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"Blackness"; encouraged Africans to turn away from European Culture and ideas.


"Conqueror", spanish people who conquered Mexico and Peru in the 16th Century.


"Father of the Turks"; real name was Mustafa Kemal; instituted a program of modernization that emphasized economic development and secularism; government support of critical industries and businesses resulted in substantial economic progress; emancipated women, gave them the right to vote

Afghan Mujahadeen

"Islamic Warriors". Gradually gained control of most of the Soviet countryside.


"Strategic Arms Limitation Talks" between the US and USSR

VE Day

"Victory in Europe Day", after a brutal attack of Berlin, Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945

Gertrude Stein

"You are all a lost generation" said to Ernest Hemingway; label to the group of American intellectuals and literati who congregated in Paris in the postwars

SS Einsatzgruppen

"action squads" sent out in Soviet Union to kill populations of Jews and gypsies


"between the rivers", fertile valleys between the tigris and euphrates rivers, Sumer and Akkad are the two earliest societies, Small scale agriculture began in 6000 B.C.E. by channeling surrounding rivers. By 3000 B.C.E. the population of Sumer was 100,000. Sumerian city states arose.


"cowboys", one symbol of Latin American identity, most were metizos or castizos, also white and black ones, most prominent in the Argentine pampas, led independent and self sufficient lives, not as many because some joined armies and settled, by late 1800's not very present

Levee en masse

"mass levy", universal conscription that drafted people and resources for use in the war against invading forces

The Hijra

"migration", Muhammad's move to Medina serves as the starting point of the official Islamic calendar.


"mixed" societies


"net wall", a name that invokes many centuries of Chinese efforts to repulse foreign invaders and relates to the containment of influence of the internet


"people with religious knowledge" who were pious scholars who sought to develop public policy in accordance with the Quran and sharia. Extremely influential, helped to ensure widespread observance of Islamic values.


"protected people" payed jizya to be able to practice a religion other than Islam


"reduction in hostility" between the US and USSR


"reorganization" Ottomans making the empire more acceptable to the Europeans, influenced by Enlightenment values


"reorganization" era, attacked Ottoman law with the aim of making it acceptable to Europeans so they could have the capitulations lifted and recover Ottoman sovereignty


"restructuring". Term Gorbachev used to describe his efforts to decentralize the economy. Proved to be more difficult to implement than Gorbachev imagined

Volto do mar

"return through the sea" enanled mariners to sail from the Canaries to Portugal

Volto do mar

"return through the sea," a strategy that enabled mariners to sail from the Canaries to Portugal without encountering dangerous trade winds


"separateness"; extreme segregation in South Africa. This system asserted white supremacy; created out of fear of black activism.


"shirtless ones" poor people in Argentina


"swallows" people who traveled back and forth between South America and Europe.


"swallows", the Italian people that regularly migrated between Europe and the Americas depending on the growing season


"the Tiger" 1523 appeared in Northern India, dad was the Prince of Farghana, invaded India in 1523 & 1525, took Delhi in 1526


"the base", a global militant islamist group headquartered in Pakistan

Mahayana Buddhism

"the greater vehicle," a sect of Buddhism that was easier to follow than Theravada Buddhism and still had the promise of escaping reincarnation, therefore attracted more people.

Hinayana Buddhism

"the lesser vehicle," a term used by followers of Mahayana Buddhism to refer to followers of Theravada Buddhism. The meaning of the name "the lesser vehicle" refers to how much more difficult it was for Theravada Buddhists to practice their religion and escape the caste system.


"the politics of reality"; politics or diplomacy based primarily on power and on practical and material factors and considerations


"the way of the warrior", originates from the samurai moral values, most commonly stressing some combination of frugality, loyalty, martial arts mastery, and honor unto death

Ahura Mazda

"the wise lord"; supreme deity, an eternal, beneficent spirit and creator of all good things, engaged in cosmic conflict with Angra Mainyu

Tera australis incognita

"unknown southern land", Australia

Justinian's Code

("Corpus iuris civilis") Codified all of Roman law into a single code, after requiring a systematic review of all Roman laws. Immediately won recognition as the definitive codification of Roman law.

Hagia Sophia

("holy wisdom")Holy Church built by Justinian that was later turned into a mosque by Ottoman Turks when they invaded. A massive domed structure that still stands today, and is considered one of the worlds most important examples of Christian architecture.


("the city" or "the city of the prophet") where Muhammad and his followers fled to after being persecuted; the migration to this place is known as the hijra and serves as the starting point of the official Islamic calendar

Zhu Xi

(1130-1200 CE) Zhu Xi was the most important neo-Confucian (a Buddhist influenced Confucian philosophy) for the Song dynasty. He supported high moral standards and education. He wrote Family Rituals, giving details on how to perform weddings, funerals, ancestral worship, and pretty much every family ritual, and other books about proper private and public behavior. He also wrote that reality was made of of li, like Plato's theory of Forms, and qi, the material form.


(1200-100BCE) centered at San Lorenzo, La Venta, and Tres Zapotes; had a diet heavily centered around plants, but domesticated animals like turkeys and small dogs; built large ceremonial centers & elaborate drainage systems to divert water from their heavy rainfall to their crops especially maize. Built large stone heads and produced lots of decorative objects from jade and tools from obsidian. Systematically destroyed ceremonial centers before deserting town. Made astronomical observations and created a calendar, as well as a system of writing.

Safi al-Din

(1252-1334) Safavids traced their ancestry back to him; he was the leader of the Sufis in NW Persia

Battle of Chaldirian

(1514) battle between Ottomans and Safavids, Safavids didn't use gunpowder technology because it wasn't manly, Ottomans destroyed Safavid capital, Tabriz

Miguel Lopez de Legazpi

(1565) was able to conquer the authorities in Cebu and Manila (Philippines); named the islands after King Philip II of Spain.

Oliver Cromwell

(1599-1658) hired by parliament to lead their forces. Captured Charles, tried him for tyranny, and beheaded him in 1649

Thirty Year's War

(1618-1648) Holy Roman emperor attempted to force his Bohemian subjects to return to the Roman Catholic CHurch, main battleground emperor's territory in Germany. Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Swedish, Danish, polish, bohemian, and Russian forces fought. Motives were political or economic and religious differences complicated issues and made them more difficult to resolve. Most destructive European conflict before the twentieth century- damaged economies and societies and lead to the death of 1/3 of German population

Queen Nzinga

(1623-1663) led spirited resistance against Portuguese forces. Dressed as a male warrior when leaded troops in battle and had subjects call her 'King.' Allied with Dutch mariners; her goal was to drive Portuguese forces from her land, then the Dutch, and create a vast empire in the lower Congo basin

English Civil war

(1642-1649) caused by political and religious disputes, English kings tried to institute new taxes without approval of the parliament- which always approved new levies. Royal financial policies generated political tensions. Kings, Anglicans, support the church while voices within parliament sought to purify the church of ornate ceremonies and hierarchy of bishops

Karl Marx

(1818-1883) scorn socialists and believed ideal communities had no hope for resolving problems of early industrial era. Believe social problems of 19th century inevitable results of capitalist economy. Capitalism divided people into two classes with proletariat (wageworkers with only labor to sell) and capitalists (profit from ruthless exploitation of the working class). Referred to religion as "opiate of the masses" encouraged workers to focus on a hypothetical realm of existence beyond this world rather than trying to improve their lot in society.


(1874-1965) first lord of the Admiralty (British Navy) suggested that an Allied strike against the Ottomans would hurt the Germans.

Mustapha Kemal

(1881-1838) crucial in the formation of the Modern Turkish state

Mao Zedong

(1893 - 1976), former teacher and librarian who viewed a Marxist-inspired social revolution as the cure for Chinese problems

Shapur I

(239-272 C.E.), defeated several Roman armies and settled the prisoners in Iran, where they devoted their famous engineering skills to the construction of roads and dams


(298 BC - 238 BC) Confucian scholar who believed that it was human nature to pursue own betterment, but that humans could be improved and order restored; stressed the value of li

Council of Nicea

(324 CE) took up the difficult and conscientious issue of Jesus's nature; decided that Jesus possessed both human and divine nature


(372 BC - 289 BC) Confucian Scholar who believed human nature was basically good; advocated government by benevolence and humanity; emphasized value of ren

Battle of Marathon

(490 BC) After the Ionians rebelled, the Persians were upset that mainland Greeks tried to help, so they decided to conquer Greece to avoid future problems. Darius first tried here, where the Greeks pushed them back.

Tang Dynasty

(618-907) Organized China into a powerful, productive, prosperous society after fall of Sui Dynasty; Rebel leader seized capital city at Chang'an shortly after Sui Yangdi's death and established Tang Dynasty; Much of dynasty's success ascribed to leadership of Tang Taizong, who maintained transportation and communication network with roads, inns, runners, and horses, instituted the equal-field system, and reinstated Confucian education system and a bureaucracy based on merit; Forced neighboring lands into tributary roles and created one of China's largest territorial empires; Tang dynasty never regained control after careless ruling led to An-Lushan's rebellion and Uighurs' sacking of Chang'an, eventually leading to fall in 907


(670-1025) Gained political leadership in SE Asia after fall of Funan; controlled commerce and levied taxes on ships in SE Asia from Palembang on island of Sumatra; maintained sea-only trade route between India and China; prospered as result of expanding trade until it was eclipsed by Chola kingdom of Southern India; deep commitment to Buddhism

Nara Japan

(710-794) a clan claimed imperial authority and copied the Tang government's bureaucracy, equal field system, and Confucianism and Buddhism support. They never ruled outside their own territory in central Japan. Also, Japanese culture remained and developed as well, like Shinto rites.

Du Fu

(712-770) Often considered China's greatest poet; 8th century was golden age of Chinese poetry; Born into prominent Confucian family, Du Fu wrote about beauty of natural world until he fell into poverty after An-Lushan's rebellion and his poetry began lamenting chaos of late 8th century

"place in the sun"

(Bernhard von Bülow said that) demand by Germany, they wanted to be a global power

The Virgin Guadalupe

(Virgin Mary) a national symbol of Mexico, appeared before devout peasant Juan Diego on a hill new Mexico city, site became popular local shrine, supposedly worked miracles on those who visited her shrine

Li Bo

(aka Li Bai): most popular poet of Tang era, took social life of Chinese cities as principal theme. Wrote light, pleasing verse celebrating life, friendship, and wine. Tradition holds that he died drunk when he drowned on a boat attempting to embrace the moon's reflection.

Otto I

(also known as Otto the Great) Holy Roman Emperor

Bronze age

(c.3500-1200 B.C.E) period of human culture that was characterized by the use of weapons and implements made of bronze


(dutch word for african)


(lived c. 7th-6th cent. BCE, or 1200-1000 BCE); from aristocratic family and most likely a priest (not much known about his life); left family & home for wisdom; experienced a series of visions around 30 yrs. old; convinced that Ahura Mazda chose him to be a prophet & spread his message; wrote the Gathas;


(reigned 1520-1566) conquered Baghdad, made Ottomans a major naval power, Ottoman imperialism climaxed during his reign

Suleyman the magnificent

(reigned 1520-1566) during his reign Ottoman imperialism climaxed, in 1534 he conquered Baghdad, under him the Ottomans became a major naval power


(reigned 1556-1605) Babar's grandson, created centralized administrative structure, had military campaigns, interested in religion & philosophy, encouraged "divine faith" on his subjects

Shah Abbas the Great

(reigned 1588-1629) fully revitalized the Safavid Empire, moved the capital, encouraged trade, strengthened military forces, went on military campaigns

Tsar Alexander II

(reigned 1855 - 1881), suggested to abolish serfdom to nobles in Moscow, 1861: abolished the institution of serfdom

Nicholas II

(reigned 1894 - 1917), embarked on expansionist ventures into east Asia, championed oppression and police control

Nicholas II

(reigned 1894-1917) Russian ruler who expanded into East Asia at the same time as the Japanese. The Russo-Japanese War resulted from the forces meeting each other.

Chandra Gupta

(reigned 335-375 CE) forged alliances with powerful families in the Ganges region and made a kingdom in 320 CE

Chandra Gupta II

(reigned 375-415 CE) conquered many regional kingdoms of India


. "judges" who heard cases at law and rendered decisions based on the Quran and sharia. Extremely influential, helped to ensure widespread observance of Islamic values.





Amenhotep IV


Andean Society






Caste System




Charlemagne and his elephant


Chichen Itza




Greek colonization






Hebrews and monotheism


Hellenic Era




Hunting and gathering




Lydiians and coinage








Middle Kingdom




Neolithic revolution


New Kingdom


Old Kingdom


Pacific Islands






Sargon of Akkad




Specialization of labor




Stages of hominid development




The "Out of Africa" thesis


The Bronze Age


The Catholic Church


The Egyptian Book of the Dead


The Fertile Crescent


The Indus and Ganges Rivers


The Nile River


The Phoenicians


The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers


The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers


The multiregional thesis


Themes of AP World History










Grand Canal

1,100 mile (1,700 kilometer) waterway linking the Yellow and the Yangzi Rivers; begun in the Han Period/completed during the Sui Empire (277 C.E.)

Five Pillars

1. Muslims must acknowledge Allah as the only god and Muhammad as his prophet. 2. They must pray to Allah daily while facing Mecca. 3. They must observe a fast during the daylight hours of the month of Ramadan. 4. They must contribute alms for the relief of the weak and poor. 5. And, in honor of Muhammad's visits to Mecca in 629 and 632, those who are physically and financially able must undertake the hajj and make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca.

Long March

10,000 km march by Chinese communists, thousands died from hunger/disease/Guomindang forces, inspired many Chinese to join communist side, Mao Zedong emerged as a leader during this

The Hundred Days reform

103 days of reform led by Xang Youwei and Liang Qichao who tried to remake China into an industrial society, Dowager Cixi stopped it and imprisoned the main leaders

Ottoman Empire


Beginning of Portuguese Slave Trade


Songhay Empire


Martin Luther

1483-1546, resented the policies of the Roman church, printed his writings and sparked debates, called for a reform → closed monasteries, translated the Bible, end of the priestly authority (pope), Germany fueled a movement, Holy Roman Empire supported him, followed the Protestant doctrine.

Treaty of Tordesillas


Muhgal Dynasty


Council of Trent

1545-1563 meeting of Catholic leaders in response to the Protestant Reformation; laid out in detail beliefs of the Catholic denomination and was the catalyst for the Catholic Counter Reformation

New Kingdom

1570-1100 B.C.E., hyksos were finally driven out along w/ new capital in Thebes. Ambitious pharaohs created armies and great war fleets

Tokugawa Shogunate


Romanov Dynasty

1613-1917, inherited a state that had rapidly expanded it's boundaries since the mid-fourteenth century, tightly centralized government, restricted the freedoms of most Russian peasants and tied them to the land as serfs

Qing Dynasty


Peace of Westphalia

1648: laid foundations for a system of independent, competing states, All European states participated in drafting, treaty's terms regarded one another as sovereign and equal , mutually recognized the rights to organize their domestic and religious affairs, ensured political and diplomatic affairs to states acting in their own interests, did NOT end war


1766-1122, rulers relied on a large corps of political allies. Authority rested on a vast network of walled towns whose local rulers recognized the authority of the Shang kings. Society revolved around large cities. The capital moved six times and was chosen for political and military reasons, but was also an important social, economic, and cultural center.

Indian Removal Act

1830, United States government determined to move all native Americans west of the Mississippi River into "Indian Territory" (Oklahoma). Many attempted to avoid capture, others were also forced along the Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears

1838-1839, force March of the Cherokee Indians on a 800 mile migration from the eastern woodlands to Oklahoma. Thousands died from disease, starvation, and the difficulties of relocation

The Trail of Tears

1838-1839, force March of the Cherokee indians on a 800 mile migration from the eastern woodlands to Oklahoma. Thousands died from disease, starvation, and the difficulties of relocation

Little Big Horn

1876- Lakota Sioux and their allies annihilated the US forces under the command of Colonel George Armstrong Custer. This is one of the few victories for the Indians

Little Big Horn

1876- Lakota Sioux and their allies annihilated the US forces under the command of Colonel George Armstrong Custer. This is one of the few victories for the indians

Friedrich Engels (1820

1895) same beliefs of Marx with ideals to scorn socialists and believed ideal communities had no hope for resolving problems of early industrial era. Believe social problems of 19th century inevitable results of capitalist economy. Capitalism divided people into two classes with proletariat (wageworkers with only labor to sell) and capitalists (profit from ruthless exploitation of the working class).

The Russo-Japanese War

1904-5 the Russian attempted to expand east and Japanese made war in fear. The Japanese won and the loss caused a Russian rebellion.

Armenian Massacres

1915-1917 close to a million Armenians perished, Turkish government rejects the label deaths resulted from communal warfare perpetrated by Christians, Muslims, Disease, and famine

Treaty of Neuilly

1919 Accepted by Bulgaria giving up small portions of land

Treaty of St. Germain

1919 Treaty between Allies/Republic of Austria

Treaty of Sevres

1920 Dissolved empire Surrender of Ottoman Balkan/Arab provinces

Treaty of Trianon

1920 Treaty between Allies/kingdom of Hungary

"the year of Africa"

1960; 13 French colonies won their independence


1987 a popular mass movement that initiated a series of demonstrations, strikes, and riots against Israeli rule in the Gaza Strip.


1st Carolingian to be Frankish king; son of Charles Martel

Syngman Rhee

1st President of the South Korea; anti-communist

Umayyad Dynasty

1st caliphate; brought stability to the empire through alliances; capital in Damascus; conquered & expanded into other lands using military force; mostly allowed conquered peoples to observe own religion but non-Muslims had to pay a tax (jizya); eventually there was deep resentment among conquered peoples; luxurious living of leaders separated them from even other Arabs; this separation, discontent from conquered people, and resistance of the Shia led to their decline

Song Taizu

1st emperor of the Song dynasty (960-976). Began career as a junior military officer and had a reputation for honesty and effectiveness. In 960, his troops proclaimed him emperor- persuaded generals to retire honorably into a life of leisure so they would not want to displace him. Set up centralized admission that placed military forces under tight supervision. Regarded all state officials as servants of the imperial government. Rewarded rulers handsomely, expanded bureaucracy based on merit and used civil service exams. Placed civil bureaucrats in charge of military forces


20,000 to 30,000 islands. These islands were inhabited by ancient people from Australia and New Guinea

Middle Kingdom

2200-1730 B.C.E. "Age of Nobles" b/c power of nobles increased and pharaoh's power declined. Many civil wars. Huge irrigation projects and a large canal that connected Mediterranean and Red seas. In 1730 B.C.E., Hyksos invaded and took over Egypt, Egyptians learned how use chariots and fight on horseback, Egyptians used this knowledge to run the Hyksos out

The Taiping Rebellion

2nd bloodiest war in history; leader-Hong Xiuquan (saw visions & started rebellion); rebels didn't like taxes, oppressive foreign rule (Manchus/Qing); at first a strong leadership fueled rebellion, lots of fighting/death, Xiuqian commits suicide, movement fades

Old Kingdom

3100-2200 B.C.E., huge pyramids built as the tombs of the pharaohs. Khufu (~2900 B.C.E.) had 100,000 people working for 20 years to build Great Pyramid. Khafre (~2850 B.C.E.) made pyramid in Giza and Great Sphinx


5 nations (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga) emerged from the Owasco society. Women were in charge of administration while the men were expected to gather, hunt, and fight. They built immense burial mounds that had many purposes such as stages and burial sites.

The Middle Ages

5-15th century AD; began with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance period, invasion and movement of new people into the Modern world, technology, religion, and agriculture innovations

Roman Republic

509 BCE when the Romans disposed of the last Etruscan Leaders.

Achaemenid Empire

550 - 330 BCE, empire founded by Cyrus the the Shepherd, borders from India to Egypt

Heian Japan

794-1185, power in the hands of the Fujiwara family, no rule of emperors, almost split between imperial authority and a separate agent of effective rule, read, learned, and wrote in Chinese


A Buddhist word describing the perfect spiritual state of enlightenment, in which your soul escapes the cycle of incarnation and is released. It was compared to the Daoist term wuwei, or noncompetition.

Vitus Bering

A Danish explorer commissioned by Russia to undertake two maritime expeditions in search of a northeast passage to Asian ports.

Zheng He

A Eunuch admiral who lead expeditions. He was a Muslim from Yunnan who rose through the ranks.


A Hindu Philosopher who followed the Bhagavagita. He believed bliss came from salvation and identification of individuals with their gods. His philosophy serves as the foundation of popular Hinduism.


A Hindu philosopher who mistrusted emoticons and believed that the only way a human could understand the climate of reality is by logic and discipline.


A Hindu philosopher who mistrusted emotions and believed that the only way a human could understand the climate of reality is by logic and discipline.

Khubilai Khan

A Mongolian Leader; Took a special liking to Marco Polo

Ibn Battuta

A Moroccan Islamic scholar who served as a qadi to the sultan of Delhi

Ibn Rushd

A Muslim qadi and philosopher who turned to Aristotle in search of a rational understanding of the world. His works would shape Islamic philosophy and make its way to western Europe where he was known as Averroes. His works also influenced scholasticism, the attempt of European philosophers to combine Christianity and Aristotelian thought.

Prince Henry the Navigator

A Portuguese explorer that sponsored a series of voyages down the west coast of Africa to enter the gold trade, discover profitable new trade routes, gain intelligence about the extent of muslim power, and win converts to Christianity.

Gavrilo Princip

A Serbian nationalist living in Austria-Hungary, he successfully assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo.


A Sufis who believed human reasoning was incapable of understanding the nature of Allah and would only bring confusion instead of understanding. Because of his beliefs, he spoke against Greek philosophy within the dar al-Islam because of its dependency on human reason instead of the Quran.

Sultan Selim III

A Sultan who embarked on a program to remodel his army along the lines of European forces


A Trading port located in Western Africa

Walt Whitman

A US poet that celebrated himself and his nation's diversity, calling it a nation of nations

The Wealth of Nations

A book by Adam Smith in which he described a system of manufacturing based on each worker performing a single task

The Rule

A book written by St. Benedict with rules on how to live in a monastery

Meiji Restoration

A change in political control of Japan whereby the emperor regained his political power. Followed the destruction of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1868, in which a collection of young leaders set Japan on the path of centralization, industrialization, and imperialism.

Geneva Conference

A conference in Geneva, Switzerland, whose purpose was to attempt to settle outstanding issues on the Korean Peninsula and to unify vietnam and discuss the possibility of restoring peace in Indochina.


A crusade that drove islamic forces out of Spain. The fall of Granada was apart of this crusade.

Bhakti movement

A cult which sought to erase the distinction between Hinduism and Islam. Began in Southern India and originally was traditional piety and devotion Hinduism. When they saw Islam they were inspired by monotheism and spiritual equality,

Guru Kabir

A famous poet in India who was also considered a saint. His wirting are a major influence on the Bhakti Movement


A forced unification between Hitler's germany and Austria.

The Directory

A group of conservative men of property then seized power and ruled France under a new institution, they were unable to solve economic and military problems that plagued revolutionary France


A group of prominent intellectuals from France.

"made in Japan"

A label that was originally associated with cheap manufacturing, until japan started to make technologically intensive products, and then this label meant high quality.


A large vein of silver was found here and large scale mining took place. the city quickly grew in population.

Ponciano Arriaga

A lawyer who supported equality through property rights. Proposed a law where government takes hacienda and redistributes it to local indians

95 theses

A list written by Martin Luther of his grievances he felt were wrong with the Roman Catholic Church.

Benito Juarez

A mexican lawyer and Politician who served as President of Mexico for 5 terms. He resisted French occupation of Mexico

An Lushan

A military commander of the Tang Dynasty who mounted a rebellion and captured the secondary capital at Luoyang.


A mnemonic way to keep track of different things using various cords of different lengths and colors. Was used instead of a language in order to keep records and other important information.

Bartolomeu Dias

A nobleman of the Portuguese royal household and a Portuguese explorer. He was the first to sail around the southern most tip of Africa.

Russian-German Treaty of Nonaggression

A pact between Russia and Germany that they would not fight in the act of going to war with a third party


A poet and humanist in Italian Renaissance. He is often called the "Father of Humanisms". He rediscovered Cicero's letter.


A policy proposed where nations outside the revisionist sphere had to deal with expansion by aggressive nations.

Vasco da Gama

A portuguese explorer and the commander of one of the sail from Europe directly to India.

Vasco da Gama

A portuguese mariner who sailed from Spain around Africa to reach India.


A powerful kingdom that emerged in the tenth cent. and controlled much of the Peruvian coast. It had a prosperous capital and helped to maintain order in Andean South America. Within 30 years, it fell to the rising Inca Empire


A powerful state in southeast Asia that helped spread of Islam in the area; founded by Paramesvara, a rebellious prince from Sumatra. Melaka took advantage of its strategic location in the Strait of Melaka and became a powerful state through the control of maritime trade in Southeast Asia. Melaka began as a Hindu state but became predominantly Islamic and spread the faith throughout the region.

United Fruit Company

A private enterprise controlled mainly by U.S. investors.

The Monroe Doctrine

A proclamation of President James Monroe establishing the rest of the Americas as basically a U.S. protectorate, closing it to further imperialist designs.

La Reforma

A reform led by President Juárez that tried to limit the military and Roman Catholic Church. It made a Constitution that set forth the ideals, such as freedom of speech and male suffrage.

Emiliano Zapata

A ruler of the rebels in the Mexican Revolution, he fought for land and liberty. He redistributed Haciendas to peasants. He was ambushed a few years in and never managed to capture any major cities

Manorial system

A system where a noble (or lord) owned a great amount of land and had peasants working on the land and provided labor services for stay

Han Feizi

A systematic Legalist theorist that carefully reviewed Legalist ideas from throughout China and compiled them in a collection of essays.


