Aristotle, The Politics

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What are the primary steps in the development of the state, from family to self-sufficiency?

1. The union between a man and a woman 2. The creation of a family 3. The establishment of a village (extended family), 4. The formation of a community with common interest and goals 5. The formation of the state

What is Aristotle's definition of a constitution?

A constitution is the arrangement of magistracies (offices) in a state

What distinguishes a corrupt government from a good one?

A corrupt government looks out for private interests not common interests

What distinguishes a corrupt government from a good one?

A corrupt government looks out for the private interests not the common interests

Why does Aristotle believe that a city without complete unity is better than a highly unified one? Be able to put your answer into your own words.

A state is made up of different people banded together in communities by common goals and aspirations. If these people were to be highly unified then the state would regress to its more unified and simplistic components until it was no longer a state.

What are some examples of this method at work in the texts that we have read for this class?

An example of this method at work is Aristotle's attempt to discover which form of government is best by gathering all real and theoretical constitutions.

Why does Aristotle believe that a city without complete unity is better than a highly unified one? Be able to put your answer into your own words.

Aristotle believes that a city without complete unity is better than a highly unified one because a state is made up of different people banded together in communities by common goals and aspiration. If these people were to be highly unified then the state would regress to its more unified and simplistic components until it was no longer a state. You need diversity to be a self-sufficient unit. Each individual has distinct needs and fills a distinct role.

What does Aristotle think of democracy?

Aristotle believes that a democracy is a corrupt form of government because it is built upon the belief of majority rule. No matter who the majority is, be it the impoverished or the wealthy, they look out for their own interests and ignore the interests of the minorities.

What does Aristotle think of democracy?

Aristotle thinks that democracy is a corrupt form of constitutional government, the only thing that differs it from oligarchy, another corrupt perversion, is the fact that democracy is ruling by the large number of poor citizens and oligarchy is ruling by the few number of aristocrats, the indigent are rulers. It is not ideal because it focuses on the needs of the poor rather than the masses, but it is the best of perversions. Democracy is built upon the belief of majority rule, no matter who the majority is, be it the impoverished or the wealthy, they look out for their own interest and ignore the interests of the minorities.

Why does Aristotle believe that law is a better form of compulsion than the rule of man (via edicts, for example)?

Aristotle thinks that law is a better form of compulsion than the rule of man because the only way to get people to behave is through law, for they do not by nature obey the sense of shame, but only fear. People do avoid bad action not because they are good, but because they fear punishment.

What is Aristotle's method? What are the general steps he believes should be undertaken to construct a good theory? What are some examples of this method at work in the texts that we have read for this class?

Aristotle's method is dialectical analysis, which considers all valid arguments, both for and against, and takes the good from such arguments synthesizing them into a cohesive whole. Euthyphro

What is Aristotle's method? What are the general steps he believes should be undertaken to construct a good theory?

Aristotle's method is that of dialectical synthesis. He looks to the past and hears arguments both for and against an idea. Once all the information has been gathered, and then Aristotle begins to formulate a theory taking into consideration the best aspects from each side.

What is wrong with the idea of communal property?

Communal property will cause men to be lazy and ride off of other's coattails. Communal property means men will complain of the lack of work others failed to do. With private property each man takes pride in his land and makes sure its plentiful but with public property individualism is lost and people become lazy and no one can be punished. Tragedy of the commons

Why are different constitutional forms appropriate for different states?

Different constitutional forms are appropriate for different states because states are made up of many principal elements. These elements vary from state to state; therefore the constitutional forms must vary from state to state in order to tailor to the specific differences. It depends on what society as a whole values considering government in the common interest is what Aristotle says is most important.

Why do we look at theoretical forms of constitution? What good does that do?

Even though theoretical forms of constitution may not exist, they still provide ideas and allow us to take from them what is good and what will be useful in making a political community that is best for all

What is wrong with the idea of communal property?

If property is held in common then all men will assume that the others will take care of it, therefore it will be neglected by all

What is the role of legislation in producing the preconditions for eudaimonia?

Legislation's role in producing the precondition for eudaimonia is to stimulate men to excellence and urge them forward by the motive of the noble, on the assumption that those who have been well advanced by the formation of habits will attend to such influences.

