ARDMS- Abdomen

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Which is best described as a hereditary disease that leads to the development of cysts within the pancreas and other organs?

Von Hippel-Lindau disease, ADPKD.

list two inherited tumor disorders that associated with renal cysts and RCC developing

Von Hippel-Lindau( also develop adrenal disease:pheochromocytomas) Tuberous Sclerosis( also develop angimyolipomas in kidney, Epilepsy:seizure)

Amebic hepatic abscess. Coms from paradites.

What disease is typically transmitted through contaminated water found in places such as Mexico?

Epidermoid cyst.

What is a benign intratesticular mass that typically has a wholred or onion skin sonographic appearance

glucagon(increase blood sugar)

What is a hormone, produced by the pancreas, which promotes the release of glucose by the liver?

Hydated liver cyst. Parasite: echinococcus granulosus. Sheep and cattle raising coutries. Water lily sign, mothet cysts with daughter cysts.

What is associated with E. Granulosus?

Sickle cell is a kinds of hemolytic anemia. In people with sickle cell disease, most gallstones are produced from excess bilirubin, which is caused by the constant breakdown of red blood cells. Biliary sludge (formed when excess bile settles in the duct) can also lead to gallstones forming in people with sickle cell disease.

What is associated with cholelithiasis and is characteristically found in Africans or people of African decent?


What is considered the most common benign childhood hepatic mass?

Hodgkin lymphoma

What is diagnosed by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells

HCC(hepatocellular carcinoma). Most common primary liver cancer, acompanied by cirrhosis , chronic hepatitis . Can cause Budd-Chiarri syndrome. Increases AFP. "Target" or "bull's-eye".

What is hepatoma?

endocine tumors found within the islets of langerhans of the pancreas. two types: functional ,hypervasuclar, hypoechoic, insulinima(more common):hypoglycemia, low sugar symptoms) Gastrinoma:Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: peptic ulcers. nonfunctional: malignant

What is islet cell tumors?

ureteopelvic junction obstruction

What is the most common cause of congenital hydronephrosis in infants and children?

Abdominal pain

What is the most likely symptom for pypercalcemia

Thick sludge. Tumefactive sludge mimics an intraluminal gallbladder mass. Move patient and use color dopplor and check gb wall.

What is tumefactive sludge?

glucogan(increase blood sugar level)

Which of the following is a hormone, produced by the pancreas, which promotes the release of glucose by the liver?


Which of the following is an inherited disease characterized by disproportionate absorption of dietary iron?

retroperitoneal fibrosis

Which of the following is most likely to be associated with migraine medication use?

Yolk sac tumors

Which testicular tumor is associated with an elevation in alpha-fetoprotein(AFP)


Which tumors is associated with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

papillary carcinoma

Which would be considered to be the most common form of thyroid cancer?

Epsteon- Bar infetion

a herpesvirus that can lead to infectious mononucleosis. can cause splenomegaly and hepatitis.

Mirizzi syndrome

a lodged stone in the cystic duct causing compression of the common bile duct

what is the triad of prune belly syndrome

abscent abdominal musculature,undescended testis, urinary tract abnormalities

what is most common cause of acute renal failure and chronic renal failure?

acute renal failure:tubular necrosis. chronic renal failure:diabetes.

Bile travels from the common bile duct toward the duodenum, where it meets the main pancreatic duct at the:

ampulla of Vater

ampulla of Vater sphincter of Oddi

ampulla of vater is merding duct. ampulla meas dilated end of a duct. sphincter of Oddi is muscle that controls the emptying of digest juice.

Which small segments of the renal arteries are located at the base of the pyramids?


Which is a mass of various ingested material that may cause intestinal obstructions?


The congenital disease characterized by the narrowing or obliteration of all or a portion of the biliary tree is:

biliary atresia. narrowing or obliteration of all or a portion of the biliary tree. triangular cord sign.

Wilson diseas

body accumulates excess copper.

what is more likely to be associated with pruritus?



concave has "C" as

what are the three zones of cortex of adrenal gland?

from outer to inter: zona glomerulos, fasciculata, reticularis(GFR:姐夫啊)

Which would be most likely associated with hyperkalemia?

high potassium. Chronic kidney failure.

8 semgments

how many segments does counaud system separate the liver into

Normal bowel wall thickness should measure:

less than 5 mm

what wave is sound

longitudinal, mechanical pressure wave/

is porcelain a typical cause of acute pancreatitis?

no but trauma is

Pancreatic mucinous cystadenocarcinoma is most often discovered in the:

pancreatic body and tail.

what renal cyst can mimic hydronephrosis?

peripelivc cyst,originates in the renal sinus.

