Army Board Study Guide

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Attributes of an Army leader can best be defined as what an Army leader is. What are the attributes of an Army leader?

1. A leader of character 2. A leader with presence 3. A leader with intellectual capacity

Leaders should seek to develop and improve what three leader counseling skills?

1. Active Listening 2. Responding 3. Questioning

Core leader competencies are what an Army leader does. What are the core leader competencies?

1. An Army leader leads 2. An Army leader develops 3. An Army leader achieves.

Character is essential to successful leadership. What are the three major factors that determine a leader's character?

1. Army Values 2. Empathy 3. Warrior Ethos

What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Retreat and To the Color if they are in uniform and in formation either with or without headgear?

1. At the first note of Retreat, execute "Parade Rest" at the command of the officer or NCO in charge. Remain at Parade Rest until given "Attention" by officer or NCO in charge. 2. At the first note of To the Color, execute "Present Arms" at the command of officer or NCO in charge. Execute "Order Arms" at the command of officer or NCO in charge.

To accomplish their training responsibility, list three of the six things that commanders must do.

1. Be present at training to maximum extent possible. 2. Base training on mission requirements. 3. Train to applicable army standards. 4. Assess current levels of efficiency. 5. Provide the required resources. 6. Develop and execute training plans that result in proficient individuals, leaders and units.

What are the three different ways that a soldier may be reduced for misconduct?

1. By Article 15 2. By Court Martial 3. Conviction by a civil court

What are the ten principles of training?

1. Commanders are responsible for training 2. NCOs train individuals, crews, and small teams. 3. Train as a combined arms and joint team. 4. Train for combat proficiency 5. Train to standard using appropriate doctrine 6. Train to adapt 7. Train to maintain and sustain 8. Train using multi-echelon techniques 9. Train to sustain proficiency 10. Train and develop leaders.

What are some techniques leaders may use during the directive approach to counseling?

1. Corrective Training 2. Commanding

What course of action should a supervisor take when a subordinate has been performing below his/her usual standards?

1. Counsel about substandard performance. 2. Attempt to define the problem with the soldier. 3. Afford opportunity and time to solve the problem. 4. Make a written statement of counseling

What are the three principal ways that leaders can develop others through which they provide knowledge and feedback?

1. Counseling 2. Coaching 3. Mentoring

What are the six elements of the sponsorship program?

1. DA Form 5434.M. 2. Welcome letter. 3. ACS Relocation Readiness Services. 4. Reception. 5. Orientation. 6. Inprocessing.

What ten objectives have to be accomplished by senior leaders to help ensure effective training?

1. Develop and communicate a clear vision 2. Train one echelon below and evaluate two echelons below 3. Require subordinates to understand and perform their roles in training 4. Train all elements to be proficient on their mission essential tasks 5. Develop subordinates 6. Involve themselves personally in planning, preparing, executing, and assessing training 7. Demand training standards are achieved 8. Ensure proper task and event discipline 9. Foster a command climate that is conducive to good training 10. Eliminate training distractions

What are the three levels of leadership?

1. Direct - Direct leadership is face-to-face, first-line leadership. 2. Organizational - Organizational leaders influence several hundred to several thousand people. They do this indirectly, generally through more levels of subordinates than do direct leaders. 3. Strategic - Strategic leaders include military and DA civilian leaders at the major command through Department of Defense levels. Strategic leaders are responsible for large organizations and influence several thousand to hundreds of thousands of people.

What are the three approaches to counseling?

1. Directive 2. Non-directive 3. Combined

Name five reasons that a soldier may be administratively reduced.

1. Erroneous enlistment grade 2. Misconduct 3. Inefficiency 4. Approve for discharge from service Under Other Than Honorable conditions 5. Failure to complete training (I.e., OCS, Flight School)

What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?

1. Event counseling 2. Performance counseling 3. Professional growth counseling

What are the team building stages?

1. Formation 2. Enrichment 3. Sustainment

The Army Time Management System is composed of what three phases?

1. Green - Training focus primarily on collective tasks with individual and leader tasks integrated during multi-echelon training. 2. Amber - Small unit, crew, leader and individual soldier training emphasized. 3. Red - Sub-organizations take advantage of all training opportunities to conduct individual, leader, and crew training.

What 4 movements in marching require a 15-inch step?

1. Half step 2. Left step 3. Right step 4. Backward march

What are the 7 steps to problem solving?

1. ID the problem 2. Gather information 3. Develop criteria 4. Generate possible solutions 5. Analyze possible solutions 6. Compare possible solutions 7. Make and implement the decision

What are the 4 stages of the Counseling Process?

1. Identify the need for counseling. 2. Prepare for counseling. 3. Conduct counseling. 4. Follow up.

What are the Leader Actions?

1. Influencing - getting people (Soldiers, Army civilians, and multinational partners) to do what is necessary. 2. Operating - the actions taken to influence others to accomplish missions and to set the stage for future operations. 3. Improving - capturing and acting on important lessons of ongoing and completed projects and missions.

What are the three types of promotion point worksheets?

1. Initial 2. Reevaluation 3. Re-computation .

What are some examples of Event counseling?

1. Instances of superior or substandard performance. 2. Reception and Integration Counseling. 3. Crisis Counseling 4. Referral Counseling 5. Promotion Counseling 6. Separation Counseling

What are the three core domains that shape the critical learning experiences throughout Soldiers' and leaders' careers?

1. Institutional training. 2. Training, education, and job experience gained during operational assignments. 3. Self-development.

What are the three types of training plans?

1. Long-range 2. Short-range 3. Near-term

What are the principal source documents for training and evaluation outlines (T&EOs)?

1. MTP 2. Soldier Manuals 3. Soldier Training Publications 4. DA Pamphlet 350-38 (Standards in Weapons Training) 5. Deployment or Mobilizations Plans 6. Along with various Army, MACOM and 7. Local Regulations

List three of the seven things that training plans will do, if they are properly developed.

1. Maintain a consistent battle focus. 2. Be coordinated with habitually task organized supporting organizations. 3. Focus on the correct time horizon. 4. Be concerned with future proficiency. 5. Incorporate risk management into all training plans. 6. Establish organizational stability. 7. Make the most efficient use of resources.

In communications, your exchange of information has three important parts. What are they?

1. Message 2. Content 3. Context

A leader's effectiveness is dramatically enhanced by understanding and developing what areas?

1. Military Bearing 2. Physical Fitness 3. Confidence 4. Resilience

What are the 4 rest positions that can be given at the halt?

1. Parade rest 2. Stand at ease 3. At ease 4. Rest

List four (4) of the many sources of training feedback available to senior leaders.

1. Personal observations of training. 2. Assessment and feedback from higher headquarters. 3. Staff visit reports. 4. Unit status reports 5. Training Briefings. 6. Local ARTEP evaluations and CTC take-home packages. 7. AARs from FTX, gunnery periods, or other major training exercises. 8. CTT results. 9. APFT scores 10. IG general and special inspections.