A trading port in Western Asia


A trading port located on the Swahili coast in Eastern Africa

The Russo-Japanese War

A war that broke out in 1904 after both Russia and Japan shared territorial ambitions in the Liaodong peninsula, Korea, and Manchuria. It ended by 1905, with Japan winning.

Persian Empire

Achaemenid Empire. This empire was found by Cyrus the Great around the 6th century BCE. It stretched across a large part of central and, today, Eastern Europe and Africa. It is the largest empire the world has seen. At the height of its power it controlled Egypt and aprox. 8 million sq. Kilometers. It fell to Macedonia, conquered by Alexander the Great, around 330 BCE during the Greco Persian Wars.

November Revolution

After Lenin convinced the people to launch a revolt against the winter palace, and when they stormed the palace they took over and put Lenin into power with little bloodshed and violence.


After a German submarine sunk the British passenger ship Lusitania killing 128 US citizens, US opinion turned against Germany and eventually led to US intervention in WWI

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

After the Bolsheviks took power in Russia, they signed this humiliating treaty on March 3, 1918, ending the Russian role in WWI and giving much territory to Germany; allowed Bolsheviks to focus on internal problems and Germany to focus on Western front


After the decline of Srivijaya, the kingdom of Angkor became one of the dominated states in southeast Asia. Angkor was largely an agricultural society with a capital city at Angkor Thom. The design of Khmer temples at Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat showed the influence of both Hindu and Buddhist traditions. The Khmers abandoned Angkor in 1431 after Thai peoples invaded the capital and left much of it in ruins.

Frantz Fanon

Algerian revolutionary; supporter of a violent revolution. Wrote works such as The Wretched of the Earth.


Alizanza Popular Revolutcionaria Americana, they advocated rights of indigenous people and supported anti-imperialism among other things

Peter I (the Great)

Also known as Peter the Great; son of Alexis Romanov; ruled from 1689 to 1725; continued growth of absolutism and conquest; included more definite interest in changing selected aspects of economy and culture through imitation of western European models.

Tokugawa Japan

Also known as the Edo Bakufu, this was the last feudal Japanese military government. The heads of government were the Shoguns and each was a member of the Tokugawa clan. Technically the emperor was still the legitimate ruler of Japan, however the country was controlled by the Shoguns.

Matthew C. Perry

American commander who arrived in Japan in 1853 with a naval squadron, guns pointed at Edo and demanded a treaty for diplomatic and commercial relations and to sign a treaty of friendship

Pan-American Culture

American culture diffusing throughout the world

Tang Expansion

Among largest territorial empire in Chinese history; To north conquered Manchuria and forced Silla kingdom in Japan to submit to Tang overlord, to south conquered Northern Vietnam, to west conquered as far as Aral Sea and portion of Tibetan Plateau; Chinese political theory stated that China had responsibility to bring order to subordinate lands through tributary relationships; neighboring lands and peoples regularly delivered gifts and performed the kowtow (prostration) in return for lavish gifts and confirmation of Tang authority

Walt Whitman

An American Poet and Journalist. Humanist. Part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism.


An Economic allliance that quadrupled the price on oil

Charles Darwin

An English biologist who argued in his book The Origin of Species that all species had evolved in a contest for survival. Scientific racists used Darwin's theory of evolution to explain that some individuals and races were stronger and more successful because they had competed better in the natural world.

The Indian National Congress

An Indian reform group founded in 1885 as a forum for Indians to communicate on public affairs with colonial officials. By the end of the 19th century, it openly sought Indian self-rule.

Ram Mohan Roy

An Indian reformer who argued for a society based on both modern European science and the Indian tradition of devotional Hinduism.

Christopher Columbus

An Italian explorer that discovered the continent of North America. He also initiated Spanish colonization in the New World


An ancient kingdom located in Southeast Asia centered on the Maekong Delta. It has been described by Chinese diplomats visitng the city from the Wu Kingdom in Nanking.


An area or country under political control of another country. These helped Great Britain and other powerhouses by providing raw materials for production


An attraction in the Byzantine empire that was directly across from the imperial palace where forms of entertainment were held such as chariot races, games, and games involving animals and humans fighting against each other


An ecclesiastical policy implemented by the Byzantine emperors; a belief that the veneration of icons (painting of Jesus, saints, and other religious figures) was sinful; Religious images destroyed and prohibited in churches; Led to riots and protests because icons were popular among the laity.


An economic partnership that was supposed to accelerate the economic development and political stability of SouthEast Asia

Early Capitalism

An economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.


An italian scientist who proved that heavens were a world of change and flux, not what the Ptolemaic astronomers assumed to be a perfect space.

Kingdom of Axum

An originally small kingdom that went on to attack Kush and destroy its capital, Meroe, displacing it as Egypt's principle link to the southern regions. After growing into an empire and adopting Christianity, it was able to maintain its independence despite neighboring influence and prosper from trade.


Ancient Egyptian written language

Andean Society

Andean Mountains in, what is now, modern day Peru, Columbia, parts of Chile, and parts of Ecuador; geography discouraged communication; warm & dry climate


Area in germany on the french that was demilitarized after WW I.

Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

Argentine president that despised the rule of caudillos and worked to develop a society based on European values.

Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

Argentine president, 1811-1888, despised the rule of caudillos, his book: Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism, argued that it was necessary for Buenos Aires to bring discipline to the disorderly Argentine countryside, inspired by Enlightenment, thought that if you dominated the country-side, you will prosper

Little Ice Age

Around 1300, this caused temperatures to drop which led to a decline in agricultural production and increase in famine and starvation.

Seven Years War (French and Indian War)

As a result of the war, the United States gained the French Louisiana territories (France sold it for money.)

Seven Years War

As a result of this war, the colony of New France became British.

722 BCE

Assyrian Conquest of the Kingdom of Israel

Church Hierarchy

At the top: bishop of Rome & patriarchs of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and Constantinople; subordinate to them were bishops who presided over dioceses


Athenian statesman, supported the arts, education, and supplied many jobs, made Athens the "education of Greece"


Athens, forged a compromise between social classes, turned government into a representative democracy

Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

Authorized the President of the US to survey American Indian tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians

Paul of Tarsus

Became embroiled in dispute between Jews and proponents of Christian religion. Devout Jew from Anatolia accepted Christian teachings and became a zealous missionary seeking converts from outside and within the Jewish community. Principle figure in development of Christianity. Authority of Roman government needed to restore order.

F.W. de Klerk

Became president of South Africa in 1989 and worked with the National Party to dismantle the system of apartheid. He also ended up releasing Mandela from prison in 1990 and made it so that elections were open to all races.

Qin dynasty (book burning, centralization, script)

Began with the state of Qin conquering other Chinese states and unifying them. Legalist policies helped to unify China, but brought criticism of Confucians, Daoists, and others. Qin Shihuangdi ordered for any critics of his policies to be executed and for many books that were not deemed important by him to be burned. Shihuangdi also standardized Chinese script, implemented uniform coinage, standardized laws, currencies, weights and measures, and established roads for military use and commerce. All of these actions aided in the unification and centralization of China.

Allied Powers

Beginning with France, Great Britain, and Poland; By the end of the war, the two superpowers, the U.S. and Soviet Union, joined


Benito Mussolini and Italy invaded this place to enhance Italian prestige.

Charles Darwin

Biologist who suggested idea of evolution for survival in regards to humans/ many scientists used this idea to justify their racism

Crash of 1929

Black Thursday; worldwide economic slowdown and overvalued stock prices caused a wave of panic selling on the New York Stock Exchange, making prices plummet. Caused 11 suicides.

Adela Zamudio

Bolivian poet who wrote "To Be Born a Man," which demonstrated the sexual inequality brought to talented women.

Caste System

Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (merchants), Shudras (slaves)


Brilliant Central American society known for math, astronomy, and a sophisticated written language

The Opium War

Britain illegally imported Opium for silver coins, China was outraged and went to war with Britain, forced to sign unequal treaties after defeat

Neville Chamberlain

Britain's prime minister at the time of the Munich conference

Ethnic diversity

British and French people saw themselves as founders of Canada, but there were natives and ex-slaves that were segregated and Chinese founded Chinatowns. British and French descendants were the upper classes though

Ethnic diversity

British and French settlers viewed themselves as Canada's founding people; therefore they displaced indigenous peoples such as the blacks who had escaped to Canado through the underground railroad

Cecil Rhodes

British colonial financier and statesman in South Africa made a fortune in gold and diamond mining; helped colonize the territory now known as Zimbabwe


British navy conducted expedition to size the approach to Dardanelles Strait in attempt to open a warm-water supply line to Russia through the Ottoman-controlled straight. It was a failure and produced 250,000 casualties. Took 9 months to admit defeat

Rudyard Kipling

British writer who wrote of "The White Man's Burden" and justified imperialism

Mary Wollstonecraft

British writer, says for right of women to education

Westward Expansion

Brought settlers and government forces into conflict with the indigenous peoples of North America, who resisted efforts to push them from their ancestral lands and hunting grounds


Buddhist name for the basic Buddhist doctrine, translated as "dao" in China in order to appeal to the Chinese who were familiar with Daoism.

Henry Bessemer

Built a refined blast furnace in 1856 known as the Bessemer converter. Made producing steel cheaply in large quantities possible.


Built during the Old Kingdom (2660-2160 BCE) as royal tombs. These enormous monuments are located in Giza, as a testimony to the pharaoh's ability to control Egyptian resources. The largest pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu; scholars think that it took 84,000 slave laborers working 80 days per year to build the pyramid in 20 years.

George Stephenson

Built the first steam-powered locomotive in 1815. In 1829 his "Rocket" won a contest by reaching a speed of 45 km/hr


Byzantine emperor; Inaugurated iconoclasm; Convinced worshiping images was sinful

White Huns

Came from Asia, they took over Bactria and slowly took over northern India until the Gupta Empire couldn't fight anymore


Capital of the Aztec Empire, present day Mexico City that was made on Lake Texcoco


Capital of the Ottoman Empire, originally Constantinople before the city was captured by Mehmed II, Mehmed II changed it to a wealthy city, city peaked under Süleyman the Magnificent


Carthaginian leader who lead his army over the Alps to fight the Romans, but he succeeded in his first battle, but lost his next battles with Rome

Farming and mining

Cash crops farming was the major part of Africa. Stuff that was suppose to be sold overseas was kept in the hands of the white settlers. With little male labor and minimal wages, it caused rural areas to become impoverished

Catholic Counter Reformation

Catholic movement to try and improve itself and compete with the new Protestant doctrine; began with Council of Trent and attempted to get back to spiritual roots of Catholicism and lessen moral corruption; also had great political impact (Spanish Inquisition)

Crimean War

Caused by Russian expansion, thought of as a threat to foreign European powers; Russia lost on their own territory. Russia's economy was unable to support the war.


Center of Spanish commercial activity in Asia; in Spanish-controlled Philippines; large population of Chinese merchants, but resentful residents turned to violence against them six times


Central American nation that experienced internal issues of communism vs. anticommunism.


Central American society (950-1150) that was centered on the city of Tula.

Ming dynasty

Centralized state in China after the collapse of the Yuan dynasty in 1368. Reestablished the Confucian educational and civil service systems to ensure a supply of talented officials and bureaucrats. All Mongol traces erased.

Meiji Restoration

Chain of events that restored imperial rule to Japan under the Meiji emperor. The restoration also resulted in numerous political and social changes, resulting in a more modernized Japan.

Caste system

Changes brought a series of changes to India's caste system. Migrations, the growing prominence of Islam, economic development, and urbanization all placed pressures on the caste system as it had developed during the Vedic and classical eras.

Charlemagne and his elephant

Charlemagne was gifted an albino elephant named Abu al-Abbas by Harun al-Rashid, symbolizing the diplomatic relations of the Byzantine empire and the Abbasid caliphate.

Utopian Socialists

Charles Fourier and Robert Owen worked to establish ideal communities of equality

Sino-Japansese War

China and Japan vied for control over the Korean Peninsula after a foreign rebellion took place their/ Japanese quickly won and took control

Rise of China

China opened its markets to the outside world and moved from a planned economic system to a market economy

Oracle bones

Chinese Shang dynasty means of fortelling the future

Mandate of Heaven

Chinese belief that the emperors ruled through the mandate, or approval, of heaven contingent on their ability to look after the welfare of the population

Zhou Dynasty

Chinese dynasty that followed the Shang dynasty and preceded the Qin Dynasty. Produced a lot of bronze-ware. The modern Chinese script also evolved during this time.

Magnetic compass

Chinese invention, European mariners used compasses to determine their heading in the Mediterranean and Atlantic waters

Equal Field System

Chinese sytem that allotted land to individuals and their families according to the land's fertility and the recipients' needs

Sternpost rudder

Chineses invention that had diffused across the Indian Ocean, increased maneuverability of ships


Christian group that came out of the Reformation; main difference was view of baptism (infant baptism was considered useless, and to be baptized an older person had to confess his faith); persecuted by Catholics and some Protestants; thought belief was voluntary


Christian-Balkan young boys that became slaves to the Ottoman sultans, formed the Janissaries


City-state of Greece that was one of the most powerful, and had a very sophisticated society


City-state of Greece that was one of the most powerful, very militaristic and cruel

Daodejing (Tao te Ching)

Classic of the Way and of Virtue; the most important Daoist work and basic exposition of Daoist beliefs written by several scholars

Dien Bien Phu

Climactic confrontation of the First Indochina War between the French Union's French Far East Expeditionary Corps and Viet Minh communist-nationalist

Slave trade

Climax of the slave trade came during the 1800th century. The Atlantic slave trade brought about the involuntary migration of about 12 million slaves to the western Hemisphere. slave trade distorted sex ratios in the Americas and Africa. This caused the Angolans to embrace polygamy. Brought turmoil to African societies because it encouraged them to participate in conflicts that occurred because of the slave trade.


Clovis- Frankish king who united all Frankish tribes under one ruler; ensured hereditary kingship; founded Merovingian dynasty

Juan Peron

Colonel in the Argentinean army who was elected president because he promoted nationalistic populism, industrialization, support of the working class, and protection of the economy from foreign control.

Types of Imperialism

Colony, Direct Rule, Indirect Rule, the Sphere-of-Influence


Combination of protease inhibitors and older drugs called highly active antiretroviral therapy that was used that can prolong life indefinitely

Mughal Empire

Comes from Persian term meaning Mongol; Ruled most of India from 16th to 19th century; Origin founded by the successorts of Tamerlane and Chinggis Khan (Zahir al Muhammad aka Babur)

Mathew C. Perry

Commodore of the U.S. Navy and commanded a number of ships. His most influential role was in the opening of Japan to the western world.

Alexander Dubcek

Communist leader who launched a democratic socialist revolution in Czechoslovakia

Joint-stock companies

Companies that financed the settlement of America.


Confucian scholar and enlightened ruler; organized flood control and irrigation projects; conqueror as well


Confucian value of Filial Piety - respect and take care of parents and family elders in life and in death - emphasizes significance of family in China


Confucian value of kindness and sense of humanity - practice courtesy, respect, and loyalty; emphasized by Confucian scholar Mencius


Confucian value of sense of propriety - treat others in conventional fashion of respect and courtesy; emphasized by Confucian scholar Xunzi


Confucius's idea of "superior individuals" who took broad view of public affairs and were not influenced by personal interests; Confucius believed filling government with these well educated, conscientious men was best way to promote good government

Confucian Literary Classics

Confucius's teachings transcribed by students in the Analects; Confucius also examined Zhou literature such as Book of Songs, Book of History, and Book of Rites because of their focus on practical value for administrators

Jawaharlal Nehru

Congress Party leader who agreed with Gandhi in urging all Indians to act and feel as one nation


Conquered by the Dutch whose policy was created by Jan Pieterszoon Coen; served as an entrepot for the VOC. Made alliances with local leaders to maintain order.

Francisco Franco

Contender in the Spanish civil war who overthrew the republican government.

September 11

Coordinated attack on US soil that destroyed the world trade towers and hurt the pentagon that was done by al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden

The Witte Syste

Count Sergei Witte (minister of finance); wanted to remove the conditions that were hurting the economy. and design policies that would stimulate the economy. supported infant industries and secured foreign loans.


Created around 2900 B.C.E., it was one of the FIRST written languages in the world. Developed by the Sumerians. It was the combination of pictographs and other symbols. Babylonians, Assyrians, and others later adapted it to form their written language.

Heliocentric Universe

Created by Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who said that the sun stood at the center of the universe, not earth, and all of the other planets revovled around it

Geocentric Universe

Created by Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who said that the sun stood at the center of the universe, not earth, and all of the other planets revovled around it Geocentric universe- this theory also stated that the earth was at the center of the revolution of planets

James Watt

Created the first general-purpose steam engine

Bernardo O'Higgins

Creole leader in Chile, help dispose Spanish rulers

Wars of Latin American Independence

Creoles overthrow peninsulares (pretty much the same), Mexico gets independence from Spain, Brazil gets independence from Portugal.

Suez Crisis

Crisis in which Nasser decided to nationalize the Suez Canal. Control of the canal was taken from him by the British, French, and Israeli. Those three failed miserably on the diplomatic level and tore at the fabric of the cold world system.


Cultural - focused on individual communities and relished their uniqueness, valued the study of literature; Political - sought to establish independent states to protect and advance the interests of the national community, strong potential to stir up conflicts between groups of people

Vitus Bering

Danish navigator that was hired by the Russians to undertake two maritime expeditions in search of a northeast passage to Asian ports


Daoist term meaning "the way," used to describe the basic Buddhist doctrine in order to make Buddhism appealing to Daoists in China.


Darius's successor who was often seen as cruel because of his difficult relations with the people.


Date of: "La Reforma" in Mexico


Date of: Berlin Conference


Date of: Boer War


Date of: Construction of the Panama Canal


Date of: Eli Whitney introduced interchangeable parts


Date of: Emancipation of Russian serfs by Alexander II


Date of: Marx and Engels publish "Communist Manifesto"


Date of: Meiji Restoration


Date of: Mexican Revolution


Date of: Mexican-American War


Date of: Opium War


Date of: Russo-Japanese War


Date of: Seneca Falls Convention


Date of: Sepoy Rebellion


Date of: Suez Canal


Date of: Taiping Rebellion

Pearl Harbor

December 7, 1941, Japanese planes bombed US Navy Base in Hawaii, was the reason that the United States entered WWII

The Berlin West Africa Conference

Delegates of twelve European states and the U.S. and Ottoman Empire devised the ground rules for the colonization of Africa here.


Demonstrated that planetary orbits are elliptical


Descendants of nomadic peoples who settled in Hungary. They were expert horsemen and attacked from the east.

Adam Smith

Described the new system of manufacture based on each worker performing a single task with a pin factory in his book, Wealth of Nations

Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

Designed to root out revisionism, this plan was the cause of millions of people being subjected to humiliation, persecution, and death at the hands of the Red Guard

Bubonic Plague

Disease started in the Yunnan region of southwestern China in which fleas transmit the bacillus pathogen to humans. Killed a third of the human population of Europe.


Disengagement from the competitive exertions and active involvement in affairs of the world. It required refraining from advanced education, personal striving, and called for individuals to live simply, unpretentiously, and in harmony with nature.

Pope Innocent IV

Dispatched a series of envoys who invited the MOngol khans to convert to Christianity and join Europeans in an alliance against the Muslims

"warning to humanity"

Document signed in 1992 by Nobel laureates that stated "human beings and the natural world are on a collision course"


Dominated the highlands of Lake Titicaca; depended on domestication of llamas and alpacas as well as the growth of potatoes to survive.

Frederick Lugard

Driving force behind the doctrine of indirect rule, which was largely practiced by British in their African colonies

Marshal Tito

During World War II he was the leader of the Partisans, often regarded as the most effective resistance movement in occupied Europe. While his presidency has been criticized as authoritarian; Tito was "seen by most as a benevolent dictator" due to his successful economic and diplomatic policies and was a popular public figure both in Yugoslavia and abroad

Technology and Industrial Development

During the Tang and Song dynasties, Chinese craft workers discovered a process of making high-quality porcelain that was lighter, thinner, and more adaptable than early pottery, was traded all through the silk roads (came to be known as chinaware.) New techniques made stronger iron and steel, used for weaponry and agricultural tools. Accidentally discovered a mixture for gunpowder while looking for the elixir to prolong life, was used but had limited effectiveness. Printing became common during the Tang, originally with block-printing techniques (pressing inked blocks to paper,) later used movable types but they proved to be less convenient than wooden block printing. Also had stronger ships and used magnetic compasses.

South Africa

Dutch East India Company established cape town as a station for ships, and Dutch migrants occupied land, called boers (farmers)


Dutch Jan Pieterszoon Coen founded Batavia on Java island in 1619; established VOC monopoly over spice trade; took advantage of local tensions to extract concessions in return for aid; by late 1600s, VOC controlled all ports of Java


Dutch Jan Pieterszoon Coen founded Batavia on this island in 1619; established VOC monopoly over spice trade; took advantage of local tensions to extract concessions in return for aid; by late 1600s, VOC controlled all ports of this island

Desiderius Erasmus

Dutch Renaissance Humanist and a Catholic Priest. Some people called him the "Prince of Humanists."


Dutch farmers and ranchers in South Africa

Song Dynasty

Dynasty that restored centralized imperial rule in China after the collapse of the Tang. It survived for more than three centuries but never built a powerful state. Rulers mistrusted military leaders, and they placed much more emphasis on civil administration, industry, education, and the arts than on military affairs.


Earliest Heirs to the Olmecs. They created a remarkable society in the region now occupied by southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and, El Salvador. Built TERRACES designed to trap silt carried by the numerous rivers passing through the lowlands. Cultivated maize as their staple crop, also cotton for weaving fine textiles, & cocoa beans for money .

The Little Tigers

Earliest and most successful imitators of the Japanese model for economic development; Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan


Early Greek society on the Peloponesse that was influenced by Minoans; came into conflict with Troy


Early Indian god associated with the Aryans; Indra was the king of the gods and was associated with warfare and thunderbolts


Early Mesoamerican society that centered on sites at San Lorenzo, La Venta, and Tres Zapotes and that influenced later Maya

Ptolemaic Universe

Earth was the center of the universe, the Sun and other perfect spheres revolved around the earth in a circular path

The Treaty of Versailles

Effectively ended WWI when Allied powers reached peace agreement with Germany; restricted German army and distributed certain German territories

Amenhotep IV

Egyptian king reigning in the 18th dynasty from 1350-1334BCE. He changed his name to be Akhnaton, meaning "the servant of Aten". Akhenaton placed himself as the intermediary between the god Aten and the people. This eliminated the need for priesthood. This ruling of both religion and government is known as theocracy.

Abraham Lincoln

Elected to president, wanted to restore the union and later adopted an abolitionist policy. His election sparked the war between the states


Emerging economies, included Brazil, Russia, India, and China

The Safavid Empire

Empire created by Shah Ismail, traced their ancestry back to Sufi-al-Din, had a Sufi religious order

John Stuart Mill

English Philosopher, tried to ensure that powerful minorities would not endanger the poor majority

Act of Supremacy

English act of parliament that recognized Henry VIII as the supreme head of the church of england.


English mathematician who depended on mathematical reasoning to construct a powerful synthesis of astronomy and mechanics. He outlined his views on the natural world in the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

John Locke

English philosopher who attacked divine right theories that served as foundation for absolute monarchies

William Harvey

English physician who discovered the principles of the circulation of human blood, studied human reproduction

William Harvey

English physician who discovered the principles of the circulation of human blood.

Mary Wolstencraft

English writer and passionate advocate of educational and social equality for women

Mary Astell

English writer, argued that women are born slaves,

Rudyard Kipling

English writer/poet who defined the "white man's burden as the duty of the European and Euro-American peoples to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands

Tokugawa Ieyasu

Established a military government "tent government" (bakufu).Last shogunate in Japanese history (1600-1867); founded by him. Notable for unifying Japan


Established in 1438, it became the dominate power in South America, gaining control of many of the regional empires that surrounded it. In addition to having a very powerful army, its capital served as a spiritual center. Because they did not have the troops, they used captives in order to ensure obedience.

The Berlin West Africa Conference

Europe gathered to decide guidelines for colonizing Africa, no African representatives

Challenges to European Authority

European personnel left colonies. The Africans saw this a their opportunity to strike so there were many revolts against the Europeans in the colonies.

Triangular Trade

European ships often undertook voyages in three legs. The first leg carried European manufactured goods, that they exchanged in sub-Saharan Africa for slaves. Second leg took enslaved Africans to the Americas. Then sold the slaves and brought American items back to Europe.


Europeans built roads, railways and telegraphs to try to form infrastructures in Africa. They never considered the needs of local African economies.

Vassal (retainer)

Exchanged their loyalty and military service for land.


Expanded boundaries; Generated religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims; Demolished several Hindu temples (replaced by mosque); Imposed a tax on Hindus (encourage conversion to Islam)

The Ottoman Empire

Experienced military reverses and challenges to its rule, could no longer ward of European economic penetration or prevent territorial dismemberment

Benito Mussolini

Fascist dictator of Italy

Ngo Dinh Diem

First president of South Vietnam. In the wake of the french withdrawal from Indochina as a result of the 1954 Geneva Accords, he led the effort to create the Republic of Vietnam.

John Macdonald

First prime minister of Canada. Moved to incorporate all of British NA into the Dominion.


Foreign merchants could only do business with these specially licensed Chinese firms.

