I were mostly?

archduke of Austria-Hungary, Ferdinand

the spark for world war I was provided when Gavrilo Princip assassinated?

caused economic disruption throughout much of Eurasia and inaugurated a long period of economic decline in southwest Asia

the spread of Mongol control?

threatened local/indigenous cultures everywhere

the spread of US mass culture?

heightened the aversion to visual realism- painters began to think of canvas not as a reproduction of reality, but as an end in itself

the spread of photography?


the staple food of Mesoamerica was?

ruler's relatives often managed components of the states, and succession to the throne became a hot contest between competing members of the family

the steppe tradition that caused the greatest problem for the Islamic empires?

Proclamation of the Young Turks

the stipulation, "In order to obtain for Ottoman citizens an education of a homogeneous and uniform character, the official schools will be open, their instruction will be free, and all nationalities will be admitted," is from what document?

monsoon winds

the success and timing of trade, through the indian Ocean basin, largely depended on?

Tang Taizong

the success of the Tang dynasty was due to its energetic second ruler. who was he?

the Grand Canal

the sui construction of which of these items would have important economic implications well into the twentieth century?

putting-out system

the system by which unfinished materials were delivered to rural households for production was known as the?

cuban missile crisis

this cold war event was teh closest that the USSR and the US came to war with one another?

Great Zimbabwe

this massive, fortified city in southern Africa dominated the gold trade in its region of the continent until the late 15th century...?

the workings of karma

this passage from the Upanishads explains what Hindu concept? "According as a man acts and walks in the path of life, so he becomes. He that does good becomes good; he that does evil becomes"

a west african slave who crossed the atlantic four times

thomas peters was?

became the core texts of the traditional chinese education

through the efforts of Confucius, the literary works of the Zhou period?


throughout most of history, the majority of slaves came from?

50% at the beginning and then declined to about 5% per voyage

throughout the entire period of trans-Atlantic slavery, the mortality rate for the middle passage was?


to create a favorable environment for trade, Shah Abbas allowed Christian monastic orders to set up missions in what city?

British intelligence services as a military advisor among the Arabs in revolt against Turkish rule

to lead the bedouins of Arabia against Ottoman rule, T.E. Lawrence worked with?

calligraphy, poetry, essay composition (Confucian curriculum)?

to pass the civil service examination system it was necessary to excel in the?

first tried to enlist local populations as laborers, but then turned to importing slaves

to provide labor for their sugar plantations, the Portuguese?


two especially prominent cities of the first Indian society were Harappa and?


under whose leadership did Athens become the most sophisticated of the poleis?

arab muslims

up through the 8th century, the chief foreign threat to the eastern Roman Empire was?

brought an end to the long period of imperialist intrusion in China and spawned a close relationship between the world's largest and most powerful socialist states- set out to imitate Soviet socialism

upon its creation in 1949, the People's Republic of China?

John Stuart Mill

what 19 century English thinker promoted individual freedom, universal suffrage, taxation of high personal income, and an extension of the rights of freedom and equality to women?


what Aryan god was associated with war and rain?


what did Marx refer to as the "opiate of the masses"?

the Ghazi

what did the poet Ahmadi indicate was the "instrument of the religion of Allah"?

"the southern ape"

what does australopithecus mean?

the took the mens work during the war- gained voting rights in some countries after war, discouraged patriarchal family system in Russia/China

what effect did World War I have on the status of women?


what individual believed that the gods had chosen him to "promote the welfare of the people and to cause justice to prevail in the land?"

trying to gain control over subjects by capturing their spirits

what is sympathetic magic?


what islamic city was considered "half the world"?


what mesopotamian society built the largest empire?

paper manufacture

what new industry, transmitted to the Islamic world from China, was introduced during the Abbasid period?

Amenhotep IV (aka Akhenaten)

what pharaoh tried, unsuccessfully, to transform Egypt into a monotheistic society?


what revolutionary leader, frustrated over his inability to put together a South America confederation, lamented that "those who have served the revolution have plowed the sea"?


what was the Chinese political philosophy that called for clear and strict laws?


what was the name of the giant firm in Germany that dominated mining, metallurgy, armaments production, and shipbuilding?

Mahmud II

what was the name of the sultan, who, in 1826, had mutinous Janissaries slaughtered and thus open the door for further reform within the Ottoman Empire?


what was the school of philosophical thought that returned order to china after the Period of Warring States?


what was the title of the military governor who ruled in place of the Japanese emperor?


when Columbus reached this area, he sent delegates to seek the court of the emperor of China?

the khans declined the invitation, saying that the pope and European Christians had to submit to Mongol rule or face destruction

when Pope Innocent IV sent envoys to invite the Mongols to join in an alliance against the Muslims,?


when a Hindu widow voluntarily threw herself on her dead husband's funeral pyre it was known as?

southern conflicts were less frequent, less intense, and less damaging than those that plagued the north

when comparing northern and southern India during the postclassical era, it can be stated that?


when discussing qualities that were essential to a good character, Confucius used which of the following terms to mean an attitude of kindness or a sense of humanity?

