Art Appreciation Exam 3 CH. (15-17, 20)

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Gothic Art

Gothic churches have pointed arches and buttresses. The pointed arch on the left is younger (1506) and on the right is older (1145). The older one was burned down. Notre Dame de Chartres. Chartres, France. 1145-1513.


Greek art characterized by emotion, drama, and interaction of sculptural forms with the surrounding space. (Greece) The Laocoön Group. 1st century CE Roman copy of a 1st-or 2nd-century BCE Greek original. Marble.

Architectural Orders: Ionic

Has swirls that look like scrolls

Byzantine Art

Head of Constantine. Marble.

Compare and contrast the Women figures (In Germany)

Hohle Fels is made of Carved mammoth tusk. It is the oldest human form made. was meant to be worn. it is shorter.


Neolithic. From Wiltshire, UK.

Earthenware beaker

Neolithic.Painted terra cotta. Susa, Iran.


New, the new stone age, before the invention of bronze

The Arnolfini Portrait.

Northern Renaissance. Artist Jan van Eyck. symbolism and detailed realism.

Hunters in the Snow

Northern Renaissance. Artist Pieter Bruegel. genre painting.

Prow Figure

Oceania. Found in New Georgia Island, Solomon Islands. Came from a war canoe. Believed to remove bad influences from a new ceremonial house. (Similar image to slides).

Maori Meeting House

Oceania. It is called "Ruatepupuke." Found in New Zealand, Austraila. For family gatherings and rituals in honor of ancestors.

"Venus" Hohle Fels Figurine

Paleolithic. Carved mammoth tusk. Found in southwestern Germany.

Engraved Ochre

Paleolithic. From Blombos Cave, South Africa.

"Venus" Woman of Willendorf Figurine

Paleolithic. Made of Limestone. Found in Northern Austria.


Parts of the human figure about a central vertical axis, as when the weight is placed on one foot causing the hip and shoulders lines to counterbalance each other often in graceful S-curve. (image is from Greece)

Happy Accidents of the Swing

Rococo (Fancy, over the top). Artist Jean-Honoré Fragonard.


Roman. Dedicated to all roman gods. Originally had statues of roman gods in places of the saints that are now there. The structure is hemispherical or semi-circular idk.

The Colosseum

Roman. It Arena where games were played. It is from Rome.

Byzantine Art

San Vitale. From Ravenna, Italy. Apse Mosaic.

Byzantine Art

San Vitale. From Ravenna, Italy. Empress Theodora (detail). Mosaic.

Byzantine Architecture

San Vitale. From Ravenna, Italy. Exterior

Hierarchic scale

Use of unnatural proportions or scale to show the relative importance of figures. Just an example of what it would look like.

Compare and contrast the Women figures (In Austria)

Willendorf made of Limestone. The most famous. The head has beaded hair. Much taller.

Feast in the House of Levi

(late) Italian Renaissance. Artist Paolo Veronese. oil on canvas.


Mesopotamia(The Beginnings of Civilization). Soundbox of reconstructed lyre from "The King's Grave". Wood with gold, lapis lazuli, shell, and silver.

Genre Painting

A type of art that takes as its subject everyday life, rather than civic leaders, religious figures, or mythological heroes.


A very old or ancient, the old stone age

Benin Head

Africa. Found in Court of Benin (Nigeria). This was meant for honoring the king(oba). made of bronze. hollow so things can be placed inside. Placed on altars.

Kente Cloth

Africa. Found in Ghana. Different patterns symbolize proverbs or ideas. This one "MMEEDA" is worn when something new happens.

Pendant Mask

Africa. Found in the Court of Benin, Nigeria. made of Ivory, iron, copper. This is worn on the king's (oba's) chest or on the waist during ceremonies. The pendent portrays a queen.

Mangaaka Power Figure

Africa. Found with the Yombe people, Republic of the Congo. To symbolize the force of justice. Has a headdress and leans forward. The statue was used for when civil case concluded, treaties being approved, or a law happening in the presence of the statue.

Nazca Valley

Americas. Nazca Lines. It is a Hummingbird. (Pre-Columbian South America). From Peru.

Great Serpent Mound

Americas. Ohio. Adena culture. Meaning is still uncertain. (Native North America)

Temple I

Americas. Tikal, Guatemala. Mayan Civilization. (Pre-Columbian South America) Priests use for ceremonial occasions

Lintel 24

Americas. Yaxchilan (between Mexico and Guatemala). Mayan Civilization. (Pre-Columbian South America) A Mayan sculpture of a king in relief.


An image or a support carved into a rock, reverse relief. (done by hunter-gatherers) Murujuga Petroglyphs. Up to 10,000 years old.Australia.


Archaic. Statue of standing youth. Greek. Marble. (Greece)

David (1623)

Baroque (scale, light and dark). Artist Bernini. Italian

The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa

Baroque (scale, light and dark). Artist Bernini. Italian

The Conversion of Saint Paul

Baroque (scale, light and dark). Artist Caravaggio. realism and foreshortening. (Italian ?)

Las Meninas

Baroque (scale, light and dark). Artist Diego Velázquez. (Spain?)