League of Nations

Forty-two members, twenty-six of them outside Europe The league had no power to enforce its decisions Collective security depended on all major powers, but United States never joined

Fast Ripening Rice

Foundation of economic development in Tang and Song. Increased agricultural productivity when discovered fast- ripening rice in Vietnam. Allowed harvest twice per year and expanded supply of food

Jan Pieterszoon Coen

Founded Batavia on Java Island in 1619, which was a strategic site near Sunda Strait that attracted Chinese and Malay vessels; architect of Dutch policy by monopolizing spice trade

Ferdinand and Isabel

Founded Spanish Inquisition, funded Colombus


Frankish Empire that began as an aristocratic clan ruled by Charles Martel. Later ruled by Martel's grandson Charlemagne who centralized and expanded his empire.


Frankish king who united all Frankish tribes under one ruler; ensured hereditary kingship; founded Merovingian dynasty

Fireside chats

Franklin Roosevelt's radio broadcasts

Emancipation Proclamation

Freed the slaves in states that had rebelled

French Indochina

French colony consisting of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, French officials encourage conversion to Christianity and created many western style schools

Gens de couleur

French for people of color (used in Santo Domingo)

Charles de Gaulle

French general and statesman who led the Free French Forces during World War II. He later founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958 and served as its first president from 1959 to 1969


French man of letters and philosopher who served as chief editor of the Encyclopédie, one of the principal works of the Age of Enlightenment

Emilie du Chatelet

French mathematician and physician. famed for being the mistress of Voltaire and a talented intellectual in her own right.


French politician under King Louis XIV. He became an esteemed minister. Tried to bring France out of bankruptcy.


French politician; Minister of Finances under Louis XIV

Influenza Pandemic

From 1918-1919, the "Spanish Flu" killed 20 million people across Europe; either originated or first reported in Spain


Front de Liberation Nationale

He Ram

Gandhi's last words; roughly translates to "O! God"


Gandhi's philosophy of tolerance and nonviolence

U Boats

German "Unterseeboote," or submarines, used to battle in the Atlantic against British ships. The Germans tried to cut off Britain's imports using these boats.

Martin Luther

German monk that attacked the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church.


German scientist who demonstrated that planetary orbits are elliptical not circular like the Ptolemaics had them.


German term meaning "living space"; the term is associated with Hitler and his goal of carving out territory in the east for an expanding Germany

Catherine the Great

German wife of Peter III of Russia and came to power after his murder; ruled Russia 1762-1796; interested in enlightened reforms but didn't do any; had policy favoring landed nobility but this led to worse conditions for Russian peasants and led to rebellion; the rebellion spread across southern Russia but she halted all reform and serfdom expanded into newer parts of the empire; expanded Russian Empire

Battle of Britain

Germans vs. British; Germans used their air force, the Luftwaffe, to bomb London, but was fought off by the Royal Air Force and forced Hitler to abandon plans to invade Britain

Naval race

Germany vs Britain, made dreadnoughts (super battleships), kept trying to make more ships than the other person, thought naval power was imperative for keeping control of trade and to protect merchant shipping

Lin Zexu

Given task to destroy opium trade


Gold wasn't the most present precious metal in the Americas, but this metal was. It outweighed gold in quantity and value. Spain's conquest of the Americas focused on the mining of this metal. It took place in the Andes and northern Mexico. Large amounts of this metal were found in Potosi, and large scale mining took place.

Bloody Sunday

Government troops killed 130 innocent petitioners with rifle fire


Grandson of Charles Martel under whom the Frankish realm reached a high point. He reigned from 768-814. Responsible for the more centralized imperial rule and expansion of the Carolingian Empire.

Russian Revolution

Great War undermined the state, disintegrating armies, mutinies, and food shortages provoked a series of street demonstrations and strikes in Petrograd. The inability of police forces to suppress uprisings and the mutiny of troops garrisoned in the capital. Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne

Persian War

Greek cities on Ionian coast revolted against the Persians, Battle of Marathon, Persia attacked Ionian Greeks with 1,000 ships, Greek fleet led by Athens defeated shattered Persian navy at the Battle of Salamis (493-480 B.C.E.)


Greek historian noted for the unprecedented objectivity and thoroughness of his critical history of the Peloponnesian War


Greek historian whose writings on the Persian Wars are among the earliest known works of narrative history

Greek Geography

Greek peninsula, western Anatolia, both mountainous


Greek term for city-state


Group of people who came from Italy from Anatolia, built cities, manufactured bronze and iron goods, as well as gold and silver, they built a fleet and traded around the Mediterranean. They encountered challenges from others in 6th cent. and the greeks defeated them while the Celtic people attacked them from Gaul


Group of people who lived in and around Rome (most common language was latin)

Chinese Communist party

Growing interest in Marxist thought, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was organized in Shanghai in 1921

Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas

Guatemalan who trained noncommunist Guatemalans to attack President Arbenz's government, and succeeded. He established a military government, redistributed lands to the United Fruit Company, and tortured and murdered anyone who opposed.

Geocentric universe

Having the earth as the center of the universe

Heliocentric universe

Having the sun as the center of the solar system

President Lyndon Johnson

He succeeded to the presidency following Kennedy's assassination, completed Kennedy's term, and was elected President in his own right.

Napoleon's Empire

He tried to extend his authority throughout Europe and occupied the Iberian and Italian peninsulas and he forced Austria, Prussia, Russia to ally with him. However his empire began to fall apart when he decided to invade Russia

Toussaint Louverture

He was a former slave who gained and education. He was smart and formed an army that he led against the oppressors of Santo Domingo and established a constitution declaring everyone equal.


He was a minor official form southern Egypt (also known as Upper Egypt). He rose to power and extended his authority into Lower Egypt. He founded the city of Memphis (in Egypt), which was located at the meeting point of Lower and Upper Egypt Unified Upper and Lower Egypt

Deng Xioping

He was imprisoned by Mao and ended up taking over after Mao's death. At first, he tried to open up China to more foreign influence, but he ended up revising his decisions.

Augusto Cesar Sandino and his sons

He was murdered by members of of Garcia's Nicaraguan National Guard when he led a guerrilla movement aimed at ending U.S. interference in Nicaragua. Somoza's sons, Luis Debayle and Anastiscio Debayle controlled Nicaraguan politics for more than forty years

Adam Smith

He was the author of "The Wealth of Nations" and is known as the father of modern economics.


He was the first Christian emperor and claimed divine favor for his rule. Initiated caesaropapism, which is a way of rule that the emperor rules political and religious affairs. He did not claim a divine status unlike previous rulers. Constantine created the Byzantine capital of Constantinople in 330.

Mahmud of Ghazni

He was the leader of the turks in Afghanistan. He was a patron of the arts and built Ghazni. He supported historians, mathematicians, and literary figures. He was also a warrior who spent a lot of time fighting with his army. He had seventeen raiding expeditions into India.

John Calvin

He was the leading French Protestant Reformer and the most important figure in the second generation of the reformation. He composed the institutio Christianae religionis (Institutes of the Christian Religion). He is known for having his own church known as calvinism.

Rajiv Gandhi

He was the son of Indira Gandhi who took over after her death in 1984. He offered reconciliation to the Sikhs, but he was assassinated by a terrorist in 1991 while he was attempting to be elected into office

Agriculture technology

Heavy plows were developed instead of light wooden ones; they made it possible to plow the heavy soil and increased agricultural production.

Tight packers vs. loose packers

Held the idea that if you crammed as many slaves as possible below the deck, the mortality rate might be higher but a higher profit vs. the idea that if one was to pack less people it would give them more room, and the mortality rate would be lower and be a more profitable sale.

Ionian Greeks

Hellenistic people including but not limited to Athens and Sparta, the people that were in the Persian war, lived on the coast of Attica, parts of Asia Minor, and Aegean islands


Herding animals in a pasture


Hindu concept of the salvation of the soul


Hindu concept that the sum of good and bad in a person's life will determine his or her status in the next life


Hindu epic that tells the story of Prince Rama (the god Vishnu incarnate) rescuing his wife Sita, who was stolen by the demon king Cecylon. The ideal Hindu couple is shown through the relationship of Rama and Sita


Hindu term for the concept of transmigratin, that is, the soul passing into a new incarnation

Devotional cults

Hindus embraced the new cults warmly because they promised salvation. The cults became very popular in southern India where individuals or family groups went to great lengths to honor their chosen deities.

German national Socialism

Hitler and the Nazi Party, hated Jews and Marxists

Operation Barbarossa

Hitler has plans to invade the Soviet Union using the largest invasion force in history. The invasion surprised the Red Army and in 1941 the Germans captured Leningrad and arrived at Moscow. The Soviets fought back with help from the US and winter, because the Germans were unequipped for the cold weather.

Charles V

Holy Roman Emperor (1519-56) who inherited a spanish and hapsburg empire extending across europe from spain and the netherlands to austria. He struggled to hold the empire together against the growing forces of protestantism, increasing french pressure

Out of Africa

Homo sapiens sapiens emerged in Africa and then migrated from there, and is the most widely accepted theory by scientists.


Huldrych Zwingli was the most important reformer in the swiss reformation, and the only major reformer whose movement did not evolve into a separate church.


Illiterate lower class peoples who used the Cyrillic alphabet


In 1368 he proclaimed the establishment of the Ming ("brilliant") dynasty. He was an orphan who lived in a Buddhist monastery.

The Paris Peace Conference

In 1919, 27 victorious powers of WWI met in Paris to reach postwar settlements (Russia not invited); ultimately led by Georges Clemenceau of France, Lloyd George of Britain, and Woodrow Wilson of US

Global depression

In 1929 the world plunged into economic depression that became known as the Great Depression. The old capitalist system of trade and finance collapsed.

Terracotta Army

In Shihuangdi's tomb, over fifteen thousand terra-cotta sculptures of soldiers, horses, and weapons can be found that were meant to protect him in death.

Printing Press

In the Ottoman empire, the printing of works in Arabic or Turkish was forbidden (this ban was later removed); In the Mughal empire, Jesuit missionaries printed the Bible into Indian and Arabic; many Muslim scholars preferred elegant handwriting to printed words (esp. with the Quran); many feared that the easier accessibility to printed books could generate dangerous ideas

Fall if the Berlin Wall

In the last two weeks of 1989 the people of Berlin tore this down uniting Germany into a united Nation by 1990.


Included both scientific racism in which theorists tried to scientifically explain why one race is better or more advanced than another and popular racism in which there was no need for scientific justification.

Specialized production

India and other major regions such as South East Asia each specialized in the production or distribution of specific goods which promoted trade influenced the social and economic culture of the regions. Indian artisans specialized in cotton textiles, China specialized in silk, porcelain and lacquerware, and South East Asia contributed gold, ivory and slaves.

Ram Mohan Roy

Indian activist who supported British and Hindu ways in order to better Indian society


Indian port, Vasco da Gama reached it in 1498


Indian reflections and dialogues that reflected basic Hindu concepts


Indian word for a Hindu subcaste


Indo-Greek kingdom that came and took a large territory of land of northern India

Achmad Sukarno

Indonesian Statesman who obtained the independence of Indonesia from the Netherlands in 1949 and served as president unti ousted by Suharto in a coup d'etat.

Age of Access

Instant communication, and instant access to any information you could want

Trade in southern India

Internal trade occurred in southern India where they traded things like rice, wheat, barley, iron, salt, etc.


Invaders who seized the Nile delta and helped bring an end to the Egyptian Middle Kingdom

Cult of Isis

Isis is a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic

Conquest of Sind

Islam was beginning to grow in popularity and spread in numerous ways. One of the ways was by military and they conquered Sind. Sind became controlled by the Abbasid caliphs.


Islamic conquest ended in 1492 after conquest of Granada

The Qu'ran

Islamic holy book compiled by devout Muslims that is believed to contain the divine revelations of Allah as presented to Muhammad


Islamic mystics who placed more emphasis on emotion and devotion than on strict adherence to rules

Santo Domingo

It was a Spanish colony in modern day Dominican Republic and the French colony in modern day Haiti and it was one of the richest of all European colonies (sugar, coffee, cotton)

War in Africa

It was a war during the first World War. It was the Allies, with the help of some Africans, against German colonies in Africa in hoping that the Allies would get the colonies if they won. Germany held off defeat until the end of the war.

Gupta Dynasty

It was based in Magadha, had allies take care of the local government,


It was the largest site of agricultural and craft production. They distributed food for its own use and local markets. It means estate

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

Italian Renaissance philosopher. He proposed to defend the 900 theses.

Cesare Beccaria

Italian criminologist and economist whose Dei delitti e delle pene was a celebrated volume on the reform of criminal justice

Cesare Beccaria

Italian philosopher who was known for his treatise On Crime and Punishment, which condemned the death penalty and torture


Jainist practice of showing extreme non violence towards all other living things; devout practitioners would sweep the ground in front of them to avoid killing unseen insects and would not make sudden movements to avoid killing invisible souls in the air

Wannsee Conference

January 20, 1942, 15 leading Nazi bureaucrats gathered to discuss and coordinate the implementation of the final solution

The Twenty One Demands

Japan made a list of 21 demands from China, which would have completely weakened China and would have empowered Japan in China's place. While China agreed to some, the British intervened and did not allow the 21 demands to actually go through.

Japan's entry into the war

Japan told Germany to hand over the German colony Jiaozhou and to bring back the German warships in Japanese waters, to which Germany declined and Japan entered the war with the Allies. Japan also did this to obtain German colonies in the Pacific (they succeeded).

Axis Powers

Japan, Germany, and Italy; all fighting against the Allied Powers

Emperor Hirohito

Japanese emperor, persuaded to surrender after the atomic bombing and the USSR declared war on Japan

The Mukden Incident

Japanese forces blew up a railroad in Manchuria and accused Chinese of doing it, pretext for Chinese-Japanese war, the war was stopped by the League of Nations

1937 Invasion of China

Japanese invaded China after invading Manchuria. Japanese campaign through China killed many Chinese men, women, children, and soldiers. This included the Rape of Nanking


Japanese invaded Manchuria after the Mukden Incident.


Japanese military leader who ruled in the place of the emperor

Unit 731

Japanese military unit that conducted excruciating and deadly medical experiments like vivisection and amputation without anesthesia

Asia for Asians

Japanese slogan to get European imperialists out of Asia, should have been "Asia for Japanese"

Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)

Japanese soldiers went through Nanking killing 350,000 people and rape of about 8,000 women.

Matteo Ricci

Jesuit missionary who introduced self-ringing clocks to China with hopes of wowing the Chinese and then converting them to Christianity


John D. Rockefeller created an industrial empire of American petroleum through his company's (Standard Oil Company and Trust) control of almost all oil drilling, processing, refining, marketing, and distribution in the US; he became one of the wealthiest men in history

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Joint resolution that the united states congress passed in response to the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

The Declaration of Independence

July 4, 1776 document written primarily by Thomas Jefferson that formally declared the United States an independent country; took many ideas from Enlightenment thinkers (all men are entitled to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness")

Battle at Midway

June 4, 1942, turning point in the Pacific war, was possible because of the code breaking operation "Magic"


June 6, 1944, British and U.S. troops landed on the french coast of Normandy, overwhelmed the Germans

Justinian and Theodora

Justinian reigned 527-565 CE with his wife Theodora. Born into a Macedonian peasant family, Theodora was the daughter of a bear keeper in the circus. Justinian mastered the intricacies of Byzantine finance and lavished the resources on the imperial capital. He built the domed church of Hagia Sophia ("holy wisdom"). Made a contribution to the codification of Roman Law.

Otto von Bismarck

King Wilhelm I of Prussia's prime minister; master of Realpolitik ("the politics of reality"); used force to unify Germany; started three wars with Denmark, Austria, and France and crushed them all

James II

King deposed during the glorious revolution that led to cooperation between king and parliament

Charles I

King during the English civil war 1642-1649/ against parliament and was captured and beheaded 1649

James I

King of England, commissioned King James Bible, ruled during the Gunpowder plot

Philip II of Spain

King of Spain who was a devout Catholic; made Spain very powerful prior to sending out the Spanish Armada

Louis XIII

King with Cardinal Richelieu as first minister, was king when France became a tightly centralized monarchy with absolutism.


Kingdom establish by Hong Xiuquan, heavenly kingdom of great peace, believed in the equality of men and women before god

Mahmud II

Launched his own reform program, remodeled Ottoman institutions along Western European lines, proposed a new European style military and his government created a system of secondary education for young boys


Leader of France after the "reign of terror", (1769-1821), studied at French military schools and became an officer in the army of King Louis XVI, a brilliant military leader, became a general at the age of 24. He was also a supporter of the revolution and defended the Directory against popular uprising in 1795. In 1799, he overthrew the Directory and set up a new government known as the Consulate

Nelson Mandela

Leader of the African National Congress; sentenced to life in prision for his involvement in the nationalist group. Released by de Klerk in 1990 and became the first black president of South Africa.


Leader of the Indian independence movement and advocate of nonviolent resistance. He became leader of the Indian National Congress in 1920. He appealed to the poor,led nonviolent demonstrations against British colonial rule, and was jailed many times. Soon after independence he was assassinated for attempting to stop Hindu-Muslim rioting.

Kim Il Sing

Leader of the North Koreans

Joseph Stalin

Leader of the soviet union in the 1920's.

Imre Nagy

Led the Hungarian rebellion, was the leader of Hungary

Miguel Lopez de Legazpi

Led the Spanish forces in the conquest of the Philippines and overcame local authorities in Cebu and Manila in almost bloodless contests. He named them after King Philip II of Spain.

James Cook

Led three expeditions to the Pacific and died in a fight with the people of Hawai'i. He charted eastern Australia and New Zealand, and added New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Hawai'i to European maps.


Liked de-stalinization, but many protested for democracy. Soviets crushed the rebellion

Mahd-e Olya

Limit the power of the qizilbash

Han Dynasty

Liu Bang restored order throughout China after the end of the Qin dynasty, creating the this; Lasted for 400+ years; divided into two categories: Former Han (206 BCE-9 CE) and Later Han (25-220 CE); Run based on Legalist principles, but established a confucian imperial university that prepared young men for government service


Lords provided grants of land to their vassals (retainers) in return for loyalty and military service. Scholarship has undermined that view of medieval society.

Sun King

Louis XIV, powerful and absolute king of France


Main religion of India, a combination of Dravidian and Aryan concepts; Hinduism's goal is to reach spiritual purity and union with the great world spirit; its important concepts include dharma, karma, and samsara

Role of women

Managed Islamic empires; Enjoyed special privileges/authority

Five Year Plan

Mao's plan in 1955 to improve in infrastructure and expand heavy industry at the expense of consumer goods. It was meant to speed up economic development

Great Leap Forward or "giant Step Backward"

Mao's plan to overtake the industrial progress of other countries by completely abolishing private ownership and making both farming and industry largely rural. However, as a result, not enough people were able to meet their farming quotas and ended up starving to death. Mao's idea was to blame the birds, but when they were killed, insects destroyed the rest of the crops.

Priesthood of all believers

Martin Luther's ideal that anyone could have a relationship with God, and to be saved, you do not need a priest. "Everyone is a priest"

Justification by faith alone

Martin Luther's ideal that believers do not need to buy indulgences to be saved. Believers just need to have faith and a belief in God and they will be saved.

Fidel Castro

Marxist/Leninist, dictator of Cuba, overthrew the autocratic gov that was on friendly terms with the US and made alliances with the Soviet Union

300-1100 CE

Maya Society

Chichen Itza

Mayan city that would integrate captives into society rather than killing them. Between the 9th and 11th century they had formed a loose empire.

Empress Dowager Cixi

Member of the Manchu Yehenara clan who effectively, yet unofficially, controlled the Manchu Qing Dynasty in China. She was firmly against Western models of government, but was a firm believer in technological and military reforms and the Self Strengthening Movement.


Members of Roman lower class. Often lead revolts and forced change upon the laws created by the Roman leaders and higher class (patricians)


Members of Roman's social elite and the group of citizens who ran the city. Often did not take into account the plebeian voice when making laws.

Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)

Mexican political party that dominated the country's political institutions by experimenting with various economic strategies dealing with foreign dependency.

Benito Juarez

Mexican politician who resisted French occupation of Mexico, restored a republic in Mexico, and served as president

Mexican revolution

Middle and Lower classes joined together against dictator Porfirio Díaz. Followed leaders like Zapata and Francisco Villa


Mixed group of people originating from West Asia, who took over the Nile Delta, ending the thirteenth dynasty and initiating the second intermediate period. They first appeared in Egypt c. 1800BCE, during the eleventh dynasty. brought numerous technical advancements for the Egyptians, such as the horse and chariot, compound bow, improved battle axes, and advanced fortification techniques, which the Egyptians eventually used to run them out at the start of the new kingdom in 1570BCE.


Mongols learned strategy from Chinese military engineers and began using it in battle in 1214. Spread across Eurasian landmass.

John of Montecorvino

Most active of the Roman Catholic missionaries in China. In 1291, he became the first archbishop of Khanbaliq. Translated new testament and the book of psalms into turkish, a common mongol language. Took in orphans, taught them Christian rituals, and supposedly baptized 6,000 people.

European Union

Most famous and integrated trading bloc, includes France, West Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, And luxembourg.


Most known for their practice of a second adult baptism, these people are the ancestors of modern day baptists. They also believed strongly in the separation of church and state.

The Trail of Tears

Movement of Cherokees on a 800 mile migration from the eastern woodlands to Oklahoma. Thousands died from disease, starvation and the difficulties of relocation.


Movement that sparked discovery in science and philosophy, including great thinkers such as John Locke


Muslim kingdom that fell to Spanish Christian forces


Muslim merchants began large scale cultivation in southwest Asia and north Africa. Europeans appreciated convenience of refined sugar.

Zheng He

Muslim traveller; took an armada of ships with him that were all a lot larger than the ships in the Indian Ocean; led voyages all throughout the Indian Ocean


Mutual Assured Destruction - if either Russia or the US sent nukes at the other, the other could respond in time that both countries would be destroyed

Chavin cult

Mysterious but very popular South American religion

King Farouk

Nasser and other officers staged a bloodless coup that ended the monarchy of this ruler of Egypt.

The racial state

Nazis wanted to have a purity of race, women were encouraged to be wives and not to work. Eugenics were policies to try to purify the German race


Neolithic era was the time where cities began to form, people began to specialize, and crops were grown and harvested (among other things)


New Economic Policy implemented by Stalin after the civil war and war communism to show how he could compromise and allow private enterprise in Russia

Jomo Kenyatta

New Elite. Led Kenya to independence.

Neolithic era

New Stone Age, which was marked by the discovery and mastery of agriculture

English Civil War

New taxes, religious and political tensions started the civil war. The parliament was against King Charles I

Juan Manuel de Rosas

Nicknamed "the Restorer of Laws". A politician, army officer, and Cuadillo who ruled the Argentine Federation.


Night of the Broken Glass; violent anti-semitic pogroms that took place November 9, 10 1938. Broken Glass refers to glass broken in streets from Jewish businesses, synagogues, etc.


Official law of Islam; Prescribed religious observances and social relationships based on the Quaran

Paleolithic era

Old Stone Age, a long period of human development before the development of agriculture

Marc Antony

Only friend of Caesar, opposed the murder of him, lost in a battle against Octavian

St. Basil

Organized a monastic movement which helped spread Christianity by increasing its efficiency.


Organized city on the Indus river with complex sewage system, organized buildings, and irrigation


Organized city on the Indus river with complex sewage system, organized buildings, and irrigation

Charles Martel

Originally the leader of aristocratic clan known as the Carolingians who dramatically extended Frankish power by defeating the Muslim army at the Battle of Tours (732 AD). Also the grandfather of Charlemagne.

Piri Reis

Ottoman man, produced large scale maps and wrote The Book of Seafaring

Cecil Rhodes

Oxford University graduate who migrated to South Africa, and gained control of the diamond and gold trade; he had aspiration to conquer all of Africa

Tripartite Pact

Pact that established the Axis Powers; signed in Berlin, Germany on September 27th, 1940.

Japanese Neutrality Pact

Pact with Russia to ensure neutrality between the two nations while they fought WWII

James II

Parliament deposed King James II and told Mary his daughter and her husband William to take the throne. They made an arrangement that kings would cooperate with parliament.

Indian Removal Act

Passed in 1830,it allowed the U.S. government to move all native Americans west of the Mississippi River into "Indian Territory" (Oklahoma)


People began to seek (sometimes violently) the revival of Islam. Some Islamic thinkers called for enforcement of the sharia and emphasized pan-Islamic unity

La Reforma

Period that was characterized by Liberal Reforms to modernize Mexico and make it a national state.


Persian underground canal


Petróleos Mexicanos. A national oil company in control of Mexico's petroleum products.


Poem written by Homer that talked about the war against Troy.


Poem written by Homer that talks about the hero Odysseus and his journies


Polish astronomer who argues that sun and earth are at the center of the universe and earth revolves around the sun.

Muslim League

Political organization founded in India in 1906 to defend the interests of India's Muslim minority. Led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, it attempted to negotiate with the Indian National Congress. In 1940, the League began demanding a separate state for Muslims, to be called Pakistan.

Edmund Burke

Political philosopher, condemned radical or revolutionary change


Polytheistic religion; that is a mixture of Aryan & Dravidian culture & beliefs; Cow is their sacred animal; practice of Hinduism VARIES from person to person; usually tolerate of others

Vasco da Gama

Portuguese explorer, first European to reach India by sea linking Europe and Asia through an ocean route, carried letters of introduction from the king of Portugal and gold, pearls, wool textiles, bronze ware, iron tools, and other goods to exchange for pepper and spices, founded wealthy society in Calicut

Bartolomeu Dias

Portuguese merchant who rounded the Cape of Good Hope and entered the Indian Ocean


Powerful empire in Anatolia, or modern day turkey. They conquered the babylonian empire, they invented horse-drawn carriages, and refined iron metallurgy. They had their own language and used cuneiform writing.