Name the two barriers of communications

1. Physical 2. Psychological

What are the two parts of most drill command?

1. Preparatory command 2. Command of execution

What are the characteristics of effective counseling

1. Purpose: Clearly define the purpose of the counseling. 2. Flexibility: Fit the counseling style to the character of each subordinate and to the relationship desired. 3. Respect: View subordinates as unique, complex individuals, each with a distinct set of values, beliefs, and attitudes. 4. Communication: Establish open, two-way communication with subordinates using spoken language, nonverbal actions, gestures, and body language. Effective counselors listen more than they speak. 5. Support: Encourage subordinates through actions while guiding them through their problems.

What are the qualities of an effective counselor?

1. Respect for subordinates 2. Self-awareness 3. Cultural awareness 4. Empathy 5. Credibility

What are the four parts that the AAR consists of?

1. Review what was supposed to happen. (Training Plans) 2. Establish what happened. 3. Determine what was right or wrong with what happened. 4. Determine how the task should be done differently the next time.

The Army Song is always played at the conclusion of what events

1. Reviews 2. Parades 3. Honor Guard Ceremonies.

What are the three methods used to teach Drill?

1. Step by step 2. By the numbers 3. Talk-through method

What are some counseling techniques leaders may explore during the nondirective or combined counseling approaches?

1. Suggesting Alternatives 2. Recommending 3. Persuading 4. Advising

What are the 5 types of commands in a drill?

1. Two part 2. Combined 3. Supplementing 4. Directive

What are the three levels of promotion?

1. Unit level 2. Semi-centralized 3. DA centralized

What are the five primary inputs to METL development?

1. Wartime operational plans. 2. Enduring combat capabilities. 3. Operational environment. 4. Directed missions. 5. External guidance.

What are two prescribed formations for platoons?

1. line 2. column

How soon after the DA Form 5434 is received should a sponsor be assigned?

10 days unless the sponsorship is declined.

How many steps per minute is quick time?

120 steps per minute

How long does a soldier have to submit a plan of action to the commander after being counselled onto ABCP?

14 Days

What are the maximum punishments that company commanders may impose?

14 Days extra duty 14 Days restriction 7 Days correctional custody (E3 and below) 7 Days forfeiture of pay 1 Grade Reduction for E4 and below Oral or written letter of reprimand

How many steps per minute is double time?

180 steps per minute

When was the UCMJ enacted?

1950, congress enacted the UCMJ, which was based upon and replaced the articles of WAR, which had been around in various forms since 1775.

What is considered a failure?

2 Months of no progress 6 Months has not met standards

What is the minimum period of time for senior rater qualifications?

2 months

An administrative reevaluation may be requested at any time for soldiers who believe they have increased their latest promotion score by __ or more points.


When was the NCO support channel formally recognized?

20 December 1976

When a President or Former President of the U.S. arrives and leaves an army installation, how many gun salute do they get?

21 gun salute, both times

What is the minimum period of time for rater qualification?

3 Rated Months

How long does a solder have to meet with a dietitian after being counselled onto ABCP?

30 days

What is the maximum score a Soldier can attain on a APFT?

300, the use of the extended scale is not authorized.

How many human needs are there?

4 (Physical, Social, Security and Higher (Religious))

When was the position of Sergeant Major of the Army established?

4 July 1966

How long is the call "to the color"

40 seconds

How many steps should separate platoons when a company is formed?

5 steps

When may a soldier request a total reevaluation?

6 months after the latest board appearance, reevaluation or re-computation

What is the estimated lifetime of the new ACU?

6 months.


704th activated the 743rd MI Bn, whose temporary status was lifted in 1990


741st activated B Co for command and control of the German Field Station Units

What is the maximum number of points possible on the Promotion Point Worksheet (DA Form 3355)?

800 points

When will a member of an allied force meet senior rater qualifications?


Are NCOERs required for POWs?


Are handwritten comments allowed on the NCOER?


Can a command be changed after the command of execution has been given?


Will any references be made in an NCOER to an incomplete investigation (formal or informal) concerning a Soldier?


Is the CSM in the Chain of Command?

No (but he supervises the NCO support channel)

Does the rated NCOs signature mean that the rated NCO approve of the bullets / comment on the NCOER?

No, The rated Soldier's signature will only verify the accuracy of the administrative data in Part I, to include non rated time; the rating officials in Part II; the APFT and height and weight data; and that the rated Soldier has seen the completed report.

Is performance counseling limited to bad performance?

No. Counseling may also be for good performance

What annotation will be made on the NCOER for a NCO's performance as a member of a Court Martial?


What is the minimum period of time for the reviewer?

None,there is no minimum time required

To assess subordinates, leaders you must-

Observe and record subordinates' performance in the core leader competencies. Determine if the performances meet, exceed, or fall below expected standards. Tell subordinates what was observed and give an opportunity to comment. Help subordinates develop an individual development plan (IDP) to improve performance.

What are the normal TIS and TIG requirements for promotion to PFC?

TIS: 12 months TIG: 4 months

What are the normal TIS and TIG requirements for promotion to SPC?

TIS: 24 months TIG: 4 months

How far in front of the Honor Company or color company do the colors halt?

Ten steps

Who is responsible for training and appearance of the color guard?


What does the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS) identify?

The ERS identifies officers and non-commissioned officers who are best qualified for promotion and assignments to positions of higher responsibility. ERS also identifies Soldiers who should be kept on active duty, those who should be retained in grade, and those who should be eliminated.

What are some of the uses of an NCOER?

The information in evaluation reports, the Army's needs, and the individual Soldier's qualifications will be used together as a basis for such personnel actions as school selection, promotion, assignment, military occupational specialty (MOS) classification, command sergeant major (CSM) designation, and qualitative management.

What is the key requirement for division and brigade commanders in regards to training resources?

The key requirement is to coordinate short-range training plans with the various resource processes that support training.

What is Double Interval?

The lateral space between soldiers, measured from right to left by raising both arms shoulder high with the fingers extended and joined (palms down) so that fingertips are touching the fingertips of the soldiers to the right and to the left.

What is Normal Interval?

The lateral space between soldiers, measured from right to left by the soldier on the right holding his left arm shoulder high, fingers and thumb extended and joined, with the tip of his middle finger touching the right shoulder of the soldier to his left.

What is Close Interval?

The lateral space between soldiers, measured from right to left by the soldier on the right placing the heel of his left hand on his hip, even with the top of the belt line, fingers and thumb joined and extended downward, with his elbow in line with the body and touching the arm of the soldier to his left.

When marching, who is the only person in a platoon that is never out of step?

The platoon guide is the person responsible for maintaining the prescribed direction and rate of march.

What is the primary purpose of drill (drill and ceremony)?

The purpose of drill is to enable a commander or non-commissioned officer to move his unit from one place to another in an orderly manner; to aid in disciplinary training by instilling habits of precision and response to the leader's orders;and to provide for the development of all soldiers in the practice of commandingtroops.

What position is the unit guidon once a preparatory command is given?

