APWH Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization

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Name the two benefits of introducing railroads to colonies.

-lowered cost of transporting raw materials for shipment to Europe -opening of colonial markets for manufactured goods

What three factors drove economic imperialism?

-natural resources -new markets -low-wage labor

Define Vulcanization.

-process by which properties of rubber are improved -eliminates problem that rubber softens when hot and hardens when cold

Rubber and latex are native to which two places?

-the Amazon rainforest of South America -Central Africa

By 1900, which countries were unclaimed by Europe? Why were they able to resist?

Abyssinia and Liberia were the only African countries unclaimed by Europe. Liberia was able to resist because it had a dependent relationship with the United States.

Describe the 'new imperialism' at the end of the Industrial Revolution. Who is involved? Where are they taking over and why?

After the Industrial Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, Britain was the leading economic power throughout the first half of the 19th century and already had a sizable colonial empire. As the Second Industrial Revolution progressed, other nations began to challenge Britain's economic lead. They looked to Asia, Africa, and the Pacific to expand their markets, provide raw materials for their factories, and food for their growing urban populations.

Describe the change in steamship technology in the 1870's and the effect it had on the use of steamboats.

After the development of more efficient steam engines in 1870, steamships became practical for long distances. In the 1870s, the development of compression refrigeration equipment made it possible to ship perishables such as meat and dairy products across oceans.

Describe the Taiping Rebellion.

An internal conflict within the Qing government, during which failed civil servant applicant Hong Xiuquan and starving peasants, workers, and miners attempted to overthrow the Qing dynasty.

What was the effect of the growth of the cash crop industry on food prices?

As cash crops replaced food crops, food prices rose.

Why did the British decide to colonize Australia?

Because it lost its American colonies.

How did Britain try to assert their national pride through settlement?

Britain looked for new lands for settlement. In 1788, the first British settlers arrived in the colony of New South Wales on the east coast of the island continent of New Holland (today's Australia). It gained influence in South Asia and controlled Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Burma (Myanmar), the Malay States (which included Singapore) and parts of Borneo in Southeast Asia.

How does Britain expand its empire in West Africa? Explain.

Britain used diplomacy and warfare to expand its empire. For example, in 1873, Britain signed a treaty with King Jaja of Opobo in present-day Nigeria, recognizing him as ruler and agreeing to trade terms favorable to both sides. He and other African rulers believed that they were protecting their sovereignty and trade rights, however the treaties came to be meaningless and European powers took over with their military strength.

Describe the Boxer Rebellion.

During the rebellion, an anti-imperialist group called the Boxers attacked Chinese Christians and Western missionaries.

European presence was specifically limited in Africa at first. Why did this change?

European nations expanded their presence in Africa with the help of better military technology.

As urban technology grew, the demand for what was made by imports? What new technology made these imports possible?

Food; refrigeration

Cecil Rhods railroad was supposed to stretch from where to where?

From Cape Town, in the Cape Colony of South Africa, to Cairo, Egypt.

Why did Japan end its isolation in 1853? What impact did this have on the country?

In 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry came to Japan in large warships to secure a treaty that opened Japanese ports to trade. This caused the country to overthrow its traditional government (Meiji Restoration) and rapidly industrialize to protect its distinct culture (defensive modernization).

What changed and led to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, or Sepoy Mutiny?

In 1857, the British began using rifle cartridges that had been greased with a mixture of the fat of cows and pigs. Hindus, who view the cow as sacred, and Muslims, who refuse to slaughter pigs, were both furious.

What did Great Britain do to ensure they had enough rubber sources?

In 1876, the British India Office obtained rubber tree seeds from Brazil After being propagated in England, the seedlings were sent to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Singapore. Before long, thousands of acres of forest were cleared to make room for rubber plantations in Malaya, Indochina, the Dutch East Indies, and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

Describe the Yellow River.

In the midst of the Taiping Rebellion, the Yellow River (Huang He) changed course, causing floods in some areas and droughts in others. Famine and death from starvation followed because agricultural lands were devastated.

Which countries benefited from this change in the Cotton industry, and how did they benefit?

India and Egypt benefited from this. Egypt in particular had developed a staple variety of cotton, ramped up production, and exported lots of it.

How does Manifest Destiny connect to imperialism?