Powerful territorial lords in early modern Japan; "great names", ruled most of Japan from their vast, hereditary landholdings

Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar (Batista)

Predecessor of Fidel Castro, who overthrew him. Fulgencio had good relations with the US

The Monroe Doctrine

President Monroe made doctrine that said Europeans could not colonize in the western hemisphere, but the U.S.A could intervene if necessary

The Panama Canal

President Theodore Roosevelt supported a rebellion against Colombia in 1903, leading to the creation of the state of Panama. In return, the U.S. was given permission to build this canal to facilitate communication and transportation


President during the cold war and the Cuban Missile Crisis, was able to avoid MAD

President Eisenhower

President during the conclusion of the Korean War and the 1st leader of NATO; created the "domino theory"

Getulio Dornelles Vargas

President of Brazil first as dictator from 1930 to 1945, and in a democratically elected term from 1951 until his suicide in 1954. Vargas led Brazil for 18 years

Jacobo Arbenz Guzman

President of Guatemala who seized thousands of acres of land from private companies to redistribute to the peasants in order to gain back control of the economy.

Saddam Hussein

President of Iraq in 1979, launched an attack on Iran in 1980 hoping to become the new leader of a revived pan-Arab nationalism

Lazaro Cardenas

President of Mexico who brought land reform and redistribution to a peak in Mexico, returning forty-five million acres to peasants, and wrested away control of the oil industry from foreign investors.

Anastacio Somoza Garcia

President of Nicaragua, anticommunist, and ally of the U.S. He helped the rebels overthrowing President Arbenz in Guatemala.

Winston Churchill

Prime minister of Great Britain, said that the Cold War separated the European continent with the "iron curtain"


Prince of Kiev; converted to Christianity in order to gain wealth/support from Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire


Prisoners of War, used in the war to provide labor for Japan and Germany, huge mortality rate, treated horribly, went through medical experiments

Pope Leo III

Proclaimed Charlemagne as emperor of the Carolingian Empire.

The Calico Acts

Prohibited imports of printed cotton cloth and restricted the sale of calicoes (textiles imported from India) at home in Britain

King Wilhelm I

Prussia's king; appointed Otto von Bismarck as his prime minister; proclaimed himself Second Reich; adopted national flag and national anthem

Ptolemaic Universe

Ptolemy wrote the Almagest, which synthesized theories about the universe. He envisioned a motionless earth surrounded by nine hollow, concentric spheres that revolved around it. Seven of the spheres had one of the observable heavenly bodies (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) embedded in its shell. The eighth sphere held the stars and the ninth sphere was empty but provided the spin that kept the others moving

Great Wall

Qin Shihuangdi ordered for workers to link existing defensive walls which resulted in a massive defensive barrier that was the beginnings of this, a huge wall that discouraged raids by nomadic peoples.

Katherine of Aragon

Queen of England from 1509 - 1533, first wife of King Henry VIII

Causes of Imperialism

Raw materials, spread Christianity, colonial consumption and goods, strategic sites on sea lanes, haven for migrants, harbors, denying land to competitors, civilizing mission, "order and enlightenment"


Real name being François-Marie Arouet, he is a famous French philosopher and Enlightenment writer that fought against the Catholic Church

Mao Zedong

Reassumed control of China after WWII. Went about creating programs that would enhance China. For example, he worked to make it so that all classes were financially equal and instituted the Five Year Plan, as well as several others

The Taiping Rebellion

Rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan that called for the destruction of the Qing dynasty and radical transformation of Chinese society. They campaigned throughout China and gained followers. Qing forces repelled them at Beijing, but they attacked Shanghai 5 years later and were put down by regional armies using European advisors and weapons.

Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)

Red cross, and international humanitarian agency


Regional military leaders in Latin America

1792-1750 BCE

Reign of Hammurabi


Remus's brother, founded Rome- was abandoned on side of the Tiber River, found by she-wolf- founded city in 753 BCE, establish himself as first king

Confucian Ideals

Ren: humanness, Yi: righteousness or justice, Li: proper rite, Zhi: knowledge, Xin: integrity

The Factory System

Replaced the putting-out system, rising demand and the use of water and wind power led to the formation of prototindustrial factories, where workers performed specialized task under one roof.

Marcus Garvey

Representative of Pan-Africanism, preached black pride, called for black people to go "Back to Africa"

Liu Bang

Restored order throughout China after the end of the Qin dynasty; established the Han dynasty (named after his native land); consolidated tradition of centralized imperial rule the Qin began; the capital was originally at Chang'an, but later was moved to Luoyang

Meiji reforms

Restored power to emperor. Japan opened up to industrialization and foreign trade

Yalu River

River in which China boarders North Korea;when the US and SOuth Korean troops approached this river the Chinese became involved with the Korean War

Indus and Ganges

Rivers that influence the Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro civilizations


Roman general who defeated Hannibal in Second Punic War

Serfdom in Russia

Romanov tsars restricted the freedom of Russian peasants and tied them to the land as serfs. This required them to provide labor services for landowners and prevented them from marrying or moving away without permission.


Romulus's brother who jointly helped him to found Rome- was abandoned on side of the Tiber River, found and raised by she-wolf

The New Deal

Roosevelt's proposal for dealing with the national economy. He wanted legislation to prevent banking system crashes, to provide jobs and farm subsidies, to give workers the right to bargain collectively, guarantee minimum wages, and provoide social security to the elderly. The government was justified in intervening to protect the welfare of the people


Rose to power after the collapse of the Babylonian empire. Used iron weapons to strengthen their army. their territory included most of southwest asia. Followed laws the the code of hammurabi, which was preserved along with a great deal of literature in large libraries. King Assurbanipal had a library of thousands of texts, and included the Epic of gilgamesh. Empire was brought down by internal unrest and external assault in 612 BCE.

Kushan Empire

Ruled a sizable empire embracing much of northern India and central India from 1 to 300 CE, located in modern day Pakistan, Afghanistan, and northern India, played crucial role in the silk road networks, helped made Ghandara style- early development of Buddhist art

Cuban Missile Crisis

Russia put nuclear missiles on Cuba, so the US made a naval and air blockade around Cuba. An agreement was made for the Soviets to pull out of Cuba with the missiles, if the US would remove missiles from Turkey and leave Cuba alone

Crimean War

Russia vs. Europe, Russia was defeated on its own territory (embarrassing)


Russian expansion to NE Asia began in 1581, and by 1639 reached Pacific Ocean; 26 different groups of native peoples had different reactions to Russian demands of tribute; Russians often used military violence to quell rebellions, and introduced diseases to natives; gradual filtering of Russians into Siberia led to creation of trading posts and increasing of Russian population; by 1763, 420,000 Russians in Siberia

Leonid Brezhnev

Russian leader who invaded Czechoslovakia under the Brezhnev Doctrine


Russians during the Soviet Era

St. Scholastica

Saint Benedict's sister; a nun; Influenced an adaptation of the Benedictine rule which provided guidance for the religious life of women living in convents.


Scientist, argued that sun was the center of the universe and planets including Earth revolve around it


Scientist, showed that spheres (planets) were not perfect using the telescope, universe was larger than suspected, velocity depends on height of the fall not the weight

Adam Smith

Scottish philosopher, said that society would prosper when individuals pursue their own economic interests

American Revolution

Secession of the British North American colonies into their own independent country; unhappy with British treatment, especially over taxes, colonists went to war and eventually won their independence

Romanov Dynasty

Second imperial dynasty to rule over Russia. 1613-1917.


Section of Islam that believed the descendants of Ali should be caliphs


Section of Islam that believed there should be a chosen caliph


Sections of the empire; there were 23.


Semitic group led by Sargon the great; invaded, conquered and unified Sumerian city-states; apart of the Akkadian empire. Cultural diffusion introduced Sumerian ways

Serfdom in Russia

Serfdom became the dominant form of relation between peasants and nobility in the 17th century. Serfdom only existed in central and southern areas of the Russian Empire. It was never established in the North, in the Urals, and in Siberia.

Shang Yang

Served as chief minister to the duke of the Qin state in Western China. Legalist doctrine emerged from some of his insights among others. His policies survive in The Book of Lord Shang. He was clever and efficient, but also feared because he was powerful and ruthless.


Shah Abbas's capital, big city with lots of architecture

Mumtaz Mahal

Shah Jahan's wife, he created Taj Mahal for her as a tomb

vasco de gama

Skirmished with local forces at mozambique and Mombasa 1497-1498, in 1502 he made the ruler of Kilwa to pay tribute

Manilla Galleons

Sleek, fast, heavily armed ships capable of carrying large cargoes.

Manilla Galleons

Sleek, fast, heavily-armed Spanish ships capable of carrying large cargoes; regularly traveled through Pacific Ocean between Manila in the Philippines and Acapulco on west coast of Mexico

Cast System

Social class system in Hindu culture


Society located on the island of Crete that influenced early Mycenaean societies

Hammurabi's Code

Sophisticated code associated with the Babylonian king Hammurabi

Simon Bolivar

South America's liberator. Worked for the establishment of a large confederation that would give Latin America the power to resist encroachment by foreign nations. "I fear peace more than war"


Southeast Asian Treaty Organization; Alliance between US and noncommunist governments in Southeast Asia


Southwest Asian people who built an empire that reached its height during the eighth and seventh century B.C.E; it was known for a powerful army and a well-structured state

Nikita Khrushchev

Soviet Premier who reached an agreement with JFK during the Cuban missile crisis


Spanish and Portuguese migrants born in Europe; top of social hierarchy


Spanish conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec empire and brought large portions of mexican land under spanish control.

Cabeza de Vaca

Spanish explorer of New World who was one of the four survivors of the Narvaez Expedition; published La Relacion which accounted his journey

American Food Crops

Spanish merchants coming to the Philippines introduced American food crops to China which were cultivated in soil that would have otherwise not been used; the new crops drastically increased the food supply in China which encouraged a huge population growth

St. Ignatius of Loyola

Spanish soldier, who, after being wounded, founded the Society of Jesus; supposedly saw a vision of Mary and founded the society after intense sessions of prayer


Special class of powerful Ming officials sent out as emissaries of the central government to ensure that local officials implemented imperial policy.


Specially licensed Chinese firms which dealt with foreign merchants.

William Wilberforce

Spokesman of the End Slavery Movement, made English Parliament to end slavery.

Sufi missionaries

Spread Islamic values without facing the resistance that unyielding and doctrinaire campaigns would likely have provoked

Five year plan

Stalin's plan to replace the NEP with a five-year plan which would transform the Soviet Union from a predominantly agricultural country to a leading industrial power

Mexican revolution

Started in 1910 in Mexico. A revolt against established order that changed to a multi sided civil war. Often called the most important event in Mexico and one of the greatest Upheavals of the 20th Century.

Constitutional States

States that had limited power and recognized rights individuals had. Examples are England and the Netherlands

Foot binding

Strengthened patriarchal authority: tightly wrapping feet of young girls with strips of cloth that prevented natural growth of bones, resulted in tiny, malformed, curved feet. Women could not walk easily or naturally- canse or carried around. Believed enhanced attractiveness and allowed control of girls behavior. Allowed women to statu under tight supervision


Strengthening Movement - raise troop numbers and taxes go up to run the bureaucracy; "Chinese learning at the base, Western learning for use" was the slogan; not enough change to make a difference

Tiananmen Square

Students went away to other places in order to learn about the democratic systems there. When they returned, they met in Tiananmen Square in order to protest the current government situation. Deng ended up violently putting down the revolts.

Abd al-Hamid II

Sultan installed by the Ottoman bureaucracy, suspended the constitution, dissolved parliament, and ruled autocratically in an effort to rescue the empire from dismemberment by European powers

Three Principles of The People

Sun Yatsen's basic ideology, called for elimination of special privileges for foreigners, national reunification, economic development, and democratic republican government based on universal suffrage

Features of a civilization

Surplus of production, specialization of labor, centralized government, shared values, and writing

The Reign of Terror

Suspended the Constitution and all rights to man. Whoever committed an unconstitutional action was quickly tried and executed


Temporarily restored unified rule in most of northern India and sought to revive imperial authority. He became the king at the age of sixteen in the lower Ganges Valley. He had a reputation for piety, liberality, and scholarship. He did not restore permanent centralized rule.


Term referred to the opening of the SOviet Society to public criticism and admission of past mistakes


Term referring to the Pacific Ocean basin and its lands

Qin Shihuangdi

The "First Emperor" of the Qin Dynasty. Used Legalist policies, standardization of units, laws, and roads to further unify China.


The "Uncarved Block" that symbolizes the natural and original form that humans should strive to return to.

Triple Alliance

The Alliance of the Mexica with the people of the Texcoco & Tlacopan to make the Aztec Empire

Byzantine Empire

The Byzantine Empire truly began in 330 AD when the capital of Constantinople was established. It flourished after the fall of the Western Roman Empire and lasted until 1453 when the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople. The empire saw amazing leaders such as Justinian. The theme system was created in order to give soldiers land when they returned from war. These themes caused an agricultural surplus, which also caused an economic stimulation. Their long-distance trade also benefitted their economy. This economic boost caused the Byzantines to be the most urbanized in all of history. They had huge buildings and mansions. The Byzantine Empire was christian with a patriarch leader. The Byzantine Christianity became known as Eastern Orthodox.


The Hasburg family owned much of the Holy Roman Empire and accumulated a lot of land. Charles V became emperor over this land, but this did not last.

Indian National Congress

The Indian National Congress was formed in 1885 in European controlled India. This was formed by a group of Western-educated natives who wanted the independence that they had been promised for enlisting in WWI. However, they mainly worked for the betterment of the Indian upper class. This political group did not have a real source of power, so they mainly just petitioned the British government. The congress, though it did not have power, was able to rally the Indian people together, creating a bond between all the people.

Persian Wars

The Ionian states rebelled and it cause conflict with Persia and Greece, this led to Darius and Xerxes attempting to conquer Greece. They both could not overcome the Greeks.


The Mexica who overcame thier neighbors (Oaxaca) and demanded tributes their subjects & allied with the Texcoco & Tlacopan to make the Aztec Empire


The Muslim kingdom that fell to Spanish Christian forces during the crusade "Reconquista"


The Organization of African Unity, created in 1963 by thirty-two member states, which recognized some of the problems of decolonization leading to civil wars and revolts and attempted to prevent conflict

Post-Great War Peace

The Paris Peace Conference; meeting of Allied victors after WWI

The Republic

The Qing empire fell, Sun Yatsen proclaimed China a republic in 1912, the republic soon plunged into political anarchy and rule by warlords

U.S. Civil War

The South viewed themselves as self-sufficient, and wanted to keep slaves, while the North viewed the South's secession as illegal and wanted to keep the union whole. Northern states won the war due to their industry and railroads.

Tokugawa Japan

The Tokugawa shogunate ruled from Edo Castle from 1603 until 1868, when it was abolished during the Meiji Restoration. Little interaction from trade with others.

Bay of Pigs Invasion

The U.S Government sent 1500 Cubans to overthrow Castro, but the American air support never came, and it was over in three days


The annexation of Austria by Germany in 1938. Hitler had forced the resignation of the Austrian chancellor by demanding that he admit Nazis into his Cabinet. The new chancellor, a pro-Nazi, invited German troops to enter the country on the pretext of restoring law and order

Afonso d'Alboquerque

The architect of the aggressive military policy of the portuguese vessels, he sought control of Indian Ocean trade by forcing merchant ships to purchase safe conduct passes and present them at portuguese trading posts


The backbone of the imperial armed forces since the fifteenth century, Christian boys who became soldiers

Little Big Horn

The battle in 1876 where thousands of Lakota Sioux and their allies annihilated an army under the command of Colonel George Armstrong Custer in southern Montana


The capital during Darius's reign. It was an administrative center and a bustling metropolitan city.

Floating worlds

The centers of the urban culture were ukiyo, entertainment and pleasure quarters where teahouses theaters, brothels, and public baths offered escape from social responsibilities and rigid rules of conduct that governed public behavior in Tokugawa society


The central concept of Daoism meaning "The Way." Envisioned by the Daodejing as a passive force and spoken of in mostly negative terms. Living in harmony with this means being passive and yielding. ("Go with the flow")


The christian doctrine that God has eternally chosen those whom he intends to save. Predestination has been especially association with the reformer John Calvin.

Spheres of influence

The claim by a state to exclusive or predominant control of a specific, territorial region.

Indira Gandhi

The daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, she became the leader of the Congress Party in 1996 and served as prime minister of India from 1966-1977 as well as 1980-1984. She tried to enact laws that included forced abortions and other forms of birth control after closing the government from voting for a new prime minister. She ended up getting ousted from office again once she held elections in 1977. She ended up being assassinated by Sikh extremists because she had the army attack on the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

Iranian Revolution

The demonstration of the power of Islam as a means of staving off secular foreign influences in 1979, Shia Muslims overthrew the shah and forced him out of the country


The effects of newton's vision of the universe launched an international project to transform human thought and use reason to change the world.

Boris Yeltsin

The elected president of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (the largest and most prominent of the Soviet Republics.)

Scientific Revolution

The emergence of modern science during the early modern period, when developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology (including human anatomy) and chemistry transformed views of society and nature.

Evita Peron

The first lady of Argentina who ministered the needs of the poor and sick; known as a saint.

Bandung Conference

The first large scale Asian-African conference. It was a meeting of Asian and African states, most of which were newly independent, in Bandung, Indonesia.

Colombian Exchange

The global diffusion of of plants, food crops, animals, human populations, and disease pathogens that took place after voyages of exploration by Christopher Colombus and other European mariners.

Missionary efforts

The goal of Europeans included spreading Christianity because the New Testament urges Christians to spread their faith throughout the world. Prince Henry the navigator promoted voyages to Africa in order to strengthen Christianity.

Munich Accord

The goal of France and Britain to achieve peace in europe.


The homogenizing aspect of world culture

Theory of Progress

The idea that natural science would lead to greater human control over the world while rational sciences of human affairs would lead to individual freedom and the construction of a prosperous, just, and equitable society

Hong Kong

The island that was given to the British in the Treaty of Nanjing.


The largest surviving burial mound; stretches 300 meters long, 30 m high, and 200 m wide. It is the third largest structure in the western hemisphere before the arrival of Europeans. 38000 people used to live in the vicinity of the mound (estimation)

Adolf Hitler

The leader of the Nazi Party in WW2 germany.


The main vehicle for the promotion of unrestricted Global Trade. The General Agreement on TArrifs and Trade

Inti and Viracocha

The major gods of the Incas: Inti was the god who was the most important. He was the embodiment of the sun. Viracocha was the creator of the world and humanity, which is why he was favored by people like Pachacuti.

Putting-Out System

The method of getting around a guild control by delivering unfinished materials to rural households for them to complete it.

Theme system

The most important system in the Byzantine Empire that strengthened the empire. An imperial province was placed under a general and was in charge of the military and civil administration. The emperor gave the governor rules to follow and peasants that fought in the military under the general was granted land to live on in that province.


The name given to any of the protestants in France who suffered severe persecution for their new faith.

Catholic Counter Reformation

The name given to the policies implemented by the Roman Catholic Church after the council of trent as a response to the Protestant Reformation. The four main ideas were the strengthening of the catholic doctrine, reclaiming of the lands lost to the protestants, preventing the further spread of protestantism in catholic areas, and spreading catholicism to new lands and people.


The name taken by nationalist insurgent groups of South vietnam. It was a political organization formed by the vietcong in South Vietnam in 1960

Tupac Amaru rebellion

The natives of Peru revolted in the name of the last incan emperor's (60,000 people revolted). It lasted for two years.

The Haitian Revolution

The only successful slave revolt in history that took plaec of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola


The period before the invention of writing

Colonial Conflict

The policies of imperial powers and officials often forced people of different societies to deal with each other, often leading to conflict. Examples include the sepoy rebellion against the British in India, and the Maji Maji rebellion.

Ferdinand Magellan

The portuguese navigator that began the reconnaissance of the Pacific Ocean Basin, he visited ports throughout the Indian Ocean basin and believed that asian markets were fairly close to the western coast of the America


The religious, administrative, and ceremonial center of the Inca empire. Was turned into the great city by Pachacuti and was considered to be the navel of the universe. The city was not densely inhabited (about 40000), but there were about 200,000 people living in the immediate vicinity.


The right and duty to defend Islam and the Islamic community that was used by terrorists in order to justify their attacks against others

Shah Reza Pahlavi

The ruler of Iran that the CIA helped bring to power in 1953, forced to flee the country in 1979 during the Iranian revolution

Montecuzoma II

The ruler of tenochtitlan from 1502-1520. He was the first of the american rulers to come in contact with europeans, and was killed during the spanish conquest of the americas. During his reign, the Aztec Empire reached its height due to his strong military expansion.


The ruler who united several of the South American people into the Inca empire. Ruled from 1438-1471 and was known as Earthshaker because he was so vicious as a warrior and a general. He entrusted military affairs to his son and implemented taxes to support the government.


The shoguns patronized scholars who advocated neo-Confucianism views, which figured prominently in the educational curriculum. All those who had a formal education--including officials- received constant exposure to neo-Confucianism values. By early 18th century, neo-Confucianism had become the official ideology of the Tokugawa bakufu.


The singular god of the people who practiced the Muslim faith

Arms race

The soviet union got involved in building a nuclear bomb, so that it could compete with the US, and it was a race for both sides to build up their arsenal as quickly as possible


The spread of humans, plants and animal species, and disease pathogens during the period 1500-1800.

University protests

The students demanded reforms and the wanted more representation, they followed after examples of previous revolutions

The Caliph

The supreme ruler of the Islamic world: head of state, chief judge, religious leader, and military commander; the successor to Muhammad

The "November Crime"

The term hitler uses to describe the signing of the armistice in 1918.

Unequal Treaties

The treaties that legalized opium trade, permitted the establishment of Christian missions throughout China, and opened additional treaty ports.

Muhammad Ali

The ultimate victor of an invasion in Egypt, built a powerful army modeled on European forces, rule Egypt from 1805-1848, launched a program of industrialization, concentrating on textiles and armaments, established himself as the effective ruler of Egypt


The western portion of Czechoslovakia occupied mostly bu ethnic Germans.

"Peace For Our Time"

The words Neville Chamberlain used when retelling the happenings of the Munich conference.

Administrative system

There was a balance between central and local administration. There were governors over the 23 satrapies. There were also military officers, tax collectors, and imperial spies.

Roman Catholic vs. Eastern Orthodoxy

There were disagreements in certain matters involved with Christianity that caused the two churches to split. The Roman Catholic church was located in Western Europe and the Eastern Orthodoxy was located in the Byzantine Empire. \

Space Race

There were these monkeys and they wanted to see who could get to space first so they got in their cars and tried to see who could drive around the solar system first

Spanish Inquisition

They got rid of practioners of Judaism and Islam and sometimes Protestants in Spain.

Civil Code

This affirmed the political and legal equality of all adult men and established a merit-based society in which people qualified for education and employment because of talent rather than birth or social standing

The Chinese Empire

This empire had more difficulties than the Ottoman and Russian. Faced internal as well as external challenges. Tried to enact reforms, but they had little effect.

Peace of Westphalia

This ended the thirty years war and laid a foundation for independent competing states. All states recognized each other as equals. However, it did not bring an end to war.

UN Resolution 242

This resolution was adopted by the UN after the Six Day War. It said that the Israelis should remove all their armed forces from newly occupied lands and live in peace with their neighbors.


This spanish conquistador toppled the Incan empire during his conquest of latin america.

Treaty of Tordesillas

This treaty broke up the land in the americas between the spanish and portuguese, in order to avoid a territorial conflict.

Treaty of Nanjing

This treaty gave Hong Kong Island to Britain, opened up 5 new ports to commerce and residence, compelled the Qing government to extend most-favored-nation status to Britain, and made British not subject to Chinese laws.

Thirty Years' War

This war started out as a religous conflict when the Holy Roman Emperor tried to force the Bohemian subjectsto return to the Roman Catholic Church. Spainish, Dutch, French, German, Swedish, Danish, Polish, Bohemian and Russian forces were involved in the war by the time it was finally ended with the Peace of Westphalia. The war hurt economies throughout Europe.

The Hundred Days reform

This was a failed 104 day political, cultural, and educational reform that took place in the late Qing Dynasty. It was undertaken by the Guangxu Emperor and his reform minded supporters. It was ended by the powerful conservative supporters of Empress Dowager Cixi.

Vietnam War

This was the longest war in American history and the most unpopular American war of the 20th century

Mita system

To mine, the Spanish relied on voluntary labor, but they used this system to get people to do jobs no one else would. Each year, villages had to send 1/7 of their males to mine for four months.

Treaty of Waitangi

Treaty between the Maori leaders of New Zealand and Great Britain, placing New Zealand under British colonial control

Lateen sails

Triangular sails that were very maneuverable and could catch winds from the side as well from behind.


Tribal groups from southern Russia who, over a period of millennia, embarked on a series of migrations from India through western Europe; their greatest legacy was the broad distribution of Indo-European languages throughout Eurasia


Turkish followers "red heads" supported Shah Ismail's conversion to Twelver Shiism

Cyril and Methodius

Two brothers from Thessaloniki in Greece. Conducted missions in Bulgaria and Moravia. Created the Cyrillic alphabet for the illiterate Slavic peoples. Helped the spread of Christianity.