The raised vertical position

Who is the last individual to sign the NCOER?

The rated NCO

What is the purpose of the secondary zone?

The secondary zone (SZ) provides incentives to those who strive for excellence and whose accomplishments demonstrated capacity for leadership, and marked potential warrant promotion ahead of their peers.

Who is the president of the promotion board?

The senior member of the board.

Who exits a military vehicle first?

The senior person, then in ascending order

What must be done for soldiers (SGT and below) who meet advancement or promotion eligibility, without waiver, but are not recommended for promotion?

The soldier should be counseled. This counseling should be directed towards those areas in which the soldier needs to improve in order to qualify for the next higher grade.

What is meant by performance oriented training?

The soldiers learn best by hands on

What is depth?

The space from front to rear of a formation including front and rear elements

Explain the Chain of Command

The succession of commanders superior to subordinates through which command is exercised

What is the foundation of the training process?

The training management cycle.

True or false. Safe training is the predictable result of performing to established tactical and technical standards.


What is the maximum number of waivers that may be requested when recommending a soldier for promotion?


How many "zones" are there for promotion to SGT and SSG?

Two: 1. Primary zone (PZ) 2. Secondary zone (SZ)


US ASA was re-designated as the USA INSCOM conus MI Group


USA INSCOM MI Group became 704th MI BDE, 1st Bn became 741st MI Bn and 2nd Bn became 742nd

Why must leaders introduce stress into training?

Using scenarios that closely resemble the stresses and effects of the real battlefield is essential to victory and survival in combat.

When was "The Army Goes Rolling Along" dedicated by the Secretary of the Army?

Veterans Day, 11 November 1956, and officially announced on 12 December 1957

How is the ARC staffed?


AR 670-1

Wear and Appearance of the Uniform

Training is ______ we do, not ___________ we do.

What, Something

If you were marching a squad, when would you give the command "squad halt"?

When either foot strikes the ground

What is the minimum time period before the initial counseling must be done?

Within the first 30 days of the rating period, effective date of lateral appointment to corporal, or promotion to sergeant, the rater will conduct the first counseling session with the rated NCO

Are senior leaders supposed to make on the spot corrections, underwrite honest mistakes, and demand aggressive action to correct training deficiencies?


Can an NCO that is on a recommended list for promotion or frocked to one of the top three NCO grades (first sergeant (1SG), SGM, or CSM) and is serving in an authorized position for the new grade, rate any NCO under their supervision, if after the rater's promotion he/she will be senior in pay grade or date of rank to the rated NCO?


Should there be a sponsorship program for a Soldier departing a unit?


Is the use of the 2166-8-1 mandatory for counseling all NCOs in the ranks of CPL through CSM?


Is it a requirement that a leader counsel his/her subordinates?

Yes. A leader who neglects to counsel his subordinates is negligent in his performance of duty

Who is the only member of both your chain of command the your NCO support channel?

Your first line supervisor, section, squad or team leader

What foot is your leading foot?

Your left foot

What is the objective of the reconditioning program in PRT?

to restore physical fitness levels that enable Soldiers to reenter the Toughening or Sustaining phase safely, and then progress to their previous level of conditioning

Define Responsibility

Being accountable for what you do

What are beliefs?

Beliefs derive from upbringing, culture, religious backgrounds and traditions.

When executing a Rear March, on which foot do you pivot?

Both feet, turning 180 degrees to the right

How does the Chain of Command support the NCO support channel? y

By legally punishing those who challenge a sergeant's authorit

What are some programs/events the American Red Cross offers?

CPR instruction, blood drives, swimming lessons, communication services, Financial assistance, counseling and referral services, transplantation services, AIDS education, Health and Safety services.

What is Satisfactory Progress?

1% (3-8 pounds) per month

What is the only command given from "Inspection Arms"?

"Ready, Port, Arms"

What are the codes used to rate task proficiency?

"T" = trained "P" = needs practice "U" = untrained

What is the official song of the U.S. Army?

"The Army Goes Rolling Along"

What is the basic structure of the ERS?

-Allows the rater to give shape and direction to the rated officer or non-commissioned officer's performance. -Provides a chain-of-command evaluation of a Soldier's performance and potential. -Allows the entire evaluation reporting process to be reviewed.

DA evaluations focus on an individual Soldier's potential. They are judgments on their ability to perform at current and higher grades, and they are also made to judge whether an officer or NCO should be retained and given greater responsibility in their present grade. In making DA evaluations, what three factors are considered?

-Army requirements for leaders: officers and non-commissioned officers frequently change. At times, the Army has a need for leaders with certain backgrounds, experience, and expertise. The size of the Army leader corps by law in terms of strength by grade. Army needs limit the number of selections and assignments that can be made. Thus, a leader's potential is partially determined by how they compare with their peers. -Duty performance. Performance of duty is an extremely important factor in determining a leader's potential. Duty performance is judged by how well a Soldier performs their assigned tasks and how well they meet Army professional values uniquely established for each respective corps. -Leader qualifications. It must be considered in order to meet Army needs for outstanding leaders of troop or technical units, supporting staff managers, and technical specialists. One consideration in determining qualifications is the different skills and backgrounds required by different specialties. Another consideration is a Soldier's individual progress through specialist fields to positions of greater responsibility. In addition, their length of service, civil schooling, military schooling, or other unique skills required by the Army are considered.

What are some examples of a combined command?

-At ease -Fall in -Rest

What are the three marching steps used in drill?

1. 15in step 2. 30in step 3. 30in step, DOUBLE TIME 180 steps per minute (the 18in step is used when formally stacking arms, it is executed on the command of execution of ARMS in STACK ARMS.)

What areas would you cover in a reception and integration counseling?

-Chain of command familiarization. -Organizational standards. -Security and safety issues. -Noncommissioned officer (NCO) support channel (who is in it and how it is used). On- and off-duty conduct. -Personnel/personal affairs/initial and special clothing issue. -Organizational history, structure, and mission. -Soldier programs within the organization, such as Soldier of the Month/Quarter/Year, and educational and training opportunities. -Off limits and danger areas. -Functions and locations of support activities. -On- and off-post recreational, educational, cultural, and historical opportunities. -Foreign nation or host nation orientation. -Other areas the individual should be aware of as determined by the leader.

Under the ERS a Soldier is evaluated on performance and potential. In this system, what three kinds of evaluations are given?

-Duty evaluations. Either the DA Form 67-9 or DA Form 2166-8 is used for these evaluations. -School evaluations. Either the DA Form 1059 and DA Form 1059-1 is used for these evaluations. -DA evaluations. Selection boards and personnel management systems are used for these evaluations. Duty and school evaluations are single time-and-place evaluations and are used to make DA evaluations. DA evaluations cover the entire career of an officer and non-commissioned officer.

What are the objectives of the Army promotion system?

