Cai Guo-Qiuang
Alternative media processes. Used explosions on paper and canvas in studio.
Tony Oursler
American multimedia and installation artist.His art covers a range of mediums, working with video, sculpture, installation, performance, and painting.
Nan Goldin
American photographer and activist. Her work often explores LGBT subcultures, moments of intimacy, the HIV/AIDS crisis, and the opioid epidemic.
Sue Coe
Art as form of activism. monochromatic palette
Mike & Doug Starn (Starn Twins)
Collaboration, alternative materials.
El Anatsui
Found-object (alternative) material, patters recall traditional African woven cloth designs.
Laylah Ali
History in race in US (&other issues of abuse of power) drive most of the artist work
Jonathan Borofsky
Kinetic Art (motorized arm). Much of his work explores: what does it mean to be a worker? A man in today's world?
Robert Mapplethorpe
Known for large-scale, highly stylized black and white portraits, photos of flowers and nude men, along with celebrity portraits and homoerotic subjects.
Robert Gober
Mix of fabricated and found elements
Richard Prince
Restaged, reshot Marlboro man ad scenes. appropriation.
Barbara Kruger
Text usually featured. Feminist artist takes political stance in much of her work
Jenny Holzer
The main focus of her work is the delivery of words and ideas in public spaces and includes large-scale installations, advertising billboards, projections on buildings and other structures, and illuminated electronic displays.
Maya Lin
abstraction (of landscape). pattern. grid
Kiki Smith
anti-heroic, anti-romantic view of the body. fragmentation of the body.
David Wojnarowicz
appropriation of a natural history museum. politically active artist.
Raymond Pettibon
artist example of "bad drawing". connected to street and surfer culture.
Damien Hirst
found objects in fabricated cases. kinetic. pattern
Ed Rusha
illusionism. Object gives illusion of depth on 2D ground.
Cindy Sherman
is a feminist artist who addresses the way Western art has presented women for the "male gaze" by her self-portraits in photography. She sees gender as a socially constructed concept and an unstable one.
Robert Smithson
land art (earthwork). site specific work
Michael Heizer
land art. site specific. Used alternative tools:earthmovers.
Mark Tansey
large canvases, monochromatic
Paul McCarthy
large-scale outdoor sculpture. figurative abstraction. appropriation.
Christo and Jeanne-Claude
large-scale, site-specific environmentalinstallations, often large landmarks and landscape elements wrapped in fabric
Tina Barney
series of color photographs, documenting her upper-middle class urban "tribe". Subjects captured in their natural habitat.
Walter Demaria
site-specific installations. Land art(earthwork)
William Kentridge
south african multimedia artist.
Mary Ellen Mark
work raises privacy concerns. American photographer known for her photojournalism, documentary photography, portraiture, and advertising photography. She photographed people who were "away from mainstream society and toward its more interesting, often troubled fringes
Kara Walker
• Site-specific installation • Figurative abstraction. Has both influenced & been influenced by techniques (e.g., projection & lighting) from contemporary theater set design • Silhouette, a traditionally "sweet," nostalgic cut-paper folk genre appropriated by Black artist For whole career she has tackled history of slavery/race in America
Jeff Wall
• Staged photo • Transparency in wall-mounted light box • Created environment suggests woman's room destroyed by an abusive partner • Artist then "documented" that scene • His influences include art history & cinema