The Panama Canal

U.S.A supported rebels to establish Panama, which was a part of Columbia in order to build canal to facilitate trade between coasts

War of 1812

US declared war on Britain, and Canada united against the US

US Intervention

US declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917; US was initially neutral though it sold munitions and gave loans to Allied Powers; after the Germans sank the Lusitania, public opinion turned against Germany and Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare led to the US intervention

The Mexican-American War

US migrants moved to Texas, and wanted to run their own affairs. The US then accepted Texas as a new state, and Mexican protest led to the Mexican-American War. America defeated Mexico and forced the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on them.

Joseph McCarthy

US senator who started the Red Scare in the US

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

US took possession of half of Mexico's territory, paying little money in exchange.

The Kitchen Debate

US vs. USSR debate regarding capitalism and women's rights


USSR resisted the Marshall plan and created their own counterpart COMECON which helped increased trade with the Soviet Union

The Chinese Empire

Under the Qing dynasty, multiple defeats against European powers, Internal rebellions, seriously weak condition

The Chinese Empire

Under the Qing dynasty, multiple defeats against European powers, internal rebellions, seriously weak condition

3100 BCE

Unification of Egypt


United East India Company, the Dutch joint-stock company

Westward Expansion

United States began to extend rapidly to the wester after the American Revolution. Britain gave the lands between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi river and France donated the Louisiana Territory. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark mapped the territory and settlers began to flock west in search of cheap land to cultivate

President Reagan

United States president who took office in 1981 who was a fervent anti-communist. He halted aid to Nicaragua over fear that communists were influencing their political decisions

Global Terrorists

Use violent means- from hijackings and hostage taking to assassinations to mass murder- to magnify their influence with the aim of advancing political, religious, or ideological causes


Vedas "knowledge"; collection of Indian writing in sanskrit; contains the scriptures for early Hinduism

1500-500 BCE

Vedic Age in south asia

Marco polo

Venetian traveler to Asia, who traveled to the Mongol court of Khublai Khan in China; created a narrative of his travels


Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) Also known as the United East India Company est. in 1602, it was the dutch counterpart of the powerful joint-stock companies.

Haya de la Torre

Victor Raul Haya de la Torre (1895-1979)- began his political activism as a student protester and as a supporter of a worker's movement. He was exiled. This impacted his views to the APRA, including both staunch anti-imperialism and a plan for capitalist development

V-J Day

Victory over Japan Day, August 15, 1945, after bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Ho Chi Minh

Vietnamese communist statesman who fought the Japanese in World War II and the French until 1954 and South Vietnam until 1975

Boxer Rebellion

Violent anti-foreign and anti-Christian movement which took place in China between 1899 and 1901.

King Henry VIII

Wanted to divorce his wife, but the pope did not allow him to do so. Because of this, he cut his ties with the Roman Catholic Church and made himself Supreme Head of the Anglican church.

South African War (Boer War)

War between British and africans when tensions increased, and a war started and Africans were defeated

The Opium War

War from 1839-1842 between Europe and China over the trade of opium. British military and navy were more powerful than China. British travelled up Grand Canal which prompted Chinese to ask for peace.

French and Indian War

War in N. America between Britain and British colonists against France and their Indian allies

Prince Henry the Navigator

Was an important figure in the early days of the Portuguese. Was the third child of King John 1 and founder of the Aviz dynasty.

Rabban Sauma

Went on a mission to Europe in 1287; sent by Ilkan Ghazan of Persia to win allies against Muslims


Were essential for an agricultural society; In the spring and summer, moisture laden winds came from the southwest and in the fall and winter, dry winds came from the northeast

Indentured labor

What most migrants from Asia, Africa, and the Pacific islands traveled as. Planters relied primarily on this to replace slaves.


What the GATT signed as an agreement to establish the World Trade Organization

Sino-Japansese War

When antiforeign rebellion broke out in Korea against Japan, Qing rules stepped in but were not recognized by the Meiji leaders. In August 1894, Japan declared war on China, which they won. Korea became independent but was essentially a dependency of Japan with unequal treaties between them.

Congress of Victors

When the Great Purge occurred, Stalin purged ⅔ of the delegates and put on people accused of still being loyal to the Bolsheviks

Berlin Blockade

When the Soviet Union blocked all roads, railroads, and water links between Eastern Berlin and West Berlin & Western Germany after the Allies decided to merge their three sectors of Germany; the allies then responded by airlifting supplies and food to the people in West Germany

38th parallel

Where Korea was divided; North Korea was communist with capital at Pyongyang and Sout Korea was capitalist with capital at Seoul

Munich Conference

Where europeans consolidated the policy that came to be known as the appeasement.

The Great Schism

Where the church based in Rome and church based in Constantinople excommunicated each other and formed the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church

Katherine of Aragon

Wife of Prince Arthur

Balfour Declaration

With this declaration of 1917, the British government committed itself to the support of a homeland for Jews in Palestine.

Wilson's 14 points

Woodrow Wilson's goals for peace at the end of the war 1.Treaties of peace openly arrived at 2.Freedom of the seas 3.Removal of international trade barriers (tariffs) 4.Reduction of arms 5.Re-adjustment of colonial claims with regard to the interests of the native peoples 6-13—adjustment of European boundaries in accordance with the principle of nationality 14-establishment of the League of Nations


Worked solely for their emperors and could not generate families and build power bases that might challenge ruling houses.


Writing appeared in Egypt c.3200 BCE. The earliest writing was pictographic, but was soon replaced by symbols representing sounds and ideas, hieroglyphics. In Greek they mean "holy inscriptions". They were a formal type of writing for the Egyptians because they were cumbersome. Everyday life relied on hieratic script.

Collection of Books

Written by Kangazi; smaller than the Yongle Encyclopedia, but it was more influential because the emperor had it printed and distributed, whereas Yongle's compilation was available only in three manuscript copies.


Written language of the Sumerians, probably the first written script in teh world


Zarathustra's works/hymns, teachings say that good would eventually prevail and all evil things would disappear forever; also individual judgement & rewards or punishments according to the holiness of their thoughts/words/deeds

1122-256 BCE

Zhou Dynasty


Zoroastrian priests that transmitted Zoroastrian teachings orally; eventually preserved religious texts in writing, and gradually made scriptures in a holy book


a Buddhist religious site that doubled as an educational center that taught about Buddhism and Hinduism as well as math and sciences.

Sima Qian

a Chinese historian from the Han Dynasty. He is considered the father of Chinese history. His history book is called Records of the Great Historian and it contains more than two thousand years of Chinese history.

Magnetic compass

a Chinese invention that diffused through the indian ocean basin, which European marinier to determine their heading in Mediterranean and Atlantic waters.

Fabian Fucan

a Christian who later converted to Japanese Zen Buddhism and wrote tacts comparing Christianity to other religions of Japan


a French philosopher who was prominent in the Enlightenment

Ponciano Arriaga

a Mexican liberal who argued against the division of land

Bernal Diaz del Castillo

a Spanish soldier who described Tenochititlan at its high point and saw both the wonderful culture and the bloody ways of human sacrifice.

The Umma

a cohesive community, "community of the faithful". Provided Islam with a comprehensive legal and social code.


a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to Confucius.

Arabian Nights

a collection of stories written in Persian about adventures and romance within Harun al-Rashid's court in the Abbasid empire.


a combined trade union and nationalist movement which put pressure on communists

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

a conservative president who took office in 2005 who touted Iran's nuclear program and his antipathy to the state of Israel

Ayatollah Khanenei

a conservative supreme leader who aroused international concern

Cash crops

a crop produced for its commercial value rather than for use by the grower, sugar, rice, and tobacco


a cruel and oppressive ruler and a ruler who seized power without legal right.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

a declaration promulgated by the National Assembly that stated that classes should be destroyed because all men are equal; king wasn't mentioned. King Louis XVI agreed to sign it.

Warsaw Pact

a defense treaty between the communist countries against the capitalist nations

Sternpost rudder

a device used to steer a ship

Mauryan Dynasty

a dynasty and empire that captured most of northern India including the Indus valley and the Ganges.

Antigonid Empire

a dynasty of Hellenistic kings descended from Alexander the Great's general Antigonus I Monophthalmus ("the One-eyed").


a famous female poet; fell under moral suspicion for referring to women in an inappropriate way so only a few of her works still exist

Limited Monarchy

a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written, unwritten or blended constitution.

Seneca Falls Convention

a gathering of feminists that issued a "declaration of sentiments" based off the Declaration of Independence


a general of the Byzantine Empire. A general under the empror Justinian. Helped Justinian attempt to conduct his ambitious project of reconquering much of the Mediterranean territory of the former Roman Empire, which had been lost.

Seven Year's War

a global conflict brought about by commercial rivalries combined with political differences that took place in Europe, India, the Caribbean, and North America involving Asian and indigenous American peoples as well as Europeans. In North America, it merged with the French and Indian War that was already under way.

Dutch Republic

a group of Dutch provinces formed an anti-Spanish alliance when King Philip II of Spain sought to suppress the Calvinist movement in the Low Countries; the Dutch Republic built off of this alliance and was eventually recognized by Spain as a country after the Thirty Years' War.

Missi dominici

a group of imperial officials that Charlemagne sent out to travel yearly in order to attend all jurisdictions and review the accounts of the local authorities


a hereditary commander-in-chief in feudal Japan. Because of the military power concentrated in his hands and the consequent weakness of the nominal head of state the shogun was generally the real ruler of the country

English East India Company

a joint stock company of England that, alongside the VOC, reached immediate financial success and contributed to the early formation of a global network of trade.


a lack of basic human necessities that 100s of millions of people struggle with daily

Brown vs. Board of Education

a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional


a law student that knew Louis XVI as a teenager, read in Latin to the king, and later killed Louis XVI

Indentured servitude

a legal obligation to work for someone/ often for agricultural purposes

Indentured servitude

a legal obligation to work for someone/ often for agricultural purposes/ African slaves replaced indentured servitude

Viet Cong

a member of the communist guerilla movement in Vietnam that fought the South Vietnamese government with the support of the north vietnamese army during the Vietnam War.

Battle of Salamis

a naval battle fought between an Alliance of Greek city-states and the Achaemenid Empire of Persia in September 480 BC in thestraits between the mainland and Salamis, an island in the Saronic Gulf nearAthens. It marked the high-point of the second Persian invasion of Greecewhich had begun in 480 BC

The Convention

a new legislative body elected by universal manhood suffrage, which abolished the monarchy and proclaimed France a republic

Sun King

a nickname for Louis XIV


a nomadic Turkish people invited to Tang China to aid in defeating rebellious forces. In return for their services, they demanded the right to sack Chang'an and Luoyang after the expulsion of the rebels.

Self-Strengthening Movement

a period of institutional reforms initiated during the late Qing Dynasty following a series of military defeats and concessions to foreign powers


a person of mixed Native American and Euro-American ancestry


a philosopher who believed in not seeking to withdraw from pressures of the world unlike other philosophies


a philosopher who believed pleasure is the greatest good


a philosopher who doubted the possibility of certain knowledge


a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force

"United Front" policy

a political organization in Russia that was carried out by communist political regimes.


a political-economic phenomenon whereby various European nations explored, conquered, settled, and exploited large areas of the world.


a powerful divine figure in Aztec religion who was the giver and taker of life and the patron deity of warriors

Parthian Empire

a powerful empire based in Iran that extended to wealthy Mesopotamia, also retained many of the customs and traditions of nomadic peoples, ruled until 224 C.E.

Yemelian Pugachev

a pretender to the Russian throne who led a great Cossack insurrection during the reign of Catherine II.


a public open space used for assemblies and markets

Mehmed V Rashid

a puppet sultan after Abd al-Hamid II was dethroned

Maji Maji Rebellion

a rebellion in Tanganyika to expel German colonial authorities. The rebels sprinkled themselves with "magic water" to protect themselves from German weapons, which failed.


a regional force consisting of capitalist world powers against the Soviet Union for defensive measures/ North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Velvet revolution

a revolution in Czechoslovakia. It swept communists out of office and restored democracy in 1990.


a royal hunting lodge near Paris where Louis XIV moved French court to. Louis's palace there was the largest one in the world. It had 230 acres of gardens and 1,400 fountains. He ordered 25,000 fully grown trees to be dug up and replanted at Versaillies because he couldn't wait for trees to properly grow there.

Jesus of Nazareth

a savior believed to be both God incarnate and a human being. He is also known as Jesus Christ, "Christ" meaning anointed or chosen one.


a simplified version of an instrument used by Greek and Persian astronomers to determine latitude by measuring the angle of the sun or the pole star above the horizon.


a small kingdom to the west of the Persian empire, just north of Greece. It was the birthplace of Alexander the Great

Bob Marley-Get up Stand UP

a song written while the rastafarian was in Haiti


a spiritual way of life focused on piety

United Nations

a supranational organization dedicated to keeping the world safe and secure and preventing WW's/ this organization unlike the League of Nations had actual military power and could act directly if needed

Era warring states

a time in China in which their was no centralized or unified government and many civil wars. It is often stated to have started in 475 BCE, and officially ended with the unification of China under the Qin Dynasty in 221 BCE.


a trading post in India established by Vasco da Gama


a type of sub-caste, regularly organized courts, they discipline guild members, resolved differences, and regulated community affairs

War of 1812

a war between the United States and Great Britain over issues that arose as a result of the French Revolution, socially unified French Canadians and British Canadians against a common enemy (the United States.)

Peloponnesian War

a war fought for supremacy in Greece from 431 to 404 bc, in which Athens and her allies were defeated by the league centred on Sparta

The Cold War

a war with no battles between the Soviet Union and US about politics, economy, and power in the world/ the war included an arms race that resulted in the creation of many nuclear bombs

Mary Wolstencraft

a woman who was an English writer, philosopher, and supporter of women's rights

Seneca Falls Convention

a women's movement arose here; feminists issued a "declaration of sentiments" modeled after the Declaration of Independence

Tsar Alexander II

abolished serfdom

Olaudah Equiano

abolitionist cause; published an autobiography detailing his experiences as a slave and a free man.

Manifest Destiny

according to this idea, the U.S. was destined, even divinely ordained, to expand across the North American continent from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific and beyond

President Reagan

advocated military spending who zeroed in on communism and the USSR, which he called the "evil empire"

The Mexican American War

after Texas seceded from Mexico and the United States claimed Texas, Mexico and The United States had a war over the territories. It ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which gave The United States about half of Mexico's land at the time.

The Mexican-American War

after Texas seceded from Mexico and the United States claimed Texas, Mexico and The United States had a war over the territories. It ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which gave The United States about half of Mexico's land at the time.

British Hegemony

after the Seven Years' War, Britain emerged victorious across the world in its many colonies; although Britain was not the undisputed master of the world or even of Europe, it was placed in position to dominate world trade


after the civil war in Palestine between the Jews and Muslims, the Jews proclaimed the creation of this independent state

Glorious Revolution

after the deposition of King James the II inviting his daughter Mary and her Dutch husband to rule ensuring that parliament would rule in cooperation with the king/ allowed people to get involved with the government

Trojan War

against Mycenae and Troy that caused chaos and a lot of damage

Erick Honecker

aging leader of East Germany. He objected to Gorbachevs ideas and clung to Stalinist policies.

Absolute Monarchs

all authority lies with king and the king only, kings had divine right

Dar al-Islam

all lands in which a Muslim government rules and the Holy Law of Islam prevails

Fighting in Africa and SW Asia

all of the sub Saharan Africa (except Ethiopia and Liberia) consisted of European colonies. Germans controlled Togoland, Cameroons, German Southwest Africa, and German East Africa

Delian League

alliance of ancient Greek states formed in 478-77 bc to fight Persia


allied with the conservative and aristocratic classes, appossing Marius, he took Marius's place after he died, initiated a slaughter of all of his enemies, Sulla executed about 10,000 individuals in that 5 year reign of terror

Prince Henry the Navigator

also Dom Henrique of Portugal, promoted voyages of exploration in west Africa to enter gold trade, discover new trade routes, gain intelligence on Muslim power, win converts to Christianity, and make alliances against Muslims

Louis XIV

also known as the "Sun King" le roi soleil, best epitomized royal absolutism, stated that he was the state "l'etat, c'est moi", built magnificent palace at Versailles (largest building in Europe) and a hunting lodge near Paris, court members served him, nobles moved to city in Versailles, patronized painters, sculptors, architects, and writers, had large army, supported establishment of new industries, building roads and canals, abolishing internal tariffs, and encouraging exports, established France as prominent power in Europe

Seven Years War

also known as the French and Indian War. As a result of the war, the United States gained the French Louisiana territories (France sold it for money.)

Yang Jian

ambitious ruler in northern China; military campaigns brought all of China under one centralized imperial rule; imposed tight political discipline on state similar to Qin Shihuangdi; 580, his patron died, leaving a 7 year old son as his heir; let the 7 year old rule for one year and then forced his abdication and took the throne

Francis Ferdinand

an archduke and the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne. He was assassinated on a trip to Sarajevo by the Serbian nationalist and terrorist Gavrilo Princip.

Estates General

an assembly that represented the entire French population: the nobility, the clergy, and the common people; last time it had been called was in 1614


an enlightened being in Mahayana Buddhism


an epic about a civil war between two cousins, the poem is about Vishna

Operation Iraqi Freedom

an international action against terrorism under President Bush; a multinational coalition force some three hundred thousand strong, largely made up of U.S. and British troops but also including those from two dozen other nations, carried out an invasion of Iraq designed to wage further war on terrorism by ousting the regime of Saddam Hussein and creating a democratic state


an official elected by the lower social classes to protect their interests


an outer garment used by Islamic women

Treaty of Nanjing

an unequal treaty between China and the British; the British forced the Chinese to open more ports, lower tariffs on British goods, give extraterritorial rights to British visitors in China and surrender Hong Kong to British rule

Book of the Dead

ancient collection of incantations from elaborate funeral rituals from the ancient Egyptian. There were nearly 150 chapters of papyrus text that were buried with each person's body to assist them in their journey to the afterlife. It includes the negative confessions.


ancient kingdom in modern day Turkey; defeated by King Croesus and made a part of Achaemenid empire


ancient people who lived in Chaldea circa 800 BC and ruled Babylonia 625-539 BC. They were renowned as astronomers and astrologers


animals become both dependent of humans and humans use their qualities for personal gain


another named for the Aztecs who settled to make the capital at Tenochtitlan


anti government movement during the last three decades of the 19th century. Social tensions were heightened from industrialization fueled protest by groups whose aims became radical. Center of it were university students known as intelligentsia.

Richard Nixon

anti-communist; US president who debated against Kruschev using the "kitchen" as a way of proving capitalism is better than communism

Boxer Rebellion

anti-foreign uprising with Cixi's support; attacked foreign embassies but failed miserably--> foreign countries attacked them back and killed rebels; made Qing Dynasty seem weak; "Righteous and Harmonious Fists" was another name for them


antigovernment protest and revolutionary activity arose in the late nineteenth century

Cardinal Richelieu

architect of French absolutism, prominent church official, served as chief minister to King Louis XIII, worked to undermine power of nobility and enhance authority of the king, destroyed nobles' castles, crushed aristocratic conspiracies, built large bureaucracy, attacked French Calvinists

French Indochina

area in which the French introduced European culture and attempted to spread Christianity; modern day Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos

Fertile Crecent

area of extremely fertile land that stretched from the Nile river valley, through Mesopotamia, and ends at the Persian gulf.

Iwo Jima and Okinawa

areas that were important to Japan, Japanese introduced "kamikazes" who sunk dozens of ships and killed more than five thousand U.S. soldiers.

Waffen SS

armed wing of the Nazi Party's Schutzstaffel (Protective Squadron), police force at home


army of 1000 men outfitted with distinctive red shirts; not ambitious to rule

King Pedro IV of Kongo

arrested Dona Beatriz on suspicion of heresy. An army of twenty thousand Antonians challenged him and said he was an unworthy ruler

Buddhism in China

arrived as early as 2nd century BCE over silk roads, but was rather unpopular in comparison to religions such as Confucianism and Daoism. Mahayana Buddhism eventually become popular during Tang and Song China. Large Buddhist communities formed in Dunhuang, along with cave temples and libraries. Attractive because of its morality, sophistication, and promise of salvation. Several schools of Buddhism formed, including Chan (Zen) Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism. Daoists and Confucians fought to expel Buddhism from China during the late Tang dynasty.

Demographic transition

as industrialization transformed societies, fertility began a marked decline due to voluntary contraception; in short run, mortality fell faster than fertility and populations continued to increase; over time, declined birth rates led to lower population growth and relative demographic stability

Council of Trent

assembly of bishops, cardinals, and other high church officials that met to reform Catholicism from 1545-1563

The Communist Manifesto

asserted that all human history has been the history of struggle between social classes. The future lays with the working class because laws dictate that capitalism would stop. Crisis of overproduction, underconsumption, and diminished profits would collapse the capitalist order.

Peloponnesian League

association of Greek city-states, members numbering between 150 to 173, under the leadership of Athens, whose purpose was to continue fighting the Persian Empire after the Greek victory in the Battle of Plataea at the end of the Second Persian invasion of Greece


associations between business firms whose purpose was to restrict markets and dominate an industry; vertical organization sought to dominate all facets of a single industry, while horizontal organization involved the consolidation or cooperation of independent companies in the same business


associations between large-scale business organizations whose purpose was to control the supply of a product and thus its price in the marketplace; involved the consolidation or cooperation of independent companies in the same business


associations between large-scale business organizations whose purpose was to control the supply of a product and thus its price in the marketplace; sought to dominate all facets of a single industry

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

attributed to Luo Guanzhong, is a historical novel set in the turbulent years towards the end of the Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history, starting in 169 and ending with the reunification of the land in 280.

Mien Kampf

autobiographical manifesto by Adolf Hitler which outlines his political ideologies and plans for the future of Germany


autonomous religious communities in the Ottoman empire where conquered people retained their own laws, language and traditions


bad news was censored (on both sides) and the enemy side was villainized. The idea of losing the war was made to look like complete horror in order to entice people to support the war effort.

The Songhay Empire

based in Gao, governors instituted a heirarchy of command. Imperial navy that patroled the Niger River. Fell due to the attacks from the Moroccan Army.


based in northern Deccan, owed origin to sultans of Delhi, means "city of victory" and named by Harihara and Bukka, dominant Hindu kingdom, Muslim merchants ruled trade, political division and conflict between states characterized politics, coherent and distinctive society based on trade, common social structures, inherited cultural traditions

Nationalist People's party (Guomindang)

based on Yatsen's ideology, members of the CCP made up ⅓ of the memberships, both were helped by the Soviets, and both became part of the new political system in China

Twelve Tables

basic law code for citizens of early republic; came about because of the tension between the Patricians and Plebians

James II

became king of England when parliament restored the monarchy, but was disposed of in favor of his daughter after he refused to cooperate with parliament.

Imperial Japan

became one of the "big five" powers in the League of Nations, tried to patch up conflicts in Asia and the Pacific, the Great Depression affected them

Tojo Hideki

became prime minister of Japan and set in motion plans for war against Great Britain and the United States. The Japanese hoped to destroy the American naval capacity in the Pacific with an attack on Pearl Harbor

Norse expansion

because of the increase of agricultural surplus the population in Scandinavia rose so vikings (Norse people) invaded France during the Carolingian Empire. The vikings traveled in boats that were shallow, rugged,had oars, and sails so that they could sail through rivers.

Industrialization in Russia and Japan

began to industrialize in 19th century, became need of industrial powers in tools, technologies, business organization, financial influence, and transportation networks

Antonian Movement

began when an aristocratic woman named Don Beatriz proclaimed that St. Anthony had possessed her and chosen her to communicate his messages.


belief system stating that a life of material goods will lead to suffering; a moderate lifestyle, quiet meditation, and staunch self-control would decrease earthly desires; complete detachment from the material world would lead to salvation, an escape from the cycle of incarnation, and ultimately the attainment of nirvana- perfect spiritual independence; these philosophies are laid out in the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, and the basic doctrine is known as dharma


belief system that states every piece of matter has a soul, including inanimate objects. These souls undergo constant suffering, but purification from selfish behavior would lead to a release from this suffering and allow them to reach a state of bliss


belief that all things are controlled by God; people have little to no free will and are destined to go to either heaven or hell; heavily supported by John Calvin

Popular sovereignty

belief that government should be with the people; one of the driving philosophies of the revolutions


belief that reason and observation of the world determines the existence of God

Mandate of Heaven

belief the the emperors ruled through the approval of heaven depending on their ability to look after the welfare of the population & if the ruler was not doing that the people had a right to replace them


believe of one god instead of multiple gods

Ferdinand Magellan

believed Asian markets were fairly close to the western coast of the Americas. He left Spain in September 1519, found a strait near the southern tip of South America, and sailed almost four months before taking on provisions in Guam. Many died of scurvy, and he himself died in the Phillippine islands. The survivors continued to spain, completing the first circumnavigation.


believed in existence of a god but denied Christianity's supernatural teachings, such as Jesus's virgin birth and supernaturality; believed that God created the world but didn't take personal interest in its development

British Imperial Rule

believed in indirect rule; had control of India, Burma, Malaya, South Africa, Egypt

Louis XIV

best representation of royal absolutism, king of France. Moved royal court to Versaillies, causing most nobles to also move to Versaillies. Lavishly patronized the arts. Gave nobles luxury. Promoted economic development by building new roads and canals, abolishing internal tariffs, and encouraging exports.