-Fill requirements with the best-qualified soldiers -Provide an equitable and just system that will objectively consider all qualified soldiers -Recognize the best qualified soldier and thereby attract and retain the highest caliber solder for a career in the Army

Name some good conditions that make for good discipline

-High performance standards -Loyalty to superiors and subordinates -Competitive activities -Tough training -Open channel of communications

Name some physical barriers of communication

-Noise of battle -Distance

A counseling session consists of what 4 basic components?

-Opening the session. -Discussing the issues. -Developing the plan of action. -Recording and closing the session.

What are the steps required to prepare for counseling?

-Select a suitable place. -Schedule the time. -Notify the subordinate well in advance. -Organize information. -Outline the counseling session components. -Plan your counseling strategy. -Establish the right atmosphere.

What is the ERS Process designed to do?

-Set objectives for the rated Soldier that supports the organization's overall achievement of the mission. -Review the rated Soldier's objectives, special duties, assigned tasks, or special areas of emphasis and update them to meet current needs. -Promote performance-related counseling to develop subordinates and better accomplish the organization's mission. -Evaluate the rated leader's performance. -Assess the rated leader's potential. -Ensure a review of the entire process. -Non-commissioned officer's organizational rating chain use DA Form 2166-8; and DA Form 2166-8-1.

What is the interval between the preparatory command and the command of execution?

1 step or 1 count

What personnel are included in Full Military Funeral Honors?

9-member team (6 pallbearers and/or firing party, a chaplain, and officer and/or NCO in charge, and a bugler (if available)). The team serves as pallbearers and the firing party, folds and presents the American flag to the next of kin, and plays "Taps." A member of the decedent's parent military Service will present the flag.

How far out from reenlistment must a soldier meet the ABCP standards to avoid seperations?

90 Days

What is a file?

A column, which has a front of only one element

What is the definition of METL?

A compilation of collective mission essential tasks an organization must perform successfully to accomplish its wartime mission(s).

What is meant by "inefficiency"?

A demonstration of characteristics that shows that a person cannot perform duties and responsibilities of the grade and MOS.

What is the "Blue Book"?

A drill manual used by Baron Von Steuben (a former Prussian officer) to train the colonial army. It preceded the FM 3-21.5. It was known as "The regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States". This book was the first Army Field Manual

What is a Guidon?

A guid on is a swallow-tailed flag carried by companies, batteries, troops, and certain detachments.

What is tact?

A keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others and to avoid offense

What is a Sergeant?

A leader

What is a rank?

A line, which is only one element in depth

What is a review?

A military ceremony used to: -Honor a visiting, high-ranking commander, official, or dignitary, and or permit them to observe the state of training of a command. -Present decorations and awards. -Honor or recognize unit or individual achievements. -Commemorate events.

What is communication?

A process of providing information

What is a rating scheme?

A rating scheme is the published rating chain of the NCO's rating officials (rater, senior rater, and reviewer).

What is a "total" reevaluation?

A total reevaluation includes the entire process - from the commander's recommendation to the promotion board and administrative points.

AR 600-9

ABCP - Army Body Composition Program

Army Doctrine Publication


What Army Field Publications is called "Training Units and Developing Leaders"?

ADP 7-0

Army Doctrine Reference Publication


Army Regulation


What Army regulation covers Salutes, honors and visits of courtesy?

AR 600-25

What regulation prescribes the policy and procedures governing enlisted promotions and reductions?

AR 600-8-19, Enlisted Promotions and Reductions

What is the time requirement for board appearance for both the SGT and SSG board as of the first day of the board month?

AR 600-8-19, Table 3-3) SGT Board "Primary Zone" - 34 months TIS and 6 months TIMIG. SGT Board "Secondary Zone" - 16 months TIS and 4 months TIMIG. SSG Board "Primary Zone" - 82 months TIS and 8 months TIMIG. SSG Board "Secondary Zone" - 46 months TIS and 5 months TIMIG.

What Army Regulation covers the Total Army Sponsorship Program?

AR 600-8-8

What Army Regulation prescribes the policies for completing evaluation reports that support the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS)?

AR 623-3

What Army Regulation covers the wear and appearance of the military uniform?

AR 670-1

What Army Regulation covers Red Cross?

AR 930-5


ASA (Army Security Agency) established to support NSA move from Arlington Station to Ft. Meade

26 December 1957

ASA was re-designated as the US ASA

What are the two types of promotion point reevaluations?

Administrative and total

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Non-Directive counseling.

Advantages: -Encourages maturity. -Encourages open communication. -Develops personal responsibility. Disadvantages: -More time-consuming -Requires greatest counselor skill.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Combined counseling.

Advantages: -Moderately quick. -Encourages maturity. -Encourages open communication. -Allows counselors to actively use their experience. Disadvantages: -May take too much time for some situations.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Directive counseling.

Advantages: -Quickest method. -Good for people who need clear, concise direction. -Allows counselors to actively use their experience. Disadvantages: -Doesn't encourage subordinates to be part of the solution. -Tends to treat symptoms, not problems. -Tends to discourage subordinates from talking freely. -Solution is the counselor's, not the subordinate's.

What does AAR stand for and what does it provide?

After Action Review. An AAR provides feedback to units by involving participants in the training diagnostic process in order to increase and reinforce learning. The AAR leader guides participants in identifying deficiencies and seeking solutions.

What happens if a soldier who was once on ABCP is readmitted to the program?

After being cleared from ABCP if you fall below the standards within 12 months you are barred from reenlistment and separation is initiated. IF between 12-36 months; you have 90 days to get back to standard

What is cover?

Aligning yourself directly behind the man to your immediate front, while maintaining correct distance

Who receives an NCOER?

All NCOs

AR 930-5

American Red Cross

What is an element?

An individual,squad, section, platoon, company or larger unit forming part of the next higher unit

AR 608-18

Army Family Advocacy Program

ADP 6-22 / ADRP 6-22

Army Leadership

What does ADP 6-22 cover?

Army Leadership (Competent, Confident and Agile)

FM 7-22

Army Physical Readiness Training


Army Warrior Tasks

Describe the "Be, Know and Do".

Army leadership begins with what the leader must BE, the values and attributes that shape a leader's character. Your skills are those things you KNOW how to do, your competence in everything from the technical side of your job to the people skills a leader requires. But character and knowledge while absolutely necessary are not enough. You cannot be effective, you cannot be a leader, until you apply what you know, until you act and DO what you must.

What command is given to revoke a preparatory command?

As You Were

What is battle focus and what does it do?

Battle focus is a concept used to derive peacetime training requirements assigned and anticipated missions. Battle focus guides the planning, preparation, execution and assessment of each organization's training program to ensure its members train as they are going to fight.

What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Retreat as a prelude to To the Color if they are in uniform and not in formation either with or without headgear?

At the first note of Retreat, face flag and stand at attention (if flag is not in view, face direction of music). Remain at attention until last note of "TO THE COLOR" has been played (Render hand salute at the first note of "TO THE COLOR"

What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Reveille if they are in uniform and not in formation either with or without headgear?

At the first note of music, face flag and render hand salute (if flag is not in view, face direction of music). End salute on last note of music.

What are key elements of command?