It justified imperialism, saying that Americans had a natural and inevitable right to expand to the Pacific Ocean. Summarize the expansion of Russia. Where did they go? When?; During Catherine The Great's reign (1762-1796), Russia annexed about half of Poland as well as territory won from the Ottoman Empire. During Alexander the I's reign (1815-1825), Finland, Moldova, Georgie, Azerbaijan, and parts of Armenia were annexed.

Who was Tupac Amaru II? What was his role in refusing imperialism?

Jose Gabriel Condorcanqui was a hereditary chief in southern Peru, descended from the last Inca ruler, Tupac Amaru. He arrested and executed a colonial administrator in 1780, leading to the last general Indian revolt against Spain.

Explain how religious motives were part of the rationale for imperialism.

Missionaries commonly combined religious and humanitarian efforts.

What negative effects did cash crop farming have on former colonies?

Monocultures, a lack of agricultural diversity. Today, many former colonies have been unable to rediversify their land use because the development of monocultures has badly damaged croplands.

Describe the shortcomings of roads (a colonial system of transportation).

Most colonies had few roads, and those that existed were usually poorly maintained and often unusable during rainy seasons.

Opium was sold where?

Opium was sold to China by the British

What resources were exploited?

People, raw materials, and refined materials were the main resources exploited.

Railroad technology was a means of doing what in Africa?

Railroad technology was a means of extracting as many resources as possible from subject lands while paying colonial laborers as little as possible.

Who were the sepoys? How did they help Britain maintain their ownership of India?

Sepoys, Indian soldiers under British employ, made up the majority of the British armed forces in colonial India.

Which country was left independent in South Asia?

Siam (Thailand)

What was the impact or result of the Boer Wars?

The Boer Wars, fought between the British (who replaced the Dutch in the Cape Colony) and Afrikaners (descendants of 17th century Dutch settlers), resulted in concentration camps. The British army forced the Afrikaners and Africans from their land into these camps, which had very bad living conditions. There was poor medical care and sanitation, as well as frequent starvation as a result of meager food rations. By the end of the wars, the British also absorbed the settler colonies in the southern tip of Africa into its empire.

How did the Cherokee Nation assimilate to white settler culture?

The Cherokee adopted colonial methods of farming, weaving, and building.

Describe the events of the first Opium war.

The Chinese government seized the British opium warehouse in the port of Canton (Guangzhou). War broke out when British warships destroyed a Chinese blockade keeping ships from Canton, the port China allowed to trade with foreigners. The British attacked and occupied Canton and engaged in several other successful battles, finally capturing Nanking (Nanjing).

What was the result of the First Opium War?

The Chinese paid a heavy price for their attempt to curtail the opium trade and ended up losing much trading independence.

Why was there a trade imbalance between the British and China?

The Chinese were not interested in British goods, and in this trade imbalance, British silver reserves became very low.

How did the British get more profits to buy tea and other Chinese goods?

The East India Company began forcing farmers in India to grow opium, an addictive drug that also relieves pain and reduces stress. The company then sold it for silver in China.

Explain Ghost Dance and how it impacted the Sioux.

The Ghost Dance was a series of rituals and dances that were meant to hasten the return of the dead to drive out the whites and restore the lands and traditions of the Native Americans (as said by prophet-dreamers among the Northern Paiute Indians). It reached the Sioux by 1890, coinciding with the Sioux revolts.

What was the Great Game? Describe Russia's role in it.

The Great Game was Russia's intense rivalry with Britain for dominance of Afghanistan.

How did the Monroe Doctrine give the US power in the Americas?

The Monroe Doctrine stated that European nations should not intervene in the affairs of the countries in the Western hemisphere. It kept them away and allowed the US to control more in the Americas rather than have other people also have land there.

What was the significance of the Suez Canal? How did they build it? How did it impact Egypt?

The Suez Canal was a 100-mile-long canal that connected the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea, allowing Europeans to shorten their water route to Asia. A French company managed its construction, which concluded in 1869, and most of the labor was performed by as many as 1.5 million Egyptians. Thousands of the workers died during its construction. When unrest threatened the region, Britain seized control of Egypt away from the Ottoman Empire.

How did the US imperialize American lands?

The US continued taking lands from indigenous peoples. It forced the Eastern Woodlands peoples from the Southeast to a new Indian Territory.

Who were the Xhosa people- why did they kill their cattle?