Betty Friedan—The Feminine Mystique

book that sparked the "second wave" of American feminism

Second Treatise of Civil Government

book written by John Locke that furthered the argument for popular sovereignty; people give of themselves to help better society, therefore they should be able to have a say in government


branch of agriculture concerned with the raising of livestock

Sui Dynasty

built the Grand Canal which was the most elaborate project of the dynasty; Canal finished construction during Sui Yangdi's rule as emperor; placed enormous demands on subjects in course of building strong, centralized government; Sui Yangdi levied high taxes and his forced labor generated hostility toward his rule; late 610s some rebellions broke out in northern China when Sui Yangdi sought additional resources for his Korean campaign; 618, a disgruntled minister assassinated emperor and brought the dynasty to an end


by 1900, 50% of population in industrialized lands lived in towns of 2,000 or more and 150 large cities emerged in N. America and Europe combined; industrialization increased number of jobs in cities as well as water and air pollution; by late 1800s, governments began to improve cities' water supply, sewage systems, and building codes

New International Economic Order

called for by the coalition of of developing nations, sought a more just allocation of global wealth by guaranteeing prices and markets for commodities

Seleucid Empire

called the Achaemenid empire; Greek influences reached its maximum in and around this empire; one of the three empires split up after Alexander the Great

Sasanid Empire

came from Persia and claimed direct descent from the Achaemenids, ruled until 651 C.E.

Interment camps

camps that the Japanese Americans were put into after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.


capital of Songhay Empire, trading city

Santo Domingo

capital of Spanish Caribbean, est. 1498


capital of the Yuan dynasty, established by Khubilai Khan

Spanish Civil War

caused by the electoral victory of Popular Front that was followed by an anti-government insurrection of the Spanish army. Fought between Republicans and Nationalists; Nationalists won and their leader, Francisco Franco ruled Spain for 36 years


center of trade were weaving, pottery, and obsidian were made that was made by the Toltecs

4 noble truths

central beliefs of Buddhism- 1) all life involves suffering; 2) earthly desire is the cause of suffering; 3) eliminating earthly desires leads to an elimination of suffering; 4) strictly adhering to the Noble Eightfold Path is the way in which one eliminates desire


centralized state, kings converted to christianity as a way to establish closer commercial relations. Relations with Portugal eventually led to the destruction of the kindgom

Cash crops

certain crops that were only sold (tobacco, rice, indigo, and later cotton) posed serious threats to North American societies and brought lots of slave labor

Louis XIII

chief minister was Cardinal Richelieu


chief of the seminomadics who migrated to Anatolia in order to become Muslim religious warriors; essentially began the early Ottoman Empire

Priesthood of all believers

christian doctrine stating that ordinary christians share a common priesthood, exact definitions varies with the different cultures, no priest had all the power and all can have a close relation to God


city around which Kievan Rus flourished; Vikings from the land of Sweden settled there

Hong Kong

city in China that was surrendered to the British in the treaty of Nanjing


city of the Achaemenid empire

Fatehpur Sikri

city planned and build by Akbar, Mughal capital from 1569-1585, buildings had Indian elements and housing for ruler

The Papacy

claimed spiritual authority; based in Rome

Dona Beatriz

claimed that she had been possessed by St. Anthony and had been chosen to communicate his messages. Gained reputation for performing miracles and curing diseases, promoted an African form of Christianity. Taught that Jesus has been a black African man and Kongo was the true holy land. Was burned at the stake for suspicion of heresy

Ali i nui

classes of high chiefs in Hawai'i who intermarried and ate the best fish and foods


client state of the US that became independent

Abu Bakr

close friend and advisor to Muhammad, became the first caliph after the death of Muhammad, as well as chief judge, religious leader, and military commander


code breaking operation, enabled a cryptographer monitoring Japanese radio frequencies to discover the plan to attack Midway


colonial officials from Spain and Portugal

Anastacio Somoza Garcia

commander of U.S. National Guard in Nicaragua; fought against and killed Sandino; became president and wanted the trust of the U.S.

African National Congress

committee formed to protest apartheid; Nelson Mandela was one of the young leaders.

Todor Zhivkov

communist head of state of the PRB (Peoples Republic of Bulgaria). The longest surviving communist dictator of Eastern Europe


community groups that lived together & cultivated thier own land


concept relating to the mixing of political and religious authority, as with the Roman emperors, that was central to the church-versus-state controversy in medieval Europe. Constantine initiated this policy whereby the emperor not only ruled as a secular lord but also played an active role in ecclesiastical affairs

Witch Hunting

condemnation and occasional execution of people accused of witchcraft; convenient way to explain problems that arose; all types of people were accused, but single women (unmarried, widows) were the majority of "witches"

Colonial Conflict

conflicts between the colonizers and the natives that broke out all over the globe due to differences beyond just nationality

The Indian National Congress

congress brought together to discuss the colonial rule of British over Indians and the poor treatment of the Indian people/ over a few decades it became a fight for independence and in 1947 they finally gained independence from colonial rule

The Son of Heaven

considered this because the people thought the emperor was chosen to be emperor by divine powers to maintain order on Earth; similar to Mandate of Heaven; people who had a single audience of the emperor had to perform the kowtow before the performance

Central and Southeast Asia

controlled by France, Great Britain, the Dutch, and the US

Global corporations

corporations that treat the whole world as a single market and act as if international bariers don't exist.

Status of Islamic Women

could legally inherit property, divorce husbands on their own initiative, and engage in business ventures; Quran portrayed women not as the property of their menfolk but as honorable individuals


cowboys who lived in South America

Dependency Theory

crafted by Raul Prebisch, stated that developed and industrial nations dominated the international economy and profited at the expense of less developed and industrialized nations burdened with the export-oriented economies which were remnants of colonialism.

Divine Faith

created by Akbar, Islamic + incorporated different religious traditions + focused attention on the emperor as the ruler of religious, ethnic, & social groups

Shah Ismail

created the Safavid Empire, laid claim to the ancient Persian imperial title of shah, proclaimed that the official religion of the region would be Twelver Shiism

Simon Bolivar

creole elite, he led the movement for independence and he took up arms against Spanish rule. He wanted to form all the colonies into one separate state from the Spanish

Cult of Dionysus

cult of mainly women who danced, sang, and performed goat sacrifices; they're religious beliefs focused on morality


cultivation of plants to use for food or other purposes that improve human life. The first evidence of agriculture was in 9000 BCE in Southwest Asia. Agriculture was used as a way to feed more people for a growing population. With the ability to have surplus crops, humans could focus on the specialization of labor and eventually led to cities and city-states.

Emancipation Proclamation

declared that all slaves were free in the southern states (although did not apply to Northern states, which was corrected with the Thirteenth Amendment.)


decreasing mortality rate as result of vaccines, improved diets, and improved sanitation led to sharp increases in population across industrial world in 1800s

Marcus Aurelius

defeated the Parthians under his rule, Roman emperor

US Civil Rights Act of 1964

demanded equality for African- Americans; influenced the women's movement and provided a training ground for many women activists

Portuguese Brazil

dependent on mostly the cultivation of sugar cane for exports; land given to Brazil due to the Treaty of Tordesillas

Nuremburg Trials

designed to bring Naxi leaders to justice, challenged the notion of unlimited national sovereignty and created the concept of "crimes against humanity," which warranted international judgement and punishment

Treaty of Waitangi

designed to place New Zealand under British protection

Democracy (direct vs. representative)

direct democracy - people vote for what they want, representative - people vote for a person to represent them who then votes for what their people want


disciple of Plato but came to distrust his theory; explored the nature of reality which deeply influenced European/Islamic traditions


disciple of Socrates; created Theory of Forms or Ideas and elaborate to Socrates' ideas


discovered by James Cook, traded with him for pigs and provisions for iron ware

The Young Turks

dissident organization, Ottoman society for union and progress


district assemblies where the people elected representatives

Catherine the Great

divided her vast empire into fifty administrative provinces and promoted economic development, restricted the punishments that noble landowners could inflict on the serfs


divine figure of the Aztecs who supported the arts, crafts, and agriculture of Mexica society

Convention on the rights and duties of States

document signed by U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull, which said that no state had the right to interfere with the internal affairs of others


domination by a powerful nation over the political, economic, and cultural affairs of another nation or region

Missionary efforts

drove Europeans into the larger world, wanted to expand Christianity, not always peaceful, crusades and holy wars began in the eleventh century


due to Russian expansion; originally home to 26 ethnic groups, some who resented the demands for tribute and resisted the Russian forces, so the Russian forces resorted to punishing raids led to a revolt against the Russian oppression. Government sent missionaries to the "small peoples" to try and convert them to Orthodox Christianity.

The Corporation

during 1850s and 60s, British and French authorities laid foundations for this, and it quickly became the most common form of business organization in industrial societies.

War communism

during the the government annulled private property and controlled banks, industries, and other privately owned commercial businesses

Maji Maji Rebellion

east African rebellion against the German powers with the victors being the Germans after two years of fighting 1905-1907

Causes of Imperialism

economic growth, military/political strategy, spread of culture

Pater familias

eldest male in the family made most of the decisions, ruled (arrange marriages, determine the work or duties his children, punish them, sell them into slavery, and even execute them)

President Barack Obama

elected in 2008; shifted the war on terror away from Iraq and toward afghanistan and bin Laden

Sunni Ali

embarked on a campaign to conquer his neighbos and consolidated the Songhay empire

Sultan Selim III

embarked on a program to remodel his army along the lines of European forces, this threatened the Janissaries who then had a revolt and killed everyone in the reform


emerged as a multicultural port city and the hub of Spanish commercial activity. Chinese merchants were prominent and they aroused suspicion, so the Spanish and Filippino residence massacred Chinese merchants. Spanish sought to spread Catholicism: opened schools that taught the doctrine.


emerged out of the disorder and devastation of the Afghan-Soviet war. Promoted itself as a new force for unity and determined to create an Islamic state according to its own austere interpretation of Islam

Shah Jahan

emperor of Mughal India who ordered the Taj Mahal to be built; went crazy and son disposed of him; obsessed with his wife; had many luxuries while he was emperor like the Peacock throne


epitomized the spirit of the Enlightenment; published writings that included some ten thousand letters and filled seventy volumes; championed individual freedom and attacked any institution sponsoring intolerant or oppressive policies; waged a long literary campaign against the Roman Catholic church, which he held responsible for human suffering

Delhi Sultanate

established Islamic state in Hindu Kingdoms of northern India, had a large army and was ranked among most prominent states in Islamic world, built mosques/shrines/fortresses and were patrons of art/literature, had no permanent bureaucracy or administrative apparatus, never overcame Hindu resistance but prominently sponsored Islam

Guardo National

established and trained in Nicaragua; state military forces, in part equipped, trained, and quartered by the U.S. government, and paid by the U.S. government, that become an active component of the army when called into federal service by the president in civil emergencies.

King Leopold II of Belgium

established colony as his own, treated people badly, when they didn't do enough work, he was known for cutting limbs off of people

Thomas Peters

established free slave society at Freetown

Columbian Exchange

exchange of diseases, animals, plants, and people between East and West Hemisphere; ultimately led to increase in world population


expanded empire east and west, population of 35 million, largest empire yet, 70 ethnic groups, created capital at Persepolis, attempted to take all of Greece which started Persian wars


expelled Austrian authorities from most of northern Italy; turned his attention to southern Italy where Giuseppe Garibaldi led the unification movement

The Russian Empire

experienced battlefield reverses that caused economic and technological disparity. Wanted to preserve its status as a great land power, so the tsarist government embarked on a program of reform. Social reform paved the way for industrialization, which transformed society.


extensive dynastic holdings in Austria, dominated Holy Roman Empire. Through marriage alliances with princely and royal families, the Habsburgs accumulated rights and titles to lands throughout Europe. Charles V inherited authority over Austrian domains as well as the duchy of Burgundy and the kingdom of Spain. He became emperor in 1519 and acquired authority over Germany, Bohemia, Switzerland and N. Italy.


famous poet who may not have existed, wrote Homer and Illiad.


farmers, merchants, artisans (3rd highest)

The Ottoman Empire

fell during this period, not able to have an industrial revolution, did the worse out of the 4 societies


female soldiers or supporters of soldiers who demonstrated extreme forms of activism during the Mexican revolution.


female soldiers or supporters of soldiers, demonstrated the most extreme form of activism during the Mexican revolution


female soldiers or supporters of soldiers, demonstrated the most extreme form of activism during the Mexican revolution,

Simone de Beauvior-The Second Sex

feminist novel regarding the treatment of women

Olympe de Gouges

feminist, (1748-1793), was a victim of the Jacobins, who did not appreciate her efforts to extend the rights of freedom and equality to women


financed largely by British investments, railroads to more than 200,000 miles of tracks after the civil war, compared to the 30,000 beforehand. Railroads provided cheap transportation, which helped internal trade stay cheap, and helped the steel industry grow because of all the steel needed for tracks. it also standardized time zones for America


first era in human history where humans relied on hunting and gathering to survive

Kwame Nkrumah

first leader of Ghana; in favor of pan-African unity

Peace of Augsburg

first permanent legal basis for the existence of Lutheranism as well as Catholicism in Germany, promulgated on September 25, 1555, by the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire assembled earlier that year at Augsburg

Chandragupta Maurya

first ruler of the Mauryan Empire and helped build it and form a government within it. Many of the things implemented can be found in the political handbook called the Arthashastra

Explorer I

first satellite of the United States, launched as part of its participation in the International Geophysical Year. The mission followed the first two satellites the previous year; the Soviet Union's Sputnik 1 and 2, beginning the Cold War Space Race between the two nations


first to practice monotheism on a large scale


focused in the Warring States period. It was the ideology that the Qin Dynasty was run by. Han Fei was the best known contributor to this ideology. It focuses a lot on law and creates a harsh and controlling government.


followers of Emiliano Zapata, women who served in the Mexican Revolution, provided food or sometimes were actual soldiers

Constitutional states

following struggles, the constitutional government strengthened the state and provided a political framework that enabled merchants to flourish as never before in European experience. Ruler in England and the Netherlands shared authority with representative institutions and created constitutional states.

Spheres of influence

foreigners dismantled Chinese territories who were powerless to resist; the different countries governed the powerless territories

Dutch Republic

formed from a rebellion 1579-1581 against Spain for suppressing a Calvinist movement/ not recognized as republic until end of thirty years war 1648


formed the Young Italy group; promoted independence from Austrian and Spanish rule to form an Italian national state

Dhows and junks

forms of transportation over the sea - Dhows were favored by Persian, Indian, and Arabian sailors and weighed 100-400 tons -Junks- were sailed by southeastern Asians

U.S. Civil War

fought between the Union and the Confederacy in the United States after the southern states seceded. It was fueled by debates over slavery and the economy, as well as the betrayal felt by the Union when the southern states seceded.


fought with Rome over Sicily for first Punic War; located in modern-day Tunisia; Phoenician colony

Charles I

fought with church in the English Civil War. Was captured and beheaded by oliver Cromwell.


founded Achaemenid Empire, wily leader and good strategist, in 20 years: minor regional king to ruler of empire

Ferdinand and Isabel

founded Spanish Inquisition in 1478, obtained papal license to operate the institution as a royal agency

Ming dynasty

founded after the Yuan Dynasty by Hongwu, tried to get rid of all Mongol influence, rebuilt Great Wall all around the borders of the dynasty, fell when Manchus captured the capital (Beijing)

Seleucid Empire

founded and ruled by Seleucus, the former commander of Alexander's elite guard. He ruled Persia, and kept the Persian infrastructure. Many of the Satraps opposed him, and the Parthian empire fought with them too. They were eventually conquered by Rome

Abbasid Dynasty

founded by Abu al-Abbas who led a rebellion that destroyed the Umayyad Dynasty; very cosmopolitan; not a conquering dynasty; focused on trade/administration/education; used regional governors to keep control of empire; capital moved to Baghdad; Ulama (scholars) & qadis (judges) set moral standards in the communities; civil wars over succession rights, rebellions/uprisings, and finally the Mongols invading destroyed the empire

Qing dynasty

founded by Manchus; civil service exams; shaved front of heads and grew back out; encouraged Confucian schooling and education in general

The Qing dynasty

founded by Manchus; civil service exams; shaved front of heads and grew back out; encouraged Confucian schooling and education in general


founded by Theodor Herzl; Jewish people sought to constitute a nation and the right to own their own national homeland

Benito Mussolini

founded fascism in Italy, had the Blackshirts who were armed fascists squads that terrorized socialists

Siddhartha Gautama

founder of Buddhism; born a kshatriya, he left his life of luxury behind after being appalled at the suffering he saw around him; he led an ascetic life and found enlightenment after meditating under a bo tree for forty-nine days; his beliefs and doctrine led to the founding of Buddhism


founder of Islam; born a merchant in Mecca who was shortly orphaned; based his beliefs off of revelations given to him in a cave by the angel Gabriel; fundamental beliefs included monotheism and helping the poor/widowed; respected the teachings of Christian leaders such as Jesus and Moses, but thought that he was the prophet whose job it was to reveal Allah's final message; amassed a cult following in Medina, upon which he returned to his native Mecca and conquered it, thus beginning the exponential growth of Islam


founder of the Ming dynasty; drove Mongols out; extensive use of mandarins and placed great trust in eunuchs

St. Ignatius of Loyola

founder of the Society of Jesus who put his time into religious work after a leg injury from battle

Theodor Herzl

founder of the Zionist movement; migrated with the Jews to Palestine which was renamed Israel


founder the sageking Yu. One of the first efforts to organize public life in China on a large scale. The dynasty came into being about 2200 B.C.E. in roughly the same region as the Yangshao society. Established a precedent for hereditary monarchical rule in China. Encouraged the founding of cities and development of metallurgy.

The Manchus

founders of the Qing dynasty; pastoral nomads; Nurhaci turned Manchu tribes into centralized state; outlawed intermarriage and the travel of Chinese to Manchuria; ruling elite schooled in Confucian thought and Chinese language

Free Trade

freedom from state imposed limits and constraints on trade across borders

John Calvin

french lawyer, 1509-1564, converted to Protestant and fled to Geneva, composed treatise - Institutes of the Christian Religion that codified Protestant teachings and presented them as a package, Geneva became a missionary center with most success are in Netherlands and Scotland


french word for "mixed"

Chola Kingdom

from 850-1267 C.E., ruled Coromandel coast, conquered Ceylon and parts of southeast Asia, financed by trade profits from powerful navy, didn't have tightly centralized state, requested order and taxes, native Sinhalese revolts led to weakening of Chola realm

The Indian Act

gave India the institutions of a self-governing state. Allowed for the establishment of autonomous legislative bodies, the creation of a bicameral national legislature, and the formation of an executive arm under the control of the British. Proved unworkable because Indian princes did not agree.


god of rain and thunderstorms in hindu religion

Roman Deities

gods worshipped by the ancient Romans


government created elected district assemblies in 1864.


government ruled by a small group of people


government ruled by one person, like a king


government system, hostile to liberal democracies, socialism, and communism. It was an extreme form of nationalism

Bloody Sunday

government troops killed 130 workers that were marching to Nicholas II's house with a petition.


government where the power is held by the nobles (people who own most of the land)

Economic nationalism

governments began turning to their own resources and imposing tariff barriers, import quotas, and import prohibitions. Tried to achieve a high degree of economic self-sufficiency

Angola (Ndongo)

grew from a small chiefdom subject to the kings of Kongo to a powerful regional kingdom, largely because of direct trade with Portuguese merchants

The Vikings

group of Scandinavian people who traveled south from Norway because of population growth. They built shallow boats with sails and oars in order to be able to navigate through rivers so that they could attack people, specifically monasteries.


group of people dedicated to combating the violent anti-Semitism prevailing in central and eastern Europe by establishing a national Jewish state.

Examination system

grueling ordeal; battery of tests administered at district, provincial, and metropolitan levels; children went to every length to cheat; children confined to small concubines bareilly able to fit one man; no interruptions between the test takers and anybody else

Examination system

grueling ordeal; battery of tests administered at district, provincial, and metropolitan levels; children went to every length to cheat; children confined to small concubines barely able to fit one man; no interruptions between the test takers and anybody else

Charles V

habsburg family dominated the Holy Roman Empire and Charles inherited authority over them, became emperor in 1519 and acquired authority over Germany, Bohemia, Switzerland, and Northern Italy, devoted attention to Lutheran movement, ruled each land according to their own laws and customs

Saddam Hussein

had a stockpile of chemical and biological weapons, otherwise termed "weapons of mass destruction"

South African War (Boer War)

happened because of tensions between British authorities and the Afrikaners

Jose Carlos Mariategui

he castigated Peru's leaders in journals and newspapers for not helping the poor and unfortunate (suffered exile)

Aung San Suu Kyi

he emerged as leader in Myanmar; also deriving her political authority from her father; assassinated in 1947


he was a greek ambassador to the indian subcontinent who wrote a book called the Indika which talked about his perspective of India while living there between 4th-3rd centuries B.C.E.


he was a political advisor to Chandragupta and helped come up with the procedures for ruling the empire.

Nicholas II

he was the end of the Romanov Dynasty in Russia after the March Revolution caused him to step down

Louis the Pious

he was the only living son of Charlemagne (made him next heir) but he lacked military skills and had very little control of local authorities. He had three sons that caused war between the next ruler so the empire split into three.

Osama bin Laden

head of al-Qaeda who aided mujahideen who fought soviet forces in Afghanistan

May Fourth Movement

headed by the youth intellectuals, protested foreign (especially Japanese) inference in China


helped the Roman army to create a way to tire down Hannibal's army called the Fabian strategy; put the enemy through a war of attrition

John Locke

highly influential Enlightenment thinker whose detailed arguments for popular sovereignty were the basis for both the American and French Revolutions; all men are entitled to "life, liberty, and property"

Charles II

his father was executed, marking the end of the English monarchy. Parliament of Scotland declared Charles II to be king of Great Britain, but the English parliament disagreed. Charles II was defeated by Oliver Cromwell in the Battle of Worcester, and he fled to France to live in exile while Cromwell controlled England.

Abraham Lincoln

his presidency was the beginning of the U.S. Civil War. While he claimed originally that the war was not over ending slavery, he was a major proponent of the abolition of slavery, and the abolition of slavery became a core issue in outcome of the war.

Laozi (Lao-tse)

historical (possibly fictional) sage living during 6th century BC; ascribed with writing Daodejing, even though it was most likely written by several authors


holy city of Islam and birthplace of Muhammad; once a center of polytheistic society before being forced to convert to Islam; it is required for all Muslims to make a pilgrimage here and see the city, and all prayer is conducted facing it; houses relics such as the Ka'ba


holy law that all Muslims follow


homo sapiens sapiens emerged simultaneously throughout the world and descended from earlier hominid groups that had already left Africa.


hostility or prejudice against Jewish people


how to get into the civil service exams; what the civil service exams tested children on; what the children studied to prepare for the exams

Spanish Armada

huge flotilla that had 130 ships and 30,000 men


idea that one race is superior than another

Sigmund Freud

identified a conflict between conscious and unconscious mental processes that lay at the root of neurotic behavior; the existence of a repressive mechanism that keeps painful memories or threatening events away from the conscious mind; this theory is called the psychoanalytic theory and it provided the keys to understanding all human behavior

Filial piety

implied duties of children toward fathers and loyalty of subjects toward emperor; veneration of ancestors; strengthened authority of patriarchs

Theory of Progress

improvements in science, social organization, and technology can improve the human condition

Spanish Armada

in 1588, Spanish fleet sent to England to displace Elizabeth and revert the country to Catholicism; Spanish fleet completely destroyed, in part due to a storm, and England expanded its power


in Athens only adult males


in South America spanish missionaries able to help native community and convert any people although the native religions still stayed/ North American missionaries not at all as effective/ natives did not want new religion/ English didn't care about converting, French did but did not get many converts

Thomas Malthus

in his famous Essay on the Principle of Population, he insisted that poverty and distress are the inevitable consequences of unchecked population growth

Dutch Learning

in order to keep Christianity out, Tokugawa shut off almost all communication with the world except for the Dutch; few learned Dutch in order to communicate and get information about the outside world along with new technological findings


in search for northwest passage found Hawai'i, able to communicate with Hawaiians, got along well with Hawaiians trading with them on first trip, tried to protect Hawai'i from diseases but failed, on return a conflict between his crew and the Hawaiians killed him

Ptolemaic Empire

in the Egypt region; wealthiest of the Hellenistic empires; capital was Alexandria which brought great prosperity; one of the three empires split up after Alexander the Great


in the triumvirate, very strong in military power

Greek theater

included drama and sometimes comedic dramas


institution in which the Spanish had the right to make the native Taino people work hard and brutally. In return, the workers were looked after and encouraged to convert to Christianity


institutions of higher education; appeared c, 10th century, taught students an advanced education in Islamic theology & law for administrative positions.

Oracle bones

instruments of foretelling the future used by fortune-tellers during the Shang dynasty; a question was inscribed on the bone and it was then placed into a fire, and the heat caused it to crack. The cracks were then read by the fortune-teller and they determined an answer to the question.

