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Francisco Ignacio Alcina

A Jesuit historian who documented the poetic forms of Waray literature in as early as 1668 who wrote "History of the Bisayan people in the Philippine Islands"

Fr. Pio Pi

A Spanish Jesuit, reported that as early as 1907, the retraction of Rizal was copied verbatim and published in Spain, and reprinted in Manila.


A community of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control.

Primitive Communism

A concept originating from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels who argued that hunter-gatherer societies were traditionally based on egalitarian social relations and common ownership.


A form of direct taxes wherein natives were forced to sell their products to the government at very low prices.


A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.


A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land.


A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Encomienda System

A system of land ownership during the Spanish colonization.


A term that proliferated in the spanish philippines to refer to people of pure chinese descent; came from the hokkien word "seng-li" meaning business; half Indio or Chinese with no Spanish blood

The people of Cavite mistook the fireworks in the fiesta in Sampaloc Manila as the signal to start the rebellion.

According to Vidal, why did the rebellion/ Cavite Mutiny fail?

The Revolt of the Masses

Agoncillo wrote this which introduced Bonifacio as the hero of the masses.


An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.


Ancient Greek historian remembered for his history of the Peloponnesian War (460-395 BC)

Bernardino Nozaleda

Archbishop of Manila who clamored for the arrest of Rizal who was said to be the spirit of Philippine Revolution


Descendants of Spanish-born but born in Latin America; resented inferior social, political, economic status; Half Spanish, half Indio or Chinese

Jose Basco

During the Spanish colonization, who is the Governor-General during the Tobacco Monopoly?

Antonio de Urbiztondo

During the Spanish colonization, who is the Governor-General who established the Banco Espanol de Isabell II (BPI)?

Rafael Izquierdo

During the Spanish colonization, who is the Governor-General who executed the GOMBURZA?

Eulogio Despujol

During the Spanish colonization, who is the Governor-General who exiled Rizal to Dapitan?

Narciso Claveria

During the Spanish colonization, who is the Governor-General who issued the use of Spanish surnames?

Camilo Polavieja

During the Spanish colonization, who is the Governor-General who ordered the execution of Rizal?

Miguel Lopez de Legazpi

During the Spanish colonization, who is the first Governor-General?

Diego de los Rios

During the Spanish colonization, who is the last Governor-General

Carlos Maria de la Torre

During the Spanish colonization, who is the only liberal and most-beloved Governor-General?

Pio Valenzuela

Emissary of Andres Bonifacio

1. Time it was written 2. Bias of the writer 3. Intentions of writing narrative 4. Proximity to the event

Factors affecting historiography

Karl Marx

Father of Communism


Father of History who wrote about the origins and execution of the Greco-Persian Wars


Filipino intellectuals educated in Europe

Michel Foucault

Founded the archeology of knowledge and argued that there is no such thing as objective truth.

Karl Marx

He explained the history of social class struggle and geared towards a communist society.


He explains in a scientific and impartial manner the intricacies and complexities of the events he observed which is why he has been dubbed the father of "scientific history".

Fr. Manuel A. Garcia

He found the document of Rizal's retraction at the Catholic hierarchy's archive in Manila. But the original document was never shown to the public, only reproductions of it.

Fernand Braudel

He founded the Annales school of History who explained the importance of economic, social, political and cultural context of the writing of History.

Reynaldo C. Ileto

He is known for understanding history from below and for writing "Pasyon at Rebolusyon".

Giambattista Vico

He is often credited with the invention of the philosophy of history. Specifically, he was the first to take seriously the possibility that people had fundamentally different schema of thought in different historical eras.

Antonio Pigafetta

He made the account about the travels of Ferdinand Magellan and became the only existing document about the Battle of Mactan.


He said history has a Telos (Goal) and developed a dialectical scheme that emphasized the progress of history and of ideas from thesis to antithesis and thence to a synthesis.

Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel

He said that history is linear.

David Barrows

He wrote " A Philippine History" and argued that the true hero of the 1896 Revolution is Camilo Polavieja.

Juan de Placencia

He wrote "Doctrina Cristiana".

Pedro Chirino

He wrote "Relacion de las Islas Filipinas".

Antonio de Morga

He wrote "Sucesos de las Islas de Felipinas".

Renato Constantino

He wrote "The Marcos Watch".

Francis St. Claire

He wrote "The Rise and Fall of Filipino Commune" and believed that the Philippine Revolution failed because of the lack of education and training of the Filipinos.


He wrote Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1975) and The History of Sexuality, a multivolume history of Western sexuality.

Zeus Salazar

He wrote the Pantayong Pananaw.

Gregoria de Jesus

Her account of the Cry of Pugadlawin stated that it took place on August 25, 1896.

The Histories

Herodotus' compilation of historical events including accounts about the wars

Trinidad Pardo de Tavera

His account of the Cavite Mutiny goes "Few soldiers participated the attack. No further disturbance on peace or insubordination in any kind. The uprising among soldiers in Cavite was used as powerful lever by the Spaniards and by the friars."