Authority and Responsibility

____________ is the range of proficiency within which a unit is capable of executing its wartime METL tasks.

Band of Excellence

What is it customary for all Officers of a unit, organization or installation to do on New Year's Day?

Call upon the commanding officer on New Year's Day. The commander may designate a convenient hour and place for receiving such visits or omit the visit if desired. Commanders may exercise the option to have such visits take place on a day other than New Year's Day if deemed more practical.

AR 600-20

Chain of Command

Who is authorized to wear insignia of branch on the Patrol cap?


The intitial counseling is slightly different than future counselings in that it primarily focuses on what areas?

Communicating performance standards to the rated NCO. It should specifically let the rated NCO know what is expected during the rating period. The rater shows the rated NCO the rating chain and a complete duty description, discusses the meaning of the values and responsibilities contained on the NCOER, and explains the standards for success.

What is the major service that the Red Cross offers?

Communication between soldiers and their families for both problem solving and emergency.

What is communications?

Communications is the flow or exchange of information and ideas from one person to another.

FM 6-22 Appendix B


What does FM 6-22 Appendix B cover?


What is counseling?

Counseling is the process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinate's demonstrated performance and potential.

An AAR is not called what?


AR 600-25

Customs, Courtesies, and Traditions

What forms are used for the NCOER?

DA 2166-8-1, NCO Counseling Checklist/Record DA 2166-8, NCO Evaluation Report.

What form is used for the NCO Counseling/Checklist Record?

DA Form 2166-8-1

What is DA Form 3355?

DA Form 3355 is the promotion point worksheet, which must be completed when appearing before promotion boards, re-computation or reevaluating promotion points.

What form is used for counseling?

DA Form 4856 E

What DA Form is used to transmit sponsorship requirements to gaining commands?

DA Form 5434 or the Electronically Generated DA Form 5434-E.

What DA Pamphlet prescribes the procedures for completing evaluation reports that support the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS)?

DA Pam 623-3


Distinctive Unit Insignia was approved - moto: "First To Know"

FM 3-21-5

Drill and Ceremonies

Define Duty.

Duty is a legal or moral obligation to do what should be done without being told to do it

Who has the authority to administratively reduce soldiers in the grades E-2 through E-9?

E4 and below: Company Commander or higher E5 - E6: Battalion Commander (O-5 or higher) E7 - E9: Brigade Commander (O-6 or higher)

Who has the authority to promote soldiers in the grades E2 through E9?

E4 and below: Unit Commander E5 - E6: Battalion Commander (O-5 or higher E7 - E9: The commanders of an Army Command (ARCOM)/General Officer Command (GOCOM)/Reserve Support Command (RSC), and a Commanding General of a command outside the OCONUS.

AR 600-8-19

Enlisted Promotions and Reductions

Evaluation can be done in what ways.?

Evaluation can be done in what ways.? 1. Informal 2. Formal 3. Internal 4. External 5. A Combination of the above

AR 608-75

Exceptional Family Member Program

What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Reveille if they are in uniform and in formation either with or without headgear?

Execute "Present Arms" at the command of officer or NCO in charge.

Field Manual


What FM covers Drill and Ceremony?

FM 3-21.5

What are the stresses that influence behavior?

Fear Hunger Illness Anxiety Fatigue

To insure that they understand the message sent to them, the receiver should send what back to the transmitter?


Who stated, "The best form of welfare for the troops is first class training, for this saves unnecessary casualties"?

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

Define Leadership.

Leadership is influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization.

What is the objective of counseling?

For one person to help another

What is physical fitness?

Having sound health, strength, and endurance, which sustain emotional health and conceptual abilities under prolonged stress.

How do you measure a "step"?

Heel to heel

What is ITEP?

Individual Training Evaluation Program

What are the types of evaluations and their differences?

Informal - when a leader conducts training with his unit or when a leader visits ongoing training. This type provides real time feedback on the training environment and the proficiency resulting from training. Formal - are resourced with dedicated evaluators and are generally scheduled in the long-range or short-range training plans. To the maximum extent, headquarters two echelons higher conduct formal external evaluations. Internal - are planned, resourced, and conducted by the organization undergoing the evaluation. External - are planned, resourced , and conducted by a headquarters at an echelon higher in the chain of command than the organization undergoing the evaluation or a headquarters outside the chain of command. Any Combination of the above listed evaluation types.

After weapons have been issued to a unit and all other soldiers have fallen in with their weapons, what is the next command that you should give?

Inspection arms

What are intended and unintended consequences?

Intended consequences are the anticipated results of a leader's decisions and actions. Unintended consequences arise from unplanned events that affect the organization or accomplishment of the mission.

What does multi-echelon training allow?

It allows simultaneous training and evaluation on any combination of individual and collective tasks at more than one echelon. It is the most efficient and effective way to train and sustain proficiency on mission essential tasks within limited periods of training time.

What does realistic training inspire?

It builds competence and confidence by developing and honing skills, and inspires excellence by fostering initiative, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn.

What does well-structured training contain?

It contains a mixture of initial and sustainment training.

Describe the Institutional Domain.

It focuses on educating and training soldiers and leaders on the key knowledge, skills and attributes required to operate in any environment.

Describe the Operational Domain.

It includes home-station training, combat training center rotations, joint training exercises, and deployments that satisfy national objectives.

What is the NCO Support Channel?

It is the channel of communication that reinforces the Chain of Command

What is force integration?

It is the process of incorporating new doctrine, equipment, and force structure into an organization while simultaneously sustaining the highest possible levels of combat readiness.

What does evaluation of training measure?

It measures the demonstrated ability of soldiers, commanders, leaders, battle staffs, and units against the Army standard.

What does realistic training require?

It requires organizations to train the way they will fight or support within all dimensions of the battlefield/space.

By neglecting the welfare of your Soldiers, you will probably do what?

Lose their respect and loyal cooperation

What are the Army Values?

Loyalty Duty Respect Selfless Service Honor Integrity Personal Courage

Name some things in a unit that affect morale

Mess Military justice Mail Supply Billets

AR 27-10

Military Justice

What does the term METL stand for?

Mission Essential Task List

How often are weight checks?


What is motivation?

Motivation supplies the will to do what is necessary to accomplish a mission.

What does MILES stand for?

Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System

AR 623-3

NCOER - Non Commissioned Officer Evaluation Report

On what foot would you give the command "Mark time march"?

On either foot

How many steps does each rank take when a platoon is given the command of Open Ranks?

On the command "March", The first rank takes two steps forward, the second rank takes one step forward, the third rank stands fast and the fourth rank take two 15 inch steps to the rear

In the event that you have 20 or more points to add, when are you eligible for promotion using the new points?

On the first day of the third month following the date your request for reevaluation was received at the PSC.

Soldiers are required to have their promotion points recomputed at least how often?

Once per year.

When should soldiers be recommended for promotion?

Only after they develop the skills and abilities necessary to perform the duties and responsibilities of the next higher grade.

What should you look for when recommending an individual for promotion?