The Kitchen Maid

Baroque (scale, light and dark). Artist Johannes Vermeer Dutch (Holland?)

The Raising of the Cross

Baroque (scale, light and dark). Artist Peter Paul Rubens. ( Italian?)

Architectural Orders: Doric

Basic and plane

How are the Hohle Fels figure and the Women Willendorf similar?

Both figures are women. They have big hips. No face is present. Head is not distinct. No feet. Big bellies. Hands over breasts.

The Book of Kells

Early Medieval Art. Chi-Rho Monogram Page from a Book. animals on it. The for bible versus Matthew, Mark. Luke and John. Ireland.

Funerary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut

Egypt (The Beginnings of Civilization). Deir el-Bahari.

Mask of King Tutankhamen

Egypt (The Beginnings of Civilization). from Mummy Case. Tomb of Tutankhamen. Gold inlaid with enamel and semiprecious stones

King Menkaura (Mycerinus) and Queen Khamerernebty

Egyptian (The Beginnings of Civilization). c. 1490-1460 B.C.E.Greywacke stone. From Giza, Egypt. Menkaure Valley Temple.

Wall Painting from the Tomb of Nebamun

Egyptian (The Beginnings of Civilization). Thebes, Egypt. Paint on dry plaster.

How are the three statues of David similar?

In open form. Each are holding a weapon.


It is Greek. It's dedicated to Athena the goddess of wisdom and war. post and beam technique. It is from Acropolis, Athens.

David (1425-1430)

Italian Renaissance. Artist Donatello. freestanding. less idealized more naturalistic than that of Greece. contrapposto.


Italian Renaissance. Artist Giotto. Realism style.

The Last Supper

Italian Renaissance. Artist Leonardo da Vinci. naturalist style. Renaissance humanism.

David (1501-1504)

Italian Renaissance. Artist Michelangelo Buonarroti. humanized. contrapposto

The Sistine Chapel

Italian Renaissance. Artist Michelangelo Buonarroti. humanized. idealized.

The School of Athens

Italian Renaissance. Artist Raphael. humanism.

Birth of Venus

Italian Renaissance. Artist Sandro Botticelli. Byzantine influence. idealized human figure.

Compare and contrast standing sculptures (Egyptian).

King Menkaura (Mycerinus) and Queen Khamerernebty are made of Greywacke stone. There are two people in this statue woman and man. They have clothes, headdresses, and accessories. Closed form. It is attached to a stone slab. Idealized.

Compare and contrast standing sculptures (Greek).

Kouros is made of Marble. No clothes headdresses or accessories. Open form because of the negative space between the legs. Kouros is not a real person and means youth male. His body is flatter and abstracted.Young


Literally, means the "image-breaker." One who opposes the creation of pictures of holy persons, believing that they promote idolatry.

Compare and contrast the Court of Benin, Nigeria (Benin Head).

Made of Bronze. Is the head of a dead king and meant to honor the king (oba). It is hollow so things can be placed inside.

Compare and contrast the Court of Benin, Nigeria (Pendant Mask).

Made of Ivory, iron, copper. This is worn on the king's (oba's) chest or on the waist during ceremonies. The pendant portrays a queen with a crown.

Lyre. Front plaque of reconstructed lyre from "The King's Grave"

Mesopotamia (The Beginnings of Civilization).

Ziggurat of Ur-Nammu

Mesopotamia (The Beginnings of Civilization). Near Nasiriyah, Iraq.

Head of an Akkadian Ruler (Sargon the Great?)

Mesopotamia(The Beginnings of Civilization). Bronze. From Nineveh.

Romanesque Art

The first large sculpture that was seen since 800. It is a relief, and Jesus s abstracted with a long body and big hands. From the bible story the pentacost. Christ of the Pentecost. Saint Madeleine Cathedral, Vézelay, France. Stone.

Mesopotamia (The Beginnings of Civilization)

The land between the rivers ( Assyria, Akkad (Akkadia), Sumer)

Architectural Orders: Corinthian

The most decorative and the detail resembles leaves

How are the two of the Court of Benin, Nigeria similar?

The uses for both involve the king (oba). From Nigeria. used for religious purposes.

How are the two standing sculptures of King Menkaura and Kouros similar?

They way the stand with their arms straight done and how their left foot is positioned forward. both have clencehed fists. Both are funnerary art.

Compare and contrast the statues of David (Donatello).

This David is made of bronze. He is freestanding not attached to anything. The pose is contrapposto. He is a younger David. The statue is the smallest. He holds a sword. He wears a hat. Stands on a head. This was before the fight with Goliath. (remember that he looks at toes)

Compare and contrast the statues of David (Bernini)

This David is made of marble. His stance is different. The oldest of all the David's ( 30's or 40's).He is more clothed. Has a very focused face. The model is small. He is in action of throwing the slang. During the fight with Goliath.

Compare and contrast the statues of David (Michelangelo).

This David is made of marble. no clothing and his pose is contrapposto. older(late- 20's). the model is the biggest. of all three He holds a stone and slang. This is David captured after the fight. More muscular and threatening than Donatello's David. (remember that he talks into a microphone)

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