The area will appear as thicking of the tunica albugenia, which may also contain areas of calcification.

what is the sonographic findings of peyronie disease?

bilateral angiomyolipomas, and renal cysts The name, composed of the Latin tuber (swelling) and the Greek skleros (hard), refers to the pathological finding of thick, firm, and pale gyri, called "tubers", in the brains of patients post mortem.

what is tuberous sclerosis associated with kidneyes

the cystic dialation and formation of cysts within the tete testis.

what is tubular ectasia of the rete testis? ectasia:dialation

the structure that separates the scrotum into two separate compartments INTERNALLY.

what is tunica dartos?

torsion of the testicular appendages.

what pathology is "blue dot" sign associated with?


which form of ascites that may be associated with cancer

Intravaginal torsion is the most common kind and Bell-clapper deformity belong to this kind.

which testicular torsion is most common. intravaginal torsion or extravaginal torsion? Bell-clapper deformity belongs to which kind?


which would be considered a primary malignancy of the spleen?

the kidneys initially develop within the pelvis and ascend into their normal position by as early as:


hepatoblastoma. most common malignant tumor of children. there is a hign incidence of hepatoblastoma in chidren who have Bectwith-Wiedemann syndrome.

A 14-month-old male patient presents to the ultrasound department for a liver sonogram with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and a clinical history of a palpable abdominal mass, elevated alpha-fetoprotein level, and anorexia. Which of the following liver masses would most likely be discovered in this patient?

Wilms' tumor(nephroblastoma)

A 3-year-old female patient presents to the ultrasound department for a renal sonogram with a history of a palpable abdominal mass, abdominal pain, hematuria, fever, and hypertension. The sonogram reveals a large, solid, mostly echogenic mass that contains dispersed anechoic and hypoechoic regions. Based on these findings, what would be most likely?

Which of the following is considered to be a function of the spleen during fetal development?

Erythropoiesis (from Greek 'erythro' meaning "red" and 'poiesis' meaning "to make") is the process which produces red blood cells (erythrocytes

Which is considered to be the most common form of biliary tract cancer?

Gallbladder carcinoma though it is rare,

A history of histoplasmosis, tuberculosis, or sarcoidosis would increase the likelihood of discovery what splenic abnormality?

Granulomas. small,echogenic foci which is calcification.

is hepatic artery ocllusion a complication of a liver transplant

NO. complications of a liver transplant are hepatic artery stenosis, hepatic artery thrombosis, hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm , potral vein stenosis, portal vein thrombosis biliary stricture,cholangitis etc.

Low- resistant wave form pattern, with a quick upstroke, and gradual deceleration with diastole.

Normal flow within the hepatic artery should demonstrate a:

what renal cyst can mimic dilated renal pelvis?

Parapelvic cyst, originates in parenchyma and protrudes into the renal sinus.

What test is conducted to investigate for a torn Achilles tendon?

Thompson test.

Ligamentum teres

The left umbilical vein after birth becomes:


The most common cause of cirrhosis is

Median raphe

The scrotum is divided into two separate compartments by

coexisting dilation of CBD and pancreatic duct.

The sonographic "double-duct" sign is described best as:

Kupffer cells

The specialized macrophages within the liver that engulf pathogens and damaged cells are the:

Which of the following is considered to be a function of the spleen during fetal development?

(from Greek 'erythro' meaning "red" and 'poiesis' meaning "to make") is the process which produces red blood cells (erythrocytes)

A 48-year-old obese female patient presents to the ultrasound department for an abdominal sonogram with a history of hypertension and hyperglycemia. Incidentally noted is a hypoechoic mass located between the upper pole of the right kidney and the inferior vena cava. Which of the following would be most likely?

Adrenal adenoma, most common benign solid mass of the adrenal galand, can be hyperfunctiong or nonhyperfunctioning . hyperfunctiong can have signs and symptoms of Cushing syndrome and Conn syndrome.


Azotemia (azot, "nitrogen" + -emia, "blood condition") is a medical condition characterized by abnormally high levels of nitrogen-containing compounds (such as urea, creatinine, various body waste compounds, and other nitrogen-rich compounds) in the blood.

ampulla of Vater

Bile travels from the common bile duct toward the duodenum, where it meets the main pancreatic duct at the:

list hepatic masses would be likely to appear sonographically as a "halo" or "bulls-eye" lesion?