Overall performance, attitude, leadership ability, and development potential.

What are the parts of the NCOER?

Part I. Administrative Data Part II. Authentication Part III. Duty Description Part IV. Army Values/ NCO Responsibilities Part V. Overall Performance and Potential.

What is reverse planning?

Reverse planning is a specific technique used to ensure that a concept leads to the intended end state.

Where is the American Red Cross building on Fort Hood?

Reynolds House on Warrior Way Dr.

Rating an NCO's fears, inner feelings, enthusiasm, and overall confidence falls into which Values/NCO Responsibility block?

Physical Fitness / Military Bearing

From what position are all stationary movements given?

Position of attention

In regards to preparation for training, what do pre-execution checks cover?

Pre-execution checks are preliminary actions commanders and trainers use to identify responsibility for selecting tasks to be trained, planning the conduct of the training, training the trainers, reconnaissance of the training site, issuing the training execution plan, and conducting rehearsals along other training support tasks.

How does ABCP affect pregnant soldiers?

Pregnant soldiers will have 180 days to come into compliance with ABCP standards

What is military bearing?

Projecting a commanding presence, a professional image of authority.

What is confidence?

Projecting self-confidence and certainty in the unit's ability to succeed in whatever it does; able to demonstrate composure and outward calm through steady control over emotion.

What is direction?

Providing clear direction involves communicating how to accomplish a mission: prioritizing tasks, assigning responsibility for completion, and ensuring subordinates understand the standard.

What are articles 77 through 134 of the UCMJ know for?

Punitive Articles

What is purpose?

Purpose gives subordinates the reason to act in order to achieve a desired outcome.

What will a rating chain for an NCO consist of?

Rated NCO Rater Senior Rater Reviewer

What is an NCOER?

Rating chain members use the DA Form 2166-8 (NCOER) to provide DA with performance and potential assessments of each rated NCO. The DA Form 2166-8 also provides evaluation information to ensure that sound personnel management decisions can be made andthat an NCO's potential can be fully developed.

What command is given to reverse the direction of a march?

Rear March

What is the mission of Red Cross?

Red Cross cooperates with the Army by carrying out activities supplementing the Army in its programs related to the health, welfare, recreation, and morale of military personnel and their dependents.

What NCOER is used upon the removal of an NCO from a ratable assignment based on the decision by a member of the NCO's chain of command?


What is S-Gate?

S-Gate provides information for incoming Soldiers entering the USAREUR Theater of command. An incoming Soldier can find out who their sponsor is and how to contact them. S-Gate includes their pinpoint assignment, sponsor information, a welcome letter, a needs assessment checklist and links to other useful USAREUR web sites and regulatory information.

What is the NCOES requirement for promotion to SGM? SFC? SSG? SGT?

SGM: Must be a graduate of ANCOC SFC: Must be a graduate of BNCOC SSG: Must be a graduate of PLDC SGT: Must be a graduate of None

Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks


Soldier Training Publication


Successful counseling requires preparation. To prepare for counseling, do the following:

Select a suitable place. Schedule the time. Notify the subordinate well in advance. Organize information. Outline the counseling session components. Plan your counseling strategy. Establish the right atmosphere.

Promotion to SGT/SSG represents what level of promotion?


What is the role of the CSM?

Senior Enlisted Advis or to the Battalion commander

What is resilience?

Showing a tendency to recover quickly from setbacks, shock, injuries, adversity, and stress while maintaining a mission and organizational focus.

While passing the colors or while the colors are passing you, when is the hand salute rendered?

Six paces before and six paces after

Who is responsible for maintaining all assigned equipment in a high state of readiness in support of training or combat employment?

Soldiers and leaders.

What is the page behind the cover of ADP 7-0

The Foreword

What are the three core domains that shape the critical learning experiences throughout a soldier's and leader's career?

The Operational, Institutional and Self-Developmental Domains.

What must a Sergeant have in order to accomplish Sergeant's Business?

The Skill, ability and Leadership to train soldiers for combat and lead them into combat

What are the general rules for appointing a sponsor?

The Soldier should be in a grade equal to or higher ranking than the incoming Soldier. The sponsor should be the same sex (gender) as the sponsor. The sponsor should be familiar with the unit or activity and community.

What is the OPTEMPO of an organization?

The annual operating miles or hours for the major equipment system in a battalion-level or equivalent organization. Commanders use OPTEMPO to forecast and allocate funds for fuel and repair parts for training events and programs.

What is a formation?

The arrangement of elements of a unit in a prescribed manner

Who sits on a promotion board?

The board may be comprised of all officers, all non-commissioned officers or mixed. In all cases, members must be senior in grade to those being considered for promotion.

Define Cadence

The uniform rhythm in which a movement is executed, or the number of steps or counts per minute at which a movement is executed. Drill movements are normally executed at the cadence of quick time or double time. Quick time is the cadence of 120 counts or steps per minute; double time is the cadence of 180 counts or steps per minute.

How many types of NCOERs are there?

There are 7: Annual Change of Rater Relief for Cause Complete the Record 60 Day Rater Option 60 Day Senior Rater Option Temporary Duty, Special Duty or Compassionate Reassignment

What is the composition of a promotion board?

There must be at least three voting members and a recorder without a vote.

Describe the Self-developmental Domain.

They are structured and informal and focus on taking those actions necessary to reduce or eliminate the gap between operational and institutional experiences.

During the playing of the Army Song, how will individuals stand?

They will stand at attention and sing the lyrics of the Army Song when played.

How does a Commander exercise command?

Through subordinate commanders

What are the TIS and TIG requirements for promotion to SGT?

Time in service: 36 months (PZ); 18 months (SZ) Time in grade: 8 months (PZ); 4 months (SZ)

What are the TIS and TIG requirements for promotion to SSG?

Time in service: 84 months (PZ); 48 months (SZ) Time in grade: 10 months (PZ); 5 months (SZ)

Why do commanders use a mix of Live, Virtual and Constructive (L-V-C) training?

To achieve and sustain unit proficiency on selected METL tasks and supporting unit and staff battle tasks within the band of excellence.

What is the goal of combat level training?

To achieve combat level standards

What is the one purpose of Army Training?

To produce competent, confident, and adaptive soldiers, leaders and units, trained and ready to fight and win our nation's battles. Training is the Army's number one priority. Training is WHAT we do, not SOMETHING we do

What is the primary value of ceremonies?

To render honors, preserve tradition, and to stimulate Esprit de Corps

What is Sergeant's Business?

To train and lead soldiers

AR 600-8-8

Total Army Sponsorship Program

What is the Army's number one priority?


ADP 7-0

Training Units and Developing Leaders

What is training?

Training is the instruction of personnel to increase their capacity to perform specific military functions and associated individual collective tasks.

Faulty communications causes most problems. True or false?


When is a soldier promoted to PV2?

When they complete 6 months of active Federal Service, unless the commander stops it.

When is the directive approach in counseling most likely to be used?

When time is short, when the LEADER knows what to do, when the counseled soldier has limited problem-solving abilities.