Governor General Rafael Izquierdo

His account of the Cavite Mutiny goes "The native clergy encouraged the Indios to join the rebellion because God was with them. The rebels made the signal agreed upon by means of lanterns, but the native civilians in Bacoor although they tried it, failed because of the vigilance of the Spanish Navy that had placed there a gunboat and armed vessels."

Jose Montero y Vidal

His account of the Cavite Mutiny goes "The soldiers wanted to assassinate their officers, their masters and the escort of the Captain General at Malacanang and dispose the governor general. The rebels will start the rebellion upon the firing of the rockets from the walls of the city."

Pio Valenzuela

His account of the Cry of Pugadlawin stated that it took place on August 23, 1896.

Mariano Alvarez

His account of the Cry of Pugadlawin stated that it took place on August 24, 1896.

Guillermo Masangkay

His account of the Cry of Pugadlawin stated that it took place on August 26, 1896.

Antonio Pigafetta

His account of the first mass goes "That island lies in a latitude of nine and two thirds degrees toward the Arctic Pole and in a longitude of one hundred and sixty two degrees from the line of demarcation. It is 25 leguas from the Acquada (Humonhon) and is called Mazaua".

Fr. Urdaneta

His account of the first mass goes "The Spaniards' next attempted call was at Camiguin... but they met the same reception at Masava. Then the ships made for Butuan but contrary currents drove them northwards, to Bohol.".

External Criticism

Historians examine the political, economic, and social factors influencing historical events, as well as the broader regional or global dynamics that shaped Philippine history. What type of historical criticism is used?

Internal Criticism

Historians scrutinize the arguments, evidence, and methodologies presented in these texts to assess their internal consistency, logical coherence, and adherence to historical standards. What type of historical criticism is used?


Is "news article" a primary or a secondary source?


Is "news feature" a primary or a secondary source?

Sucesos de las Islas de Felipinas

It has been recognized as a first-hand account of Spanish colonial venture in Asia during the 16th century.


It is a social, political, and economic theory that focuses on the struggle between capitalists and the working class.

Accounts of the Voyage of Ferdinand Magellan

It was written by Pigafetta and is the only account of the expedition of Magellan.


Payment to be exempted from Polo amounting to 1 ½ reales per day per year


Refers to men doing Polo


Refers to pure Filipino bloods


Salazar mentioned the following sources of history EXCEPT... Biro Mito Bugtong Pasalaysay na kasaysayan


Spaniards born in the Philippines


Spanish-born, came to Latin America; ruled, highest social class.


Tax imposed as a sign of the Filipinos' loyalty to the King of Spain wherein the natives have to pay 8 reales annually.

Polo y Servicio

Tax system Spanish Colonial period which compelled men to render labor for public construction for 40 days, annually.

Galleon Trade

The 200 year naval commerce between Manila and Mexico, passing by Guam.

August 23, 1896

The National Historical Institute accepted which date of the controversial Cry of Pugadlawin?


The National Historical Institute accepted which location of the controversial First Mass?

Police Power

The authority of each State to act to protect and promote the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of its people

Past Revisited

The book written by Constantino which centered the narrative of the 1896 revolution as the struggle of the Masses against the elite.

Fiscal Power

The government's power to charge burden or control over tax collection and spending.

Power of Eminent Domain

The government's right to take property for a public purpose on payment of just compensation to the property owner.


The grouping and resettlement in number of formerly scattered barangays into cabeceras to facilitate religious conversion and cultural change.

Fiscal Power

The power of taxation


The process of transferring of assets from a company/private institution to the government with compensation.


The study of how history is done, such as how different people perceive past events and how a source's point-of-view impacts its portrayal of the past.

Pantayong Pananaw

This perspective highlights the importance of facilitating an internal conversation and discourse among Filipinos about our history, using the language that everyone understands.

The Verum Factum Principle

This is Vico's principle which states that one can know the truth of what one makes.


Ticket to Galleon trade

Internal and External

Two types of historical criticisms

Primary and Secondary

Two types of historical resources

Oral history

Unwritten sources couched in a form suitable for oral transmission and that their preservation depends on the power of memory of successive generations of human beings

The end-product is conditioned both by the historian's social position vis-à-vis the informant, and by the terms in which he or she learned to analyze the past and which may well be communicated to the informant.

What is the danger of oral history?

The Philippines a Century Hence

What work of Rizal can you find Hegelian Dialectics?

If it lacks validity.

When do we say that an event is a hoax?

Rajah Saui

Who is the chieftain of Butuan during the Magellan expedition?

Rajah Humabon

Who is the chieftain of Cebu during the Magellan expedition?

Rajah Kolambu

Who is the chieftain of Limasawa during the Magellan expedition?

Rajah Zulah

Who is the chieftain of Mactan during the Magellan expedition?

Teodoro Agoncillo

Who said that 1896 Revolution is the battle between the elite and the masses?

Both the document had the date of the signing of "December 29, 1890." Later, another supposedly original document surfaced, it bears the date "December 29, 189C". The number "0" was evidently altered to make it look like a letter C. Then still later, another supposedly original version came up. It has the date "December 29, 1896". This time, the "0" became a "6"

Why is the Retraction of Rizal so controversial?


town aristocracy in Spanish Philippines

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