WAS: ruled different lands according to its own laws and customs- didnt have the ambition to extend his authority by military force and only used army for putting down rebellions/ foreign problems

which of the following factors was not one of the reasons for Charles V's failure to build a centralized, sovereign state in the Holy Roman Empire?

WAS: failure to expand, costly wars, domestic difficulties, social/cultural diversity, conservatism (printing press), corrupt government

which of the following factors was not one of the reasons for the decline of the Islamic empires?

was: expressionists, cubists, abstractionists, dadaists, surrealists

which of the following groups was not one of the new artistic movements of the 20th century?

IS; Watt-steam engine

which of the following is not a correct pairing of inventor and invention?

WAS:capitulations lifted, new civil code, commercial code, penal code, maritime code, (N-C,SPM) public trials guaranteed, equality before the law, education reform

which of the following is not a reform proposed in the Tanzimat era?

IS NOT: The German invasion of neutral Belgium was such a profound breech of international law

which of the following is not an explanation of the expansion of World War I to Asia, Africa, and the Pacific?

was: emancipation struck at heart of the southern war effort since slaves made up a huge portion of the region's labor force, north brought considerable resources to the war effort- 90% of the country's industrial capacity and 2/3 of its railroad lines

which of the following is not one of the reasons for the victory of the northern states in the US Civil War?

Funan and Angkor

which of the following kingdoms were land-based states that derived most of their wealth from productive agricultural economies?

IS of Indo European origin: Sanskrit, Old Persian, Greek, Latin, hindi, Farsi, and most European languages. NOT included: Basque, Finnish, and Hungarian

which of the following languages is not of Indo-European origin?

Achaemenid, Seleucid, Parthian, Sasanid

which of the following lists of Persian empires is correct chronologically?


which of the following mathematical concepts, essential for positional notation and the manipulation of large numbers, was invented by Mayan mathematicians?

Prince Henry of Portugal

which of the following men conquered the Moroccan port of Ceuta and sponsored a series of voyages down the west African coast?

St. Cyprian

which of the following men recorded the suffering of Christians caused by epidemic diseases in his "On Morality"?

Visigoths-Spain, Ostrogoths-Italy, Burgundians/Franks- Gaul, Angles/Saxons-Britain

which of the following pairings between Germanic tribes and the area they invaded is correct?


which of the following people wrote that Alexander the Great possessed, "great personal beauty, invincible power of endurance, and a keen intellect"?

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

which of the following popular novels dealt with the intrigue following the collapse of the Han dynasty?

increased contact among formerly isolated groups and subsequent human migrations into lands already occupied

which of the following reasons account for the large number of languages that have become extinct during the period from 1500 to 2000?

DID: buddhism, nestorian Christianity, manichaeism

which of the following religions never became popular among the nomadic Turkish tribes?

IS: Louverture- Saint Domingue

which of the following revolutionary leaders is not correctly linked with his country?

IS: Napoleon-france

which of the following revolutionary leaders is not correctly linked with his country?

TRUE: sometimes called Albigensians, adopted the teachings of heretical groups in eastern Europe, veiwed the world as the site of a cosmic struggle between good and evil, material world=evil, rejected Roman church, renounced wealth/marriage/meat

which of the following statements is NOT true about the Cathars?

IS CORRECT: "charles the great", charles martel's grandson, temporarily reestablished centralized imperial rule, extremely intelligent (spoke Latin, understood Greek), spent most of his time traveling through his realm in order to maintain his authority

which of the following statements is not correct about Charlemagne?

fell under the authority of their fathers, husbands, and sons. spent most of their time in the family home, and were supervised and wore veils when they went outside

which of the following statements is true about women in the Greek world?

hunter and gatherers (foraged for food)

which of the following statements is true of the inhabitants of the Paleolithic age?

Englands and Netherlands

which of the following states developed constitutional governments in the 17th century?


which of the following states developed the most centralized political structure in its early stages?

Srivijaya and Angkor

which of the following states made deep commitments to Buddhism?