Candidiasis(fungus, ummunocompromised) Hepatoma( HCC, Hepatocellular carcinoma, increaded AFP) Metastasis

Emphysematous cholecystitis.

Diabetic patients suffering from acute cholecystitis have an increased risk for developing:

GB is completely filled with tumerfactive sludge causing the GB to appear isoechoic to the liver tissue.

Hepatization of the GB

will the blood sodium go high or low on Conn syndrom?

Hign(hypernatremia), low sodium(Hypokalemia), Conn syndrome has high levels of aldosterone secreted by adrenal cortex, aldosterone absorbe sodium and water and get rid of potassium.

What disease is associated red currant jelly stool?

Intussusception, most common: ileocolic intussusception.


Is exudate asides malignant or benign form ascites?

Hepatoblastima(liver) Nephroblastoma, also called Wilms tumorc kidney) Neuroblastoma( adrenal medulla, can spread )

List common pediatric malignant abdominal masses



Papillary process

The inferior extension of the caudate lobe is referred to as

Ligamentum venosum

Shortly after birth,the ductus venosum collapses and becomes the :


The diameter of the GB should not exceed:


The diffuse polyploid appearance of the gallbladder referred to as strawberry gallbladder is seen with:

what is pouch of Douglas?

posterior cul-de-sac, rectouterine pouch

What is the responsibility of the red and white pulp of the spleen?

red pulp: contain macrophages(巨噬细胞)and red blood cells, perform phagocytic function.(phago-eating) white pulp: immune response, lymphocytes.

what is best defined as the intravenous administration of nutrients and vitamins? Etymology: Gk, hyper + L, alimentum, nourishment

the administration of nutrients by intravenous feeding especially to patients who cannot ingest food through the digestive tract. can cause sludge.

What segment of the liver may also be referred to as the quadrate lobe?

the medial segment of left lobe. between the round ligament and GB fossa. anterior to caudate lobe.

describe A thyroglossal duct cyst and branchial cleft cyst location:

thyroglossal duct cyst: midline, superior to the thyroid gland and below hyoid bone. branchial cleft cyst: near the angle of the mandible

what is the sonographic finding of intussusception?

transvers: target, cinnamon bun sign sagital:psedupkidney greater than 3cm

alpha-Fetoprotein. a protein produced by the fetal yolk sac,fetal gatrointestinal tract, and the fetal liver;may also be produced by some malignant tumors.

what is AFP

occurs when the sound beam strikes a strucure in a nonperpendicular manner,resulting in a loss of the true echogenicity of structure. it often happens in tendons and ligments.

what is Anisotropy?

also called pancraticoduodenectomy , to treat pancratic adenocarcinoma.

what is Whipple procedure

syndrome that consists of unilateral renal agenesis,ipsilateral seminal vesicle cyst, and ejaculatory duct obstruction.

what is Zinner syndrome?

caroli disease

what is a congenital disorder characterized by segmental dilatation of the intrahepatic ducts? central dot sign

a mass within the testicle and are associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia or cusing syndrome. increased adrenocorticotropic hormone.

what is adrenal rests?

deep layer of fascia that covers the corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosum of the penis.

what is buck fascia?

Renal cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma. it has a strong link with smoking.

what is hypernephroma also called?

an anomaly where left renal vein entrapment occurs between the superior mesenteric artery and abdominal aorta.

what is nutcracker syndrome?

the surgery that moves an undescended testis into the scrotum. orchis + pexis, fixation

what is ochiopexy?

the buildup of fibrous plaque(scar tissue) and calcification within the penis that results in a painful curvature.

what is peronie disease?

hyperfunctioning,begin adrenal mass, associated with uncontrollable hpertention

what is pheochromocytoma

vas deferens.

what is surgically interrupted in vasectomy?

Cavernous hemangioma. more common in women, rt lobe of the liver, hyperechoic <3cm

what is the most common benign liver tumor


what is the most common form of testicular carcinoma?


what is the most common malignancy of the spleen

paracolic gutters

what is the potential spaces extend alongside the ascending and decending colon on both sides of the abdomen?

Angiosarcoma although exceedingly rare; lymphoma and leyokemia are more common malignant tumor in the spleen, lymphoma is the most common one .

what is the primary malignant tumor of the spleen

scrotal wall thickenss:2-8mm. epididymis head: 10-12mm. testicle measurement: length3-5cm. with2-4cm. thickness3cm.

what is the scrotal wall thickness? what is the normal measurement of epididymis head? what is the normal size of scrotum?

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