AR 600-8-19

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Expertise Equal Opportunity (AR 600-20) 1. Q.What AR covers Army Command Policy? A: AR 600-20 2. Q.What Chapter covers the EO Program in AR 600-20? A: Chapter 6 4. Q.Para 6-1What is the purpose of the EO Program? A: EO Program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential and to ensure fair treatment for all persons based solely on merit, fitness, and capability in support of readiness 5. Q.Para 6-1 what is the EO Policy based on? A: fairness, justice, and equity 6. Q.Para 6-1 Who is responsible for maintaining a positive EO climate in the unit? A: the commander 8. Q.Para 6-2 When does the Army's EO policy apply? A: 1. Applies both on and off post, during duty and non-duty hours 2. Applies to working, living, and recreational environments **Simply say ALL the time** 9. Q.Para 6-2 What is Discrimination? A: Any action that unlawfully or unjustly results in unequal treatment of persons or groups based on race, color, gender, national origin, or religion 11. Q.Para 6-2 What is Equal Opportunity? A: The right of all persons to participate in, and benefit from, programs and activities for which they are qualified Drill and Ceremonies (TC 3-21.5) What TC covers Drill and Ceremony? A: TC 3-21.5 What are two prescribed formations for platoons? 1. Line 2. Column What are the 4 rest positions that can be given at the halt? 1. Parade rest 2. Stand at ease 3. At ease 4. Rest What is a rank? A line, which is only one element in depth What foot is your leading foot? Your left foot How do you measure a "step"? Heel to heel What are the two parts of most drill command? 1. Preparatory command 2. Command of execution Can a command be changed after the command of execution has been given? No How many steps should separate platoons when a company is formed? 5 steps From what position are all stationary movements given? Position of attention How many steps per minute is quick time? 120 steps per minute How many steps per minute is double time? 180 steps per minute Risk Management (ATP 5-19) What army regulation covers risk management? A: ATP 5-19, April 2014 What are the risk management steps? 1. Identify the hazards 2. Assess the hazards 3. Develop controls and make risk decisions 4. Implement controls 5. Supervise and evaluate What is risk management? Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling risks arising from operational factors and making decisions that balance risk cost with mission benefits. What are the principles of RM? The principles of RM are— Integrate RM into all phases of missions and operations. Make risk decisions at the appropriate level. Accept no unnecessary risk. Apply RM cyclically and continuously

How should RM be applied? A: Cyclically and continuously What are the risk levels? Extremely high (EH). High (H). Medium (M). Low (L). How is the level of risk determined? By using the risk assessment matrix - Table 1-1 ATP 5-19 What are the substeps for step 2 (assess the hazards)? Estimate a probability for occurance (Frequent, likely, occasional, seldom, unlikely) Estimate the expected severity of an occurence (catastrophic, severe, moderate, negligable) Determine the level of risk (extremely high, high, medium, low) What are the substeps for step 3 (develop controls and make risk decisions)? 1. Develop controls 2. Make risk decisions Three categories of controls? Educational controls. Physical controls. Hazard elimination controls. What is the army form for deliberate risk assessment? A: DD Form 2977 - document risk management steps during planning, preparation, and execution The Army Profession (ADP 1) 1. Q. When was the American Continental Army Established? ​A: 14 June 1775 **Don't catch me catch you not knowing this one either** 2. Q. How many Campaign and Battle Streamers does the Army Flag have? A: Over 180 12. Q. What is meant by the Army's role to Shape? A: The Army's role to Shape is to assist other nations to shape their own training and their military strength to be able to defend themselves 14. Q. What U.S. Code governs the Army? A: Title 10 United States Code (USC) 15. Q. What Department of Defense Directive governs the Army? A: DODD 5100.01 ​16. Q. What gives the President the Authority as the Commander and Chief? A: The Constitution 17. Q. Who determines the size and organization of the Army? A: Congress 18. Q. Where does Congress get the Authority to determine the size and organization of the Army? A: The Constitution PRT (FM 7-22) 2. What FM covers Physical Readiness Training Program? A: FM 7-22 3. What does PRT stand for? A: Physical Readiness Training 4. What does PRT prepare Soldiers and units for? A: for the physical challenges of fulfilling the mission in the face of a wide range of threats, in complex operational environments, and with emerging technologies 5. Para 1-3 What is Physical readiness? A: Physical readiness is the ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position, accomplish the mission, and continue to fight and win 11. Para 1-6 What are the seven principles of training that PRT links to? A: 1. Commanders and Other Leaders are Responsible for Training 2. Noncommissioned Officers Train Individuals, Crews, and Small Teams 3. Train as You Will Fight 4. Train to Standard 5. Train to Sustain 6. Conduct Multiechelon and Concurrent Training 7. Train to Develop Agile Leaders and Organizations 12. Para 1-7 Who's program is the Physical readiness training program? A: The Commander's Program 13. Para 1-7 Who is essential to a successful PRT program and why? A: Senior NCOs because they are often the most experienced trainers in the unit 46. Para 1-25 What are three training phases of PRT? A: 1. Initial conditioning 2. Toughening 3.Sustaining 57. Para 2-2 What are three fundamental components within the types of training? A: strength, endurance, and mobility 58. Para 2-2 What principles does Phase training follow? A: precision, progression, and integration 47. Para 1-26 Who has an opportunity to lead every day during PRT? A: Noncommissioned officers have an opportunity to lead every day during PRT 48. Para 1-27 What is the objective of PRT? A: to prepare Soldiers to meet the physical demands related to mission and C- or D-METL Map Reading / Land Navigation (SMCT) 1. What Publication Covers Map Reading and Land Navigation? A: TC 3-25.26 15 Nov 2013 4. Para 2-1 What is the definition of a map? A: a graphic representation of a portion of the earth's surface drawn to scale, as seen from above 133. Para 10-1 What are Contour Lines and what do they represent on a Map? A: A contour line represents an imaginary line on the ground, above or below sea level 139. Para 11-1 What 1st Step to Navigation? A: Orienting the Map 134. Para 10-1 What are the three different types of Contour? A: 1. Index 2. Intermediate 3. Supplementary 136. Para 10-6 What are the Five Major Terrain Features? A: 1. Hill 2. Saddle 3. Valley 4. Ridge 5. Depression 137. Para 10-6 What are the Three Minor Terrain Features? A: 1. Draw 2. Cliff 3. Spur 138. Para 10-6 What are the Supplimentary Terrain Features? A: 1. Cut 2. Fill 5. Para 2-2 What does a map provide? A: information on the existence, the location of, and the distance between ground features, such as populated places and routes of travel and communication

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