Birth control

introduction of latex condom in mid-1800s led to decline in birth rates in industrial societies


invaded by Saddam Hussein in 1990, began the Gulf War

Eli Whitney

inventor of the cotton gin who also developed the technique of using machine tools to produce interchangeable parts for firearms. This method was soon adopted to the manufacture of other products.


is a ethical and philosophical system. It is a method that was created by the teachings of a Chinese philosopher, Confucius. It was the official state ideology of the Han Dynasty. There are Five Constants: Ren, Yi, Li, Zhi, and Xin. Confucianism focuses largely on filial piety and the Five Relationships: ruler to people, father to son, husband to wife, brother to brother, and friend to friend.


island in Greece were the Minoans started

Indentured labor

it was basically a legal form of slavery for those who fell into debt

Expansion of Islam

it was militaristic (jihad) it spread to Spain, the Byzantine empire it appealed to merchants and people who were poor or members low in the caste system, it promised them equality with all and salvation, mostly in the Umayyad dynasty


it was very depressing to illustrate the horrors of the war; postwar pessimism; they were works overflowing with images of meaningless death and suffering

Iran-Iraq War

killed as many as one million soldiers, war of attrition between Iran and Iraq

King Afonso I

king of Kongo who sought to convert all his subjects to Christianity

Alexander the Great

king of Macedon, who conquered Greece (336), Egypt (331), and the Persian Empire (328), and founded Alexandria


king of Medes and Persians who fought against the Ancient Greeks in the Persian War


king of Persia

Philip of Macedonia

king of the Greek kingdom of Macedon from 359 BC until his assassination in 336 BC. He was the father of Alexander the Great and Philip III

Louis XVI

king who was beheaded during the French Revolution; initially didn't feel ready to be king, and he was believed to be too young to rule; he married Marie-Antoinette, which was a political union between Austria's and his own; it symbolized the end of an ancient rivalry; during his reign, he didn't pay attention to the people or their needs

Absolute Monarchs

kings who rule by absolute power and call upon divine right to rule/ they take support from nobles, but in the end are the absolute ruler

Mehmed II

known as Mehmed the Conqueror because he conquered Constantinople in 1453 and created a new dynamic for Ottoman expansion; it became to Ottoman capital where he laid down foundations for a tightly centralized monarchy; he continued to conquer and even captured the pope until his successors abandoned his plans for expansion


laborers bound by the land

Peter I (the Great)

lad a party of Russian observers on a tour of Europe to learn about western European administrative methods and military technology, reformed the army be offering better pay and drafting peasants who served for life as professional soldiers, constructed navy with an eye toward domination of the Baltic and other Northern seas


large ethnic group in Kenya; radicals created a violent campaign against the Europeans.


large group of French Protestants inspired by John Calvin; harsh critics of the Roman Catholic church and faced persecution because of it; some migrated to different countries in Europe and spread their ideas


large theocratic agricultural village; rapidly expanded to fifty thousand; had pyramid of the sun & for the moon; all citizens lived in the city; had fine orange pottery workers

The Great Wall

largely Ming dynasty project; started in earlier dynasties but the Ming just about finished it; ran 2500 kilometers and 10 to 15 meters high; emperors hired hundreds and thousands of laborers for the project


last Chinese imperial dynasty that was overthrown by revolutionaries


last of the Ptolemaic rulers, gained forces with Mark Antony (married each other)

Sandinista Front for National Liberation

launched guerrilla operations aimed overthrowing the Somozas and they finally took power in 1979.


launched naval expeditions that sailed throughout Indian Ocean; moved capital to Beijing to keep watch on Mongols

Mahmud II

launched reform program, killed the Janissaries so they couldn't kill his army, put most of his energy in reorganizing the army, education policies, made Ottomans strongest they'd been since 17th century


lavish palace in Minoa, nerve center of Minoa


law of order of cause and effect based on the morality of one's actions

Harun al-Rashid

leader during the high point of the Abbasid dynasty. His two sons feuds for who should succeed him led to civil war and the eventual downfall of the dynasty.

Gamal Abdel Nasser

leader of Egypt that opposed Israel, began a political revolution and reform through militarism. Took control of the government from Egypt's King Farouk in 1954.


leader of Reformation in Switzerland; attacked Catholic ideas such as fasting during Lent; contemporary of Martin Luther; killed in battle while trying to blockade Catholic cantons; also clashed with Anabaptists; wanted union of church and state

Heinrich Himmler

leader of SS and chief of the German police, gave a three hour speech to an assemble of SS generals in the city of Posen, Poland, justified Nazi anti-Jewish policies

Sargon of Akkad

leader of a semitic group that conquered and unified the Sumerian city-states and founded the Akkadian Empire, established cities ruled by kings rather than priests, secured loyalty from soldiers by giving them land

George Washington

leader of the American Revolutionary army; served as British general during the French and Indian War; eventually won the struggle against Britain and was named first President of the United States

Sun Yatsen

leader of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang), 1st president of China, created the New Three Principles of the People

Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)

leader of the Guomindang after Sun Yatsen's death, young general trained in Japan and USSR, launched political and military offensive known as the Northern Expedition that aimed at unifying China, suddenly turned against CCP, a former ally

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

leader of the Islamist movement that took power after the Iranian Revolution

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

leader of the Muslim League in India, founder of Pakistan (Muslims wanted their own country in northeastern India (Pakistan today)).

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

leader of the Muslim League, promoted the division of India into Hindu and Muslim in India, desired foundation of Pakistan

Louis Riel

leader of the Métis and indigenous people of western Canada, a métis himself, assumed the presidency of provisional government in 1870, captured Fort Garry and incorporated province of Manitoba into Canadian Dominion, exiled and wandered around US, led the Northwest Rebellion against the railroad and British Canadian Settlement 1885, then executed for treason

Oliver Cromwell

leader of the parliament forces during the English civil war

Revolution of 1905

led to the establishment of the Duma, Russia's first parliamentary institution

Donation of Pepin

legal basis for Papal States

King Minos

legendary king of ancient Crete, Minoans were named after him

Act of Supremacy

legislation in 1534 that granted King Henry VIII supremacy, which means he was declared supreme head of the Church of England


letters of credit, root of the modern word check, merchants could draw letters of credit in one city and cash them in another with the new bank system

Prague Spring

liberal movement that promised socialism with a human face


life cycles of reincarnation

Ottoman empire

located in Anatolia by seminomadic Turks who migrated there in the 1200s; expanded by capturing big areas like Bursa and Gallipoli; unusually successful frontier state which lasted almost 700 years


located in China, 1931 Japan's military forces acted to assert control over the region

Tigris and Euphrates

located in modern day Iraq; known as the first cradle of civilization; where Mesopotamia developed; River would flood irregularly so irrigation systems had to be put into place to control and obtain water for agriculture, and the banks of the river were very rich so early settlers could plant successfully.


located on the Western Coast of the Fertile Crescent (or Lebanon). were centered around the Mediterranean Sea, and did most of the trading by sea (they were called sea people). They built very useful sea vessels that made traveling a lot faster. These people also invented the first alphabet that is based off the one we use today. fell to Cyrus the Great (which he conquered for the Persian Empire) about 539 BCE. The whole empire lasted 1200- 539 BCE.

Pax Romana

long era of peace, 2 ½ centuries, facilitated trade and communication


loose subjection to Babylonians, spoke Indo-European languages, pastoralist, limited agriculture, organized by clans, payed tribute to Mesopotamia, warriors with great equestrian skills


lowest Hindu social group and ritual status, hereditary (born into this group/class)

Simon Bolivar

major figure in the fight for independence in Latin America against the Spanish. He wanted to organize a group of united states similar to that of the United States, but found it to be impossible with the divisions between Latin American states.

Postwar pessimism

majority of European intellectuals rallied enthusiastically to the Great War; postwar writers lamented the decline of Western society; all societies pass through a life cycle of growth and decay comparable to the biological cycle of living organisms(Oswald Spengler)


majority of people resented occupation forces but usually went on with life as much as possible, collaboration, workforce of war supplying goods, resistance

Scramble for Africa

many Europeans wanted to colonize the lands of Africa and many arguments happened

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

marched to Seneca Falls, New York; argued for voting rights, ability to attend public schools, ability to have professional jobs; and be involved in public affairs; limited success


massacre of Indians by British soldiers. The British shot protesters that were protesting British presence in India


means taboo to commoners

Marie Antoinette

member of the Austrian royal family who married King Louis XVI; was beheaded by members of the French Revolution; her hair was believed to represent all that was wrong with her, and Versailles; nicknamed "Madame deficit"


member of the Society of Jesus (S.J.), a Roman Catholic order of religious men founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, noted for its educational, missionary, and charitable works, once regarded by many as the principal agent of the Counter-Reformation, and later a leading force in modernizing the church. They made China known in Europe


member of the highest Hindu caste, that of the priesthood


members of the Society of Jesus


members of the Society of Jesus; demands poverty, chastity, obedience to Church and Christ; attempted to spread teachings far and wide but faced some persecution


migrated with Persians from central Asia to Persia before 1000 BCE

Types of Imperialism

military, political, economic, and cultural


mixed society, always got the lower half of the deal, not as low as the slaves or indigenous, but not as high as the creoles and European-born people, often rebelled


mixed society, always got the lower half of the deal, not as low as the slaves or indigenous, but not as high as the creoles and european-born people, often rebelled

King Henry VIII

monarch, dissolved monasteries and confiscated church wealth in England → poor relief and support for orphans


monotheistic religion founded on the Arabian peninsula; doctrine based off of the teachings of Muhammad and written laws/lessons are found in the Quran; eventually encompassed nearly all of the Arabian peninsula and allowed Muslims to expand Islamic territory to include North Africa and parts of Spain; contributions included the preservation of ancient societies' ideas/art

Hammurabi's Code

most extensive and most complete code of law at the time it was written by the babylonian king Hammurabi. People who broke the laws suffered punishments resembling their violations, but the code took into account your social status.

The Franks

most successful/ influential of the Germanic peoples; conquered most of Gaul; gained popular support by converting to Christianity; greatest rulers were the Carolingians

Yemelian Pugachev

mounted a rebellion in the steppe lands of the Caspian Sea

Civil Rights Movement

movement for total equality of rights; un-equal rights exploited by the USSR


movement over the purely rational analysis of the human world


name for important charismatic leaders for the people


nationalist and liberal general who refused to accept any peace settlement that left Marines on Nicaraguan soil; led the opposition to Nicaraguan conservatives and the occupation of Nicaragua by US Marines

Jomo Kenyatta

nationalist leader in Kenya; jailed

Lazaro Cardenas

nationalized Mexican oil industry and was a shrewd diplomat with the U.S. and Britain

Revisionist Powers

nations who were not content with the status quo after WWI

Dona Marina

native that gave Cortés diplomatic and linguistic services; alerted him to impending danger; was called La Malinche (the traitor) by her people


near destruction of Jews European Jews by Germany, caused by anti-Semitism, moved into ghettos, work and concentration camps, genocide

Octavian (Augustus)

nephew and protégé of Caesar, 45 years of unopposed rule, created a monarchy disguised at a republic, ruled until death, made smart decisions when ruling, stabilized land and enabled institutions of empire take root

Julius Caesar

nephew of Marius, Sulla didn't consider him to be a threat at the time, built a good reputation with people by sponsoring public events or spectacles, led Roman army for a while, turned his army against Rome and made himself dictator for life, helped to plebeians, attacked Caesar and stabbed him to death, part of the triumvirate

New weapons and technology

new weaponry with old tactics, began developing defense tactics with barbed wire, trenches, and machine guns that tore down enemies before they got close. Mustard gas was well known for being used in the war, and had excruciating effects that caused death in 4-5 weeks. The British developed tanks for the war, although they were not all that effective in turning the tides of the war, and the Germans developed tanks soon after. Planes were also used in the war, although not so much for fighting in air (which came to be known as dog fighting). The Germans also used submarine warfare.

The People's Republic of China

newly unified communist China led by Mao Zedong


nomadic people from the steppes of central Asia that spoke a Turkish language; their strengths were mobility and superb horsemanship; the Chinese feared them, so they tried to maintain peace with them by arranging marriages with their people and giving them food and finished goods


nomadic people who kept herds of sheep, goats, and camels and migrated through the deserts to find food for their animals; organized themselves into family and clan groups, thus developing a strong sense of loyalty to their clans

Nomads of Australia

nomads who lived in Australia and unlike their neighbors to the north, they did not turn to agriculture and changed their ways relatively little over the centuries


northern forces occupied the south to enforce slaves' civil rights and voting rights. the reformation failed shortly after the northern troops went back.


northern forces sent armies of occupation to the southern states and forced them to extend civil rights to freed slaves

Juan Manuel de Rosas

notable caudillo, restored order through terror in Argentina, where city people and countryside people could not reconcile their differences.

Alfred Dreyfus

of Jewish background; convicted of treason and trial became one of the most tense political dramas in modern French history; debate ensued when Dreyfus was found innocent about anti-Semitism; still remained a traitor but then his army titles were returned to him as a major in the French artillery

The First Republic

officially the French Republic, was founded on 22 September 1792 during the French Revolution. The First Republic lasted until the declaration of the First Empire in 1804 under Napoleon I

Divine Right

on which Absolutism stood, kings derived their authority from God and served as "God's lieutenants upon earth", no divine right of commoners or even nobles only kings

Ihara Saikaku

one of Japan's most prolific poets who helped create a new genre of prose literature, the "books of the floating world", which revolved around the theme of love


one of the causes of WWI, if your ally went to war, then you would as well, got lots of countries involved


one of the cities that Sunni Ali brought under his control, used the wealth to dominate the central Niger Valley


one of the fastest growing enterprises in the world that involves forcing captives into bonded labor or the commercial sex industry


one of the four cradles of civilization developed; located in Egypt; flows north from Lake Victoria (its source) to Upper Egypt and then Lower Egypt and then to the Mediterranean Sea; On its path silt is deposited into the river making the banks fertile; longest river in the world.

Taxation without representation

one of the main slogans of the American Revolution; colonists thought it to be highly unfair that the overseas Parliament could tax them, despite the fact that they had no say in Britain's decisions

James Cook

one of the most important of the Pacific explorers, led three expeditions to the Pacific and died in a scuffle with native Hawaiians, charted European maps of the Pacific


only in the triumvirate because of his money

Alexander the Great

or Alexander of Macedon, he came from the west and conquered Persia. He burned Persepolis, the Persian capital, but kept the Persian government infrastructure.

Estado novo

or the Second Republic, was the corporatist authoritarian regime installed in Portugal in 1933. It evolved from the Ditadura Nacional formed after the coup d'état of 28 May 1926 against the democratic and unstable First Republic

Taj Mahal

ordered by Shah Jahan as a tomb for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth; the structure represents the day when Allah would cause the dead to rise and undergo judgement while the gardens represent the gardens of paradise with four water channels like the four rivers of the heavenly kingdom; one of the most prominent of all Islamic edifices


organized bands of English handicraft workers who destroyed textile machines in Britain. Called their leader King Lud, after legendary Ludlam. Avoided violence, got popular support, government suppressed.

The Fulani

originally a pastoral people who lived in West Africa. Settled in cities and observed a strict form of Islam and led a series of military campaigns to establish Islamic states in west Africa. Founded powerful states in Guinea, Senegal, Mali, and northern Nigeria and promoted spread of Islam. Established schools in towns to teach Quran and Islamic doctrine.

Central powers

originally called the Triple Alliance (excluding Italy), Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire (Turks), Bulgaria, ultimately lost WWI

The allied powers

originally called the Triple Entente because of Britain, France, and Russia's participation, it became the allied powers during the war and, at one point or another, consisted of Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and the US. They won the war.


outlined his views in Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, work symbolized the scientific revolution

Taira and Minamoto

overshadowed others which lead to war between the two and Minamoto was victorious


part of the Ottomans, Christians, revolted against Selim III because he wanted to convert to European ways, they were killed by Mahmud II

Olympic Games

part of the panhellenic festivals; communities sent their best athletes to compete in speed, strength, and skill

Afrikaner National Party

party dedicated to quashing any move toward black independence


pass in E Greece, between the cliffs of Mt. Oeta and the Gulf of Lamia: Persian defeat of the Spartans 480 b.c.


passive resistance in India

Edmund Cartwright

patented a water-driven power loom that inaugurated an era of mechanical weaving


peasant workers; serfs who were bound to their lords lands.

Creoles (Criollos)

people born in the Americas of Iberian parents


people migrated between East and West hemisphere during Columbian exchange; slaves moved to West Hemisphere and settlers to West Hemisphere, South Africa, Australia, and Pacific Islands

Pacific Islands

people settled in these lands in a time period when seas were very low and sailing distances were very short.


people speaking an Indo-European language who invaded northern India in the 2nd millennium BC, displacing the Dravidian and other aboriginal peoples

Taino (Arawaks)

people that lived in the Caribbean in small villages headed by chiefs; most prominent people in the region; first group of people that Spanish mariners interacted with; exhibited little initial resistance to Spanish mariners.


people who populated New Zealand. Sweet potatoes were an important crop for them


people with native and African parents

Hellenistic Era

period of ancient Greek and eastern Mediterranean history between the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC

Scramble for Africa

period of time in the late 19th century where different nations attempted to gain colonies Africa because of its valuable resources

Security Council

permanent body of the UN consisting of five countries like the US, China, France, Soviet Union, and England/ this was the actual power behind the UN which had the power to use military force/ all five votes are needed for any decision of the UN


pilgrimage to Mecca; began when Muhammad first made a trip to conquer Mecca; one should make this trip at least one time during a lifetime as part of being a Muslim

Kamikaze pilots

pilots whose purpose was to fly their planes into carriers out at sea in order to sink them


pivotal figure in development of philosophy; decided to focus attention on human affairs and suggested human beings could lead honest lives- honor was more important than wealth or fame

Nan Madol

place on Pohnpei in the Caroline Islands where the Sandeleur dynasty built a powerful state and organized construction of a massive stone palace

Marshall Plan

plan in order to rebuild the economy of the European countries by capitalism

Jose Hernandez

poet who offered a romanticized of the gaucho life and protested its decline in an epic poem, The Gaucho Martín Fierro 1873

Jose Hernandez

poet who wrote The Gaucho Martin Fierro that displayed a romanticized version of gaucho life

Fidel Castro

political leader of Cuba, transformed country into a communist state


polytheistic religion (Ahura Mazda, Angra Mainyu, 6 lesser deities); teachings say that good will prevail/evil will disappear and at the end of the world there will be individual judgement > "good words, good thoughts, good deeds"

Hong Xiuquan

poor with potential, failed his civil service exams, claimed to be Jesus's brother, part of the Taiping rebellion

Chiquita Banana

popular character used in ads by the united Fruit Company; resembled Carmen Miranda; helped soften the United States perception of Latin Americans

Pulp Fiction

popular fiction novels which were looked down upon by Confucian scholars because of crude content; printed on cheap paper in order to produce quickly

Bhagavad Gita

portion of the Mahabharata in which Vishnu speaks to Arjuna about fighting his own cousin and lays out several tenets of Hinduism, including the eternal soul, duty to one's caste, and the worship of Hindu gods (mainly Vishnu in this passage)

Paul Gauguin

postimpressionist painter; fled to central America and Tahiti; inspired by the primitive art he found there, claiming that it held a sense of wonder that civilized people no longer possessed

Sasanid Dynasty

powerful Persian empire that toppled the Parthians in 224 CE and ruled until 651 CE. "King of kings" provided strong rule from Parthia to Mesopotamia. During the reign of Shapur I, they stabilized their western frontier and created a series of buffer states between themselves and the Roman empire

Wang Mang

powerful and respected Han minister who undertook a reform program; served as a regent for a little Han boy, and when people claimed that he would be a better emperor, he took their advice and seized the throne; he was known as the "socialist emperor" because he made many social reforms, such as limiting the amount of land a family could own; however, his plan backfired, and the people rebelled and murdered him


powerful general and politician; fought with Sulla in a civil war and failed to stop Sulla from taking Rome by force and becoming emperor of Rome


prehistory is the period before the invention of writing

United Nations

premier international governmental organization; superseded the League of Nations; attempts to find solutions to global problems and to deal with virtually any matter of concern to humanity

Franklin Roosevelt

president from 1933-1945 (four consecutive terms), created the New Deal, called Pearl Harbor "a date which will live in infamy"

Oscar Arias Sanchez

president of Costa Rica, was influential in promoting a negotiated end to the Contra war in Nicaragua.

President Carter

president of the United States of America who recognized the Sandinistas as a legitimate party


president whose administration was most closely associated with the "Good Neighbor Policy"; although he was well-intentioned in his exercise of this policy, events in Nicaragua highlighted the limits of the U.S. "neighborliness"

India Act of 1935

pressed toward Indian self-rule, but faced challenges due to calls for independent yet separate Hindu and Muslim states


priests (highest social class)

Inukai Tsuyoshi

prime minister of Japan, assassinated, his assassination culminated a campaign of targeting political and business leaders

Early Capitalism

private parties make their goods and services available on a free market and seek to take advantage of market conditions to profit from their activities.

Specialization of Labor

process that uses division of labor to produce large number of goods at the lowest cost

Hunting and gathering

process to obtain food in the Paleolithic era, where tribes would hunt for their meat and forage for fruits and berries


professional warriors, served the provincial lords of Japan, lords supported agricultural surplus and labor services of peasants,

The Witte System

program of railway construction including the trans-Siberian railway, remodeling of the state bank, establishment of saving banks and infant industries, secured high loans from Western Europe to finance industrialization


prominent intellectuals collectively known as philosophers, center of Enlightenment


prominent intellectuals that were the center of Enlightenment

Land and Freedom Party

promoted the assassination of prominent officials as a means to pressure the government into political reform

Christopher Columbus

proposed sailing to the markets of Asia by a western route. He was denied funding for his proposal by the Portuguese court, but Fernando and Isabel of Spain agreed to sponsor him. He left in August of 1492, stopped in the Canaries, and reached the Bahamas on the 12th of October 1492. He reported to his sponsors that he had reached Asia, when he had, in reality, reached the western hemisphere.


prosperity of the Islamic, Spain. Governors of Al-Andalus were Umayyads who didn't recognize the Abbasid Dynasty.

St. Benedict

provided regulations for monasteries and an asceticism lifestyle

Mehmed V Rashid

puppet sultan of the Young Turks

Self-Strengthening Movement

raise troop numbers and taxes go up to run the bureaucracy; "Chinese learning at the base, Western learning for use" was the slogan; not enough change to make a difference


ranged in size from small villages to larger towns. Consisted of several families who lived together, sharing land, tools, animals, crops, and work


rebellions in China, second bloodiest thing after WWII


received public honors and rewards, as they exercised a high position in the Mexica hierarchy; those who were most successful formed a council whose members selected the ruler, discussed public issues, and filled government positions

Tang Taizong

reconquered the northern and western land that China had since the decline of the Han Dynasty; started the achievements of the Tang Dynasty

The Mandate System

redistributing German colonies and Ottoman Turk Arab land to the League of Nations; divided Mandates into three classes based on their populations; mandates fell to the Allied powers; nicer term than colony; Germans viewed it as division of colonial booty by the victors; making of mandates in former territories of the Ottoman empire violated promises by French and British leaders during the war; Jews did not get Palestine like they were promised before the war


regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire


reign marked height of Qing dynasty; cancelled tax collections of four occasions

Queen Victoria

reigned 1837-1901 and assigned responsibility for Indian policy to the newly established office of secretary of state for India


release from samsaraSocial class system in Hindu culture

Spanish Inquisition

relied on religious justifications to advance state ends, founded by Fernando and Isabel in 1478, task to ferret out those who secretly practiced Judaism and Islam, changed by Charles V to detect Protestant heresy in Spain, served political/religious purposes

Chavin cult

religion that spread throughout modern day Peru in 1000 B.C.E., vanished in 300 B.C.E., and used discovery of maize 2 promote fertility & specialization of labor

Vichy Government

remained the civilian authority in the unoccupied southeastern part of France, provided a prominent place for those French willing to collaborate with German rule

The Congress of Vienna

representatives of the "great power" that defeated Napoleon; returned rule to royal families and returned thrones to those that were lost; censored publications to prevent the talking of seditious ideas and relied on spies to identify nationalist and republican activists

Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere

resources from Asia during the "Asia for Asians" campaign, advocated Japan's expansion in Asia and the pacific

Good Neighbor Policy

revamped US approach to relations with Latin America; approved "sweetheart treaties" that guaranteed US financial control in the Caribbean economies of Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Dr. Martin Luther King

revolutionary civil rights leader who was assassinated


revolutionary political movement that had been the most famous political club of the French Revolution. The club was so called from the Dominican convent where they originally met, in the Rue Saint-Jacques in Paris.

8-fold path

right belief, right resolve, right speech, right behavior, right occupation, right effort, right contemplation, right meditation

Yangtze and Yellow

river valleys were rich with river silt and were good for agriculture, unlike much of the other land in China; were prone to irregular flooding; served as starting place of civilization in China

Bartolomeu Dias

rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1488, but did not continue on because of storms and a restless crew. He did, however, succeed in opening up a route to India, China, and the spice-bearing islands of southeast Asia.


royal family of the Russian Empire

Muhammad Ali

ruled Egypt from 1805-1848, built a powerful army based on European forces, launched program of industrialization


ruled by proclamation or decree, battled Shang and nomadic raiders from the steppes. Overtook the last Shang city and made it their own in 1122 B.C.E. Ruled by the mandate of heaven. Zhou rulers relied on decentralizing administration, they entrusted power, authority, and responsibility to subordinates who in return owed allegiance, tribute, and military support to the central government.

Silla Dynasty

rulers in Korea, halfway defended against the Tang invasion and set up a tributary relationship with China, in which they performed kowtow (kneeling an bowing), gave gifts, and received better gifts. It also opened up trade routes


run down societies that have people who were seeking relief from rural areas


runaway African slaves who built their own self governing communities

Daoism (Taoism)

said to be created by Laozi. Its teachings are found in the Daodejing. focuses on action through inaction. Dao means "the way" or "the path".

