Art Appreciation Midterm

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Role of Color

1. Unify composition 2. draw attention 3. express feeling 4. indicate sense of space

Artists can create a sense of space in a 2-D work of art by

1. Varying the size of objects and/or overlapping them 2. using changes in value 3. using linear or atmospheric perspective 4. using foreshortening

Art is

1. a document that tells us about the past 2. a visual language 3. a way for artists to express themselves and make a statement


1. regular lines 2.actual & implied 3. directional lines 4. communicative lines 5. contour lines

Why is it important to study art and art history?

1. we can learn a lot about the world from art objects, just as we can from letters and newspapers 2. We see art all around us, including on TV and in movies 3. The earliest humans created art

"Laws of the simultaneous contrast of colors"

2 colors next to each other and reflect each other and complement each other


A 19th century artistic movement in which writers and painters sought to show life as it is rather than life as it should be

Diagonal lines seem to be most suitable for portraying which of the following subject matter?

Dancers performing an energetic dance


Dots of pure color on a canvas to make a full picture

diminishing size

Objects appear smaller in the distance

Green and orange are both examples of which of the following?

Secondary colors

By using ________ texture to contradict previous tactile experience, artists can invite viewers to reconsider the world around them.



That part of a landscape or picture situated or represented as nearest the spectator.


The organization of the formal elements in a work of art

The rules of linear perspective were proved by Filippo Brunelleschi



Use of only one hue or color that can vary in value or intensity.

actual lines

a continuous, uninterrupted line

implied line

a line not actually drawn but suggested by elements in the work

canon of proportions

a set of ideal mathematical ratios in art based on measurements of the human body in relation of one another (used by Egyptians)

actual motion (kinetic art)

any time an art piece actually moves


arrangement of elements to add interest


arrangement of predictability repeated patterns

representational art

art that recognizably represents or depicts a particular subject


art that represents objects in an exaggerated way to emphasize certain aspects of the object

implied motion

artist suggest motion is taking place but is not actually moving (Avant-Garde)


artists draw attention away from the focal point

performance art

artists uses their body as the actual art

When objects are far away they lack contrast, detail, and sharpness of focus because of the interference of air. Artists take advantage of this when they use the process called:

atmospheric perspective


black added to a hue (low key)

horizontal line

calm, peace

The method of applying value to a 2-D artwork in order to create the illusion of 3-D solid form is called


An artist can use color to indicate depth. When a color is very pure and intense then it seems to be ________.


warm colors

colors in range of reds, oranges, and yellows

cool colors

colors in the range of blues, purples, and greens

analogous colors

colors next to each other on the color wheel

use of color

colors that are intense/bright stand out to us and appear closer to us

communicative lines

convey emotion

passage of time

convey story overtime in one piece of art


degree of color saturation/chroma


depiction of 3-D form with use of light and shadow in 2-D art


design/unit repeated in a pattern

directional line

direct our attention to subject of art

emphasis (broad)

drawing attention to an area, several ares, or artwork as a whole


duller colors/ less intense and weaker chroma (grayed down)


elevating depictions of nature to achieve beautiful depictions/ represented as perfect in form corresponding to an ideal

A shape is 3-D


Formal analysis is meant to be a subjective method of analyzing a work of art


Works of art that are realistic, idealized, abstract, or stylized are all examples of nonrepresentational art


the form of a work of art is the subject matter or idea that it expresses


If an artist were to draw a figure whose arm was pointing directly toward the viewer, what technique would the artist have to use when drawing the outstretched arm?



general recurrence of an element

Forms such as pyramids, which tend to be precise and regular, are known as ________ forms.


Secondary colors

green, orange, purple(colors mixed from two primary colors)


having massive or impressive scale

When an artist uses scale to indicate the relative importance of elements in a composition, he or she is employing this kind of scale.

hierarchical scale


how art is ordered


how individual parts relate to the whole in terms of size

color theories

how we react to color

When an artist creates a work that deceives our eyes into believing there is motion as time passes

illusion of motion

While an actual line is a continuos, uninterrupted mark, an ________ line is not actually drawn but suggested by elements in the work of art


An artist might use a small scale for a portrait of a lover because it implies


This system, which has been used in Chinese art for more than a thousand years, uses diagonal parallel lines to communicate depth

isometric perspective

All of the following are true about Tilted Arc by Richard Serra except

it is a sculpture we can still see today

This is the system for creating an illusion of depth using three basic components: horizon line, vanishing point, and orthogonal lines.

linear perspective


meaning behind work of art

diagonal line

movement, drama


name of any color as found in its pure state in the visible spectrum/rainbow

illusion of motion

no actual motion, but tricked into seeing movement

atmospheric perspective

objects farther away are less sharply defined and lack contrast


objects that are almost perpendicular to picture plane are shown receding into the distance through adjustment of length and contours


objects up front appear larger and closer than objects in the back

focal point (Specific)

one or more specific aspects draw the viewers attention

linear perspective (Filippo Brunelleschi)

orthogonal and horizon lines perpendicular to picture plane to meet at vanishing point

isometric perspective

parallel lines run diagonally in a work of art to suggest sense of space

If you were to design an eye-catching poster using only two colors, the combination that would most stand out to passersby would be ________.

red and green

Primary colors

red, blue, yellow (cannot be mixed from any other colors)

The traditional primary colors are

red, yellow, blue

color values

refers to lightness and darkness of colors


regular recurrence of elements in a composition (not predictable)

While ______ Lines are controlled and planned, _______ Lines are chaotic and organic

regular, irregular

A color that is lighter than its basic hue is known as a tint. A color that is darker than its basic hue is called a ________.


continuous narrative

showing entire story all at once within same visual space


size of an object (whole) relative to another object (whole)


small scale, very intimate

By using _________ texture to contract previous tactile experience, artists can invite viewers to reconsider the world around them



the degree to which an image is altered from an easily recognizable subject

hierarchical scale

the deliberate use of relative size in a work in order to communicate differences in importance

middle ground

the part of a work between the foreground and background


the part of a work depicted furthest from the viewer's space, often behind the main subject matter


the study of a group of representative pictures or symbols


visual weight on either side of composition

The element of art that defines the amount of space occupied or enclosed by an object is



what influences the artist to create their work of art

color perception

what we see when we see colors is affected by how we see color, light, shade, etc.


white added to hue (high key)

nonrepresentational art/ nonobjective art

work of art that does not depict anything from the real world

change/ deterioration over time

work physically changing over time


works composition

Complemtary Colors

yellow & purple, red & green, blue & orange (colors across from each other on the color wheel; enhance each other)

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