What is the only time that you do not remove your headgear when reporting to an officer indoors?

When under arms

When are you considered to be under arms?

When you are carrying a weapon in your hand, by sling or by holster

When foreign soldiers are invited by U.S. forces to participate in parades, where will they be positioned?

they will be assigned a position of honor ahead of U.S. soldiers. As a special compliment, a small escort of honor composed of U.S. soldiers will precede the foreign soldiers.

Name the different Endurance and Mobility activities used in PRT

-Running -Military Movement Drills 1-2 (MMD1, MMD2) -30:60s and 60:120s -300-yd shuttle run (SR) -Hill Repeats (HR) -Ability Group Run (AGR) -Unit Formation Run (UFR) -Release Run (RR) -Terrain Run (TR) -Foot March (FM) -Condition Obstacle Course (CDOC) -Endurance Training Machines (ETM)

Name the three FUNDAMENTAL components of PRT

-Strength -Endurance -Mobility

When do you salute inside a building?

1. When reporting to your commander 2. When reporting to a pay officer 3. When reporting to a military board 4. At an indoor ceremony 5. At sentry duty indoors

How is the Regimental Distinctive Insignia (RDI) worn on the male Army Blue Service Uniform?

1/4 inch above any unit awards or foreign badges that are worn.

What does "ECWCS" stand for?

Extended Cold Weather Clothing System.

How is the U.S. insignia disk worn on the male Army Blue Service uniform?

The bottom of the U.S. insignia disk is placed approximately 1 inch above the notch, centered on the right collar,

Who salutes in a group of soldiers not in formation?

The first person to see the officer should call the group to attention and everyone should salute

Why is the flag worn on the right shoulder of the Utility Uniform?

The flag is worn on the right shoulder to give the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward.

When is the only time that commercially designed protective headgear is authorized for wear with uniform?

When operating motorcycles, bicycles

Enlisted members generally do not exchange salutes, what are some examples of when they would exchange salutes?

When rendering reports in formation When reporting to an enlisted president of a board

What is the proper process for reporting to an Officer outdoors?

When reporting outdoors, the soldier moves rapidly toward the officer, halts approximately three steps from the officer, salutes, and reports (as when indoors). When the soldier is dismissed by the officer, salutes are again exchanged. If underarms, the soldier carries the weapon in the manner prescribed for saluting.

What is the most noticeable difference between the Army Blue Service Uniform trousers worn by Soldiers in the ranks of PVT through SPC and those worn by NCOs?

gold stripe along the legs

What is the PRT Recovery element?

includes walking (after running activities) and the performance of the recovery drills at the end of all PRT sessions

What is combatives training?

techniques that deter or defeat opponents using projectile (weapons) or striking and/or close range (grappling)

Describe the Strength fundamental

the ability to overcome resistance

Describe the Endurance fundamental

the ability to sustain activity

Who is the highest military court?

the court of military appeals

Pregnant Soldiers or those who are recovering from childbirth are exempt from regular unit PT and the APFT for how long?

the duration of the pregnancy and 180 days past the end of their pregnancy

Describe the Mobility fundamental

the functional application of strength and endurance

When the ACU trouser leg is bloused, what is the maximum distance that it may extend down the boot?

third eyelet from the top of the boot.

What is the PRT Preparation element?

warm-up consisting ten exercises that appropriately prepare Soldiers more intense PRT activities

Who are the only Soldiers authorized to wear the IPFU shirt outside of the trunks?

Pregnant Soldiers.

Where are unit awards worn on the male Army Blue Service uniform?

centered and 1/8 above the right breast pocket flag

Describe the Sustaining phase of PRT

It develops a higher level pf physical readiness required by duty position and or C- or D- METL

Describe the Toughening phase of PRT

It develops foundational fitness and fundamental movement skills that prepare Soldiers to transition to the sustaining phase

What are the two types of commands used in PRT?

-Preparatory Commands -Command of Execution

When exercises are performed, Soldiers assume the proper starting position of each exercise on what command? They are commanded to return to what position from the terminating position of the exercise?

"Starting position, MOVE" "Position of Attention, MOVE"

What are the three types of TRAINING the PRT system incorporates?

- On-ground training - Off-Ground training - Combatives training

The Army Physical Fitness test must be conducted within what time frame?

-All three events must be completed within two hours. -The test period is defined as the period of time that elapses from the start of the first push-up to the last Soldier crossing the finish line of the 2-mile run. -Under NO circumstances is the APFT valid if cannot be completed by the Soldier within two hours.

Name the ten Preparation Drills?

-Bend and Reach -Rear Lunge -High Jumper (Moderate) -Rower -Squat Bender -Windmill -Forward Lunge -Prone Row -Bent-Leg Twist -Push-up (Moderate)

Name the different Strength and Mobility drills and activities used in PRT?

-Conditioning Drill 1-3 (CD1, CD2, CD3) -Push-up and Sit-up Drill (PSD) -Climbing Drill 1-2 (CL1, CL2) -Strength Training Circuit (STC) -Guerrilla Drill (GD)

What are the three training PHASES of the PRT system?

-Initial Conditioning -Toughening Phase -Sustaining Phase

Name the five Recovery Drills?

-Overhead Arm Pull -Rear Lunge -Extend and Flex -Thigh Stretch -Single-Leg Over

PRT sessions consist of what three ELEMENTS?

-Preparation -Activities -Recovery

What is the goal of PRT?

-to develop soldiers who are physically capable and ready to perform their duty assignments or combat roles. -to improve each Soldier's physical ability to survive, be resilient and win on the battlefield

What are the dimensions of the dress uniform nameplate?

1 x 3 x 1/16 of an inch.

Salutes are not required to be rendered or returned when the senior or subordinate, or both are what?

1. In civilian attire. 2. Engaged in routine work if the salute would interfere. 3. Carrying articles with both hands so occupied as to make saluting impracticable. 4. Working as a member of a detail, or engaged in sports or social functions where saluting would present a safety hazard. 5. In public places such as theaters, churches, and in public conveyances. 6. In the ranks of a formation.

Soldiers must attain a score of at least how many points on each event and an overall score of at least how many points to attain a pass?

60 pts in each event, 180 pts overall

What is a Field Grade Article 15?

An article 15 imposed by an O4 or above

Who may impose an article 15?

Any commanding officer, including a warrant officer exercising command.

When meeting an officer in the open, how far away should you be before rendering the hand salute?

Approximately 6 paces when our paths will bring you close by, or within speaking distance when making eye contact

Under what article is Non-judicial punishment imposed

Article 15

What are the ranks that shoulder boards come in?

Corporal through SGM of the Army and also the Officer Ranks.

What form is used to record Summarized Article 15 proceedings?

DA Form 2627-1

The Army Physical Fitness Test results will be recorded on what form?

DA Form 705

What does DAGR stand for?