WAS: reformed army (offered better pay/drafted peasants/modern weapons), aristocrats had to study to aim cannons correctly and began construction of navy, gov.bureaucracy to facilitate tax collection/improve administrative efficiency, cosmetic makeover (fashions, shaving beards)

which of the following was not a part of Peter the Great's policy of westernization?

was: attracted little foreign investment and developed little mechanical industry. foreign owners controlled plantations that produced exported crops and most profits went abroad. low wages of plantation workers.

which of the following was not a problem that plagued Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and south and southeast Asia?

WAS: the collapse of Mongol empire/bubonic plague made silk roads unsafe, wanted to eliminate Muslim intermediaries for spices and other goods and would increase the quantities of these goods and yield profits, also offered a more direct access to African markets

which of the following was not a reason for the European interest in finding a maritime trade route?

was: Nian, Muslim, Tungan, Taiping

which of the following was not a rebellion that threatened China in the 19th century?

WAS: Vodou, Santeria, Candomble

which of the following was not a syncretic religion tied to Africans in the Americas?

WAS: defeated most of his enemies, ordered the construction of a new capital city, accepted Christianity in Rome

which of the following was not accomplished by Constantine?

WAS: conquered Taiwan, organized flood control and irrigation projects, generously patronized Confucian schools/academies

which of the following was not an accomplishment of Kangxi?

DID: founded powerful states, promoted spread of Islam to the countryside, established schools, laid foundations for new rounds of Islamic-state building in 19/20 centuries

which of the following was not an accomplishment of the Fulani?

Picasso-African art forms, Gauguin-Tahiti, Ludwig Mies von der Rohe-modern architecture

which of the following was not an accurate match between artist/ artistic influence?

DID: outlawed intermarriage and forbade Chinese from traveling to Manchuria and learning their language. forced chinese to shave front of their heads and grow a Manchu-style queue

which of the following was not an action of the Manchus after conquering China?

WAS: the sailed faster, cheaper, and more powerful ships, and they conducted trade through the join-stock company

which of the following was not an advantage that the English and Dutch had over the Portuguese?

WAS: oceans (naval race), east/southwest Africa

which of the following was not an important area of competition and conflict between England and Germany in the years leading up to World War I?

WAS: individuals granted political rights to their rulers but retained personal rights to life, liberty, and property. Subjects had the right to replace rulers. removed sovereignty from rulers as divine agents and vesting it in the people of society

which of the following was not one of John Locke's main ideas?

WAS: the pretentiousness of church authorities who arrogated to themselves powers that belonged to God, the sale of indulgences

which of the following was not one of Luther's problems with the Roman Catholic Church?

was: hong kong, singapore, south korea, taiwan

which of the following was not one of the "little tigers"?

WAS: assumed responsibilities that exceeded capacities of nuclear family- maintenance of local order, organization of local economies, provision for welfare

which of the following was not one of the accomplishments of the Chinese clans?

was: legislation to prevent the collapse of banking system, provide jobs, give workers their rights to organize/bargain, guarantee minimum wages, provide social security at an old age

which of the following was not one of the chief actions of Roosevelt's New Deal?

WAS: slavery and the cultivation of cotton as a cash crop-isolated south from economic development. Northerners viewed succession as an act of betrayal

which of the following was not one of the chief factors for the outbreak of the American Civil War?


which of the following was not one of the foundations of Gandhi's philosophy?

was: centralize political power, abolition of daimyo/samurai classes, converted grain tax into a fixed-money tax, constitution limited authority of the Diet (monarchy with legislature), emperor had right to dissolve parliament, remodeling the economy (telegraph, railroad, abolished tariffs, etc)

which of the following was not one of the foundations of the Meiji Restoration?

DID: Muslims, Magyars, Vikings

which of the following was not one of the groups that invaded Europe in the 9th century?

was: universal suffrage, equality before the law, freedom of religion, free public education, secularization of the state, emancipation of women

which of the following was not one of the leading principles of the Young Turks?

WAS: search for basic resources and lands for cash crops, the desire to establish new trade routes to Asian markets, and spreading Christianity

which of the following was not one of the main inspirations for European exploration?

worked to undermine power of nobility and enhance authority of the king, large bureaucracy staffed by commoners loyal to the king, officials to supervise royal policy in provinces, destroyed French Calvinists political/military but allowed them to observe faith---ABSOLUTE MONARCH

which of the following was not one of the policies pursued by Louis XIV?

was: all men are created equal, people have a say in the government

which of the following was not one of the principles built into the government of the newly formed American state?

was: abolition of private property, creation of communal wealth to be shared according to needs, prohibition of footbinding/concubinage,free public education, literacy for the masses, simplification of written language

which of the following was not one of the principles of the Taiping Rebellion?


women were the chief devotees of the Greek god of wine, who was named?

2,000 characters

writing during the Shang period was made up of around?

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