What is "logos" what role does it play for Aristotle?

Logos is reason. It plays a central role for Aristotle because he believes that the mind (soul) should rule over the body. Reason over desire. Only then can one truly be a citizen and participate in the state

What is "logos" what role does it play for Aristotle?

Logos is reason. It plays a central role for Aristotle. Aristotle believes that the mind (soul) should rule over the body. Reason over desire. Only then can one truly be a citizen and participate in the state.

What is it about man that makes him into a naturally political animal?

Man is naturally a political animal because of man's ability to speak and reason.

What is it about man that makes him into a naturally political animal?

Man's ability to speak makes him a naturally political animal.

What are the principal forms of government and their corruptions?

Monarchy - tyranny Aristocracy - oligarchy Constitutional government - democracy

How does a political society differ from a military expedition?

Political society differs from military expedition because political society must be made up of different kinds of men because complete unity will cause the state to regress to its simplest form, while in a military expedition all men can be the same as long as their numbers are great.

How does a political society differ from a military expedition?

Political society must be made up of different kinds of men because complete unity will cause the state to regress to its simplest form, while in a military expedition all men can be the same as long as their numbers are great

What are the principal forms of government and their corruptions?

Principal Forms: kingship, aristocracy, and constitution. Corruptions: tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy.

Why are different constitutional forms appropriate for different states?

States are made up of many principal elements. These elements vary from state to state, therefore the constitutional forms must vary from state to state in order to tailor to the specific differences

What is the principle of order in political society?

The administration of justice (determining what is just) is the principle of order in a political society

What is the best form of state?

The best form of state is the one in which every man can live happy and lives and acts their best

What is the best form of state?

The best form of state is the one in which every man can live happy lives and act their best

What is the relation between a governmental regime and the character of the people within it?

The character of the state determines the character of the people living in it. Democracy promotes democracy and so on. The better the character, the better the government.

What are the excellences of states?

The excellences of states are promoting the good and virtuous life among its citizenry

If man is naturally political then why was "he who first founded the state the greatest of benefactors?"

The man who founded the first state was the greatest of benefactors because Aristotle believes that participation in the state is the ultimate form utilizing your capacities. Without being organized into a state, humans are no better than animals. From a political state comes a moral code that can be enacted and further the idea of justice. With politics you realize capacities and moral goodness = lead a well rounded life.

What is it about mankind's ability to speak that makes Aristotle think that we are naturally political beings?

Through the use of speech, man can see the usefulness and justice of certain situations which is the fundamentals of politics

What is it about mankind's ability to speak that makes Aristotle think that we are naturally political beings?

Through the use of speech, man can see the usefulness and justice of certain situations, which are the fundamentals of politics. Speech is meant to set forth the just and unjust. People can communicate our reason through speech and organize ourselves.

Why should the soul be considered the most important focus of the drive for excellence?

To achieve excellence and happiness, the person who is most successful is the person with the highly cultivated mind and character rather than the person who possesses large amounts of goods. External goods have their limit, but goods of the soul do not

Why do we look at theoretical forms of constitution? What good does that do?

We look at theoretical forms of constitution so that what is good and useful from them can be brought to light and to decide what type of political community is best for a certain group. Look at the ideal to determine what can be feasibly implemented.

Why should the soul be considered the most important focus of the drive for excellence?

because to achieve excellence and happiness, the person who is most successful is the person with the highly cultivated mind and character rather than the person who possesses large amounts of goods. External goods have their limit, but goods of the soul do not

What is the principle of order in political society?

the administration of justice

What is the relation between a governmental regime and the character of the people within it?

the characters of the state determine the character of the people living in it. Democracy promotes democracy and so on. The better the character, the better the government. No one will doubt that the legislator should direct his attention above all to the education of youth. The character of democracy creates democracy and the character of oligarchy creates oligarchy; and always the better character, the better the government.

What is Aristotle's definition of a constitution?

the government and the arrangement of magistracies, especially the highest of all.

What are the primary steps in the development of the state, from family to self-sufficiency?

the union between man and a woman, the creation of a family, the establishment of a village, the formation of a community with common interests and goals, and the formation of the state

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