The Xhosa began to kill their cattle and destroy their crops in the belief that these actions would cause spirits to remove the British settlers from their lands.

Describe the shift that took place after industrialization.

The agricultural influence and power of raw materials shifted away from Asia and Latin America to industrialized states such as Britain, the United States, France, Japan, and Germany between the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

Describe the Plague.

The bubonic plague broke out at the time of the Taiping Rebellion and the flooding of the Yellow River.

How did Vietnam try to resist French rule?

The top advisors of 12-year old emperor Ham Nghi vocally criticized the French and protected him.

Ivory was obtained from where and for what purposes?

The tusks of elephants; Ivory was prized for its beauty and durability. It was used primarily for piano keys, billiard balls, knife handles, and ornamental carvings.

How did Italy and Germany try to assert their national pride through settlement?

They wanted colonies for economic/strategic reasons and prestige, though neither began acquiring an empire until the mid 1800s.

Describe the shortcomings of waterways (a colonial system of transportation).

Transportation by water was limited to coastal areas and river basins.

How did treaties and company charters lead European powers to take over other countries?

Treaties that European powers signed with local rulers in India, East Africa, and the East Indies gave them the Europeans the right to establish trading posts and forts to protect their interests.

Why was King Leopold's rule of the Congo different or unique compared to other colonies?

Unlike other European rulers, he owned the colony personally.

How did the American Civil War impact the cotton industry?

When the American Civil War erupted, northern warships blockaded Confederate ports, cutting off the supply of cotton. As a result, farmers all over the world, from Australia to the West Indies, replaced food production with cotton to make up for the shortage.

Define economic imperialism.

a situation in which foreign business interests have great economic power or influence

What did North Rhodesia and the Congo produce?


What did Chile produce?

copper, which was used for telegraph cables and electrical power lines

The Opium wars showed that industrialized nations in Europe would begin to ___ and ___ states that lacked the military technology needed to stand against British steamships and weaponry.

dominate, defeat

Define subsistence farming.

farming for profit using cash crops

Industrialization was accompanied by the need to find raw materials that could be turned into what?

finished products that could be sold globally

What did Australia, South Africa, parts of West Africa, and Alaska produce large deposits of?


By the late 19th century, Britain had pushed India out of textile manufacturing. India, instead produced raw cotton which was sent to British factories to make the finished goods. Great Britain then sold the textiles back to India at what prices?

inflated prices

Unit 6.1: Rationales for Imperialism

key points to understand include... A. How ideologies contributed to the development of imperialism from 1700 to 1900.

Unit 6.2: State Expansion

key points to understand include... B. Processes by which state power shifted in various parts of the world from 1750-1900 and how they compared.

Unit 6.3: Indigenous Responses to State Expansion

key points to understand include... C. How and why internal and external factors have influenced the process of state building from 1750-1900.

Unit 6.4: Global Economic Development

key points to understand include... D. How various environmental factors contributed to the development of the global economy from 1750-1900.

Unit 6.5: Economic Imperialism

key points to understand include... E. How various economic factors contributed to the development of the global economy from 1750-1900.

Palm oil was used to make what two things?

lubrication for machinery in European factories, candles

Who farmed palm oil?

prisoners of tribal war

What did Mexico produce?


What developed as nations grew wealthier? What did it allow people to do, in terms of their capital?

stock exchanges; invest their capital

What cash crops were farmed in Africa?

tea, cotton, sugar, oil palms, rubber, coffee

How did the Treaty of Paris lead to the Philippine-American War? What was the result?

the Treaty of Paris ending the war merely transferred control of the Philippines from Spain to the United States. The war ended in a U.S. victory in 1902.

What was the other important raw material for Great Britain at this time?

the drug opium

What service allowed for the instantaneous transmission of information?

the electric telegraph

The East India company was involved in what trade until it ran into opposition from the Dutch?

the spice trade

The EIC came to dominate what world trade?

the world textile trade

What did Bolivia, Nigeria, Malaysia, and the Dutch East Indies produce? (it was used to help meet demand for food in tin cups)


How did Japan try to assert their national pride through settlement?

-Incursions into Korea (incursions angered China, began the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), Japan's victory gave it control of Korea, Japan seized Taiwan)

Describe how science was used as a "proof" that colonization was a right of stronger nations.