Pope Gregory I

saved Rome and the Church from Germanic primacy; reasserted claims to papal primacy; emphasized penance


scholars who were highly interested in morals & literature; believed that Christians could live moral lives while still actively participating in society

The Planet's carrying capacity

scientists and concerned citizens have become increasingly convinced that human society can not infinitely expand

King Leopold II of Belgium

sent Henry Morton Stanley to establish colonies in Congo

Philip II of Spain

sent the Spanish Armada to England to try to force them to come back to the Roman Catholic, but the fleet was scattered


series of Hindu sacred treatises written in Sanskrit expounding the Vedas in predominantly mystical and monistic terms


serious epidemic that reached the Caribbean in 1518; led to enslavement of the Taíno people; forced native societies out of existence


servants of the Spartan state, their role was to provide agricultural labor and proveide Sparta with food, from neighboring lands the Spartans conquered, allowed to have families, could not leave land


servants/laborers (lowest class)

Cardinal Richelieu

served as chief minister to Louis XIII, architect of French absolutism. Worked to enhance the authority of the king instead of nobility, crushed aristocratic power against king. Responsible for the tightly centralized monarchy of France.


served as general secretary until he became dictator and implemented the 5 year plan; ruthless ruler who ordered the Great Purge in which he killed millions

W.E.B. Dubois

shared in the advancement of the NAACP, sociologist, white- american


she ruled jointly with Thutmose III who had ascended to the throne as a child one year earlier

Mohandas Gandhi

shot 3 times by Hindu extremist; promoted a united India, undivided by religious differences

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

sights that the United States targeted with the atomic bombs

Kellogg-Briand pact

signed by Japan in 1928, renounced war as an instrument of national policy


simplified version of an instrument used by Greek and Persian astronomers to determinde the latitude by measruing the sun or the pole star above the horizon

Carmen Miranda

singer and dancer in Brazil who gained fame in the United States; helped bridge cultural gaps between the U.S. and Latin America


sites where maritime merchants could exchange their current cargo for goods to bring home during the next monsoon. They were most prominent in the Indian Ocean Basin, with merchants from all over Asia, Africa, and Persia.

African-American Cultural traditions

slaves introduced African foods to Caribbean and American societies that added variety to their diets, as well as west African houses, clay pots, and grass baskets

Yellow Turban Uprising

so named because of the distinctive headgear worn by the rebels; a particularly serious revolt that raged throughout China and tested the resilience of the Han state during the late second century CE; causes: all land was owned by a few individuals with large estates and the weakening of the Han dynasty


society is an organism that changes over time, Liberalism- allowed change to happen.

Justification by faith alone

sola fide, Christian theological doctrine, distinguishes protestant denominations from Catholicism, have to have a true deep faith and not just do good works

Charles II

son of Charles I/ battled with Cromwell, but lost and went into exile/ returned after his death to England to rule as monarch


son-in-law and cousin of Muhammad, 4th caliph who only served for 5 years, Shia believe the caliphs should be descendants of Ali, Umayyad Dynasty established after his assassination

Trade unions

sought to advance the quest for just and equitable society.Illegal associations whose purpose was to restrain trade, went on strike and employers continue to hire replacement workers. Gradually improve lives of working people


southern part of the Greek peninsula

Bernardino de Sahagun

spanish missionary who helped to preserve the Mexican history before the arrival the spanish/ things such as language, customs, literature, and history


special court of appeals in the spanish empire. In overseas territories, served as a governing body of that colony or territoy for the mother country.


spiritual perfection or independence achieved by detaching yourself from worldly desires in accordance to the Buddhist doctrines.

Joint-stock companies

spread the risks attached to expensive business enterprises and also took advantage of extensive communications and transportation networks.


stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced

Adolf Hitler

started Nazi party, took over as chancellor

Communism in Russia

started as the Bolshevik party who started a civil war and put Lenin into power; during this war a new policy known as war communism came about where the government annulled private property and controlled banks, industries, and other privately owned commercial businesses; represented by the Russian Communist Party which operated out of Moscow and made the Red Terror Campaign (later reversed)

British Imperial Rule

started when the British government abolished the Mughal Empire and the East India Company

Truman Doctrine

stated that the US was the help free people and contain the growing communism


status of peasants under feudalism in the Russian Empire, lasted until the mid-19th century

Steam power

steam engine created in 1765 by James Watt, burned coal to boil water to create steam which drove mechanical devices. Made greater productivity, enhanced transport, etc.


study of past events following the invention of writing


subcaste of the Hindu caste system

The fall of the Ottoman Empire

successfully fending off Allied forces on beaches of Gallipoli and Mesopotamia, the armies slowly retreated. Turkish troops unable to defeat the empire against invading British.

The Engenho

sugar mill that combined agricultural and industrial enterprises/ often involved slave labor

Abd al-Hamid II

sultan, accepted constitution that limited his power, continued the Tanzimat principles, generated many liberal opposition groups

Church of England (Anglican)

supported by Charles I, went against Parliament


symbol of revolution in physics; theory of relativity - showing that there is no single spatial and chronological framework in the universe; e = mc2


system of agriculture marked by fertile soil acquired by the dredge from Lake Texcoco

Putting-out system

system of merchant-capitalists "putting out" raw materials to cottage workers for processing and payment that was fully developed in England


taken as the patron deity of Mexica warriors; as military success continued, the people began to believe the god especially favored the Mexica, thus causing the priests of the god's cult to demand numerous sacrificial victims to keep the war god pleased

Pueblo and Navajo

tapped river waters to irrigate their crops of maize, creating agricultural economy, and thus supporting settled societies with large populations

Lin Zexu

tasked with destroying the opium trade in China.


tax that dhimmi had to pay to practice a religion other than Islam


temple dedicated to Athena built by the Athenians

The Spanish-American War

tensions mounted in Cuba and Puerto Rico, the last places where Spain still possessed colonial power in America. The U.S. easily defeated them, claiming Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines


term for Muslim religious warriors


term that can be defined in a number of ways. refers to the reduction or removal of barriers between national borders to facilitate the flow of goods, capital , and labor.

Land and Freedom Party

terrorists in Russia who began to promote the assassination of prominent officials as a means to pressure the government into political reform.

Angra Mainyu

the "destructive spirit" or the "hostile spirit", evil and malign spirit engaged in cosmic struggle with Ahura Mazda,

Yom Kippur War

the Arab-Israeli conflict in 1973 that started on the first day of an important Jewish holiday.

Retreat at Dunkirk

the British engineered this retreat in an attempt to rescue the Allied troops from the Germans before the fall of France

Cash and Carry

the British paid cash and carried the materials (supplied by the US) on their ships

English East India Company

the English counterpart of the joint-stock companies; est. in 1600. Experienced major financial success and contributed to the early formation of global networks of trade.

Christopher Columbus

the Genoese mariner that proposed sailing to the markets of Asia by a Western route, was funded by Fernando and Isabel of Spain, and landed in Central America rather than India


the German air force used in the Battle of britain


the German style of rapid attack through use of armor and air power that was used in Poland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France in 1939-1940


the MAIN causes of WWI: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism

The Young Turks

the Ottoman Society for Union and Progress, formed by exiled Ottomans living in Paris, vigorously promoted reform and made effective use of recently established newspapers to spread their message

Storming of the Bastille

the Parisian common people, fearing that the king wanted to undo events of the previous weeks, stormed this place in search of weapons; they hacked defenders to death and paraded around the streets with the garrison commander's head on a pike; later dug in with bare hands and took this building down, brick by brick; represented the dismantle of the past itself

Mithradates I

the Parthians' greatest conqueror, came to the throne about 171 B.C.E. and transformed his state into a mighty empire

Revolution of 1905

the Russian revolution starting with Bloody Sunday, containing the establishment of the Duma, and ending with the fall of the Romanov dynasty.

Muhammad ibn Tughluq

the Turkic sultan of Delhi who interacted with Ibn Battuta

Lend-Lease program

the United States "lent" destroyers and other war goods to the British in return for the lease of naval bases

Afonso d'Alboquerque

the architect of the aggressive Portuguese policies. Sought to control Indian Ocean trade by forcing merchant ships to purchase safe-conduct passes. If they were caught without one, their ships were subject to confiscation and violators may be executed or have their hands cut off.


the area claimed by both both Muslims and Jews. The Jews claimed this as their homeland.

The Final Solution

the attempted murder of every Jew living in Europe, would move all Jews to camps in Poland where they would be worked to death and exterminated

Iron Curtain

the boundaries between the communist nations of East Europe and the Western European countries


the city where the Soviets and the Germans came face-to-face and Stalin ordered a "patriotic" war for Russia

Third Estate

the common people of France who realized they weren't being heard by the king


the cult of the god Mithras, which became popular among Roman soldiers of the later empire

Hominid Development

the development of human beings from Australopithecus to homo sapiens sapiens

African Diaspora

the dispersal of African peoples and their descendants

Frederick Lugard

the driving force behind the doctrine of indirect rule, which British employed in many of their African colonies. Wrote "The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa"

"Socialism with a human face"

the driving ideal behind Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia

Han Wudi

the dynasty's greatest and most energetic emperor; pursued two policies: administrative centralization and imperial expansion

Dollar Diplomacy

the effort of the United States—particularly over President William Howard Taft—to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries.


the elevated fortress that overlooks Athens

Scientific Revolution

the emergence of modern science when developments in math, physics, astronomy, biology, medicine, and chemistry transformed views of society and nature


the end of the rule of terror and partial liberation within Russia

Vardhamma Mahavira

the father of Jainism; a former kshatriya who left his lifestyle and other worldly goods behind to become ascetic and teach the Jainist doctrine; he formed a group of followers who would promote Jainism

Abu al-Abbas

the first Abbasid caliphate. Descendant of Muhammad's uncle; allied with Shias and non-Arabs. Annihilated Umayyad clan in 750. (also the name of elephant given by Harun al-Rashid to Emperor Charlemagne)


the first artificial Earth satellite


the first communist party in Russia started by Lenin after he took over. They were considered to be the the representation for the working class people of the Soviet Union during the Russian Revolution

John Macdonald

the first prime minister of Canada


the followers of the APRA

Divine Right

the foundation of absolutism, the idea that kings derived authority from God and served as "God's lieutenants upon earth." Got support from nobles but maintained complete authority with the king.

Economic Problems

the governments of Austria and Germany relied on U.S. loans and investments capital to pay reparation payments to France and England. Then British government's used those reparations to pay back the U.S. IN the summer of 1928, U.S. lenders and investors withdrew capital from Europe, over-stressing the financial system. There was demand for raw materials, and a depressed state of agriculture


the idea of "containing" communism from spreading to newly independent countries; policy of the US

Manifest Destiny

the idea that the United States was destined, or divinely ordained, to expand across the North American continent from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific and beyond. It was often invoked to justify U.S. annexations


the inhabitants of the island in the Bahamas reached by Christopher Colombus.


the integral to the drive for industrialism; farms would collectively share profits because communist ideologies call for the abolition of private property; the increasing of efficiency of agricultural production

Creole languages

the languages that the native African spoke, a mixture of several African and European languages

Mass tourism

the largest industry on the planet

Lech Walesa

the leader of the Solidarity movement and became president of Poland

Louis Riel

the leader of the metis and indigenous peoples of western Canada

Pablo Picasso

the leading proponent of cubism that displayed the influence of African art forms

Mean People

the lowest class on the social hierarchy including slaves, indentured servants, entertainers, prostitutes, and other marginal groups

The different fronts

the main front were centered around Germany. The Eastern front was between Germany and Russia, and this had constantly changing lines. The Western Front was between the Allies (minus Russia) and Germany, which was mostly a stalemate and fought in France. The Southern Front was fought between Italy and Austria-Hungary/ Germany. There were also fights in East Asia with Japan fighting Germany and in Africa.


the main objective behind the triple alliance of the Aztecs

Old Regime (ancient regime)

the monarchic, aristocratic, social and political system established in the Kingdom of France


the most distinctive architecture of early Pacific societies and was the ceremonial precinct and temple structure. Often had several terraced floors with rock or coral wall.

John Maynard Keynes

the most influential economist of the twentieth century. Wrote The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, which said the the central problem of the depression was that millions of people were willing to work but couldn't find employment.


the most serious epidemic threat that comes from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. 25 million people have died


the most successful leader of the Xiongnu; his empire stretched from the Aral Sea to the Yellow Sea


the name for the Spanish conquerors in the encomienda system

Count Alfred von Schlieffen

the namesake of the Schlieffen Plan, which was Germany's plan to win the war. Germany would attack France and try to take the capital quickly through Belgium, and defend the Eastern Front against Russia.


the native inhabitants of the Bahamian island that Columbus discovered, nicknamed "Indians"


the officials who ruled in the americas as representatives of the royal monarch


the only Pacific Islands that attracted substantial Spanish interest, manilla galleons called regularly to Guam, peaceful trade with indigenous Chamorro people, Spanish tried to consolidate under their control but Chamorro opposed, smallpox epidemic severely reduced numbers and fell under control of Spanish


the only major region independent of the Mauryan Empire when Asoka began his reign. Was actively hostile towards the spread of the Mauryan Empire. This caused difficulties for Asoka, because this kingdom had control of principal trade routes. As a result, Asoka brutally conquered them.

Partition of India

the partition of the British Indian Empire which led to the creation of the sovereign states of Pakistan and India.


the process of turning the war over from US control to South Vietnamese control

An Inconvenient Truth

the prodigious growth of the human population is at the root of many environmental problems such as global warming


the region around Athens


the religious teachings of the Buddhist doctrines

The Great Purge

the removing of all persons suspected of opposition to Stalin who are then put in labor camps or "cleansed"; resulted in millions of deaths

The French Revolution

the revolutionary movement that shook France between 1787 and 1799; uprising of the French commoners who were starving but not receiving any help or attention

Doctrine of Limited Sovereignty (Brezhnev Doctrine)

the right to invade any socialist country that was deemed to be threatened by internal or external elements "hostile to socialism"


the second imperial dynasty to rule over Russia


the sending of colonists to settle in new lands, as well as the formation of creation of political, social, economic, and cultural structures

Haitian Revolution

the slaves of Saint-Domingue declared independence from France, renamed the land Haiti, and established a self-governing society


the study of metals; the extraction of metals from their ores, then purified, and made into useful objects and tools


the system the Spanish government used; they claimed 1/5 of profits from silver for itself

Kong Fuzi (Confucius)

the teacher that created Confucianism. He tried for a long time to be a government official but was turned down each time.

"domino theory"

the theory that if one country fell to communism, then the neighboring countries would soon become communist as well

Hong Xiuquan

the third son of a poor family, heavenly king, showed intellectual promise and village teacher who believed that God had revealed to him that his destiny was to reform China and pave the way to the heavenly kingdom, proclaimed his own dynasty, the Taiping

Middle Passage

the transatlantic journey aboard filthy, crowded slaves ships. Conditions were so bad that many slaves attempted to starve themselves to death or mounted revolts.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

the treaty that ended the Mexican-American War, giving the Americans about half of Mexico's land.

Lij Iyasu

the uncrowned, pro-Muslim boy emperor of Ethiopia, sided with Turkey and eventually overthrown by pro-christian nobles in 1916

Pan Slavism

the union of all slavs and slavic people, active in Austria-Hungary and Ottoman empire, Russians helped the Slavs gain their freedom in order to get those people on their side

Seven Year's War

the war of Britain and Prussia against France and Austria, resulting from commercial and colonial rivalry between Britain and France and from the conflict in Germany between Prussia and Austria

The Home front

the war was off the battlefields as well, it became a war between entire societies and required citizen support. Economic measures were taken, such as wage controls and price controls. There were quotas in what had to be made, and military service was extended so that more people could serve.


their economy was long influenced by US financial interests, and those investments was justification for US intervention when revolts broke out; trained the national guard here, and the US even supervised elections for this country's president

Association of Women Concerned about National Crisis or later AMNLAE

their slogan "No revolution without women's emancipation: no emancipation without revolution". This states the duality of their goals. They also had over 80,000 member by the mid-1980's

Twelver Shiism

there were 12 infallible imams (religious leaders) after Muhammad and the 12th imam was in hiding to escape persecution and would return one day to take back his power

Comfort Women

they were women forced into prostitution by the Japanese army/ the reason they created this operation was to prevent atrocities like the Rape of Naking

Punic Wars

three devastating wars; conflict first arose over Sicily; war between Rome and Carthage; rivalry ended after Rome burned down city and subjected them to a long siege

Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite

three words that represent the revolutionary cause


tightly constrained and deformed by strips of linen, bound feet so they could not grow naturally and so would not support the weight of an adult woman


to formally put an end to something, effort to end commerce in human beings

Ottoman Turks

took over Constantinople in 1453 and changed it's name to Istanbul.

French and Indian War

took place in North America; the 7 years' war contributed to the pre- existing conflict. The British and the French made alliances with the indigenous people to try and outmaneuver each other.

March Revolution

took place in Russia where all the peasants were unhappy and they took to the streets for demonstrations. They also started strikes and it forced Nicholas II to step down from power ending the Romanov Dynasty.

Queen Victoria

took responsibility of Indian rule from the East India Company

Council of Chalcedon

took up the difficult and conscientious issue of Jesus's nature; decided that Jesus possessed only a single, divine nature

Concept of total war

total war was the government taking and optimizing the whole country for war, especially industry.

Neolithic Revolution

transition of hunting and gathering to agriculture cities began to form, animals were domesticated, and people no longer had the need to move about to find their next meal

Peace of Augsburg

treaty between Charles V and Lutheran Princes which ended the struggle between the two groups and made the legal division of Christendom permanent within the Holy Roman Empire

Nuremburg Trials

trials held after WWII to punish Nazis

Lateen sails

triangular sails, very maneuverable and could catch winds from the side as well as from behind

Mikhail Gorbachev

tried to address the Soviet Union's deteriorating economy which in turn unleashed a tidal wave of revolution that brought down the Soviet Union

Gracchi Brothers

tried to solve the problem of the tension between the patricians and plebians; worked to limit the conquered land any individual held; wealthy viewed them as dangerous radicals and assassinated Tiberius and executed Gaius

Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

tried to take away communal tribal lands on reservations and make them more individual family farms

The Nazi Party

tried to take over Weimar Republic but failed and Hitler was placed in jail, but after he was released and organized a party for legal takeover

The Russian Empire

tsars in charge, fought the Europeans in the Crimean War, government embarked on a program of reform, political liberalization didn't accompany social/economic reform, turned increasingly radical in the late 19th century, early 20th century domestic discontent caused revolution

Algerian War of Liberation

under command of the Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN). Relied on guerrilla warfare. Eventually, the Algerians gain independence from France.

Itzcoatl and Montezeuma

under their rule, the Aztecs advanced against and conquered Oaxaca, which then became a stronghold for the Mexica empire


use of standardized coins with values guaranteed by the state. Coinage was first issued by the kings of Lydia for merchants to have simpler exchanges; spread throughout the empire.

Charles Fourier

utopian socialist who worked to establish ideal communities of equality; spent most of life as salesman, but planned model communities held together by love and personal temperament

Robert Owen

utopian socialist who worked to establish ideal communities of equality; transformed Scottish town New Lanark into model industrial community

Fur trade

very profitable trade between North American tribes and European settlers/ natives trapped animals and often fought with each other over the fur resources

British Hegemony

victory during the Seven Years' War placed Britain in a position to dominate world trade and it paved the way for the establishment of the British Empire.

Berlin Wall

wall build by the Soviets to prevent people from commmunist Eastern Germany from migrating to capitalist Western Germany

Korean War

war between communist North Korea and capitalist South Korea; proxy war for the Soviet Union (w/ N. Korea) & United State (w/ S. Korea); ended in a caese fire

Six Day War

war from June 5-10 1967, Egypt's president, Nasser, proclaimed that he would like to annihilate the Jewish state. With alliances with Syria and Jordan, Israel attacked. The gains from this war doubled the size of Israel.

Gulf War

war in 1991 that began with Iran's invasion of Kuwait, resulted in a decisive military defeat of Iraq at the hands of an international coalition led by the United States

Civil war

war in China, nationalist (Guomindang) vs. communist (CCP), the Long March occured

The Seven Year's War

war mainly between Britain and France for control of land in the New World; resulted in a French defeat and the English were allowed to attain more land; however, the cost of the war forced Britain to raise taxes on its colonial citizens, thus sparking unrest in the colonies


warriors and administrators (second highest)


was a French social commentator and political thinker and was famous for his theory of the separation of powers


was a Genevan philosopher who influenced the development of modern political, sociological, and educational thought

Kamakura Shogunate

was a Japanese feudal military government. The heads of government were the shoguns.


was a Roman philosopher,politician, political theorist, consul, and constitutionalist, assasinated in 43 BC

Zhu Xi

was a Song dynasty scholar, most prominent architect of Neo-Confucianism. Combined moral, ethical, and political values of Confucius with the logical rigor and speculative power of Buddhist philosophy.


was a Thracian soldier who led a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic

Muromachi Shogunate

was a dynasty originating from one of the plethora of Japanese daimyo which governed Japan from 1338 to 1573, the year in which Oda Nobunaga deposed Ashikaga Yoshiaki from office and unified Japan. The heads of government were the shoguns Each was a member of the Ashikaga clan

Emiliano Zapata

was a leading figure in the Mexican Revolution (for the peasants). The founder of the agrarian movement Zapatismo. Killed by government forces in 1919.

Miguel de hidalgo

was a parish priest who led a peasant revolt and he became the symbol of Mexican independence

Diego Rivera

was a prominent Mexican painter, His large wall works in fresco helped establish the Mexican Mural Movement in Mexican art


was a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire

Juan Batista Sacasa

was elected president of Nicaragua through US-supervised elections; he wanted to be good friends with the US and have a healthy relationship with them


was one of the foremost architects in the Italian Renaissance. He engineered the Florence Cathedral. His surviving works found in Florence, Italy. He was also a Sculpture.


was put into power after starting an armed revolt against the Winter Palace and taking over with the help of the people

Mohammed Omar

was the leading mullah of the Taliban


was the military government of Japan between 1192 and 1868, headed by the shogun; "tent" government"- temporary government to help stabilize Japan

Ashoka (Asoka)

was the son and successor to Chandragupta. At first he was only focused on expanding, but after one war he decided to change and became more focused on his people. He formed a bureaucracy that would allow for local government officials to have control over their people.

The Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen

was written in 1791 by French activist and playwright Olympe de Gouges

Vishnu and Shiva

were two of the most popular deities in the Hindu pantheon. Vishnu was the preserver of the world and Shiva was both the god of fertility and a destructive deity. Shiva was also lord of the dancers.

Self determination

when a country determines its own statehood and government, does it without the influence of others, all on its own, sparked by foreign rule

Glorious Revolution

when parliament restored the monarchy in 1660 with King James II, they resumed conflict and eventually parliament got rid of King James II in favor of his daughter Mary and William of Orange, who both worked well with parliament.

Witch Hunting

when people were persecuted because they were thought to be witches who worshipped the devil; mainly targeted reclusive and/or widowed people

The National Assembly

when the Third Estate met on the tennis court and swore that they wouldn't stop meeting until they had a new constitution; they realized they weren't being heard, so they called a meeting of their own; driving force of the Revolution

The Catholic Church

when the differences between Christian church authorities became too great, the church leaders formerly denounced one another and established two rival communities: the Eastern Orthodox church in Byzantium and this Roman church in western Europe

Central and Southeast Asia

where imperial expansion took place, England and Russia fought for territory

South Africa

where many Dutch and English settlers went, a lot of migrants went because of gold and diamonds

Potsdam Conference

where the US, UK, and USSR decided the punishment for the Nazi's and Germany as a whole

Yalta Conference

where the allies decided to have free elections the the lands freed from Germany after the war except for Stalin who said he make them friendly governments controled by the Soviet Union

Les fauves

wild beasts; the people who used the style of Fauvism for painting; emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over representational or realistic values retained by impressionism

Adela Zamudio

woman Bolivian poet who wrote "To Be Born A Man" 1887, said how smart women couldn't work and incompetent men could just by learning to sign their name

Adela Zamudio

woman Bolivian poet who wrote "To Be Born a Man" 1887, said how smart women couldn't work and incompetent men could just by learning to sign their name

Emilie du Chatelet

woman scientist, translated Isaac's Newton's Principia Mathematica

Empress Dowager Cixi

woman who was originally a concubine before becoming a ruler of China; disliked foreigners in control of her country; shutdown Hundred Days reform because it was too fast of a change for China

Gender roles

women filled jobs where men had left to go off to war. They specifically made bomb shells in munition factories, where many women died due to the conditions of the work. Still, women work was considered liberating and created more equal standards.


women who were followers of Emiliano Zapata by serving in conjunction with men in the Mexican revolution

John Locke

worked to discover natural laws of politics, attacked divine right theories

Admonitions for Women

written by Ban Zhao, the most famous woman scholar in Chinese history; argued that education should be available to boys and girls; however, agreed with Classic of Filial Piety; one of the most popular and widely read statements on the role of women in Chinese society

The Life of the Man who Lived for Love

written by Ihara Saikaku. This was written about a townsman who devoted his life, beginning at a tender age of eight, to a quest for sexual pleasure.

95 theses

written by Martin Luther in 1517, initial catalyst for the Protestant Reformation

A Vindication of the Rights of Women

written by Mary Wollstonecraft, essay that argued that women should have a right to education.

Tale of Genji

written by Murasaki Shikibu, relates experiences of a fictitious imperial prince named Genji,

Classic of Filial Piety

written by an anonymous Confucian during the early Han Dynasty; taught children to obey and honor their parents, superiors and political authorities


young Buddhist monk wanting to travel to India in 7th century CE; noticed Chinese writings on Buddhism contained many teachings that were confusing or even contradictory to those of Indian Buddhist texts; guide abandoned him in the Gobi desert; lost his water bag and collapsed; lost one third of his party to the Tian Shan, Hindu Kush, and Pamir ranges by starvation and exposure; until death in 664, spent his time translating Buddhist treatises into Chinese and clarifying their doctrines; these efforts helped to popularize Buddhism throughout China

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