Defense Advanced GPS Receiver

Perform a functions check on an M16/A2 or M4 rifle

Ensure the weapon is clear and the weapon is on safe. Charge the weapon and squeeze the trigger (the hammer should not fall) Place the selector on semi, squeeze and hold the trigger (the hammer should fall); Cock the weapon and slowly release the trigger (an audible click should be heard); Squeeze the trigger (the hammer should fall); Place the selector on burst and charge the weapon; Squeeze and hold the trigger (the hammer should fall); Charge the weapon three times and release the trigger (an audible click should be heard); Squeeze the trigger (the hammer should fall)

What are 5 salient "Adapt" tasks?

Escalation of Force Comply with the Law of War Comply with the Code of Conduct Search an Individual Understand the Culture

What are 5 salient "Survive" tasks?

Evaluate a Casualty Perform First Aid to Prevent or Control Shock Perform First Aid for Bleeding and/or Severed Extremity Perform First Aid for Burns React to Possible IED

On what command would you salute while in formation?

Individuals in formation do not salute or return salutes except at the command "Present Arms"

Who will set the time of sounding reveille and retreat?

Installation Commanders

What does the UCMJ establish?

It declares what conduct is a crime, establishes the various types of courts and sets forth the basic procedures to be followed in the administration of military justice.

Describe the Initial phase of PRT

It prepares future soldiers to learn and adapt to Army PRT

When conducting the APFT, Soldiers are allowed a minimum and a maximum of how many minutes between events?

Minimum of 10 minutes and Maximum of 20 minutes.

What are 5 salient "Shoot" tasks?

Perform a Functions Check Load and unload an M16/M4 Engage Targets with an M16/M4 Correct Malfunctions on an M16/M4 Zero an M-16/M4

What are the 5 salient "Move" tasks?

Move as a Member of a Fire Team Map Reading Land Nav using a map and compass or DAGR React to Direct Fire Mounted/Dismounted React to IDF while Mounted/Dismounted

When must Identification Tags be worn?

NEW AR - At all times in both CONUS and OCONUS with the exception of when there is a safety concern i.e. physical training.

How many skill tabs can be worn on the ACU?

No more than 3

What is the maximum number of clasps that can be attached to each marksmanship badge?

No more than 3.

How many marksmanship badges are authorized for wear at one time on the Army Blue Service Uniform?

No more than 3. (AR 670-1 Feb 2005 / 29-16 / PDF 306)

Does a person have to accept an article 15?

No, he or she has the right to demand a trial by court martial.

Can you salute as a prisoner?

No, you have lost the right to salute

When lowering the flag (retreat) the flag is folded (cocked hat) and treated as a cased color. Do persons meeting the flag detail salute the flag?

No. Once the flag has been folded (cocked hat), it is treated as a cased Color and not saluted by persons meeting the flag detail. The flag will be treated with the utmost dignity and respect but not be rendered any sort of honors.

During the sounding of reveille, when is the flag hoisted?

On the first note of reveille

Where do you walk when walking with someone that is senior to you?

On the senior person's left

What are 5 salient "Communicate" tasks?

Operate SINCGARS Request MEDEVAC Send a SITREP Send a Spot Report Report Explosive Hazard

Who makes up the ocurt of military appeals?

Original composed of three civilian judges appointed by the President of the United States for a normal term of 15 years and confirmed by the Senate of the United States. Effective October 1, 1990, Congress increased the membership of this Federal Court to five civilian judges.

What are the 5 Warrior Task subject areas?

Shoot, Move, Communicate, Survive, Adapt

What are the three classifications of article 15s?

Summarized, Company grade, field grade

What are three types of court martial?

Summary, Special, General

What kind of extra duty is an NCO given by an article 15?

Supervisory duty only

What is the only insignia authorized for wear on the IPFU according to AR 670-1?

The Army Physical Fitness Badge.

How is the beret properly worn?

The beret is worn so that the headband (edge binding) is straight across the forehead, 1inch above the eyebrows. The flash is positioned over the left eye, and the excess material is draped over to the right ear, extending to at least the top of the ear, and no lower than the middle of the ear.

Define Army physical readiness?

The ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position, accomplish, and continue to fight and win

What is the origin of the Salute?

The origin of the Hand Salute is uncertain. Some historians believe it began in late Roman times when assassinations were common. A citizen who wanted to see a public official had to approach with his right hand raised to show that he did not hold a weapon. Knights in armor raised visors with the right hand when meeting a comrade. This practice gradually became a way of showing respect In early American history, sometimes involved removing the hat. By 1820, the motion was modified to touching the hat, and since then it has become the Hand Salute used today.

How will service ribbons be worn on the male Army Blue Service uniform?

The ribbons centered 1/8 inch above the left breast pocket.

What rights are given to a Solider under Article 31?

The rights given to soldier under Article 31 are: The right to remain silent, the right to demand trial, and the right to an attorney.

Which direction does the belt tab on the army belt extend to on the male Army Blue Service uniform?

The wearers left.

How many articles are there in the UCMJ?

There are 146 Articles in the UCMJ. There are also 12 sub-articles.

One service stripe represents how many years?

Three years. (AR 670-1 Feb 2005 / 28-27 /PDF 275)

What is the purpose of the PRT program?

To develop and maintain a high level of unit physical readiness appropriate to duty position and for the conduct of full spectrum operations.

What is the UCMJ?

Uniform Code of Military Justice

What is the proper process for reporting to an Officer indoors?

When reporting to an officer in his office, the soldier removes his headgear, knocks, and enters when told to do so. He approaches within two steps of the officer's desk, halts, salutes, and reports, "Sir (Ma'am), Private Jones reports." The salute is held until the report is completed and the salute has been returned by the officer. When the business is completed, the soldier salutes, holds the salute until it has been returned, executes the appropriate facing movement, and departs. When reporting indoors under arms, the procedure is the same except that the headgear is not removed and the soldier renders the salute prescribed for the weapon with which he is armed.

What is one circumstance when a solider does not have the right to refuse an Article 15 and demand a court martial?

While on board a ship

Is the recipient of the Medal of Honor (Enlisted or Commissioned) entitled to a salute?


Are Soldiers authorized to wear commercially purchased gray or black spandex shorts under the IPFU trunks?

Yes, The length of the shorts must end above the knee or higher.

At the last note of retreat, what will happen?

a gun will be fired (if available) on military installations, followed by the playing of the national anthem or sound of "To The Color" (using a drum and bugle corps, a bugler, or recorded music) concurrent with the lowering of the flag. The flag will be lowered to ensure completion at the last note of the music. The same respect will be observed by all military personnel whether the national anthem is played or "To the Color" is sounded.

What is off-ground training?

activites that take place off the ground briefly ( jumping and landing, the high-jumper, power jump, and verticals) or while sustained above ground for longer periods (climbing bars and negotiations of high obstacles-reverse climb and cargo net, pull up and leg tuck)

What is on-ground training?

activities in which the Soldier maintains contact with the ground (marching, speed running, sustained running, calisthenics, and resistance training)

What is the PRT Activities element?

addresses specific PRT goals in the FUNDAMENTAL areas of strength, endurance, and mobility

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