-Pseudoscientists claimed to have proof that nonwhite races were intellectually and physically inferior -Phrenologists, who studied skull size/shape, believed that a smaller skull size proved the mental feebleness of Africans, indigenous Americans, and Asians

What is a "rubber baron" and how did they treat their workers?

-a company that forced indigenous people into virtual slavery -in some cases, companies mutilated or killed workers who failed to meet their quotas

Describe how the East India Company (EIC) is an example of economic imperialism.

-it had a monopoly on England's trade with India -it expanded its activities from the Persian Gulf to East Asia -it became the major agent of British imperialism in India -it became the British government's managing agency in India -it engaged in the slave trade -it illegally imported opium to China in exchange for tea

Describe how the Dutch East India Company is an example of economic imperialism.

-it had a monopoly on trade between the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa and the Straits of Magellan at the southern tip of South America -it replaced the Portuguese who controlled the region on the islands around Java

How did Spain try to assert their national pride through settlement?

-led quest for colonies in the first wave of imperialism, 16th-17th centuries -power diminished by 19th century, did not play a dominant role in the second wave of imperialism

How did colonizing countries force their culture on places they took over? Give specific examples of this.

-they introduced their own language -they introduced their own political, educational, and religious institutions -they exerted other cultural influences on architecture and recreational activities

Where did Great Britain get most of its cotton from during this time?

80% of Britain's cotton came from the U.S.

How did Britain change its role in governing India after the mutiny?

After the mutiny, the British government took a more active role in ruling India.

Which Chinese goods were in demand?

Chinese goods such as porcelain, silk, and tea were in great demand in Great Britain.

Define export economies.

Colonies that process raw materials into manufactured goods and ship them away, often back to the providers of the raw materials.

What items do Europeans want from South Asia? How does this lead to the Seven Years' War?

Europeans competed for control of India's spices, gems, and trade with regions to the east. The creations of trading posts and competition between them led to the Seven Years' War.

How did France try to assert their national pride through settlement?

France expanded its territories overseas to compensate for its defeat by Prussia in the Franco-Prussian war. It occupied... -Algeria in Northern Africa -New Caledonia and other islands in the Pacific -Senegal in Western Africa -Indochina in Southeast Asia

What was the result of Mexico's attempt to overthrow Benito Juarez?

Napoleon III made Maximillian the emperor of Mexico, but he was executed three years later and Juarez resumed the presidency.

What began the Philippine Revolution? Why were they upset and why did they expect freedom?

Nationalist ambitions and the use of education; they were upset because Jose Rizal was executed, and they expected freedom based on U.S. sympathy for Philippine independence.

Explain what happens at the Berlin Conference- who was involved. Who isn't?

Otto Von Bismarck, though he had little interest in colonies, wanted to keep peace in Europe, so he held the Berlin Conference (1884-1885). It was a meeting of European powers to provide for the orderly colonization of Africa. No Africans were invited. European powers agreed to colonial boundaries and to the free movement of goods along Africa's major rivers.

Explain what Pan-Africanism was and how it connected to resistance to imperialism.

Pan-Africanism was the shared identity and nationalism of Western-educated Africans. As a result of it, Africans began to resist imperialism.

Why did demand for rubber increase?

Rubber became an important industrial material.

Explain what the 'scramble for Africa' was.

The "Scramble for Africa" was the competing efforts of Europeans to colonize Africa, as it had lots of natural resources.

Explain how Charles Darwin's idea of selection/fittest species was used to justify imperialism.

The "survival of the fittest" theory was used to argue that the spread of European and U.S. power proved the biological superiority of whites.

Who were the Aboriginal people?

The Aboriginal people have been in Australia for an estimated 50,000 years and have the oldest continuous culture on Earth.

Describe Leopold's treatment of the Congolese. What was the impact of his leadership?

The Congolese laborers were treated brutally. -their hands were severed by Leopold's agents to terrorize others into submission -workers who did not meet their quotas were beaten or killed -some workers were worked to death -laborers often received no payment for their hard work -the spouses of laborers were held captive so that the workers could not run away As many as 8 million people perished under King Leopold's reign of terror in the Congo.

What was the role of the East India Company?

To allow England/Britain to encroach on the land of the weak Mughal Empire and eventually gain control of the Indian subcontinent.

The Dutch East India Company had a monopoly on what?

trade with the Dutch East Indies in present-day Indonesia, where the Spice Islands were located

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